Academic literature on the topic 'Brothers and sisters – Death – Case studies'
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Journal articles on the topic "Brothers and sisters – Death – Case studies"
Hays, Judith C., Deborah T. Gold, and Carl F. Pieper. "Sibling Bereavement in Late Life." OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying 35, no. 1 (August 1997): 25–42.
Full textSuitor, J. Jill, Megan Gilligan, Catherine Stepniak, Yifei Hou, and Robert Frase. "How Gender Shapes the Effects of Immediate Family Members’ Deaths on Adults’ Psychological Well-Being." Innovation in Aging 5, Supplement_1 (December 1, 2021): 93.
Full textGhrissi, F., F. Fekih-Romdhane, M. Stambouli, B. Abassi, and M. Cheour. "A rare case of trauma related dissociative identity disorder." European Psychiatry 66, S1 (March 2023): S957.
Full textHarris, Amy. "That Fierce Edge." Journal of Family History 37, no. 2 (January 31, 2012): 155–74.
Full textFatima Zahra, C., I. Katir, A. Korchi, S. Belbachir, and A. Ouanass. "blind or schizophrenic but not both." European Psychiatry 65, S1 (June 2022): S791.
Full textKochkina, Oksana V., Irina A. Firsova, and Aleksey A. Tarasov. "Inheritance Peculiarities In The State Of Texas." Law of succession 4 (December 24, 2020): 44–46.
Full textDrobyshevskaya, Inga, and Boris Tikhomirov. "Grandsons of Grandfather Fyodor Nechaev: Pedigrees of Intelligence in the Field of Genealogy of F. M. Dostoevsky (from the Additions to “The Chronicle of the Generations of Dostoevskys”)." Неизвестный Достоевский 10, no. 2 (July 2023): 155–95.
Full textBromen, Katja, Andreas Stang, Cornelia Baumgardt-Elms, Christa Stegmaier, Wolfgang Ahrens, Klaus A. Metz, and Karl-Heinz Jöckel. "Testicular, Other Genital, and Breast Cancers in First-Degree Relatives of Testicular Cancer Patients and Controls." Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 13, no. 8 (August 1, 2004): 1316–24.
Full textSintang, Suraya, Khadijah Mohd. Khambali @ Hambali, Mohd Nazmi Mohd. Khalli, Romzi Ationg, Syamsul Azizul Marinsah, and Halina Sendera Mohd. Yakin. "The Spirit of Human Fraternity Pervades Sabah’s Inter-Religious Landscape Preserving Unity in Diversity." Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam 24, no. 1 (June 30, 2022): 191–242.
Full textNastase, Florina. "Humour and Knowledge in Katherine Mansfield’s." University of Bucharest Review Literary and Cultural Studies Series 13, no. 1 (October 20, 2023): 40–51.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Brothers and sisters – Death – Case studies"
Cuttill, Casey. "High school siblings of children with disabilities : five case studies /." View online, 2008.
Full textJervis, Sarah Jenny. "Exploring the experiences of the sibling of a child with an intellectual disability." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is aimed at gaining insight into the experiences of siblings of an individual with an intellectual and physical disability. Attaining greater insight into their lived reality, their feelings and concerns could make it possible to provide appropriate support. The review of selected literature provides information on many aspects of the these siblings' experience. Although many studies are quantitative in their approach, the literature review provides relevant and useful findings and inferences which were used to support and substantiate findings. During this qualitative study, which is situated within an interpretive phenomenological paradigm, four participants between the ages of eight and sixteen years were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. This format of interview allowed participants to use their own words to express their personal experiences. The results showed that siblings have both positive and negative experiences when another sibling has an intellectual disability. Other common difficulties include embarrassment, guilt, and the experience of differential treatment. Positive experiences and competencies include love and acceptance, personal growth, maturity, pride in siblings accomplishments, and appreciation for one's sibling. Several experiences were congruent with those mentioned in the literature. The insights into the experiences this study provides has implications for the development and provision of sibling support programmes and interventions. At present, state group support programmes for siblings are not provided within the Western Cape area. The interventions and assistance that do exist seem to be provided by the private sector only. Support can prove very costly, which means that it is not accessible to many who require it. Sibling workshop groups could provide a valuable support alternative to a currently "unsupported" group, the siblings.