Academic literature on the topic 'Bresner'

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Journal articles on the topic "Bresner"


Tan, Tianqi. "Les cheveux dans Ma tendre ennemie de Lisa Bresner : la natte, le pinceau et le peintre castré." Cahiers ERTA, no. 24 (2020): 45–64.

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The hair in Ma tendre ennemie by Lisa Bresner : the queue, the ink brush and the castrated painter Lisa Bresner (1971‐2007) is a novelist, translator, and sinologist, who has dedicated her entire life to literary creation around China and Asia. Ma tendre ennemie is her second novel, published in 1994 by Gallimard. The themes of Lisa Bresner’s work have to do with body and sensation. As for Ma tendre ennemie, this symbolic role returns to the hair – the support of sexual seduction, of power, of fertility, and more particularly of this novel, of artistic creation. This article aims to analyse, how the notion of hair in the novel goes hand in hand with the ambiguous political and social stake of the wearing of the queue during the first Sino‐Japanese war, the deconstruction of the castration, the aesthetic of cruelty, and the reinterpretation of Asian eroticism.
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Tan, Tianqi. "Les cheveux dans Ma tendre ennemie de Lisa Bresner : la natte, le pinceau et le peintre castré." Cahiers ERTA, no. 24 (2020): 45–64.

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The hair in Ma tendre ennemie by Lisa Bresner : the queue, the ink brush and the castrated painter Lisa Bresner (1971‐2007) is a novelist, translator, and sinologist, who has dedicated her entire life to literary creation around China and Asia. Ma tendre ennemie is her second novel, published in 1994 by Gallimard. The themes of Lisa Bresner’s work have to do with body and sensation. As for Ma tendre ennemie, this symbolic role returns to the hair – the support of sexual seduction, of power, of fertility, and more particularly of this novel, of artistic creation. This article aims to analyse, how the notion of hair in the novel goes hand in hand with the ambiguous political and social stake of the wearing of the queue during the first Sino‐Japanese war, the deconstruction of the castration, the aesthetic of cruelty, and the reinterpretation of Asian eroticism.
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Santos, Tiago Freire. "Da administração pública burocrática à gerencial." Scientia Iuris 19, no. 2 (December 9, 2015): 244.

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Resenha sobre a obra "Construindo o Estado republicano: democracia e reforma da gestão pública" de Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira (PEREIRA, Luiz C. Bresser. Construindo o Estado republicano: democracia e reforma da gestão pública. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2009).
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Villaverde, João, and José Márcio Rêgo. "Prebisch, Furtado y Bresser-Pereira: aportes de los padres del desarrollismo clásico y el nuevo desarrollismo." El Trimestre Económico 88, no. 350 (April 2, 2021): 351–71.

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Una directriz une los pensamientos de Raúl Prebisch, Celso Furtado y Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, economistas de generaciones, países e historias de vida muy diferentes: sus motivaciones siempre han sido actuar y participar en el debate público para mejorar las políticas económicas. Activos en el sector público de sus países como presidentes de bancos centrales y ministros de Estado, Prebisch, Furtado y Bresser-Pereira han realizado aportes relevantes a la literatura económica derivados principalmente de preocupaciones sobre la gestión de instrumentos de política económica. Aquí también contrastamos el desarrollismo clásico de Prebisch y Furtado con el nuevo desarrollismo de Bresser-Pereira.
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CUNHA, JOSÉ ANTÔNIO RODRIGUES DA. "Dezoito anos depois de Lucro, Acumulação e Crise: uma análise sobre desenvolvimento econômico, progresso tecnológico e distribuição." Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 24, no. 4 (December 2004): 613–31.

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RESUMO Este artigo revisita a análise integrada de Bresser-Pereira (1984, 1986, 2002) sobre desenvolvimento econômico, progresso tecnológico e distribuição funcional da renda. Essa análise combina aspectos da teoria econômica pura e aspectos históricos em uma perspectiva inovadora. Críticas sobre a sucessão de fases do desenvolvimento do capitalismo tentativamente avançadas por Bresser-Pereira (1984, 1986) são oferecidas, assim como sugestões para mais pesquisas.
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MIRANDA, DANIEL ESTEVÃO RAMOS DE. "Desenvolvimento e nação em Bresser-Pereira: uma “viagem redonda”?" Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 38, no. 1 (March 18, 2018): 125–49.

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RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o tema do desenvolvimento na produção intelectual de Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira. Defende-se aqui que as mudanças em suas concepções estão fortemente ligadas às suas movimentações profissionais e políticas e propõe-se separar sua produção em quatro grandes variações: nacional-desenvolvimentismo, subdesenvolvimento industrializado, crise do Estado e novo desenvolvimentismo. Visto em perspectiva alongada, a obra de Bresser-Pereira revela um autor em busca do protagonista do processo de desenvolvimento brasileiro.
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เจริญศรี, นรุตม์. "At Home Abroad: A Memoir of the Ford Foundation in Indonesia." วารสารสังคมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย 50, no. 1 (October 12, 2022): 217–21.

