Academic literature on the topic 'Berlin (Allemagne) – Au cinéma'
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Journal articles on the topic "Berlin (Allemagne) – Au cinéma"
Haim, Monica. "L’industrie cinématographique allemande après la guerre… froide : année zéro, deuxième prise." Articles divers 7, no. 1-2 (February 21, 2011): 225–35.
Full textLaberge, Yves. "La double réception du film Métropolis de Fritz Lang." Cinémas 8, no. 3 (October 31, 2007): 31–52.
Full textGOLDMANN, Annie. "Quelques problèmes de sociologie du cinéma." Sociologie et sociétés 8, no. 1 (September 30, 2002): 71–80.
Full textLeclercq, Emmanuel. "Berlin au cinéma : la ville miroir de l’histoire." Les Temps Modernes 625, no. 4 (2003): 241.
Full textMoine, Caroline. "La douce euphorie du cinéma allemand. Mécanismes et enjeux institutionnels d’une industrie culturelle en mutation." Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande 42, no. 3 (2010): 353–65.
Full textHausbei, Kerstin. "Berlin: Theaterlandschaft in einer doppelten Stadt?" Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande 49, no. 1 (June 16, 2017): 57–70.
Full textEven, David, and Beverley Archimède. "Berlin ou la difficulté d'être capitale turque en Allemagne." Esprit Janvier, no. 1 (2010): 220.
Full textBrulhart, Nicolas. "W+B Hein, XSCREEN et la réception impossible du cinéma élargi en Allemagne." Décadrages, no. 21-22 (December 15, 2012): 61–80.
Full textRobert, Valérie. "Les médias à Berlin, au centre des conflits." Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande 49, no. 1 (June 16, 2017): 117–31.
Full textSalzmann, Zara. "Femmes, descendantes d’immigré·es originaires de Turquie à Berlin et à Paris : des transclasses racisées ?" Hommes & migrations 1345 (2024): 45–55.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Berlin (Allemagne) – Au cinéma"
Barbe, Diane. "Berlin(s) à l'écran de 1961 à 1989. Essai de topographie cinématographie cinématographique : la représentation de Berlin divisé dans les cinémas est- et ouest-allemands." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Full textFrom 1961 to 1989, Berlin is a divided city, split by a concrete wall separating the eastern part, capital city of the German Democratic Republic, from the western one, isolated island of the German Federal Republic. Frontline of the Cold War, the cameras captured it.Filming Berlin was not only depicting a precise and bound urban territory, it was bringing to the screen a space ruled by a very significant historical, social and political context conveying strong specificities. Two systems of representation of the urban space coexisted as soon as 1945, fueled by each side of town’s own elements and specific aesthetic forms. From August 13th 1961, the day the Wall was built, the reality of the division of the city is made concrete-solid. Cinema was made the witness of this reality. These pictures, of the Self, of the Other, can be considered as products of both societies, with their own symbolisms, their sociocultural codes and parallel histories. As such, they are indicative of the way Berlin has been shown.Both imageries take part in the construction of a plural urban identity, that sometimes tends towards a shape-shifting hallmark, whose aspects it seems important to question. This PhD in cinematic studies endeavours to describe, analyse and interpret the filmed expressions of this alterity, this singular urban space. At the crossroad of several disciplinary fields and in a geo-centered approach, it offers an essay on cinematic topography
Küffer, Manon. "La Guerre Froide vue par Hollywood : Berlin au prisme des rapports sociaux de genre (1945-1961)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024.
Full textThis thesis focuses on a handful of Hollywood films set in Berlin (Berlin-Films) in the early years of the Cold War, from the end of World War II (1945) to the construction of the Berlin Wall (1961). In this thesis, theoretical emphasis is placed on the perspective these films provide on the Cold War, a period marked by ideological and political tensions and conflicts between the United States and the USSR (and their respective allies). The Cold War will be examined here through the lens of gender studies, specifically analyzing the gender-based social relations within the city of Berlin, symbolizing the defeat of Nazi Germany and the vision of a future denazified, demilitarized, decentralized, deindustrialized, and democratized Germany (as advocated by the Potsdam Conference in 1945). Berlin is also portrayed as significantly feminized and under American influence. In other words, this thesis aims to analyze the sensitivity of Hollywood cinema (but also West and East German films) to the upheavals induced in the field of gender and family social relations by the Cold War and external factors such as production, distribution, reception, commercial, diplomatic, and historical considerations. Even though they provide undeniable documentary features for the American moviegoers of that time (to whom these films were primarily addressed) regarding Germany's defeat, the reception of these Berlin-Films, both by the press and the spectators, seems divided between a desire for realism and a wish to escape daily life. Many critics have often criticized these films for reducing U.S./Germany international relations to a set of invariants or a collection of stereotypes. Transforming a political conflict into a romantic one, the GI/Fräulein couple becomes an allegory of international relations. However, rethinking the victory of the United-States (or the defeat of Germany) through the lens of gender relations allows us to reconsider the traditional stereotyped victor/vanquished antagonism and its evolutions studied by historians such as Michaela Hoenicke Moore or Brian Etheridge. These runaway romances set abroad, in a perpetual quest for realism, thus help the Americans negotiate the reorientation of a story centered on World War II and Nazism to one focused on the Cold War and Communism. They exemplify the ideological transformation of the American relationship with their former adversaries (from enemies to allies), a transformation illustrated by characters with damaged, fluctuating and unstable identities, especially among female protagonists in the Berlin-Films
Gassin, Alexia. "L’œuvre de Vladimir Nabokov dans le contexte de la culture et de l’art allemands à l’époque de l’expressionnisme." Thesis, Paris 4, 2013.
