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Kuznet︠s︡ov, B. I. Bon i mazdaizm. Sankt-Peterburg: Evrazii︠a︡, 2001.

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Namdak, Tenzin, and Yasuhiko Nagano. Mandalas of the Bon Religion. Delhi: Saujanya Publications, 2002.

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Norbu, Namkhai. Drung, deu, and Bön: Narrations, symbolic languages, and the Bön traditions in ancient Tibet. Dharamsala, Dist. Kangra, H.P., India: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1995.

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editor, Daojicairang, ed. Bon gyi gso rig bstan bcos: Zang zu ben jiao yi dian. [Lanzhou]: Kan-suʼu rig-gnas dpe-skrun-khang, 2014.

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Wangyal, Tenzin. The Tibetan yogas of dream and sleep. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1998.

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Nicolazzi, Michael Albrecht. Mönche, Geister und Schamanen: Die Bön-Religion Tibets. Solothurn: Walter, 1995.

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Gyaltsen, Karmay Samten, and Watt Jeff, eds. Bon, the magic word: The indiginous religion of Tibet. New York: RMA(Rubin Museum of Art), 2007.

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G, Karrmay Samten, and Watt Jeff, eds. Bon, the magic word: The indiginous religion of Tibet. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2007.

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Samuel, Geoffrey. Introducing Tibetan Buddhism. New York: Routledge, 2012.

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ʼGro-ʼdul-gliṅ-pa, Hūṃ-chen. Khro rgyal dregs pa kun ʼdul and Hūṃ chen sñiṅ gi thig leʼi skor: Texts of the New Bon (Bon Gsar) tradition from the revelations of the Sixth Kun-grol-grags-pa Hūṃ-chen ʼGro-ʼdul-gliṅ-pa (1901-1956). Dehra Dun, U.P: Trinley Jamtsho, 1985.

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Gʹyor-po-me-dpal. Gʹyor-meʼi A-khrid daṅ gags sel cha lag. Chengdu: Si-khron dpe skrun tshogs pa, 2008.

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Bde-chen-dbaṅ-mo. Mkhaʼ ʼgro rgya mtshoʼi rnam thar: Account of the lives of the Ḍākinī of New Bon tradition. Dolanji, Ochghat, Himachal Pradesh: Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Community, 1985.

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Bstan-ʼdzin-rin-chen. Dmar khrid Dug lṅa raṅ grol gyi khrid rim: A collection of instructions from the Dmar khrid Dug lṅa raṅ grol cycle of Bon-po teachings. Dolanji, Dist. Solan, H.P: Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Community, 1985.

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Namdak, Tenzin. Collected writings of Slob-dpon Bstan-ʼdzin-nam-dag on various topics of Bonpo theory & practice. Dolanji, Distt. Solan, H.P: Tshultrim Tashi, 1985.

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Dbal-ʼbar-stag-slag. Źi khro rtsa gsum kun ʼdus kyi sgrub skor gsas mkhar rab ʼbyams bkaʼi pho ña Dbal mo srid pa spyi ʼdul gyi ʼphrin las daṅ bcas pa: A collection of Bonpo revelations of the Dbal-ʼbar-stag-slag. Dolanji, Ochghat, Himachal Pradesh: Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Community, 1985.

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Rgyal-ba-gʼyung-drung, Bru-sgom. Ñams rgyud rgyal baʼi phyag khrid. Chengdu: Si-khron dpe skrun tshogs pa, 2008.

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Stag-la-me-ʼbar. Phur paʼi don bsdus rtsa baʼi ʼgrel chen. Chengdu: Si-khron dpe skrun tshogs pa, 2008.

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ʼChi-med-gtsug-phud. Gsaṅ sṅags spyi spuṅs khro boʼi rgyud drug. Chengdu: Si-khron dpe skrun tshogs pa, 2008.

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Kværne, Per. The Bön religion of Tibet: The iconography of a living tradition. Boston: Shambhala, 1995.

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Namdak, Tenzin. Gyung-drung Bon gyi bstan paʼi ʼbyung khungs =: Brief history of Bon religion in Tibet. Oachghat, Solan: N. Wangyal Marong, 1995.

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author, Don-grub-lha-rgyal, ed. Ben jiao shi gang yao: A concise history of the Bon religion. Beijing: Zhongguo Zang xue chu ban she, 2012.

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Kværne, Per. The Bon religion of Tibet: The iconography of a living tradition. London: Serindia Publications, 1995.

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Lhag-pa-bkra-shis. Bon dang Gʹyung drung Bon gyi byung ba brjod pa drang srong dgyes paʼi mchod sprin. Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs mi-dmangs dpe-skrun-khang, 2016.

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Rgyal-mtshan-dpal. Bon sgo gsal byed: Two Tibetan manuscripts in facsimile edition of a fourteenth century encyclopedia of Bon po doxography. Tokyo, Japan: The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko, 1997.

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Phun-tshogs-tshe-ring. Bod kyi Bon dgon khag gi lo rgyus dang da ltaʼi gnas bab. Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2018.

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editor, Tshe-riṅ-rdo-rje Rdo-sbis, ed. Bon gyi shes rig tshig mdzod. Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2012.

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Bkra-shis-rgyal-mtshan. Shar-rdza-ba Bkra-shis-rgyal-mtshan gyi gsung ʼbum zhes bya ba bzhugs so. China]: Zhang-Bod shes rig tshogs pa, 2010.