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Bresnan เขียนหนังสือเล่มนี้เพื่อเล่าประสบการณ์ของการเข้ามาทำงานร่วมกับมูลนิธิฟอร์ดและการทำงานในอินโดนีเซีย เขาทำงานติดต่อใกล้ชิดกับอินโดนีเซียอยู่นานจนได้รับรางวัล Distinguished Service Star (Bintang Jasa Pratama) จากประธานาธิบดีเมกาวาตี ซูการ์โนบุตรี (Megawati Sukarnoputri) เมื่อปี ค.ศ. 2003 ในฐานะที่เป็นชาวอเมริกันที่ทำหน้าที่ประสานความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างสหรัฐอเมริกากับอินโดนีเซีย (Bresnan 2006, 1) หนังสือเล่มนี้เล่าประสบการณ์ส่วนบุคคลของ Bresnan โดยพยายามตอบคำถามหลักที่ประกอบไปด้วย ทำไมมูลนิธิฟอร์ดเข้าไปให้ความช่วยเหลือในอินโดนีเซียหลายปี ทำไมมูลนิธิฟอร์ดให้พนักงานอยู่ในอินโดนีเซีย และจัดตั้งโครงสร้างองค์กรของมูลนิธิแตกต่างไปจากมูลนิธิอื่น ๆ ที่เป็นของอเมริกา ตัวแทนของมูลนิธิฟอร์ดเข้าไปทำอะไรในอินโดนีเซีย มันคุ้มค่าอย่างนั้นหรือ และผู้เขียนจะกลับไปทำหน้าที่นั้นอีกครั้งหรือไม่หากมีโอกาส (Bresnan 2006, 2)
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Oliveira, Katia Cristina, and Quésia Postigo Kamimura. "A REFORMA GERENCIAL DA ADMINISTRAÇÃO PUBLICA IDEALIZADA PELO MINISTRO BRESSER PEREIRA EM 1995." Revista Univap 22, no. 40 (April 17, 2017): 759.

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O objetivo deste artigo consiste na apreciação sobre a Reforma Administrativa da Gestão Pública idealizada em 1995 pelo Ministro da Administração e Reforma do Estado (MARE), Dr. Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira. Os principais resultados, obtidos por meio de estudos bibliográficos demonstram que até a presente data a inovação é ditada, principalmente, pela demanda dos serviços públicos e pelos recursos cada vez mais escassos, sendo que redução da burocratização e modernização da maquina publica propostas pelo Ministro Bresser Pereira, tem como enfoque principal a organização da estrutura do Estado e consequentemente a eficiência nos serviços públicos.
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Barbosa, Alexandre de Freitas. "Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, intérprete do Brasil." Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania 29 (May 17, 2024): e91055.

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Esse artigo procura mostrar como e por que Bresser-Pereira transformou-se ao longo da sua trajetória num importante interprete do Brasil. Depois de atualizar a discussão sobre o que caracteriza um intérprete do Brasil, o artigo discorre sobre o estilo de interpretação histórico-estrutural no Brasil e seus componentes básicos. Em seguida apresenta a trajetória peculiar de Bresser-Pereira, para finalmente realizar uma síntese sumária de três interpretações do Brasil realizadas pelo autor num período de 50 anos, que o inserem neste estilo de interpretação a partir de uma variante teórica própria.
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Araújo, Cícero. "Por que as democracias cambaleiam? Desenvolvimento e crise no mundo contemporâneo." Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania 29 (April 23, 2024): e90202.

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Este artigo faz uma apreciação da obra do professor Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, tendo em vista sua teoria sobre a relação entre democracia e desenvolvimento capitalista. Primeiro, retorna à versão original da teoria, escrita em 2002, para em seguida discutir sua atualização em texto publicado em 2020, no qual confronta suas hipóteses com o fato da recente ascensão de correntes autoritárias de extrema-direita. Finalmente, o artigo esboça, com base nos próprios recursos conceituais da teoria de Bresser-Pereira, uma explicação alternativa da crise atual das democracias nos países ricos.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Bresner"


Tan, Tianqi. "Lisa Bresner, sculptrice d'idéogrammes : un regard singulier sur la Chine et le Japon." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nantes Université, 2024.

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Lisa Bresner (1971-2007) est une artiste polyvalente et prolifique : romancière, traductrice, sinologue, autrice de littérature pour la jeunesse, réalisatrice de courts-métrages et enseignante en histoire de la civilisation chinoise. Bien que sa vie ait été « fulgurante », elle a laissé un riche héritage de plus de trente œuvres – romans, essais, traductions, poésies et livres pour enfants – qui ont construit un pont entre la France et l’Extrême-Orient. Notre recherche explore, à travers trois axes principaux, la manière dont Lisa Bresner a intégré les cultures chinoise et japonaise dans son œuvre littéraire. Tout d’abord, nous analysons sa littérature pour la jeunesse afin de comprendre comment elle a utilisé son imagination et sa passion pour les idéogrammes chinois pour créer un univers poétique et transculturel, accessible et éducatif pour les jeunes lecteurs. Ensuite, nous nous intéressons à ses traductions et à son travail de sinologue, afin de révéler comment elle a su rendre les œuvres classiques chinoises accessibles au public francophone, tout en y apportant sa touche personnelle et créative. Enfin, nous nous penchons sur son univers romanesque, où elle aborde les thèmes de l’identité et de l’altérité à travers des personnages qui incarnent sa propre quête de soi à travers l’autre. Notre étude vise à répondre à une question centrale : comment Lisa Bresner a-t-elle, à travers ses œuvres transculturelles, fusionné ses expériences personnelles et la culture asiatique pour explorer les frontières entre soi et l’autre ? En nous appuyant sur ses œuvres publiées entre 1992 et 2008, ainsi que sur ses manuscrits et correspondances conservés à l’IMEC, nous cherchons à mieux comprendre la manière unique dont elle a contribué à rapprocher les cultures orientale et occidentale
Lisa Bresner (1971-2007) was a multi-talented and prolific artist : novelist, translator, sinologist, children’s book author, short film director, and lecturer on Chinese civilization. Though her life was brief, she left behind a rich body of over thirty works – including novels, essays, translations, poetry, and children's books – that served as a cultural bridge between France and the Far East. This research explores three main aspects of how Lisa Bresner integrated Chinese and Japanese cultures into her literary creations. First, we examine her children’s literature, focusing on how she combined her imagination and love for Chinese ideograms to craft a poetic, transcultural universe that is both accessible and educational for young readers. Next, we explore her translations and works as a sinologist, highlighting how she made classical Chinese texts accessible to French readers while infusing them with her own creative touch. Finally, we delve into her novels, where she addresses themes of identity and otherness through characters that reflect her personal journey of self-discovery, shaped by encounters with different cultures. Our study seeks to answer a key question : How did Lisa Bresner, through her transcultural works, blend her personal experiences with Asian culture to explore the boundaries between self and other ? By drawing on her published works from 1992 to 2008, as well as her manuscripts and letters archived at IMEC, we aim to shed light on the unique way in which she contributed to bridging Eastern and Western cultures
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Miranda, Daniel Estevão Ramos de. "Bresser-Pereira : pensamento como ação política." Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2014.

