Academic literature on the topic 'Biocarbone'
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Journal articles on the topic "Biocarbone"
Séguin, François A., Bruno Tremblay, Ronald Zaloum, Pierre Lavallée, and Serge Lapointe. "Biofiltration Pilot Test at the Daishowa Pulp and Paper Mill Using the Biocarbone Process." Water Quality Research Journal 28, no. 3 (August 1, 1993): 621–34.
Full textRogalla, F., A. Lamouche, W. Specht, and B. Kleiber. "High rate aerated biofilters for plant upgrading." Water Science and Technology 29, no. 12 (December 1, 1994): 207–16.
Full textDillon, G. R., and V. K. Thomas. "A Pilot-Scale Evaluation of the ‘Biocarbone Process' for the Treatment of Settled Sewage and for Tertiary Nitrification of Secondary Effluent." Water Science and Technology 22, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1990): 305–16.
Full textHagedorn-Olsen, C., I. H. Møller, H. Tøttrup, and P. Harremoës. "Oxygen reduces denitrification in biofilm reactors." Water Science and Technology 29, no. 10-11 (October 1, 1994): 83–91.
Full textKhalil, Roger A., Sethulakshmy Jayakumari, Halvor Dalaker, Liang Wang, Pål Tetlie, and Øyvind Skreiberg. "Catalytic Methane Decomposition for the Simultaneous Production of Hydrogen and Low-Reactivity Biocarbon for the Metallurgic Industry." Energies 18, no. 3 (January 24, 2025): 558.
Full textGaona Chanalata, Jose, and Salomón Barrezueta-Unda. "Caracterización física y química de dos biocarbones obtenidos en diferentes condiciones de pirólisis." Conference Proceedings (Machala) 7, no. 1 (September 11, 2023): 152–65.
Full textRogalla, F., and J. Sibony. "Biocarbone Aerated Filters - Ten Years After: Past, Present, and Plenty of Potential." Water Science and Technology 26, no. 9-11 (November 1, 1992): 2043–48.
Full textQuosai, Peter, Andrew Anstey, Amar K. Mohanty, and Manjusri Misra. "Characterization of biocarbon generated by high- and low-temperature pyrolysis of soy hulls and coffee chaff: for polymer composite applications." Royal Society Open Science 5, no. 8 (August 2018): 171970.
Full textRogalla, Frank, and Marie-Marguerite Bourbigot. "New Developments in Complete Nitrogen Removal with Biological Aerated Filters." Water Science and Technology 22, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1990): 273–80.
Full textYu, Min, Theo Saunders, Taicao Su, Francesco Gucci, and Michael Reece. "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Properties of Wood-Derived Biocarbon Structures." Materials 11, no. 9 (September 2, 2018): 1588.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Biocarbone"
Bouesso, Bénit. "Replacing fossil fuels with biosourced fuels in limekilns : investigation of the thermal behavior and environmental impact." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2024.
Full textThis work investigates the feasibility of using biocarbon as an alternative limekiln fuel to substitute coal in the Soda Ash process. Biocarbons were produced from solid refuse fuel (BC) and wood (WBC). Anthracite was selected as the reference fossil fuel to be replaced, and biocoke from coconut shell was also considered for comparison. Samples were characterized in terms of chemical composition, physical and thermal properties. Fuel thermal stability and combustion performance were evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis. Emissions assessment was performed in pyrolysis and combustion from lab-scale to pilot-scale, so that extreme limekiln conditions were reproduced. The results showed that devolatilization increased biocarbon thermal stability, making its behavior close to that of anthracite. Biocoke and biocarbons showed lower ignition temperatures but a higher burning index compared to anthracite, which was shown as the most stable fuel. CO2 emissions from WBC were higher than those of BC samples. Amongst the volatile organic compounds released, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were identified and quantified. Even if biocarbon produced PAH with less rings (<5) in pyrolysis and combustion, its emissions were higher compared to anthracite. To mitigate biocarbon reactivity, a 50/50 biocarbon/anthracite co-combustion was proposed, thus offering the advantages of higher ignition temperature and lower emissions
Graul, Théodore. "Production of biocarbon catalysts for NOx decomposition, WGS and RWGS." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2023.
