Academic literature on the topic 'Biomage'

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Journal articles on the topic "Biomage"


Biljuš, Helena, and Martina Basarac Sertić. "Potencijal i uloga biomase u hrvatskoj i europskoj energetskoj tranziciji." Drvna industrija 72, no. 3 (July 22, 2021): 309–18.

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Republika Hrvatska kao punopravna članica Europske unije trenutačno sudjeluje u energetskoj tranziciji, odnosno u procesu dekarbonizacije gospodarstva transformacijom energetskog sektora u kojemu obnovljivi izvori energije zamjenjuju fosilna goriva. U tom procesu biomasa kao najsloženiji oblik obnovljive energije ima važnu ulogu s obzirom na brojne pozitivne okolišne i ekonomsko-socijalne aspekte uporabe. Sukladno ciljevima EU-a, Hrvatska je ostvarila potrebnih 20 % udjela proizvodnje iz obnovljivih izvora, no udio proizvodnje energije iz biomase još nije zadovoljavajući. Najiskorištavaniji izvor biomase jest kruta biomasa, posebice peleti, proizvođači kojih su izvozno orijentirani. Unatoč tome, Hrvatska još uvijek ovisi o uvozu biomase, kao i sve članice EU-a. Stoga je za unapređenje proizvodnje i potrošnje energije od biomase potrebna sinergija i zajedničko djelovanje svih sudionika energetskog sektora, a donositelji odluka odgovarajućim mjerama trebaju stvoriti preduvjete za razvoj tržišta biomase. U ovom se radu na temelju analize tržišta biomase te njezine uloge u nacionalnim i europskim energetskim politikama analizira trenutačni položaj i značenje biomase u energetskoj tranziciji Hrvatske. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti da je jasno vidljiv pomak prema niskougljičnoj energetici, u čemu upravo biomasa ima važnu ulogu, iako je stopa upotrebe biomase u Hrvatskoj još uvijek ispod ambicioznog scenarija koji predviđa EU.
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Dimitrova, Violeta. "Zalihe biomase mrtvog drva u šumskim ekosustavima bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) na području zapadnog Balkana, Bugarska." Šumarski list 142, no. 7-8 (August 31, 2018): 370.

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Mrtva stabla imaju važnu ulogu u funkcioniranju i produktivnosti šumskih ekosustava kroz utjecaj na biološku raznolikost, akumulaciju ugljičnog dioksida, promet hranjivih tvari i tok energije, hidrološke procese, zaštitu tla te regeneraciju šumskih vrsta. Isto tako, mrtvo drvo osigurava uvijete za očuvanje važnih staništa. Povijesno gledano, uklanjanje mrtvog drva iz sastojine provodi se već dugi niz godina kao mjera zaštite od štetnih insekata i gljiva koji se smatraju prijetnjom zdravoj šumi. Takva praksa dovodi do smanjenja količine mrtvog drveta u šumskim ekosustavima do kritično niskih razina, koje nisu dovoljne za održavanje vitalnih populacija mnogih šumskih vrsta. Tijekom zadnjih godina, nacionalno zakonodavstvo uvelo je nove postavke, posebno one koje se odnose na razvoj i upravljanje Natura 2000 područjima, a kojima se, za procjenu stanja šumskih staništa, zahtijeva informacija o količini ove komponente. U tom smislu, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti kvantitativne podatke o zalihama mrtve šumske biomase u bukovim zajednicama u zapadnom Balkanu. Količina dubećeg mrtvog drva izračunata je pomoću tablice visinskih klasa i promjer; metoda uzorkovanje na linijskim transektima korištena je za određivanje zalihe ležećeg mrtvog drva. Thomasova ljestvica korištena je za procjenu stupnja raspadanja dubeće mrtve biomase a 4-stupanjska harmonizirana ljestvica ležeće mrtvo drvo (Tablica 2) i panjeve (Tablica 3). Kao rezultat istraživanja provedenih u bukovim zajednicama,utvrđeno je da ukupna zaliha biomase mrtvog drva varira u rasponu od 14,48 do 41,8 m<sup>3</sup> ha<sup>–1</sup>. Biomasa dubećeg mrtvog drva bila je 6,7-17,5 m<sup>3</sup> ha<sup>–1</sup>, a biomasa ležećeg mrtvog drva bila je 3,4-26,5 m<sup>3</sup> ha<sup>–1</sup>, dok je biomasa panjeva bila 0,28-6,4 m<sup>3</sup> ha<sup>–1</sup> (Tablica 5). Promatrano dubeće mrtvo drvo bilo je uglavnom u četvrtom stupnju razgradnje. Pretežna stopa razgradnje za ležeću biomasu bila je B, a za panjeve C i D (Tablica 6). Prema rezultatima ovih istraživanja može se generalizirati da je postotak ukupne količine mrtvog drva u ukupnoj šumskoj zalihi nedostatan iz perspektive povoljnog stanja očuvanja.
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Bilandžija, Nikola, Josip Leto, Goran Fabijanić, Stjepan Sito, and Ivan Smiljanović. "Tehnike žetve poljoprivrednih energetskih kultura." Glasnik zaštite bilja 40, no. 4 (2017): 112–19.

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Pod klasifikacijom poljoprivredne biomase ubraja se i biomasa dobivena uzgojem brzorastućih energetskih kultura. Kako bi sama proizvodnja energetskih kultura bila što učinkovitija, posebni naglasak treba usmjeriti na poljoprivrednu tehniku tijekom žetve biomase. Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled važnijih višegodišnjih poljoprivrednih energetskih kultura te mogućnosti provođenja njihove mehanizirane žetve. Žetva biomase se može podijeliti temeljem dvije tehnike, i to na višefaznu i jednofaznu. Sama košnja se provodi kosilicama sa rotoudaračima, rotacijskim kosilicama s bubnjevima, oscilirajućim kosilicama, rotacijskim kosilicama s tanjurima, samokretnim windrowerom te samokretnim krmnim kombajnima. U odnosu na tehniku provođenja žetve potrebno je osigurati i poljoprivrednu mehanizaciju za formiranje zbojeva, prešanje te manipulaciju biomase.
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Martínez-Daranas, Beatriz, Rubén Cabrera, and Fabián Pina-Amargós. "SPATIAL AND SEASONAL VARIABILITY OF THALASSIA TESTUDINUM IN NUEVITAS BAY, CUBA." Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras 1 (December 11, 2009): 9.

