Academic literature on the topic 'Blowfish Privacy'
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Journal articles on the topic "Blowfish Privacy"
Liu, Jiaxiang, Karl Knopf, Yiqing Tan, Bolin Ding, and Xi He. "Catch a blowfish alive." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 14, no. 12 (July 2021): 2859–62.
Full textChicha, Elie, Bechara Al Bouna, Mohamed Nassar, Richard Chbeir, Ramzi A. Haraty, Mourad Oussalah, Djamal Benslimane, and Mansour Naser Alraja. "A User-Centric Mechanism for Sequentially Releasing Graph Datasets under Blowfish Privacy." ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 21, no. 1 (February 2021): 1–25.
Full textEt. al., Pravin Soni,. "Performance Analysis of Cascaded Hybrid Symmetric Encryption Models." Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12, no. 2 (April 10, 2021): 1699–708.
Full textEzadeen, Shamil, and Auday H. Alwattar. "Survey of Blowfish Algorithm for Cloud." Technium: Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology 4, no. 6 (June 28, 2022): 18–28.
Full textEdwards, Tobias, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Zuhe Zhang, and Sanming Zhou. "A Graph Symmetrization Bound on Channel Information Leakage Under Blowfish Privacy." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68, no. 1 (January 2022): 538–48.
Full textDalave, Chetan Vijaykumar, Anushka Alok Lodh, and Tushar Vijaykumar Dalave. "Secure the File Storage on Cloud Computing Using Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 10, no. 4 (April 30, 2022): 672–76.
Full textKumari, Nidhi, and Prof Vimmi Malhotra. "Secure Cloud Data Storage Using Hybrid Cryptography." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 10, no. 4 (April 30, 2022): 60–63.
Full textLiu, Changchang, Xi He, Thee Chanyaswad, Shiqiang Wang, and Prateek Mittal. "Investigating Statistical Privacy Frameworks from the Perspective of Hypothesis Testing." Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2019, no. 3 (July 1, 2019): 233–54.
Full textAmbika, M., Mangayarkarasi N., Raghuraman Gopalsamy, L. Sai Ramesh, and Kamalanathan Selvakumar. "Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search." International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems 12, no. 3 (July 2021): 1–10.
Full textIftikhar, U., K. Asrar, M. Waqas, and S. A. Ali. "Evaluating the Performance Parameters of Cryptographic Algorithms for IOT-based Devices." Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 11, no. 6 (December 11, 2021): 7867–74.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Blowfish Privacy"
Alchicha, Élie. "Confidentialité Différentielle et Blowfish appliquées sur des bases de données graphiques, transactionnelles et images." Thesis, Pau, 2021.
Full textDigital data is playing crucial role in our daily life in communicating, saving information, expressing our thoughts and opinions and capturing our precious moments as digital pictures and videos. Digital data has enormous benefits in all the aspects of modern life but forms also a threat to our privacy. In this thesis, we consider three types of online digital data generated by users of social media and e-commerce customers: graphs, transactional, and images. The graphs are records of the interactions between users that help the companies understand who are the influential users in their surroundings. The photos posted on social networks are an important source of data that need efforts to extract. The transactional datasets represent the operations that occurred on e-commerce services.We rely on a privacy-preserving technique called Differential Privacy (DP) and its generalization Blowfish Privacy (BP) to propose several solutions for the data owners to benefit from their datasets without the risk of privacy breach that could lead to legal issues. These techniques are based on the idea of recovering the existence or non-existence of any element in the dataset (tuple, row, edge, node, image, vector, ...) by adding respectively small noise on the output to provide a good balance between privacy and utility.In the first use case, we focus on the graphs by proposing three different mechanisms to protect the users' personal data before analyzing the datasets. For the first mechanism, we present a scenario to protect the connections between users (the edges in the graph) with a new approach where the users have different privileges: the VIP users need a higher level of privacy than standard users. The scenario for the second mechanism is centered on protecting a group of people (subgraphs) instead of nodes or edges in a more advanced type of graphs called dynamic graphs where the nodes and the edges might change in each time interval. In the third scenario, we keep focusing on dynamic graphs, but this time the adversaries are more aggressive than the past two scenarios as they are planting fake accounts in the dynamic graphs to connect to honest users and try to reveal their representative nodes in the graph. In the second use case, we contribute in the domain of transactional data by presenting an existed mechanism called Safe Grouping. It relies on grouping the tuples in such a way that hides the correlations between them that the adversary could use to breach the privacy of the users. On the other side, these correlations are important for the data owners in analyzing the data to understand who might be interested in similar products, goods or services. For this reason, we propose a new mechanism that exposes these correlations in such datasets, and we prove that the level of privacy is similar to the level provided by Safe Grouping.The third use-case concerns the images posted by users on social networks. We propose a privacy-preserving mechanism that allows the data owners to classify the elements in the photos without revealing sensitive information. We present a scenario of extracting the sentiments on the faces with forbidding the adversaries from recognizing the identity of the persons. For each use-case, we present the results of the experiments that prove that our algorithms can provide a good balance between privacy and utility and that they outperform existing solutions at least in one of these two concepts
Luque, González Jorge, and Fernandez Ignacio Arenchaga. "Data Encryption on a Network." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, fysik och matematik, DFM, 2010.
Full textEn este proyecto encontraras un estudio sobre diferentes algoritmos de encriptación, que son usados para salvaguardar la información en mensajes por la red. Además hemos desarrollado una aplicación cliente-servidor que enviara información a través de la red de forma segura. Hay dos tipos de algoritmos de encriptación, los simétricos y los asimétricos. Ambos tipos de algoritmos son utilizados para establecer la comunicación, el asimétrico (RSA) es utilizado para establecer la clave del simétrico y a partir de entonces se utilizara exclusivamente el algoritmo simétrico (Blowfish).
Book chapters on the topic "Blowfish Privacy"
More, Sharmila S., B. T. Jadhav, and Bhawna Narain. "Privacy Conserving Using Fuzzy Approach and Blowfish Algorithm for Malicious Personal Identification." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 503–10. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Blowfish Privacy"
He, Xi, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, and Bolin Ding. "Blowfish privacy." In SIGMOD/PODS'14: International Conference on Management of Data. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2014.
Full textNassar, Mohamed, Elie Chicha, Bechara Al Bouna, and Richard Chbeir. "VIP Blowfish Privacy in Communication Graphs." In 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2020.
Full textDongre, V. C., and S. G. Shikalpure. "Ensuring privacy preservation in wireless networks against traffic analysis by employing network coding and Blowfish encryption." In 2016 International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP). IEEE, 2016.
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