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Franceschetti, Simone, and Sandro Francesconi. "Galleria di base del Brennero: analisi del livello di maturità." PROJECT MANAGER (IL), no. 17 (February 2014): 25–28.

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Pompili, Tomaso. "Valutazione Strategica Comparativa di Strategie Alternative di Reti tramite il Metodo VIT." RIV Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, no. 43 (February 2010): 27–54.

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Tema del lavoro č la valutazione economica strategica (ex-ante) di investimenti pubblici, sotto forma di progetti di investimento o di piani/programmi complessi. Obiettivo del lavoro č valutare l'affidabilitŕ normativa degli esiti dei metodi multi-obiettivi rispetto all'analisi costi-benefici. La metodologia consiste nell'applicare al caso dello sviluppo di reti infrastrutturali di trasporto un metodo multi-obiettivi (sei) e multi-criteri (trentadue), il metodo VIT (Valutazione di Impatto Territoriale). Sono elementi originali: la sostituzione della rilevazione quantitativa degli impatti attesi con una tecnica di tipo Delphi, la tecnica di quantificazione dei giudizi, il calcolo degli esiti in base a differenti ipotesi di preferenze della popolazione, la modalitŕ di raffronto fra benefici e costi. Il principale risultato č la capacitŕ del metodo di fornire un ordinamento di differenti alternative (sette) trasparente e robusto rispetto a diverse strutture di preferenze della popolazione. Il caso specifico riguarda il cosiddetto Corridoio del Brennero.
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Rutar, Tibor. "The Transition Debate Today." Historical Materialism 26, no. 3 (September 25, 2018): 197–209.

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AbstractSpencer Dimmock has produced a convincing restatement, defence and update of Robert Brenner’s influential work on the origin of capitalism in England. The book productively engages with many Marxist and non-Marxist critics of the so-called ‘Brenner Thesis’, and presents fresh secondary and primary evidence in favour of it. This review sketches the theoretical background of Brenner’s intervention, summarises Dimmock’s take on Brenner, and comments on a few notable contemporary critiques of Brenner’s general framework which are not explicitly engaged with by Dimmock.
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Smith, Tony. "Brenner and Crisis Theory: Issues in Systematic and Historical Dialectics." Historical Materialism 5, no. 1 (1999): 145–78.

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AbstractRobert Brenner's recent monograph on the economics of global turbulence has renewed interest in one of the most important topics in Marxian thought, the theory of crisis tendencies in capitalism. In their introduction to Brenner's monograph, the editors of New Left Review praise him as a worthy successor to Marx in the strongest possible terms. In the eyes of a number of critics, however, Brenner is guilty of a major betrayal of Marx's legacy. In Michael Lebowitz's view, for instance, Brenner should now be seen as a disciple of Adam Smith, not Karl Marx, while Fine, Lapavitsas, and Milonakis refer to Brenner's position as ‘a distinctly non-Marxist perspective’.
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Zheng, Ruifang, and Debra S. Heller. "Borderline Brenner Tumor: A Review of the Literature." Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 143, no. 10 (February 19, 2019): 1278–80.

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Brenner tumors arise from ovarian epithelium, accounting for approximately 5% of benign ovarian epithelial tumors. The World Health Organization classification groups them into benign, borderline, and malignant on the basis of proliferation and invasiveness, and borderline Brenner tumor is defined as “displaying epithelial proliferation beyond that seen in benign Brenner's tumor, but lacking stromal invasion.” Borderline Brenner tumors are rare. Fewer than 60 cases have been reported. The more recent articles mostly focus on pathogenesis. We reviewed the literature on borderline Brenner tumor and have summarized the clinical and pathologic findings, as well as the treatment, differential diagnoses, and recent advances in histogenesis and molecular pathogenesis.
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Wood, Ellen Meiksins. "Capitalism, Merchants and Bourgeois Revolution: Reflections on the Brenner Debate and its Sequel." International Review of Social History 41, no. 2 (August 1996): 209–32.

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The “Brenner Debate” launched by Past and Present in 1976 was about “agrarian class structure and economic development in pre-industrial Europe”. Robert Brenner's recent book, Merchants and Revolution, has opened a new front in the debate by introducing merchants and “commercial change” into the equation. Although the book's massive Postscript carefully situates Brenner's analysis of commercial development in the context of his earlier account of the agrarian transition from feudalism to capitalism, this is unlikely to foreclose debate about how, or even whether, his more recent argument about the role of merchants in the English revolution can be squared with the original Brenner thesis. What is at issue here is not just divergent interpretations of historical evidence but larger differences about the nature of capitalism. The following argument has more to do with the latter than with the former, and it will be concerned with Brenner's work and the debates surrounding it not just for their own sake but for what they reveal about the dominant conceptions of capitalism, in Marxist and non-Marxist histories alike.
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Esposito, Assunta. "Un vescovo per Bressanone. Autorità italiane, gerarchie cattoliche e la vacanza della diocesi di Bressanone nel primo dopoguerra (1918-1921)." MONDO CONTEMPORANEO, no. 1 (September 2020): 5–51.