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A study was carried out on biomass, shoot density and leaf production variability in three Thalassia testudinum meadows under different environmental characteristics in Nuevitas Bay, Cuba, in different seasons. The first site has muddy-sandy sediments and it is affected by bottom trawl fishing; the second has sandy sediments and it is affected by waste-water discharges, and the third has sandy-muddy sediments and no human impacts are present. Leaf, rhizome, and root biomass, daily production of leaves, density of short shoots, and length and width of leaves were estimated five times in a year. Seasonal variations were observed, with higher values of leaf and rhizome biomass, short shoot density, and daily production of leaves occurring in spring and summer. Spatial differences seem to be related to the environmental characteristics of each site: Leaf daily production, leaf biomass and leaf length were lower, and root biomass was higher in the site where sediments are impacted by fishing with bottom trawls; short shoot density and rhizome biomass were higher in the nonaffected site. Lower values of root biomass appeared where waste-water discharges occurred.Se realizó un estudio de la variación de la biomasa, la densidad de vástagos y la producción de hojas en tres praderas de Thalassia testudinum con diferentes características ambientales en la bahía de Nuevitas, Cuba, en diferentes épocas del año. El primer sitio tiene sedimentos fango-arenosos y está afectado por pesquería de arrastre; en el segundo, el sedimento es arenoso y se vierten aguas residuales en su cercanía, y el tercero, con sedimentos arenoso-fangosos, no está afectado por impactos antropogénicos. La biomasa de hojas, rizomas y raíces, la producción diaria de hojas, la densidad de vástagos, y el largo y ancho de las hojas fueron estimadas cinco veces en un año. Se observaron variaciones estacionales, con los valores más altos de biomasa de hojas y de rizomas, densidad de vástagos y de la producción diaria de hojas en primavera y verano. Las variaciones espaciales parecen estar relacionadas con las características de cada sitio: La producción diaria de hojas, la biomasa de hojas y su longitud fueron menores, y la biomasa de raíces mayor, donde los sedimentos están impactados por la pesquería con arrastre; la densidad de vástagos y la biomasa de rizomas fueron mayores en el sitio no afectado por ninguna acción antrópica. Los menores valores de la biomasa de raíces aparecieron donde se realiza la descarga de residuales.
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Sala, Krzysztof. "Przemysłowe wykorzystanie biomasy w Polsce. Przesłanki i bariery." Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society 31, no. 4 (December 21, 2017): 148–56.

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Celem i przedmiotem publikacji jest przedstawienie roli alternatywnego źródła energii, jakie stanowi biomasa, w wykorzystaniu przemysłowym w Polsce. Publikacja powstała w oparciu o ogólnodostępną literaturę książkową i dane statystyczne, jak również na podstawie wiadomości netograficznych. W artykule przedstawiono pojęcie biomasy, jej rolę i specyfikę jako paliwa ekologicznego, w tym również definicję biomasy. Dokonano charakterystyki składników biomasy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roślin uprawianych dla celów energetycznych. Publikacja zawiera również informacje dotyczące bieżącego wykorzystania biomasy w przemyśle. Wskazano na występujące przy tym korzyści w zakresie pozyskiwania energii elektrycznej lub cieplnej czy też zastosowania jej w transporcie. W pracy dokonano także identyfikacji barier i zagrożeń związanych z wykorzystywaniem biomasy. Dane zostały zilustrowane za pomocą tabel i wykresów. Metoda badawcza zastosowana w publikacji to analiza danych zastanych oraz krytyka piśmiennicza. Z dostępnej literatury książkowej, netografii i danych statystycznych wynika jasno, że biomasa odgrywa istotną rolę w przemyśle energetycznym w Polsce. Publikacja, prezentując analizę danych statystycznych i dostępnych materiałów dotyczących wykorzystywania biomasy, ocenia bieżącą sytuację, a także dokonuje próby oceny przyszłości biomasy jako surowca w przemyśle w Polsce.
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Rezić, Tonči, Ines Radić, and Ana Vrsalović Presečki. "Karakteristike i struktura enzima litičke polisaharidne monooksigenaze." Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam 17, no. 3-4 (2022): 72–76.

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Lignocelulozna biomasa je važan obnovljivi izvor energije i koristi se kao sirovina u proizvodnji biogoriva druge generacije. Zbog vrlo složene strukture, učinkovita enzimska hidroliza lignoceluloznebiomase je ključni izazov današnjice. Litička polisaharidna monooksigenaza (LPMO) je nedavno otkrivena vrsta enzima koji sadrže bakar, a imaju značajnu ulogu u oksidativnoj razgradnji netopivih biljnih polisaharida i topivih oligosaharida. Stoga je prepoznat kao jedan od bitnih enzima u održivoj pretvorbi lignocelulozne biomase, a važnost ovog enzima potvrđena je brojnim istraživanjima. Nakon reduktivne aktivacije, LPMO cijepa supstrat i potiče razgradnju biomase hidrolitičkim enzimima. U ovom preglednom radu, opisana je uloga LPMO u razgradnji lignocelulozne biomase s naglaskom na strukturu LPMO i mehanizma djelovanja LPMO na celuloznim supstratima.
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Żak, Grażyna, Michał Wojtasik, Jarosław Markowski, Robert Wojtowicz, Mateusz Rataj, and Tadeusz Kwilosz. "Poprawa parametrów ekologicznych paliw opałowych pochodzących z upraw rolnych." Nafta-Gaz 77, no. 12 (December 2021): 821–29.

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Wykonane badania zostały ukierunkowane na poprawę parametrów ekologicznych paliw opałowych wytworzonych z komponentów pochodzących z upraw rolnych. Dotyczyły przede wszystkim: oceny wpływu różnych innych niż biomasa leśna komponentów paliw biomasowych na wielkość emisji toksycznych składników spalin powstających w trakcie spalania, poprawy parametrów ekologicznych paliw biomasowych poprzez wykorzystanie mieszanin komponentów „agro” z mniej problematycznym komponentem pochodzenia leśnego oraz poprawy procesu spalania poprzez zastosowanie modyfikatora procesu spalania. Jako komponenty paliw z biomasy wykorzystano pozostałości roślin uprawnych (słomę pszenżyta, łuski słonecznika), roślinę z upraw energetycznych (miskant) oraz biomasę pochodzenia leśnego w postaci pozostałości z przemysłu meblarskiego (trociny). Testy spalania próbek peletów przeprowadzono w piecu kominkowym na pelet model AirPell 8, o nominalnej mocy cieplnej 8 kW. Wykonano pomiary zawartości w spalinach: CO, NOx oraz OGC. Spaliny przeznaczone do analizy zawartości substancji szkodliwych pobierano z króćców zamontowanych w odcinku pomiarowym łączącym ogrzewacz z przewodem kominowym. Skład spalin analizowano z wykorzystaniem analizatorów gazu: model MRU ECU 3000 oraz model Thermo-FID TG. Paliwa biomasowe otrzymane wyłącznie ze składników pochodzących z upraw rolnych charakteryzowały się znacznie wyższymi poziomami emisji CO i OGC niż paliwo z biomasy leśnej. Poprawa parametrów ekologicznych paliw z biomasy poprzez zastosowanie komponentu pochodzenia leśnego okazała się skuteczna w przypadku słomy i łuski słonecznika i dotyczyła obniżenia średniej emisji CO i OGC. Wprowadzenie do składu paliwa trocin w przypadku miskantu wpłynęło jednak negatywnie na stabilność procesu spalania oraz w niewielkim stopniu poprawiło stabilność procesu spalania paliwa z łuskami słonecznika. Zastosowanie modyfikatora spalania wpłynęło pozytywnie na wielkość emisji CO i OGC mieszanek paliw zawierających miskant i łuskę słonecznika. Modyfikator stabilizował również przebieg procesu spalania mieszanek z tymi komponentami. W przypadku wartości emisji NOx nie zaobserwowano jednoznacznego wpływu na ten parametr ani w przypadku wprowadzenia do składu paliw biomasy leśnej, ani modyfikatora spalania.
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Ndjomba, Calvin Dikongo, Félix Koubouana, Irène Marie Cécile Mboukou Kimbatsa, Jean Marc Mabaka, and Ferryl Darnel Mbela. "Diversité Floristique, Structure et Estimation du Stock de Carbone par les Peuplements Ligneux de la Forêt Naturelle de la Mondah." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 18, no. 33 (October 31, 2022): 75.

