Academic literature on the topic 'Bearing formations'
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Journal articles on the topic "Bearing formations"
SCHREIBER, B. C. "Salt Formations: Paleozoic Salt Bearing Formations of the World." Science 228, no. 4697 (April 19, 1985): 317.
Full textFILATOV, Eugene, and Ludmila FILATOVA. "Geological and geochemical specialization of ore-bearing formations." Domestic geology, no. 3-4 (September 14, 2021): 48–51.
Full textHe, Zhanxiang, Zuzhi Hu, Weifeng Luo, and Caifu Wang. "Mapping reservoirs based on resistivity and induced polarization derived from continuous 3D magnetotelluric profiling: Case study from Qaidam basin, China." GEOPHYSICS 75, no. 1 (January 2010): B25—B33.
Full textShekhunova, S. B. "PECULIARITIES OF SALT BEARING FORMATIONS POSTSEDIMENTARY CHANGES." Collection of Scientific Works of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine 3 (December 16, 2010): 116–37.
Full textSonnenfeld, P. "Paleozoic salt bearing formations of the world." Marine Geology 73, no. 3-4 (November 1986): 351.
Full textWolf, K. H. "Paleozoic salt bearing formations of the world." Earth-Science Reviews 22, no. 3 (November 1985): 251–53.
Full textAghamammadova, M. Ya. "Oil formations of Azerbaijan, their lithographic and geochemical characteristics." Azerbaijan Oil Industry, no. 4 (April 15, 2021): 4–7.
Full textHe, Faqi, Ying Rao, Weihong Wang, and Yanghua Wang. "Prediction of hydrocarbon reservoirs within coal-bearing formations." Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 17, no. 3 (February 25, 2020): 484–92.
Full textAverkina, T. I. "Sandy soils of pre-Quaternary continental formations Russian territory." Moscow University Bulletin. Series 4. Geology, no. 5 (October 28, 2020): 92–99.
Full textCodrea, V., Ο. Barbu, and H. Bedelean. "MIDDLE MIOCENE DIATOMITE- BEARING FORMATIONS FROM WESTERN ROMANIA." Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 40, no. 1 (June 8, 2018): 21.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Bearing formations"
Erskine, Julian. "Dynamic Control and Singularities of Rigid Bearing-Based Formations of Quadrotors." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2021.
Full textBearing formation control allows groups of quadrotors to manoeuver in a desired geometry, using only visual measurements extractable from embedded monocular cameras. Prior works have treated quadrotors as single or double integrators, and as a result must operate slowly to compensate for unmodelled non-linearities. This thesis allows for faster bearing formations by developping higher-order controllers, considering the non-linear quadrotor and visual feature dynamics. A dynamic feedback controller based on second-order visual servoing and a model predictive controller are developped and tested in simulation and experiments, showing improved dynamic manoeuvering performance. The later is augmented with constraints such as field of view limitations and obstacle avoidance. All bearing formation algorithms depend on a sufficient degree of bearing rigidity to guarantee performance. This may be evaluated numerically, but as the rigidity is a function of the formation embedding, previous work could not guarantee rigidity in formations larger than a few robots. The second main contribution of this thesis is the evaluation of bearing rigidity singularities (i.e. embeddings where an otherwise rigid formation becomes flexible) by applying existing geometric analysis methods on an kinematic mechanism which is analoguous to the kinematic constraints imposed by the formation controller and robot models. This is extended to a novel classification system based on a contraction of constraint sets that can determine singular geometries for large formations, allowing for a formulation of a set of guaranteed rigid configurations without an ad-hoc kinematic analysis of individual formations
Gandra, Sachin. "The effect of reservoir characteristics on methane production from hydrate bearing formations." Morgantown, W. Va. : [West Virginia University Libraries], 2006.
Full textTitle from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 72 p. : ill. (some col.), maps. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 69-72).
Sakai, Kazumi. "Study of Correlation between Grease Film Formations and Mechanical Losses on Various Surfaces." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2018.
