Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Biosynthesis in plants'
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Jin, Xin. "Isoprenoid and flavonoid biosynthesis and regulation in higher plants." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Lleida, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/667579.
Full textEsta tesis se centra principalmente en el análisis funcional y en la caracterización de los genes que codifican para algunos metabolitos secundarios y en el estudio de su regulación en las plantas. Los objetivos generales fueron (a) profundizar en el conocimiento de la regulación transcripcional del gen de la biosíntesis de los carotenoides, la β-caroteno hidroxilasa 2 (BCH2) en el maíz, y (b) analizar la función de las dos isopentenil difosfato isomerasas (OsIPPI) de arroz, determinando además su localización subcelular. Simultáneamente, se estudió cómo la luz afecta a la vía metabólica y a la producción de pelargonidina en el arroz; se identificaron también los genes esenciales de su biosíntesis en Gentiana lutea L. var. aurantiaca. Las plantas de maíz y arroz se transformaron con los genes de los factores de transcripción ZmMYB y ZmPBF. Se analizó la expresión génica transitoria y se realizó transformación estable. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que tanto ZmPBF como ZmGAMYB pueden transactivar la expresión de ZmBCH2 en endospermo de maíz, y ZmPBF y ZmGAMYB transactivar independientemente el promotor de ZmBCH2 en arroz. Los dos parálogos de IPPI (OsIPPI1 y OsIPPI2) aislados previamente en arroz tuvieron un patrón de expresión diferente; el ARNm de OsIPPI1 fue más abundante que el ARNm de OsIPPI2 en todos los tejidos. Se usó la microscopía de fluorescencia confocal y microscopía inmunoelectrónica para determinar la localización de ambas proteínas. Estas se localizan en el retículo endoplásmico (RE), así como en los peroxisomas y las mitocondrias, mientras que solo se detectó OsIPPI2 en los plastidios. La detección de ambas isoformas en el RE indica que DMAPP se puede sintetizar de novo en este compartimiento. Diferentes técnicas como UPLC, GC-MS y qRT-PCR también se utilizaron para perfilar los metabolitos primarios y secundarios y la expresión génica en plántulas de arroz des-etioladas. Los resultados revelaron que los genes involucrados en la en el metabolismo primario y secundario están regulados por la luz, especialmente en la biosíntesis de isoprenoides en hojas de arroz. Once derivados de pelargonidina se identificaron en los pétalos de G. lutea y se perfilaron los genes de la vía de biosíntesis, revelando que DFR, ANS y 3GT afectan principalmente a la acumulación de los glucósidos de pelargonidina. Todos estos resultados contribuyen al conocimiento, a diferentes niveles, de la regulación de las rutas biosinteticas de los carotenoides en plantas superiores.
This thesis mainly focuses on functional analysis and characterization of a number of secondary metabolite biosynthetic genes and the regulation of the corresponding secondary metabolite biosynthetic pathway in plants. The overall aims were to elucidate the transcriptional regulation of β-carotene hydroxylase 2 gene (BCH2) in maize, the functional analysis of rice isopentenyl diphosphate isomerases (OsIPPI), and determine their subcellular localization. Simultaneously, the influence of light on the metabolic pathway in rice was studied and the pelargonidin quantification and essential pelargonidin biosynthesis genes in Gentiana lutea L. var. aurantiaca were identified. Maize and rice plants were transformed with transcription factor genes ZmMYB and ZmPBF, via transient gene expression and stable transformation respectively. The results indicated that both ZmPBF and ZmGAMYB can transactivate ZmBCH2 expression in maize endosperm and ZmPBF and ZmGAMYB independently transactivate the ZmBCH2 promoter in rice. The two IPPI paralogs (OsIPPI1 and OsIPPI2) isolated previously in rice had a different expression pattern; OsIPPI1 mRNA was more abundant than OsIPPI2 mRNA in all tissues. Confocal fluorescence microscopy and immuno-electron microscopy were used to determine the localization of both proteins. These localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as well as peroxisomes and mitochondria, whereas only OsIPPI2 was detected in plastids. The detection of both isoforms in the ER indicates that DMAPP can be synthesized de novo in this compartment. UPLC, GC-MS and qRT-PCR were used to profile the primary and secondary metabolites and gene expression in de-etioleted rice seedlings. The results revealed both primary and secondary metabolism and the corresponding genes are regulated by light, especially isoprenoids biosynthesis in rice leaves. Eleven pelargonidin derivatives were identified in the petals of G. lutea and the biosynthetic pathway genes were profiled, revealing DFR, ANS and 3GT mainly affect the accumulation of pelargonidin glucosides. Collectively my results provide novel insights of the regulation of carotenoid and flavonoid biosynthesis in higher plants at different levels.