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La vittoria sull'Austria nella prima guerra mondiale dava all'Italia insieme al sospirato confine al Brennero l'acquisto del Sudtirolo. Fra i problemi posti dal nuovo assetto ci fu dal lato ecclesiastico la situazione della diocesi a popolazione tedesca di Bressanone, una delle due diocesi, insieme a Trento, insistenti sul nuovo territorio italiano. La diocesi si trovava vacante da prima della fine della guerra ed era molto estesa, comprendeva infatti anche il Tirolo settentrionale, che sarebbe rimasto fuori dal nuovo confine italiano. Un vescovo, mons. Waitz, era stato in realtà nominato dall'imperatore d'Austria alla vigilia dell'abdicazione. Alle autori-tà italiane come alla S. Sede però era chiara la necessità di riconsiderare tanto la candidatura di Waitz, dal profilo politico troppo esposto in senso antitaliano, quanto di segnare nuovi confini alla diocesi, per separare definitivamente la parte austriaca dalla parte italiana. A questi intenti si opponevano la volontà di clero e popolazione locale di mantenere unita la diocesi in funzione di una futura riunione all'Austria e gli sforzi di Waitz per mantenere la propria candidatura. Il saggio rico-struisce analiticamente le tappe della laboriosa decisione attraverso il dialogo fra gerarchie cattoliche locali e romane e autorità italiane militari e civili sulla base di una documentazione archivistica edita e inedita.
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Pearce, C. E. M., and J. Pečarić. "On some switching inequalities of Brenner and Alzer." ANZIAM Journal 45, no. 2 (October 2003): 285–88.

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AbstractWe consider some general switching inequalities of Brenner and Alzer. It is shown that Brenner's Theorem B below does not hold in general without further conditions. A simple proof is given of Alzer's Corollary D.
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Feckaninová, Beáta, Radovan Pilka, and Zuzana Slobodová. "Recurrence of rare malignant Brenner ovarian tumor." Česká gynekologie 86, no. 4 (August 30, 2021): 250–57.

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Summary: Objective: Description of the case of recurrence of a rare malignant Brenner ovarian tumour. Methods: Author observation and literature resources. Results: Occurrence of a rare malignant Brenner's tumor in a 66-year-old patient. After radical surgery (abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy, pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy, omentectomy and appendectomy) and after adjuvant chemotherapy, recurrence of the disease was observed after 30 months. Conclusions: The case report describes rare occurrence of a malignant Brenner tumour and its relapse.
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Singh, Brijesh Kumar, Sudipta Saha, Shilpi Agarwal, and Yashwant Singh Rathore. "Malignant Brenner tumour of the ovary manifesting as distal intestinal obstruction and perforation." BMJ Case Reports 13, no. 6 (June 2020): e235394.

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A rare case of malignant Brenner tumour of ovary manifesting with intestinal perforation due to colonic infiltration is elaborated in the present report. Brenner’s tumour accounts for 1%–2% of all ovarian neoplasms and malignant Brenner tumour is even rarer and only about 5% of Brenner tumours are malignant. A 62-year-old woman came to surgical emergency with 1-month history of abdominal pain, vomiting and constipation with a palpable mass in right iliac fossa. Abdominal radiograph was suggestive of colonic obstruction. Contrast-enhanced CT of the abdomen revealed cystic right ovarian mass of 10.2×8.8 cm2 with pneumoperitoneum. Exploratory laparotomy was done, which revealed mass arising from right ovary involving terminal ileum, cecum and ascending colon. Possibility of ovarian malignancy was kept. Patient underwent debulking surgery along with ileostomy and descending colon mucous fistula was created. Histology was compatible with malignant Brenner tumour of the ovary.
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Greenstein, Tony. "Zionist-Nazi Collaboration and the Holocaust-A Historical Aberration? Lenni Brenner Revisited." Holy Land Studies 13, no. 2 (November 2014): 187–212.

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Over thirty years ago Lenni Brenner's Zionism in the Age of the Dictators awakened the ghosts of Nazi-Zionist collaboration. This collaboration was an extension of Zionism's historical attitude to anti-Semitism in Europe, which saw anti-Semitism as the natural reaction of non-Jews to the abnormal presence of Jews. The Zionist movement was outraged by these public revelations of collaboration and sought to censor them. Brenner brought together some of the most damning evidence of Zionism's collaboration with the Nazis and their obstruction of the rescue of European Jews to anywhere but Palestine. This essay critiques Brenner's thesis, especially its failure to analyse the Holocaust in depth. Brenner rightly denounced this collaboration, but, as in the case of the Israeli Holocaust Memorial Museum Yad Vashem, he produced no analysis of this official Israeli memorial project. This essay furthermore explores the implications of Zionist collaboration as in the case of Argentina under the Junta and for a future resurgence of anti-Semitism.
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Berfelde, Rabea. "Dialektische Methodologie vor dem Hintergrund planetarischer Urbanisierung." sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 8, no. 3 (December 15, 2020): 257–61.

