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Горлов, А. Д. "Температурные зависимости параметров начального расщепления Gd-=SUP=-3+-=/SUP=- в CaMoO-=SUB=-4-=/SUB=- (решеточный и спин-фононный вклады)." Физика твердого тела 59, no. 3 (2017): 559.

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При температурах T=1.8, 4.2, 99-300 K изучены спектры ЭПР Gd3+ в монокристаллах CaMoO4. Определены зависимости параметров спинового гамильтониана bnm(T) (n=2, 4, m=0, 4) и проведен их анализ. Выделены температурные вклады статической решетки b2(L), b4m(L) в величины bnm(T). Для этого рассчитано изменение b2(L), b4m(L) с учетом температурных сдвигов ближайших к Gd3+ ионов кислорода в CaMoO4. Разности bnm(F) =bnm - bnm(L) отнесены к спин-фононному вкладу. Анализ результатов показал, что b20(F) и b4m(F) положительны, а зависимость b20(F) от T хорошо описывается при помощи модели локальных колебаний (G. Pfister). Однако температурное поведение b4m(F) невозможно было описать в рамках известных моделей спин-фононного взаимодействия. Работа выполнена в рамках госзадания Минобрнауки РФ (код проекта 2457) на оборудовании Центра коллективного пользования "Современные нанотехнологии" УрФУ. DOI: 10.21883/FTT.2017.03.44170.157
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Vian, C., P. Rosenbusch, H. Marion, S. Bize, L. Cacciapuoti, S. Zhang, M. Abgrall, et al. "BNM-SYRTE Fountains: Recent Results." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54, no. 2 (April 2005): 833–36.

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Geneves, G., P. Gournay, A. Gosset, M. Lecollinet, F. Villar, P. Pinot, P. Juncar, et al. "The BNM Watt Balance Project." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54, no. 2 (April 2005): 850–53.

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He, Shengqing, and Chunxia Qi. "The perceived impact of PBL program learning on shifting prospective teachers’ beliefs: A case study in China." Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 18, no. 12 (December 8, 2022): em2195.

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As an important approach to learning and teaching, project-based learning (PBL) addressed in new curriculum reform at the middle school level in China raises the need for change in teachers’ beliefs, since teachers’ beliefs are important factors that influence their acceptance, adaptation, and implementation of PBL. Using qualitative content analysis, this study examined 23 prospective teachers’ (PTs) perceived beliefs shifts through participating in a systematic PBL program at a university. Data were collected from two open questionnaires for pre- and post-tests, respectively, which were about the beliefs about the nature of mathematics (BNM), beliefs about learning mathematics (BLM), and beliefs about teaching mathematics (BTM). The results revealed that PTs’ beliefs about BNM, BLM, and BTM were significantly shifted from the instrumentalist view or the Platonist view to the problem-solving view and that their shifts in BNM positively influenced the shifts in BLM and BTM. The implication for teachers’ professional development is that transforming teachers’ beliefs through systematic training on the theory and practice of PBL is feasible before implementing pedagogical innovations featuring PBL on a large scale.
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Zhang, Xi Yu, and Tian Can Sun. "Hybrid Boundary Node Method for Analysis of 3D Thin Structure." Applied Mechanics and Materials 501-504 (January 2014): 2484–87.

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The hybrid boundary node method (Hybrid BNM) is a boundary type meshless method which based on the modified variational principle and the Moving Least Squares (MLS) approximation. This paper apply the Hybrid BNM to thin structures. No plate and shell theories are used. Theory analysis of the feasibility of the Hybrid BNM for thin structures is proposed. Numerical result shows that the Hybrid BNM is suitable for thin structures and high accuracy can be observed.
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Wasim, Mustanir Hussain, and Hassnian Ali. "Comparison and Analysis on Shariah Standards of AAOIFI & BNM For Mudarbah Product." COMSATS Journal of Islamic Finance 5, no. 2 (December 28, 2020): 48–60.

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Comparison and Analysis on Shariah Standards of AAOIFI & BNM For Mudarbah Product There are two main international standard setting bodies which provide shariah, accounting and auditing standards for global Islamic financial industry. These two institutions are the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). The objective of the current study is to provide an analysis of Mudarbah financing by comparing the standards of the AAOIFI and BNM. Qualitative method of research is used to analyze the content from archival sources. It is established that there are a lot of clauses between the two standards which need to be highlighted for the development of a comprehensive and uniform Islamic financial system. This study will help to achieve this goal by minimizing the gap between AAOIFI and BNM. Keywords: Mudarbah financing, AAOIFI, BNM, Shariah Standards
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Zhang, Yan Yan, and Li Qiang He. "Parallel Best Neighborhood Matching Algorithm on PC Cluter Platform." Advanced Materials Research 383-390 (November 2011): 4109–14.

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Best Neighborhood Matching (BNM) has been shown to be an effective technique to recover a broken image due to a failed network transmission. For high definition image, the time of recovering using BNM algorithm is relative too long and not suitable for real time processing. And the original BNM only targets at gray scale image, and not considers the color image case. In this paper, we extend the BNM algorithm to color image area and use PC clusters to parallelly recover the image and improve the processing speed dramatically. The experiment result from a four nodes cluster system shows that our parallel BNM implementation improves the processing speed up to 7.52 times without any obvious recover quality decrease.
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Diniyanto, Ayon, and Iqbal Kamalludin Kamalludin. "Menyelamatkan Korban dari Jerat UU ITE: Studi Kasus Baiq Nuril Maknun dan Relevansinya Bagi Penguatan Peran Pemerintah Melindungi Pelapor Tindak Asusila." Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum 10, no. 1 (December 29, 2021): 01.

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Permasalahan yang terjadi pada Baiq Nuril Maknun (BNM) mendapat respon yang kuat dab beragam dari masyarakat. Satu sisi menganggap permasalahan BNM adalah pelanggaran terhadap UU ITE. Disisi lain, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh BNM adalah korban pelecehan seksual. Artikel ini merupakan studi kasus pada BNM. Paper ini fokus pada peran pemerintah dalam melindungi secara hukum pelapor dan korban tindak asusila sehingga korban terlindungi dan terhindar dari kriminalisasi. Penelitian yurisdis normatif ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaku tindak pidana asusila memanfaatkan celah hukum UU ITE sehingga justru membuat BNM menjadi bersalah sesuai konteks hukum formal, meskipun dalam hal ini sebenarnya BNM dapat tidak terjerat UU ITE apabila ada peran pemerintah dalam membangun norma hukum dalam UU ITE. Peran pemerintah yang lebih kuat tersebut yaitu dengan membuat mekanisme pelaporan yang mudah dan efektif. Pemerintah juga harus membuat pedoman mekanisme pelaporan yang tersosialisasi menyeluruh, mudah diakses, dan mudah dipahami. Lebih penting lagi, pemerintah harus melindungi pelapor selama kedudukan pelapor masih menjadi pelapor, saksi, atau korban.
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Yang, Ping, Shigeru Fujimura, Yawei Du, Bei Zhang, Li Yang, Masato Kawamura, Zhenhua Zhang, and Suodi Zhai. "Comparison of Pharmaceutical Characteristics between Brand-Name Meropenem and Its Generics." Antibiotics 10, no. 9 (September 10, 2021): 1096.

