Academic literature on the topic 'Bouguereau'
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Journal articles on the topic "Bouguereau"
Makatsariya, N. A. "About the image of mother with child in fine arts. Part III (final). XVIII–XXI centuries." Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction 14, no. 4 (October 14, 2020): 539–43.
Full textTousignant, François. "Pour corriger quelques « erreurs »." Positions 7, no. 1 (February 25, 2010): 60–63.
Full textAuthors, Multiple. "Ethnography Unplugged." M@n@gement 23, no. 3 (September 30, 2020): 100–121.
Full textGnocchi, Maria Chiara. "Mohamed Ridha Bouguerra (dir.), Le Temps dans le roman du xxe siècle." Studi Francesi, no. 165 (LV | III) (December 1, 2011): 689.
Full textCornut, Pierre. "Bouguerra M.L., Les batailles de l’eau : pour un bien commun de l’humanité." Belgeo, no. 4 (December 31, 2004): 497–508.
Full textVentura, Gal. "Intention, Interpretation and Reception: The Aestheticization of Poverty in William Bouguereau’s Indigent Family." Visual Resources 33, no. 3-4 (September 6, 2017): 204–33.
Full textJohns, Elizabeth. "Book ReviewsEric M. Zafran, Damien Bartoli, Charles Pearo, and James F. Peck, with contributions by, Sylvia Svec. Exhibition catalog, In the Studios of Paris: William Bouguereau and His American Students. Edited and introduction by, James F. Peck; foreword by, Brian J. Ferriso. Tulsa, OK: Philbrook Museum of Art, 2006; distributed by Yale University Press. 211 pp.; 80 illustrations, checklist, index. $50.00." Winterthur Portfolio 42, no. 1 (March 2008): 86–87.
Full textMower, Jeffrey P., Lilly Hanley, Kirsten Wolff, Natalia Pabón-Mora, and Favio González. "Complete Mitogenomes of Two Aragoa Species and Phylogeny of Plantagineae (Plantaginaceae, Lamiales) Using Mitochondrial Genes and the Nuclear Ribosomal RNA Repeat." Plants 10, no. 12 (December 5, 2021): 2673.
Full textKlingler, Philipp. "Der Rassismus von nebenan: Die Stadt als Ort rassistischen Ausdrucks (Frank Eckardt / Hamidou Maurice Bouguerra (Hrsg.) (2021): Stadt und Rassismus. Analysen und Perspektiven für eine antirassistische Urbanität. Münster: Unrast, ISBN 978-3-89771-095-5 (Print), 423 Seiten, 19,80 Euro (Print))." Politisches Lernen 40, no. 1-2022 (July 21, 2022): 69.
Full text"In the studios of Paris: William Bouguereau & his American students." Choice Reviews Online 44, no. 08 (April 1, 2007): 44–4263.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Bouguereau"
Kandeh, Kar Zahra. "A Lacanian study of the childhood representation in William Wordsworth's poems and William Adolphe Bouguereau's paintings." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2021.
Full textThis dissertation is an interdisciplinary Lacanian venture to address childhood representations in William Wordsworth’s The Prelude and some of William Adolphe Bouguereau’s paintings. Childhood is a romantically-charged image, often associated with the nostalgic glorification of childhood or with a fixation on children as the embodiments of quintessential beauty and savageness. Wordsworth and Bouguereau, however, as two canonical Romantics, prove these readings untenable, for childhood representations in their artworks is a space onto which they have projected their own innermost as adults, be it pleasant feelings, such as sense of unity, reassurance, and attachment, or unpleasant feelings, such as anxiety, sense of loss, and mourning. Childhood has variegated modalities in Romantic literature and painting, but similar approach to this image is one of the common denominators between these two artists, the study of which also unfolds a great deal about the historical epochs in which they were living, as well as their responses to their milieus as two very astute and talented observers. This study also disentangles the mass of varying child ideologies that dominates the 19th century as the “child century,” a century in which artists and activists wrote “for” and/or “about” children for pedagogical, entertaining, ideological, illuminating, historical reasons. While Wordsworth wrote “about” childhood as a metaphor to delve into the psychological intersections of childhood and adulthood, Bouguereau took the same position in the majority of his paintings, but he fell into the pitfall of confusing “for” and “about” children in few of his “miserabilist” paintings, which are today justly accused of romanticizing children’s misery. This strand of his paintings has definitely not been instanced in this study. Given our twenty-first century awareness of the unconscious and its connections to childhood memories, it is illuminating to map out nuanced childhood representations in Wordsworth’s The Prelude and Bouguereau’s paintings in the light of Lacan’s psychoanalysis. For one thing, Lacan, whose doctoral dissertation was Paranoid Psychosis and Its Relation to the Personality (1932), dedicated