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New Urban Spaces, die jüngste Monografie von Neil Brenner, ist eine anspruchsvolle Lektüre, die, so schlägt die Rezension vor, auf zweierlei Weise gelesen werden kann. Zum einen kann man durch Brenners Ausführungen die sich seit der Weltwirtschaftskrise der 1970er Jahre und dem Ende des fordistisch-keynesianischen Akkumulationsregimes kontinuierlich verändernde kapitalistische Raumproduktion nachvollziehen. Sein Buch fasst dabei sowohl die wichtigsten Mainstream-Theoretisierungen als auch die kritischen Debatten zusammen, welche diese Veränderung begleiteten. Zum anderen lässt sich New Urban Spaces auch als Exegese der Dialektik als Methodologie der kritischen Stadtforschung lesen und verstehen.
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Kalpana, B., and Soumya Ranjan Panda. "Coexistence of both Brenner tumor and cystadenofibroma of ovary in a postmenopausal woman: a rare case." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 8, no. 3 (February 26, 2019): 1204.

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Brenner tumor, and cystadeno fibroma of ovary are rare varieties of ovarian tumor, characterized by presence of solid components. There are very rare instances where both Brenner tumor and cystadenofibroma coexist in a single patient. A 48-year P1L1, postmenopusal woman presented at Guru hospital, Madurai, with chief complaints of on and off postmenopausal bleeding for 6 months. On ultrasonography there were two simple cysts of ovary measuring 6x 6 cm on left side and 4x4 cm on right side. She was managed with total laparoscopic hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy. Intraoperatively there was a right ovarian mass of 6x6 cm size and a left ovarian mass of 4x4 cm size. Left ovarian mass reported as benign cystadenofibroma while the right ovarian mass was reported to be brenners tumor on histopathology. As the preoperative imaging are not completely relied for diagnosing these tumors, awareness of the surgeons of these entities is particularly important. The prognosis of both of these tumors is excellent with suitable treatment. They have a very low recurrence risk on compete removal through surgery.
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Vali, Saaliha, Mohamed Oumar, Shefali Chavhan, Olga Wise, and Ahmed Sayasneh. "Atypical proliferative Brenner tumour of the ovary with liver metastases: a case report." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 8, no. 11 (October 23, 2019): 4576.

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Brenners tumours constitute up to 2% of ovarian neoplasms. Most are benign with a gross fibroma like appearance. Here we present the case of a 45 year old woman who underwent a full staging laparotomy for a suspicious left ovarian mass. A 30 cm left ovarian cyst was found with no enlarged lymph nodes. Histologically this was a proliferative Brenner tumour. Postoperatively, a mild increase in the Ca125 prompted an MRI scan which revealed a 3 cm liver cyst. This was resected and histologically found to be a transitional cell carcinoma. Successful treatment with secondary excision and adjuvant chemotherapy has ensured disease free remission to date.
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Neilson, Peter D. "Influence of lntermittency and Synergy on Grasping." Motor Control 3, no. 3 (July 1999): 280–84.

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This commentary firstly supports Smeets and Brenner in their choice of a kinematic trajectory, submitting that the challenge posed by the rival torque-change formulation is resolved by consideration of intermittency in human movement control. Second, it examines the choice of optimization criterion for trajectory planning, arguing in favor of minimum acceleration rather than minimum jerk. Third, using the notion of optimized trajectories in task-dependent coordinate space together with synergy generation, it suggests a formulation that reduces the processing load entailed in Smeets and Brenner's proposal of individual trajectories for each digit.
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Weeks, John. "Surfing the Troubled Waters of ‘Global Turbulence’: A Comment." Historical Materialism 5, no. 1 (1999): 211–30.

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AbstractThose familiar with the contributions of Robert Brenner to understanding of the historical development of capitalism, and his devastating critique of the ‘regulation school’ must, like myself, have felt a sense of anticipation as they began his recent volume on global capitalism since the end of World War Two. While the editor's introduction was pretentious to the point of embarrassment, this unfortunate excursion into naive idolatry should not be attributed to the author himself. However, even those most supportive of Brenner's previous work (again, such as myself), could not help but be disappointed by the contents of ‘;Global Turbulence’.
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Wood, Ellen Meiksins. "Horizontal Relations: A Note on Brenner's Heresy." Historical Materialism 4, no. 1 (1999): 171–80.

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AbstractOne fundamental assumption seems to underlie – explicitly or implicitly – every critique of Brenner I have seen: that there can be no such thing as a Marxist theory of competition, the ‘horizontal’ relation among many capitals, that does not presuppose the ‘vertical’ class relation between capital and living labour. To start (if not also to end) with the relation between capital and living labour is the only way to establish one's Marxist credentials (establishing those credentials does, by the way, seem to be the critical, even the sole, issue for those who engage Brenner's argument on that plane, without considering the empirical or explanatory power of his argument). In support of that assumption, more than one critic has invoked Marx's comment that competition does not produce or explain capitalist laws of motion but merely executes them, as their visible manifestation in the external movements of individual capitals. Predictably, too, some critics have gleefully turned against Brenner the charge he has famously levelled against other Marxists: that his focus on competition and the market makes him a ‘neo-Smithian’.
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GREENSHIELDS, CHRISTOPHER J., and JASON M. REESE. "The structure of shock waves as a test of Brenner's modifications to the Navier–Stokes equations." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 580 (May 21, 2007): 407–29.