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This study aimed to provide comparative information of pharmaceutical properties, including particle morphology and distribution uniformity, solubility, presence of residual solvent and insoluble particles, and antimicrobial activities, between brand-name meropenem (Mepem®, BNM) and its six generic products (GPs A-F) marketed in China. Particles of GP-A and -C in dry powder had similar diameters of BNM, while other GPs were larger. Only BNM and GP-A were completely dissolved within 100 s in the lab condition. No insoluble particles >25 μm in diameter were detected in BNM and GP-E. Regarding stability of GPs solutions evaluated by concentration of open-ring metabolites at 6 h and 8 h, BNM showed the lowest open-ringed metabolite concentrates. Residual solvent of acetone detected in one GP showed the maximum value, while ethanol and ethyl acetate were detected both in product E and product F. The concordance rates (%) of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of each generic compared to BNM were 89.5, 85, 87.5, 88, 88.5, and 86.5, respectively, although no significant difference was reached in MIC. Pharmaceutical characteristic differences between the BNM and GPs identified in this study could provide insights into understanding the deviations in the drug manufacturing processes of generic drugs.
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Amanullah, Muhammad, and Muhammad Nabil Fikri Bin Mhd Zain. "Duties and Decision-Making Guidelines for Sharī‘ah Committee: An Overview of BNM (Tugas-Tugas dan Garis Panduan Dalam Membuat Keputusan Bagi Jawatankuasa Shariah: Satu Gambaran Umum BNM)." Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 16, no. 3 (December 30, 2019): 300–318.

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Shari`ah committee of every Islamic bank or other Islamic financial institutions has some specific duties. Likewise, this committee should follow some guidelines in making its decisions. Bank Nigara Malaysia (BNM) has prescribed these duties and decision-making guidelines in its Sharī‘ah Governance Framework (SGF). Using analytical and critical methods, this research paper aims to study these duties and decision-making guidelines. The duties of the Sharī‘ah Committee set by BNM include the basic principle of advising, endorsing, supervising, assisting, consulting and reporting on Sharī‘ah matters. Besides that, the decision-making guidelines for Sharī‘ah Committee by BNM are well-structured and practical. This study contributes to the related literature by showing that the country’s support towards the Islamic finance sector, through BNM’s guidelines, may help the development of IFIs in the country. The results drawn from this study may help policymakers to develop better duties and decision-making guidelines for Sharī‘ah Committees. This study is limited to the SGF issued by BNM in 2010 only. Keywords: Sharī‘ah Committee, Duties, Decision-making, Guidelines. Abstrak Jawatankuasa Shariah bagi setiap bank Islam atau institusi kewangan Islam (IFIs) mempunyai beberapa tugas tertentu. Begitu juga, jawatankuasa ini perlu mengikuti beberapa garis panduan dalam membuat keputusannya. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) telah menetapkan tugas-tugas ini dan juga garis panduan membuat keputusan dalam Shariah Governance Framework (SGF). Dengan menggunakan kaedah analitikal dan kritikal, penyelidikan ini bertujuan mengkaji tugas-tugas serta garis panduan membuat keputusan tersebut. Tugas-tugas jawatankuasa Shariah yang ditetapkan oleh BNM merangkumi prinsip asas dalam menasihati, menyokong, menyelia, membantu, berunding dan melaporkan berkenaan isu-isu Shariah. Di samping itu, garis panduan membuat keputusan ke atas jawatankuasa Shariah yang ditetapkan oleh BNM adalah amat berstruktur dan praktikal. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa sokongan yang diberikan oleh negara terhadap sektor kewangan Islam melalui garis panduan ini boleh membantu kepesatan IFIs dalam negara Malaysia. Keputusan yang diperoleh daripada kajian ini dapat membantu penggubal dasar untuk membangun dengan lebih baik tugas-tugas serta garis panduan membuat keputusan untuk Jawatankuasa Shariah. Kajian ini terhad kepada SGF yang dikeluarkan oleh BNM pada tahun 2010 sahaja. Kata Kunci: Jawatankuasa Shariah, Tugas-Tugas, Membuat Keputusan, Garis Panduan.
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Error concealment restores the visual integrity of image content that has been damaged due to a bad network transmission. Best neighborhood matching (BNM) is an effective image-recovery method that exploits the information redundancy in a block-coded broken image to find similar content that it then uses to repair or conceal errors. On a high-definition image, BNM is traditionally implemented sequentially, which requires a relatively long time and thus is not suitable for real-time or high-volume use. In this paper, we analyze the data access patterns of the BNM algorithm, and exploit a graphics process unit (GPU) platform to speed up the execution through a parallel implementation. We compare and combine several different GPU optimization methods (coalesced global memory access, shared memory, register files, etc.), and propose an improvement to the parallel BNM algorithm. Experimental results show that our approach can speed up BNM 62 times over the sequential approach without any obvious loss of accuracy.
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Miyawaki, Taichi, Hirotsugu Kenmotsu, Eriko Miyawaki, Nobuaki Mamesaya, Takahisa Kawamura, Haruki Kobayashi, Kazuhisa Nakashima, et al. "Impact of baseline number of metastases on the efficacy of PD-1 inhibitor monotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer with high PD-L1 expression." Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2019): e20551-e20551.

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e20551 Background: Pembrolizumab monotherapy and pembrolizumab combined with platinum-based chemotherapy are the standard therapies for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with a programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) tumour proportion score (TPS) ≥ 50%. Apart from PD-L1 status, predictive factors for the efficacy of pembrolizumab treatment remain unclear. High tumour burden has been shown to be a negative predictor for the efficacy of PD-1 inhibitors in melanoma. Hence, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between tumour burden and efficacy of pembrolizumab in NSCLC patients with PD-L1 TPS ≥ 50%. Methods: This single-center retrospective observational study evaluated patients with advanced NSCLC with PD-L1 TPS ≥ 50% who received pembrolizumab monotherapy as first line therapy between March 2016 and November 2018. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Tumour burden was estimated by the baseline number of metastases (BNM) and the baseline sum of the target lesions’ longest diameters (BSLD; measured according to RECIST criteria). Results: Of 52 patients with target lesions, the median age was 69 years; ECOG-PS 0-1 94%; non-squamous histology 79%; and PD-L1 TPS ≥ 75% was 65%. The optimal cut-off values for predicting PFS were 4 for BNM and 115 mm for BSLD, based on the minimum P-value method for PFS. The low BNM group included 20 (38%) patients, and the low BSLD group 33 (63%). Low BNM was significantly associated with longer PFS (median PFS not reached vs 4.0 months, HR = 0.35, P = 0.021) and with higher response rate (60% vs 31%, P = 0.041) compared to high BNM. There was no significant difference in PFS between low BSLD and high BSLD groups (12.4 vs 4.0 months, HR = 0.52, P = 0.098). Multivariate analysis showed that both low BNM (≤ 4 vs. > 4, HR = 0.32, P = 0.02) and PD-L1 TPS (75-100% vs. 50-74%, HR = 0.41, P = 0.032) were significantly associated with longer PFS. There was no association between PD-L1 TPS and BNM (Spearman’s rho = -0.0985, P = 0.487) Conclusions: BNM may be an independent predictive factor of efficacy of pembrolizumab monotherapy. Patients with low BNM can be candidates for pembrolizumab monotherapy.
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Malik, M. Z. A., S. A. A. A. Nazri, M. T. Zainuddin, N. Z. M. Islam, N. M. A. N. A. Aziz, and K. M. Isha. "Effects of Papain Incorporation on the Photo-Transformation Stability of 5-Bromo-8-Methoxy-6-Nitro Bips." Advanced Materials Research 879 (January 2014): 73–78.

