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Keith-Smith, Brian, and Bert Kasties. "Walter Hasenclever. Eine Biographie der deutschen Moderne." Modern Language Review 92, no. 1 (January 1997): 247.

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Darviche, Mohammad-Saïd. "La biographie nationale ou comment justifier l'ordre collectif moderne." Pôle Sud 1, no. 1 (1994): 101–16.

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Gurik, Renée Noiseux. "Laure Cabana, Pionnière du Métier de Costumier." Theatre Research in Canada 8, no. 1 (January 1987): 36–48.

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Cet article raconte la biographie de Laure Cabana, la première personne à exercer professionnellement au Québec le métier de costumier. En traversant la période de 1933 à 1972, l'article offre aussi un survol des activités qui occasionnèrent à Montréal l'émergence de la scénographie moderne.
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Falaise, Noël. "Biographie et bibliographie de Benoît Brouillette." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 17, no. 40 (April 12, 2005): 5–34.

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Professeur de géographie économique à l'École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal, de 1931 à 1969, M. Benoît Brouillette est le premier géographe québécois de réputation internationale et l'un des pionniers de la géographie canadienne. Son activité s'est exercée sur plusieurs plans : sur le plan local, outre son enseignement universitaire, il a fondé la Société de Géographie de Montréal et, avec M. Pierre Dagenais, la Revue Canadienne de Géographie ; sur le plan régional, il a rédigé de nombreuses monographies et entrepris des recherches originales sur le développement des industries et des courants commerciaux du Canada ; sur le plan international, comme membre de la Commission de la géographie dans l'enseignement (U.G.I.), il a contribué à répandre partout dans le monde les méthodes de pédagogie moderne propres à la science géographique.
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Kling, Vincent. "Hermann Broch und die Moderne: Roman, Menschenrecht, Biographie by Paul Michael Lützeler (review)." Journal of Austrian Studies 45, no. 1-2 (2012): 128–30.

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S., F. A., J. Michaud, and F. Hoefer. "Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne, histoire,... nouvelle [2nd] edition,... Paris (A. Thoisnier Desplaces... Michaud), 1843-1865." Taxon 35, no. 2 (May 1986): 449.

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Dion, Robert. "Les biographies critiques, ou comment faire avec l’auteur (sur deux ouvrages de Michel Schneider)." Tangence, no. 97 (May 11, 2012): 45–59.

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On connaît le sort que l’histoire a réservé à la critique biographique : condamnée sans appel depuis Proust, elle reposerait sur l’illusion que l’oeuvre « appartient » à son auteur, que l’homme est l’oeuvre. Or, s’il y avait en effet une grande part d’aveuglement dans le travail de Sainte-Beuve, les modernes que nous sommes se sont néanmoins rendu compte, au cours des vingt ou trente dernières années, que l’on était sans doute allé un peu vite en liquidant l’auteur et en installant à sa place une pure « instance scripturaire » tout aussi mythique que l’écrivain lui-même. Tenant pour acquis, avec Alain Brunn, qu’« [é]crire la vie d’un auteur constitue une façon de prendre une décision sur l’oeuvre, de choisir d’enraciner en elle la signification de son texte » (L’auteur, 2001), l’analyste aborde dans cet article deux ouvrages de Michel Schneider, Maman (1999), sur Proust, et Baudelaire, les années profondes (1994), qui constituent ce qu’il appelle des « biographies critiques ». Il cherche, d’une part, à voir comment, dans ces deux livres à teneur biographique, le biographe est conduit à rendre raison des oeuvres de son biographié, et, d’autre part, à comprendre dans quelle mesure le discours critique, en contexte biographique, est forcé de tenir compte de ce « réprouvé » de la modernité littéraire qu’est l’auteur.
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Classen, Albrecht. "Die Welt des Frater Felix Fabri. Hrsg. von Folker Reichert und Alexander Rosenstock. Veröffentlichungen der Stadtbibliothek Ulm, 25. Weißenhorn (Bayern): Anton H. Konrad Verlag, 2018, IX, 286 S., zahlreiche s/w und farbige Abb." Mediaevistik 32, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 479–80.

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Anlässlich der Feier zum 500jährigen Bestehen der Ulmer Stadtbibliothek wurde parallel zur Ausstellung auch ein Symposium organisiert, dessen Beiträge im vorliegenden Band publiziert wurden. Die zwei Herausgeber haben eine Reihe von Fachleuten gewinnen können, die sich hervorragend in der relevanten Materie auskennen und zugleich neue Erkenntnisse bzw. Interpretationen zu dem berühmten Pilgerautor Felix Fabri (gest. 1502) beisteuern konnten. In der Forschung ist Fabri bereits vielfach kritisch durchleuchtet worden, und man kann heute seine Biographie leicht sowohl digital im Netz als auch in gedruckten Nachschlagewerken auffinden. Trotzdem wäre es hilfreich gewesen, wenn hier einleitend eine knappe Skizze seines Lebens geboten worden wäre. Immerhin findet sich im Anhang eine von Jacob Klingner geschaffene genaue Auflistung all seiner Werke in handschriftlicher und gedruckter Form, deren moderne Übersetzungen und Paraphrasen.
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Weissberg, Liliane. "Peter-André Alt, Sigmund Freud: Der Arzt der Moderne. Eine Biographie. C. H. Beck, München 2016. 1036 S., € 34,95." Arbitrium 36, no. 2 (August 6, 2018): 228–30.