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om insig te verkry in die ondervindings van die broers en susters van 'n kind met intellektuele en fisiese gestremdhede. Beter insig in die realiteit van hul leefwyse, hulle gevoelens en bekommernisse kan beter ondersteuning aan hulle moontlik te maak. Die ondersoek van geselekteerde literatuur voorsien inligting rakende vele aspekte van die ondervindings van hierdie kinders. Alhoewel baie van die studies kwantitatief in hul benadering is, het die bestaande literatuur tog relevante en bruikbare bydraes en gevolgtrekkings verskaf wat gebruik kon word om bevindings te bevestig en te staaf. Hierdie kwantitatiewe studie het plaasgevind in 'n verklarende fenomenologiese paradigma en vier semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met deelnemers tussen die ouderomme van 8 jaar en 16 jaar. Hierdie formaat van onderhoudvoering dra by dat deelnemers hulle gevoelens in hul eie woorde uitdruk. Die bevindings het gewys dat broers/susters beide positiewe en negatiewe ondervindings van kinders met 'n intellektuele gestremdheid het. Ander algemene probleme sluit in skaamte, skuldgevoelens en die gevoel van gedifferensieerde behandeling. Positiewe ondervindings en vaardighede van broers en susters sluit liefde en aanvaarding, persoonlike groei, volwassenheid, trots op die broers/suster se bekwaamheid en die waardering van so 'n broer/suster in. Verskeie van die ondervindings het ooreengestem met bevindings wat in die literatuur gevind is. Die insigte in hierdie ondervindings wat deur hierdie studie voorsien word het implikasies vir programme en intervensies wat ondersteuning aan hierdie kinders bied. Tans is daar nie sodanige staatsgefinansierde ondersteuningsprogramme in die Wes-Kaap area nie. Die intervensies en ondersteuning wat wel beskikbaar is word slegs in die privaatsektor aangebied. Ondersteuning kan baie duur wees, wat beteken dat dit vir baie kinders wat dit nodig het, ontoeganklik is. Ondersteuningsgroepwerkswinkels kan 'n waardevolle alternatief bied vir die "nieondersteunde" groep, die kinders.
Boshoff, Annemi. "Kinders se ervaring van 'n sibbe met kanker: 'n kwalitatiewe studie." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
Full textThis study focused on South African siblings' experiences of a brother or sister with cancer. Social constructionism was used as an epistemological framework. Three in-depth interviews with siblings (ages 12 – 16 years) of pediatric cancer patients, were done. The case study approach was chosen as the most suitable method to gain the information. The thematic content analysis was the method of analysis. Participants' experiences with regard to their siblings' cancer were reconstructed according to themes. Recurring themes were elucidated and linked with the literature. The study allowed participants to express their conscious and unconscious experiences by means of verbal and non-verbal (art activities) communication. Results support the concern by previous studies about siblings' vulnerability since the diagnosis of a brother's/sister's cancer. The uniqueness of each sib's experience and the implementation of individualy-centered intervention strategies is emphasized. Educational Psychologists as well as members of the multidisciplinary team (teachers, medical and nursing staff, parents, family and peers) interested in supporting siblings of pediatric cancer patients can benefit from this study.
Benitez, Christine Paras. "Maternal parentification of siblings in families with or without a child with a developmental disability." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2004.
Full textVan, Horn Dennis. "Processes and patterns of dialog between deaf and hearing siblings during play." Thesis, 1999.
Full textEducation, Faculty of
Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS), Department of
Van, Horn Denny Allen Francis Mondrágon Jack. "Processes and patterns of dialog between deaf and hearing siblings during play." Thesis, 1999.
Full textRamjatan, Netisha. "Effects of sibling parenting on orphaned and vulnerable children in the role of parents." Diss., 2015.
Full textEducational Studies
M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
Books on the topic "Brothers and sisters – Death – Case studies"
Loomis, Romond Janis, ed. Children facing grief: Letters from bereaved brothers and sisters. St. Meinrad, Ind: Abbey Press, 1989.
Find full textAscher, Barbara Lazear. Landscape without gravity: A memoir of grief. New York, N.Y: Penguin Books, 1994.
Find full textGibson, Ray. Blind justice: A murder, a scandal, and a brother's search to avenge his sister's death. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Find full textEdie, Gibson, and Turner Randall, eds. Blind justice: A murder, a scandal, and a brother's search to avenge his sister's death. New York, N.Y: St. Martin's Paperbacks, 1992.
Find full textEdie, Gibson, and Turner Randall, eds. Blind justice: A murder, a scandal, and a brother's search to avenge his sister's death. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Find full textLandau, Elaine. Sibling rivalry: Brothers and sisters at odds. Brookfield, Conn: Millbrook Press, 1994.
Find full text1929-, Hall Elizabeth, ed. Seasons of life: The dramatic journey from birth to death. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997.
Find full textGans, Lydia. Sisters, brothers, and disability: A family album. Minneapolis: Fairview Press, 1997.
Find full textSchmid, Christine. Geschwister und die Entwicklung soziomoralischen Verstehens: Der Einfluss von Alterabstand und Geschlecht jüngerer und älterer Geschwister im Entwicklungsverlauf. Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, 1997.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Brothers and sisters – Death – Case studies"
Akkerman, Nadine. "Restoration." In Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Hearts, 400–408. Oxford University Press, 2021.
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