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Photochromism behaviors of a spiropyran dye namely 5-bromo-8-methoxy-6-nitro BIPS (BNM) has been investigated in the present of papain as anti-oxidant at different H+ ions conditions. BNM has been dissolved and diluted in ethanol (EtOH) to a concentration of 1.0 x 10-5M. The hydrochloric acid (HCL) was used to alter the acidity of the solution to be pH2 and pH7. The fine dispersed transparent solutions were exposed to UV light at 365nm for 5s and the absorption spectra were measured using UV-Vis spectrometer. Upon UV light irradiation, BNM exhibits photochromic behaviors by displaying coloration changes from transparent to light purplish with maximum absorbance spectrum, λmax at 552nm with and without present of papain in both acidic (pH2) and neutral (pH7) conditions. It was found that incorporation of papain in both different pH conditions slightly decreased the intensities of absorbance spectrum for BNM photo-transformation activities. However, detection in time drive mode at 522nm with 5s UV irradiation showed that the addition of papain stabilize and prolongs the absorbance intensity. Incorporation of anti-oxidant molecules is significant in order to obtain long-life activities of the spiropyran in the photo-reversible activity of open-form merocyanine state to closed-form spiro state. This study reveals that the photo-transformation stability of BNM molecules is increased with addition of papain in neutral condition that acts as anti-oxidant agent towards the BNM photo-reversible process.
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Vian, C., P. Rosenbusch, H. Marion, F. Pereira Dos Santos, M. Abgrall, S. Zhang, Y. Sortais, et al. "Horloges en fontaine du BNM-SYRTE : résultats récents." Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 119 (November 2004): 287–88.

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Ibáñez Chacón, Álvaro. "BNM ms. 19 (olim A 16): Mirabilia Orientalia. Introducción, edición y traducción." Revista de Literatura Medieval 31 (December 31, 2019): 45–61.

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El ms. 19 de la BNM conserva una versión epitomada de la carta sobre los Mirabilia Orientalia, epístola pseudepígrafa de gran importancia para la tradición de las maravillas de Oriente durante el Medievo y el Renacimiento, conservada en dos redacciones diferentes y en varias versiones epitomadas. Aunque hay ediciones sinópticas de las principales versiones de ambas redacciones, el texto del ms. 19 de la BNM sigue inédito. En este trabajo editamos y traducimos por primera vez la versión Matritensis de la carta en confrontación con el resto de versiones de la misma redacción.
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Ibáñez Chacón, Álvaro. "BNM ms. 19 (olim A 16): Mirabilia Orientalia. Introducción, edición y traducción." Revista de Literatura Medieval 31 (December 31, 2019): 45–61.

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El ms. 19 de la BNM conserva una versión epitomada de la carta sobre los Mirabilia Orientalia, epístola pseudepígrafa de gran importancia para la tradición de las maravillas de Oriente durante el Medievo y el Renacimiento, conservada en dos redacciones diferentes y en varias versiones epitomadas. Aunque hay ediciones sinópticas de las principales versiones de ambas redacciones, el texto del ms. 19 de la BNM sigue inédito. En este trabajo editamos y traducimos por primera vez la versión Matritensis de la carta en confrontación con el resto de versiones de la misma redacción.
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Gupta, Alind, Paul Arora, Darren Brenner, Jacqueline Vanderpuye-Orgle, Devon J. Boyne, Mark Edmondson-Jones, Elena Parkhomenko, et al. "Risk Prediction Using Bayesian Networks: An Immunotherapy Case Study in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma." JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, no. 5 (March 2021): 326–37.

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PURPOSE To address the need for more accurate risk stratification models for cancer immuno-oncology, this study aimed to develop a machine-learned Bayesian network model (BNM) for predicting outcomes in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) being treated with immunotherapy. METHODS Patient-level data from the randomized, phase III CheckMate 025 clinical trial comparing nivolumab with everolimus for second-line treatment in patients with mRCC were used to develop the BNM. Outcomes of interest were overall survival (OS), all-cause adverse events, and treatment-related adverse events (TRAE) over 36 months after treatment initiation. External validation of the model's predictions for OS was conducted using data from select centers from the International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium (IMDC). RESULTS Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUCs) for BNM-based classification of OS using baseline data were 0.74, 0.71, and 0.68 over months 12, 24, and 36, respectively. AUC for OS at 12 months increased to 0.86 when treatment response and progression status in year 1 were included as predictors; progression and response at 12 months were highly prognostic of all outcomes over the 36-month period. AUCs for adverse events and treatment-related adverse events were approximately 0.6 at 12 months but increased to approximately 0.7 by 36 months. Sensitivity analysis comparing the BNM with machine learning classifiers showed comparable performance. Test AUC on IMDC data for 12-month OS was 0.71 despite several variable imbalances. Notably, the BNM outperformed the IMDC risk score alone. CONCLUSION The validated BNM performed well at prediction using baseline data, particularly with the inclusion of response and progression at 12 months. Additionally, the results suggest that 12 months of follow-up data alone may be sufficient to inform long-term survival projections in patients with mRCC.
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Mariani, Jacopo, Simona Iodice, Laura Cantone, Giulia Solazzo, Paolo Marraccini, Emanuele Conforti, Pallav A. Bulsara, et al. "Particulate Matter Exposure and Allergic Rhinitis: The Role of Plasmatic Extracellular Vesicles and Bacterial Nasal Microbiome." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 20 (October 12, 2021): 10689.

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Particulate matter (PM) exposure is linked to the worsening of respiratory conditions, including allergic rhinitis (AR), as it can trigger nasal and systemic inflammation. To unveil the underlying molecular mechanisms, we investigated the effects of PM exposure on the release of plasmatic extracellular vesicles (EV) and on the complex cross-talk between the host and the nasal microbiome. To this aim, we evaluated the effects of PM10 and PM2.5 exposures on both the bacteria-derived-EV portion (bEV) and the host-derived EVs (hEV), as well as on bacterial nasal microbiome (bNM) features in 26 AR patients and 24 matched healthy subjects (HS). In addition, we assessed the role exerted by the bNM as a modifier of PM effects on the complex EV signaling network in the paradigmatic context of AR. We observed that PM exposure differently affected EV release and bNM composition in HS compared to AR, thus potentially contributing to the molecular mechanisms underlying AR. The obtained results represent the first step towards the understanding of the complex signaling network linking external stimuli, bNM composition, and the immune risponse.
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Haslina, Welsi, Dita Maretha Rissi, Ermatati Hatta, Ulfi Maryati, and Rasyidah Mustika. "Pelatihan “Typing Master” Pada Siswa Smk BNM Plus Pariaman." Akuntansi dan Manajemen 15, no. 1 (June 1, 2020): 25–32.

