Academic literature on the topic 'BNM'

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Journal articles on the topic "BNM"


Горлов, А. Д. "Температурные зависимости параметров начального расщепления Gd-=SUP=-3+-=/SUP=- в CaMoO-=SUB=-4-=/SUB=- (решеточный и спин-фононный вклады)." Физика твердого тела 59, no. 3 (2017): 559.

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При температурах T=1.8, 4.2, 99-300 K изучены спектры ЭПР Gd3+ в монокристаллах CaMoO4. Определены зависимости параметров спинового гамильтониана bnm(T) (n=2, 4, m=0, 4) и проведен их анализ. Выделены температурные вклады статической решетки b2(L), b4m(L) в величины bnm(T). Для этого рассчитано изменение b2(L), b4m(L) с учетом температурных сдвигов ближайших к Gd3+ ионов кислорода в CaMoO4. Разности bnm(F) =bnm - bnm(L) отнесены к спин-фононному вкладу. Анализ результатов показал, что b20(F) и b4m(F) положительны, а зависимость b20(F) от T хорошо описывается при помощи модели локальных колебаний (G. Pfister). Однако температурное поведение b4m(F) невозможно было описать в рамках известных моделей спин-фононного взаимодействия. Работа выполнена в рамках госзадания Минобрнауки РФ (код проекта 2457) на оборудовании Центра коллективного пользования "Современные нанотехнологии" УрФУ. DOI: 10.21883/FTT.2017.03.44170.157
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Vian, C., P. Rosenbusch, H. Marion, S. Bize, L. Cacciapuoti, S. Zhang, M. Abgrall, et al. "BNM-SYRTE Fountains: Recent Results." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54, no. 2 (April 2005): 833–36.

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Geneves, G., P. Gournay, A. Gosset, M. Lecollinet, F. Villar, P. Pinot, P. Juncar, et al. "The BNM Watt Balance Project." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54, no. 2 (April 2005): 850–53.

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He, Shengqing, and Chunxia Qi. "The perceived impact of PBL program learning on shifting prospective teachers’ beliefs: A case study in China." Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 18, no. 12 (December 8, 2022): em2195.

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As an important approach to learning and teaching, project-based learning (PBL) addressed in new curriculum reform at the middle school level in China raises the need for change in teachers’ beliefs, since teachers’ beliefs are important factors that influence their acceptance, adaptation, and implementation of PBL. Using qualitative content analysis, this study examined 23 prospective teachers’ (PTs) perceived beliefs shifts through participating in a systematic PBL program at a university. Data were collected from two open questionnaires for pre- and post-tests, respectively, which were about the beliefs about the nature of mathematics (BNM), beliefs about learning mathematics (BLM), and beliefs about teaching mathematics (BTM). The results revealed that PTs’ beliefs about BNM, BLM, and BTM were significantly shifted from the instrumentalist view or the Platonist view to the problem-solving view and that their shifts in BNM positively influenced the shifts in BLM and BTM. The implication for teachers’ professional development is that transforming teachers’ beliefs through systematic training on the theory and practice of PBL is feasible before implementing pedagogical innovations featuring PBL on a large scale.
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Zhang, Xi Yu, and Tian Can Sun. "Hybrid Boundary Node Method for Analysis of 3D Thin Structure." Applied Mechanics and Materials 501-504 (January 2014): 2484–87.

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The hybrid boundary node method (Hybrid BNM) is a boundary type meshless method which based on the modified variational principle and the Moving Least Squares (MLS) approximation. This paper apply the Hybrid BNM to thin structures. No plate and shell theories are used. Theory analysis of the feasibility of the Hybrid BNM for thin structures is proposed. Numerical result shows that the Hybrid BNM is suitable for thin structures and high accuracy can be observed.
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Wasim, Mustanir Hussain, and Hassnian Ali. "Comparison and Analysis on Shariah Standards of AAOIFI & BNM For Mudarbah Product." COMSATS Journal of Islamic Finance 5, no. 2 (December 28, 2020): 48–60.

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Comparison and Analysis on Shariah Standards of AAOIFI & BNM For Mudarbah Product There are two main international standard setting bodies which provide shariah, accounting and auditing standards for global Islamic financial industry. These two institutions are the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). The objective of the current study is to provide an analysis of Mudarbah financing by comparing the standards of the AAOIFI and BNM. Qualitative method of research is used to analyze the content from archival sources. It is established that there are a lot of clauses between the two standards which need to be highlighted for the development of a comprehensive and uniform Islamic financial system. This study will help to achieve this goal by minimizing the gap between AAOIFI and BNM. Keywords: Mudarbah financing, AAOIFI, BNM, Shariah Standards
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Zhang, Yan Yan, and Li Qiang He. "Parallel Best Neighborhood Matching Algorithm on PC Cluter Platform." Advanced Materials Research 383-390 (November 2011): 4109–14.