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Rumpler, Helmut. "Der „Stratege und Visionär“ an der Zeitenwende vom Ancien Régime zur Moderne. Anmerkungen zur neuen Metternich-Biographie von Wolfram Siemann." Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 125, no. 1 (May 24, 2017): 165–76.

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Sheppard, Richard. "Reviews : Walter Hasenclever: Eine Biographie der deutschen Moderne. By Bert Kasties. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1994. Pp. 420, DM 156,00." Journal of European Studies 25, no. 2 (June 1995): 223–25.

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Brahmbhatt, Sanjaykumar K. "Biographical Literature in Modern Sanskrit Language." HARIDRA 2, no. 06 (September 25, 2021): 29–32.

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Biographical literature in modem Sanskrit language Biographies of great people have been the source of modem Sanskrit literary creation. Many biographies are available in the form of epic, prose and champu kavyas in Sanskrit literature. There are two master pieces of biographies on the iron man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel written in modem Sanskrit language. These two master pieces are 'Lohpurusavadanam"by Dr. Shivprasad Bharadwaj and "Vallabhcharitam" by Dr. Satyapal Sharma. The first one is complete biography in the form of historical epic and the second one is a biography in the form of prose work. Key words: biography, creation, literature, modem Sanskrit, master pieces, epic and prose work.
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Desautels, Eric. "Livernois, Jonathan. Un moderne à rebours. Biographie intellectuelle et artistique de Pierre Vadeboncoeur (Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2012), 355 p." Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 66, no. 3-4 (2013): 473.

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Şengör, A. M. Celâl. "The Founder of Modern Geology Died 100 Years Ago: The Scientific Work and Legacy of Eduard Suess." Geoscience Canada 42, no. 2 (April 10, 2015): 181.

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Eduard Suess (1831-1914) is probably the greatest geologist who ever lived. He died 100 years ago and left us the modern geology as we know it. His work ranged from paleontology through stratigraphy, geomorphology, urban geology, finally to tectonics. His magnum opus was the multi-volume Das Antlitz der Erde (The Face of the Earth), the greatest book in the history of geology. It is a complete description of the geology of the planet from the viewpoint of the theory of thermal contraction in Constant Prévost’s version, as modified by Suess. For all the admiration it caused it has been largely left unread and as a consequence geology lost some half a century until the invention of plate tectonics in 1965. This was in part, because the way Suess wrote the book made reading very difficult. The following is not a biography of Suess, but a review and evaluation of his work during the centenary of his death.RÉSUMÉEduard Suess (1831-1914) est probablement le plus grand géologue qui ait jamais vécu. Il est mort il y a 100 ans et il nous a laissé la géologie moderne telle que nous la connaissons. Son oeuvre va de la paléontologie à la stratigraphie, la géomorphologie, la géologie urbaine, enfin jusqu’à la tectonique. Son magnum opus est le multi-volume Das Antlitz der Erde (La Face de la Terre), le plus grand livre de l’histoire de la géologie. C’est une description complète de la géologie de la planète du point de vue de la théorie de la contraction thermique dans la version de Constant Prévost, modifiée par Suess lui -même. En dépit de l’admiration dont il était l’objet , ce grand livre a été très peu lu. En conséquence la géologie a perdu près d’un demi-siècle jusqu’à l’invention de la tectonique des plaques en 1965. C’est en partie a cause de la façon dont Suess a écrit le livre qui rend la lecture très difficile. Ce qui suit n’est pas une biographie de Suess, mais un examen et une évaluation de son travail à l’occasion du centenaire de sa mort.
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Melançon, Benoît. "Jonathan Livernois, Un moderne à rebours. Biographie intellectuelle et artistique de Pierre Vadeboncoeur, Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2012, 355 p. (Coll. Cultures québécoises.)." Recherches sociographiques 54, no. 2 (2013): 353.

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Sutcliffe, Steven. "Seekership as Social Institution in Alternative Religion." International Journal for the Study of New Religions 2, no. 2 (December 31, 2011): 281–88.

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This article approaches a new biography of Frederick Bligh Bond by placing the subject’s life and career in the wider context of the formation of modern alternative religion. While acknowledging the rich particularities of Bond’s interests, attention is paid to the broader cultural context in which Bond lived and worked. This includes the modern cult and mythos of Glastonbury in both elite and popular cultural aspects as well as a wider social institution of seekership which shapes individual biographies. The article argues that through his seekership Bond was paradoxically more of a ‘type’ than his biographer allows and that his contributions to Glastonbury and to the New Age milieu should be interpreted in this light. The Rediscovery of Glastonbury: Frederick Bligh Bond Architect of the New Age, by Tim Hopkinson-Ball. The History Press (Sutton Publishing), 2007. 236pp., £20.00. ISBN-13: 9780750945646.
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Loktevich, Ekaterina V. "ROCK-POET’S PREBIOGRAPHIC FACE IN FOCUS OF INTERNET-DISCOURSE (article one)." Culture and Text, no. 48 (2022): 19–30.