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The development of information and communication runs rapidly in the current modern era. So many technological discoveries in the field. Of course the impact is now making it easier for all the needs and desires of humans and will continue to grow every second. Formerly humans used typewriters to make letters, office administration, and other jobs related to typing. Over time and the development of technology, typewriters gradually replaced by the presence of a computer. The use of computers can help work in terms of making tasks both from the office and from school. So typing skills quickly and precisely are needed. Vocational school is a level of formal education that is ready to go into the world of work. The PKM activity was carried out at SMK Plus BNM Pariaman because this school only taught theories about typing 10 fingers without providing special training. So by giving theory alone, students are not accustomed to typing 10 fingers in accordance with adequate procedures. The goal of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of students to implement a 10-finger typing system and without looking at the keyboard. With this skill, the school will create graduates that are in line with industry needs.
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Garcia, Michel. "Anejo[Carta de Tamerlan (BNM Ms 6370, 73r-v)]." Atalaya, no. 10 (October 20, 1999): 174–75.

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Zhang, Jianming. "Multidomain Thermal Simulation of CNT Composites by Hybrid BNM." Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 53, no. 3 (January 9, 2008): 246–58.

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Gournay, P., G. Geneves, F. Alves, M. Besbes, F. Villar, and J. David. "Magnetic Circuit Design for the BNM Watt Balance Experiment." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54, no. 2 (April 2005): 742–45.

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Puspitasari, Laili Latifah, and Rifqi Muhammad. "Perumusan Konsep Shariah Governance di Indonesia: Evaluasi Model Pengawasan Syariah di Sektor Perbankan." Muqtasid: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah 10, no. 1 (August 9, 2019): 1.

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Abstract This study aims to evaluate Sharia governance infrastructure in Sharia banking in Indonesia, specifically the Sharia review phase by the Sharia Supervisory Board which was disclosed in the Sharia bank annual report. Furthermore, an analysis of the possibility of adopting the Shariah Governance Framework (SGF) of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) is based on the perceptions of experts, using 3 research samples, namely Bank Syariah Mandiri, BPD DIY Sharia Business Unit, and BPRS Bhakti Sumekar. The data analysis uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Our results show that the governance processes, procedures and mechanisms in the Sharia review process by the DPS are supported by the bank's internal functions, namely the function of Internal Audit and the Compliance function. Based on these conditions, SGF BNM adoption is considered less suitable when applied to Islamic banking in Indonesia. One of them was caused by a lack of human resources in Indonesia with dual competency (Sharia law and finance). So that it is not possible to separate each unit such as the SGF BNM, namely Shariah Audit, Shariah Review, Shariah Research, and Shariah Risk ManagementAbstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi infrastruktur tata kelola Syariah pada perbankan Syariah di Indonesia, khususnya tahap Shariah review oleh Dewan Pengawas Syariah yang diungkap pada laporan tahunan bank Syariah. Untuk selanjutnya dilakukan analisis kemungkinan adopsi Shariah Governance Framework (SGF) Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) yang didasarkan pada persepsi para ahli dengan menggunakan 3 sampel penelitian, yaitu Bank Syariah Mandiri, Unit Usaha Syariah BPD DIY, dan BPRS Bhakti Sumekar. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses, prosedur, dan mekanisme tata kelola khususnya pada proses Shariah review oleh DPS didukung oleh fungsi internal bank, yaitu fungsi Audit Internal dan fungsi Kepatuhan. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, adopsi SGF BNM dinilai kurang sesuai apabila diterapkan pada perbankan Syariah di Indonesia. Hal tersebut salah satunya disebabkan oleh kurangnya jumlah sumber daya insani di Indonesia dengan dual competency (hukum Syariah dan keuangan). Sehingga belum memungkinkan untuk dilakukan pemisahan tiap unit seperti pada SGF BNM yaitu Shariah Audit, Shariah Review, Shariah Research, dan Shariah Risk Management
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Da Costa, Dayana Alves, Antonia Valcemira Domingos De Oliveira, Guilherme Rocha Moreira, Clebson Lucas De Souza, Luciana Freitas Fernandes, Juliana Milan de Aquino Silva, Paulo Marcio Beber, and Marina Marie Bento Nogueira. "Residue from the extraction of oil from the Brazil Nut in diets for Tambaqui juveniles / Resíduo da extração do óleo da Castanha do Brasil em dietas para juvenis de Tambaqui." Brazilian Journal of Development 8, no. 7 (July 7, 2022): 50115–28.

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The parameters of water quality, productive performance and economic viability were evaluated in tambaqui juveniles fed with different levels (0, 15, 25 and 35%) of Brazil nut meal (BNM). The water parameters measured were: surface temperature (TEMP), dissolved oxygen (OXY), hydrogenic potential (pH), total ammonia (AMO), alkalinity (ALK), hardness (HAR) and nitrite (NIT). Weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake (FI), apparent feed conversion (AFC), condition factor (K), daily feed intake (DFI) and daily weight gain (DWG) was avaluated. The cost of feed per kilogram consumed (CF US$/kg), cost of feed per kilogram of live weight gain (CF kg/LWG), economic efficiency index (EEI) and cost index (CI) were evaluated. TEMP, AMO, NIT, HAR did not differ (P>0.05), the means were 26.8°C, 0.16 mg L-1, 0 mg L and 17.8 mg L-1, respectively. The pH differed (P<0.05) and the treatment with 35% BNM was lower (6.5) when compared to the control (6.7). There was a decrease (P<0.05) in the levels of ALK and a linear increase (P<0.05) for the levels of OXY. The addition of BNM in the diet changed (P<0.05) the WG, SGR, FI, AFC, K, DFI and DWG. There was a downward trend (P<0.05) in the CF US$/kg, CF kg/LWG and CI and a linear increase (P<0.05) in the EEI. The BNM improved the production rates and changed the parameters of water quality, the inclusion of up to 35% of the BNM reduces the cost of production of feed and tambaqui juveniles.
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Svadlakova, Tereza, Frantisek Hubatka, Pavlina Turanek Knotigova, Pavel Kulich, Josef Masek, Jan Kotoucek, Jan Macak, et al. "Proinflammatory Effect of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: In Vitro Study on Stimulation of Inflammasome NLRP3 via Destabilisation of Lysosomes." Nanomaterials 10, no. 3 (February 27, 2020): 418.