Full textThis work proposes an innovative approach to the production, characterization and use of biocarbon catalysts for energy and environment-related applications, in order to reduce the cost and impact of the commercial catalysts currently in use. The work developed here promotes a circular economy approach in the way that plants from phytoremediation have been used for the production of eco-friendly biocarbon catalysts. They were used for the production of energy vectors such as hydrogen by direct and reverse water-gas shift reaction (WGS and RWGS respectively), as well as for the decomposition of NOx pollutants (deNOx). Biocarbon catalysts were produced from willow and fern with a controlled metal content introduced by wet impregnation before or after pyrolysis at 800°C to imitate hyperaccumulation (>3 g metal/kg biocarbon) in a porous carbon support. The resulting catalysts were tested in deNOx, as well as WGS and RWGS reactions, and the associated experimental equipments were developed and optimized during this thesis work. They were characterized in terms of composition, structure and thermal stability, before and after use. For the three reactions, the catalysts showed high selectivity and conversion, facilitated by the catalytic metals whose activity was enhanced by the inherent metals. The presence of surface oxygen functions and a high specific surface area (<419 m²/g) improved adsorption and dissociation of reactive gases thanks to additional reactive sites formed by reduction and enhanced electronic activity. With these characteristics, biocarbon catalysts showed better performances than literature-based reference catalysts as they were either more stable or active (conversion maintained for more than 120h, activation energy from 0.5 to 186 kJ/mol, kinetic constant between 1.9 x 10^-9 and 4.3 x 10^12). Willow biocarbon impregnated with Ni before pyrolysis and bimetallic (Ni/Fe) fern biocarbon showed the best performances for the deNOx, and RWGS and WGS reactions, respectively
Söderberg, David. "Biocarbon production from biomass based energy plant forapplication in high-value materials." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för teknikvetenskap och matematik, 2019.
Full textMendonça, Moisés de Souza. "Biochar de caroço de açaí como condicionador de solo na produção de mudas de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.) /." Jaboticabal, 2019.
Full textResumo: O biochar, biomassa carbonizada por processo de pirólise, foi aplicado na Amazônia, região com diversidade no extrativismo e agricultura, e constituída por exuberante mata espessa com solos bem drenados, pouco férteis e ácidos, com restrita camada de matéria orgânica na sua superfície. Este estudo avaliou a influência do biochar de caroço de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) como condicionador de solo na produção de mudas de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.). O experimento foi conduzido com 17 tratamentos em esquema fatorial 4x4+1, sendo 4 granulometrias combinadas com 4 doses de biochar, mais um controle, com 5 repetições, num delineamento em blocos casualizados. Foram avaliados variáveis no solo e na planta. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise da variância pelo teste F, seguindo-se com a análise de regressão polinomial, quando o teste F foi significativo a no mínimo 5 % de probabilidade. O teste de Tukey foi aplicado para comparação de médias. Observou-se que a inserção do biochar de caroço de açaí possibilitou aumento da atividade enzimática do solo e maior desenvolvimento vegetativo das mudas, sendo a dose de 16 t ha-1 e granulometrias de 5 mm o tratamento recomendado.
Abstract: The biochar, carbonized biomass by pyrolysis process, was applied in Amazonia, a region with diversity in extractivism and agriculture, and constituted by an exuberant thick forest with well drained, little fertile and acidic soils with restricted layer of organic matter in its surface. This study evaluated the influence of açaí lump biochar (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) as a soil conditioner in the production of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) seedlings. The experiment was conducted with 17 treatments in a 4x4 + 1 factorial scheme, 4 particle sizes combined with 4 doses of biochar and a control, with 5 replications, in a randomized block design. Variables were evaluated in soil and plant. The results were submitted to analysis of variance by the F test, followed by polynomial regression analysis when the F test was significant at least 5 % probability. The Tukey test was applied for comparison of means. It was observed that the insertion of the biochar of the açaí lump allowed to increase the enzymatic activity of the soil and greater vegetative development of the seedlings, being the dose of 16 t ha-1 and particle sizes of 5 mm the recommended treatment.
