Academic literature on the topic 'Biochimie clinique – Étude et enseignement'
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Journal articles on the topic "Biochimie clinique – Étude et enseignement"
Lagier, Cynthia, Isabelle Mili, and René Rickenmann. "La construction sociale de l'expérience esthétique. Analyse clinique de séquences d'enseignement autour du patrimoine musical et artistique." Les dossiers des sciences de l'éducation 21, no. 1 (2009): 129–41.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Biochimie clinique – Étude et enseignement"
Pesnelle, Marie-Françoise. "Enseignement de la biologie clinique aux jeunes techniciens et ses problèmes." Strasbourg 1, 1985.
Full textAdeline, Frédérique. "L'accès à l'écriture à l'école maternelle : Observation clinique de pratiques enseignantes." Paris 10, 2010.
Full textThe present thesis deals with an unusually addressed stage, i. E. The moment when an infant shifts from drawing to writing, from an oral mode of representation of the language to the abstract alphabetical code. Be it handwriting activities, coding, organizing a text and so on, I am considering the writing process all the way through the set of pedagogical tools that a teacher implements in order to work on the various dimensions of the scriptural operation. My theoretical framework is that of a psychoanalytically informed approach of teaching that has conceptualized the link to knowledge. I have focused my attention on one of its modalities: the link to writing. In this perspective, “…writing is considered [as] a tool seized by a writer with which s/he develops a complex relationship…” (C. Barré De Miniac, 2000). This, precisely, is the relationship I choose to observe in its ordinary setting. I pay particular attention to the psychic processes at work in teaching practices and to the teacher’s position within the psychic space of writing in a class. Hence, the use of psychoanalytical concepts proves illuminating in my endeavour to understand how these practices develop. According to me, gaining access to writing in nursery school appears to be an enduring hardship, a turning point in the constitution of the infant’s link to writing. The writing process taking place here may be considered as being part of the symbolization process. Therefore, both the pupil and the teacher are likely to be confronted again with some separation anxieties that are inherent to a more archaic stage of psychic structuration. According to his/her personal link to writing and to pupils, the teacher thus seems to be arranging a specific kind of “psychic environment”, the quality of which is in part shaping the infant’s opportunity to gain access to writing
Dugrand, Marcel. "Approches théorique, expérimentale et clinique de l'enseignement du football : exemple au Sénégal." Caen, 1985.
Full textParé, Élaine. "Raisonnement clinique en Techniques d’inhalothérapie : étude des modalités d’enseignement et des interventions pédagogiques lors des stages." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014.
Full textHeuser, Frédéric. "Du savoir enseigné et évalué à la référence de l'enseignant d'EPS : étude didactique clinique en karaté." Toulouse 3, 2009.
Full textThis thesis proposes to study in what a teaching practice in physical education returns to a reference and to determine function of it. The object of research is centered then on the research of the traces of the knowledge of reference of the teacher, whom we will extract by the analysis from the differences between the knowledge to be taught, really taught knowledge, knowledge to be evaluated and really evaluated knowledge. Methodology is centered on a clinical didactic study, on a case-by-case basis. The analysis of the verbatim of three teacher on the first and the last meeting of a cycle of karate in EPS, as well as talks handle meeting, post and according to blow constitute the corpus which will use to extract the traces from the knowledge taught and evaluated with an aim to infer and present the knowledge of reference of the teacher. The results show a constant rehandling of the teaching reference whose functional aspects and structural aspects change during the teaching process
Jezequel-Cuer, Maryvonne. "Enrichissement et caractéristiques enzymatiques d'une alpha1-3 fucosyltransférase hépatique humaine : étude des variations des activités a1-2, a1-3, a1-3/4 et a1-6 fucosyltransférasiques hépatiques au cours des pathologies hépatobiliaires." Paris 11, 1994.
Full textSIGNEYROLE, JEAN. "Du processus de regulation et du processus d'evaluation. Pour une approche clinique de la connaissance : ecriture et dialogues dans la formation des kinesitherapeutes." Aix-Marseille 1, 1999.
Full textConort, Ornella. "Transposition aux hôpitaux français de la formation en pharmacie clinique adaptée de l'exemple nord-américain : application au groupe hospitalier Cochin à Paris." Paris 11, 2006.
Full textHouillon, Jean-Charles. "Attention et motivation au coeur du système éducatif lors de l'apprentissage de la proportionnalité : dimensions cognitive, clinique et didactique." Paris 8, 2009.
Full textThis research within the frameworks of psychology and the mathematics didactic approaches the notions of attention, concentration and motivation of the pupils in a school situation where a mathematical object (the proportionality) is approached. It tends to show that the pupils, who live mathematic difficulties in the school institution, are not in those difficulties only because of attention problems, in spite of the fact that this hypothesis would have been advanced. The internal as well as external analysis of the data gathered directly from recorded lessons and interviews with teachers and targeted pupils, plus the reading of teachers’ documents allows one, by meaning the various sources together, to map the entire activity of the subjects in question. Two groups of pupils, in six classes of cycle III, are then compared in their cognitive attention skills. It seems that the control group (4 pupils), which is not in failure, and the experimental group (4 pupils), which is in trouble without being helped by the whole RASED, do not present significant differences about 5 tests. In interviews and a clinical investigation (TAT) these two groups do not appear to present a difference in their comprehensive report on knowledge as an object of desire. So, the didactic situation really gives the pupils the possibility of being or not attentive and motivated subjects. By leaning essentially on the works of G. BROUSSEAU, CHEVALLARD, M. L. SCHUBAUER LEONI, C. MARGOLINAS, I. BLOCH and E. COMIN, this work shows that the didactic episodes structuration about the object "proportionality", the effects of didactic contracts, and the lack of institutional relationship between the teachers and the taught object (because of insufficient formation), do not create the conditions so that the observed pupils can be completely actors of their learns. Motivation, attention and concentration, explained as lacks resulting from the only subject, would thus be notions, which would to be understood as elements built by the didactic situation
Cochet, Hervé. "Contribution à la compréhension des processus de constitution d'un regard clinique en formation initiale en masso-kinésithérapie : Formation - Complexité - Changement de regard." Aix-Marseille 1, 2002.
Full textBooks on the topic "Biochimie clinique – Étude et enseignement"
Ernest, Prégent, and Chapados Claire, eds. L'examen clinique et l'évaluation de la santé. Montréal: Beauchemin, 2009.
Find full textPatricia, Mercader, and Henri Alain-Noël, eds. La formation en psychologie: Filiation bâtarde, transmission troublée. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2004.
Find full text1947-, Tanner Christine A., and Chesla Catherine A, eds. Expertise in nursing practice: Caring, clinical judgment & ethics. 2nd ed. New York: Springer Pub., 2009.
Find full text1947-, Tanner Christine A., and Chesla Catherine A, eds. Expertise in nursing practice: Caring, clinical judgment, and ethics. New York, NY: Springer Pub. Co., 1996.
Find full textChester, Stone George, and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation., eds. Health psychology: A discipline and a profession. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Find full textAbraham, Charles, and Susan Michie. Health psychology in practice. Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Pub., 2004.
Find full textRobert, Cannon, ed. A handbook for medical teachers. 4th ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2001.
Find full textRobert, Cannon, ed. A handbook for medical teachers. 3rd ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1994.
Find full textNewble, David. A handbook for medical teachers. 2nd ed. Lancaster, England: MTP Press, 1987.
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