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Best Neighborhood Matching (BNM) has been shown to be an effective technique to recover a broken image due to a failed network transmission. For high definition image, the time of recovering using BNM algorithm is relative too long and not suitable for real time processing. And the original BNM only targets at gray scale image, and not considers the color image case. In this paper, we extend the BNM algorithm to color image area and use PC clusters to parallelly recover the image and improve the processing speed dramatically. The experiment result from a four nodes cluster system shows that our parallel BNM implementation improves the processing speed up to 7.52 times without any obvious recover quality decrease.
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Diniyanto, Ayon, and Iqbal Kamalludin Kamalludin. "Menyelamatkan Korban dari Jerat UU ITE: Studi Kasus Baiq Nuril Maknun dan Relevansinya Bagi Penguatan Peran Pemerintah Melindungi Pelapor Tindak Asusila." Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum 10, no. 1 (December 29, 2021): 01.

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Permasalahan yang terjadi pada Baiq Nuril Maknun (BNM) mendapat respon yang kuat dab beragam dari masyarakat. Satu sisi menganggap permasalahan BNM adalah pelanggaran terhadap UU ITE. Disisi lain, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh BNM adalah korban pelecehan seksual. Artikel ini merupakan studi kasus pada BNM. Paper ini fokus pada peran pemerintah dalam melindungi secara hukum pelapor dan korban tindak asusila sehingga korban terlindungi dan terhindar dari kriminalisasi. Penelitian yurisdis normatif ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaku tindak pidana asusila memanfaatkan celah hukum UU ITE sehingga justru membuat BNM menjadi bersalah sesuai konteks hukum formal, meskipun dalam hal ini sebenarnya BNM dapat tidak terjerat UU ITE apabila ada peran pemerintah dalam membangun norma hukum dalam UU ITE. Peran pemerintah yang lebih kuat tersebut yaitu dengan membuat mekanisme pelaporan yang mudah dan efektif. Pemerintah juga harus membuat pedoman mekanisme pelaporan yang tersosialisasi menyeluruh, mudah diakses, dan mudah dipahami. Lebih penting lagi, pemerintah harus melindungi pelapor selama kedudukan pelapor masih menjadi pelapor, saksi, atau korban.
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Yang, Ping, Shigeru Fujimura, Yawei Du, Bei Zhang, Li Yang, Masato Kawamura, Zhenhua Zhang, and Suodi Zhai. "Comparison of Pharmaceutical Characteristics between Brand-Name Meropenem and Its Generics." Antibiotics 10, no. 9 (September 10, 2021): 1096.

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This study aimed to provide comparative information of pharmaceutical properties, including particle morphology and distribution uniformity, solubility, presence of residual solvent and insoluble particles, and antimicrobial activities, between brand-name meropenem (Mepem®, BNM) and its six generic products (GPs A-F) marketed in China. Particles of GP-A and -C in dry powder had similar diameters of BNM, while other GPs were larger. Only BNM and GP-A were completely dissolved within 100 s in the lab condition. No insoluble particles >25 μm in diameter were detected in BNM and GP-E. Regarding stability of GPs solutions evaluated by concentration of open-ring metabolites at 6 h and 8 h, BNM showed the lowest open-ringed metabolite concentrates. Residual solvent of acetone detected in one GP showed the maximum value, while ethanol and ethyl acetate were detected both in product E and product F. The concordance rates (%) of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of each generic compared to BNM were 89.5, 85, 87.5, 88, 88.5, and 86.5, respectively, although no significant difference was reached in MIC. Pharmaceutical characteristic differences between the BNM and GPs identified in this study could provide insights into understanding the deviations in the drug manufacturing processes of generic drugs.
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Amanullah, Muhammad, and Muhammad Nabil Fikri Bin Mhd Zain. "Duties and Decision-Making Guidelines for Sharī‘ah Committee: An Overview of BNM (Tugas-Tugas dan Garis Panduan Dalam Membuat Keputusan Bagi Jawatankuasa Shariah: Satu Gambaran Umum BNM)." Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 16, no. 3 (December 30, 2019): 300–318.

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Shari`ah committee of every Islamic bank or other Islamic financial institutions has some specific duties. Likewise, this committee should follow some guidelines in making its decisions. Bank Nigara Malaysia (BNM) has prescribed these duties and decision-making guidelines in its Sharī‘ah Governance Framework (SGF). Using analytical and critical methods, this research paper aims to study these duties and decision-making guidelines. The duties of the Sharī‘ah Committee set by BNM include the basic principle of advising, endorsing, supervising, assisting, consulting and reporting on Sharī‘ah matters. Besides that, the decision-making guidelines for Sharī‘ah Committee by BNM are well-structured and practical. This study contributes to the related literature by showing that the country’s support towards the Islamic finance sector, through BNM’s guidelines, may help the development of IFIs in the country. The results drawn from this study may help policymakers to develop better duties and decision-making guidelines for Sharī‘ah Committees. This study is limited to the SGF issued by BNM in 2010 only. Keywords: Sharī‘ah Committee, Duties, Decision-making, Guidelines. Abstrak Jawatankuasa Shariah bagi setiap bank Islam atau institusi kewangan Islam (IFIs) mempunyai beberapa tugas tertentu. Begitu juga, jawatankuasa ini perlu mengikuti beberapa garis panduan dalam membuat keputusannya. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) telah menetapkan tugas-tugas ini dan juga garis panduan membuat keputusan dalam Shariah Governance Framework (SGF). Dengan menggunakan kaedah analitikal dan kritikal, penyelidikan ini bertujuan mengkaji tugas-tugas serta garis panduan membuat keputusan tersebut. Tugas-tugas jawatankuasa Shariah yang ditetapkan oleh BNM merangkumi prinsip asas dalam menasihati, menyokong, menyelia, membantu, berunding dan melaporkan berkenaan isu-isu Shariah. Di samping itu, garis panduan membuat keputusan ke atas jawatankuasa Shariah yang ditetapkan oleh BNM adalah amat berstruktur dan praktikal. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa sokongan yang diberikan oleh negara terhadap sektor kewangan Islam melalui garis panduan ini boleh membantu kepesatan IFIs dalam negara Malaysia. Keputusan yang diperoleh daripada kajian ini dapat membantu penggubal dasar untuk membangun dengan lebih baik tugas-tugas serta garis panduan membuat keputusan untuk Jawatankuasa Shariah. Kajian ini terhad kepada SGF yang dikeluarkan oleh BNM pada tahun 2010 sahaja. Kata Kunci: Jawatankuasa Shariah, Tugas-Tugas, Membuat Keputusan, Garis Panduan.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "BNM"