Silva, Elen Almeida Leal da. "Catalisadores de Pt e PtSn suportados em biocarvões ativados para a eletro-oxidação do etanol." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2016.
Full textDirect ethanol fuel cells (DEFC) are based on ethanol electrooxidation at low-temperature and they require noble metal based catalysts, due to the slower kinetic of redox reactions. Among the catalysts, platinum and its alloys have been the most widely used. Catalysts support materials have been employed with the intent to reduce loading catalyst. One of the most versatile catalyst supports is activated carbon, and one of the most widely used is the Vulcan®, a mineral carbon. Currently, different studies have been conducted concerning wood as activated carbon precursor, because of its sustainability and its properties, like suitable porous texture, surface area and surface chemistry. In this work, it was studied ethanol electrooxidation reaction on Pt and PSn catalysts supported on biocarbon. Biocarbons were obtained from Eucalyptus grandis. Literature reports the use of carbon materials as catalyst support, however focused on carbon fibers and carbon nanotubes, without any precedent on the use of activated carbon obtained from Eucalyptus grandis until the start of this work. The carbon supports were obtained by physical activation using CO2, and chemical activation with ZnCl2. Catalyst support characterization boarded elemental analysis, texture analysis, thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Techniques employed for the catalyst characterization were Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and spectroelectrochemical characterization (ATR-FTIR in situ). Biocarbons presended the higher surface areas and smallest pore size than the Vulcan ones, independent of the treatment. The support nature influenced on the catalyst morphology. Results showed that the catalyst on the chemically activated supports presented the best current density for ethanol electro-oxidation, except for the PtSn on the physically activated biocarbon (PtSn/BCAF). Biocarbons resulted adequate for fuel cell applications and are capable of substituting the conventional supports based on mineral carbon. Ethanol electro-oxidation on PtSn catalysts takes place through the production of acetaldehyde and acetic acid reaction mechanism.
Chin, Pampillo Juan Salvador. "Environmental benefits of using biochar as an amendment in pineapple cultivation in Costa Rica: soil physicochemical and biological effects and interaction with agrochemicals." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020.
Full textLa producción de piña es una actividad económica importante en Costa Rica que ha aumentado significativamente su área cultivada en las dos últimas décadas, con una alta generación de residuos agroindustriales y un uso intensivo de plaguicidas, incluidos los herbicidas bromacil y diurón. Ambos se han detectado en aguas superficiales y subterráneas, lo que ha causado problemas ambientales, de salud y económicos, aunque aún existe poca información sobre su destino ambiental en los suelos tropicales. La transformación de residuos agroindustriales en biocarbón (biochar) mediante pirólisis y su adición al suelo como enmienda, se ha propuesto como una práctica útil de gestión de residuos capaz de mejorar la calidad del suelo, el secuestro de carbono y que podría mitigar la movilidad de los plaguicidas. El objetivo de la tesis fue evaluar los beneficios y eventuales efectos no deseados de la adición de biocarbón a un suelo costarricense cultivado con piña en combinación con bromacil o diuron, considerando tanto sus efectos ecotoxicológicos como en su destino y eficiencia. Los materiales carbonizados (MC) se obtuvieron pirolizando a 300 o 600 °C durante una hora rastrojo de piña (PS), pinzote de palma aceitera (PF) y cascarilla de café (CH), se caracterizaron física y químicamente y se mezclaron con suelo en dosis de aplicación equivalentes a 10 y 20 t ha-1. Se evaluaron la sorción, la degradación y la biodegradación de ambos plaguicidas en condiciones de laboratorio con lo que se predijo su riesgo ambiental con el Índice de Clasificación de Impacto de Plaguicidas. Además, se midió la emergencia y el crecimiento de la lechuga (Lactuca sativa), el desarrollo de invertebrados (colémbolo Folsomia candida; enquitréido Enchytraeus crypticus) y la diversidad funcional de los microorganismos (Microresp™) para probar los efectos de los MC en la eficiencia de los herbicidas y sobre organismos terrestres no diana. Los MC a 300 °C se clasificaron como materiales torrefactos (MT) y a 600 °C como biocarbones (B). Los biocarbones mostraron mayor superficie específica, contenido