Academic literature on the topic 'Bologne (Italie) – 1860-'

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Journal articles on the topic "Bologne (Italie) – 1860-"


Felsch, Philipp. "Häretiker im Weltbürgerkrieg. Delio Cantimoris historische Methode." Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte 16, no. 2 (2022): 85–94.

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Zu den intellektuellen Ereignissen meines Studiums gehören die Vorlesungen von Valerio Marchetti, die ich in den späten 1990er Jahren an der Università di Bologna besuchte. Marchetti las damals über «Hermaphrodismus im 17. Jahrhundert». Ich war fasziniert von den gelehrten Debatten, in denen Theologen, Mediziner und Juristen über die Bedeutung abnormer Geschlechtsmerkmale gestritten hatten. Zu Beginn der 1980er Jahre war Marchetti nach Paris gegangen, hatte Foucault am Collège de France gehört und war als bekehrter Foucaultianer nach Italien zurückgekehrt. Als ich bei ihm studierte, war er mit der Herausgabe von Foucaults Vorlesung aus dem akademischen Jahr 1974/75, Les Anormaux, beschäftigt, die bald darauf bei Gallimard erschien. Nach über zehnjähriger Forschung kamen 2008 schließlich auch seine eigenen Untersuchungen unter dem sprechenden Titel L‘invenzione della bisessualità. Discussioni tra teologi, medici e giuristi del XVII secolo sull‘ambiguità dei corpi e delle anime heraus.
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BOSWORTH, R. J. B. "THE ITALIAN NOVECENTO AND ITS HISTORIANS." Historical Journal 49, no. 1 (February 24, 2006): 317–29.

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The politics of Italian national identity. Edited by Gino Bedani and Bruce Haddock. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2000. Pp. vii+296. ISBN 0-7083-1622-0. £40.00.Fascist modernities: Italy, 1922–1945. By Ruth Ben-Ghiat. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2001. Pp. x+317. ISBN 0-520-22363-2. £28.50.Le spie del regime. By Mauro Canali. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2004. Pp. 863. ISBN 88-15-09801-1. €70.00.I campi del Duce: l'internamento civile nell'Italia fascista (1940–1943). By Carlo Spartaco Capogreco. Turin: Einaudi, 2004. Pp. xi+319. ISBN 88-06-16781-2. €16.00.The American South and the Italian Mezzogiorno: essays in comparative history. Edited by Enrico Dal Lago and Rick Halpern. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. Pp. 256. ISBN 0-333-73971-X. £28.50.Disastro! Disasters in Italy since 1860: culture, politics, society. Edited by John Dickie, John Foot, and Frank M. Snowden, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. Pp. ix+342. ISBN 0-312-23960-2. £32.50.Remaking Italy in the twentieth century. By Roy Palmer Domenico. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002. Pp. xiv+181. ISBN 0-8476-9637-5. £16.95.Twentieth century Italy: a social history. By Jonathan Dunnage. Harlow: Pearson, 2002. Pp. xi+271. ISBN 0-582-29278-6. £16.99.Milan since the miracle: city, culture and identity. By John Foot. Oxford: Berg, 2001. Pp. xiv+240. ISBN 1-85973-550-9. £14.99.Squadristi: protagonisti e tecniche della violenza fascista, 1919–1922. By Mimmo Franzinelli. Milan: Mondadori, 2003. Pp. 464. ISBN 88-04-51233-4. €19.00.For love and country: the Italian Resistance. By Patrick Gallo. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2003. Pp. viii+362. ISBN 0-7618-2496-0. $55.00.The struggle for modernity: nationalism, futurism and Fascism. By Emilio Gentile. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. Pp. xix+203. ISBN 0-275-97692-0. $69.95.Italy and its discontents. By Paul Ginsborg. Harmondsworth: Allen Lane, 2001. Pp. xv+521. ISBN 0-713-99537-8. £25.00.Silvio Berlusconi: television, power and patrimony. By Paul Ginsborg. London: Verso, 2004. Pp. xvi+189. ISBN 1-84467-000-7. £16.00.Fascists. By Michael Mann. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. x+429. ISBN 0-521-53855-6. £15.99.Mussolini: the last 600 days of Il Duce. By Ray Moseley. Dallas: Taylor Trade publishing, 2004. Pp. vii+432. ISBN 1-58979-095-2. $34.95.Lo stato fascista e la sua classe politica, 1922–1943. By Didier Musiedlak. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2001. Pp. 585. ISBN 88-15-09381-8. €32.00.Italy's social revolution: charity and welfare from Liberalism to Fascism. By Maria Sophia Quine. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. Pp. xv+429. ISBN 0-333-63261-3. £55.00.La seduzione totalitaria: guerra, modernità, violenza politica (1914–1918). By Angelo Ventrone. Rome: Donzelli, 2003. Pp. xvi+288. ISBN 88-7989-840-X. €24.00.With its winning of an American Academy Award, the film Life is beautiful (1997), brought its director and leading actor, Roberto Benigni, global fame. Benigni's zaniness and self-mockery seemed to embody everything that has convinced foreigners that Italians are, above all, brava gente (nice people). Sometimes, this conclusion can have a supercilious air – niceness can easily be reduced to levity or fecklessness. In those university courses that seek to comprehend the terrible tragedies of twentieth-century Europe, Italians seldom play a leading role. German, Russian, Polish, Yugoslav, and even British and French history are each riven with death and disaster or, alternatively, with heroism and achievement. In such austere company, brava gente can seem out of place.
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Pellandra, Carla. "MINERVA, Nadia & Carla PELLANDRA dir. (1991-1997). Insegnare il francese in Italia. Repertorio analitico di manuali pubblicati dal 1625 al 1860. Bologna, Patron Editore. & MANDICH Anna Maria. 2002. Insegnare il francese in Italia. Repertorio di ma." Documents pour l'histoire du français langue étrangère ou seconde, no. 29 (December 1, 2002): 195.