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The objective of this research is to analyze the intellectual production of Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira. The two main themes in his work are development and bureaucracy, accompanied, however, by a whole thematic constellation that gravitates around them – media class, nation, political pacts, state, entrepreneur, inflation, among others. Methodologically, it starts from the analytical suggestions of linguistic contextualism and from the research program on Brazilian political thought lineages, taken as assumption that the thought is a mode of political action. Thus, it is described, in the trajectory and work of Bresser-Pereira, the rupture and discontinuity – most visible elements –, but the regularity and resumption too. The main result of research is that the his intellectual production acquires more sense when referred to his performance in the many contexts in which it has moved. Not only factual contexts, but linguistic too. That means, it is his trajectory as actor and author that gives more sense to his work.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a produção intelectual de Luiz Carlos Bresser- Pereira. Os dois grandes temas presentes em sua obra são desenvolvimento e burocracia, acompanhados, porém, por toda uma constelação temática que gravita em torno deles – classe média, nação, pactos políticos, Estado, empresários, inflação entre outros. Metodologicamente, parte-se das sugestões analíticas do contextualismo linguístico e do programa de pesquisas sobre linhagens do pensamento político brasileiro, adotando-se o pressuposto de que o pensamento é uma modalidade de ação política. Assim, trata-se de descrever, na trajetória e obra de Bresser-Pereira, as rupturas e descontinuidades – elementos mais visíveis –, assim como também as regularidades e retomadas. O resultado principal da pesquisa é o de que sua produção intelectual ganha mais sentido quando remetida a sua atuação nos diversos contextos pelos quais transitou. Contextos esses não apenas factuais, mas também linguísticos. Ou seja, é sua trajetória como ator e autor que confere sentido à obra.
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Bressner, Thomas Arthur Herbert. "Development and Evaluation of UTDoAas a Positioning Method in LTE." Thesis, KTH, Signalbehandling, 2015.

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Although positioning has been one of the main target study areas in mobile communication in the last decade, it still receives strong attention in recent years focusing more on the indoor users. Nowadays, a wide range of different methods are available to estimate the position of the target user under certain circumstances. One of these methods is Uplink Time Difference of Arrival (UTDoA), which has been defined in 3GPP Release 11 for Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks, and is the focus of this master thesis. In Uplink based positioning, to estimate the position of a User Equipment (UE), the UE only needs to generate and transmit the reference signal and the main computational effort of time estimation, is moved from the UE towards the network side. This might be one advantage compared to Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDoA), while further performance properties of UTDoA in LTE are investigated in the course of this master thesis. In parallel with the 3GPP Study Item on Indoor Positioning which mainly was based on downlink OTDoA, this thesis studies on the potential use of UTDoA in LTE under the same type of agreed deployment scenarios and simulation parameters. For time estimation based on the Sounding Reference Signals (SRSs), the uplink channel has been modeled and simulated. Finally, the position estimation of the UE is derived by multilateration techniques using the time/distance estimations of the received SRS at each eNodeB. The metrics of positioning results are based on Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF) of horizontal and vertical positioning error. The study shows that reasonable horizontal position accuracy can be achieved, while a number of pico cells are added to the network to enhance the macro-only scenario. However, this positive effect could not be observed in vertical position estimation. A further investigated aspect is the influence by other active UEs considered as interference. The outcome shows, that the accuracy is strongly and negatively affected by introducing interference. A final observation focuses on the SRS bandwidth and that for bandwidths below 10 MHz additional degradations in performance are seen.
Trots att positionering har varit ett av huvudmålen för forskning inom mobil kommunikation under det senaste decenniet, får det fortfarande mycket uppmärksamhet och under de senaste åren har forskningen fokuserats mer på inomhusanvändare. Idag finns en mängd olika metoder för att estimera positionen för en specifik användare under vissa omständigheter. En av dessa metoder är Uplink Time Difference of Arrival (UTDoA) som har definierats i 3GPP Release 11 för Long Term Evolution (LTE)-nätverk och är fokus för detta examensarbete. I positionering baserad på upplänken, vilken används för att skatta positionen för en User Equipment (UE), behöver UE:n bara generera och sända en referenssignal och den huvudsakliga beräkningskraften för tidsestimeringen flyttas från UE:n till nätsidan. Detta kan vara en fördel jämfört med Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDoA), detta examensarbete undersöker ytterligare prestandaegenskaper hos UTDoA i LTE. Parallellt med 3GPP:s studie för inomhuspositionering, som huvudsakligen baseras på nerlänk OTDoA, studerar denna avhandling den potentiella användningen av UTDoA i LTE med samma typ av överenskomna scenarier och simuleringsparametrar. För tidsuppskattning baserad på Sounding Reference Signals (SRSs) har kanalen upplänkmodellerats och simulerats. Slutligen är positionsestimeringen av UE:n härledd genom multilaterationstekniker med hjälp av tids- och distansestimeringar av de mottagna SRS vid varje eNodeB. De mått som används för positioneringsresultat baseras på kumulativ fördelningsfunktion av det horisontella och vertikala positioneringsfelet. Studien visar att en rimlig noggrannhet kann uppnås i den horisontella dimensionen då ett antal pico-celler adderas till nätverket för att förbättra makroscenariot. Denna positiva effekt kunde emellertid inte observeras i den vertikala positionsestimeringen. En ytterligare undersökt aspekt är påverkan av andra aktiva UEs, som betraktas som interferens. Resultaten visar att noggrannheten är starkt negativt påverkad då störningar i form av interferens införs. En slutlig observation fokuserar på bandbredden av SRS och det visar på försämringar i prestanda för bandbredder under 10 MHz.
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Farjanel, Geneviève. "La flore et le climat du néogène et du pléistocène de Bresse (France) d'après l'analyse pollinique : implications chronostratigraphiques." Dijon, 1985.