de carbono fijo y pH que los MT, mientras que los PS-B y PF-B presentaron mayor abundancia de grupos funcionales oxigenados superficiales que el CH-B y que todos los MT. Se observó una sorción débil de ambos plaguicidas en el suelo, lo que sugiere una alta movilidad, mientras que la degradación y biodegradación de bromacil fue limitada comparada con el diurón. La adición de biocarbón aumentó la persistencia del bromacil, mientras que los PS-MT y PF-MT aumentaron la sorción del diurón. No obstante, la movilidad y la toxicidad acuática predichas de los herbicidas no se afectaron. La adición de MC no redujo la eficiencia de los herbicidas, pero aumentó la emergencia sin mejorar el crecimiento. La aplicación de herbicidas no tuvo efectos tóxicos sobre colémbolos o enquitréidos pues promovió su reproducción sin afectar la supervivencia. Hubo una evitación generalizada de los enquitréidos de las mezclas suelo-MC opuesta a la preferencia general de los colémbolos, independientemente de la presencia de herbicidas. Finalmente, no se demostraron cambios en la diversidad funcional microbiana por la adición de herbicidas o MC, y solo se observó un aumento en la tasa de consumo de algunos sustratos en algunas mezclas suelo-MC tratados con diurón. En conclusión, la adición de MC no cambió la eficiencia de los herbicidas ni su destino en el Ultisol tropical arcilloso estudiado. Bajo la gestión habitual del cultivo de la piña en la Región Norte de Costa Rica, ambos herbicidas presentaron un elevado riesgo ambiental para aguas superficiales y subterráneas, y pese a que la adición de MC no le mitigar, no causaron efectos negativos sino una mejora del suelo como hábitat para invertebrados edáficos.
Pineapple production is an important economic activity in Costa Rica as shown by the increase in its cropped area in the last two decades. It involves a high generation of agro-wastes as well as an intensive application of pesticides, including the herbicides bromacil, and diuron. Their use is associated with problems of environmental, health and economic concern, because it has been detected in both surface water and groundwater. However, there is still scarce information about the environmental fate of these herbicides in tropical soils. The transformation of this agro-waste surplus by pyrolysis into biochar, a carbonaceous material, followed by its addition to soil as an amendment, has been suggested as a useful waste management practice. This is because it may improve the soil quality and carbon sequestration and potentially mitigate the mobility of pesticides. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the benefits and unexpected effects of biochar addition to a Costa Rican agricultural soil cropped to pineapple, concurrently considering the effects on bromacil and diuron fate and efficiency as well as non-target soil ecotoxicological effects. For this purpose, pineapple stubble (PS), oil palm fiber (PF) and coffee hulls (CH) were pyrolyzed at 300 or 600 °C for one hour and then physically and chemically characterized. Mixtures of the charred materials (CM) with soil were prepared at application rates equivalent to 10 and 20 t ha-1. Sorption, degradation, and biodegradation of both pesticides were evaluated in the laboratory, and the results were used to predict their environmental risk with the Pesticide Impact Rating Index. In addition, lettuce emergence and growth (Lactuca sativa), invertebrates performance (collembolan Folsomia candida; enchytraeid Enchytraeus crypticus), and microorganism functional diversity (Microresp™) were used to test the effects of CM on the herbicides’ efficiency and on the non-target soil biological groups. CM pyrolyzed at 300 °C were classified as torrefied materials (TM), while those pyrolized at 600 °C were classified as biochars (B). Biochars showed higher specific surface area, fixed carbon content and pH values than TM, while PS-B and PF-B presented a higher abundance of surface oxygenated chemical groups than CH-B and all the TM. A weak sorption of both herbicides to soil was observed suggesting a high mobility, while the degradation and biodegradation of bromacil was more limited compared to that of diuron. The addition of biochars increased the persistence of bromacil, while PS-TM and PF-TM increased the sorption of diuron. Despite that, the predicted mobility and aquatic toxicity of the herbicides were unaffected. The addition of CM did not reduce herbicide efficiency but increased seedling emergence without improving growth. The adding of herbicides had no toxic effects on collembolans and enchytraeids as it promoted their reproduction without affecting survival. A generalized avoidance of CM-mixtures