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Using the example of the biography of a modern Russian rock-poet, the article reveals the theoretical and methodological problems of the genre of biography: genetic potential, a change in the content paradigm, ethical and aesthetic intersections of the biographer, the biographer and the recipient. The relationship between the participants in the biographical discourse is considered in the context of cultural memory, formed in the communicative field of the Internet-environment. In connection with the solution of the indicated problems, the concepts of a prebiographical face , prebiograph , epoch-making interpellative , cultural-dialogical forecast of the recipient are introduced . The question is raised about the influence of the prebiographical face of the rock-poet on the subsequent creation of his biography.
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Hassall, Graham. "The Modes and Intentions of Biography." Baha'i Studies Review 14, no. 1 (December 1, 2007): 69–84.

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This paper explores a range of modes, intentions and problems of Baha'i biography, in order to offer some initial observations on the ways in which biographical literatures frame understandings of the individual in the context of community. It distinguishes between documentary, hagiological and critical modes of biography as these have emerged in the diverse literature of the world's religious traditions, as well as in the secular literature of the modern period. It suggests that much Baha'i biography has continued the traditions of remembrance and exempla, although more critical works have also begun to appear. The quest to write spiritual biographies that explore a subject's inner life and journey remains difficult, due mostly to limitations on sources, since few subjects give adequate exposure to their inner thoughts. Rather than privilege one tradition above any other, Baha'i biographies have to date drawn on the skills of the craft elaborated across generations, religions and cultures, while beginning to draw also on Baha'i scripture for inspiration productive of new insights into how lived lives can be depicted in literature.
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Martynov, D. E. "The Worlds of Limited-Edition Books (Arthur Clarke, Robert Heinlein, Wojciech Kajtoch, Stanisław Lem)." Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki 162, no. 5 (2020): 281–92.

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This paper reviews four books, all dedicated to the study of the science fiction genre and the biography of science-fiction writers. They were published in Russian in an extremely limited number. These books include a collection of articles by Wojciech Kaitoch, biographies of Arthur Clarke and Robert Heinlein written by Neil Mcaleer and William H. Patterson, respectively, as well as a biography of Stanisław Lem compiled by his son Tomasz. The authors of all biographies come from fundamentally important circumstances in the lives of the writers. The main approach to exploring the biographies under consideration is annual chronicle, which allows getting involved in the most diverse materials. For American biographers, a very important part of the biography is also sexual orientation and preferences. On the contrary, the Polish literary critic W. Kaitoch uses the modern methods in his literary research and turns towards the biographical approach only when there is no way to otherwise explain the features of the analyzed text. W. Kaitoch is skeptical of the idea about any possibility of revealing the author’s intention. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that, under the conditions of media sphere dominance, specialized limited-edition publications in the field of the humanities are of interest to an extremely small number of specialists and literary fans.
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Tatari, Eren. "Islam in Modern Turkey." American Journal of Islam and Society 25, no. 1 (January 1, 2008): 117–19.

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Sukran Vahide’s Islam inModern Turkey: An Intellectual Biography of BediuzzamanSaid Nursi is a timely contribution to the study of one of the most prominent Islamic thinkers of the twentieth century. This comprehensivestudy on Nursi’s life (1876-1960) and works would be appropriate for use ingraduate and undergraduate courses in religious, Islamic, andMiddle Easternstudies departments.Vahide fills an important gap in the study of Nursi and his works, whichhas become increasingly popular among western scholars in recent decades.Prior to its publication, only a few brief biographies of Nursi existed, andthose focused solely on presenting a chronological account of his life. Hencethis book’s most significant contribution is, as pointed out in the subtitle, thefact that it is an “intellectual biography.” Although Vahide organizes thebook into sections that correspond with the chronological developments inhis life, the book is divided into three parts that denote the significant intellectualphases (also pointed out by Nursi himself in his writings): “The OldSaid,” “The New Said,” and “The Third Said.” In this way, the author situatesNursi’s writings and ideas, which have inspired the most prominent faithmovement in modern Turkey (approximately 7 million followers), into thehistorical context in which they were developed and transmitted to others ata much needed time in Turkish history ...
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Watson, Francis. "Can the historical Jesus teach ethics? In response to Richard Burridge, Imitating Jesus." Scottish Journal of Theology 63, no. 3 (July 1, 2010): 336–39.

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Richard Burridge is best known for his book, What are the Gospels?, which argues convincingly that the gospels belong within the broad generic category of the Graeco-Roman biography. The consensus that ‘the gospels are not biographies’ rests on a set of modern assumptions about what a biography should contain; measured against the yardstick of ancient biographies, however, the gospels clearly represent the same kind of literature. Of course, that does not mean that they are in every respect like other Graeco-Roman bioi or vitae. The gospels remain distinctive. One indication of this distinctiveness is that the title attached to them is not bios tou Iesou or the like, but euaggelion kata . . . followed by an evangelist's name. The gospels intend to be more than just a further contribution to the biographical literature of the ancient world. Burridge allowed that ‘gospel’ might represent a distinctive and new ‘subgenre’ within the broader biographical genre; there is no difficulty about such a move if we understand genre as a dynamic concept rather than a static one. Perhaps we might want to qualify the claim that ‘the gospels are biographies’ by stating instead that ‘the gospels represent a new development within the biographical genre’.
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Abdul Sattar Rokan, Abdul Jabbar. "Controls of Digital Transformation in The Prophet’s Sunnah and Its Impact on Contemporary Reality." NTU journal for Administrative and Human Sciences (JAHS) 2, no. 2 (June 2, 2022): 132–63.