Savill, Julia. "Carotenoid biosynthesis in higher plants." Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.313103.
Full textMilborrow, Barry Vaughan Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences Faculty of Science UNSW. "Biosynthesis of abscisic acid in plants." Awarded by:University of New South Wales. Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, 2007. http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/42883.
Full textParry, Andrew David. "Abscisic acid biosynthesis in higher plants." Thesis, Cardiff University, 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.328480.
Full textMacaulay, Keith Malcolm. "Salicylic acid biosynthesis in higher plants." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2011. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.609202.
Full textHu, Chien-an Andy. "Osmoregulation and proline biosynthesis in plants /." The Ohio State University, 1993. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1487843688956923.
Full textWheeler, Glen L. "The biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in plants." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2000. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.531672.
Full textAshurst, Jennifer Lilian. "Investigation of pantothenate biosynthesis in higher plants." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.621651.
Full textOkunishi, Tomoya. "Stereochemistry of Lignan Biosynthesis in Thymelaeaceae Plants." Kyoto University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/149001.
Full text0048
(主査)教授 島田 幹夫, 教授 桑原 保正, 教授 坂田 完三
Hamilton, John T. G. "Biosynthesis of organofluorine compounds in plants and bacteria." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.388092.
Full textChakauya, Ereck. "Effect of manipulating pantothenate biosynthesis in higher plants." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.614866.
Full textGutiérrez, García Laura. "Unveiling the biological role of stigmasterol biosynthesis in tomato plants." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/667925.
Full textEn plantas, la ruta de biosíntesis de los esteroles da lugar a la generación de una compleja mezcla de productos finales, entre los cuales, el β-sitosterol, estigmasterol, campesterol, colesterol son los más abundantes. El estigmasterol es el producto final en la rama de los 24-etil esteroles, y se sintetiza a partir del β-sitosterol por la acción de la enzima esterol C22-desaturasa (C22DES). A pesar de que C22DES fue identificada hace una década, aún hace falta mayor conocimiento acerca de algunos aspectos relevantes relacionados con la estructura y función de esta enzima. Además, algunos estudios han descrito la existencia de cambios en la relación estigmasterol a β-sitosterol (STIG/SIT) durante el desarrollo de la planta y su respuesta a estímulos ambientales, que se han relacionado con la actividad de C22DES. Sin embargo, aún se desconoce la relevancia biológica de los cambios en los niveles de estigmasterol. Basándonos en esto, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo ha sido el esclarecimiento del papel del estigmasterol durante el crecimiento de la planta y el desarrollo, así como en su respuesta a desafíos ambientales. Para este estudio se seleccionó el tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) como planta modelo aprovechando que es una de las pocas especies vegetales en las que C22DES está codificada por un gen de copia única. Los objetivos de esta tesis han sido: (1) la caracterización funcional y estructural de C22DES en términos de localización subcelular y mecanismo de acción, y (2) la evaluación del papel de la biosíntesis de estigmasterol sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y respuestas a estrés biótico y abiótico en plantas de tomate. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis han confirmado que C22DES se dirige y retiene en la membrana del retículo endoplásmico (RE). C22DES consiste en dos dominios bien diferenciados: un dominio hélice transmembrana en el extremo amino-terminal (TMH1), que es suficiente para su direccionamiento y retención en la membrana del RE, y un dominio globular que también mantiene zonas de contacto con la membrana del RE. El dominio globular también puede interaccionar y ser retenido en el RE en ausencia de TMH1, pero es enzimáticamente inactivo, lo que revela la necesidad del dominio transmembrana amino-terminal para la actividad enzimática. Los análisis in silico de la región TMH1 revelaron algunas características que pueden estar implicadas en el reconocimiento y unión de sustrato. Se generaron plantas transgénicas de tomate con relaciones STIG/SIT alteradas mediante la sobreexpresión, silenciamiento mediado por amiRNA, y la eliminación del gen C22DES. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la ausencia de estigmasterol no es letal para la planta, ya que las plantas del genotipo mutante nulo C22des- son capaces de completar su ciclo de vida. Sin embargo, este mutante mostró algunas anormalidades fenotípicas relacionadas con procesos de crecimiento y desarrollo. Las plantas mutantes C22des- también mostraron aumentada su susceptibilidad a la infección por Botrytis cinerea. Los datos proporcionados en esta tesis contribuyen a aumentar el conocimiento actual sobre los mecanismos de acción del estigmasterol y C22DES en plantas de tomate y sienta las bases para futuros estudios dedicados a desentrañar los mecanismos involucrados en la regulación de la actividad C22DES. El mutante C22des- generado en este trabajo también proporciona una herramienta única y de gran importancia para evaluar el papel del estigmasterol en las plantas.
Zhang, Dong-Xiu. "Loline alkaloid biosynthesis gene expression in epichloë endophytes of grasses." Lexington, Ky. : [University of Kentucky Libraries], 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10225/785.
Full textTitle from document title page (viewed on May 12, 2008). Document formatted into pages; contains: xvi, 221 p. : ill. (some col.). Includes abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 214-219).
Gross, Jeferson. "The biosynthesis of phylloquinone(vitamin K1) in higher plants." Diss., lmu, 2006. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-63535.
Full textLundmark, Åstot Crister. "Cytokinins in higher plants : biosynthesis and interaction with auxins /." Umeå : Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges lantbruksuniv.), 2000. http://epsilon.slu.se/avh/2000/91-576-5866-8.pdf.
Full textRizk, Sandra E. "Biosynthesis and assembly of pectin and glucuronoarabinoxylan in plants." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2000. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/5655/.
Full textHarris, Darby M. "MOLECULAR AND CHEMICAL DISSECTION OF CELLULOSE BIOSYNTHESIS IN PLANTS." UKnowledge, 2011. http://uknowledge.uky.edu/pss_etds/3.
Full textHorstmann, Carl Ulrich. "Manipulating cell wall biosynthesis in yeast and higher plants." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/5288.
Full textIncludes bibliography.
Title page: Dept. of Genetics, Faculty of Science.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Undeniably, changes in the environment and dwindling traditional energy resources have resulted in the search for viable, renewable energy alternatives such as biofuels. Cellulose is one of the most abundant polymers on earth and can be converted to simple sugars and fermented to ethanol biofuel fairly easily. Cellulose rich biomass that can serve to supply ethanol biofuel production can be sourced from unexploited agricultural waste. The main drawback to using vegetative tissue as opposed to harvested food stocks from crops results from the structural properties of plant cell walls. Although cellulose is abundant, the contaminating hemicellulose and lignin fibres within the cell wall matrix have a negative impact on the digestibility of the cellulose present. Thus, an important step in creating an effective biofuel production system from agricultural excess is developing crops with improved cell wall polymer characteristics that can be converted to ethanol more efficiently. This project consisted of two parts. Firstly, the aim was to assess lignin production in transgenic sugarcane transformed with a construct aimed at down-regulating the 4- (hydroxyl) cinnamoyl CoA ligase (4CL) gene in the lignin biosynthesis pathway. The second part of the project revolved around discovering the mechanism of impared cell growth caused by expressing the gene encoding cellulose synthase from a marine invertebrate, Ciona savignyi, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Several sugarcane lines that had been previously transformed with a hairpin RNAi construct aimed at down-regulating the 4CL gene in the monolignol biosynthesis pathway were subjected to analysis to determine if lignification had been reduced. Although the presence of the hairpin construct in the genomic DNA had been confirmed for all of the transgenic lines, there was no significant decrease in the lignin levels in any of the transgenic lines. PCR analysis of the mRNA and enzyme assays also confirmed that the 4CL gene was still being expressed. Ongoing work will determine the cause of the unsuccessful down-regulation. Previously, it had been proven that the