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LIPPI, DONATELLA. "A. DROESCHER, Le Facolt medico-chirurgiche italiane (1860-1915). Repertorio delle cattedre e degli stabilimenti annessi, dei docenti, dei liberi docenti e del personale scientifico, Bologna, Clueb, 2002, pp. 518. 73,50. ISBN 88-491-1940-2." Nuncius 19, no. 1 (2004): 454–56.

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LIPPI, DONATELLA. "A. DROESCHER, Le Facoltà medico-chirurgiche italiane (1860-1915). Repertorio delle cattedre e degli stabilimenti annessi, dei docenti, dei liberi docenti e del personale scientifico, Bologna, Clueb, 2002, pp. 518. € 73,50. ISBN 88-491-1940-2." Nuncius 19, no. 1 (January 1, 2004): 454–56.

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González Fernández, Rafael, and Miguel Pablo Sancho Gómez. "La institución del domicilium (en Derecho romano) y su expresión en la epigrafía latina." Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no. 11 (June 22, 2022): 296–310.

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La institución romana del domicilium convierte al sujeto en residente. Suele designar el lugar de residencia prolongada del incola o habitante que ha emigrado a una comunidad, por contraposición al municeps; por lo tanto, es un vínculo jurídico entre la ciudad y la persona que ha emigrado a ella. Frente a la expresión de la origo en los textos epigráficos, que es muy abundante, la manifestación del domicilo solo se hace de forma excepcional, en atención al escaso número de referencias conservadas, y su enunciación es muy similar a la que marca el origen. Palabras clave: domicilium, origo, ciudadano, epigrafía, latina.Topónimos: Imperio Romano.Periodo: Principado (27 a. C. – 284 d. C.) ABSTRACTThe Roman institution of the domicilium turns the subject into a resident. It usually designates the place of prolonged residence of the incola or inhabitant who has emigrated to a community, as opposed to the municeps. Therefore, it is a legal link between the city and the person who emigrates there. As opposed to the expression of the origo in epigraphic texts, which is very common, the manifestation of the domicile occurs only exceptionally, in view of the scant number of surviving references, and its enunciation is very similar to that which indicates provenance. Keywords: domicilium, origo, citizen, epigraphy, Latin.Place names: Roman EmpirePeriod: Principate (27 BC - 284 AD) REFERENCIASAncelle, A. (1875), Du Domicile, Paris, these pour le doctorat, Faculte de droit de Paris.Andreu, J., (2008), “Sentimiento y orgullo cívico en Hispania: en torno a las menciones de origo en la Hispania Citerior”, Gerión, 26(1), pp. 349-378.Ayiter, K. (1962),“Einige Bemerkungen zum Domicilium des Filius Familias im römischen Recht“, en Studi in onore di Emilio Betti, vol. II, Milano, pp. 71-84.Baccari, M. P. (1996), Cittadini, popoli e comunione nella legislazione dei secoli IV-VI, Torino, G. 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Notícias, Transfer. "Noticias." Transfer 10, no. 1-2 (October 4, 2021): 138–48.