a great deal of his analyses to the psychic paradigms formed in childhood that define our personalities as adults. He turned Freud’s hectic theories of the unconscious into formalistic and structured data predicated on the subtleties of language. Text-oriented, Lacan’s model provides us with an approach which uses the rhetoric and semantic specificities of a text, painting or poetry, as a point of departure to bring in the fore the psychic operations at play, that which Peter Brooks calls the “play zones” of a text. Lacanian applied psychoanalysis can do away with the teleological explanations most psychoanalytical approaches seek to find, for it raises discussions rather than to close them. With these considerations, this study aims to unravel psychic operations encapsulated in childhood representations in Wordsworth’s The Prelude and Bouguereau’s paintings, which hinge on, among others, Lacanian “fragmented body” (corps morcelé), the images which have to do with disunity, disembodiment, emasculation, and so on, or gestalt matrix, which has to do with unity and wholeness. These two concepts are essential parts of a psychoanalytical “free association,” for while the former signals the realization of the illusory construct of a subject’s egos, the latter is an imaginary construct that has constitutive and formative effects on organism as well as humans’ psychological growth
Anderson, Erin Walsh. "Bouguereau's 'Nymphs and satyr': a new interpretation." Thesis, Montana State University, 2011.
Full textL'Abbé, Marie-Élisabeth. "L'Autoportrait de 1879 par William Bouguereau (1825-1905) : la représentation d'un artiste académique." Thèse, 2015.
Full textPeint en 1879, l’Autoportrait de William Bouguereau (1825-1905) a été réalisé pour être le pendant du Portrait d’Elizabeth Gardner (1879, collection particulière). Les deux œuvres ont été offertes à Mademoiselle Gardner comme cadeau de fiançailles et sont restées en sa possession jusqu’à la mort de cette dernière. Acheté en 1984 par le Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, l’Autoportrait de 1879 sera le seul élément de cette étude visant à déterminer comment Bouguereau, en tant qu’artiste académique évoluant à la fin du XIXe siècle, a choisi de se représenter. Fidèle à sa technique, malgré les vagues avant-gardistes qui ont déferlées depuis 1850, nous pouvons nous interroger sur le pourquoi d’un tel autoportrait. Ainsi, l’Autoportrait de 1879 permettra d’analyser la question de la représentation de l’artiste à travers les aspects technique, compositionnel, historique, artistique, social, personnel et physiologique.
Painted in 1879, the Self-Portrait of William Bouguereau (1825-1905) was produced as a pendant to the Portrait of Elizabeth Gardner (1879, private collection). The two works were offered to Miss Gardner as an engagement gift by Bouguereau and stayed in her possession until her death. Bought in 1984 by the Museum of Fine Arts of Montreal, the Self-Portrait of 1879 will be the only object of this study that aims to determine how Bouguereau, as an academic artist at the end of the XIXth century, choose to represent himself. True to his technique, despite the avant-garde wave that unfurled since 1850, we may question the reason of such a self-portrait. Thus, this painting will allow us to analyse the question of the representation of the artist through technical, compositional, historic, artistic, social, personal and physiologic aspects.
Books on the topic "Bouguereau"
Bouguereau. San Francisco: Pomegranate Artbooks, 1996.
Find full text1825-1905, Bouguereau William Adolphe, and Julien-Labruyère François, eds. William Bouguereau: Le peintre roi de la Belle Époque. Paris: Le Croit vif, 2014.
Find full textBouguereau, William Adolphe. In the studios of Paris: William Bouguereau & his American students. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006.
Find full textBouguereau, William Adolphe. In the studios of Paris: William Bouguereau & his American students : exhibition. New Haven: Philbrook Museum of Art in association with Yale University Press, 2006.
Find full textWissman, Fronia E. Bouguereau. Pomegranate Communications, 1999.
Find full textWilliam Bouguereau. Antique Collectors' Club, 2014.
Find full textWilliam Bouguereau. Antique Collectors Club Dist, 2011.
Find full textA, Shestimirov. Bouguereau / Bugro. Belyy gorod, 2009.
Find full textBouguereau Notecards. Pomegranate Communications, 2001.
Find full textZafran, Eric. Bouguereau and America. Yale University Press, 2019.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Bouguereau"
"William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Italian Woman at the Fountain, 1869." In French Paintings and Pastels, 1600-1945: The Collections of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 2021.
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