Gusson, Claudia Maria. "Movimento estudantil e repressão judicial: o regime militar e a criminalização dos estudantes brasileiros (1964-1979)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.

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Durante os anos de 1964 a 1985, o regime militar brasileiro combateu os militantes contrários ao governo instaurado. O movimento estudantil teve grande representação nas lutas políticas e sociais, nesse contexto, tornou-se importante nos quadros da oposição. O governo fez uso de diversos aparatos para conter a ação dos estudantes, tais como a instauração de processos judiciais contra manifestações estudantis consideradas subversivas. Este estudo pretende apresentar o perfil dos estudantes processados pelo regime militar, assim como o desempenho da acusação e da defesa nos julgamentos, com base em processos arquivados pelo Projeto Brasil Nunca Mais (BNM), que tratam da ação estudantil. O acervo do Projeto é composto pela duplicação e análise dos processos procedentes do Superior Tribunal Militar (STM), pertinentes aos anos de 1964 a 1979. A análise revelou que, aos olhos do Ministério Público, o estudante processado era subversivo e aliado a grupos de esquerda que pretendiam a derrubada do governo, ao passo que, para a defesa, era vítima da própria ingenuidade. Conforme o desempenho do procurador e do advogado, o juiz auditor determinava que o estudante era ou subversivo, ou um cidadão que poderia voltar a viver integrado de maneira construtiva na sociedade.
From 1964 until 1985, when Brazil remained under military control, political prisoners were detained by government to be sued and convicted. The student movement, during the military regime had great representation in the political struggles and became an important opposition against the military regime that took power in April 1964. This research intends to present the profile of the students sued for the military regime and how was the performance of the accusation and the defense in the judgments. This research is based mainly on the military court proceedings of actual trials, which were secretly photocopied by lawyers associated with the Catholic Church and analyzed by a team of researchers, the daring Project known as \"Brazil: Never Again\" (BNM). The project turned out public duplicate archives containing complete record of Brazils military courts. This was achieved by bringing together the most of official legal proceedings of practically the political cases tried in Brazilian military courts between April 1964 and March 1979, specifically those that reached the Supreme Military Court. The analysis of legal proceedings demonstrated that, according to the Public Military Ministrys point of view, the sued student was subversive and allied the leftist organizations to the resistance to that regime. On the other hand, the lawyer for the defense saw the student was a victim of its proper weakness. Depending on the performance of the accusation and the defense, the student could be judged either subversive or a citizen capable to live integrated in useful way in the society.
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Rejchrt, Martin. "Nástroje na podporu řízení pracovních týmů - výběr vhodného task management nástroje pro společnost BNM, s.r.o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013.