Full textThe Nabokov studies have tended to ignore the possible influence of the German culture on Nabokov’s works. This position springs from the writer’s often quoted words, which stress that, although he lived in Germany, he could not speak German and avoided any intercourse with the German world. Russian emigration certainly constituted a state within the state but the borders between the Russian and German worlds were not so impenetrable. Nabokov spent fifteen years in Berlin and his books were translated and published in German by a German publishing house. There were several projects for screen adaptations of his works, in particular for the novel King, Queen, Knave. While in Berlin, he wrote at least two novels, King, Queen, Knave and Kamera Obskura (Laughter in the Dark for the revisited version by Nabokov), and a series of short stories which describe the German world. All this undermines the principle established about the ignorance of German influence.Our thesis aims at reading Nabokov’s works in the context of the German contemporary art, in particular Expressionist aesthetics. We consider three major issues, namely the distortion of the psyche, which leads to an inner division of the self, the ambivalence of the female figure and the representation of the big city. Thus an extensive analysis allows us to reveal links with German silent cinema and with painting which had eluded researchers so far. The present work aims at introducing a new dimension in the reading of Nabokov’s works and at restoring them to the cultural context of Berlin in which they were created
Engler, Harald. "Die Finanzierung der Reichshauptstadt : Untersuchungen zu den hauptstadtbedingten staatlichen Ausgaben Preußens und des Deutschen Reiches in Berlin vom Kaiserreich bis zum Dritten Reich (1871-1945) /." Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 2004.
Full textBillereau, Sébastien. "Plasticités berlinoises, des visions d'histoires pour une liberté d'invention." Paris 1, 2009.
Full textFederspiel, Ruth. "Soziale Mobilität im Berlin des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts : Frauen und Männer in Berlin-Neukölln 1905-1957 /." Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter, 1999.
Full textGrésillon, Boris. "Berlin, métropole culturelle : essai géographique." Fontenay-aux-Roses, Ecole normale supérieure, 2000.
Full textBased on the analysis of a particular city (Berlin), this thesis tries to answer to the following question : historically and geographically speaking where and how do the places of artistic creation appear, how do they grow and renew themselves ? The work is divided into three parts. The first part consists in a theoretical approach which applies to analyse and to clarify the terms of the subject ("culture" and "metropolis") and to define, "in fine" the "cultural metropolis" from the angle of creativity. The second part, in a geohistorical viewpoint, tries to explain the movement of the cultural history of Berlin i, order to understand the dynamism of its cultural geography. The "roaring twenties", the golden age of Berlin's culture, are particularly analysed : because it is the moment when the "Grosstadt" becomes "Welstadt", a global city, the culture which influences all Europe. The third part concentrates on the contemporary period (1989-2000) and tries, 10 years after the fall of the wall, to take stock of the recomposition of Berlin's cultural landscape and of the new position of Berlin in Germany and Europe, as a cultural metropolis which has become capital again. The conclusion, tries to demonstrate that the cultural, "Sonderweg" a very rich notion which should be rediscovered by the geographers, after having allowed Berlin to express itself on an original way during the 1990's , is now letting up and making room to the "new Berlin" of the year 2000 : a capital city in search of normality
Wagner, Volker. "Die Dorotheenstadt im 19. Jahrhundert : vom vorstädtischen Wohnviertel baroker Prägung zu einem Teil der modernen Berliner City /." Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter, 1998.
Full textThijs, Krijn. "Drei Geschichten, eine Stadt : die Berliner Stadtjubiläen von 1937 und 1987 /." Köln : Böhlau, 2008.
Full textNepstad, Bendixsen Synnøve Kristine. ""C'est comme si on envoyait des textos à Allah" : les jeunes femmes musulmanes se forgent une identité religieuse à Berlin." Paris, EHESS, 2010.