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NOTICIAS / NEWS (“Transfer”, 2015) 1) CONGRESOS / CONFERENCES: 1. First Forlì International Workshop – Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: The State of the Art University of Bologna at Forlì, 7-8 May 2015.<file:///owa/redir.aspx 2. 5th IATIS Conference – Innovation Paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7-10 July 2015. 3. POETRY/TRANSLATION/FILM – POÉSIE/TRADUCTION/FILM PoeTransFi, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier, France, 18-19 June 2015. 4. 6th International Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium on “Translation and Meaning”, Maastricht School of Translation & Interpre-ting, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Maastricht, Netherlands 21-22 May 2015. 5. MiddleWOmen. Networking and cultural mediation with and between women (1850-1950). Centre for Reception Studies (CERES), HERA Travelling TexTs project and Huygens ING KU Leuven campus Brussels 7-8 May 2015. 6. 5th International Symposium: Respeaking, Live Subtitling and Accessibility, Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma, Italy, 12 June 2015. 7. Conference on Law, Translation and Culture (LTC5) and Legal and Institutional Translation Seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland 24-26 June 2015. 8. 6th International Conference Media for All – Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility: Global Challenges, University of Western Sydney, Australia, 16-18 September 2015. 9. Translation in Exile, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 10-11 December 2015. 10. Literary Translation as Creation, Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, 20-21 May 2015. 11. 4th International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture (ICLMC 2015) 9-10 April 2015. Kyoto, Japan, 12. 9th International Colloquium on Translation Studies in Portugal – Translation & Revolution, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, 22-23 October 2015. 13. Translation as Collaboration: Translaboration?, University of Westminster, London, 18 June 2015 Contact: Alexa Alfer (, Steven Cranfield (, Paresh Kathrani ( 14. Translation/Interpreting Teaching and the Bologna Process: Pathways between Unity and Diversity, FTSK Germersheim, Germany 27–29 November 2015. 15. Atlantic Communities: Translation, Mobility, Hospitality, University of Vigo, Spain, 17-18 September 2015. 16. Exploring the Literary World III: Transgression and Translation in Literature Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 23-24 April 2015. 17. Authenticity and Imitation in Translation and Culture, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland, 7 – 9 May 2015. 18. Translation in Transition, Barnard College, New York City, USA 1-2 May 2015. 19. First Forlì International Workshop – Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: The state of the art, University of Bologna at Forlì, Italy, 7-8 May 2015. 20. Translation and Meaning. The Lodz Session of the 6th International Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium, University of Lodz, Poland, 18-19 September 2015. 21. TAO-CAT-2015, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Angers, France 28-30 May 2015. 22. English Language and Literary Studies (ELLS 2015), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-4 August 2015. 23. Talking to the World 2: The Relevance of Translation and Interpreting – Past, Present and Future, Newcastle University, UK, 10-11 September 2015. 24. 6th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 3 July 2015. 25. Portsmouth Translation Conference: Border Crossing or Border Creation?, University of Portsmouth, UK, 14 November 2015. 26. New Perspectives in Assessment in Translation Training: Bridging the Gap between Academic and Professional Assessment, University of Westminster, London, UK, 4 September 2015. 27. III Congreso Internacional de Neología en las Lenguas Románicas University of Salamanca, 22-24 October 2015. 28. Some Holmes and Popovič in all of us? The Low Countries and the Nitra Schools in the 21st century, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovakia, 8-10 October 2015. Contact: 29. The Cultural Politics of Translation, Cairo, Egypt, 27-29 October 2015. 30. Journée d’étude « le(s) figure(s) du traducteur », Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada, 30 April 2015. 31. Mediterranean Editors and Translators Annual Meeting —Versatility and readiness for new challenges, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 29-31 October 2015. 32. Lengua, Literatura y Traducción “liLETRAd”, University of Seville, Spain, 7-8 July 2015. 