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Etude du miocène et du plio-pléistocène de la dépression bressane. Après une description du cadre biostratigraphique, on présente les nombreux sondages étudiés. 291 analyses palynologiques permettent de dresser une image de la végétation de cette époque et de suivre son évolution au cours du temps. Les groupements végétaux reconnus permettent de caractériser les paléoenvironnements et de mettre en évidence les fluctuations du climat
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Overberg, Ariane [Verfasser]. "Qualifikationskonflikte bei Personengesellschaften im Internationalen Steuerrecht / Ariane Bresgen." Frankfurt : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2016.

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Bresgen, Ariane [Verfasser]. "Qualifikationskonflikte bei Personengesellschaften im Internationalen Steuerrecht / Ariane Bresgen." Frankfurt : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2016.

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Curial, Alain. "La sédimentation salifère et suprasalifère du paléogène bressan (France) : comparaison entre les données diagraphiques et lithologiques : étude diagraphique du champ d'Etrez et synthèse du bassin." Lyon 1, 1986.

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L'etude porte sur la confrontation des mesures diagraphiques avec les analyses chimiques des carottes. On montre l'interet des diagraphies (diagraphie ldt, diagraphie ngt, pendagemetrie) pour evaluer la composition des terrains, la repartition spatiale des lithologies, pour reconnaitre le facies salifere, et determiner les constituants mineraux majeurs. On fait apparaitre des relations entre argiles et teneurs en th, k, et u. L'interpretation des diagraphies du champ d'etrez permet de reconstituer la dynamique de la sedimentation salifere et post-salifere et de mettre en evidence des episodes de dissolution, precoces et polyphases du toit du salifere
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Souza, Paulo Emilio Douglas de. "A proposta Bresser de reforma do Estado e a questão da autoridade publica no Brasil." [s.n.], 2003.