cellulose synthase gene from C. savignyi could be functionally expressed in S. cerevisiae. However, cellulose production resulted in extremely retarded growth of colonies and cultures, to the point of the apparent death of the cultures. The aim of this part of the project was to determine the mechanism (either metabolic or physical) that causes this effect. To generate enough cell mass to perform metabolic analysis, several strategies to impede cellulose production in transgenic yeast were explored. Attempts to stop cellulose production and induce better growth by introducing Isoxaben (a traditional weed killer that targets cellulose synthases) into the growth medium used for the transgenic yeast proved unsuccessful. To control the expression of the transgene, it was attempted to clone the cellulose synthase gene into an expression system containing an inducible promoter. The cloning exercise proved extremely difficult and multiple attempts with several strategies proved unsuccessful. This process is still ongoing as the growth retarding process induced by cellulose production in yeast remains to be identified.
AFRIKAAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is onontkenbaar dat veranderinge in die omgewing en minderwordende tradisionele energiebronne veroorsaak dat lewensvatbare en hernubare energiebronne soos biobrandstof gevind moet word. Sellulose is een van die mees volop polimere op aarde en kan redelik maklik omgeskakel word na eenvoudige suikers en gefermenteer word tot etanol-biobrandstof. Sellulose-ryk biomassa wat etanol-biobrandstof kan verskaf, kan herwin word van tot op hede ongebruikte landbou-afval. Die komplekse struktuur van plantselwande is die hoofstruikelblok in die omskakeling van vegetatiewe weefsel tot biobrandstof. Hoewel sellulose volop is, het die kontaminerende hemisellulose- en lignienvesels binne die selwand-matriks ’n negatiewe impak op die verteerbaarheid van die sellulose teenwoordig in die selwand. Daarom is ’n belangrike stap in die ontwikkeling van effektiewe biobrandstof-produksiesisteme vanaf landbou-afval om gewasse te ontwikkel met verbeterde selwandpolimeer-eienskappe wat etanol-produksie kan vergemakilik. Hierdie projek het bestaan uit twee dele. Eerstens was die doel om vas te stel of die lignienproduksie geaffekteer is in transgeniese suikerriet getransformeer met ’n konstruk wat mik om die 4-(hidroksie)-cinnamoyl CoA ligase (4CL) geen te af-reguleer in die lignienbiosintese- padweg. Die tweede deel van die projek het daarop gefokus om die meganisme te ondek wat die belemmerde selgroei veroorsaak, as gevolg van die uitdrukking van die geen wat kodeer vir sellulose-sintase in ’n mariene ongewerwelde, Ciona savignyi, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Verskeie suikerriet-lyne, wat voorheen getransformeer is met ’n haarnaald-RNAi-konstruk om die 4CL-geen te af-reguleer in die monolignol-biosintese-padweg, is onderwerp aan analise om vas te stel of lignifikasie verminder is. Hoewel die teenwoordigheid van die haarnaald-konstruk in die genomiese DNA bevestig is vir al die transgeniese lyne, was daar geen beduidende vermindering in die lignienvlakke in die transgeniese lyne nie. PKRanalise van die mRNA en ensiem-aktiwiteitstoetse het ook bevestig dat die 4CL-geen steeds uitgedruk word. Verdere ondersoek sal kan vasstel wat die oorsaak van die onsuksesvolle af-regulering is. Voorheen is bewys dat die sellulose-sintase-geen van C. savignyi funksioneel uitgedruk kon word in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Egter, selluloseproduksie het die gevolg gehad dat groei in die transgeniese kolonies en kulture erg gestrem is, tot die punt dat die kulture dood voorgekom het. Die doel van hierdie deel van die projek was om vas te stel wat die meganisme (òf metabolies òf fisies) is wat hierdie verskynsel veroorsaak het. Om genoeg selmassa te genereer om metaboliese analise uit te voer, is verskeie strategieë om selluloseproduksie in transgeniese gis te verhinder, ondersoek. Pogings om selluloseproduksie te stop en om groei te verbeter deur Isoxaben by te voeg in die groeimedium gebruik vir transgeniese gis, was onsuksesvol. Isoxaben is ’n tradisionele onkruiddoder wat sellulose-sintases teiken en inhibeer. Om die uitdrukking van die transgeen te beheer, is ’n poging aangewend om dié sellulose-sintase-geen in ’n uitdrukking-sisteem te kloon met ’n induseerbare promotor. Die kloneringsoefening was uiters moeilik en veelvoudige pogings met verskeie strategieë was onsuksesvol. Hierdie proses moet verder gevoer word aangesien die groeistremmingsmeganisme veroorsaak deur selluloseproduksie in gis nog geïdentifiseer moet word.