Full textKhan, Fareed Ashraf. "Some aspects of convection as well as graphite and carbide formations during casting." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Metallernas gjutning, 2018.
Full textDet är ett faktum att segringar som uppstår under gjutning påverkar materialegenskaperna hos kolbaserade järnlegeringar; detta utgör motivationen till studien av segringsuppträdandet hos kol och karbidbildande ämnen. Denna avhandling behandlar två olika aspekter inom ramen för detta ämne: påverkan av kylningshastighet och turbulens på kärnbildningen av grafitnoduler i nodulärt gjutjärn samt karbidbildning i kullagerstål och dess påverkan på den efterföljande värmebehandlingen av dessa karbider. Strukturen hos rör till vattenkokare som tillverkats av nodulärt gjutjärn som gjutits med fyllning från botten eller från toppen undersöktes. Prover togs från representativa tvärsnittspositioner från toppen, mitten och botten av de gjutna ämnena. Resultaten visade att användandet av bottenfyllda kokiller gav upphov till större men färre karbider i nedre delen av ämnet, medans användandet av toppfyllda kokiller gav upphov till mindre men fler karbider i nedre delen av ämnet. Variationer av volymfraktionen av grafitnoduler längs tvärsnitten observerades också. Den mest sannolika orsaken till denna variation var skillnaden i kylhastighet i de olika områdena av tvärsnitten. Hos rör tillverkade av det centrala delen av ämnet så var fraktionen grafit lägre, vilket kan bero på en uppkolning av rören. Ett flertal experiment utfördes med varierande kylningshastigheter och olika omrörningstider för att studera inverkan av omrörning av smältan på stelningen av nodulärt gjutjärn. Studier av mikrostrukturen genomfördes med ljusoptisk mikroskopi och svepelektronmikroskopi. Resultaten visade att smältan oxiderades under omrörningen, vilket resulterade i bildandet av oxider. Detta ledde till en ökning av kärnbildningsområden för grafitnoduler, vilket ledde till en ökning av antalet noduler samt fraktionen av grafit som fälldes ut. Strukturen omvandlades från perlit till ferrit, vilket troligen orsakades av att kol hade diffunderat ut från strukturen. Segringsbeteendet hos hypereutektoida kullagerstål tillverkade genom götgjutning undersöktes också. Effekten av värmebehandling på mikro- och makrosegringar undersöktes i prover tagna från gjutna och värmebehandlade ämnen. Fokus var på att studera strukturen i ämnena samt A-segringar. Dessutom togs prover från ämnen som först värmebehandlats och därefter varmbearbetats. Både mikro- och makroundersökningar av mikrostrukturen utfördes med ljusoptisk mikroskopi och svepelektronmikroskopi. Dessutom så genomfördes kvantitativa sammansättningsbestämningar med energidispersiv röntgenspektroskopi och elektronmikroprobsanalys. Resultaten visade att M3C, M2C och M6C karbider hade fällts ut. Karbidmorfologin i huvuddelen av strukturen skiljde sig från den som återfanns i A-segringar. Samtliga primära karbider i huvuddelen av strukturen hade lösts upp efter 4 timmars värmebehandling vid 1200oC.
QC 20180523
Olivo, Gema Ribeiro. "Les gites d'or palladifères des mines de Caue et de Conceicao, dans les formations de fer du type lac Supérieur du district d'Itabira, Craton Sao Francisco, Bresil : structure, minéralogie, géochronologie et métallogenie = (Palladium-bearing gold deposits of the caue and conceicao mines, hosted by lake superior-type iron-formations of the Itabira district, Sao Francisco craton, Brazil : structure, mineralogy, geochronology and metallogeny) /." Thèse, Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1994.
Full textLee, Joo-yong. "Hydrate-bearing sediments formation and geophysical properties /." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007.
Full textCommittee Chair: J. Carlos Santamarina; Committee Member: Carolyn D. Ruppel; Committee Member: Costas Tsouris; Committee Member: Glenn J. Rix; Committee Member: J. David Frost
Sheehan, James M. "The formation of catechists." Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2001.