by enchytraeids was observed as opposed to the general preference shown in collembolans, irrespective of the supplementation or not of herbicides. Finally, no changes in the microbial functional diversity by the sole addition of herbicides or CM were demonstrated, and a significant increase in the consumption rate of some substrates was observed only in some diuron-treated CM-mixtures. In summary, the addition of CM did not change the efficiency of the herbicides nor their fate in a tropical clay Ultisol. Under pineapple cropping conditions of the northern region of Costa Rica, bromacil and diuron presented a high estimated environmental risk to surface water and groundwater, and the addition of CM did not change this risk. Simultaneously, no negative effects to the soil ecosystem were observed, but there was an improvement in soil as a habitat for some soil invertebrates.
Oliveira, Daiane de Moura Costa [UNESP]. "Preparação, caracterização e avaliação da incorporação de biochar ao solo para germinação de sementes de Pinus elliottii." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2017.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO ( on 2017-10-06T13:22:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 oliveira_dmc_me_soro.pdf: 2470012 bytes, checksum: 305a00b0ed56c56b6c2d5093fd8fcd15 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-06T13:22:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 oliveira_dmc_me_soro.pdf: 2470012 bytes, checksum: 305a00b0ed56c56b6c2d5093fd8fcd15 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-11
As florestas nativas são muito exploradas devido à crescente demanda de madeira e seus derivados para suprir o mercado consumidor, deixando evidente a importância das florestas plantadas como recurso para suprir a demanda comercial. O Pinus é uma espécie que se destaca devido a sua adaptabilidade aos mais diversos ambientes brasileiros. As indústrias beneficiadoras da matéria-prima para geração de madeira se caracterizam por gerar grande quantidade de resíduos denominados de “serragem”, muitas vezes sem destinação. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi de gerar biochar através do processo de pirólise em diferentes temperaturas: 300º, 400º, 500º e 600ºC utilizando serragem de pinus spp. e avaliar sua incorporação ao solo na forma de substrato para germinação e desenvolvimento de mudas. Os biochar foram caracterizados quanto ao rendimento por pirólise e determinados seus teores de cinzas e carbono fixo segundo a norma ABNT NBR 8112/86. Todos os dados analisados desde a granulometria, caracterização físico-química, análises de germinação e o índice de qualidade de mudas através da metodologia de DICKSON, foram submetidos à analise estatísticas por teste de confrontamento de médias Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Pode-se concluir que houve diferença significativa nos tratamentos que foram incorporados biochar, comprovando estatisticamente que o BC400, BC500 e BC600 obtiveram os melhores resultados o que também foi confirmado pelo índice de qualidade de mudas (IQD); não houve diferença entre nenhum tratamento com relação à quantidade de biochar e/ou serragem incorporada ao solo.
Native forests are overexploited due to growing demand for wood and its derivatives to meet the consumer market, making it clear the importance of planted forests as a resource to meet the commercial demand. The pine is a species that stands out because of its adaptability to the most diverse Brazilian environments. The beneficiary industries of the raw material for the generation of wood are characterized by generating large amounts of waste called "sawdust", often without destination. The objective of this research was to generate biochar through pyrolysis process at different temperatures: 300, 400th, 500th and 600 ° C using spp pine sawdust. and evaluate its incorporation into the soil as substrate for germination and seedling development. The biochar were characterized in terms of yield determined by pyrolysis and their ash content and fixed carbon according to ABNT NBR 8112/86. All data from the analyzed particle, physicochemical characterization, analysis germination and seedling quality index through Dickson method, were subjected to statistical analysis by means confronting Tukey test at 5% probability. It can be concluded that there was significant difference in treatments which were incorporated into biochar, proving that statistically BC400, BC500 and BC600 obtained the best results which was also confirmed by the changes of quality index (DCI); there was no treatment difference with respect to the amount of biochar and / or sawdust incorporated into the soil.
