Academic literature on the topic 'Boucle ouverte/fermée'
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Journal articles on the topic "Boucle ouverte/fermée"
Bergounioux, Maïtine. "Mathématique et automatique : de la boucle ouverte à la boucle fermée." J3eA 2 (2003): 002.
Full textde La Haye Saint Hilaire, D., F. Moreau, S. Sigrist, M. Pinget, and N. Jeandidier. "Insulinothérapie : insuline ou analogues ? Injection ou perfusion ? Boucle ouverte ou boucle fermée ?" Médecine Nucléaire 34, no. 10 (October 2010): 583–88.
Full textJulla, J. B., P. Jacquemier, J. F. Gautier, and J. P. Riveline. "Les changements de cathéter entraînent une augmentation du temps en hyperglycémie tant en boucle ouverte qu’en boucle fermée : preuves concrètes d’utilisateurs de pompe avec diabète de type 1." Annales d'Endocrinologie 84, no. 5 (October 2023): 549–50.
Full textFelizardo, Rufino, Jean-Michel Foucart, and Christophe Pizelle. "Imagerie des désordres temporo-mandibulaires." L'Orthodontie Française 83, no. 1 (March 2012): 73–80.
Full textHanaire, Héléne, Pierre-Yves Benhamou, Sophie Borot, Maeva Doron, Sylvia Franc, Bruno Guercil, Erik Huneker, et al. "La boucle fermée Diabeloop fait mieux que le traitement conventionnel du patient diabétique de type 1, en termes de contrôle glycémique pendant 72h avec des diners gastronomiques : essai croisé, randomisé en ouvert." Diabetes & Metabolism 43, no. 2 (March 2017): A49.
Full textFranc, Sylvia, Sophie Borot, Pierre-Yves Benhamou, Maeva Doron, Bruno Guerci, Hélène Hanaire, Erik Huneker, et al. "La boucle fermée Diabeloop fait mieux que le traitement conventionnel du patient diabétique de type 1, en termes de contrôle glycémique pendant 72h avec des activités physiques intenses : essai croisé, randomisé en ouvert." Diabetes & Metabolism 43, no. 2 (March 2017): A48—A49.
Full textIesue, Laura, Sallie Hughes, Sonia Virginia Moreira, and Monica Sousa. "Risk, Victimization and Coping Strategies of Journalists in Mexico and Brazil." Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo 10, no. 1 (June 15, 2021): 62–81.
Full textHeitsch, Christine E., and Prasad Tetali. "Meander Graphs." Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science DMTCS Proceedings vol. AO,..., Proceedings (January 1, 2011).
Full textTaktek, Khaled. "Stratégies de pratique physique variable / spécifique et acquisition d’habiletés motrices : analyse des écrits spécialisés*." 35, no. 3 (June 3, 2010): 173–93.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Boucle ouverte/fermée"
Oualla, Hicham. "Contributions à l'identification en boucle ouverte/fermée des systèmes à base de données binaires." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2022.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the identification of systems based on binary data. First, a brief presentation of all the methods of identification of systems based on the use of binary data existing in the literature is given. In the following, we are interested in the problem of open loop identification of systems with binary output and input. We propose methods for the identification of FIR systems and more complex IIR systems with binary input and output. These methods are analyzed and tested by numerical examples. In the rest of this work, we propose first solutions to the problems of closed-loop identification of systems based on binary data. The first solutions are dedicated to binary output systems, the closed loop excitation is assumed to be high resolution. Finally, two methods are proposed for closed loop systems with binary output and input. These solutions are tested on numerical examples to quantify their performances
Dinu, Alin Dorian. "Nouvelle méthode pour les études des interactions aéroservoélastiques en boucle ouverte sur les avions F/A-18, CL-604 et ATM et en boucle fermée sur l'ATM." Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2005.
Full textRobledo, Gonzalo. "Quelques résultats sur la commande du chemostat." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2006.
Full textLa première partie considère la commande robuste d'un chemostat simple qui présente des imprécisions déterministes tant dans le modèle que dans la sortie, ainsi que des retards dans la sortie. Nous construisons une famille de boucles de rétroaction qui stabilise le modèle dans un polytope déterminé
par la grandeur des imprécisions. Cette famille stabilise aussi la sortie autour d'une consigne en présence des retards, mais en l'absence d'imprécision
sur le modèle et la sortie.
La deuxième partie considère la commande en boucle
fermée d'un modèle de compétition entre espèces
qui permet la coexistence de celles--ci. Nous généralisons un résultat proposé par P. De Leenher et H.Smith dans deux directions: considération de fonctions de croissance plus générales et prise en compte de la mortalité des espèces.
La troisième partie considère la commande en boucle ouverte d'une chaîne trophique dans un chemostat. Nous présentons une méthode de réduction de dimension qui permet de caractériser l'ensemble d'atteignabilité du système et d'obtenir un
résultat sur la commandabilité partielle de la chaîne.
Mottelet, Stéphane. "Quelques aspects théoriques et numériques du contrôle d'un bassin de carènes." Compiègne, 1994.