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The honorable biography of the Prophet presented the texts of revelation in an applied and practical way, explained by explanation, statement and detail, and by behavior and representation, in every framework and in any field and situation. their biographies; In order for people to feel in that biography the places of emulation and benefit, the biography of the Prophet Muhammad ? is the first to walk by study, and there is no doubt that scholars - ancient and modern - paid attention to the biography of the Prophet ? because with his guidance ? life is straightened and the path becomes clear, and one of the reasons for interest in studying the Prophet’s biography: strengthening faith and certainty in the hearts of Muslims, and that no matter how hard things are against them, and no matter how strong Satan and his soldiers are, they have a good example in the Messenger of God, and they have a practical example among the honorable Companions.
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Gray, Colleen. "Imaging a colonial Saint: Reflections on representation and the individual." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 35, no. 2 (June 2006): 307–26.

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Marie Barbier (1663-1739) was a Congrégation de Notre-Dame of Montreal nun, superior and mystic. The story of her life remains in the form of two biographies. The first biography was written by Charles de Glandelet, her confessor and spiritual advisor, some time before his death in 1725. The second biography is an edited version of the Glandelet manuscript, almost 40 years after Marie Barbier's death. This article examines the many challenges faced in the attempt to construct a biography of this woman. It will explore not only the physical difficulties involved in interpreting these hand-written manuscripts, the obstacles presented by their hagiographical and 18th-century scholarly tradition, but also the barriers presented by post-modern scholarship with respect to the accession of "truth" and "voice."
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Bilinkoff, Jodi. "The Many “Lives” of Pedro de Ribadeneyra." Renaissance Quarterly 52, no. 1 (1999): 180–96.

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The important early Jesuit Pedro de Ribadeneyra (1526-1611) has the distinction of having been a biographer of men, a biographer of women, an autobiographer, and the subject of biography. As such he and his texts seem particularly apt subjects for study given the current interest by scholars in a number of disciplines in the various forms of “life-writing“ produced so abundantly in the early modern period. In this essay I briefly examine Ribadeneyra's most famous biography, that of his mentor Ignatius Loyola, as well as two little-known and virtually unstudied texts: his Life of the pious laywoman Estefanía Manrique de Castilla and his autobiography or Confessions. I focus upon the ways in which he treated issues of authority and obedience in constructing as exemplary the lives of these three Spanish nobles and explore his strategies for enlisting life-writing in the campaign for a renewed, activist Catholicism.
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BRAY, JULIA. "Literary Approaches to Medieval and Early Modern Arabic Biography." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 20, no. 3 (June 4, 2010): 237–53.

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AbstractArabic biographical writing is much used as a historical source, and scholars agree that its textuality must be taken into account in evaluating its content. There is less agreement, though, on the importance of thoroughly understanding the range of processes of literary composition used by biographers. This article approaches three sets of biographies from a purely literary viewpoint: two medieval sketches of women, a Sufi and a songstress respectively; three seventeenth-century hagiographies of the physician and theosopher Dāwud al-Anṭākī; and a thirteenth-century portrait of one man of letters, al-Qifṭī, by another, Yāqūt. It concludes that the art and care devoted to shaping such commemorations of individuals is evidence of the aesthetic and cultural importance of biography as an Arabic literary genre.
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Tworek, Wojciech. "Beyond Hagiography with Footnotes: Writing Biographies of the Chabad Rebbe in the Post-Schneerson Era." AJS Review 43, no. 2 (June 19, 2019): 409–35.

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This article discusses the biographies of Menachem Mendel Schneerson (the Rebbe) within the broader context of Chabad historiographic lore, in particular the quasi-historical writings of Yosef Yiẓḥak Schneersohn from the 1930s and 1940s. Described by Ada Rapoport-Albert as “hagiography with footnotes,” these seemingly scholarly and modern texts constituted an alternative narrative to that of academic Jewish history. From this vantage point, I consider how biographies published by academics and by hasidic authors have mutually influenced each other, particularly in their scope, form, and method. To that end, I examine the controversy that surrounded the 2010 publication of the first academic biography of Schneerson, Samuel Heilman and Menachem Friedman'sThe Rebbe, and analyze the strategies undertaken by subsequent authors that have allowed them to present the Rebbe's life in a form that was no longer “hagiography with footnotes” (which would have alienated a secular readership) but as seemingly impartial biographies (without alienating the hasidic readership).
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Sosnowska, Danuta. "O potrzebie biografii i problemie biografii." Sprawy Narodowościowe, no. 37 (February 18, 2022): 79–87.

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About the Need of BiographyThe author quotes an opinion that in the recent time Ukrainian historical discourse has deeply changed. The previous monopoly of Marxist language has been suppressed and replaced by discourses of modern humanities. Although this transformation is apparent, some Ukrainian critics are worried that it might be only a superficial adaptation to a modern paradigm of historical science: Ukrainian scholars have conformed to this Western standard of scientific discourse, but in reality they do not treat popular terms as actually working tools for analyzing their own historical problems. In the author’s opinion there are some deficient terms among ones so frequently used by Ukrainian historians, such as “identity” or “biography”. A new approach to the issue of biography, especially to the writing of biographies of those national activists whose life was affected by cross-cultural influence, is a crucial need of Ukrainian historiography.
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Cymbrykiewicz, Joanna. "Na przekór przełomowi nowoczesnemu. O projekcie patriotycznym Vilhelma Andersena." Przegląd Humanistyczny 62, no. 2 (461) (October 4, 2018): 81–88.