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Carbon-based nanomaterials (C-BNM) have recently attracted an increased attention as the materials with potential applications in industry and medicine. Bioresistance and proinflammatory potential of C-BNM is the main obstacle for their medicinal application which was documented in vivo and in vitro. However, there are still limited data especially on graphene derivatives such as graphene platelets (GP). In this work, we compared multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and two different types of pristine GP in their potential to activate inflammasome NLRP3 (The nod-like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3) in vitro. Our study is focused on exposure of THP-1/THP1-null cells and peripheral blood monocytes to C-BNM as representative models of canonical and alternative pathways, respectively. Although all nanomaterials were extensively accumulated in the cytoplasm, increasing doses of all C-BNM did not lead to cell death. We observed direct activation of NLRP3 via destabilization of lysosomes and release of cathepsin B into cytoplasm only in the case of MWCNTs. Direct activation of NLRP3 by both GP was statistically insignificant but could be induced by synergic action with muramyl dipeptide (MDP), as a representative molecule of the family of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). This study demonstrates a possible proinflammatory potential of GP and MWCNT acting through NLRP3 activation.
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Omar, Hani Nabila, and Rusni Hassan. "Shariah Non-Compliance Treatment in Malaysian Islamic Banks." International Journal of Management and Applied Research 6, no. 4 (November 1, 2019): 220–33.

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Islamic finance in Malaysia has been growing rapidly in the past 30 years. In 2019, there is a total of 16 Islamic banks listed and supervised by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), with 5 out 16 banks are foreign entities. In view of the rivalry with the conventional banking sector, Islamic banks offer new innovative Islamic products and financial projects which may lead to greater risk of Shariah Non-compliance (SNC) exposure to the Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) in its effort to stay competitive. This paper attempts to explore the current practices of Islamic banks in treating (SNC) and the extent of compliance with BNM rules and guidelines, particularly BNM Operational Risk Integrated Online Network (ORION) requirement on SNC reporting event. This paper adopts a qualitative research method by conducting semi-structured in-depth interview with the Islamic banking professionals targeting five Islamic banks. Both primary and secondary sources are used for data collection. The finding shows that these Islamic Banks adhere to the BNM rules and requirements, with some minor differences in the implementation process. The findings would contribute positively in terms of enriching and contributing to the existing literature on the SNC practices by Islamic Banks whilst at the same time establishing the levels of compliance of the banks under investigation.
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MUKHERJEE, SUBRATA, and YIJUN LIU. "THE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD." International Journal of Computational Methods 10, no. 06 (May 2, 2013): 1350037.

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The boundary element method (BEM), along with the finite element and finite difference methods, is commonly used to carry out numerical simulations in a wide variety of subjects in science and engineering. The BEM, rooted in classical mathematics of integral equations, started becoming a useful computational tool around 50 years ago. Many researchers have worked on computational aspects of this method during this time.This paper presents an overview of the BEM and related methods. It has three sections. The first, relatively short section, presents the governing equations for classical applications of the BEM in potential theory, linear elasticity and acoustics. The second describes specialized applications in bodies with thin features including micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). The final section addresses current research. It has three subsections that present the boundary contour, boundary node and fast multipole methods (BCM, BNM and FMM), respectively. Several numerical examples are included in the second and third sections of this paper.
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Aloysius, Aloysius, Anjurniza Ulfa, Anggita Kasih Fianti Situmorang, Harmileni Harmileni, and Edy Fachrial. "AKTIVITAS ANTIMIKROBA BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT YANG DIISOLASI DARI MAKANAN TRADISIONAL FERMENTASI KHAS BATAK “NANIURA”." BIOLINK (Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan Industri Kesehatan) 6, no. 1 (May 21, 2019): 8.

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Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) could be isolated from various fermented food products. One potential source of LAB is traditional fermented food. The aim of the study was to isolate and investigate antimicrobial activity of LAB isolated from traditional Batak food, “naniura”. The LAB isolates were characterized by Gram staining, fermentation type and catalase test. The investigation of antimicrobial activity of LAB against pathogenic bacteria were conducted using disc diffusion method. The results showed that 6 isolates of BAL were successfully isolated namely BN1, BN2, BN3, BN4, BN5 and BN6 had characteristics of Gram positive, rod shaped and catalase negative. All selected isolate have heterofermentation type. Four isolates (BN1, BN2, BN5 and BN6) were able to inhibit S. aureus, E. coli and S. typhi with inhibition zone diameters ranging from 6,9 to 12,3 cm. Based on the result, it was concluded that LAB isolated from naniura has potential as a source of probiotics.
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Mohamad, Nurun Nadia, and Rusni Hassan. "Financial Consumers Protection Regime in Malaysia: Main Guidelines Issued by Bank Negara Malaysia." International Journal of Management and Applied Research 6, no. 4 (November 1, 2019): 208–19.

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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the financial consumer protection in Islamic banks in the context of Islamic Financial Service Act 2013 (IFSA 2013) by looking simultaneously to the standards and guidelines issued by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). This conceptual paper examines relevant provisions in both Acts as well as in respective standards and guidelines by BNM related to financial consumer protection. In keeping with the main focuses of BNM on promoting fair, responsible and professional conduct by financial services providers to secure financial stability, this paper highlights the provisions which need to be adhered by the Islamic banks in treating their financial consumers. The discussions of the relevant provisions, standards, and guidelines will enrich the academic understanding of financial consumer protection in Malaysia. This study provides an insight on the initiatives taken in Malaysia particularly in the Islamic banking industry to protect the financial consumers.
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Ivan Yeryomin. "BNM BOARD APPROVES ANDREI SHMAROV AS VEDOMOSTI EDITOR IN CHIEF." Current Digest of the Russian Press, The 72, no. 025 (June 21, 2020): 11.

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Valiev, Ruslan. "Recent Developments of Severe Plastic Deformation Techniques for Processing Bulk Nanostructured Materials." Materials Science Forum 579 (April 2008): 1–14.

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Since the mid-1990’s the fabrication of bulk nanostructured metals and alloys using severe plastic deformation (SPD) has been evolving as a rapidly advancing direction of modern nano-materials science that is aimed at developing materials with new mechanical and functional properties for advanced applications. This paper highlights and considers two new trends in SPD processing, which are recently being developed for fabrication of bulk nanostructured materials (BNM). One of these recent developments is associated with nanostructuring of metals and alloys by SPD processing for advanced properties. The new strategies and approaches to produce nanometals with enhanced and often unique properties are discussed. Another new direction is the progress in the processing of BNM not only at laboratory scale but also at the level semi-products (sheets, wires, rods, etc.) suitable for production implementation. The paper considers these developments together with the examples performed at our laboratory in Ufa (Russia), which lay a firm foundation for the BNM use in advanced structural and functional applications.
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Wentzel, M. "Granny shows the way: Results from implementing an alternative fire-lighting method in Orange Farm." Journal of Energy in Southern Africa 17, no. 2 (May 1, 2006): 17–22.

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High levels of air pollution caused by domestic coal burning create human health problems and unwarranted economic loss. The associated health cost is estimated at R1.2 billion per annum. The Basa Njengo Magogo (BNM) alternative fire lighting method represents the highest impact on health from a benefit-cost and employment point of view since the method can potentially reduce ambient air pollution caused by the use of household coal in a relatively short period, by approximately 40-50%. In a pilot study funded by the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME), the method was demonstrated to 16 000 households through a series of direct demonstrations in Orange Farm. The study found that 99% of households who attended a demonstration used the BNM method and continued to use it after a month, households saved on average 25 kilograms of coal, translating in a R26 saving per month. A wide scale implementation of the BNM method holds the potential not only to reduce air pollution but also to result in coal and monetary savings for low-income households.
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Yi, Shixiong, Jiaxue Wu, Ying Zhou, Xiaomeng Wang, Yunfei Pu, and Boli Ran. "Fabrication of Rechargeable Photoactive Silk Fibroin/Polyvinyl Alcohol Blend Nanofibrous Membranes for Killing Bacteria." Polymers 14, no. 12 (June 19, 2022): 2499.