33. Meta: Translators' Journal is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2015! For the occasion, an anniversary colloquium will be held on August 19th to 21st, 2015 at the Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada). Colloquium for the 60th Anniversary of META – 1955-2015: Les horizons de la traduction: retour vers le futur. Translation’s horizons: back to the future. Los horizontes de la traducción: regreso al futuro, August 19-21, 2015 – Université de Montréal. Please send your proposal to this address:, to the attention of Georges L. Bastin or Eve-Marie Gendron-Pontbrian 2) CURSOS DE POSGRADO / MASTERS: 1. Legal Translation, Master universitario di II livello in Traduzione Giuridica University of Trieste, Italy. 2. Traducción Especializada, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain. 3. Online course: La Traducción Audiovisual y el Aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 1st December 2014 to 31st May 2015. Contact: Noa Talaván (, José Javier Ávila ( 4. Online course: Audio Description and Its Use in the Foreign Language Classroom, UNED, Madrid, Spain 5. Online course: Curso de Formación de Profesorado, La Traducción Audiovisual y el Aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras UNED, Madrid, Spain. 6. EST Training Seminar for Translation Teachers, Kraków, Poland 29 June – 3 July 2015. 7. Train the Trainer -Teaching MT: EAMT-funded Workshop, Dublin City University, 30 April- 1 May 2015. 3) CURSOS DE VERANO / SUMMER COURSES: 1. 2015 Nida School of Translation Studies, Leading Edges in Translation: World Literature and Performativity, San Pellegrino University Foundation campus, Misano Adriatico, Italy, 18-29 may 2015. 2. EMUNI Translation Studies Doctoral and Teacher Training Summer School, University of Turku, Finland, 1-12 June 2015. 3. Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation, School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Canada, 13th July – 7th August 7 2015. 4. Summer Program in Translation Pedagogy, University of Ottawa 13 July – 7 August 2015. 4) LIBROS / BOOKS: 1. Audio Description: New Perspectives Illustrated, Edited by Anna Maszerowska, Anna Matamala and Pilar Orero, John Benjamins, 2014. 2. Call for papers: Translation Studies in Africa and beyond: Reconsidering the Postcolony, Editors: J Marais & AE Feinauer Contacts: Kobus Marais ( or Ilse Feinauer ( 4. Measuring live subtitling quality: Results from the second sampling exercise, Ofcom, UK. 5. A Training Handbook for Legal and Court Interpreters in Australia by Mary Vasilakakos, ISBN 978-0-9925873-0-7, Publisher: Language Experts Pty Ltd. 6. Call for papers: Opera and Translation: Eastern and Western Perspectives, Edited by Adriana Serban and Kelly Kar Yue Chan 7. The Known Unknowns of Translation Studies, Edited by Elke Brems, Reine Meylaerts and Luc van Doorslaer, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014. 8. Translating the Voices of Theory/ La traduction des voi de la théorie Edited by Isabelle Génin and Ida Klitgård, 2014. 9. Authorial and Editorial Voices in Translation 1 - Collaborative Relationships between Authors, Translators, and Performers, Eds. Hanne Jansen and Anna Wegener, 2014. 10. Authorial and Editorial Voices in Translation 2 - Editorial and Publishing Practices, Eds. Hanne Jansen and Anna Wegener, 2014. 11. Call for papers: Achieving Consilience. Translation Theories and Practice. 12. Framing the Interpreter. Towards a visual perspective. Anxo Fernández-Ocampo & Michaela Wolf (eds.), 2014, London: Routledge. 13. Multilingual Information Management: Information, Technology and Translators, Ximo Granell, 2014. 14. Writing and Translating Francophone Discourse: Africa, The Caribbean, Diaspora, Paul F. Bandia (ed.), 2014, Amsterdam, Rodopi 15. Call for papers (collective volumen): Translation studies in Africa and beyond: Reconsidering the postcolony 16. Audiovisual Translation in the Digital Age - The Italian Fansubbing Phenomenon, By Serenella Massidda, Palgrave Connect, 2015. 17. Video: First International SOS-VICS Conference - Building communication bridges in gender violence, University of Vigo, Spain 25-26 September 2014. 18. Camps, Assumpta. Traducción y recepción de la literatura italiana, Publicacions i Edicions UB, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-475-3776-1. 19. Camps, Assumpta. Italia en la prensa periódica durante el franquismo, Publicacions i Edicions UB, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-475-3753-2. 5) REVISTAS / JOURNALS: Call for papers: “Altre Modernità – Rivista di studi letterarie e culturali” Special Issue: Ideological Manipulation in Audiovisual Translation, Contact: 2. Call for papers: “Between, Journal of the Italian Association of Comparative Literature”. Special issue on censorship and self-censorship. 3. Open access journal, “Hieronymus, A Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology”, Croatia. 4. “DIE SCHNAKE. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik, Satire, Literatur”, Number 39+40, Kleines ABC des Literaturübersetzens. 5. Call for papers: “MonTI” 8 (2016) - Economic, Financial and Business Translation: from Theory to Training and Professional Practice. 6. Call for papers: “LINGUISTICA ANTVERPIENSIA”, NEW SERIES -Themes in Translation Studies (15/2016). Interpreting in Conflict Situations and in Conflict Zones throughout History. 7. Call for papers: “CULTUS: The Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication” (8/2016). The Intercultural Question and the Interpreting Professions. 8. Call for papers: “The Journal of Specialised Translation” Non-thematic issue, Issue 26, July 2016. 9. “TranscUlturAl: A journal of Translation and Culture Studies”, Special issue Translating Street Art. 10. “Przekładaniec 28: Audiodeskrypcja [Audio Description]”, edited by Anna Jankowska and Agnieszka Szarkowska. All papers are published in Polish, with English abstracts. 11. Call for papers: “Lingvisticæ Investigationes”, Special issue on Spanish Phraseology: Varieties and Variations. Further details:; 13. Call for papers: “Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos”, Special issue on The Translation of Advertising. Contact: Laura Cruz ( Deadline: 20th July 2015. 14. “The AALITRA Review”. 15. “Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E” 16. Call for papers: “Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E”. 18. Call for papers: “Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts”, Volume 1, Number 2, 2015 Deadline: 10-Jan-2015. 19. Call for book reviews: “TRANS. Revista de Traductología,” vol.19, 2015. Deadline: Friday, 30th January 2015. 20. Call for papers: “a journal of literature, culture and literary Translation”. Special volume – Utopia and Political Theology Today Deadline: 15th January 2015. Contact: 21. “trans-kom”. 22. “Linguistica Antverpiensia” NS-TTS 13/2014: Multilingualism at the cinema and on stage: A translation perspective, Edited by Reine Meylaerts and Adriana Şerban. 23. Call for papers: 5th issue (2015) of “Estudios de Traducción”, Deadline: 20 February 2015. 24. Call for papers: “Journal of Translation Studies” - special issue on Translator & Interpreter Education in East Asia. KATS (Korean Association of Translation Studies), (Go to 'English' page). Contact: Won Jun Nam (, 25. “The Journal of Specialised Translation”, 23, January 2015. 26. Call for papers: “TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies”. Deadline: 15 March 2015. 27. “New Voices in Translation Studies”, Issue 11 (Fall 2014). 28. “The Interpreter and Translator Trainer”, 8:3 (2014). Special issue: Dialogue Interpreting in practice: bridging the gap between empirical research and interpreter education E. Davitti and S. Pasquandrea (eds.) 6) WEBS DE INTERÉS / WEBSITES OF INTEREST: 1. Support Spanish interpreters to secure the right to translation and interpreting in criminal proceedings:
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Davis, John A. "Remapping Italy's Path to the Twentieth CenturyL'Organizzazione della città: Amministrazione urbana a bologna dopo L'Unita (1859-1889). Aurelio AlaimoTerra e denaro: Una borghesia padana dell'ottocento. Alberto M. BantiQuaderni Storici. A. M. Banti , M. MeriggiIl commune rustico: Storia sociale di un paese del Mezzogiorno nell' ottocento. Giuseppe CivileEsercito e società nell'Italia napoleonica. Franco Della PerutaEsercito e città dall'Unità agli anni Trenta.A Eboli: Il mondo meridionale in cent'anni di trasformazioni. Gabriella GribaudiMondo operaio e mito operaio: Spazi e percorsi sociali a Torino nel primo novecento. Maurizio GribaudiMerchants and Reform in Livorno, 1814-1868. David Lo RomerIl giardino degli aranci: il mondo degli agrumi nella storia del Mezzogiorno. Salvatore LupoOttocento, Famiglia, élites e patrimoni a Napoli. Paolo MacryI Signori della terra: L'organizzazione degli interessi agrari padani, 1860-1914. Maria MalatestaIl Mezzogiorno pre-Unitario: economia, società e istituzioni. Angelo MassafraIl regno Lombardo-Veneto. Marco MeriggiSuffragio, rappresentanza, interessi: Istituzioni e società fra '800 e '900. C. Pavone , M. SalvatiLatifondo: Economia morale e vita materiale in una perferia dell'ottocento.Marta PetrusewiczUna certa reciprocità di favori: Mafia e modernizzazione violenta nella Sicilia postunitaria. Paolo PezzinoIl commando impossible: Stato e società nell'Italia liberale. Raffaele RomanelliSulle carte interminate: Un ceto di impiegati tra privato e pubblico: i segretari comunali in Italia, 1860-1915. Raffaele RomanelliQuaderni Storici.Raffaele Romanelli , A. AnninoL'educazione delle donne: Scuole e modelli di vita femminile nell'Italia dell'Ottocento. Simoneta Soldani." Journal of Modern History 66, no. 2 (June 1994): 291–320.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Bologne (Italie) – 1860-"