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The article presents the patriotic project of Vilhem Andersen, one of George Brandes’s opponents and critics of the modern breakthrough. Andersen’s main medium were literary biographies, which he had the ambition to use to influence his contemporaries, promoting romantic national literature and identifying the national characteristics of the Danes. The reflections focus on the most important and most popular biography of the author entitled Poul Møller. Hans Liv og Skrifter (1894), which is the most emphatic manifestation of Andersen’s mission.
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Kuhlmann, M., V. Schüller, D. Otten, K. Heinloth, C. Kiefer, U. Rößler, A. Bunde, F. Bechstedt, and K. Plessner. "Kanitscheider: Im Innern der Natur - Philosophie und moderne Physik/Westfall: Isaac Newton. Eine Biographie/Freudig: Lexikon der Naturwissenschaftler/Zey: Lexikon der Forscher und Erfinder/Brauch: Klimapolitik/Genz: Wie die Zeit in die Welt kam/Yu/Cardona." Physik Journal 53, no. 5 (May 1997): 454–58.

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Shoshana, Avihu. "Translating a national grand narrative into a personal biographies." Narrative Inquiry 23, no. 1 (December 12, 2013): 171–91.

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This article examines the connection between grand narratives and the creative ways that individuals translate them into personal biographies through a case study of a boarding school for gifted disadvantaged youth in Israel. To test the state’s grand narrative, I performed a content analysis of minutes of governmental protocols as well as organizational reports at the time the boarding school was established. The state grand narrative stresses the rescue of Jews from Arab countries by the leaders of the state and the linear Oriental-to-Occidental cultural development that these Jews must undergo in order to survive in modern life. To examine the question of how the grand narrative is translated into personal biographies, sixty graduates of the boarding school and thirty-two siblings who did not attend the boarding school were interviewed. The findings demonstrate that the graduates of the boarding school translated the grand narrative into a special narrative configuration known as the alternative biography, a concept that addresses the lifeworlds that, in the subjects’ judgment, might have characterized their lives under different circumstances. Further, the structure of this narrative points to one explicit alternative biography, that of the sibling who did not attend the boarding school. The disscusion chapter explores the phenomenological meanings of this singular narrative configuration.
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DAS, SHINJINI. "Biography and Homoeopathy in Bengal: Colonial lives of a European heterodoxy." Modern Asian Studies 49, no. 6 (April 8, 2015): 1732–71.

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AbstractDespite being recognized as a significant literary mode in understanding the advent of the modern self, biographies as agenrehave received relatively little attention from South Asian historians. Likewise, histories of science and healing in British India have largely ignored the colonial trajectories of those sectarian, dissenting, supposedly pseudo-sciences and medical heterodoxies that have flourished in Europe since the late eighteenth century. This article addresses these gaps in the historiography to identify biographies as a principal mode through which an incipient, ‘heterodox’ Western science like homoeopathy could consolidate and sustain itself in Bengal. In recovering the cultural history of a category that the state archives render largely invisible, this article argues that biographies are more than a mere repository of individual lives, and in fact are a veritable site of power. In bringing histories of print and publishing, histories of medicine, and histories of life writing practices together, it pursues two broad themes: first, it analyses the sociocultural strategies and networks by which scientific doctrines and concepts are translated across cultural borders. It explores the relation between medical commerce, print capital, and therapeutic knowledge to illustrate that acculturation of medical science necessarily drew upon and reinforced local constellations of class, kinship, and religion. Second, it simultaneously reflects upon the expanding genre of homoeopathic biographies published since the mid-nineteenth century: on their features, relevance, and functions, examining in particular the contemporary status of biography vis-à-vis ‘history’ in writing objective pasts.
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Storin, Bradley K. "Autohagiobiography." Studies in Late Antiquity 1, no. 3 (2017): 254–81.

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Over the past fourteen centuries, Gregory of Nazianzus (ca. 330–390 C.E.) has been the subject of more than a dozen biographical narratives and monographs, beginning with the late antique hagiography of Gregory the Presbyter and concluding with the modern biography by John McGuckin. This is likely the result of Gregory's vast autobiographical corpus, which has provided scholars with a chronological narrative and character perspective from which to start their own secondary narratives. By examining this tradition of biography, I argue that two trends remain regularly operative. First, each biographer has consistently endowed his subject with his own values, ideals, and theological commitments. Second, each biography has given pride of place to Gregory's autobiographical voice. To make a precise demonstration of the latter trend, I follow the notorious Maximus affair from its presentation in Gregory's autobiography and in the biographical tradition, showing how Gregory's narrative remains almost entirely intact and unscrutinized. Ultimately I contend that the generic boundaries between autobiography, hagiography, and biography have broken down and suggest that readers subject autobiographical texts, along with their content, structure, style, and narrative, to rhetorical analysis rather than treat them as texts that reveal, with varying degrees of transparency, the authentic personality of their author.
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Alekseev, Оleksii. "Rural memoirs of Southern Ukraine of the 20th century : prosopographic approach." Universum Historiae et Archeologiae 4, no. 1 (December 25, 2021): 147.