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The aim of this diploma thesis is to select a suitable task management tool with regards to specific requirements of BNM, s.r.o. company. The list of requirements was compiled based on author's work experience at the particular company. Last but not least the thesis is focused on a solution of identified issues while the theoretical part explains the teamwork theory and team collaboration. Further chapters introduce SaaS oriented software distribution models. The final tool selection is done using a scoring method and WSA (Weighted Sum Product) method belonging to the multi-criteria decision methods category. The decision making proces is further described with a special attention to the selected tool - Asana. None of the considered tools was excluded due to a non-fulfilment of the selection criteria. The main contribution of the thesis is a comparison and evaluation of available task management tools and a selection of a best tool for the one particular company.
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Benoni, Daniel. "Business Activity Monitoring v řešení Business Intelligence." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) is an acronym of Gartner Inc. to describe systems that are intended to provide "Real-time access to critical business performance indicators to improve the speed and efficiency of business operations. BAM systems help enterprises improve their operational efficiency and increase the ability of understanding and responding to events that have a significant impact on their business processes. Despite the fact that most businesses today are in urgent need to improve their operating performance, BAM systems as a solution seams to don't approach. The reality is that many software vendors supplied new BAM systems solutions by simply adding new features to existing products. In addition, there are no formal standards to define which specific features of the BAM system should contain. Another problem is the lack of theoretical models to support comparative analysis between the different systems of BAM. The aim of my thesis is to contribute to the improvement of the existing theoretical basis for the use of Business Activities Monitoring (BAM) as part of BI solutions, by providing an understanding of the relationship between the needs of decision support systems in real time and current applications of systems BAM. This work provides evidence that the relationship between the Real-time Business Intelligence needs of enterprises and BAM solution is determined by the need to ensure that the BAM system deliver current Real-time information to enable BAM users, who are often operating managers directly responsible for business processes, effectively respond to referred alert, supplied by the BAM system. To increase users' ability to effectively respond to events generated by the BAM system depends primarily on two basic operational issues. First, it is necessary to ensure adequate response for BAM users, to ensure necessary actions associated with the event. Second, BAM user must be able to understand the nature of the problem associated with the event, to initiate the proper steps to resolve the problem. Here it shows that, apart from insufficient knowledge of the nature of problems, BAM system needs, beside generation alerts in very low latency, also add context to these alerts, to provide enough information for BAM users to understand the nature of the problem associated with the event.
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Martins, Ladigenia Tereza. "Bom e bem e suas multifunções na fala da região sul do Brasil." Florianópolis, SC, 2003.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística.
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Particularmente centrados nos pressupostos teóricos do Funcionalismo Lingüístico e da Teoria da Variação, procuramos nesta pesquisa descrever o comportamento discursivo das palavras bom e bem na fala de informantes da região sul do Brasil. Para isso, utilizamos dados extraídos de uma amostra composta por 288 entrevistas, pertencente ao Banco de Dados do VARSUL (Variação Lingüística Urbana no Sul do Brasil). A partir de uma análise qualitativa, apresentamos as atuações de bom e bem nos diversos contextos discursivos e caracterizamos suas respectivas funções. Ligados à propriedade comum de chamada de atenção para a informação, tratamos as lexias como variantes de uma mesma variável lingüística e, conseqüentemente, dispensamos às formas uma análise quantitativa.
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Silva, Cornejo Ignacio Agustín. "Modelamiento de sistema de monitoreo de rendimiento de servicios sobre arquitectura SOA." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2007.

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El principal objetivo de este trabajo de memoria es definir, especificar requerimientos y modelar todos los elementos, componentes, relaciones y dependencias que dan forma a una arquitectura SOA, para la capa VAS de una empresa de telefonía móvil. Sobre esta arquitectura, se definirá y planteará la estructura y organización necesaria para la implantación de un sistema BAM, de manera de cubrir las necesidades técnicas y de negocio que la arquitectura SOA no logra cubrir.
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Akbarieh, Arghavan. "Developing a systematic approach to investigate interoperability issues between Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools and Building Energy Modeling (BEM) tools." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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Integrated building design necessitates the Architecture-Engineering-Construction-Owner-Operator (AECOO) Industry’s participants to collaborate efficiently with each other through the different phases of a building. Nevertheless, to reduce the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of a building, the emphasis is on the early design phases, since if accurate energy calculations and strategies are developed in an early design stage, the sustainable footprint of the building will be significantly reduced. That said, Building Information Modelling (BIM) promotes collaboration among the stakeholders by allowing them to design and store and access the data related to a project into one building information model. Furthermore, this model can be used for energy analysis through Building Energy Modelling (BEM) tools in the early design stages of the project, and through the whole life-cycle. For this, BIM and BEM tools must be able to communicate and exchange information with one another, seamlessly. This means that these tools should be interoperable. However, currently, there are some issues in the BIM to BEM exchange process, which obliges the user to check for the interoperability issues and fix them manually. Therefore, as a result of these interoperability issues, the BIM to BEM process in not automated, and creating an accurate BIM-based BEM is quite time-consuming, laborious and prone to human-made errors. Hence, this thesis aims to systematically investigate the interoperability issues and the state of automated data exchange between BIM and BEM tools, based on the Industry Foundation Class (IFC) exchange data schema. For this, Revit and IDA-ICE are used as BIM, and BEM tools, respectively. The outcome is the presentation of a set of interoperability issues that were found based on the investigation of 19 case studies, with some suggestions for Revit and IDA-ICE developers and future researchers in the end.
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Jahn, Alexandre. "Estilo de vida e percepção de bem-estar em trabalhadores da Associação Franciscana de Ensino Senhor Bom Jesus em Santa Catarina." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2012.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física, Florianópolis, 2009
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-24T18:29:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 276697.pdf: 303303 bytes, checksum: a001d58db7592f0a8db89e36a952d080 (MD5)
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o estilo de vida e os indicadores de saúde de funcionários da Associação Franciscana de Ensino Senhor Bom Jesus, das cidades de Blumenau, Florianópolis e Jaraguá do Sul, do Estado de Santa Catarina. Os dados foram coletados com a aplicação de questionário já validado e aplicado com trabalhadores da indústria com as devidas adaptações para a pesquisa em escolas. Os questionários (n=327) foram distribuídos a todos os professores e funcionários das três unidades de ensino, obtendo-se um retorno de 130 questionários respondidos de forma completa. Foi utilizado o programa SPSS for Windows (versão 16.0) para análise dos dados. Quanto às características demográficas obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados: a maioria possui menos de 40 anos de idade (67,7%); são casados (61,2%); possuem pós-graduação (57,5%); recebem acima de cinco salários mínimos (60,6%) e tem um ou mais filhos (60%). Relativamente à autopercepção de saúde, somente 19,4% entre os homens e 16% entre as mulheres tem percepção negativa com relação ao seu atual estado de saúde. Mais da metade dos homens (52,8%) e das mulheres (60,9%) tem percepção positiva com relação ao bem-estar no lazer. Na percepção de bem-estar no lar os resultados mostram que 91,7% dos homens e 87% das mulheres se sentem bem ou muito bem. No item relacionado ao bem-estar no trabalho, 91,7% dos homens e 87% das mulheres tem percepção positiva. Como fatores relevantes para o bom desempenho no seu trabalho, 40,5% destacam as condições físicas e materiais adequados; 30,2% respeito por parte do cliente (alunos e pais); e 23,3% reconhecimento dos superiores. Quanto à prática de atividade física, mais de 80% dos sujeitos deslocam-se de maneira passiva para os colégios. Em geral, 76,4% realizam atividades domésticas mais pesadas em pelo menos um dia da semana. A atividade física no lazer é um hábito mais significativo entre os homens, com participação de 83,3% dos entrevistados contra 53,8% das mulheres. Comparando com pessoas de mesma idade e sexo a sua condição física, 38,9% dos homens se vêem em melhor condição e 46,2% das mulheres se vêem em condição semelhante. Quanto ao fumo, 94,5% dos entrevistados afirma não fumar e 79,8% não fazem uso de bebida alcoólica. Quanto ao IMC observou-se que 52,8% dos homens apresentam-se com excesso de peso, enquanto apenas 20,9% das mulheres encontram-se nesta condição. Observando a frequência de almoço fora de casa, 42% dos entrevistados almoçam fora todos os dias de trabalho. Já a refeição matinal é feita em número maior ou igual a cinco dias semanais por 73% dos trabalhadores. Em geral, observa-se que os sujeitos têm uma percepção bastante positiva de bem-estar no trabalho, no lar e, um pouco menos positiva, no lazer. Os indicadores do estilo de vida também se apresentam, em geral, como positivos, com os homens apresentando mais comportamentos negativos que as mulheres.
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Dallilo, Felipe Diniz. "Uma abordagem multinível para a obtenção de alinhamento estratégico no gerenciamento de processos de negócio." Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.