Marolleau, Lucas. "Géohistoire des patrimonialisations d'un centre historique. Les habitants et le patrimoine architectural et urbanistique de Bologne depuis l'unification italienne (1860 - 2021)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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Ce travail de recherche entend analyser les évolutions du processus de patrimonialisation dans le temps et dans l'espace. Il entreprend ainsi d'étudier les transformations et les reproductions urbaines du centre historique de Bologne depuis la période d'unification du nouvel État italien jusqu'à l'inscription des portiques de la ville au Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco. Il part pour cela du renouvellement des représentations et des pratiques des habitants, et de la parallèle institutionnalisation du patrimoine urbain à différentes échelles.L'histoire de cet espace urbain et de ses progressives intégrations vers un territoire communal élargi atteste de la diversification des biens culturels sur la période concernée, depuis les monuments nationaux jusqu'au patrimoine diffus qui fonde la typicité des lieux. Elle révèle un système patrimonial composé d'éléments architecturaux et urbanistiques interconnectés et polarisés. Cette composition résulte de la stratification et de l'articulation des patrimonialisations dont le centre historique représente l'archétype.Suivant une démarche géohistorique, cette thèse entend comparer dans le temps et dans l'espace les rapports des acteurs à leurs biens culturels. L'enjeu est à la fois d'approfondir la compréhension de la complexification constatée du patrimoine, mais aussi de questionner les patrimonialisations comme des dynamiques socio-spatiales qui interagissent avec l'aménagement et la gestion du territoire
The aim of this research project is to analyse the evolution of the heritage development process in time and space. It sets out to study the transformations and urban reproductions of the historic centre of Bologna from the period of the unification of the new Italian state to the inclusion of the city's porticoes on UNESCO's World Heritage List. It takes as its starting point the renewed representations and practices of the city's inhabitants, and the parallel institutionalisation of urban heritage at different scales.The history of this urban area and its gradual integration into a wider municipal territory demonstrates the diversification of cultural properties over the period in question, from national monuments to the diffuse heritage that forms the basis of local typicality. It reveals a heritage system made up of interconnected and polarised architectural and town-planning elements. This composition is the result of the stratification and articulation of heritage developments, of which the historic centre is the archetype.Following a geohistorical approach, this thesis sets out to compare, in time and space, the relationships between actors and their cultural properties. The aim is not only to gain a deeper understanding of the increasing complexity of heritage, but also to examine heritage development as a socio-spatial dynamic that interacts with spatial planning and territory management
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Costa, Sandra. "Des ateliers au musée : histoire du classicisme bolonais en France (1648-1816)." Paris 1, 1990.