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The aim : to consider the application of prosopographic approaches in the study of biographies of authors of peasant memoirs in order to identify common features that laid the conditions for the emergence of memoir practices among the peasants of the Southern Ukraine in the 20th century; to analyze the potential of prosopography for researching general processes. The article considers the application of the prosopographic method to the study of biographies of authors of peasant memoirs in order to identify common features that created conditions for the emergence of memoir practices among the peasants of southern Ukraine in the twentieth century. Modern historical science suggests that individuals having their own little life stories are present behind all processes and events. New directions and principles of historical research are becoming increasingly important. The prosopographic method is one of them. Under prosopography we understand the scientific method of studying individual biographies of authors of historical sources in order to create a “collective biography” of a certain social group on their basis. Methods: analytical, historical, comparative, system-structural. The article author uses methods of specific scientific activity, empirical research and general logic. Practical meaning: recommended for use by scholars for historical research; provides opportunities for the use of this issue in theoretical and methodological and source studies. Originality: research, in particular on the choice of research source base and methodology of its analysis. Scientific novelty: creation of a collective portrait of a peasant author of a memoir source. Conclusions: on the basis of the analysis with the involvement of prosopographic research methods we have the opportunity to create a conditional collective portrait of a peasant of the Southern Ukraine of the twentieth century, the author of the memoir. When creating a “biography” of a peasant author, the following features are distinguished: common social origin, primary education, teaching and educational skills, psychological characteristics, propensity for creative activity, external influences. The materials collected by the researchers from the Zaporizhzhia branch of the NASU Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies named after M. S. Hrushevsky and the History Faculty of the Zaporizhzhia National University and published as a part of collections titled “Sources on the History of the Southern Ukraine”, “Antiquities of the Southern Ukraine” and “Ascension Antiquities”, are used as sources in the analysis. The purpose of the current investigation is to identify the causes and conditions that prompted particular peasants of the Southern Ukraine to create their own historical narrative – memoirs. Another goal is to create a “collective portrait” of an average author using prosopographic methods. The article investigates through the analysis of biographies the background of peasant authors, which singled them out from the general mass of peasants. It also highlights an “average author” as a “historical figure” and analyzes his attribution to a particular era, place, social group and culture. The use of prosopographic methods in the study of biographies of Southern Ukrainian peasants, who distinguished themselves by creating their own memoirs, allows to determine those aspects of the era and the position of the little man who chose to create their own historical excursions contrary to general trends and understanding the risks of totalitarian system. The creation of prosopographical (collective biographies) portraits of peasant authors is a very important component of the reproduction of general processes that created the conditions for the emergence of peasant narrative sources. The author tries to highlight the modern era in all its aspects through the prism of individual biographies and works of peasant authors. Type of article: scientific and theoretical.
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Tilley, Maureen A. "Dilatory Donatists or Procrastinating Catholics: The Trial at the Conference of Carthage." Church History 60, no. 1 (March 1991): 7–19.

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In the year 411 the bishops of Christian North Africa, Augustine among them, assembled in Carthage to debate whether Catholics or Donatists should be recognized as the true Christian church in North Africa. Although most biographies of Augustine and histories of Christianity in North Africa mention this conference, they spend little time on the substance of the discussion which took place between the two parties. Accusations by fourthcentury Catholics, especially Augustine, and remarks by modern commentators often charge the Donatists with delaying the debate on the real issues of the Conference by interventions and procedural motions which served no useful purpose. Even W. H. C. Frend in The Donatist Church, and Peter Brown in his biography of Augustine take Catholic propaganda on this issue at face value.
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Sathya Jothi, K. "Life of Agricultural People in the ‘Chool’ Novel." Shanlax International Journal of Tamil Research 6, no. 1 (July 1, 2021): 79–86.

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Anthropology plays a very important role in the fields of fully researching man. The main reason for this may be that anthropology reveals the biological norms and morals of man. Anthropological elements and theories play an important role in the modern world today. Among such novels Cho. Thurman’s Sahitya Academy Awardwinning novel `Chool’. The highlight of the day is to showcase the natural biology of the Karisal dialect agricultural people. Usually, the biography of agricultural people is centred on their land and land-based activities. Thus, the land-based activities of the Karisal land agrarian population are well documented today. This article is based on the anthropological study of the biographies of agricultural people such as occupations,beliefs, customs and rituals.
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Ostrovskaya, Elena. "Religious Identity of Modern Orthodox and Hasidic Jewry in St. Petersburg." Transcultural Studies 12, no. 1 (November 22, 2016): 159–78.

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This article describes the results of field research into religious Jewry of St. Petersburg. I analyze biographies of Modern Orthodox and Hasids of Lubavitcher traditions (or the Chabads as they call themselves), who in the aftermath of the Soviet Union’s disintegration in the 1990s chose observance as their self-identity and lifestyle. The paper is aimed at answering the following questions: how do modern Jewish identities differ from one another among the St.Petersburg observant Jewry raised in non-religious families and Soviet schools? How do they coordinate their collective identity with other Jewish communities around the world? To conceptualize my research, I have used Giddens and Beck’s theories of modernity, while my methodology draws on the use of biography and biographical narrative in ethnographic studies. I argue that individual reflexivity gained new importance for both Modern Orthodox Jews and the Chabads in the post-Soviet religious liberation and the arrival of new religious influences. However, whereas Modern Orthodox Jews emphasize the autonomy of their subject position and stress the meaning of individual dogma, the Chabads foreground the primacy of tradition when reflecting on their identity as religious Jews.
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Herrero Herrero, Maria Ángeles. "Les "modernes" religioses valencianes: entrebancs d'una recerca textual." SCRIPTA. Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna 1, no. 1 (June 17, 2013): 271.