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Orientador: Eliezer Rizzo de Oliveira
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
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Resumo: O estudo que ora apresentamos objetiva colocar em relevo a importância do emprego da idéia de autoridade pÚblica na análise sobre o tema da governabilidade no Brasil. Para tanto, iremos nos servir da proposta de reforma do aparelho do Estado de 1995, ou como preferimos nomeá-Ia "a proposta Bresser de reforma do Estado," por ter sido ela elaborada sob a liderança e coordenação do ex-ministro da Administração Federal e Reforma do Estado, Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira.Trata-se de tema bastante atual. A julgar pela quantidade de notícias veiculadas diariamente pela mídia brasileira sobre a suposta "ausência da autoridade pública" em algumas regiões do país, parece-nos imensamente importante toda e qualquer investigação acadêmica que venha contribuir para um debate mais qualificado. Nosso propósito, porém, guarda alguma especificidade. Buscamos indicar que na análise sobre a temática da governabilidade deve ser considerada a qualidade da autoridade ou ordem pública do Estado em questão. No nosso caso, partimos da hipótese de que o processo incompleto de institucionalização do Estado nacional no Brasil produziu uma autoridade pública precária. Determinações históricas e políticas, internas e externas, configuraram um padrão de Estado que encontra-se permanentemente em situação de dificuldade para aplacar conflitos e dissensões em seu interior. O resultado - aquele que tentamos apontar de modo específico - é a erosão e o esgarçamento gradual de regras e princípios básicos de convivência. Sustentamos em nosso estudo que tal fenômeno não discrimina condição ou setores sociais, perpassando a sociedade brasileira de ponta a ponta. A utilização da reforma do aparelho do Estado elaborada em 1995, justifica-se pelo tratamento dado ao problema da (in) governabilidade como sendo, ao cabo, a incapacidade financeira e administrativa da "máquina" do Estado brasileiro em fazer cumprir suas determinações. A proposta de 1995 orienta-se, igualmente, pela idéia de governabilidade enquanto maior ou menor grau de inépcia no gerenciamento e estruturação ótima do Estado, o que faria com que os governos em questão apresentassem condições reduzidas (no caso de inépcia em alto grau) de legitimar-se, intermediar interesses e governar efetivamente. O expediente de tratamento endógeno da governabilidade, a saber: via aparelhagem estatal, é relativamente comum; a maior parte dos analistas insiste nesse caminho. Daí a opção que fizemos pelo estudo desse recente projeto. Propomos diferentemente a inclusão da idéia de autoridade pública para a análise do tema da governabilidade no intuito de enriquecer as discussões acerca desta Última. Assim, entendemos que o estudo da aparelhagem estatal brasileira não deve ignorar o imperativo de pensá-Ia na perspectiva de sua "operacionalização democrática". Significa enfrentar o desafio político de "dotar o Estado de instituições que se articulem com a coletividade e lhe dêem expressão adequada (em suas dimensões sociais e territoriais)". Acreditamos ser esse o expediente que pode vir a contribuir para o aumento do nível de governabilidade no Brasil.As análises sobre o padrão de Estado e autoridade pÚblica produzidas ao longo do tempo e da história conduzem a este objetivo e com ele se coadunam
Abstract: The study we present here looks forward to higllligllt tlle importance of the use of tlle idea of public autllority in the analysis of governance in Brazil. In order to do so we will employ 1995 proposal for the reform of the State apparatus or, as we rather refer to it, "Bresser's proposal for the reform of the State", since it was elaborated and coordinated by the former secretary for Federal Administration and Reform of tlle State, Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira. It is a very current thell1e. Judging by tlle amount of news, daily spread by Brazilian media, about the supposed "absence of public authority" in some regions of the country, ali and every acadell1ic investigation which may contribute to a better qualified debate seems hugely important in our view. Our intent, however, is quite specific. We try to point out that, in the analysis of the governance thell1e, the quality of public order and authority of tlle State in question IllUSt be taken into consideration. ln our case, we started from the hypothesis that the national State incoll1plete process of institutionalization in Brazil has produced poor public authority. Historical and political, internal and extelllal determinations have establislled a State pattern that remains in permanent difficulty to placate its conflicts and disagreelllents. The outcoll1e - the one we try to point out in an specific Illanner - is the gradual erosion and disintegration of coexistence basic rules and principies. We sustain ín our study that such phenomena does not discrill1inate social condition or sectors, going throughout Brazilian society froll1 one end to the other. The reform of the State apparatus application, elaborated in 1995, can be justified by the treatment. given to the (non)governal1ce ll1atter as being, at the end, the Brazilian State "ll1achine" financial and administrative inability to fulfill its determinations. Tlle 1995 proposal is guided, equally , by the governal1ce idea as higher or lower degree of ineptitude in the State good management and structure, which would make the govemments in question present reduced conditions (in case of high ineptitude degree) to legitimate itself, negotiate interests, and actually governo Governal1ce endogenous treatment expedient, to know: through the State apparatus, is relatively cOll1ll1on; most analysts insist on this way. Then our option of the recent project. We otherwise propose the inclusion of public authority idea to the governal1ce theme analysis in order to enrich the discussion about that one. Therefore, we understand that the study of the Brazilian State apparatus IllUSt not ignore the urge of thinking it from tlle perspective of its "democratic management". It means facing tlle political challenge of "endowing the State with institutions which interact with the totality of individuais and give it proper expression (in its social and territorial dimensions)". We believe it to be the expedient which may contribute to the governal1ce levei increase in Brazil. Analyses ofthe State pattern and public authority produced along time and history lead to this objective and suit it
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Viollet, Claude Pascal. "Le Jurassique supérieur du Mâconnais et de la Bresse (région de Louhans) : stratigraphie, micropaléontologie, sédimentologie et corrélations avec la région chalonnaise et le Jura méridional." Lyon 1, 1986.

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L'analyse detaillee des coupes geologiques levees dans le maconnais et la bresse permet d'etablir la stratigraphie de cette region de l'oxfordien au portlandien basal. L'etude des microfacies, de la faune et de la flore principalement algaire montre que la sedimentation correspond a la mise en place et a l'evolution d'une plateforme carbonatee a tendance emersive
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Aubert, Francis. "Marché du travail en milieu rural : contribution à l'analyse et application à la Bresse bourguignonne." Dijon, 1996.

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Face au constat de stabilisation de l'emploi rural, malgré la concentration relative des postes dans des secteurs d'activité en déclin, nous recherchons des éléments d'explication du coté du fonctionnement local du marché du travail. La principale orientation soumet les ajustements concurrentiels à l'environnement économique et social des communautés rurales. Le cadre d'analyse est utilisé pour conduire une approche monographique sur la zone d'emploi de la Bresse bourguignonne. L'exploitation d'enquêtes directes permet de montrer que les mécanismes qui régissent l'échange en travail comportent une dimension territoriale qui contribue à structurer le marché dans l'espace. L'hétérogénéité du travail est, pour partie, le fait des conditions locales d'acquisition et de valorisation des compétences, sujettes aux pratiques paternalistes des employeurs. Cette hétérogénéité limite la transférabilité du travail et produit des discontinuités spatiales qui "segmentent" le marché
Faced with the recent stabilization in rural employment, although the jobs are relatively more concentrated in activities on the wane, we look for reasons which depend on the local labor market. The main assumption considers that the competitive adjustments are influenced by the social and economic environment of the rural community. The rural labor market is a market with specific occupational and geographical boundaries, and with rules affecting entry, movement within, and exit. Our own data show that both workers comportments and employers policies affect those dimensions and processes. The most characteristic feature depends on paternalistic practices which set up skill gaps between occupation and non competing groups between market areas
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Books on the topic "Bresner"


Romano, Mario. Quién conoce a Martín Bresler? Bs. As. [Buenos Aires]: Corregidor, 1991.