Terry, Christian James. "Gene expression and ABA biosynthesis in water stressed plants." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.308310.
Full textTunc, Meral. "The molecular genetic regulation of thiamin biosynthesis in plants." abstract and full text PDF (free order & download UNR users only), 2008. http://0-gateway.proquest.com.innopac.library.unr.edu/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3307578.
Full textRoosens, Nancy. "Proline biosynthesis related to salt stress in higher plants." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/211926.
Full textAddlesee, Hugh Alistair. "The terminal stages of chlorophyll biosynthesis in bacteria and plants." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.265151.
Full textRunguphan, Weerawat. "Reprogramming alkaloid biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus : synthetic biology in plants." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/65274.
Full textVita. Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references.
The medicinal plant Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) produces over 130 monoterpene indole alkaloid (MIA) natural products. Many of these compounds have pharmaceutical value, such as the anticancer agents vinblastine and vincristine. Unnatural modifications can impart novel bioactivity to the parent natural product. Advances in synthetic biology and microbial engineering have allowed overproduction of natural products and their analogs in non-native organisms such as yeast and E. coli. However, re-engineering of plant pathways to yield "novel" products has been limited, particularly when compared to the successes achieved in prokaryotic systems. This thesis describes several strategies to re-engineer MIA biosynthesis in periwinkle to produce novel alkaloids. The first strategy involves the introduction of a biosynthetic enzyme with redesigned substrate specificity into periwinkle. The resulting transgenic plant culture produces a variety of unnatural alkaloid compounds when co-cultured with precursors that the re-engineered enzyme has been designed to accept. The second strategy improves upon this work by enabling periwinkle to autonomously synthesize precursor analogs in situ. Specifically, the prokaryotic halogenation machinery was introduced into the genome of periwinkle, which lacks the biosynthetic ability to produce halogenated compounds. These halogenases function within the context of the plant cell to generate halogenated precursor, which is then shuttled into MIA metabolism to yield halogenated alkaloids. Altogether, a new functional group-an organohalide-was introduced into plant secondary metabolism in a regioselective and predictable manner. The third strategy involves RNAi-mediated suppression of MIA biosynthesis in periwinkle. Alkaloid production was obliterated in the resulting transgenic plant culture. The silenced plant culture produces a variety of fluorinated alkaloids when co-cultured with fluorinated starting substrate. The yields of some unnatural alkaloids were improved since the natural precursor was absent. Finally, the fourth strategy describes chemical functionalization of halogenated MIAs. Postbiosynthetic chemical derivatizations of halogenated MIAs using palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions robustly afforded aryl and heteroaryl analogs of MIAs. Altogether, the work described in this thesis demonstrates the versatility of medicinal plants in the generation of unnatural alkaloids. Thus, despite their genetic complexity, plants are a viable platform for synthetic biology efforts.
by Weerawat Runguphan.
Zhang, Chun-sheng. "Regulation of proline biosynthesis in plants subjected to osmotic stress /." The Ohio State University, 1997. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1487948807588165.