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Ce travail a consisté à connaître la diversité floristique et estimer le stock de carbone séquestré dans la biomasse aérienne de la forêt naturelle de la Mondah, située au nord de Libreville, au Gabon. Les données ont été collectées dans 3 parcelles de forme carrée d’un hectare (1ha) chacune. Tous les individus de chaque parcelle, de diamètre à hauteur de poitrine (DHP) supérieur ou égal à 10 cm ont été identifiés et leur diamètre mesuré à l’aide d’un ruban DBH et marqués à la peinture rouge. Sur l’ensemble des 3 ha regroupés, 1019 arbres ont été regroupés en 34 familles et 90 espèces répertoriés et géolocalisés. La méthode non destructrice a été employée pour calculer la valeur de la biomasse aérienne à l’aide des équations allométriques de Fayolle et al. (2013), de Ngomanda et al. (2014) et de Chave et al. (2014). Les résultats obtenus montrent que la famille des Myristicacées sont les plus représentées en termes de nombre d’arbres, suivie de la famille des Burseracées, Mimosacées, Fabacées, Diptérocarpacées, les Ctelonophonacées et les Méliacées. Les résultats de calcul de la biomasse aérienne ont montré que les équations à deux et trois prédicteurs ont produit des bonnes estimations. L’estimation de la biomasse aérienne a montré aussi que l’équation Ngomanda et al. (2014) était la mieux adaptée en partant du principe selon lequel une bonne équation estime mieux la biomasse quand les valeurs de ses résultats surestiment le moins la biomasse estimée d’une part et utilise les trois prédicteurs (D, H, ϱ). L’estimation de stock de carbone séquestré dans la biomasse aérienne de la forêt de la Mondah est de 261,5 tC/ha pour l’équation de Fayolle et al., (2013), de 128,8 tC/ha pour l’équation de Ngomanda et al., (2014) et de 171,1 tC/ha pour celle de Chave et al., (2014). Plusieurs équations allométriques ont été établies pour estimer la biomasse aérienne des forêts. L’intérêt de ce travail est de proposer une démarche pour faire le choix de l’équation pouvant donner une estimation proche de la réalité. This paper focuses on understanding the floristic diversity and estimating the stock of carbon sequestered in the aerial biomass of the Mondah natural forest, located north of Libreville, Gabon. Data were collected in three square plots of one hectare (1ha) each. All individuals in each plot with a diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than or equal to 10 cm were identified, and their diameter was measured with a DBH tape and marked with red paint. Across the 3 ha cluster, 1019 trees were grouped into 34 families and 90 species were recorded and geolocated. The non-destructive method was used to calculate the value of aboveground biomass using the allometric equations of Fayolle et al. (2013), Ngomanda et al. (2014), and Chave et al. (2014). The results obtained show that the Myristicaceae family is mostly represented in terms of number of trees, followed by the Burseraceae, Mimosaceae, Fabaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Ctelonophonaceae, and the Meliaceae families. The results of the aboveground biomass calculations showed that the two- and three-predictor equations produced good estimates. The aboveground biomass estimation also showed that Ngomanda et al. (2014) equation was the best fit based on the principle that a good equation estimates biomass is best when its output values least overestimated the estimated biomass and uses all three predictors (D, H, ϱ). The estimated carbon stock sequestered in the aboveground biomass of the Mondah forest is 261.5 tC/ha for Fayolle et al. (2013) equation, 128.8 tC/ha for Ngomanda et al. (2014) equation, and 171.1 tC/ha for the Chave et al. (2014) equation. Several allometric equations have been established to estimate the aboveground biomass of forests. The interest of this work is to propose an approach to choose the equation that can give an estimate close to reality.
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Navarro López, Daniel, and Livia León Paniagua. "COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF BATS ALONG AN ALTITUDINAL GRADIENT IN TROPICAL EASTERN MEXICO ." Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología (Nueva Epoca) 1, no. 1 (July 1, 1995): 9.

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ABSTRACT. The changes in species richness, relative abundance, and biomass of bats were monitored along an altitudinal gradient (800 to 2,560 m) in the Sierra Madre Oriental in eastern Mexico. In general, species richness, density, and biomass were correlated with elevation, but the insectivorous bats were more numerous at mid-elevation sites. The frugivorous bats contributed with the majority of the biomass along the gradient. One migratory species (Tadarida brasiliensis) was only detected during the summer months. It is hypothesized that the observed changes are correlated to the amount of food availability and thermoregulatory abilities of bats. RESUMEN. Los cambios en riqueza de especies, abundancia relativa y biomasa de los murciélagos fueron monitoreados a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal (800 a 2,560 m) en la Sierra Madre Oriental en el este de México. En general, la riqueza de especies, densidad y biomasa estuvieron correlacionadas con la altitud; sin embargo, los murciélagos insectívoros fueron más numerosos en altitudes intermedias. Las especies frugívoras contribuyeron con la mayor proporción de la biomasa. Una especie migratoria (Tadarida brasiliensis) sólo fue colectada en el verano. Se sugiere que los patrones observados están correlacionados con la disponibilidad de alimento y las habilidades termorregulatorias de los murciélagos. Key words: Chiroptera, community structure, altitudinal gradients, Queretaro.
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Trentin, Carline Biasoli, Aline Biasoli Trentin, and Dejanira Luderitz Saldanha. "RELAÇÃO ENTRE A BIOMASSA DA VEGETAÇÃO CAMPESTRE NATIVA E DADOS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO ORBITAL." GEOgraphia 21, no. 45 (June 7, 2019): 98.