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Pereira, Luiz Carlos Bresser. Jogo aberto: Entrevistas com Bresser Pereira. São Paulo, SP: Editora Brasiliense, 1989.

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Snæland, Jónsson Elías. Brak og brestir. Reykjavík: Vaka-Helgafell, 1993.

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R, Bell Nicholas, and Renwick Gallery, eds. A revolution in wood: The Bresler collection. Washington, D.C: Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, 2010.

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R, Bell Nicholas, and Renwick Gallery, eds. A revolution in wood: The Bresler collection. Washington, D.C: Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, 2010.

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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations. Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee. Failure of Bevill, Bresler & Schulman, a New Jersey government securities dealer: Hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-ninth Congress, first session, May 15, 1985. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1985.

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Duret, Christine. La Bresse bourguignonne. Bourg-en-Bresse: Editions de la Taillanderie, 1990.

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1953-, Gilbert Alain, Gambier Gérald 1954-, and Rimaz Jean-Marc, eds. Bourg-en-Bresse. Bourg-en-Bresse: Éd. de la Taillanderie, 1991.

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1916-, Bresser Diva, and Unzelte Celso Dario, eds. A família Bresser na história de São Paulo. [São Paulo, Brazil]: Campo Visual Comunicação e Editora, 2003.

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Waldvogel, Merikay. American quilt classics, 1800-1980: The Bresler collection. Charlotte, N.C: Mint Museums, 2003.

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Book chapters on the topic "Bresner"


Russo, David, and Gedeon Dagan. "Eshel Bresler: List of Publications." In Water Flow and Solute Transport in Soils, 6–10. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.

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Breser, Britta, and Julia Seyss-Inquart. "Im Gespräch über das post-kritische Manifest oder was die Professionalisierung in der Post-Kritik finden könnte." In Kritik und Post-Kritik, 125–42. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2022.

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Britta Breser und Julia Seyss-Inquart finden in diesem Beitrag Anknüpfungspunkte an das Post-kritische Manifest aus der Politikdidaktik und der Professionalisierungsforschung. Sie finden aber auch Grenzen und neue Ideen, die es weiterzudenken gilt.
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Bressler, Steven L. "Commentary by Steven L. Bressler." In Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 127–34. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Kemper, W. Doral. "The Contribution of Eshel Bresler to Soil Science." In Water Flow and Solute Transport in Soils, 3–5. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.

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Qin, Yuming, and Zhiyong Ma. "Stability for a Thermoelastic Bresse System." In Global Well-posedness and Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions to Non-classical Thermo(visco)elastic Models, 111–20. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Dagan, G. "The Bresler-Dagan Model of Flow and Transport: Recent Theoretical Developments." In Water Flow and Solute Transport in Soils, 13–32. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.

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Qin, Yuming, and Zhiyong Ma. "Global Existence of Solutions for the Thermoelastic Bresse System." In Global Well-posedness and Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions to Non-classical Thermo(visco)elastic Models, 97–109. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Condurache, Daniel. "A Generalization of the Bresse Properties in Higher-Order Kinematics." In Advances in Robot Kinematics 2024, 96–104. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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Röthlisberger, Melanie. "Exploring variation in the dative alternation across World Englishes." In Ditransitives in Germanic Languages, 226–63. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.

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The present chapter explores the variable nature of speakers’ (probabilistic) grammar by analysing variation in the English dative alternation across World Englishes. While the numerous constraints that impact the choice of variant are well-known, the extent to which the regional variability of these constraints in specific registers or lexical items can be generalized to the language as a whole has largely remained understudied (but see, e.g., Bresnan and Ford 2010; Röthlisberger, Grafmiller, and Szmrecsanyi 2017). The current study takes a comprehensive large-scale comparative perspective across nine varieties, 14 different registers and including 86 alternating verbs (N = 13,171) to showcase how restrictions in the dataset (e.g. to specific registers or verbs) can result in misleading generalizations. Results of mixed-effects regression analyses indicate that the factors regionally variable across the whole dataset might not be regionally variable across specific registers. Thus, the present chapter not only confirms the variable nature of probabilistic grammars but also stresses the importance of combining an aggregate perspective with more fine-grained analyses to grasp more fully the cross-lectal variability of speakers’ grammatical knowledge.
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Elishakoff, Isaac. "An Equation Both More Consistent and Simpler Than the Bresse-Timoshenko Equation." In Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 249–54. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2009.

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Conference papers on the topic "Bresner"


Daniele, Vito, and Guido Lombardi. "Modified Bresler-Marcuvitz Transverse Equation Theory for Wedge Shaped Regions to derive Generalized Wiener-Hopf Equations." In 2021 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA). IEEE, 2021.

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Bert, Charles W., and Chun-Do Kim. "Whirling of Composite-Material Driveshafts Including Bending-Twisting Coupling and Transverse Shear Deformation." In ASME 1993 Design Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993.