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Teoricamente, o Alinhamento Estratégico pode ser obtido com um bom Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio (BPM na sigla em inglês), porém a relação entre esses temas é, na maioria das vezes, assumida implicitamente e pouco elaborada, tornando-se difícil a visualização e vínculo entre as estratégias e os modelos de processos detalhados, sendo necessário empreender pesquisas na direção de uma união efetiva dos dois temas. O presente trabalho desenvolveu um metamodelo multinível, para ligar os objetivos estratégicos com os processos de negócio da organização através da modelagem de processos de negócio. O trabalho conceitual foi acrescido por uma ferramenta de suporte à modelagem que permite a geração de modelos com base no metamodelo multinível e também a representação dos modelos em diferentes formas de abstração. A abordagem foi aplicada em uma grande multinacional e posteriormente foi conduzida uma avaliação experimental no qual foram realizadas entrevistas com funcionários de diferentes níveis hierárquicos para validar a eficiência e eficácia do trabalho desenvolvido. Como resultado foi possível constatar não apenas a efetividade em alcançar os objetivos propostos como também a facilidade na utilização e compreensão da abordagem em níveis devido a simplicidade na representação dos elementos e seus possíveis relacionamentos
Theoretically, the Strategic Alignment can be accomplished with a good Business Process Management, but the relationship between these themes is, most often, implicitly assumed and little developed, making it difficult to visualize and link between the strategies and the models of detailed processes, being necessary to undertake research towards an effective union of the two themes. This study developed a multilevel metamodel for connecting strategic objectives with organizational business processes through modeling of business processes. The conceptual work was increased by a support tool for modeling that allows the generation of models based on multilevel metamodel and also the representation of models in different forms of abstraction. The approach was applied in a large multinational and was subsequently conducted an experimental evaluation in which interviews with employees from different hierarchical levels were performed to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of their work. As a result it was possible to not only the effectiveness in achieving the proposed objectives as well as the ease of use and understanding of the tiered approach because of the simplicity in the representation of the elements and their possible relationships
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Soares, Carla Cristiane Santos. "Mensuração dos Níveis Plasmático de Peptídeo Natriurético Tipo B (BNP) em pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica crônica antes e após programa de exercícios físicos BNP é um bom marcador de melhor tolerância à atividade física?" reponame:Repositório Institucional da FIOCRUZ, 2011.