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Resum: El catàleg titulat Lletraferides modernes. Catàleg de les escriptores valencianes dels segles XVI-XVIII (Herrero 2009) suposava un punt de partida en la compilació de «lletraferides» valencianes de l’Edat Moderna. Aquest ajudà a rescatar els seus noms, però el major handicap radica en la diversitat en la localització física dels textos. A través d’una visió dels diferents gèneres que empraren aquestes escriptores, en especial les religioses (poesia, mística, auto/biografia espiritual…), avancem algunes conclusions que permetran una anàlisi sociolingu?ística, literària i de gènere d’eixes obres.Paraules clau: Catàleg, Localizació textual, Autores religioses, Valencianes, Modernes.Abstract: The catalogue entitled Lletraferides modernes. Catàleg de les escriptores valencianes dels segles XVI-XVIII (Herrero 2009) provided a starting point for the compilation of Valencian «women of letters» in the Modern Age. Although this catalogue helped to recover the names of these authors, the process is greatly hindered by the diversity of textual localisation. By considering the different genres these writers, particularly the religious authors, favoured (poetry, mystic, spiritual auto/biography,…), this paper aims to provide a number of conclusions for subsequent application in the sociolinguistic, literary and genre analysis of these works.Keywords: Catalogue, Textual localisation, Women religious authors, Valencian, Modern
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Lasa Álvarez, Begoña. "Constructing a portrait of the early-modern woman writer for eighteenth-century female readers: George Ballard’s Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain (1752)." Sederi, no. 25 (2015): 105–27.

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George Ballard’s Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain (1752) is of special relevance to the study of early-modern women writers and their subsequent reception, since it contains details of the lives and writings of a considerable number of these women. This type of publication responded to the demand for educative works in general, and particularly to a growing female audience. Thus its chief goal was to provide readers with exemplary models of behaviour. Within the theoretical framework of women’s studies and literary biography, the biographies of these women writers are analysed in order to determine whether their lives and careers as writers were in keeping with the didactic purpose of such texts, and the extent to which the fact of being women shaped their biographical portraits.
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O presente ensaio teórico busca refletir sobre alguns horizontes teórico-metodológicos das pesquisas (auto)biográficas no campo educacional, destacando as dimensões acerca das formações e das experiências. Para tanto, o texto discutirá a partir de uma visão crítica aos pressupostos biológicos e exatos da ciência moderna, a produção e a construção de conhecimentos a partir do entendimento das (auto)biografias e das histórias de vida. Em seguida, explicita-se as relações dessas teorias e metodologias de pesquisa com os conceitos de formação e de experiência, visando ao final, compreender outras perspectivas relacionadas aos caminhos e percursos da produção da pesquisa nas ciências humanas e na educação.Palavras-chave: Pesquisa (Auto)Biográfica. Histórias de vida. Formação de Professores. Experiência.THEORETICAL NOTES ON (SELF) BIOGRAPHIC RESEARCHES AND LIFE STORIES AND THEIR FORMATIVE AND EXPERIENTIAL DIMENSIONSThis theoretical essay seeks to reflect on some theoretical and methodological horizons of (auto) biographical research in the educational field, highlighting the dimensions about the formations and experiences. To this end, the text will discuss, from a critical view of the biological and exact assumptions of modern science, the production and construction of knowledge based on the understanding of (auto) biographies and life stories. In the following, the relationship between these theories and research methodologies with the concepts of formation and experience is made explicit, aiming at the end, to understand other perspectives related to the paths of research production in the humanities and education. Keywords: Biographical (Auto) Research. Life stories. Teacher Training. Experience.
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Piwarski, Rae. "Curing Monsters in Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz’s Dr. Mütter’s Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine." Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies: Volume 15, Issue 4 15, no. 4 (November 1, 2021): 437–53.

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Critically praised for its portrayal of a compassionate physician, Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz’s 2014 New York Times bestselling biography, Dr. Mütter’s Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine, follows the life and work of Thomas Dent Mütter, an eccentric and brilliant man who supposedly cured his patients of their unacceptable deformities, thus excising their socially-constructed monstrosity. A continual emphasis on curing benign physical difference in this text is troubling, however, as cure implies a default normative body exists. By characterizing the fact that Mütter treated unique bodies as an act of heroism, the biography upholds ideals that people with unique bodies must live up to unattainable standards. Aptowicz’s emphasis on this idea creates an excavation-worthy rhetoric surrounding curative violence as it meets benign corporeal difference. In her work on curative violence, Eunjung Kim constructs the disability proxy, or person who assists the disabled or different to return to their normative state, and Mütter most certainly occupies this proxy position in Aptowicz’s biography. In the wake of curative violence, bodies that deviate from an unattainable norm must labor at all costs to reach its ill-defined center, lest they carry a stigmatizing label: monster. Through this process of emphasizing the heroic curative practices of doctors, the biographer inadvertently conjures up ableist tropes. While biographers like Aptowicz have the best of intentions when deploying the term cure, even the best of intentions benefit from critique.
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Chappey, Jean-Luc. "Biographies et Opinion Publique à L’Époque Moderne." Revue de Synthèse 134, no. 2 (June 2013): 267–73.