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Books on the topic "Bologne (Italie) – 1860-"


Mirtide, Gavelli, and Tarozzi Fiorenza, eds. Risorgimento e teatro a Bologna, 1800-1849. Bologna: Pàtron editore, 1998.

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Hill, Laura Callegari. L' Accademia filarmonica di Bologna, 1666-1800: Statuti, indici degli aggregati e catalogo degli esperimenti d'esame nell'archivio, con un'introduzione storica. Bologna: A. M. I. S., 1991.

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Alberti, Leandro. Descrittione di tutta Italia di F. Leandro Alberti bolognese: Aggiuntavi la descrittione di tutte l'isole .. Bergamo: Leading, 2003.

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Cesare, Malvasia Carlo. Felsina pittrice: Lives of the Bolognese painters : Lives of Domenichino and Francesco Gessi. Washington: Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, 2013.

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Fanti, Mario. Ville, castelli e chiese bolognesi da un libro di disegni del Cinquecento. 2nd ed. Bologna: A. Forni, 1996.

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Carlo, Pedretti, and Palazzo del podestà (Bologna, Italy), eds. Leonardo, il Codice Hammer e la Mappa di Imola: Arte e scienza a Bologna, in Emilia e Romagna nel primo Cinqucento : Bologna, Palazzo del podestà, 30 maggio-14 settembre 1985. Firenze: Giunti Barbèra, 1985.

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Patrizia, Busi, Bologna (Italy), and Biblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio (Bologna, Italy), eds. Ascesa e caduta di un banchiere di antico regime: Le carte di Antonio Gnudi (1734-1814) nella Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio : inventario della documentazione (sec. XVI/fine-1880) e indici. Bologna: Comune di Bologna, 2008.

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Patrizia, Busi, and Bologna (Italy), eds. Ascesa e caduta di un banchiere di antico regime: Le carte di Antonio Gnudi (1734-1814) nella Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio : inventario della documentazione (sec. XVI/fine-1880) e indici. Bologna: Comune di Bologna, 2008.

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Ginetta, Auzzas, Baffetti Giovanni, and Delcorno Carlo, eds. Letteratura in forma di sermone: I rapporti tra predicazione e letteratura nei secoli XIII-XVI : atti del Seminario di studi (Bologna 15-17 novembre 2001). Firenze: L.S. Olschki, 2003.

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Roversi, Giancarlo. La tavola imbandita da Giuseppe Lamma: Il ricettario di un cuoco bolognese del '600. Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna: Grafis, 1988.

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Book chapters on the topic "Bologne (Italie) – 1860-"