Dorward, Michael Richard. "Biocarbonate secretion, cystic fibrosis and congenital chloride diarrhea: Molecular mechanisms in transport and disease." 2006.
Full textBooks on the topic "Biocarbone"
"Biocarbone", Fonds. BioCF fonds "Biocarbone". Washington DC, USA: Le Fonds "Biocarbone", La Banque mondiale, 2004.
Find full textOliveira, Antonella Carvalho de, ed. Caracterización bromatológica y obtención de pulpa papelera de frijol caupí (Vigna unguiculata) cultivado con biocarbón tratado en biol vacuno en San Francisco-Yarinacocha: -. Brasil: Atena Editora, 2023.
Find full textKenkyūjo, Tōkyō Daigaku Kaiyō, and Tōkyō Daigaku. Nōgaku Seimei Kagaku Kenkyūka., eds. Seibutsu kudō ni yoru kaiyō tanso junkan no renzoku kansoku shuhō (BIOCARBON): Heisei 17-nendo kenkyū seika hōkokusho : chikyū kansoku shisutemu (GEOSS) kōchiku suishin puran : chikyū ondanka tanso junkan kansoku kenkyū purojekuto : kaiyō tō no tanso junkan no mekanizumu ni kansuru kansoku kenkyū matawa gijutsu kaihatsu. [Tokyo]: Monbu Kagakushō Kenkyū Kaihatsukyoku, 2006.
Find full textVijaya, Deepa Kodali;. Biocarbon Polymer Composites. Bentham Science Publishers, 2023.
Find full textKodali, Deepa, and Vijaya Rangari. Biocarbon Polymer Composites. Bentham Science Publishers, 2023.
Find full textVijaya, Deepa Kodali;. Biocarbon Polymer Composites. Bentham Science Publishers, 2023.
Find full textInsights and Experiences from the BioCarbon Fund Emission Reductions Projects in the Land-Use Sector. World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020.
Full textKiang, Yen-Hsiung. Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization: Conventional Fuels, Biomass, Biocarbon, Waste Fuels, Refuse Derived Fuel, and Other Alternative Fuels. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2018.
Find full textFuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization: Conventional Fuels, Biomass, Biocarbon, Waste Fuels, Refuse Derived Fuel, and Other Alternative Fuels. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2018.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Biocarbone"
Bartocci, Pietro, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Federica Liberti, Gianni Bidini, and Francesco Fantozzi. "Biocarbon Production and Use as a Fuel." In Production of Materials from Sustainable Biomass Resources, 295–324. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textSenanu, Samuel, and Asbjørn Solheim. "Biocarbon in the Aluminium Industry: A Review." In The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, 649–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textSmith-Hanssen, Nicholas, Gøril Jahrsengene, and Eli Ringdalen. "Biocarbon Materials in Metallurgical Processes—Investigation of Critical Properties." In The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, 165–77. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full textCoutinh, A. R., and C. A. Luengo. "Mass Balance of Biocarbon Electrodes Obtained by Experimental Bench Production." In Developments in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, 305–11. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.