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Brenner (Physica A, vol. 349, 2005a, b, pp. 11, 60) has recently proposed modifications to the Navier–Stokes equations that are based on theoretical arguments but supported only by experiments having a fairly limited range. These modifications relate to a diffusion of fluid volume that would be significant for flows with high density gradients. So the viscous structure of shock waves in gases should provide an excellent test case for this new model. In this paper we detail the shock structure problem and propose exponents for the gas viscosity–temperature relation based on empirical viscosity data that is independent of shock experiments. We then simulate monatomic gas shocks in the range Mach 1.0–12.0 using the Navier–Stokes equations, both with and without Brenner's modifications. Initial simulations showed that Brenner's modifications display unphysical behaviour when the coefficient of volume diffusion exceeds the kinematic viscosity. Our subsequent analyses attribute this behaviour to both an instability to temporal disturbances and a spurious phase velocity–frequency relationship. On equating the volume diffusivity to the kinematic viscosity, however, we find the results with Brenner's modifications are significantly better than those of the standard Navier–Stokes equations, and broadly similar to those from the family of extended hydrodynamic models that includes the Burnett equations. Brenner's modifications add only two terms to the Navier–Stokes equations, and the numerical implementation is much simpler than conventional extended hydrodynamic models, particularly in respect of boundary conditions. We recommend further investigation and testing on a number of different benchmark non-equilibrium flow cases.
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Smith, Murray. "The Necessity of Value Theory: Brenner's Analysis of the ‘Long Downturn’ and Marx's Theory of Crisis." Historical Materialism 4, no. 1 (1999): 149–69.

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AbstractThe publication last year in New Left Review of Robert Brenner's book-length essay ‘Uneven Development and the Long Downturn: The Advanced Capitalist Economies from Boom to Stagnation, 1950-1998’ has already provoked more discussion and controversy on the socialist Left than any other political-economic analysis in recent memory. Predictably, it has also elicited a number of highly critical response from proponents of Marx's theories of labour value and economic crisis. Amongst other things, Brenner has been charged with a one-sided preoccupation with capital-to-capital (competitive) relations at the expense of the capital-wage labour (class struggle) relation, with misinterpreting and dismissing Marx's law of the falling tendency of the rate of profit, and with ignoring Marx’s value categories entirely.
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In the modern conditions of agricultural development, the use of microbiological preparations as an alternative to mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products is gaining wide interest and practical significance. Soil microorganisms have the ability to interact with the root system of plants, optimize mineral nutrition, synthesize growth hormones and antimicrobial compounds that inhibit the development of phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria and have a stimulating effect on the growth and development of cultivated crops, increasing their resistance to phytopathogens and stress. The search for environmentally friendly technologies, the use of enzymes and active metabolites of bacterial origin, or the use of bacterial strains that promote plant growth is a promising direction. The effect of culture fluid of Bacillus ginsengihumi and Pantoea brenneri on the average length of the plant stem was studied. When processing wheat seeds of P. brenner AS3, the length of the first leaf increased by 50%, and B. ginsengihumi M2.11 by 25%.
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Nethanel. "Brenner In French: A Forgotten Essay on Y. H. Brenner's Literary Work, Paris, 1913." Prooftexts 38, no. 1 (2020): 34.

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Brenner, Joseph E., and Abir U. Igamberdiev. "Prolegomenon to an Informational Philosophy in Reality." Proceedings 47, no. 1 (June 6, 2020): 56.

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In the acceptation of Wu Kun, the Philosophy of Information is a metaphilosophy incorporating informational-philosophical stances on major epistemological and ontological questions. Examples of Brenner’s contributions to previous Philosophy of Information conferences include work on personal identity, symmetry, semiotics, social competence and responsibility, as well as, together with Wu, the informational revolution in philosophy itself. In this approach, the necessity of a non-standard logic of real processes was demonstrated. In this paper, Brenner and Igamberdiev analyze the dialectics and logic underlying the application of Informational Philosophy. The utility of their approach is further demonstrated in the areas of meaning and semiotics, as well as information itself and communication. A new characterization of dynamic units of thought, and hence of information processes, is suggested in advance of a planned, more detailed treatment.
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Brenner, Joseph E., and Abir U. Igamberdiev. "Prolegomenon to an Informational Philosophy in Reality." Proceedings 47, no. 1 (June 6, 2020): 56.