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Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Fundamentos: A cardiopatia chagásica crônica (CCC) caracteriza-se por disfunção cardíaca em graus variáveis, evoluindo para insuficiência cardíaca (IC). Segue sendo a mais séria e frequente manifestação da fase crônica da doença, afetando entre 20 a 40% destes indivíduos. A IC de origem Chagásica ou outra etiologia apresentam seus níveis de BNP aumentados proporcionalmente à disfunção cardíaca. A reabilitação cardíaca, embora, já descrita como uma abordagem segura e benéfica aos pacientes com IC de origem principalmente isquêmicas, é pouco abordada na CCC. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação dos níveis de BNP, função cardíaca e a tolerância à atividade física em pacientes com CCC antes e após programa de exercício físico regular com duração de 6 meses.Método: Foram avaliados 21 pacientes com a doença de Chagas e alterações eletrocardiográficas que caracterizava CCC. Foram submetidos a um programa de exercícios que englobava 30 minutos de atividade aeróbica e 30 de atividade resistida, 3 vezes semanais durante 6 meses. Foi realizado ecocardiograma e colhidas amostras sanguíneas no início e no final do programa de exercício, assim como verificada a velocidade da esteira no início e no final de 6 meses.Resultados: Não foi observada associação dos níveis de BNP e função cardíaca após o período de exercícios, entretanto, a tolerância ao exercício apresentou melhora significativa (p= 0,02681).Conclusão: O BNP não é um bom marcador de melhor tolerância ao exercício
Chagasic Heart Disease (CHD) is char acterized by cardiac dysfunction in several degrees, progressing to heart failure. It r emains the most serious and frequent manifestation of chronic disease, affecting between 20 and 40% of t hese individuals. The hearth failure (HF) of Chagasic origin or o ther etiology present their BNP levels increased in proportion to cardiac dysfunction. Although, cardiac rehabilitation, once described as a safe and beneficial to patients with HF, mainly ischemic origin, is rarely addressed in the CHD.Objective: To evalu ate the association of BNP levels, cardiac function and tolerance to physical activity in patients with CHD before and after regular exercise program. Material and Methods: We studied patients with Chagas disease, and electrocardiographic changes that char acterized CHD. Underwent an exercise program that included 30 minutes of aerobic activity and 30 resisted activity, 3 times weekly for 24 weeks. Echocardiography was performed and blood samples taken before and after the exercise program, and checked the s peed of the treadmill at the beginning and the end of 24 weeks. Results: There was no association of BNP levels and cardiac function after the exercise period, however, exercise tolerance showed significant improvement (p = 0.02681). Conclusion: There was i mprovement of regular exercise tolerance without reduction of levels of BNP
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Lindén, Anna, and Peter Dehlin. "BIM i planeringsarbetet : Effective planning by using BIM." Thesis, Tekniska Högskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, JTH, Byggnadsteknik, 2012.

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Abstract The importance of good construction planning affects the final costs of the production and the timing of the project. Planning for building projects has been studied with the aim of identifying how three week planning appears in the construction industry today. A case study has been conducted in Navisworks Simulate to assess whether the software is suitable to connect the task schedule with the BIM model to create a 4D model. 4D models are used for performing 4D construction simulation to visualize the project. In order to use the benefits of the model, investment in equipment and software is required. This means higher costs for the companies. Therefore inexpensive software is needed so that it will be profitable to use 4D models even in the production of small projects. The survey which aims to identify planning in the construction industry shows that planning varies between the different sectors, but also that planning technique depends on the knowledge of those who actually carry out the planning. The conclusion is that education in planning techniques and computer aided planning tools is needed to implement BIM in the planning process. With a detailed schedule and a BIM model which is adjusted to the construction of the building, Navisworks Simulate is a suitable program to use in the creation of Building Information Models. When using Navisworks Simulate to create a 4D model, the natural choice would be Navisworks Freedom software for visualization of the project in the production. This is because the Navisworks creates its own file format, which can only be opened in software created by Autodesk. This study was aimed to improve three week planning and increase the use of assimilating feedback by using BIM in the construction industry. The conclusion is that the choice of software for the creation of a 4D model affects the application that later can be used for visualization.
Sammanfattning Vikten av god produktionsplanering ligger till grund för dels den ekonomiska produktionskostnaden, dels tidsaspekten i projektet. Som bakgrund till rapporten har planering i byggproduktionen studerats med syftet att kartlägga hur treveckorsplaneringen ser ut inom bygg- och anläggningsbranschen i dagsläget. En fallstudie har genomförts i Navisworks Simulate för att undersöka om programvaran lämpar sig att sammankoppla treveckorsplanering med BIM-modell för att skapa en 4D-modell. 4D-modellen används för att på ett tydligt vis visualisera arbetet i projektet. För att utnyttja modellen krävs investeringar i utrustning och programvaror vilket innebär dyra kostnader för företagen. För visualisering av projektet eftersträvas därför en programvara till låg kostnad så att det ska bli lönsamt att använda 4D-modellen i produktionen även på mindre projekt. Den utredning som genomförts med syftet att kartlägga planeringsarbetet inom bygg- och anläggningsbranschen visar att planeringsarbetet varierar dels mellan bygg- och anläggningsprojekt men även att planeringsteknik beror på kunskapssnivå hos den som ska genomföra planeringsarbetet. Slutsatsen är att utbildning i planeringsteknik och datorstödda planeringsverktyg behövs för att kunna implementera BIM i planeringsarbetet. Med en detaljerad tidsplanering och produktionsanpassad projektering är Navisworks Simulate ett utmärkt program att använda vid skapandet av BIM-modeller. Vid användandet av Navisworks Simulate för skapande av 4D-modellen är Navisworks Freedom det naturliga valet av program för visualisering ute på arbetsplatsen i produktionen. Detta beror på att Navisworks skapar sitt eget filformat, vilket endast går att öppna i programvaror från Autodesk. Slutsatsen blir att valet av programvara för skapandet av en 4D-modell påverkar vilka program som senare kan användas för visualisering. Examensrapporten syftar till att förbättra treveckorsplaneringen, samt att öka utnyttjandet av erfarenhetsåterföringen inom produktionen genom användande av CAD-samordning och BIM.
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Books on the topic "BNM"


Sedeño, Juan. Poesia originale: (BNM, Ms. 7716). Viareggio, Lucca: M. Baroni, 1997.