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Antibacterial materials that prevent bacterial infections and mitigate bacterial virulence have attracted great scientific interest. In recent decades, bactericidal polymers have been presented as promising candidates to combat bacterial pathogens. However, the preparation of such materials has proven to be extremely challenging. Herein, photoactive silk fibroin/polyvinyl alcohol blended nanofibrous membranes grafted with 3,3’,4,4’-benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride (G-SF/PVA BNM) were fabricated by an electrospinning technique. The premise of this work is that the G-SF/PVA BNM can store photoactive activity under light irradiation and release reactive oxygen species for killing bacteria under dark conditions. The results showed that the resultant G-SF/PVA BNM exhibited the integrated properties of an ultrathin fiber diameter (298 nm), good mechanical properties, robust photoactive activity and photo-store capacity, and great photoinduced antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus (99.999% bacterial reduction with 120 min). The successful construction of blended nanofibrous membranes gives a new possibility to the design of highly efficient antibacterial materials for public health protection.
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Rajic, Dusan, Zeljko Kamberovic, Radovan Karkalic, Negovan Ivankovic, and Zeljko Senic. "Thermal resistance testing of standard and protective filtering military garment on the burning napalm mixture." Chemical Industry 67, no. 6 (2013): 941–50.

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Fires are an accompanying manifestation in modern weaponry use and in case of different accidents in peacetime. The standard military uniform is a primary barrier in protection of a soldier?s body from all external influences, including the thermal ones which can cause burns. The minimum thermal resistance to the effect of burning napalm mixture (BNM) in individual uniform garment materials has been determined, and is higher at simultaneous use of more materials one over another (the so-called sandwich materials), where the best thermal protection give sandwich materials with an air interspace. The requirement for the thermal resistance of the material of the filtrating protective suit (FPS) to the effect of BNM (? 15 s) has been fully met. The highest thermal resistance has been demonstrated by the FPS whose inner layer is made of polyurethane foam with active carbon. A proportional dependence between the thermal resistance of FPS to the effect of BNM and water vapor permeability through this garment mean has been determined, and reversed in respect to air permeability.
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Llorent-Martínez, Eulogio J., Juan F. García-Reyes, Pilar Ortega-Barrales, and Antonio Molina-Díaz. "Flow-Through Fluorescence-Based Optosensor with On-Line Solid-Phase Separation for the Simultaneous Determination of a Ternary Pesticide Mixture." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 88, no. 3 (May 1, 2005): 860–65.

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Abstract A rapid and selective method was developed for the simultaneous determination of 3 widely used pesticides, carbendazim (CBZ), carbofuran (CF), and benomyl (BNM). The method utilized a single continuous-flow, solid surface fluorometric multioptosensor implemented with a previous separation of the analytes on a minicolumn, placed just before the sensor, that was packed with the same solid support (C18 silica gel) as the flow-through cell. The separation was achieved because of the different kinetics of retention/elution of the pesticides on the solid support in the minicolumn, enabling the sequential arrival of the analytes at the sensing zone. With a single injection of the mixture, 2 of them were more strongly retained in the minicolumn (CF and BNM) while the other (CBZ) passed through the system towards the sensing material where it developed its fluorescence transitory signal. Then, CF and BNM were successively eluted from the solid support using 2 different eluting solutions, and they sequentially reached the sensing zone and developed their respective signals. A multiwavelength fluorescence detection mode was used, recording the signals of each pesticide at its maximum excitation/emission wavelength; therefore, the sensitivity was increased. The system was calibrated using a sample volume of 2000 μL. The linear dynamic range was 80–1400, 250–2400, and 150–2000 ng/mL with detection limits of 15, 68, and 35 ng/mL and relative standard deviation values of 3.5, 3.2, and 2.4% for CBZ, CF, and BNM, respectively. A recovery study was applied to spiked environmental water samples, and recoveries ranged from 96 to 104%.
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Wang, Hongtao, Guowen Tan, Song Cen, and Zhenhan Yao. "Numerical determination of effective properties of voided piezoelectric materials using BNM." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 29, no. 6 (June 2005): 636–46.

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Garcia, Michel. "El delicado manejo de misceláneas: MS Res. 27 de la BNM." Bulletin of Spanish Studies 81, no. 7-8 (November 2004): 913–26.

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Xu, Pengcheng, Fan Li, Yuankun Wang, Jianchun Qiu, Vijay P. Singh, and Changsheng Zhang. "Quantitative Assessment of Climatic and Reservoir-Induced Effects on River Water Temperature Using Bayesian Network-Based Approach." Water 14, no. 8 (April 8, 2022): 1200.

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River flow regulations and thermal regimes have been altered by human-induced interventions (such as dam construction) or climate change (such as air temperature variations). It is of great significance to adopt a well-performed data-driven model to accurately quantify the impact of human-induced interventions or climate change over river water temperature (WT), which can help understand the underlying evolution mechanism of the river thermal regimes by dam operation or climate change. This research applied the Bayesian network-based model (BNM), which can easily identify inherently stronger associated variables with a target variable from multiple influencing variables to predict the daily WT and make a quantitative assessment of the effect produced by Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) construction in the Yangtze River, China. A comparative study between the proposed model and two other models was implemented to verify the predicted accuracy of the BNM. With the help of the BNM model, the impact of reservoir impoundment over water temperature was quantitatively analyzed by calculating the difference between reconstructed water temperature series and observed series during the post-TGR period. The construction of the TGR posed more impact on variations in WT than the impact induced by the climate change according to results. The effect of TGR on WT can be concluded as follows: WT from October to January in post-TGR showed a remarkable warming tendency and an increase in released warmer water volumes than before, while WT showed a cooling tendency during March to June because of the hysteretic effect of WT response to increasing air temperature. The proposed BNM model shows great potential for WT prediction and ecological risk management of rivers.
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Syed Alwi, Sharifah Faigah, and Aizurra Haidah Abdul Kadir. "Realisation of Maqasid Al-Shariah Using Value-Based Intermediation in Islamic Banks: Acceptance or Refusal." 13th GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 13, no. 1 (June 16, 2022): 1.

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Value-Based Intermediation (VBI) is a strategy proposed by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) as an intermediary tool to deliver the maqasid al-shariah (intended outcomes of Shariah) through practices and products offerings in Islamic banks. However, in reality, VBI has not yet been fully accepted by all Islamic banks in Malaysia. Thus, the objective of this research is to investigate the reason(s) behind the acceptance and refusal of VBI among the Islamic Banks in Malaysia. This research had used the qualitative research methodology where semi-structured interviews were conducted with the shapers of VBI in Islamic banks or the dedicated officers in corporate social responsibility to gain information on the initiatives. This research shows that the Islamic banks which agree to implement VBI are purely supporting the BNM initiatives. However, the Islamic banks which refused to implement VBI feel that their banks had adopted a similar concept, idea or strategy as VBI much earlier in order to achieve maqasid al- shariah. It is recommended for BNM to revise and customize VBI in accordance with the Malaysian context and culture in order for it to be fully accepted by all Islamic banks and be able to avoid any conflicts between the regulator and practitioners. Keywords: Islamic banking; Maqasid-al Shariah; Value Based Intermediation
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Pérez Bertruy, Ramona I., Rocío Cázares Aguilar, and Alejandra Odor Chávez. "La Mapoteca de la Biblioteca Nacional de México: una aproximación a su estudio." Bibliographica 2, no. 2 (September 6, 2019): 189.