Full textJahrsengene, Gøril, Sethulakshmy Jayakumari, Ida Teresia Kero, and Eli Ringdalen. "Sustainable Metal Production: Use of Biocarbon and the Concern of Dusting." In Proceedings of the 62nd Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2023, 1001–7. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full textYadav, Brijesh Kumar, Rounak Atram, Mahadev Sonawane Jitesh Kumar, and Ashish Kumar Yadav. "Hydrothermally Prepared NiCo2O4/Biocarbon Composite Nanoparticles: Application of Energy Storage Devices." In Advanced Functional Materials for Sustainable Environments, 253–66. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Full textNg, Ka Wing, Louis Giroux, and Ted Todoschuk. "Reduction in GHG Emission of Steel Production by Direct Injection of Renewable Biocarbon." In The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, 903–12. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textCanaguier, Vincent, Trygve Lindahl Schanche, and Eli Ringdalen. "Biocarbon as a Reductant in FeMn Processes—Expanding Process Simulation Using HSC Sim." In Proceedings of the 63rd Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2024, 1775–82. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Full textRørvik, Stein, and Michal Ksiazek. "Investigating Reactivity of Biocarbon for Metallurgical Processes Using Micro X-Ray Computed Tomography." In Proceedings of the 62nd Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2023, 739–47. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full textLeonova, Liubov V., Akhmet A. Galeev, Yulia S. Simakova, Alena S. Ryabova, Liudmila Yu Kuzmina, Stepan P. Glavatskikh, and Olga Ya Cherviatsova. "Some Mineralogical Approaches to Study the Biocarbonate and the Carbonate-Siliceous Nodules." In Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences, 75–95. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Biocarbone"
Ramos, Yuleika, Arthur James, Elida de Obaldia, and Mabony Sanchez. "Biocarbon Synthesis Methods for Anode Electrodes: A Review." In 2024 9th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC), 359–65. IEEE, 2024.
Full textOLIVEIRA, EDUARDO KERCHER DE. "BIOCARBONO DE BAGAÇO DE CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR: POTENCIAL REDUTOR EM PROCESSOS DE AUTORREDUÇÃO COM CAREPA." In 1º Seminário de Economia Circular e Sustentabilidade, 361–73. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2024.
Full textHuang, L., X. Giroux, K. Ng, and T. Todoschuk. "Grindability of Solid Biocarbon." In AISTech2019. AIST, 2019.
Full textHuang, L., X. Li, D. Ng, and K. Giroux. "Biocarbon Materials in EAF Steelmaking." In AISTech2019. AIST, 2019.
Full textWang, Fei, Daniel Martinez, and Jie Huang. "Biocarbon-Driven Remediation of Oil Contaminated Soils." In Geo-Congress 2023. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2023.
Full textMussap, Eduardo Rodrigues, Rodrigo Magalhães de Carvalho, and Ismael Vemdrame Flores. "CARACTERIZAÇÃO DA DEGRADAÇÃO SUPERFICIAL DE BRIQUETES DE BIOCARBONO." In 21° Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Metalúrgica, de Materiais e de Minas (ENEMET). São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2023.
Full textBordun, Igor. "BIOCARBON AS AN ELECTRODE MATERIAL OF ASYMMETRIC SUPERCAPACITORS." In 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2018. Stef92 Technology, 2018.
Full textNg, L., X. Huang, and K. Giroux. "Incorporation of Biocarbon in Cokemaking via Partial Briquetting." In AISTech2019. AIST, 2019.
Full textSoares, Álvaro, Juliana Pohlmann, Bruno Flores, Guilherme Gonçalves, Ronald de Oliveira, Leonardo Caputo, and Stephen Potter. "TECNORED CARBONIZATION PROCESS – A NOVEL TECHNOLOGY FOR BIOCARBON PRODUCTION." In 4th EMECR - International Conference on Energy and Material Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel Industry 2022. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Biocarbone"
Sehmi, Ramya, Cheikh Mbow, Sari Pitkanen, Helen Cross, Nicholas Berry, Mike Riddell, Janne Heiskanen, and Ermias Aynekulu. Replicable tools and frameworks for biocarbon development in West Africa. World Agroforestry Centre, 2016.
Full textActualización del Plan Estratégico de Ciencia, Tecnología, e Innovación del sector Agropecuario PECTIA 2017 - 2027 : Departamento de Arauca 2022. Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, 2022.
Full textActualización del Plan Estratégico de Ciencia, Tecnología, e Innovación del sector Agropecuario PECTIA 2017 - 2027 : Departamento de Casanare 2022. Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, 2022.
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