Academic literature on the topic 'Beaux quartiers de Metz'
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Journal articles on the topic "Beaux quartiers de Metz"
Geay, Kevin. "Aux marges des beaux quartiers." Genèses 99, no. 2 (2015): 8.
Full textMathieu, Dominique. "L'invention des beaux quartiers à Mexico." Revista Trace, no. 40 (September 5, 2018): 46.
Full textPinçon, Michel, and Monique Pinçon-Charlot. "Dans les beaux quartiers : rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré." Ethnologie française 42, no. 3 (2012): 451.
Full textBarrault-Stella, Lorenzo, Clémentine Berjaud, and Kevin Geay. "Distances à la politique : des banlieues populaires aux beaux quartiers." Savoir/Agir 36, no. 2 (2016): 83.
Full textChaarani Lesourd, Elsa. "Vingt ans après Cuore ou Franti dans les beaux quartiers." Transalpina, no. 20 (September 1, 2017): 209–26.
Full textAdel, Faouzi. "Dans les beaux quartiers. - Pinçon, Michel et Pinçon-Charlot, Monique." Insaniyat / إنسانيات, no. 5 (August 31, 1998): 150–52.
Full textWagner, Anne-Catherine, and Isabelle Taboada-Leonetti. "Les immigrés des beaux quartiers. La communauté espagnole dans le XVIe." Revue Française de Sociologie 30, no. 1 (January 1989): 170.
Full textBruneel, Claude. "« Beaux quartiers » et mixité sociale à Bruxelles au siècle des Lumières." Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire 94, no. 2 (2016): 425–42.
Full textDelpierre, Alizée. "Kévin Geay, Enquête sur les bourgeois. Aux marges des beaux quartiers." Sociologie 11, no. 1 (2020): 91.
Full textPinçon, Michel, and Monique Pinçon-Charlot. "Aises et malaises du chercheur : considérations sur l'enquête sociologique dans les beaux quartiers." L Homme et la société 116, no. 2 (1995): 19–29.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Beaux quartiers de Metz"
Dettori, François. "La bourgeoisie messine à l'aune de ses espaces et de ses caractéristiques socio-économiques : homogénéité ou disparité ?" Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2022.
Full textAlthough the "Beaux quartiers” are less subject to sociological investigation, they remain prominent segregated spaces in France. Studies and research on the bourgeoisie and on specific spaces of the bourgeoisie are often focused on large French cities such as Paris, Lyons or Marseilles. A smaller city such as Metz has never been studied solely in terms of its bourgeois population.The objective of this dissertation is to examine the socioeconomic characteristics of the Metz bourgeoisie and the way in which it is distributed within the Metz urban area. The latter encompasses the central city of Metz and also its suburbs and suburban ring. Our research is based on empirical material consisting of semi-structured interviews conducted with representative members of the Metz bourgeoisie or highly regarded bourgeois and aristocratic Metz families, as well as with various specialists (real estate agents specialising in prestigious properties, art historians, etc.). In order to grasp the complexity of the Metz bourgeoisie, various statistical and cartographic indicators but also photographic material were used.Firstly, the study presents a state of the art on social and territorial fragmentation in France so as to highlight upward ghettoization.Secondly, the study sheds light on the main benchmarks of wealth and its estimation, while specifying the representational and multidimensional aspects. In addition, the challenges and difficulties of studying wealth and the bourgeoisie are also explained.The Metz bourgeoisie is then studied through the fourfold prism of its residential distribution, its sociability spaces, its socio-economic and socio-electoral characteristics, but also the prism of some of the city's great emblematic families – after a historical perspective.Finally, the study describes and comparatively analyses a particular space of the Metz bourgeoisie – the “Nouvelle Ville” neighbourhood – by showing elements of urban and social morphology and by explaining the criteria of residential selection and the forms of sociability specific to the inhabitants of this rich self-segregated neighbourhood
Lafhail-Molino, Raphaël. "Génies des lieux : recherches sur la description dans Les Beaux quartiers d'Aragon." Aix-Marseille 1, 1995.
Full textLaunay, Lydie. "Les politiques de mixité par l’habitat à l’épreuve des rapports résidentiels : Quartiers populaires et beaux quartiers à Paris et à Londres." Paris 10, 2011.