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Pseudo-Aristotle. Secreto de los secretsos (ms. BNM 9428). Buenos Aires: Secrit, 1991.

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1905-, Kasten Lloyd August, Jonxis-Henkemans Wilhelmina, and Biblioteca Nacional (Spain), eds. Text and concordance of the General estoria II, BNM MS. 10237. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1993.

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Wasielewski, Maciej. Bim, bam, bom, mogę wszystko!: Historia Bogusława Meca. Warszawa: Agora S.A., 2013.

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Espinosa, Gabriel Sánchez. Las memorias de José Nicolás de Azara (MS. 20121 de la BNM): Estudio y edición del texto. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1994.

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de, Azara José Nicolás, ed. Las memorias de José Nicolás de Azara: MS.20121 de la BNM : estudio y edición del texto. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1994.

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Keller, Anna. Bim, Bam y Bum. Bucaramanga, Colombia: Fundación El Libro Total, 2009.

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Barrientos, Lope de. Texto y concordancias del Tratado de adivinanza y de magia: MSS. BNM 6-401 y Escorial h.III.13. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Study, 1994.

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Valera, Diego de. Textos y concordancias del Tratado de las armas de Diego de Valera: Rome, Casanatense MS. 1098, BNM MS. 1341. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1994.

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ill, Ephraim Shelly Schonebaum, ed. Bim and Bom: A Shabbat tale. Rockville, MD: Kar-Ben Copies, 1996.

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Book chapters on the topic "BNM"


Ramamurthy, T. J. "Retracing a Humble Path: BNM Institute of Technology." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 27–30. India: Springer India, 2013.

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Girard, Daniel. "Development of Multicomponent Force Transfer Standards By ONERA for French BNM." In Mechanical Problems in Measuring Force and Mass, 1–12. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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Mazzon, Ottavia. "Bessarione lettore di Erodoto, Tucidide, Senofonte. Appunti sul ms. Venezia, BNM, gr. Z. 526 (coll. 776)." In Bibliologia, 307–26. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2021.

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Hohwiller, Jörg, Diethelm Schlegel, Gunter Grieser, and Yvette Hoekstra. "Integration of BPM and BRM." In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 136–41. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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van Balen, J. A. M., A. A. Demeulemeester, M. Frölich, K. Mohrmann, L. M. Harms, W. C. H. van Helden, L. J. Mostert, and J. H. M. Souverijn. "BNP (pro-BNP, NT-pro-BNP)." In Memoboek, 44–45. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2012.

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Nicolescu, Teodora, and Tilak D. Raj. "BNP." In Data Interpretation in Anesthesia, 191–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Chaubey, Vikas P., Kevin B. Laupland, Christopher B. Colwell, Gina Soriya, Shelden Magder, Jonathan Ball, Jennifer M. DiCocco, et al. "B2M." In Encyclopedia of Intensive Care Medicine, 281. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Chaubey, Vikas P., Kevin B. Laupland, Christopher B. Colwell, Gina Soriya, Shelden Magder, Jonathan Ball, Jennifer M. DiCocco, et al. "BNP." In Encyclopedia of Intensive Care Medicine, 362. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Augustsson, Lennart. "BWM." In Functional Programming, Glasgow 1991, 36–50. London: Springer London, 1992.

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Saidak, Zuzana, Zakaria Ezzoukhry, Jean-Claude Maziere, Antoine Galmiche, Ken-Ichi Takemaru, Xingwang Chen, Feng-Qian Li, et al. "BRM." In Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules, 203. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "BNM"


Marion, H., F. Pereira Dos Santos, D. Chambon, F. Narbonneau, M. Abgrall, I. Maksimovic, L. Cacciapuotti, et al. "BNM-SYRTE fountains: Recent results." In 2004 Conference on Precision electromagnetic Digest. IEEE, 2004.

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Geneves, G., P. Gournay, A. Gosset, M. Lecollinet, F. Villar, P. Pinot, P. Juncar, et al. "The BNM watt balance project." In 2004 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements. IEEE, 2004.

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Brusch, A., I. Courtillot, A. Quessada, D. B. Kolker, G. Santarelli, A. Clairon, P. Lemonde, J. J. Zondy, O. Acef, and G. D. Rovera. "Optical frequency measurements at BNM-SYRTE." In 18th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2004). IEE, 2004.

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Brusch, A., D. B. Kolker, J.-j. Zondy, O. Acef, J. P. Wallerand, J. C. Knight, P. J. Russel, et al. "Progress in optical frequency measurements at BNM-SYRTE." In 2004 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements. IEEE, 2004.

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Gournay, P., G. Geneves, F. Alves, M. Besbes, F. Villar, and J. David. "Magnetic Circuit Design for the BNM Watt Balance Experiment." In 2004 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements. IEEE, 2004.

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Butcher, Eric A. "Order Reduction of Bilinear Systems Containing a Clearance." In ASME 2001 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.