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As variações da resposta espectral da vegetação estão diretamente relacionadas com a quantidade de biomassa aérea produzida (estocada) além de outros pigmentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a biomassa aérea da vegetação através de uma relação entre a biomassa da parte aérea da vegetação campestre nativa coletada em campo e dados de sensoriamento remoto orbital, considerando as estações quente e fria do ano. Para estimar a biomassa aérea da vegetação campestre nativa a partir de dados espectrais, foram analisados os dados de quantidade de biomassa aérea instantânea coletada em campo durante o período de 2012 a 2014 e os dados da resposta espectral da vegetação (medidos pelo sensor MODIS). A partir da elaboração de um perfil temporal dos dados e um gráfico de dispersão entre os valores de biomassa aérea e dados espectrais, foram realizadas análises de correlação e análise de regressão linear, verificando a relação existente entre estes dois conjuntos de dados. Desta forma, observou-se que a vegetação campestre nativa do bioma Pampa tem um comportamento sazonal bem definido, com período de crescimento das espécies nos meses quentes do ano. Foi verificada uma relação direta entre a biomassa aérea e os índices EVI e NDVI e a banda espectral do NIR, com maiores valores no verão e menores no inverno. O coeficiente de correlação foi significativo para as bandas do azul, vermelho, NIR, EVI e NDVI. Desta forma, o modelo resultante demonstrou a aplicabilidade das imagens MODIS para a estimativa da biomassa aérea da vegetação campestre.Palavras-chave: Resposta espectral. Sensor MODIS. Bioma Pampa. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BIOMASS OF NATIVE GRASSLANDS AND REMOTE SENSING DATAAbstract: Variations of spectral response are directly related to the amount of aboveground biomass vegetation (stored) in addition to other pigments. We estimate the aboveground biomass vegetation through a relationship between aboveground biomass vegetation in grassland native collected in the field and remote sensing data in the hot and cold seasons of the period from 2012 to 2014. To estimate the biomass of grassland native air from spectral data, the data were related to amount of instant air field collected biomass during the period 2012 to 2014 versus the spectral response of vegetation data (measured by MODIS sensor). From the development of a temporal profile of data and a scatter plot between aboveground biomass values and spectral data, conducted analyses of correlation and linear regression analysis, noting the relationship between these two sets of data. In this way, it was observed a relationship between aboveground biomass and the indices EVI and NDVI and NIR spectral band, with highest values in summer and lower in winter. The correlation coefficient was significant for the bands of blue, red, NIR, EVI and NDVI. In this way, the resulting model demonstrated the applicability of MODIS images for the estimation of aboveground biomass of grassland vegetation.Keywords: Spectral response. MODIS sensor. Pampa Biome. RELACIONES ENTRE LA BIOMASA DE LA VEGETACIÓN CAMPESTRE NATIVA Y DATOS DE DETECCIÓN REMOTA ORBITALResumen: Las variaciones de la respuesta espectral de la vegetación están directamente relacionadas a la cantidad de biomasa aérea producida (estoqueada) además de otros pigmentos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar la biomasa aérea de la vegetación a través de una relación entre la biomasa de la parte aérea de la vegetación campestre nativa colectada en el campo y datos de detección remota orbital, considerando las estaciones caliente y fría del año. Para estimar la biomasa aérea de la vegetación campestre nativa a partir de datos espectrales, fueron analisados los datos de cuantidad de biomasa aérea instantánea colectada en el campo durante el período de 2012 a 2014 y los datos de la respuesta espectral de la vegetación (medidos por el sensor MODIS). A partir de la elaboración de un perfil temporal de los datos y un gráfico de dispersión entre los valores de biomasa aérea y datos espectrales, fueron realizados análisis de correlación y análisis de regresión linear, verificando la relación existente entre estos dos conjuntos de datos. De esta manera, se observó que la vegetación campestre nativa del bioma Pampa tiene un comportamiento estacional bien definido, con período de crecimento de las especies en los meses calientes del año. Fue verificada una relación directa entre la biomasa aérea y los índices EVI y NDVI y la banda espectral del NIR, con mayores valores en el verano y menores en el invierno. El coeficiente de correlacción fue significativo para las bandas del azul, rojo, NIR, EVI y NDVI. Así, el modelo resultante demostró la aplicabilidad de las imagenes MODIS para la estimativa de la biomasa aérea de la vegetación campestre.Palabras clave: Respuesta espectral. Sensor MODIS. Bioma Pampa.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Biomage"


Smarž, Patrik. "Využití odpadní biomasy pro výrobu elektrické energie." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2015.

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Diploma thesis, in its introduction, describes the expression biomass and the ways of its production from various sources, focused particularly on waste biomass In the following part it deals with the description of its origin and the advantages of its usage. It describes the usage of biomass in the world as well as in the Slovak Republic. It also looks into the possibilities of processing of biomass and the following use at heat and electricity production. In its last part this work describes, on particular examples, the usage of biomass in electricity and heat production, from businesses with high power to its usage in houses.
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RUNDO, LEONARDO. "Computer-Assisted Analysis of Biomedical Images." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2019.