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In the acceptation of Wu Kun, the Philosophy of Information is a metaphilosophy incorporating informational-philosophical stances on major epistemological and ontological questions. Examples of Brenner’s contributions to previous Philosophy of Information conferences include work on personal identity, symmetry, semiotics, social competence and responsibility, as well as, together with Wu, the informational revolution in philosophy itself. In this approach, the necessity of a non-standard logic of real processes was demonstrated. In this paper, Brenner and Igamberdiev analyze the dialectics and logic underlying the application of Informational Philosophy. The utility of their approach is further demonstrated in the areas of meaning and semiotics, as well as information itself and communication. A new characterization of dynamic units of thought, and hence of information processes, is suggested in advance of a planned, more detailed treatment.
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Brady, Carrie L., Ilse Cleenwerck, Stephanus N. Venter, Katrien Engelbeen, Paul De Vos, and Teresa A. Coutinho. "Emended description of the genus Pantoea, description of four species from human clinical samples, Pantoea septica sp. nov., Pantoea eucrina sp. nov., Pantoea brenneri sp. nov. and Pantoea conspicua sp. nov., and transfer of Pectobacterium cypripedii (Hori 1911) Brenner et al. 1973 emend. Hauben et al. 1998 to the genus as Pantoea cypripedii comb. nov." International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60, no. 10 (October 1, 2010): 2430–40.

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Bacterial strains belonging to DNA hybridization groups (HG) II, IV and V, in the Erwinia herbicola–Enterobacter agglomerans complex, of Brenner et al. [Int J Syst Bacteriol 34 (1984), 45–55] were suggested previously to belong to the genus Pantoea, but have never been formally described and classified. Additionally, it has been shown in several studies that Pectobacterium cypripedii is more closely related to species of Pantoea than to those of Pectobacterium. In this study, the phylogenetic positions of Brenner's DNA HG II, IV and V and Pectobacterium cypripedii were re-examined by both 16S rRNA gene sequencing and multilocus sequence analyses (MLSA) based on the gyrB, rpoB, atpD and infB genes. The analyses revealed that DNA HG II, IV and V and Pectobacterium cypripedii form five separate branches within the genus Pantoea (strains from HG V were split into two branches). DNA–DNA hybridization data further confirmed that DNA HG II, IV and V constitute four separate species. Pectobacterium cypripedii was shown to be a close phylogenetic relative of Pantoea dispersa and DNA HG IV by both 16S rRNA gene sequence and MLSA analyses. Biochemical analyses performed on strains from DNA HG II, IV and V and Pectobacterium cypripedii confirmed their taxonomic position within the genus Pantoea and revealed phenotypic characteristics that allow the differentiation of these species from each other and from their closest phylogenetic neighbours. It is proposed to emend the description of the genus Pantoea and to describe Pantoea septica sp. nov. for DNA HG II (type strain LMG 5345T =BD 874T =CDC 3123-70T), Pantoea eucrina sp. nov. for DNA HG IV (type strain LMG 2781T =BD 872T =CDC 1741-71T =LMG 5346T), Pantoea brenneri sp. nov. for strains of DNA HG V excluding LMG 24534 (type strain LMG 5343T =BD 873T =CDC 3482-71T) and Pantoea conspicua sp. nov. for the remaining strain of DNA HG V (type strain LMG 24534T =BD 805T =CDC 3527-71T) and to transfer Pectobacterium cypripedii to the genus as Pantoea cypripedii comb. nov. (type strain LMG 2657T =ATCC 29267T =DSM 3873T =LMG 2655T).
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Noble, Luke M., Asif Miah, Taniya Kaur, and Matthew V. Rockman. "The Ancestral Caenorhabditis elegans Cuticle Suppresses rol-1." G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics 10, no. 7 (May 18, 2020): 2385–95.

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Genetic background commonly modifies the effects of mutations. We discovered that worms mutant for the canonical rol-1 gene, identified by Brenner in 1974, do not roll in the genetic background of the wild strain CB4856. Using linkage mapping, association analysis and gene editing, we determined that N2 carries an insertion in the collagen gene col-182 that acts as a recessive enhancer of rol-1 rolling. From population and comparative genomics, we infer the insertion is derived in N2 and related laboratory lines, likely arising during the domestication of Caenorhabditis elegans, and breaking a conserved protein. The ancestral version of col-182 also modifies the phenotypes of four other classical cuticle mutant alleles, and the effects of natural genetic variation on worm shape and locomotion. These results underscore the importance of genetic background and the serendipity of Brenner’s choice of strain.
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Periasamy, Sumathi, Subha Sivagami Sengodan, Devipriya ., and Anbarasi Pandian. "A rare presentation of benign Brenner tumor of ovary: a case report." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 7, no. 7 (June 27, 2018): 2971.

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Brenner tumors are rare ovarian tumors accounting for 2-3% of all ovarian neoplasms and about 2% of these tumors are borderline (proliferating) or malignant. These tumors are commonly seen in 4th-8th decades of life with a peak in late 40s and early 50s. Benign Brenner tumors are usually small, <2cm in diameter and often detected incidentally during surgery or on pathological examination. Authors report a case of a large, calcified benign Brenner tumor in a 55-year-old postmenopausal woman who presented with complaint of abdominal pain and mass in abdomen. Imaging revealed large complex solid cystic pelvic mass -peritoneal fibrosarcoma. She underwent laparotomy which revealed huge Brenner tumor weighing 9kg arising from left uterine cornual end extending up to epigastric region. Myomectomy and hysterectomy with bilateral salphingo oophorectomy, omentectomy done and the specimen was sent for histopathological and immunohistochemistry study which revealed benign Brenner tumor. Brenner tumors are rare ovarian neoplasms accounting for 2-3% of all ovarian tumors. Benign Brenner tumors are usually small and solid whereas borderline and malignant Brenner tumors are usually larger and cystic with solid areas. But it is possible to have a completely benign large Brenner tumor. Therefore, benign nature of the lesion should not be excluded even when the ovarian tumor is very large.
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Jodha, Bhanwar Singh, and Richa Garg. "Brenner tumor of ovary: an incidental finding: a case report." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 6, no. 3 (February 19, 2017): 1132.