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Estudio sobre las colecciones de la Mapoteca de la Biblioteca Nacional de México (BNM), con base en la organización documental de su acervo a través del tiempo, para señalar los avances de su catalogación y el estado de conservación de los materiales. Por igual, interesa dar a conocer los tipos de documentos que resguarda y evaluar la importancia que tienen esta cartografía y sus impresos como potencial para los diversos saberes científicos, sociales y humanísticos de la nación. Se reflexiona acerca del reto y el gran quehacer pendiente en materia de catalogación, así como sobre la tarea imperiosa de trabajar con los Departamentos de Conservación, Restauración, Preservación y Reprografía de la BNM, para estabilizar y garantizar el acceso a este acervo.
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Poletaeff, A. "Automated comparator for accurate AC-DC difference measurements at the BNM-LCIE." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 48, no. 2 (April 1999): 412–14.

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Rovera, G. D., and O. Acef. "Absolute frequency measurement of mid-infrared secondary frequency standard at BNM-LPTF." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 48, no. 2 (April 1999): 571–73.

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Guinio, J. Le, J. C. Legras, and A. El-Tawil. "New BNM-LNE standard for absolute pressure measurements up to 1 MPa." Metrologia 36, no. 6 (December 1999): 535–39.

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Legras, J. C., J. Le Guinio, and F. Baron. "Calibration chain of the BNM-LNE from 10 4Pa to 10 kPa." Metrologia 36, no. 6 (December 1999): 631–35.

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Hameury, J., B. Hay, and J. R. Filtz. "Measurement of Infrared Spectral Directional Hemispherical Reflectance and Emissivity at BNM-LNE." International Journal of Thermophysics 26, no. 6 (November 2005): 1973–83.

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Khan, Mohammad Bilal, Seedy Conteh, Shaiq Ahmad Ghafoorzai, Mohammed Meeran Jasir Mohtashem, and Abdul Hai. "Justifying the Need for Smoothing Tools by Islamic Banks." El-Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business 4, no. 1 (June 9, 2021): 18–41.

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This paper focuses on the positive impacts of using smoothing tools such as Profit Equalisation Reserve or PER and Investment Risk Reserve or IRR to smoothen the rate of return or profit on investments to investment account holders (IAH) of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs). Since the goal of introducing PER and IRR into Islamic banks is to compete with the conventional banking industry, it is a shield used by Islamic banks to protect their risks such as displaced commercial risk (DCR), withdrawal risk (WR), and reputation risk. This is a qualitative review of the positive impacts of using smoothing tools in Islamic financial institutions. One of the major issues highlighted is Islamic banks' sensitivity to the conventional interest rate changes because many Islamic banking products are benchmarked against the conventional interest rate. Moreover, the limited techniques and instruments available to mitigate the rate of return risk also need the regulators' serious attention. Before the use of smoothing tools was restricted by BNM, Islamic banks were allowed to save up until 15% from profit gain. However, in certain circumstances, BNM has allowed IB’s to save up to 30% from profit gains. Hence, smoothing tools like PER and IRR enabled Islamic banks to be competitive and manage their unique risks. This research is focused on the positive aspects of using smoothing tools (STs) and does not cover the negative aspects from the Shari’ah, legal or corporate governance point of view. Since the abandonment of smoothing tools by IFI’s after the instructions of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) in 2014, there has not been much debate about the benefits of using STs. Therefore, this paper might provide a spark required to re-ignite the whole debate once again. Penelitian ini berfokus pada dampak positif dari penggunaan alat pemulusan seperti Profit Equalization Reserve (PER) dan Investment Risk Reserve (IRR) untuk memperlancar tingkat pengembalian atau keuntungan investasi kepada investment account holders (IAH) dari Islamic financial institutions (IFIs). Karena tujuan memperkenalkan PER dan IRR ke bank syariah adalah untuk bersaing dengan industri perbankan konvensional, itu adalah perisai yang digunakan oleh bank syariah untuk melindungi risiko mereka seperti displaced commercial risk (DCR), withdrawal risk (WR), dan reputation risk. Penelitian Ini menggunakan tinjauan kualitatif tentang dampak positif penggunaan alat pemulusan di lembaga keuangan Islam. Salah satu isu utama yang disoroti adalah sensitivitas bank syariah terhadap perubahan suku bunga konvensional karena banyak produk perbankan syariah yang dibandingkan dengan suku bunga konvensional. Selain itu, keterbatasan teknik dan instrumen yang tersedia untuk memitigasi risiko tingkat pengembalian juga perlu mendapat perhatian serius dari regulator. Sebelum penggunaan alat pemulusan dibatasi oleh BNM, bank syariah diperbolehkan menabung hingga 15% dari perolehan keuntungan. Namun, dalam keadaan tertentu, BNM mengizinkan IB untuk menghemat hingga 30% dari perolehan keuntungan. Oleh karena itu, alat pemulusan seperti PER dan IRR memungkinkan bank syariah menjadi kompetitif dan mengelola risiko unik mereka. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada aspek positif dari penggunaan smoothing tools (STs) dan tidak mencakup aspek negatif dari sudut pandang syari'ah, hukum atau tata kelola perusahaan. Sejak ditinggalkannya alat pemulusan oleh IFI setelah instruksi Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) pada tahun 2014, tidak banyak perdebatan tentang manfaat penggunaan STs. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini mungkin memberikan percikan yang diperlukan untuk menyalakan kembali seluruh perdebatan sekali lagi.
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The effort to enhance financial literacy has become extremely important and is complementary to the initiative by Consumer Credit Act in order to strengthen the credit consumer protection framework in Malaysia. Therefore, Bank Negara Malaysia Museum Art and Gallery (BNM MAG) educates the public through exhibits that foster visitors’ understanding of financial knowledge especially the Sharia compliant matters at their Islamic Finance Gallery. This study examined the relationships between satisfying experiences and generic learning outcomes of youth visitors at BNM MAG. The study examined three key satisfying experiences that had significant and positive effects on the generic learning outcomes of youth visitors including affective, cognitive and sensory experiences. However, social experiences were not significant towards generic learning outcomes on youth visitors. This study provides insights and drive efforts to promote effective delivery of financial education initiatives to Malaysians in a sustainable manner. The authors expect that policymakers or museum managers could make use of the findings to improve Malaysians’ financial literacy in general, thus helping Malaysians making informed financial decisions. The study contributes to the advancement of Islamic financial education for the youth with the purpose of improving creative and productive attitudes.Upaya meningkatkan literasi keuangan menjadi sangat krusial dan mendukung inisiasi Undang-Undang Kredit Konsumen untuk memperkuat kerangka perlindungan kredit konsumen di Malaysia. Maka, Bank Negara Malaysia Museum Art and Gallery (BNM MAG) mengedukasi masyarakat melalui pameran yang memberikan pemahaman kepada pengunjung tentang keuangan khususnya yang berhubungan dengan syariah di Islamic Finance Gallery (Galeri Keuangan Syariah). Studi ini mengkaji hubungan antara kepuasan pengalaman dan hasil pembelajaran umum (generic learning outcomes/GLO) yang dialami pengunjung muda di BNM-MAG. Ada acuan kepuasan pengalaman yang dijadikan objek studi yang memiliki efek signifikan dan positif terhadap GLO di kalangan pengunjung muda termasuk pengalaman afektif, kognitif, dan sensori. Meskipun begitu, pengalaman sosial para pengunjung tidak signifikan terhadap GLO. Studi ini memberi wawasan dan mengenalkan usaha untuk mengenalkan penyampaian yang efektif tentang inisiasi pendidikan keuangan pada warga Malaysia dengan cara yang berkelanjutan. Penulis berharap agar pembuat kebijakan atau pengolah museum dapat memanfaatkan temuan ini untuk meningkatkan literasi keuangan warga Malaysia secara umum, dengan demikian membantu mereka untuk membuat keputusan keuangan yang tepat. Penelitian ini memiliki kontribusi meningkatkan pendidikan keuangan Islam bagi para pemuda dengan tujuan menumbuhkan sikap kreatif dan produktif.
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Odoemelam, V. U., F. O. Ahamefule, J. A. Ibeawuchi, and C. T. Ezeokeke. "Growth performance and carcass characteristics of West African Dwarf bucks fed Panicum maximum and Bambara nut (Vigna subterrancea) seed meal supplemented diets." Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 41, no. 1 (January 19, 2021): 155–65.