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Oggigiorno, la mole di dati biomedicali eterogenei è in continua crescita grazie alle nuove tecniche di sensing e alle tecnologie ad high-throughput. Relativamente all'analisi di immagini biomedicali, i progressi relativi alle modalità di acquisizione di immagini agli esperimenti di imaging ad high-throughput stanno creando nuove sfide. Questo ingente complesso di informazioni può spesso sopraffare le capacità analitiche sia dei medici nei loro processi decisionali sia dei biologi nell'investigazione di sistemi biochimici complessi. In particolare, i metodi di imaging quantitativo forniscono informazioni scientificamente rilevanti per la predizione, la prognosi o la valutazione della risposta al trattamento, prendendo in considerazione anche approcci di radiomica. Pertanto, l'analisi computazionale di immagini medicali e biologiche svolge un ruolo chiave in applicazioni di radiologia e di laboratorio. A tal proposito, framework basati su tecniche avanzate di Machine Learning e Computational Intelligence permettono di migliorare significativamente i tradizionali approcci tradizionali di Image Processing e Pattern Recognition. Tuttavia, le tecniche convenzionali di Intelligenza Artificiale devono essere propriamente adattate alle sfide uniche imposte dai dati di imaging biomedicale. La presente tesi mira a proporre innovativi metodi assistiti da calcolatore per l'analisi di immagini biomedicali, da utilizzare anche come strumento per lo sviluppo di Sistemi di Supporto alle Decisioni Cliniche, tenendo sempre in considerazione la fattibilità delle soluzioni sviluppate. In primo luogo, sono descritti gli algoritmi classici di Image Processing realizzati, focalizzandosi sugli approcci basati su regioni e sulla morfologia matematica. Dopodiché, si introducono le tecniche di Pattern Recognition, applicando il clustering fuzzy non supervisionato e i modelli basati su grafi (i.e., Random Walker e Automi Cellulari) per l'elaborazione di dati multispettrali e multimodali di imaging medicale. In riferimento ai metodi di Computational Intelligence, viene presentato un innovativo framework evolutivo basato sugli Algoritmi Genetici per il miglioramento e la segmentazione di immagini medicali. Inoltre, è discussa la co-registrazione di immagini multimodali utilizzando Particle Swarm Optimization. Infine, si investigano le Deep Neural Network: (i) le capacità di generalizzazione delle Convolutional Neural Network nell'ambito della segmentazione di immagini medicali provenienti da studi multi-istituzionali vengono affrontate mediante la progettazione di un'architettura che integra blocchi di ricalibrazione delle feature, e (ii) la generazione di immagini medicali realistiche basata sulle Generative Adversarial Network è applicata per scopi di data augmentation. In conclusione, il fine ultimo di tali studi è quello di ottenere conoscenza clinicamente e biologicamente utile che possa guidare le diagnosi e le terapie differenziali, conducendo verso l'integrazione di dati biomedicali per la medicina personalizzata. Difatti, i metodi assistiti da calcolatore per l'analisi delle immagini biomedicali sono vantaggiosi sia per la definizione di biomarcatori basati sull'imaging sia per la medicina e biologia quantitativa.
Nowadays, the amount of heterogeneous biomedical data is increasing more and more thanks to novel sensing techniques and high-throughput technologies. In reference to biomedical image analysis, the advances in image acquisition modalities and high-throughput imaging experiments are creating new challenges. This huge information ensemble could overwhelm the analytic capabilities needed by physicians in their daily decision-making tasks as well as by biologists investigating complex biochemical systems. In particular, quantitative imaging methods convey scientifically and clinically relevant information in prediction, prognosis or treatment response assessment, by also considering radiomics approaches. Therefore, the computational analysis of medical and biological images plays a key role in radiology and laboratory applications. In this regard, frameworks based on advanced Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence can significantly improve traditional Image Processing and Pattern Recognition approaches. However, conventional Artificial Intelligence techniques must be tailored to address the unique challenges concerning biomedical imaging data. This thesis aims at proposing novel and advanced computer-assisted methods for biomedical image analysis, also as an instrument in the development of Clinical Decision Support Systems, by always keeping in mind the clinical feasibility of the developed solutions. The devised classical Image Processing algorithms, with particular interest to region-based and morphological approaches in biomedical image segmentation, are first described. Afterwards, Pattern Recognition techniques are introduced, applying unsupervised fuzzy clustering and graph-based models (i.e., Random Walker and Cellular Automata) to multispectral and multimodal medical imaging data processing. Taking into account Computational Intelligence, an evolutionary framework based on Genetic Algorithms for medical image enhancement and segmentation is presented. Moreover, multimodal image co-registration using Particle Swarm Optimization is discussed. Finally, Deep Neural Networks are investigated: (i) the generalization abilities of Convolutional Neural Networks in medical image segmentation for multi-institutional datasets are addressed by conceiving an architecture that integrates adaptive feature recalibration blocks, and (ii) the generation of realistic medical images based on Generative Adversarial Networks is applied to data augmentation purposes. In conclusion, the ultimate goal of these research studies is to gain clinically and biologically useful insights that can guide differential diagnosis and therapies, leading towards biomedical data integration for personalized medicine. As a matter of fact, the proposed computer-assisted bioimage analysis methods can be beneficial for the definition of imaging biomarkers, as well as for quantitative medicine and biology.
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Ptáček, Pavel. "Teplotní pole v tuhém palivu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2020.

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The diploma thesis deals with a temperature field in a solid fuel during the combustion process. At the beginning of this thesis, research of available literature was conducted to obtain information about the composition of wood, properties affecting the combustion process, and the basics of heat transfer. Afterward, the temperature profiles of the samples were recorded during the measurement in the observation furnace. The temperature profiles of samples of six different sizes which were made of spruce and beech wood were subsequently evaluated and compared. Based on experimentally obtained data, a mathematical model was created in the OpenModellica software. Finally, the results of the mathematical model were compared with experimentally obtained data and appropriate conclusions were deduced.
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Křivák, Petr. "Návrh roštového kotle s přirozenou cirkulací na spalování slámy z pšenice,žita a ječmene." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2014.

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The aim of the thesis is the design of the steam grate boilers of 40 t/h for straw burning. The required parameters are generated steam temperature 420 ° C and a pressure of 5.5 MPa. The specified fuel is cereal straw with a calorific value of 9.5 MJ/kg. The calculation is made from the stoichiometric calculation of elemental analysis, to calculate the individual dimensions and heating surfaces of the boiler.
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Němec, Radim. "Roštový kotel s přirozenou cirkulací na spalování slámy z pšenice,žita a ječmene,20t/h." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2013.

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The aim of this thesis is to propose a grate steam boiler for combustion of straw from wheat, rye and barley output of 20 t / h The calculation is performed by stoichiometric calculation of elemental analysis to calculate the dimensions of a boiler heating surfaces. Default superheated steam can be used mainly for electricity generation.
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Silva, Beatriz Kelly Guedes da. "Disponibilidade de biomassa e caracterização da caatinga sob manejo agroecológico." Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2016.

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Submitted by Socorro Pontes ( on 2017-03-09T15:24:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 BeatrizKGS_DISSERT.pdf: 721873 bytes, checksum: 2d3282574ae4e81147c9d077f6efb0ad (MD5)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The Caatinga occupies about 11% of the national territory, covering the states of Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Piauí and Minas Gerais. Native pastures have great importance for the world's livestock, particularly for the production of small ruminants in the Northeast. This work aimed to characterize the vegetation of Caatinga under agroecologica management, the same being discussed in theoretical and scientific paper for publication. The theoretical framework is reported descriptions of the Brazilian semiarid region in which highlights the vegetation characteristics of the Caatinga with forage potential and discusses its use in periods of drought and rain over the years. Also reports agroecologica features that help comes a better handling of the animals that feed on forage species in the Caatinga, addressing floristic structuring and phytosociological characterization for sustainable management, even in periods of drought. The paper depicts the study of the availability of dry matter, floristic composition and frequency, and the similarity of species of plant areas of Caatinga under agroecologica management. In this study, it raised the availability of dry matter, which showed variations in the periods influenced by the function of vegetation resilience of rain the previous cycle, with maximum peaks of dry matter, 1.005 kg DM / 0,25m² and 1.042 kg MS / 0,25m² respectively in October and April. In that experiment it was observed that the most frequent species were Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Rubiaceae and Poaceae. To evaluate the similarity of species with the highest similarity were suaveolens Mesosphaeru (lavender), Tribulus terrestris L. (bull's head), Borreria verticillata (old head), Mimosa hostilis Benth (Jurema), Sida sp (mauve) and Aristida adscensionis L. (cocksfoot grass)
A caatinga ocupa cerca de 11% do território nacional, abrangendo os Estados da Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Piauí e Minas Gerais. As pastagens nativas têm grande importância para a pecuária mundial, em especial para a produção de pequenos ruminantes do Nordeste. Esta dissertação objetivou caracterizar a vegetação da Caatinga sob manejo agroecológico, sendo o mesmo discutido em referencial teórico e um artigo cientifico para publicação. No referencial teórico é relatado descrições sobre a região semiárida brasileira no qual evidencia as características da vegetação da Caatinga com potencial forrageiro e aborda sua utilização nos períodos de seca e de chuva no decorrer dos anos. Relata ainda as características agroecológicas que vem auxiliar um melhor manejo dos animais que se alimentam de espécies forrageiras na Caatinga, abordando estruturações florísticas e fitossociológicas para caracterização de um manejo sustentável, mesmo em períodos de estiagem. O artigo científico retrata o estudo da disponibilidade de matéria seca, composição florística e frequência, e a similaridade de espécies de áreas vegetais da Caatinga sob manejo agroecológico. Nesse estudo, foi levantada a disponibilidade de matéria seca, que apresentou variações nos períodos por influência da resiliência da vegetação em função das chuvas do ciclo anterior, tendo picos de máximo de matéria seca, de 1,005 kg MS/0,25m² e de 1,042 kg MS/0,25m² respectivamente nos meses de outubro e abril. No referido experimento observou-se que as espécies mais frequentes foram as Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Rubiaceae e Poaceae. Para avaliação de similaridade as espécies que apresentaram maior similaridade foram as Mesosphaeru suaveolens (alfazema), Tribulus terrestris L.(cabeça de touro), Borreria verticillata (cabeça de velho), Mimosa hostilis Benth (jurema-preta), Sida sp (malva) e Aristida adscensionis L. (capim panasco)
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Guillot, Marie. "Etude du traitement de la biomasse par voie hydrothermale pour la récupération de molécules et de minéraux à haute valeur ajoutée." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2014.