Full textOttonelli, Claudio. "Apprentissage statistique de modèles réduits non-linéaires par approche expérimentale et design de contrôleurs robustes: le cas de la cavité ouverte." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2014.
Full textHabineza, Didace. "Stratégies de modélisation et de commande des microsystèmes piézoélectriques à plusieurs degrés de liberté." Thesis, Besançon, 2015.
Full textPiezoelectric actuators are among the most used tools in many applications at micro/nano-scale (micromanipulation,microassembly, micropositioning, etc). From a functional perspective, there exist mono-axis actuators(which are made to bend in one direction) and multi-axis actuators (which provide deflections in different directions).The popularity of piezoelectric actuators is especially due to their high resolution (nanometric resolution),the large bandwidth (greater than 1kHz possible), the low electrical power consumption, the high force density,the ease of integration in positioning systems, etc. However, piezoelectric actuators are characterized by hysteresisand creep nonlinearities, badly damped vibrations and they are sensitive to the variation of ambient conditions(especially to the temperature variation). In addition, multi-axis actuators exhibit cross-couplings betweentheir axis. This thesis proposes novel strategies for modeling and control of multi-axis piezoelectric actuators,with the aim to counteract the aforementionned problems. These strategies are grouped into two categories.The first category concerns feedback control techniques. These techniques are the most suitable to ensurethe robustness and a high level of precision for piezoelectric actuators. However, at the micro/nanoscale, thesetechniques are limited by the lack of enough physical space to install feedback sensors. The second categoryconcerns the feedforward control techniques. The main advantage of these techniques is related to the factthat, in feedforward control schemes, feedback sensors are not needed for tracking. This allows to achieve ahigh degree of packageability and the cost reduction. In this thesis, we first propose multivariable modelingand feedforward control techniques. Then, we analyse the effects of temperature variation on piezoelectricactuators and we propose feedforward and feedback control techniques for these effects. Finally, a feedbackstrategy based on decoupling techniques with an aim to reduce the order of feedback controllers for multi-axispiezoelectric actuators, is proposed. All these modeling and control strategies are experimentally applied on apiezoelectric tube actuator
Cherfi, Lynda. "Systèmes différentiels et algébriques du type Riccati issus de la théorie des jeux." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2005.
Full textNabil, Tahar. "Identification de modèle thermique de bâtiment dans un environnement d'objets connectés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2018.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the problem of the identification of a thermal model of a smart building, whose connected objects alleviate the lack of measurements of the physical quantities of interest. The first algorithm deals with the estimation of the open-loop building system, despite its actual exploitation in closed loop. This algorithm is then modified to account for the uncertainty of the data. We suggest a closedloop estimation of the building system as soon as the indoor temperature is not measured. Then, we return to open-loop approaches. The different algorithms enable respectively to reduce the possible bias contained in a connected outdoor air temperature sensor, to replace the costly solar flux sensor by another connected temperature sensor, and finally to directly use the total load curve, without disaggregation, by making the most of the On/Off signals of the connected objects
Castelli, Jonathan. "Design and validation of innovative integrated circuits and embedded systems for neurostimulation applications." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Full textBioelectronics is a cross-disciplinary field that studies interconnections and interactions between biological entities (cells, tissues, organs) and electronic systems, using the adequate transducer. For excitable cells or tissues (neurons, muscles, . . . ), the transducer takes the form of a simple electrode, as these tissues produce a spontaneous electrical activity or,in the opposite way, may be excited by an external electrical signal. This bi-directional communication gives rise to two experimental schemes: acquisition and stimulation. Acquisition consists in recording, processing and analyzing bio-signals whereas stimulation consists in applying the adequate electrical current to living tissues in order to trigger a reaction. This thesis focuses on the latter: two generations of stimulation systems have been developed, both being centered on an Application Specific Integrated Circuit, and adapted to different application contexts. First, the scientific framework was given by the CENAVEX project, focusing on Functional Electrical Stimulation to rehabilitate the respiratory function, following a Spinal Cord Injury. Then, the design objectives were extended to cover new application needs:in situ electrical impedance monitoring and exploration of original stimulation wave forms.The first one could be a solution to follow the tissue reaction after electrode implantation,hence contributing to long-term biocompatibility of implants; the second one proposes to go further the conventional constant biphasic pulse and explore new wave forms that couldbe most efficient in terms of energy consumption, for a given physiological effect.The work presented in this manuscript is a contribution to the design, fabrication and test of innovative stimulation devices. It leaded to the development of two integrated circuits and two stimulation devices permitting multichannel stimulation. Both electrical characterizations and biological validations, from in vitro feasibility to in vivo experiments, have been conducted and are described in this manuscript
Kleinfinger, Jean-François. "Modelisation dynamique de robots a chaine : cinematique simple, arborescente, ou fermee, en vue de leur commande." Nantes, 1986.
Full textBooks on the topic "Boucle ouverte/fermée"
rr, H. Do. Technique des valves proportionnelles et des servovalves: Ouvrage d'enseignement et d'information sur la technique hydraulique avec valves proportionnelles et servo-valves ainsi que sur les composants e lectroniques employe s dans les re gulations en boucle ouverte et ferme e. Lohr am Main: Mannesmann Rexroth, 1986.
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