Full textAhmed, Sheaza. "Metabolic Engineering of Plants by Manipulating Polyamine Transport and Biosynthesis." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1507393675673047.
Full textTrojanowska, Miranda R. "The biosynthesis of saponins and phytosterols in oat roots." Thesis, University of Hull, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.310222.
Full textAl-Shakarchi, E. M. D. "Transformation of sterols in plant tissue cultures." Thesis, Bucks New University, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.384187.
Full textShih, Chun-hat, and 施振翮. "Molecular characterization and metabolic engineering of flavonoid biosynthesis in higher plants." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2009. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B41633829.
Full textShih, Chun-hat. "Molecular characterization and metabolic engineering of flavonoid biosynthesis in higher plants." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2009. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B41633829.
Full textLehner, Bryan W. "Aggregation Pheromone Biosynthesis and Engineering in Plants for Stinkbug Pest Management." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/100605.
Full textMaster of Science
Lyczakowski, Jan Jakub. "Biosynthesis and function of glucuronic acid substitution patterns on softwood xylan." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2019. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/287949.
Full textRojas, Natalia Palacios. "Secondary metabolism in plants : molecular screening of floral diversity and studies of biosynthetic pathways in Lonicera tatarica and Catharanthus roseus." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.323391.
Full textBroomhead, A. J. "Chemical and biochemical studies of tumour inhibitory aryl tetralin lignans." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.235376.
Full textDunn, Steven Mark. "The 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase of pea (Pisum sativum)." Thesis, University of Exeter, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.314442.
Full textHäkkinen, Suvi T. "A functional genomics approach to the study of alkaloid biosynthesis and metabolism in Nicotiana tabacum and Hyoscyamus muticus cell cultures /." [Espoo, Finland] : VTT, 2008. http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/publications/2008/P696.pdf.
Full textDecani, Yol Betul. "Extension Of Flower Longevity In Transgenic Plants Via Antisense Blockage Of Ethylene Biosynthesis." Master's thesis, METU, 2004. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12605135/index.pdf.
Full textSandager, Line. "Genes and enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of triacylglycerol in plants and yeast /." Alnarp : Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges lantbruksuniv.), 2001. http://epsilon.slu.se/avh/2001/91-576-5832-3.pdf.
Full textStyer, Jean Christine. "Regulating Inositol Biosynthesis in Plants: Myo-Inositol Phosphate Synthase and Myo-Inositol Monophosphatase." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/9870.
Full textInositol is important for normal growth and development in plants. The regulation of the inositol biosynthetic enzymes, myo-inositol phosphate synthase (MIPS) and myo-inositol monophosphatase (IMP) was investigated. The specific aims of this research were (1) to develop a tool to study MIPS protein accumulation in a model plant system, Arabidopsis thaliana (At) and potentially other plant species and (2) to determine the spatial expression patterns of Lycopersicon esculentum IMP-2 (LeIMP-2) at the cellular level.
Myo-inositol phosphate synthase (mips) genes have been identified in plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of AtMIPS-1, -2 and Glycine max MIPS (GmMIPS) indicated that AtMIPS-1 and GmMIPS are 87% identical, and AtMIPS-2 and GmMIPS are 89% identical. Based on these data, a Gmmips cDNA was fused at the N-terminus to a 6X histidine tag (5' GAC GAC GAC GAC GAC GAC 3'), cloned into an overexpression vector and overexpressed in E. coli. The fusion protein, HISMIPS, was extracted using denaturing conditions and purified using Ni2+ affinity chromatography. Anti-GmMIPS antiserum from rabbit detected the recombinant HISMIPS protein (76 kD), and GmMIPS (64 kD). Affinity purification by subtractive chromatography yielded anti-GmMIPS antibody that detected
The tomato inositol monophosphatase (Leimp) genes are a developmentally regulated multigene family. From analysis of sequences, Leimp-2 is intron-less and has the putative start site of translation located at +108 bp downstream from the putative start site of transcription. Investigation of the 5â UTR revealed the 3' end of a partial open reading frame (338 bp) highly homologous to the gene for calmodulin. Three light responsive elements and a cold responsive element were also identified in the 5' UTR.