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La croissance démographique mondiale, associée à une augmentation générale du niveau de vie, se traduit par l'explosion des besoins en matières premières et énergie. Afin de relever ce défi, une attention accrue est accordée aux énergies et ressources naturelles renouvelables. Parmi elles, la biomasse est particulièrement prometteuse. Elle présente des avantages certains (abondance, répartition homogène) mais aussi plusieurs inconvénients (faible densité énergétique, humidité élevée,…). Pour surmonter ces difficultés, la torréfaction est la méthode la plus connue, mais elle induit une augmentation des taux de cendres et une perte de matière. La carbonisation hydrothermale (HTC) est une alternative possible. L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de la HTC comme moyen de bonifier la biomasse lignocellulosique. Trois axes principaux ont été considérés: augmentation de la densité énergétique, récupération de molécules, et minéraux d'intérêt. L'étude porte d'abord sur la HTC de systèmes moléculaires représentatifs de ceux présents dans le bois. Le hêtre a été étudié comme biomasse modèle, permettant de déterminer des conditions expérimentales optimales, appliquées ensuite à diverses biomasses. Enfin d'autres méthodes d'activation ont été testées telles que les micro-ondes et les fluides supercritiques. Les hydrochars obtenus après HTC présentent une diminution concomitante des ratios atomiques H/C et O/C. La phase liquide contient différentes molécules d'intérêt (furfural,…). Enfin, les teneurs en cendres diminuent après HTC du fait d'une lixiviation partielle de certains éléments (alcalins et alcalino-terreux). En conclusion, la HTC semble être une alternative intéressante à la torréfaction ; elle permet la production d'hydrochars avec des teneurs élémentaires adaptées à une utilisation en gazéification et la récupération de molécules et minéraux. L'intérêt et la faisabilité technique ont été démontrés en particulier sur des biomasses humides (plantes agricoles) ou polluées (broyats de déchetterie)
Population growth, coupled with a general increase in standard of living, result in a booming demand for raw material and energy. To face this challenge, an increased attention is paid to the use of renewable energies and natural resources. Among them, biomass is especially promising. Its advantages (abundance, distribution all over the Earth) are balanced by several drawbacks (low energy density, high moisture content,…). To overcome these problems, torrefaction is the most traditional way, but it has some inconveniences (increased ash content, loss of material). Hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) is a possible alternative. The purpose of this thesis is the study of HTC a means to beneficiate the lignocellulosic biomass. Three main aims were identified: increase of the energy density, recover molecules and minerals of interest. The study initially focused on HTC of molecular model systems present in wood. Beech wood was also studied, as a model biomass. This study allowed determining optimal experimental conditions for treatment of further biomasses. Finally, other activation methods have been tested, such as microwaves, and supercritical fluids. Hydrochars obtained after HTC feature a concomitant decrease of the atomic H/C and O/C ratios. Liquid phase contains different molecules of interest (furfural,…). Finally, ash content decreases after HTC owing to a partial leaching of some elements (alkali and alkaline earth metals). In conclusion, HTC seems to be an interesting alternative to torrefaction as it allows for the production of hydrochars suitable for gasification, and the recovery of molecules and minerals of interest. The interest and technical feasibility have been demonstrated in particular for biomasses with high moisture (agricultural crops) or with high pollutant contents (grounds of waste disposal)
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Kalina, Jacek. "Analiza i optymalizacja układów technologicznych energetyki rozproszonej zintegrowanych z termicznym zgazowaniem biomasy." Praca habilitacyjna, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, 2013.

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Guerini, Filho Marildo. "Estimativas de variáveis biofísicas de vegetação campestre sob manejo pastoril por meio de sensoriamento remoto." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2018.

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O Bioma Pampa representa aproximadamente 63% do território do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil caracteriza-se pela alta biodiversidade de espécies vegetais e por sua formação predominantemente campestre. Em função da contínua incorporação de espécies exóticas, monoculturas e a práticas por vezes inadequadas de manejo pastoril para produção pecuária, os campos do Bioma Pampa estão rapidamente sendo degradados, fragmentados e descaracterizados. A Biomassa é uma das variáveis biofísicas estratégicas de interesse em estudos de controle, monitoramento e estimativas da vegetação campestre. O objetivo principal deste estudo é contribuir no desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de manejo e monitoramento adequados da vegetação campestre e inferir regressão linear multivariada para estimar a biomassa dos campos nativos a partir de dados remotos e dados de campo. As avaliações foram realizadas em área pertencente à Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, localizada na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. Os manejos pastoris correspondem a duas somas térmicas acumuladas, em dias, de 375 e 750 graus-dias (GD), que determinaram os intervalos entre pastoreio. Os dados remotos utilizados foram oriundos de imagem MSI do Satélite Sentinel-2 e dados de espectrorradiômetro com amplitude de 350-2500 nm. Verificou-se que as duas técnicas apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, em que inferiu-se regressões com r²ajustado = 0.65 para estimar biomassa verde e regressões com r²ajustado = 0.61 para biomassa total e biomassa senescente. Desta forma, o estudo verificou que é possível minimizar os esforços de campo para auxiliar no monitoramento, organização e conservação dos campos nativos do Bioma Pampa utilizando dados de sensoriamento remoto como ferramenta de manejo buscando a sustentabilidade destes complexos ambientes naturais.
The Pampa Biome represents approximately 63% of the territory in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil, characterized by the high biodiversity of plant species and its predominantly rural formation. As a result of the continuous incorporation of exotic species, monocultures and excessive cattle production, the Pampa Biome fields are rapidly being degraded, fragmented and decharacterized. Biomass is one of the strategic biophysical variables of interest in studies of prevention, monitoring and estimates of the country vegetation. The main objective of this study is to contribute to the development of new strategies for the proper management and monitoring of the country vegetation and to infer multivariate linear regression to estimate the biomass of the natural grassland in native fields from remote data and field data. The evaluations were carried out in an area belonging to the Federal University of Santa Maria, located in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. Pastoral management correspond to two accumulated thermal sums in days of 375 and 750 degrees-days (GD), which determined the intervals between grazing. The remote data used came from MSI image of Sentinel-2 Satellite and spectroradiometer data with amplitude of 350-2500 nm. It was verified that the two techniques presented satisfactory results, in which regressions with adjusted r² of 0.65 were estimated to estimate green biomass and regressions with adjusted r²> 0.61 for total biomass and dry biomass. In this way, the study verified that it is possible to minimize the field efforts to assist in the monitoring, organization and conservation of the natural grassland in native fields of the Pampa Biome using remote sensing data as a management tool seeking the sustainability of these complex natural environments.
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Juřena, Tomáš. "CFD modelování hoření tuhých paliv na roštu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2008.