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Twelve individually housed West African Dwarf (WAD) Bucks averaging 7.3 ±0.91kg were used to study the effect of varying levels of Bambara nut seed meal on the performance and carcass characteristics of West African Dwarf (WAD) Bucks. Four experimental diets designated A, B, C and D were formulated to contain 0, 10, 20 and 3096 Bambara nut meal (BNM) respectively. The twelve WAD bucks were divided into four (4) groups of three animals each. Each group was assigned to one of the four experimental diets in a completely randomized experiment. Each animal in a group represented a replicate. The experiment lasted 56 days, Data on Feed and dry matter intake, Weight gain, concentrate/gain ratio, dressing percentage and carcass quality was collected. Investigations revealed that incorporating BNM in concentrate diets did not significantly (P>0,05) enhance dry matter intake (405, 416, 395 and 407g/day for diets A, B, C and D respectively), daily weight gain (27, 60, 23, and 42g/day for diets A, B, C and D respectively) concentrate /gain ratio (9.36, 5.62, 10.60 and 8.37 for diets A, B, C and D respectively). Dressing percentage differed significantly (P<0.05) among treatment groups and was higher for goats fed the BNM- based diets compared to the control and the values were 40.56, 43.28, 41.85 and 41.34%for diets A, B, C and D respectively. Meat cut values showed that leg. loin and shoulder of all the Jointed parts (Shoulder, leg. loin, sets and ends) were significantly different (P<0.05) among treatment groups. The values were 13.20, 13.56, 12.12 and 11.44 %; 12.38, 11.30, 13.19, 11.97 %; 13.60, 12.37, 10.91 and 11.31 % for goats on diets A, B, C and D for leg, loin and shoulder respectively. There was significant differences (P<0.05) among treatment means for all parts that constitute the offal (head, skin, feet, full gut and empty gut) except for empty gut. On the average Diet B comparatively, yielded lower offal weight. It can be concluded that goats fed Diet B (10% BNM performed better comparatively in terms of feed conversion ratio, dressing percentage and bone to lean ratio.
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Amizar, Robi, Rasyidah Mustika, and Wizna Wizna. "BUDIDAYA AYAM KAMPUNG ORGANIK DI SMK PLUS BERBASIS PESANTREN BNM TANJUNG MUTIARA AGAM." LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 3, no. 2 (December 16, 2019): 1.

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Budidaya ayam kampung merupakan salah satu usaha yang banyak dilakukan di daerah pedesaan, terutama dalam pemenuhan protein hewani rumahtangga dan sebagai tambahan pendapatan. Pesantren yang pada umumnya berada didaerah pedesaan sangat cocok untuk pengembangbiakan peternakan ini. Permasalahannya adalah tidak banyak sekolah pesantren yang mengambil peluang ini sebagai tambahan usaha dan pembekalan ilmu praktis terhadap santri. Kemampuan santri dalam mengembangkan kewirausahaan dapat diasah dengan praktek langsung daripada hanya dibekali teori dan kunjungan lapangan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Memberikan pengetahuan, wawasan/skill kepada siswa/santri dalam berwirausaha, 2) Memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada pihak sekolah/pengelola dalam menciptakan iklim kewirausahaan, dan 3) Memberikan pelatihan kewirausahaan peternakan ayam kampung organik (ramah lingkungan). Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode ceramah/penyuluhan, metode praktek langsung yang diiringi dengan diskusi dan pendampingan, dan metode pelatihan dan pencatatan keuangan/akuntansi standar. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa siswa/santri memiliki wawasan dan keterampilan kewirausahaan terutama beternak ayam kampung. Budidaya ayam kampung belum menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan dalam menghasilkan tambahan pendapatan buat sekolah maupun santri namun menjadi tambahan investasi sekolah dalam bentuk sarana praktek siswa/santri. Kata kunci: SMK Plus berbasis Pesantren, beternak ayam kampung, kewirausahaan ABSTRACT Cultivating native chicken is one of the many businesses undertaken in rural areas, especially in fulfilling household animal protein and as an additional income. Islamic boarding schools which are generally located in rural areas are very suitable for breeding these farms. The problem is that not many Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) take this opportunity as an additional effort and provide practical knowledge to students. The ability of students to develop entrepreneurship can be honed by direct practice rather than just being equipped with theory and field trips. This dedication activity aims to 1) Provide knowledge, insight / skills to santri/students in entrepreneurship, 2) Provide knowledge and insight to the school / management in creating an entrepreneurial climate, and 3) Provide entrepreneurship training in organic chicken farming (environmentally friendly). The method used is the lecture / counseling method, the hands-on method accompanied by discussion and assistance, and the standard financial/accounting training and recording method. The results of the implementation of the activity showed that santri/students had insight and entrepreneurial skills, especially raising native chickens. Cultivation of native chicken has not shown significant results in generating additional income for schools or students but has become an additional investment in schools in the form of student / student practice facilities. Keywords: Vocational High School Plus based on Islamic Boarding School, Raising native chickens, Entrepreneurship
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Rahman, Audia Syafa’atur, Hayathu Mohammed Ahamed Hilmy, and Adi Saifurrahman. "Gap Analysis between BNM Regulation and Application of Musharakah Mutanaqisah in Islamic Banking." Journal of Islamic Finance 7, no. 1 (January 2018): 38–50.

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