Academic literature on the topic 'Bernard (1936-....)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Bernard (1936-....)"
Stefańska, Dorota. "Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Młodzieży w Szadku w latach 1934–1939." Biuletyn Szadkowski 15 (December 30, 2015): 205–23.
Full textWeyers, Wolfgang. "A. Bernard Ackerman—1936–2008." American Journal of Dermatopathology 31, no. 8 (December 2009): 740–61.
Full textDavies, Hywel. "Bernard van Dieren (1887 - 1936)." Musical Times 128, no. 1738 (December 1987): 675.
Full textTafani, Vilma. "Rruga për në Elbasan, Bernard Newman, 1936." Revista Albanon 1, no. 1 (May 22, 2020): 28–37.
Full textTafani, Vilma. "Rruga për në Elbasan, Bernard Newman, 1936." Revista Albanon 2, no. 1 (October 18, 2021): 28–37.
Full textBernard, Enrico. "1927–1932 Il lustro che cambiò la letteratura italiana." Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 52, no. 2 (April 22, 2018): 282–300.
Full textBurkholder, David B., and Christopher J. Boes. "Robert Wartenberg and the American Academy of Neurology." Neurology 97, no. 6 (April 21, 2021): 268–72.
Full textWaldman, David A. "Quality is Personal: A Foundationfor Total Quality Management Harry V. Roberts and Bernard E Sergesketter." Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration 11, no. 4 (April 8, 2009): 346–47.
Full textLe Bras, Stéphane, Miguel Cabo Villaverde, Bruno Esperante, Pablo F. Luna, Ana Cabana Iglesia, Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo, Salvador Calatayud, and Óscar Bascuñán Añover. "Book reviews - Crítica de libros - Crítica de livros (Historia Agraria, 86)." Historia Agraria Revista de agricultura e historia rural, no. 86 (March 28, 2022): 313–45.
Full textKostyuchenko I.V, Nelga I. A. "Chemical Weapons: History of the Study of Organophosphorus Toxic Agents Abroad." Journal of NBC Protection Corps 3, no. 2 (2019): 175–93.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Bernard (1936-....)"
Valette, Mathieu. "Les linguistiques énonciatives et cognitives françaises : de Gustave Guillaume à Bernard Pottier, Maurice Toussaint et Antoine Culioli." Paris 10, 2001.
Full textThe history of enunciative theories of language is marked by two major events. On the one hand, the publication of the "Cours de linguistique générale", by which the sole object of linguistics is to be "langue", allowed for alternative critical views of the linguistic role of "parole" and thought to be developped. On the other hand, the critics of the Saussurean view intensify with the cybernetics model of communication and simulation at the beginning of the 1960's. Between these, the paradigmatic shift toward enunciation is announced by the Phychomecanics of Language elaborated by Gustave Guillaume (1883-1960) during the 1940's, which aims at creating a homogeneous system of the relation between throught is language and enunciation. .
Favero, Ebel Armelle. "Bernard Lallement, diplomate et musicien : les chorales franco-allemandes et le traité de l'Élysée." Thesis, Littoral, 2022.
Full textBernard Lallement, French choir director and diplomat, spent his entire professional career in the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was the first posted to Berlin in 1965 at the time of the Cold War. In the framework of the Élysée Treaty signed two years earlier by Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer, he used his diplomatic skills to develop cooperation between the Germans and the French around choral singing. In fifteen years, he created the first four Franco-German choirs (CFAs) in the cities where he was in office : Berlin, Munich, Paris and Bonn. In 1982, he founded the Federation of CFAs, which includes today ten choirs in Germany and seven choirs in France. His tenacity has made him a key player in civil society engaged in cultural and human relations. Bernard Lallement has always been convinced, together with the signatories of the treaty that young people have a major to play in reconciliation and cooperation. He worked as Deputy Secretary General of the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ) from 1979 to 1983. Alongside his professional career, music has been an integral part of his life, both with his composing and direction of choirs. Music and Politics come together on the occasion of the Franco-German commemorative concerts. From the singing of the Treaty in 1963 until its most recent update in Aachen in 2019, the musician diplomat has promoted the cooperation and the deepening of integration between French, German and wider European citizens. OFAJ has become the reference for the youth of other countries. Thanks to Bernard Lallement, the choirshave become the best ambassadors from promoting lasting franco-german relationships
Mbah, Jean Bernard [Verfasser]. "Deutsche Essayistik der Kriegs- und Zwischenkriegszeit (1916 - 1946) : Dekonstruktion des Nationalismus zu Visionen kultureller Identität Europas / Jean Bernard Mbah." Halle, 2018.