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Práce je zaměřena na vytvoření numerického modelu 1D experimentálního reaktoru pro spalování tuhých paliv. Metodou konečných objemů je provedena diskretizace řídících rovnic a takto formulovaná úloha je implementována do programu v prostředí MATLAB. V závěru jsou uvedeny výsledky několika simulací hoření slámy.
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Books on the topic "Biomage"


Ölgen, M. Kirami. Düzlerçamı kızılçam ormanında (Antalya) uzaktan algılama ile toprak üstü orman biyokütlesinin belirlenmesi. Fatih, İstanbul: Kriter, 2020.

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Canadian Forest Service. Science Branch., ed. Strategic plan for bioenergy research, 1998-2003: The Canadian Forest Service five-year plan : implementing the Canadian bioenergy research strategy. Ottawa: Science Branch, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, 1998.

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Canadian Forest Service. Science Branch. Strategic plan for bioenergy research, 1998-2003 : the Canadian Forest Service five-year plan : implementing the Canadian bioenergy research strategy =: Plan stratégique de recherche en bioénergie, 1998-2003 : le plan quinquennal du Service canadien des forêts : mise en oeuvre de la stratégie canadienne de recherche en bioénergie. Ottawa, Ont: Canadian Forest Service = Service canadien des forêts, 1998.

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Aine, Cheryl J., Gerhard Stroink, Charles C. Wood, Yoshio Okada, and Stephen J. Swithenby, eds. Biomag 96. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000.

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M, Rowell Roger, Schultz Tor P. 1953-, Narayan Ramani 1949-, American Chemical Society. Cellulose, Paper, and Textile Division., and American Chemical Society Meeting, eds. Emerging technologies for materials and chemicals from biomass. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1992.

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Osteroth, Dieter. Biomasse. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Coombs, J. Biomass. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1986.

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Nihei, Tsutomu. Biomega. San Francisco, Calif: VIZ Media, 2010.

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A, Wood Willis, and Kellogg Scott T, eds. Biomass. San Diego: Academic Press, 1988.

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Nihei, Tsutomu. Biomega. San Francisco, Calif: Viz Media, 2010.

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Book chapters on the topic "Biomage"


Ernst, Michaela, Achim Walter, and Ulrich Schurr. "Biomass biomass Production biomass production." In Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, 1476–87. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012.

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Hornung, Andreas. "Biomass biomass Pyrolysis biomass pyrolysis." In Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, 1517–31. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012.

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Ernst, Michaela, Achim Walter, and Ulrich Schurr. "Biomass biomass Production biomass production." In Renewable Energy Systems, 510–21. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Hornung, Andreas. "Biomass biomass Pyrolysis biomass pyrolysis." In Renewable Energy Systems, 553–66. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Koch, H. "Workshop on Biomagnetic Instrumentation." In Biomag 96, 3–6. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000.

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Flynn, E. R., R. Bracht, R. H. Kraus, P. M. Maas, P. Ruminer, and M. Stettler. "A Digital-Signal-Processor (DSP) Flux-Locked-Loop (FLL) for LTC SQUIDs with Automatic Reset and Feedback Cancellation." In Biomag 96, 39–42. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000.

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Mäkijärvi, M., K. Brockmeier, U. Leder, M. Lesh, W. Moshage, Y. Nakaya, J. Nenonen, et al. "New Trends in Clinical Magnetocardiography." In Biomag 96, 410–17. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000.

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Wakai, R. T., A. C. Leuthold, and C. B. Martin. "Revisiting the Fetal Magnetocardiogram and Fetal Magnetoencephalogram." In Biomag 96, 418–21. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000.

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Achenbach, S., T. Menéndez, W. Moshage, M. Flüg, E. Beinder, A. Bittl, K. Bachmann, and N. Lang. "The Fetal Magnetocardiogram During Different Stages of Pregnancy." In Biomag 96, 422–24. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000.

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Achenbach, S., W. Moshage, and K. Bachmann. "Clinical Experience with the Combination of Multichannel Magnetocardiography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Localization of Idiopathic and Secondary Ventricular Cardiac Arrhythmias." In Biomag 96, 425–28. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000.

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Conference papers on the topic "Biomage"


Huesemann, Michael, Scott Edmunson, Song Gao, Taraka Dale, Sangeeta Negi, Lieve Laurens, Philip Pienkos, et al. "DISCOVR: Development of Integrated Screening, Cultivar Optimization, and Verification Research." In Algae Biomass Summit. US DOE, 2020.

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Zimbres, Barbara, Pedro Rodriguez-Veiga, Julia Z. Shimbo, Polyanna da Conceicao Bispo, Heiko Balzter, Mercedes Bustamante, Iris Roitman, et al. "Aboveground Woody Biomass Estimation of the Brazilian Cerrado Biome Using Data Integration." In IGARSS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2021.

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Viriato, Nicola, ETILENIA ALBERTINO DIA, ELDA RENATO CÁ, and ADILSA MANUEL QUADÉ. "DIVERSIDADE DE ARANEAE (ARANHAS) NO BIOMA DA MATA ATLÂNTICA NO PARQUE DAS TRILHAS, GUARAMIRANGA-CE." In II Congresso Brasileiro de Biodiversidade Virtual. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e meio ambiente, 2022.