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Abstract A simplified theory for predicting the first-order critical speed of a shear deformable, composite-material driveshaft is presented. The shaft is modeled as a Bresse-Timoshenko beam generalized to include bending-twisting coupling. Numerical results are compared with those for both thin and thick walled shell theories and generalized Bernoulli-Euler theory.
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Eisinger, Franktisek L., and Robert E. Sullivan. "Acoustic Vibration Behavior of Full Size Steam Generator and Tubular Heat Exhanger In-Line Tube Banks: A Brief Note." In ASME 2005 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Based on recent laboratory experimental data by Feenstra et al. [1],[2] it has been determined that for larger test section widths, the maximum acoustic pressures generated during acoustic resonance were greater by more than a factor of four than those predicted by Blevins and Bressler [3]. We have evaluated a great number of resonant and non-resonant cases from inservice experience of full size steam generator and tubular heat exchanger tube banks in order to see the general vibratory behavior of the full size units. Fifteen vibrating and twenty-seven non-vibrating cases were evaluated and compared to the Feenstra et al. relationship. It is shown that on average the results from the full size units correlate well with the Feenstra et al. relationship. A gap exists between the vibratory and the non-vibratory cases. The non-vibratory cases produce acoustic pressures which are at or below the Blevins and Bressler relationship. From the results it can be concluded that the full size units, regardless of their size and also acoustic mode, produce high acoustic pressures at resonance, with the maximum acoustic pressure on average more than fifty to seventy five times higher than the input energy parameter defined by the product of Mach number and pressure drop through the tube bank. The results are tabulated and plotted for comparison.
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Jackson, Dominic R., and S. Olutunde Oyadiji. "Free Vibration Analysis of Rotating Tapered Bresse-Rayleigh Beams Using the Differential Transformation Method." In ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.

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The free vibration characteristics of a rotating tapered Rayleigh beam is analysed in this study. First, the strain-displacement relationship for the rotating beam is formulated and used to derive the kinetic and strain energies in explicit analytical form. Second, Hamilton’s variational principle is used to derive the governing differential equation of motion and the associated boundary conditions. Third, the Differential Transformation Method (DTM) is applied to reduce the governing differential equations of motion and the boundary conditions to a set of algebraic equations from which the frequency equation is derived. Next, a numerical algorithm implemented in the software package Mathematica is used to compute the natural frequencies of vibration for a few paired combinations of clamped, pinned and free end conditions of the beam. Also, the variation of the natural frequencies of vibration with respect to variations in the rotational speed, hub radius, taper ratio and the slenderness ratio is studied. The results obtained from the Bresse-Rayleigh theory are compared with results obtained from the Bernoulli-Euler and Timoshenko theories to demonstrate the accuracy and relevance of their application.
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Elishakoff, Isaac. "Did S.P. Timoshenko and P. Ehrenfest Overestimate the Importance of the Fourth-Order Time Derivative in Their Theory of Beams?" In ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.

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Abstract In this study we investigate the importance of the fourth order time derivative that appears in the equations derived by Jacques Antoine Charles Bresse in 1859, as well as in equations that were derived by Stephen Prokofievich Timoshenko and Paul Ehrenfest during years 1912–1913 and reported by Timoshenko in the 1916 book on theory of elasticity in the Russian language and then in two papers dated 1920 and 1921, in English.
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Lanni, Chiara, Giorgio Figliolini, and Jorge Angeles. "Curvature Analysis of Linear and Circular Tractrices for the Planar Motion of Vehicles." In ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023.

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Abstract The curvature analysis of the linear and circular tractrix curves for the planar motion of vehicles is formulated as based on the application of the classical differential geometry, along with the Bresse and return circles. In particular, a two-wheel (bicycle) model of four wheels vehicles was assumed and the evolutes of the corresponding fixed centrodes, being the related moving centrodes represented by straight lines, are determined, along with the evolutes of the linear and circular tractrix curves. The proposed formulation has been implemented in Matlab, in order to simulate and analyze the vehicle behavior in terms of curvature, when the front wheel center follows a straight line or a circle. Significant numerical and graphical results allowed the validation of the proposed formulation in different conditions.
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Figliolini, Giorgio, and Jorge Angeles. "Kinematic Analysis of Spherical Four-Bar Linkages via the Inflection Cubic and Thales Ellipse." In ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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The subject of this paper is the formulation of a specific algorithm for the kinematic analysis of spherical four-bar linkages via the inflection spherical cubic and spherical Thales ellipse by devoting particular attention to the crossed four-bar linkage (anti-parallelogram). Moreover, both the inflection and the elliptic cones, which represent the equivalent of the Bresse cylinders of the planar case in three-dimensions, are obtained by showing the particular properties of the spherical motion in terms of the curvature of a coupler curve and both the velocity and acceleration vector fields. Of special interest are also the cases in which the three acceleration poles coincide at one unique point or in two plus one, which depends on the intersections of two spherical curves of third and second degree.
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Navarro Gregori, Juan, Francisco Ortiz Navas, and Pedro Serna Ros. "Análisis experimental mediante fotogrametría del comportamiento de fisuras de cortante en vigas esbeltas de hormigón armado reforzado con fibras macro sintéticas." In HAC2018 - V Congreso Iberoamericano de Hormigón Autocompactable y Hormigones Especiales. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2018.