Full textSince the early 2000s, the increasing social polarisation of Paris and London legitimates the development of new social mix strategies in a "social rebalancing" of the city perspective. The analysis of their foundations reveals the central role given to housing for "key actors of the city" and key workers, considered as central actors 'relay' of social mixing. The coexistence of these specific categories of the middle classes with popular classes and ethnic minorities would supposedly improve their integration to the city and widely, to the society. Based on empirical work conducted on operations in the low-status and wealthy neighbourhoods, this thesis questions this assumption by analyzing social relationships to residential areas of social groups putting in a situation of co-presence. It highlights four ways of living in the neighbourhood and of coexisting from a multidimensional approach: the social characteristics of individuals, the residential trajectory and how the new residential situation is experienced, and social and physical characteristics of the neighbourhood. In this perspective, it analyses the otherness relationships of individuals that establish the boundaries between them and the “others” through a social reading and also, at varying degrees, a racial reading of the social world
Lafhail-Molino, Raphaël Racine Jean-Bernard. "Paysages urbains dans "Les beaux quartiers" d'Aragon : pour une théorie de la description dans le roman /." Bern : P. Lang, 1997.
Full textSinigaglia-Amadio, Sabrina. "Une approche sociologique du travail associatif dans les quartiers dits sensibles : de l'expérience à l'expertise." Thesis, Metz, 2007.
Full textAThis research deals with the observation of the role of French non-profit organization workers, employed or volunteers, operating in the so-called "sensitive neighbourhoods". It aims at identifying the different knowledge and skills which justified their expertise in situation and ensured its recognition by the authorities. A special attention is given to the territorialisation’s process which authorizes these workers to claim for a position of "community expert". Interviews with members are the means to identify the typical situations of the community work in an urban context and the ethical and technical stakes of the interactions with the inhabitants. Put in relation with recurrent professional debates, they help to precise the individual gestion of the personal commitment required by the action (vocation, gift, militancy, etc.) and the different conceptions of the community service (care, training, empowerment, etc). The thesis shows how non-profit organisation workers act to contribute to the normalization of the urban area they are operating in. This normalization has two meanings : 1) to get a better self control of their individual behaviour by the inhabitants (a sense of normativity) and 2) to help a stigmatized urban area to win the image of a normal neighbourhood (an image of normality). The thesis enlightens the contemporary process of professionalization engaged by the community workers of the "sensitive neighbourhoods" and its contribution to the formalization of new competences, leading to the recognition of new occupations, such as "social engineer"
Books on the topic "Beaux quartiers de Metz"
Flic des beaux quartiers. Paris: R. Laffont, 1991.
Find full textMonique, Pinçon-Charlot, ed. Dans les beaux quartiers. Paris: Seuil, 1989.
Find full textLa louve des beaux quartiers. [Paris]: Plon, 1986.
Find full textJounin, Nicolas. Voyage de classes: Des étudiants de Seine-Saint-Denis enquêtent dans les beaux quartiers. Paris: La Découverte, 2014.
Find full textPaysages urbains dans 'Les beaux quartiers' d'Aragon: Pour une théorie de la description dans le roman. Bern: Lang, 1997.
Find full textLeonetti, Isabel Taboada. Les immigrés des beaux quartiers: La communauté espagnole dans le 16e arrondissement de Paris : cohabitation, relations inter-ethniques et phénomènes minoritaires. Paris: C.I.E.M.I., 1987.
Find full textLafhail-Molino, Raphaël. Paysages urbains dans Les beaux quartiers d'Aragon: Pour une théorie de la description dans le roman : thèse présentée à la Faculté des lettres de l'Univeristé de Lausanne pour obtenir le grade de Docteur ès lettres. Bern: P. Lang, 1997.
Find full textAragon. Les Beaux Quartiers Le Monde Reel. French & European Pubns, 1989.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Beaux quartiers de Metz"
Agrikoliansky, Éric. "1. Logiques de l’oblique. Les rapports ordinaires au politique des « bourgeois » des beaux quartiers parisiens." In L’Ordinaire du Politique, 29–46. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016.
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