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Brenner tumor of the ovary is very rare, mostly benign, small, and unilateral. Malignant brenner tumor is much rarer. Malignant brenner tumor of ovary closely resembles the transitional cell carcinoma of ovary. These tumors are believed to arise from urothelial metaplasia of ovarian surface epithelium. However the latter has a worse prognosis. Here we present a case of Brenner tumor of ovary in a postmenopausal woman treated surgically and its features are briefly discussed.
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Watts, Geoff. "Sydney Brenner." Lancet 393, no. 10185 (May 2019): 2032.

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Friedman, Lawrence. "Charles Brenner." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 59, no. 4 (August 2011): 679–700.

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Brenner, Sydney. "Sydney Brenner." New Scientist 192, no. 2578 (November 2006): 35.

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Yoshida, Satoru, Mitsuo Shidoh, Yasuharu Shimoya, and Yuko Ohta. "Brenner tumour." Lancet 362, no. 9387 (September 2003): 858.

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Friedberg, Errol C. "Sydney Brenner." Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 9, no. 1 (January 2008): 8–9.

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Shukla, Samarth, Sourya Acharya, Devendra Rajput, Sunita Vagha, and Neema Acharya. "Brenner or non-Brenner′s?: A diagnostic challenge!!" Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 1, no. 3 (2012): 176.

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Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo S., Olena O. Dyadyk, Victor D. Urzhumov, Nataliia V. Kapustnyk, Iryna V. Borzenkova, Larisa I. Selivanova, Inna I. Torianyk, et al. "CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE OVARIAN BRENNER TUMOUR: CURRENT STATE OF THE PROBLEM." Wiadomości Lekarskie 73, no. 7 (2020): 1420–26.

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Introduction: Ovarian tumours are an actual problem of present-day medicine, being one of the most difficult sections of modern oncology. The majority of ovarian tumours are of epithelial origin. The ovarian Brenner tumour represents a rare epithelial ovarian neoplasm and accounts for 1-2% of all ovarian neoplasms. The aim of the study is to identify clinical and morphological features of ovarian Brenner tumour. Materials and methods: The material was 5 cases of Brenner ovarian tumour, diagnosed in the study of 4 cases of operational material and 1 case of autopsy observation for the period from 2007 to 2019. Histological and immunohistochemical staining methods were used. The microspecimens were examined on an Olympus BX-41 microscope (Japan). Results: Ovarian Brenner tumour is a rather rare pathology, the histogenesis of which is debatable. Morphological examination is the main method for its diagnosing. Ovarian Brenner tumours developed in women of middle and old age (the average age was 51.8 years). Women with a malignant ovarian Brenner tumour were older than women with a benign variant (the average age in women with a malignant variant was 55.8 years, with a benign variant – 49.3 years). Benign ovarian Brenner tumour occurred more frequently compared with a malignant one. Malignant and benign variants of ovarian Brenner tumour were characterized by a one-sided nature of the lesion with frequent involvement in the pathological process of the left ovary. Clinically, in patients with a benign variant of the Brenner tumour in all cases an abdominal pain syndrome was determined, combined in one case with metrorrhagia. A malignant ovarian Brenner tumour was clinically manifested by severe abdominal pain syndrome, combined in one case with complaints of an increase in the size of the abdomen, and in another case with intoxication syndrome and a clinic of small bowel obstruction. In all cases a malignant ovarian Brenner tumour metastasized to the omentum and in one case also to the small intestine wall. Macroscopically the ovarian Brenner tumour had the form of a node, the dimensions of which were significantly larger for the malignant variant compared with a benign, dense or soft consistency, on the cross section of a whitish-gray or brown color with cysts. A damaged ovary with a malignant variant of Brenner tumour significantly increased in size, while with a benign one, its size did not change or increased slightly. In all cases the malignant and benign variants of ovarian Brenner tumour were combined with various reproductive system organs pathologies (mucinous papillary cystadenoma of the ovary, serous ovarian cyst, ovarian endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, cervical nabothian cysts, uterine leiomyoma). Conclusions: A study conducted by the authors revealed clinical and morphological features of a rare ovarian tumour – Brenner tumour, which will contribute to a better understanding of this pathology by the doctors of various specialties, and improve the treatment and diagnostic process.
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Wilson, Mitchell P., Prayash Katlariwala, June Hwang, and Gavin Low. "Radiographic Features of a Benign Mixed Brenner Tumor and Mucinous Cystadenoma: A Rarely Identified Ovarian Neoplasm on Imaging." Journal of Clinical Imaging Science 10 (April 27, 2020): 22.