Transgenic Leimp-2::uidA plants were produced using the existing construct of the Leimp-2 promoter fused to the uidA gene (J. Keddie, University of California at Berkeley). Seedlings were perserved and sectioned. Using histological techniques, the analysis of the Leimp-2 promoter::uidA transgenic seedlings revealed that the Leimp-2 promoter causes expression at the base of the shoot apex and within leaflets of the first set of fully expanded leaves. Further, Leimp-2 promoter expression was localized to epidermal and cortex cells on the abaxial side of the 1st and 2nd fully expanded compound leaves.
These studies of MIPS and IMP expression lay a foundation for a better understanding of the regulation of inositol biosynthesis in Arabidopsis, tomato, and other plant species.
Master of Science
Abdul-Rahman, M. M. "Studies on the biosynthesis of ligands and their production in plant cell cultures." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.381094.
Full textVijh, Renu. "Role and compartmentation of ATP: citrate lyase in terpenoid and lipid biosynthesis in plants." Thesis, University of Hull, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.363184.
Full textSimon, Josiah William. "Molecular and structural studies on proteins involved in lipid biosynthesis in plants and bacteria." Thesis, Durham University, 2002. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/4036/.
Full textThelander, Mattias. "Studies of molecular mechanisms integrating carbon metabolism and growth in plants /." Uppsala : Dept. of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics, Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, 2003. http://epsilon.slu.se/a432.pdf.
Full textIsraelsson, Maria. "Gibberellin homeostasis and biosynthesis in relation to shoot growth in hybrid aspen /." Umeå : Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, 2004. http://epsilon.slu.se/s307.pdf.
Full textElbagory, Abdulrahman Mohammed Mohammed Nagy. "Green synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles from South African plants and their biological evaluations." University of the Western Cape, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/7011.
Full textThe field of nanotechnology continues to offer solutions for biotechnologists whose target is to improve the quality of life by finding new therapies to combat diseases. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been showing great potentials in many biomedical applications. The antibacterial activity of the AuNPs presents a therapeutic option for conditions caused by bacterial infections such as chronic wounds. Also, these versatile particles can offer solutions in the treatments of infectious diseases and can also be exploited as “smart” vehicles to carry drugs, such as antibiotics, for improved efficiency. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory activity of AuNPs makes them useful in the management of prolonged inflammation caused by bacterial infections. The synthesis of AuNPs can be achieved by variety of physical and chemical methods that have been successfully applied in labs and industry. Nonetheless, the drawbacks of these “conventional” methods in terms of high cost, adverse health side effects and incompatibility with the ecosystem cannot be overlooked. Thus, new safer and more cost-effective protocols have been reported for the synthesis of AuNPs. Plants have provided alternate synthesis methods in which the reducing capabilities of the phytochemicals, found in the aqueous plant extracts, can be used to chemically synthesize AuNPs from gold precursors. The biosynthesis and characterization of AuNPs from the phytochemicals of several South African plants is investigated in this study. The study also reports the optimization of the AuNPs biosynthesis by varying reaction conditions such as temperature and plant extracts’ concentrations. Furthermore, the study highlights the wound healing activity of the AuNPs synthesized from selected plants by investigating their antibacterial activity on bacterial strains known to cause chronic wounds. The ability of these AuNPs to carry ampicillin in order to enhance the antibacterial activity is also described herein. The cytotoxicity of the biosynthesized AuNPs was evaluated on human normal fibroblasts cells (KMST-6). Additionally, the immunomodulatory effect of the biosynthesized AuNPs on the cytokines production from macrophages and Natural Killer (NK) cells was examined. The study was successful to produce biocompatible and safe AuNPs synthesized from the tested aqueous plant extracts. The resulted AuNPs showed different physicochemical properties by varying the reaction conditions. The AuNPs exhibited antibacterial activity against several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Also, ampicillin was successfully loaded on the biosynthesized AuNPs, which led to the formation of more antibacterial active conjugated AuNPs compared to the free AuNPs. The green synthesized AuNPs were also found to have anti-inflammatory responses as shown by the reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines from immune cells. In vitro assays showed that the biogenic AuNPs were not toxic to KMST-6 cells. Overall, the data suggest that plant extracts produce biologically safe AuNPs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities that can be exploited in the treatment of chronic wounds and in the management of chronic inflammation.