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Abstract A technique for order reduction of nonsmooth bilinear systems of arbitrary dimension containing a clearance is presented. First, a linear-based order reduction transformation is applied. When only one master coordinate is retained, the frequency of the reduced order model may be used to approximate the bilinear normal mode (BNM) frequency of the full model. By utilizing other approximation methods previously developed via the well-known bilinear frequency relation (BFR), this result is in turn used to construct improved reduced order models whose frequencies are even better approximations to the BNM frequencies for the full model. The technique is applied to two and four degree-of-freedom bilinear systems with nonvanishing clearance or interference. The resulting approximate frequencies are compared with those obtained from numerical simulations. The advantages of the present technique include a reduced order model which uses a subset of the original physical coordinates, contains the form of the nonsmooth nonlinearity of the full model, and whose time series closely tracks that of the corresponding BNM in the full model.
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Hermier, Y. "A New Generation of Multicells for Cryogenic Fixed Points at BNM/INM." In TEMPERATURE: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry; Volume VII; Eighth Temperature Symposium. AIP, 2003.

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Pitre, Laurent. "The Realization of the Provisional Low Temperature Scale of 2000 at BNM-INM." In TEMPERATURE: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry; Volume VII; Eighth Temperature Symposium. AIP, 2003.

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Wang, Qian, and Hanxing You. "A Study on BNM-cBLSTM for Financial Sentiment Analysis in European Bond Markets Based on mpBC-ELMo." In 2022 International Conference on Data Analytics, Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ICDACAI). IEEE, 2022.

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Monnoye, O., S. Djordjevic, P. Cancela, and F. Piquemal. "Generation of Constant Voltage Steps by a Josephson Array Driven by Optoelectronically Generated Pulses at BNM-LNE." In 2004 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements. IEEE, 2004.

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Reports on the topic "BNM"


Sillett, Nicholas. Pilot study to inform a randomised control trial protocol examining the clinical effectiveness of a modified version of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT-BNm) for the treatment of bulimia nervosa. National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), November 2022.

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O'Donnell, James T., Tobias Maile, Cody Rose, Natasa Mrazovic, Elmer Morrissey, Cynthia Regnier, Kristen Parrish, and Vladimir Bazjanac. Transforming BIM to BEM: Generation of Building Geometry for the NASA Ames Sustainability Base BIM. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2013.

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Benmerrouche, Mo. 06-BM BMM Beamline Radiation Shielding Analysis. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2017.

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Benmerrouche, Mo. 06-BM BMM Beamline Radiation Shielding Analysis - Revised. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2017.

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Yan, Jianxun, and Dan Dale. TRIUMF BLM. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2019.

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Pepper, S. E., K. Bachner, and J. Gomera. NGSPN @ BNL. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2016.

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Soto, Carolina, Sebastian Manriquez, Nayib Tala, Claudia Suaznabar, and Pauline Henriquez. Guía para la implementación de Building Information Modelling a nivel de pilotos en proyectos de construcción pública. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, November 2022.

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Este documento consolida las metodologías y aprendizajes de Planbim de Chile y del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) en la incorporación de la metodología de Building Information Modelling (BIM) en proyectos piloto. En la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), se observa un aumento gradual y consistente del número de proyectos de construcción que incorporan la metodología de BIM, ya sea por el requerimiento de los contratantes o por iniciativa propia de las firmas involucradas. El uso de BIM tiene un impacto positivo en la reducción de costos y plazos para la ejecución y la operación de las obras, y aumenta la trazabilidad, transparencia y sostenibilidad de los proyectos durante todo su ciclo de vida. Entre los desafíos más importantes para la adopción de BIM, cabe destacar el bajo uso de estándares y protocolos estructurados. Sin ellos, se produce una alta heterogeneidad en los procesos de trabajo con BIM, lo cual genera malentendidos y atrasos. Este documento se constituye en una herramienta práctica y aplicada que busca facilitar el proceso de implementación de BIM en proyectos de obras y edificaciones públicas de forma estandarizada y consistente con los estándares internacionales, y así contribuir a acelerar la adopción de BIM en ALC.
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Hendricks, Stefanie, Iryna Dykun, Bastian Balcer, Matthias Totzeck, Tienush Rassaf, and Amir A. Mahabadi. Higher BNP/NT-pro BNP levels stratify prognosis equally well in patients with and without heart failure – a meta-analysis with more than 89,000 patients. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2022.

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Review question / Objective: We performed a meta-analysis to investigate, whether the value of BNP/NT-proBNP as predictors of long-term prognosis differentiates in cohorts with and without heart failure. Condition being studied: The standardised cut-off levels for BNP and NT-proBNP that are currently used in clinical practice are based on the stratification of patients with heart failure. In patients without heart failure, however, relatively lower values are observed. This leads to the assumption that the prognosis for patients with BNP/NT-proBNP levels at the upper limit of the normal range might be worse than the prognosis for patients with BNP/NT-proBNP levels lower in the range, even if both are determined to be within the normal boundaries. However, a specific cut-off level of BNP/NT-proBNP for the prediction of prognosis in patients without heart failure has not yet been determined. Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis of existing studies investigating the value of BNP/NT-proBNP as a predictor of long-term prognosis in patients with heart failure and the general population.
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Pinayev, Igor. BPM Button Testing. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2018.

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Church, M. BPM System Improvements. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1991.

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