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Imaging features of benign mixed Brenner tumor and mucinous cystadenomas are rarely reported. This report aims to describe the case of a benign mixed Brenner tumor and mucinous cystadenoma with a dominant Brenner tumor component and to review the typical imaging features of this ovarian neoplasm.
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Salibay, Christine J., Valentina Zanfagnin, Heather Miller, Saloni Walia, Laurie L. Brunette, and Tiannan Wang. "Borderline Brenner Tumor of the Ovary Coexisting With an Ovarian Mucinous Cystadenoma With Focal Atypical Epithelial Proliferation: A Rare Case With Review of the Literature." International Journal of Surgical Pathology 29, no. 7 (February 26, 2021): 788–93.

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Ovarian Brenner tumors, accounting for ∼5% of overall ovarian epithelial neoplasm, are often reported in association with mucinous neoplasm. Histogenetically, the two tumors are thought to arise from similar precursors. To date, fewer than 60 borderline Brenner tumors alone have been reported, and the concomitant presence of atypical proliferative components in Brenner and mucinous tumors is even rarer. Therefore, the clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of patients with the borderline Brenner tumors alone or coexisting with mucinous neoplasm are extremely limited. Herein, we report a unique case of a 53-year-old woman with a unilateral ovarian borderline Brenner tumor associated with focal atypical mucinous epithelial proliferation and her clinical presentations. The clinicopathological features of the tumor are documented and the literature review along with the clinical molecular advances are summarized in this study.
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Seidman, Jeffrey D., and Fatemeh Khedmati. "Exploring the Histogenesis of Ovarian Mucinous and Transitional Cell (Brenner) Neoplasms and Their Relationship With Walthard Cell Nests: A Study of 120 Tumors." Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 132, no. 11 (November 1, 2008): 1753–60.

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Abstract Context.—The origin of and relationship between ovarian mucinous and transitional cell (Brenner) neoplasms are enigmatic. The reported association ranges from 1% to 16%, and whether there is an association with Walthard cell nests is unknown. Objective.—To clarify the histologic relationship between mucinous and Brenner tumors. Design.—A total of 40 mucinous cystadenomas, 67 Brenner tumors, and 13 combined tumors were studied. Peritoneal surfaces were examined for Walthard nests in 83 patients compared with 272 controls. Results.—A total of 25% of tumors with a mucinous component contained a Brenner component, and 16% of tumors with a Brenner component contained a mucinous component. Most calcifications were spiculated (nonpsammomatous). In 6 combined tumors, the relative volume of the 2 components was less than 1:3000 (transitional-mucinous). Walthard nests were found in 50% of patients with Brenner tumors and 59% of patients with mucinous tumors. This was significantly higher than the 28% found in controls (P = .002 and P &lt; .001, respectively). The number of fallopian tube blocks examined was correlated with the likelihood of finding Walthard nests, and accordingly, sampling accounted for 39% of the increase with Brenner tumors but strengthened the association with mucinous tumors. Conclusions.—The strong association of mucinous and transitional cell components, similar type of calcification, complementary size distributions, and frequent identification of a transitional component in the face of an exceedingly small estimated proportion of that component suggest that this association has been underestimated. The association of Brenner tumors with Walthard nests, although significant, appears weak and not strongly supportive of a histogenetic relationship. The stronger association of Walthard nests with mucinous tumors remains unexplained.
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Moore, Justin B., Joshua R. Dilley, Camelia R. Singletary, Joseph A. Skelton, David P. Miller Jr, Vahé Heboyan, Gianluca De Leo, Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy, Matthew McGrievy, and Edward H. Ip. "A Clinical Trial to Increase Self-Monitoring of Physical Activity and Eating Behaviors Among Adolescents: Protocol for the ImPACT Feasibility Study." JMIR Research Protocols 9, no. 6 (June 5, 2020): e18098.

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Background Severe obesity among youths (BMI for age≥120th percentile) has been steadily increasing. The home environment and parental behavioral modeling are two of the strongest predictors of child weight loss during weight loss interventions, which highlights that a family-based treatment approach is warranted. This strategy has been successful in our existing evidence-based pediatric weight management program, Brenner Families in Training (Brenner FIT). However, this program relies on face-to-face encounters, which are limited by the time constraints of the families enrolled in treatment. Objective This study aims to refine and test a tailored suite of mobile health (mHealth) components to augment an existing evidence-based pediatric weight management program. Methods Study outcomes will include acceptability from a patient and clinical staff perspective, feasibility, and economic costs relative to the established weight management protocol alone (ie, Brenner FIT vs Brenner FIT + mHealth [Brenner mFIT]). The Brenner mFIT intervention will consist of 6 mHealth components designed to increase patient and caregiver exposure to Brenner FIT programmatic content including the following: (1) a mobile-enabled website, (2) dietary and physical activity tracking, (3) caregiver podcasts (n=12), (4) animated videos (n=6) for adolescent patients, (5) interactive messaging, and (6) in-person tailored clinical feedback provided based on a web-based dashboard. For the study, 80 youths with obesity (aged 13-18 years) and caregiver dyads will be randomized to Brenner FIT or Brenner mFIT. All participants will complete baseline measures before randomization and at 3- and 6-month follow-up points. Results This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board in July 2019, funded in August 2019, and will commence enrollment in April 2020. The results of the study are expected to be published in the fall/winter of 2021. Conclusions The results of this study will be used to inform a large-scale implementation-effectiveness clinical trial. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID) PRR1-10.2196/18098
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Mittal, Natasha, Bhaskar Das, Seema Manuja, and Renu Gupta. "Bilateral Brenner tumor of ovary with associated unilateral mucinous cystadenoma: a case report." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 8, no. 5 (April 29, 2019): 2122.