Ciardi, Marco, and Marco Taddia. "Popular Science, Textbooks, and Scientists: The Periodic Law in Italy." In Early Responses to the Periodic System. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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This essay deals with an issue that has never before been the focus of attention in the field of research on the history of chemistry in Italy: the diffusion of Mendeleev’s periodic system in our nation. In the following text we will analyze the situation in the period preceding the arrival of Mendeleev’s theory in Italy with regard to the matter of classifying elements. By doing so, it will be possible to demonstrate that—despite the superficiality and lack of accuracy of certain studies—Italian chemistry was already very willing to consider new proposals relating to the classification of elements. We will then attempt to illustrate how Mendeleev’s work not only attracted the attention of the most renowned Italian chemists, such as Augusto Piccini and Giacomo Ciamician, but also became widely used in university texts and secondary school textbooks. In order to understand the classification criteria for elements adopted by Italian chemists before Mendeleev and therefore the cultural terrain the law of periodicity was to take root in, it would be better to refer to a number of texts used widely for teaching in universities. We will examine four of these, published between 1819 and 1867. In all these texts, the term “simple bodies” appears, with the expression “simple substances” used less frequently, while Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743–94), in his 1789 Traité élémentaire de chimie (Traité thereafter), uses the same term “simple substances” or “simple substances … which may be considered as the elements of bodies.” It is interesting to note that Vincenzo Dandolo’s Italian translation (first edition 1792) uses the expression “sostanze semplici,” interpreting quite literally the Frenchman’s choice of term. Thirty years after publication of the Traité, Antonio Santagata (1774–1858), professor of general chemistry at the Pontificia Università di Bologna, published his Lezioni di chimica elementare [Lessons in elementary chemistry], derived from Lezioni di chimica elementare: applicata alla medicina e alle arti [Lessons in Elementary Chemistry: Applied to Medicine and the Arts] (Bologna, 1804), written by his predecessor in the university chair, Pellegrino Salvigni (1777–1841).
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"Riorganizzazione dell’antico governo di Bologna (1796)." In Constitutional Documents of Italy and Malta 1787–1850, Part I: National Constitutions / Constitutions of the Italian States (Ancona – Lucca), edited by Jörg Luther. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2009.

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Millington, Barry. "Lohengrin." In The New Grove Guide To Wagner and His Operas, 65–72. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2006.

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Abstract By 3 August of that year a prose scenario had been outlined and by 27 November the versification completed. Wagner then made his first complete draft, on two staves (completed 30 July 1846), followed by the second draft with elaboration of instrumental and choral parts. Various changes were made to the poem during composition, especially in Act 3. Probably for this reason the second complete draft for Act 3 was made before those for Acts 1 and 2, but there is no evidence to suggest that the acts were originally composed in anything other than the usual order. The full score was written out between 1 January and 28 April 1848. Wagner, by 1850 in exile in Switzerland, was not present at the first performance. The work was received well in Germany, but Wagner was unable to hear it until 1861, when it was given in Vienna. The first performance in Bayreuth did not take place until 1894, when Mottl conducted a cast including Ernest van Dyck and Lillian Nordica. The performances at Bologna in 1871 were the first of any Wagner opera to be given in Italy and it was premiered in the United States, at the Stradttheater in New York, the same year.
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Weiss, Piero. "The First Performance Of IL Barbiere Di Siviglia." In Opera, 172–74. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2002.

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Abstract In 1823 there appeared in Bologna a pamphlet entitled (we translate) Notes Concerning Maestro Rossini by a Lady, Formerly a Singer, in Response to What Was Written about Him in the Summer of 1822 by the English Journalist in Paris and That Same Year Reported in a Milan Gazette. The author was Geltrude Righetti-Giorgi (1793-1862), who had created the role of Rosina at the famously disastrous first performance of II barbiere di Siviglia (Rome, 20 February 1816); as we shall see, the prior existence of another Barbiere, by Paisiello, was only one of the reasons for the failure. The “English Journalist” in Righetti-Giorgi’s title takes a little explaining. The great French novelist Stendhal (pseudonym of Henri Beyle, 1783-1842) was a devotee of Italian opera, having lived in Italy for many years. On his return to France, he undertook to write what was to be the first full-length study of Rossini’s life and music; published in 1824, his Vie de Rossini was an instant success. The composer was just thirty-two at the time; he had settled in Paris and was about to enter on the final stage of his career, which would culminate with Guillaume Tell five years later. Stendhal’s biography, then, was timely; it was also highly entertaining. Unfortunately it is quite inaccurate and thus unsuitable for representation among these documents. Prior to that, however, in January 1 822, Stendhal had contributed an anonymous article on Rossini to The Paris Monthly Review, an English-language periodical.
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