Academic literature on the topic 'Bemba language'
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Journal articles on the topic "Bemba language"
Siame, Pethias. "Potholes in the Teaching of Zambian Languages in Secondary Schools: A Case of Bemba Language." EduLine: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2, no. 4 (December 31, 2022): 548–60.
Full textHamann, Silke, and Nancy C. Kula. "Bemba." Journal of the International Phonetic Association 45, no. 1 (March 30, 2015): 61–69.
Full textMadej, Małgorzata. "Poznanie języka jako fundament pracy misyjnej. Prace ojców białych nad gramatyką języka bemba." Annales Missiologici Posnanienses 26 (December 30, 2021): 61–75.
Full textMarten, Lutz, and Nancy C. Kula. "Benefactive and substitutive applicatives in Bemba." Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 35, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 1–44.
Full textKula, Nancy C., and Joseph Mwansa. "Learning literacy in a familiar language: comparing reading and comprehension competence in Bemba in two contrasting settings in Northern Zambia." Journal of the British Academy 10s4 (2022): 97–124.
Full textKula, Nancy C. "On the Representation of NC Clusters in Bemba." Linguistics in the Netherlands 16 (October 15, 1999): 135–48.
Full textSpitulnik, Debra. "The Language of the City: Town Bemba as Urban Hybridity." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 8, no. 1 (June 1998): 30–59.
Full textKula, Nancy C. "Reduction in remoteness distinctions and reconfiguration in the Bemba past tense." Transactions of the Philological Society 115, no. 1 (March 17, 2016): 27–57.
Full textKula, Nancy C. "Developing an Areal View of Intonation in Eastern Bantu." Journal of Law and Social Sciences 3, no. 1 (September 30, 2020): 1–39.
Full textSpencer, Brenda. "Culture-Based Metaphors in Traditional Bemba Narratives: Relevance for African Teaching Contexts." Language Matters 49, no. 2 (May 4, 2018): 62–79.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Bemba language"
Czekelius, Annette R. "Artistry and effectiveness in language use : the evaluation of ways of speaking among the Berba of Benin." Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 1999.
Full textTsoko-Tongo, Thérèse. "Processus diachronique et synchronique d'acculturation : les emprunts français en kibeembe." Paris 7, 1988.
Full textNiossobantou, Dominique. "Le Théâtre congolais : critique et prospective." Paris 3, 1987.
Full textOur study devoted to the criticiom and prospective of the congolese contemporany theater is concerned with giving a panoramic and predictive view as well, in questioning onself about what is already found and done, and could be done. Thanks to the internal exploitation of twelve plays belonging to nine authors among the most famous and most representative ones, the first part tries to decipher this modern theater of french language, and starts on questions relating to the specific, thematic, socio-historical aspect. The second part concerns a pedagogical research and experimentation of a dramatic approach taken out from the tendency to the social description, but turned towards the semiology which is concerned with space, time, characters, system of reference, objects. . . The third part, based theory and prevision, brings out its concern to restore theater to the people, and tries to advocate a new aesthetics, suited and rid of any pastiche colouring by exploiting certain phenomena and certain theatrical forms, perhaps even in an embryonic state, but more authentic and more popular
Mwelwa, Joseph Mulenga. "The didactics of an English-Bemba anthology of oral traditional narratives in the Zambian Grade Ten literature class." Thesis, 2016.
Full textEnglish Studies
D. Litt. et Phil. (English)
Books on the topic "Bemba language"
Hoch, E. Bemba, Bemba-English, English-Bemba. New York, NY: Hippocrene Books, 1998.
Find full textHoch, E. Bemba pocket dictionary: Bemba-English and English-Bemba. [Lusaka] Zambia: White Fathers, 1992.
Find full textSteen, H. van der. Difficult words: Amashiwi ayafya : English-Bemba and Bemba-English. Lusaka: Missionaries of Africa, 2008.
Find full textGuthrie, Malcolm. A vocabulary of Icibemba. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1995.
Find full textFathers, White, and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland Joint Publications Bureau., eds. The White Fathers' Bemba-English dictionary. [Lusaka] Zambia: The White Fathers, 1991.
Find full textKula, Nancy Chongo. The phonology of verbal derivation in Bemba. Utrecht: LOT, 2002.
Find full textNkole, Chilumba. Nkole ne nsofu. Lusaka: Zambia Educational Publishing House, 2005.
Find full textMann, Michael. An outline of Icibemba grammar. Lusaka, Zambia: Bookworld Publishers, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Bemba language"
Mwansa, Joseph M. "Bemba." In The Social and Political History of Southern Africa's Languages, 31–49. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.
Full textKula, Nancy C., and Silke Hamann. "Intonation in Bemba." In Intonation in African Tone Languages, edited by Laura J. Downing and Annie Rialland, 321–64. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2016.
Full textMarten, Lutz, and Nancy C. Kula. "Zambia: ‘One Zambia, One Nation, Many Languages’." In Language and National Identity in Africa, 291–313. Oxford University PressOxford, 2008.
Full textBryan, M. A. "Bemba Grgup 1." In The Bantu Languages of Africa, 80–82. Routledge, 2017.
Full text"Le Prose and the Question of Language." In Pietro Bembo, 218–37. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004.
Full textOrtíz Álvarez, María Luisa. "Se formó el bembé / Bater o bembé: la influencia africana en el léxico y en las expresiones idiomáticas del español de Cuba y el portugués de Brasil." In De aquí a Lima. Estudios fraseológicos del español de España e Hispanoamérica. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2020.
Full textMattarucco, Giada. "Un empire culturel et littéraire : quelques grammaires de l’italien langue étrangère (seizième–dixseptième siècle)." In Language Learning and Teaching in Missionary and Colonial Contexts. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2023.
Full textBurrow, Colin. "Formal Imitation." In Imitating Authors, 206–34. Oxford University Press, 2019.
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