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Brenner tumors are rare ovarian tumors, which are a subgroup of transitional cell tumors of ovary. Most of these tumors are benign presenting as incidental unilateral masses in postmenopausal age group. Only 5-7% cases are bilateral. These tumors are mostly small, solid and asymptomatic, seen commonly in association with mucinous cystadenomas of ovary. In such cases they may attain a massive size. Specific diagnosis of Brenner tumor is difficult using imaging studies and can be definitely diagnosed only on pathological examination. Surgical removal is usually curative for benign tumors. We present a rare case of bilateral Brenner tumor of ovary with associated unilateral mucinous cystadenoma in which bilateral Brenner tumor was a rare incidental finding on pathological examinatio
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SUDHAUS, WALTER, and KARIN KIONTKE. "Comparison of the cryptic nematode species Caenorhabditis brenneri sp. n. and C. remanei (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) with the stem species pattern of the Caenorhabditis Elegans group." Zootaxa 1456, no. 1 (April 25, 2007): 45–62.

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The new gonochoristic member of the Caenorhabditis Elegans group, C. brenneri sp. n., is described. This species is reproductively isolated at the postmating level from its sibling species, C. remanei. Between these species, only minute morphological differences are found, but there are substantial genetic differences. The stem species pattern of the Elegans group is reconstructed. C. brenneri sp. n. deviates from this character pattern only in small diagnostic characters. In mating tests of C. brenneri sp. n. females with C. remanei males, fertilization takes place and juveniles occasionally hatch. In the reverse combination, no offspring were observed. Individuals from widely separated populations of each species can be crossed successfully (e.g. C. brenneri sp. n. populations from Guadeloupe and Sumatra, or C. remanei populations from Japan and Germany). Both species have been isolated only from anthropogenic habitats, rich in decomposing organic material. C. brenneri sp. n. is distributed circumtropically, C. remanei is only found in northern temperate regions. To date, no overlap of the ranges was found. Hypotheses to explain the allopatric distribution of the two species are discussed. One suggests that the speciation center for the Elegans group was in East Asia, and globally distributed members dispersed from there.
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Alfianto, Romi, Alphania Rahniayu, and Indra Yuliati. "Ovarian Malignant Brenner Tumor." Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi 26, no. 3 (February 9, 2019): 135.

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Objectives: To report one malignant Brenner tumor (MBT) case in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, that underwent therapy from August 2016 to August 2017.Case report: A woman aged 62 years underwent total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy surgery with histopathologic results of malignant Brenner Tumor. From immunohistochemical examination the expression of p63 was positive. The patient had been treated with Paclitaxel carboplatin chemotherapy for 5-cycles, with the results of the last post-chemotherapy evaluation showing no recidive mass.Conclusion:There was only one case of malignant ovarian Brenner Tumor in Dr Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, in 2014- 2016. The diagnosis can only be based on anatomic pathology examination. The specific tumor markers for malignant Brenner tumors have so far not been found.
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Freschi, Louis. "L'axe du Brenner." Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de géographie 2, no. 1 (2004): 43–52.

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Thirumavalavan, V. S., A. Rufaie, and T. Biedrzycki. "Malignant Brenner tumour." Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 12, no. 5 (January 1992): 342–43.

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Riemer, Willy, and Hermann Burger. "Brenner. 1: Brunsleben." World Literature Today 64, no. 3 (1990): 454.

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Jacobs, Theodore. "Charles Brenner, M.D." International Journal of Psychoanalysis 90, no. 4 (August 2009): 953–55.

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Shriver, Mark D., Michael W. Smith, and Li Jin. "Reply to Brenner." American Journal of Human Genetics 62, no. 6 (June 1998): 1560–61.

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Duménil, Gérard, Mark Glick, and Dominique Lévy. "Brenner on Competition." Capital & Class 25, no. 2 (July 2001): 61–77.

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Riemer, Willy, and Hermann Burger. "Brenner. 2: Menzenmang." World Literature Today 67, no. 4 (1993): 810.

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Gabe, D. R. "Dr. Abner Brenner." Transactions of the IMF 87, no. 5 (September 2009): 229.

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Rao, Mahendra. "The Brenner way." Developmental Dynamics 228, no. 1 (August 25, 2003): 149.

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