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Introdução: A Mata Atlântica é conhecida como um dos biomas que apresenta alta diversidade biológica, e ao mesmo tempo como um dos biomas mais ameaçados em decorrência da alta ocupação humana das suas áreas e das crescentes agressões dos seus habitats por atividades antrópicas, entre os quais destaca-se, agropecuária, desmatamento florestal e exploração insustentável dos recursos naturais existentes neste bioma. Dessa forma, os seres vivos residentes nas áreas de mata atlântica, são suscetíveis aos efeitos nocivos das atividades antrópicas desenvolvidas nesses biomas, o que torna necessário e importante estudar a diversidade biológica, que habitam nesses ecossistemas para a melhor gestão e gerenciamento desse bioma. Nesse caso a Ordem Araneae, desempenha um importante papel ecológico nesses biomas, são considerados como indicadores biológicos de alterações ambientais nas comunidades bióticas. Objetivo: O presente trabalho objetiva identificar a diversidade de Araneae (aranhas) encontradas no Bioma da Mata Atlântica, no Parque Das Trilhas, Guaramiranga-CE. Material e métodos: A pesquisa é de natureza básica com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. E foi realizado no Parque Das Trilhas, Guaramiranga-CE. Por meio de Batedor e de Busca ativa foram coletados setenta (70) Araneae servindo como amostras para o estudo. As amostras coletadas foram encaminhadas para o laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução da Universidade de Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira- UNILAB. Resultados: Com base nas amostras coletadas, identificou-se, cinco (5) famílias de Araneae, entre as quais a Senoculidae, Tetragnathidae, Plolcidae, Araneídea, Amourobidae. Pode-se perceber que a família Araneídea, Senoculidae e Tetragnathidae são as mais abundantes nesse parque, em comparação com as Famílias dos Plolcidae e Amourobidae. Conclusão: No entanto, é necessário que o Parque das Trilhas, Guaramiranga-CE, seja bem preservado, pois esse parque pode servir como um espaço para a realização de pesquisas científicas, desenvolvimento de atividades da Educação Ambiental e como um espaço recreativo.
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Correa, Helga. "Tres Miradas Al Bioma / Tres Miradas Desde La Pampa Profunda." In V Congreso Internacional de Investigacion en Artes Visuales ANIAV 2022. RE/DES Conectar. València: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022.

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RESUMENActualmente el colapso ecosocial nos obliga a convivir con innumerables consecuencias dañosas, las inundaciones y sequías que afectan diferentes regiones de Brasil exponen miedos e incertidumbres y señalan dificultades de gran escala en la transformación de biomas y vidas humanas. Estas evidencias nos motivaron a presentar investigaciones realizadas por tres artistas de Rio Grande del Sur que a partir de distintas propuestas artísticas enfocan el bioma pampa, uno de los seis biomas brasileños ubicado en la región sur del país y caracterizado por una transición de áreas de selva virgen brasileña y la pampa argentina. Las perspectivas artísticas presentadas surgieron desde aspectos de memoria, redescubrimiento y recuperación del bioma, siguen los presupuestos metodológicos de la Poiética (PASSERON, 1997) y buscan describir, proteger y negociar la pertenencia a un país, son reflexiones sobre un terreno de vida y la propia existencia humana (LATOUR, 2020). Sea al través de la comunicación simbólica, la empatía, sea mediante el uso de metáforas culturales comprensibles o dando a conocer lo intangible (emociones, relaciones futuras imaginadas) el objetivo común entre las tres artistas es fortalecer las reflexiones sobre la ética ecológica. Palabras clave: arte contemporáneo, bioma pampeano, ecología.
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Iryani, D. A., A. W. Cindradewi, S. B. Ginting, E. Ernawati, and U. Hasanudin. "Fabrication, Characterization and Mechanical Stability Performance Test of Cellulose Acetate Membrane Filled with Lampung Natural Zeolite (Ca/LNZ)." In International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Duadji, Noverman, and Novita Tresiana. "Identification of Child Problems & Tracking Policies for the Protection and Fulfillment of Children’s Basic Rights in South Regency as a Coastal Zone of Lampung Province." In International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Tyas, P. R., S. D. S. Murti, and S. D. Nanda. "Hybrid Catalyst Cu-Zno/Al2O3-HZSM-5 for Direct Synthesis Dimethyl Ether from CO and H2 (Syngas)." In International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Putri, B., M. R. Nur Huda, H. Yulianto, I. G. Yudha, N. M. Noor, and M. Ali. "Nutrients Distribution and Trophic Status Classification in Coastal Waters of Pulau Pasaran, Lampung." In International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Pah, Jacky Michael, Lisman Suryanegara, Agus Haryanto, Udin Hasanudin, Dewi Agustina Iryani, Christine Wulandari, Jiho Yoo, Sangdo Kim, Sihyun Lee, and Wahyu Hidayat. "Product Characteristics from the Torrefaction of Bamboo Pellets in Oxidative Atmosphere." In International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Widiastuti, Endang Linirin, Komang Rima, and Hendri Busman. "Anticancer Potency of Seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) Methanol Extract in the HeLa Cervical Cancer Cell Culture." In International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Reports on the topic "Biomage"


Bryant, Duncan, Mary Bryant, Jeremy Sharp, Gary Bell, and Christine Moore. The Response of Vegetated Dunes to Wave Attack. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), August 2021.

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Vegetation is believed to increase the stability of dunes during wave attack, but limited data is available. A physical model study was performed to evaluate changes in the dune stability with and without biomass, both above and belowground. The above and belowground biomass was modeled using wooden dowels and coir fibers, respectively. For both the collision and overwash storm impact regimes, the results of this study clearly demonstrate that the inclusion of biomass in the model dune reduces the erosion and overwash. The combination of both above and belowground biomass was the most effective at reducing erosion followed by belowground biomass, with aboveground biomass providing the smallest benefit regardless of the wave condition and water level. Additionally, the overwash of sediment and water was decreased with the inclusion of biomass, following the same trends as the erosion. As the dune eroded, the storm impact regime transitioned from collision to overwash. The inclusion of biomass delays this transition in storm impact regime, providing greater protection to coastal communities. This study highlights the need to consider dune vegetation for dune construction and coastal planning.
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Skone, Timothy J. Biomass Drying for Coal-Biomass Cofiring. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2012.

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Skone, Timothy J. Biomass Grinding for Coal-Biomass Cofiring. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2011.

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Skone, Timothy J. Biomass Torrefaction for Coal-Biomass Cofiring. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2011.

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Crow, Stuart J. Biomass Economy. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, November 1985.

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Author, Not Given. Direct-fired biomass. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2009.

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Author, Not Given. Gasification-based biomass. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2009.

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Kobayashi, Atsushi, and M. Steinberg. Hydropyrolysis of biomass. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1992.

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Kobayashi, Atsushi, and M. Steinberg. Hydropyrolysis of biomass. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1992.

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Comunicación de las Ciencias, Centro. Infografía Humo Biomasa. Universidad Autónoma de Chile, February 2020.

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El Centro de Comunicación de las Ciencias se suma a las iniciativas comunicar investigaciones científicas a través de formatos novedosos y dinámicos. Y en esta, la primera entrega, se busca concientizar sobre los efectos nocivos del humo que se produce por la combustión de leña y otros materiales de origen animal o vegetal.
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