Full textBergeron, Yves. "In Memoriam- Bernhard Denneler (1963-2007)." Tree-Ring Society, 2007.
Full textOhana, Yolande. "Initiation et narration dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Bernard Malamud." Paris 7, 1992.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to show that certain of malamud's novels and short stories can be read as initiation pieces composed of three phases: fall, expiation and reintegration. Bernard malamud exploited the initiative structure in order to denounce the downfall of the great myths which founded the american nation; for example the myth of the west, the myth of the hero, the myth of the virgin america and of the decadent europe; and finally the myth of the american dream, omnipresent in all of his works. In the fixer, malamud reactivates the myth of the persecuted jew. He shows the absurdity of certain beliefs concerning the ritual crimes. He shows the absurdity of certain beliefs concerning the ritual crimes. The author reinterprets the cosmogonic myth of the jewish history, the one of exodus. In the malamudian novel, the woman is the ideal initiator for the young inexperimented hero. Raisi, helen, isabella are the mediators who reveal to the man his nature. The woman becomes the priviledged way of self-discovery. The beloved is the only adviser, the guide who permits one to find one's real identity. In his last book, god's grace, malamud shows concerns about the future of humanity. All his work underlines the absolute necessity of morals and ethics
Jamet, Stéphanie. "Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre sculpté de Bernard Pagès (1966-1984) : entre assemblage et fragmentation." Paris 4, 2001.
Full textThis study is a monograph with a catalog raisonné of Bernard Pagès' sculpture created between 1966 and 1984. It bases on the author's personal interviews with the artist and people who followed and supported Pagès during this period. .
Tschiedel, Joachim. "Bernhard Sekles 1872-1934 : Leben und Werk des Frankfurter Komponisten und Pädagogen /." Schneverdingen : K. D. Wagner, 2005.
Full textQuelques ex. musicaux en fin de volume. Liste des oeuvres de B. Sekles p. 102-116. Bibliogr. p. 117-120.
Borrell, Escudé Mariola. "Bernardí Martorell i Puig, arquitecte (1877-1937)." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, 2020.
Full textCarn, Hervé. "Bernard Noël et la question du roman." Rennes 2, 1996.
Full textThe author demonstrates that Bernard Noël's novels have often been eclipsed by his poems and other writings about artists. The purpose of his thesis is to demonstrate their importance and cohesion. After a first part devoted to the study of how a sphere of significance, encompsing discourse, visual and ontological spheres, builds up in fictional writing, the author demonstrates that the other is thoroughly present in the poetics of the novel, as this figure identifies with the narratee in issues that deal successively with modernism, postmodernism and what he calls "surmodernism" - that notion being more intuitive than rational. Rejecting any kind of coercitive reading method, he makes little and discreet use of literary theories but, to build up his reflection, he prefers to refer to such writers as Artaud, Blanchot, Bataille, Klossowski, Gracq, Pieyre de Mandiargues, Aragon. . . , who have grown out of Bernard Noel's cultural background
Clément, Sarah. "Ecritures avides : Beckett, Des Forêts, Bernhard." Paris 7, 2013.
Full textThrough a cross-reading of three soliloquies, Molloy, Le Bavard and Béton, I propose to analyse the notion of « avidity » -quintessentially linked to those of rhetorical copia, abundance and verbosity- as an essential principle in the writing of Beckett, des Forêts and Bernhard. Whether avidity appears in the forms of compulsive repetition or of chatter as a mariner of overexpression, it reveals the vacuity of the powerless subjects, it embodies the lingering mediocrity which they feel, while it also pushes them forward, beyond the self. In the grasp of tensions between the crumbling characters and their frenzied logorrhea, the avid narrative demonstrates a taste for the use of repetitions and for long and asyntactic sentences, as well as it displays a strong tendency towards abuse and aggressiveness, a fragmented prose, an abundance of personal oral structures, and intertextual practices. These diverse modes, recurrent in the copious discourse, indicate an appetite for words, as well as a will to deconstruct the traditional foundations of narratives. Their strong blast can induce the absorption of these readers, whose abnormal, excessive relation to the text relies on a mixture of somehow contradictory affects —fascination, attraction, contamination, or, conversely, disgust, nausea, hatred. The text is metabolized through a series of processes such as the inflation of metatextual play, a diffusely propagated prophylactic irony, or an aggressive inclusion and rejection of the reader. Such processes invest readers in a borderline experience, the might of which mainly relies on unsettled interpretations
Books on the topic "Bernard (1936-....)"
1860-1936, Bernard Valère, ed. Valère Bernard, 1860-1936. [Marseille]: Editions J. Laffitte, 1988.