Full textThis thesis is an ethnographic analysis of a group of young Muslim females who are participating in a religious organisation in Berlin that is part of the contemporary Islamic resurgence. In this religious organisation, youth mostly with migration background are engaged in studying Islamic scriptures, learning social practices and body comportments that are considered as essential in crafting a religious self. The study is concerned with how young people learn to live out Islam in a religious 'faith community' and how religious identification is constructed, formed and negotiated at a group level. Through ethnographic description, the everyday life of young Muslims living in Berlin, their struggles, challenges, desires and motivations, are presented within a framework of understanding of the interrelationship between the youth's individual religiosity and that of a wider religious group, in addition to how a religious identification is a creative process, continuously being crafted within social spaces and structures. The process of developing a Muslim identity or the crafting of a religious self is examined by looking at the urban sphere in which the youth play out their religious identity; how the teaching of specific body comportments together with forming a religiously oriented ethos and frame of mind take place; the symbols of community where focus is drawn on the formation of a religious female youth culture and how the practice of veiling should be understood as not only an individual choice of action, but also a group oriented practice. The focus on being a 'correct' Muslim and the felt need to improve the stained image of Islam and Muslims in Europe and to represent Islam 'correctly' bring forth social pressure from themselves, from their peers and from the anonymous Muslim population on how the youth should behave in the public sphere
Books on the topic "Berlin (Allemagne) – Au cinéma"
Pompidou, Centre Georges, ed. Paris-Berlin, 1900-1933: Rapports et contrasts France-Allemagne : art, architecture, graphisme, littérature, objets industriels, cinéma, théâtre, musique. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1992.
Find full textFleury-Vilatte, Béatrice. Cinéma et culpabilité en Allemagne, 1945-1990. [Perpignon]: Institut Jean Vigo, 1995.
Find full textMarcowitz, Reiner, and Philippe Alexandre. La revue "Die Hilfe", 1894-1944 = Die zeitschrift "Die Hilfe", 1894-1944: Un laboratoire d'idees en Allemagne = en Ideenlabor in Deutschland. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011.
Find full textMenzel, Adolph. Adolph Menzel, 1815-1905: Master drawings from East Berlin. Alexandria, Va: Art Services International, 1990.
Find full textCIGRE Symposium. (1993 Berlin, Germany). Les techniques de diagnostic et la maintenance: CIGRE Symposium, Berlin, Allemagne, 19-21 Avril = Diagnostic and maintenance techniques : CIGRE Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 19-21 April 1993. Paris: CIGRE, 1993.
Find full textCanada. Dept. of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Germany : exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Germany amending their agreement on film relations, signed at Ottawa on May 30, 1978, Ottawa, April 24 and December 7, 1995, in force December 7, 1995 =: Allemagne : échange de notes constituant un accord entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement d'Allemagne modifiant leur accord sur les relations cinématographiques, signé à Ottawa le 30 mai 1978, Ottawa, le 24 avril et le 7 décembre 1995, en vigueur le 7 décembre 1995. Ottawa, Ont: Queen's Printer = Imprimeur de la Reine, 1997.
Find full textPérez, Annie. Figures du moderne: 1905-1914, Dresde, Munich, Berlin : l'expressionnisme en Allemagne : [18 novembre 1992-14 mars 1993, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris]. Paris: Paris-Musées, 1992.
Find full textConstable, George. The XI, XII & XIII Olympiads: Berlin 1936, St. Moritz 1948. Los Angeles: World Sport Research & Publications, 1996.
Find full textSmyser, W. R. From Yalta to Berlin: The Cold War struggle over Germany. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Berlin (Allemagne) – Au cinéma"
Barbe, Diane. "Berlin-Est après 1989 – L’ancienne capitale de la RDA dans le cinéma allemand de 1990 à la fin des années 2000." In La RDA et la société postsocialiste dans le cinéma allemand après 1989, 175–88. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018.
Full textBuffet, Cyril. "La construction du Mur de Berlin." In Allemagne 1961-1974, 31–44. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2009.
Full textMoine, Caroline. "Le renouveau du cinéma allemand dans les années 1960. Entre modernité et reconnaissance internationale." In Allemagne 1961-1974, 339–55. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2009.
Full textBaillot, Anne. "Qu’est-ce qui fait l’intellectuel ? Les professeurs de l’université de Berlin et leur patriotisme (1810-1820)." In France-Allemagne, 163–78. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2014.
Full textGrésillon, Boris. "Chapitre 16. L'État, la culture et la ville : La question de Berlin, capitale culturelle." In L’État en Allemagne, 371–90. Presses de Sciences Po, 2001.
Full textThaisy, Laurence. "Chapitre 2. Les Autorités françaises et le cinéma." In La politique cinématographique de la France en Allemagne occupée (1945-1949), 41–58. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2006.
Full textAgard, Olivier. "Cinéma et barbarie positive dans la théorie du cinéma des années 1920 et 1930 en Allemagne." In Autour de 1914-1918 : nouvelles figures de la pensée, 243–67. Odile Jacob, 2015.
Full textHadjeras, Stéphane. "Les équipes de boxe allemande et française dans le tourbillon des Jeux de Berlin de 1936." In Sport | Frankreich | Deutschland. Sport | France | Allemagne, 87–106. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2024.
Full textSteinle, Matthias. "« Ressuscitée des ruines » : la RDA et la société postsocialiste à l’écran en Allemagne. Proposition de périodisation." In La RDA et la société postsocialiste dans le cinéma allemand après 1989, 21–82. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018.
Full textMoller, Sabine. "Réception de Good Bye, Lenin! et La Vie des autres en Allemagne et aux États-Unis : entre critique de la mondialisation, paranoïa et philosophie de l’histoire." In La RDA et la société postsocialiste dans le cinéma allemand après 1989, 107–20. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018.
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