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En esta investigación se realiza un estudio experimental sobre el comportamiento de vigas de hormigón reforzadas con macrofibras sintéticas de polipropileno con fallo por cortante. El estudio está centrado en el análisis de la evolución de la red de fisuración por cortante desde su aparición hasta la rotura de los elementos. En este estudio se ha repetido una buena parte de una tradicional campaña experimental realizada por Bresler y Scordelis en la Universidad de Berkeley en los años 60. La campaña experimental consta de un total de 8 vigas fabricadas con hormigón reforzado con macrofibras sintéticas sintéticas y con fallo por cortante. Además, los resultados se completan con otras 8 vigas análogas fabricadas con hormigón convencional y otras 8 vigas realizadas con hormigón con fibras de acero. Para cada grupo de 8 vigas se han considerado 4 de ellas sin armadura de cortante. Se han estudiado dos anchos distintos y dos relaciones de esbeltez a cortante diferentes (a/d = 4 y 5). El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar con detalle la red de fisuración por cortante con el fin de averiguar cómo se va produciendo la evolución de las aberturas y los deslizamientos de las fisuras críticas con el aumento del nivel de carga. Se pretende estudiar los rangos de aberturas y deslizamientos que se pueden alcanzar en el propio instante de la fisura y compararlos con los que se obtienen para el caso de hormigones convencionales. El estudio abarca tanto el análisis de vigas con y sin armadura transversal por lo que también se posibilita el análisis de los efectos de la sinergia entre estribos y fibras en cuanto a la evolución de las fisuras de cortante. Como conclusión general del estudio se puede decir que las macrofibras sintéticas de polipropileno, con una dosificación adecuada, son un eficaz mecanismo de resistencia a cortante. Además, permiten que se alcancen en situación de rotura deslizamientos y aberturas significativamente superiores al caso del hormigón convencional y en rangos superiores a los 5 mm.DOI:
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Meade, Kevin P., and Avinash G. Patwardhan. "Stability of the Lumbar Spine Subjected to a Follower Load: Part II — Theoretical Results." In ASME 1998 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.

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Abstract A number of theoretical studies of the stability of structures subjected to follower loads have been reported in the literature. The classic example is due to Beck who, in 1952, investigated the stability of a cantilevered beam-column subjected to a load applied to its free end that remained exactly tangent to the deflection curve (Atanackovic, 1997 and Timoshenko, 1961). To obtain the critical load it was necessary to perform a dynamic analysis of the problem. In problems such as these, instability comes in the form of flutter rather than divergence. The purpose of this study was to assess the stability of the lumbar spine under loading conditions similar to those in Patwardhan, et al., 1998. In their experiments, a follower load was applied to the lumbar spine using guided cables that remained tangent to the deformed shape of the lumbar curve. In this study we adopted a model similar to Crisco and Panjabi (1992a) but with important differences. Crisco and Panjabi (1992a) investigated the Euler stability of the lumbar spine using a lumped parameter model consisting of five (rigid) vertebral bodies connected by pin joints and torsional springs. The loading was applied vertically at L1. The model predicted buckling loads similar to the ones reported by Lucas and Bresler (1961). Both the predicted and the measured buckling loads of Crisco and Panjabi (1992a,b) are far below the load levels seen in vivo. In our model, the loads were applied at each joint instead of at L1 only. Also, the direction of the applied loads depended upon the deformation. The direction of the load at one joint was proportional to the angular displacement of the segment below it. That is, the loads did not exactly follow the direction of the tangent to the deformed curve. This allowed us to assess the stability of the model spine when it was subjected to an “imperfect” follower load. An interesting feature of the problem was that it required only a static analysis. The results of the study demonstrated the sensitivity of the buckling load to the “misalignment” of the follower path. As the direction of the loads approach the follower path, the buckling load increases beyond the Euler critical load. This was not an unexpected result. The increased buckling load predicted in this analysis was consistent with the experimental observations of Patwardhan, et al. (1998). However, there was a surprising result. The analysis showed that there is a mechanism for a smooth transition between the buckled shapes which is not seen in the classical Euler analysis (Timoshenko, 1961). These results may have implications for how imperfections in muscle coactivation can affect the stability of the lumbar spine. Also, they may help explain some of the phenomena seen in progression of diseases of the spine such as scoliosis.
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Placencia, Greg. "A Joint Rail Conference Grand Challenge: Developing a Culture of Student/Rail Industry Problem Solving." In 2017 Joint Rail Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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We examine how establishing a competitive Joint Rail Conference Grand Challenges Initiatives can harness the potential of college and possibly high school students to develop solutions or new insight into technical and safety problems plaguing the rail industry, including safety. The rail industry has tended to solve issues internally. However, solutions can often be found in other industries that are either similar or have faced similar concerns. For example, the immediate predecessor of Positive Train Control (PTC), the Advanced Railroad Electronics System (ARES), was conceived in the mid 1980’s by then Burlington Northern Railroad (BN) CEO Richard Bressler, who had read how flight safety and efficiency had been improved by air traffic control systems and avionics developed by Rockwell Collins for the Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft. The information age has further increased the potential for sparking innovation as ideas can spread literally overnight via the internet. Some of the most talented and creative problems solvers are college and high school students, who have been greatly enabled by the “democratization” of information that has given them access to knowledge and skills as never before. Teens can learn nearly any skill watching reputable online videos or even “attend” classes offered by top universities around the world simply using a smart phone or tablet. This has prompted educators like Michigan Tech’s Dr. Pasi Lautala and other to develop extensive online rail educational resources to spark interest in the industry. However, simply passing on information has its limitation, which is why initiatives like the Grand Challenges, and Engineers without Borders have been instrumental in harnessing students to examine key global challenges in engineering, energy, and health care. Moreover, these initiatives have encouraged many students to pursue careers in those fields, even in low- and medium-income countries. For example, in 2012, a high school sophomore developed a new method to detect pancreatic cancer that is quick to administer and detects the disease much more quickly than previous methods, allowing much better chances for successful treatment. We will examine how establishing a competitive JRC Grand Challenges Initiatives can harness the potential of college and possibly high school students to develop solutions or establish new insight into technical and safety problems plaguing the rail industry, including safety. In addition, it will look at how developing a dialog among the rail industry, including the Class 1 railroads, students, and academia can encourage a more top notch, talented students to consider careers in the rail industry.
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