Find full textNougier, Paul. Valère Bernard, 1860-1936: Approche de l'artiste et de son œuvre. Marseille: Comité Valère Bernard, 1987.
Find full textBernardo: Bernardo Escliar, 1900 -1933. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Acervo Cultural Editores, 2010.
Find full textFotohof, Galerie, ed. Bernard Plossu, 1963-1993. [Paris]: Association Franc̜aise d'Action Artistique, Ministére des Affaires Etrangères, 1994.
Find full textFasseur, C. Juliana & Bernhard: Het verhaal van een huwelijk : de jaren 1936-1956. [Amsterdam, Netherlands]: Balans, 2009.
Find full textHoetger, Bernhard. Bernhard Hoetger: Bildwerke 1902-1936. Hannover: Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, 1994.
Find full textPlossu, Bernard. Bernard Plossu: Rétrospective 1963-2006. Paris: Editions des 2 terres, 2006.
Find full textDe, Grada Raffaele. Emile Bernard: Opere 1898-1938. Milano: Compagnia del disegno, 2003.
Find full textVenet, Bernar. Bernar Venet, 1963-1993. [Bogotá]: Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, 1994.
Find full textIstván, Pálffy. George Bernard Shaw Magyarországon, 1904-1956. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Bernard (1936-....)"
Picciotti, Elizabeth Raphaela. "Ackerman, Albert Bernard (1936–2008)." In Encyclopedia of Pathology, 7–11. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textPicciotti, Elizabeth Raphaela. "Ackerman, Albert Bernard (1936–2008)." In Encyclopedia of Pathology, 1–5. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textGraser, Léonor. "Bernard Lahire (*1963)." In Klassiker der Soziologie der Künste, 1061–79. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016.
Full textGibbs, A. M. "Chronology Part III 1926–50." In A Bernard Shaw Chronology, 257–338. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2001.
Full textReifer, Thomas. "Magubane, Bernard Makhosezwe (1930–2013)." In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism, 1–6. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textReifer, Thomas. "Magubane, Bernard Makhosezwe (1930–2013)." In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism, 1675–80. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textZlobin, Alexander, Valeriy Inozemcev, Sergey Komissarenko, Igor Medveckiy, Igor Nelga, Sergey Tretyakov, and Artem Sherstyuk. "Main steps of developing chemical organophosphorus agents abroad." In ORGANOPHOSPHORUS NEUROTOXINS, 17–34. ru: Publishing Center RIOR, 2020.
Full textZlobin, Alexander, Valeriy Inozemcev, Sergey Komissarenko, Igor Medveckiy, Igor Nelga, and Sergey Tretyakov. "Main steps of developing chemical organophosphorus agents abroad." In Organophosphorous Neurotoxins, 11–28. ru: Publishing Center RIOR, 2020.
Full textMondino, Cecilia Pérez. "Bernard Shaw’s Theatre in Uruguay (1930–1960)." In Bernard Shaw and His Contemporaries, 165–85. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textWinkler, Jean-Marie. "Todesengel, Nihilist und Prophet Die Rezeption der Bühnenwerke in Frankreich 1986–1991." In Kontinent Bernhard, 269–96. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1995.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Bernard (1936-....)"
Yasunaga, K. "HEREDITARY PLATELET FUNCTION DISORDERS IN JAPAN." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.
Full textAsri, Rifdatul Chairiyah, and Tri Widianti Natalia. "Kriteria Ruang Ramah Anak Penyandang Down Syndrome." In Temu Ilmiah IPLBI 2021. Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia, 2021.
Full textCabanes, Jose Luis, Federico Iborra-Bernad, and Carlos Bonafé-Cervera. "Reconstrucción virtual de ambientes urbanos a partir de fotografías históricas a través de Image Based Animations (IBA). La Plaza de la Virgen de Valencia alrededor de 1870." In 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.
Full textn. v. santos, pedro henrique, and Regina Maria Prosperi Meyer. "LONGE DO EQUILÍBRIO." In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Bogotá: Universidad Piloto de Colombia, 2022.
Full textBarreto Fernandes, Francisco António, and Bernabé Hernandis Ortuño. "Usability and User-Centered Design - User Evaluation Experience in Self-Checkout Technologies." In Systems & Design 2017. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.
Full textReports on the topic "Bernard (1936-....)"
Water resources data for Texas, water year 1986, volume 2. San Jacinto River, Brazos River, San Bernard River basins, and intervening coastal basins. US Geological Survey, 1987.
Full textWater resources data Texas, water year 1996, volume 2. San Jacinto River basin, Brazos River basin, San Bernard River basin, and intervening coastal basins. US Geological Survey, 1997.
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