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Nyi-ma-bstan-ʼdzin. Dge spyod ʼphags nor bdun gyi nang tshan skyabs ʼgroʼi rnam bshad nyung bsdus rab gsal nyi od ces bya ba bzhugs so. El Cerrito, CA, USA: Rgyal-gshen Dpe-skrun Khang, 2017.

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Bkra-śis-rgyal-mtshan. The treasury of good sayings: A Tibetan history of Bon. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Pub., 2001.

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editor, Ngag-dbang-rgya-mtsho, ed. Gnaʼ rabs Bon gyi dpe dkon bris ma. Zi-ling: Mtsho-sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2016.

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Thargyal, Rinzin, and Per Kværne. Bon, Buddhism, and democracy: The building of a Tibetan national identity : two papers. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 1993.

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Wangyal, Tenzin. Tibetan sound healing: Discover the life-changing power of the five warrior syllables. Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2006.

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Tshul-khrims-ye-śes. Phyi naṅ gsaṅ baʼi bsdus don ñer mkho ʼdod ʼjo ʼkhri śiṅ: An explanation on the essential points in understanding the three aspects of Bonpo ritual activity, with other texts on various aspects of ritual. Ochghat, Himachal Pradesh: Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Community, 1985.

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Tshul-khrims-rgyal-mtshan. Gsaṅ don rnam ʼbyed kyi ʼgrel pa thar lam gsal baʼi sgon ma źes bya ba bźugs. Sarnath, Varanasi: Wā-ṇa Gʼyuṅ-druṅ Bon-gyi Dge-slob-khaṅ nas par bskrun źus, 2008.

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Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre. Theg pai̓ rim pa mngon du bshad pi̓ [sic] mdo rgyud rtsa g̓rel dang mu stegs tshar gcod gtan tshigs thigs mdo bcas bźugs. Kathmandu, Nepal: Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre, 1991.

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Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre. Lung mtshan nyid srid paʼi mdzod phug rtsa ʼgrel dang bstan paʼi srog shing ʼdul ba gzhung ʼgrel gsungs pod bzhugs so. Kathmandu, Nepal: Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre, 1991.

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Deqingduoji. Xizang ben jiao jing wen ji. Lasa Shi: Xizang ren min chu ban she, 2008.

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Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre. gSang sngags gsang don rnam ʼbyed dang rtsa rgyud bsen thub ʼgrel yid bzhin rnam par bkod paʼi rgyan bzhugs so. Kathmandu, Nepal: Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre, 1991.

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ʼGro-ʼdul-gliṅ-pa, Hūṃ-chen. Miscellaneous visionary practices and writings of the Sixth Kun-grol-grags-pa Hūṃ-chen ʼGro-ʼdul-gliṅ-pa. Dehra Dun, U.P: Trinley Jamtsho, 1985.

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Phun-tshogs-tshe-riṅ. Bod rig paʼi skor gyi rtsom yig thor bu. [Lhas-sa]: Bod-ljoṅs mi dmaṅs dpe skrun khaṅ, 2009.

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Wangyal, Tenzin. Tibetan sound healing: Discover the life-changing power of the five warrior syllables. Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2006.

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Nam-mkhaʼ-bstan-ʼdzin-dbaṅ-gi-rgyal-po. Rab ʼbyams phyi naṅ gsaṅ baʼi bkaʼ rgyud kyi spyi don phyag len ñe mkho blo rdeg du a dar śaʼi dkyil ʼkhor: Instructions on the ritual practices of New Bon (Bon Gsar) traditions. Dehra Dun, U.P: Minling Youngdrung Ling Bon Monastery, 1985.

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Buraev, D. I. Religii︠a︡ bon: Problemy proiskhozhdenii︠a︡ i roli v stanovlenii tibetskogo gosudarstva VII-IX vekov. Ulan-Udė: Izd-vo Buri︠a︡tskogo gosuniversiteta, 1998.

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Namdak, Tenzin. The meditation on the clear light: From the oral transmission of the great perfection in Zhang Zhung. Kathmandu: Naldjor--Institute for Movement and Tibetan Yoga, 2001.

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Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre. Theg pa chen po shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin paʼi rtsa ʼgrel skor gyi gsungs pod bzhugs so. Kathmandu, Nepal: Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre, 1991.

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Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre. Gtan tshig ghzung don sgo ʼbyed rig lam bsdus grwa dang tshad ma rnam ʼbyed rtsa ʼgrel skor gyi gsung pod bzhugs so. Kathmandu, Nepal: Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre, 1991.

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Luṅ-rtogs-bstan-paʼi-rgyal-mtshan. Rtse-drug dpon slob Luṅ-rtogs-bstan-paʼi-rgyal-mtshan gyi Źang-Bod rig gzhung gleng baʼi dpyad rtsom phyogs bsgrigs. Khyuṅ-po, Tibet: Mes-ʼod rtsom sgrig khaṅ, 2009.

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Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre. Sa lam rnam ʼbyed ʼphrul sgron rtsa ʼgrel theg chen gzhi lam ʼbras bu rtsa ʼgrel dbu ma rtsa ʼgrel skor gyi gsungs pod bzhungs. Kathmandu, Nepal: Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre, 1991.

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Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre. Rdzogs pa chen po gal mdo skor dang rdzogs pa chen po drang nges sogs kyi gsungs pod bzhugs so. Kathmandu, Nepal: Tritan Norbutse Bon Education Centre, 1991.

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Bsod-nams-chos-rgyal. Khu byug sngon moʼi sgra dbyangs: Bon lugs kyi gnaʼ boʼi gtam rgyud dang cho gaʼi skor gyi dpe rnying phyogs bsgrigs. Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs Bod-yig dpe-rnying dpe skrun Khang, 2017.

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