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Beuran, Irina Adriana, Ileana Ionescu, Mihai Burlibaşa, Corina Marilena Cristache, Viorel Perieanu, Mădălina Perieanu, Iuliana Babiuc, et al. "Dr. Edward Hartley Angle, the founder of modern orthodontics – part II." Romanian Medical Journal 68, no. 1 (March 31, 2021): 114–19.

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Edward Hartley Angle was an eminent American scientist, dentist, great inventor, being rightly considered to be the father of modern orthodontics. The great American scientist was the author of an impressive number of patents (46) and was the coordinator of 7 editions of some impressive orthodontic treatises. Thus, in this material, which we structured in 2 distinct parts, we tried to present as concisely as possible the most important data from the biography of Dr. Edward Hartley Angle.
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Deliatynskyi, Ruslan. "Father Porphyry Stupnytsky (1847–1926): touches to the portrait." Good Parson: scientific bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History, no. 14 (January 29, 2020): 189–205.

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The relevance of the study lies in the attempt to reconstruct the historical portrait of a Greek Catholic priest against the background of socio-political processes in Galicia in the late nineteenth - in the first quarter of the twentieth century. The appeal to the figure of the next pastor, who continues a series of our studies of the biographies of the clergy of the Stanislaviv eparchy, is conditioned by the need to form objective assessments of the historical development of the Greek Catholic Church based on the analysis of sources and the application of new methodological approaches, in particular, biography and "history of everyday life". The assessments of the role of the Greek Catholic clergy in the formation of the national identity of Ukrainians in Galicia in modern Ukrainian historiography, the thesis about the clergy as a "smithy of intellectuals", obviously need a new understanding of specific examples.
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Van Dijk, Mathilde. "Miracles and Visions in Devotio Moderna Biographies." Studies in Church History 41 (2005): 239–48.

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Sister Liesbeth of Heenvliet (d. 1450) was a scion of a high ranking noble family in the county of Holland. Her parents had named her after Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, from whom they were descended. Liesbeth was born blind. Her mother did not dare to inform the child’s father, Johan of Heenvliet. Instead, she appealed to God and His Mother. Contrary to what she should have done, she did not vow her daughter to God’s service. Despite her mother’s laxity, Liesbeth’s eyes healed completely. She grew into a beautiful and most intelligent girl – a further sign that God and the Virgin had extended their mercy to her.
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Ihor, Stambol. "Political biography: The modern dimension." Ukraïnsʹka bìografìstika, no. 20 (March 2, 2020): 211–27.

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MOCHIZUKI, Shincho. "Late Modern Biographies of Nichiren 日蓮:." Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu) 60, no. 2 (2012): 657–65.

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Baker-Brian, Nicholas. "Modern Augustinian Biographies: Revisions and Counter-Memories." Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 11, no. 1 (January 21, 2007): 151–67.

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Segre, Michael. "The Dawn of Scientific Biography." Early Science and Medicine 26, no. 3 (August 18, 2021): 207–30.

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Abstract This article endeavors to contribute to a better understanding of the literary contexts of early biographies of scientists written during the Scientific Revolution. To what extent are these biographies influenced by stereotypes that are an inadequate fit for modern history of science? Its claim is that there was, indeed, a literary model for biographies of scientists, and that this model had deep roots in Biblical and classical literature. While the model was similar to that used in Renaissance biographies of artists, it did not fully emerge until as late as the seventeenth century.
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Levchenko, Valery V., and Halyna S. Levchenko. "Historiographic Reflections in the Field of the Bitsilli Studies." Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History 67, no. 1 (2022): 307–13.

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The article examines the monograph by the Israeli historian M. Birman “P. Bitsilli (1879– 1953). Life and Work”, which offers “a consolidated review of life and work” by the Russian and Bulgarian scholar and humanist Peter Bitsilli. It is noted that the monograph was written in the genre of intellectual biography, conventional for historiography, when the personal life and creative activities of the investigated historical figure are closely intertwined with broad cultural and historical contexts of the era. The article emphasizes that in contrast to the biographies of people of the past widespread in the scholarly literature, this narrative centres around a historical person, whose name remained in oblivion for more than half a century after his death, both in academic sphere and in historical memory. Despite the fact that the book poses many questions about the daily life and intellectual activity of a scholar, it does not provide the answers on the basis of research methods. It is not grounded on a rich source base; similarly to many other modern studies, the book is lacking in the information related to the considerable surviving number of archival documents, the materials of which would give answers to many questions regarding the biography of P. Bitsilli. Despite some shortcomings, omissions in the presentation of the material in the book, many questions posed for the first time by the author have been addressed and arouse genuine interest. One of the characteristic features of the reviewed work is its bibliographic component.
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히라타 유미. "Recasting Women :Discourse on Modern Japanese "Women's Biographies"." DAEDONG MUNHWA YEON'GU ll, no. 65 (March 2009): 111–51.

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