Ge, Lingxiao. "The Export of Polyamines in Plants Is Mediated By a Novel Clade of Bidirectional Transporters." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1430486987.
Full textHeinig, Uwe Herbert [Verfasser]. "Studies on the evolution of complex natural products biosynthetic pathways on basis of Taxol biosynthesis in plants and endophytic fungi / Uwe Herbert Heinig." Aachen : Hochschulbibliothek der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 2012. http://d-nb.info/1024800075/34.
Full textDowdle, John. "Aspects of the control of L-ascorbic acid biosynthesis via the Smirnoff-Wheeler pathway in plants." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.410807.
Full textGroh, Chloé. "Deciphering the interactions between plants and bacteria in the context of isoprenoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019STRAJ079.
Full textIsoprenoids are a large class of molecules found in all living organisms that are implicated in diverse biological processes. The aim of my thesis was to decipher if they could be involved in the interactions between plants and bacteria. Therefore, I worked on Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type and mutants, altered in the two isoprenoid biosynthesis pathways occurring in higher plants. An inventory of the communities interacting with wild-type and mutants highlighted some differentially abundant bacteria, despite the existence of a core microbiota. In addition, plants affected in the plastidial biosynthesis pathway, referred as the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway, have been shown to be more affected than wild-type by Pseudomonas syringae, a well-known phytopathogen. Together, these results suggest that isoprenoids may play a role in the interactions between plants and bacteria. In addition, 230 strains were isolated from A. thaliana in the laboratory, among which some of them were tested for their impact on the plant fitness and resistance to P. syringae, and for the impact on isoprenoids on these strains
Zhong, Yujuan, and 钟玉娟. "Functional analysis of green algal {221}-carotene ketolases and metabolic engineering of astaxanthin biosynthesis in higher plants." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2011. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B47145730.
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Biological Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy
Stander, Emily Amor. "Unraveling the transcriptome of Aspalathus linearis (Rooibos) towards identification of novel genes involved in polyphenol biosynthesis." University of the Western Cape, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/6921.
Full textSouth Africa (SA) is home to one of the six floral kingdoms of the world, and hosts a very diverse flora comprising an astonishing ~30,000 species. Herbal medicines play an important role in many of the diverse cultures of this country. Yet, agricultural production systems for most of these species are missing, and medicinal plants are usually collected in the wild. The endemic medicinal plants of SA produce a wide range of rare medicinally active compounds, which could be developed into drugs. Knowledge on the genes involved in the biosynthesis of these compounds could not only promote establishment of plant production systems, but also their biotechnological exploitation. Transcriptomics has been revolutionized by Next Generation Sequencing technologies, which can cost-efficiently provide a lot of information on plant genes and biosynthetic pathways. This thesis focuses on the establishment of methodologies for high-throughput plant transcriptome research, including: 1) harvesting plant material suitable for high-quality RNA analysis from distant locations, 2) high-throughput, and inexpensive biochemical sample screening, 3) extraction of high-quality RNA from recalcitrant, polysaccharide- and polyphenol rich plant material, and 4) biocomputational analysis of Illumina sequencing data, including quality control and pre-processing of data, de novo assembly of reads, protein prediction and functional transcriptome annotation. Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) was chosen as the pilot plant, because it is one of the few indigenous SA medicinal plants that has been successfully cultivated as a commercial crop. It produces a wide range of phenolic compounds with health promoting properties (e.g. aspalathin and a phenylpropenoic acid glucoside with scientifically verified antidiabetic and cardioprotective effects). In the course of this study, seven rooibos transcriptomes were produced, assembled and functionally annotated, providing a first extensive dataset for identification of genes associated with economically important traits such as medicinal compound production, rooibos growth type characteristics and stress resistance.