Full textShabestari, Saeed G. "Formation of iron-bearing intermetallics in aluminum-silicon casting alloys." Thesis, McGill University, 1994. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=28920.
Full textThe kinetics of both dissolution of intermetallics on melting, and of re-formation on cooling of the liquid were investigated by means of quenching experiments. Quantitative evaluation of intermetallic size and number revealed that the change in volume fraction of intermetallics in the liquid state is controlled by nucleation.
The effect of settling time and the rate of gravity segregation of intermetallic compounds in a stagnant liquid metal were investigated. It was found that, in the absence of convection, settling obeys Stokes' law with the terminal velocity reached at very short times and very close to the melt surface.
Strontium was used to modify or eliminate the iron-intermetallics. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Tse, Yick-kee, and 謝奕琪. "Home ownership in relation with family formation and child bearing." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013.
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Housing Management
Master of Housing Management
Smith, Lin. ""Getaways" "Family fun with eternal results" /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1991.
Full textBooks on the topic "Bearing formations"
National Conference on Coal-Bearing Formations of Czechoslovakia (1st 1987 Prague, Czechoslovakia). Coal-bearing formations of Czechoslovakia: Konferencie, sympózia, semináre. Edited by Pešek Jiří and Vozár Jozef. Bratislava: Dionýz Štúr Institute of Geology, 1988.
Find full textRoehler, Henry W. Depositional environments of coal-bearing and associated formations of Cretaceous age in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Washington, DC: U.S. Geological Survey, 1987.
Find full textRoehler, Henry W. Depositional environments of coal-bearing and associated formations of Cretaceous Age in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1987.
Find full textNational Association of Corrosion Engineers. Selection of metallic materials to be used in all phases of water handling for injection into oil-bearing formations. Houston: NACE, 1991.
Find full textNational Association of Corrosion Engineers. Selection of metallic materials to be used in all phases of water handling for injection into oil-bearing formations. Houston: NACE, 1998.
Find full textOman, Joanne K. Stratigraphic framework and correlation of the Tertiary lignite-bearing formations from southeast Missouri to the Fort Pillow test well of west Tennessee. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O., 1986.
Find full textStratigraphic framework and correlation of the Tertiary lignite-bearing formations from southeast Missouri to the Fort Pillow test well of west Tennessee. Washington, DC: U.S. Geological Survey, 1986.
Find full textOman, Joanne K. Stratigraphic framework and correlation of the Tertiary lignite-bearing formations from southeast Missouri to the Fort Pillow test well of west Tennessee. [Reston, Va.?]: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1987.
Find full textWeems, Lovett H. (Lovett Hayes), ed. Bearing fruit: Ministry with real results. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2011.
Find full textKlaus, E. Erwin. Formation of lubricating films at elevated temperatures from the gas phase. Edited by Duda J. L. 1936-, Naidu S. K, Munro R. G, Hsu S. M, and DOE ECUT Energy Tribology Program. Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Bearing formations"
Shames, Iman, Barış Fidan, Brian D. O. Anderson, and Hatem Hmam. "Self-Localization of Formations of Autonomous Agents Using Bearing Measurements." In Handbook of Position Location, 899–920. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textDjunin, V. I., and A. V. Korzun. "Fluidodynamics in Hydrocarbon-Bearing Formations of the Northern Pechora Petroliferous Basin." In Hydrogeodynamics of Oil and Gas Basins, 187–238. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2009.
Full textGodlevsky, M. N., and A. P. Likhachev. "Types and Distinctive Features of Ore-Bearing Formations of Copper-Nickel Deposits." In Special Publication No. 4 of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, 124–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1986.
Full textDiessel, Claus F. K. "The Conditions of Peat Formation." In Coal-Bearing Depositional Systems, 5–39. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.
Full textDiessel, Claus F. K. "Coal Formation and Sequence Stratigraphy." In Coal-Bearing Depositional Systems, 461–514. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.
Full textSourmail, T., V. Smanio, and G. Auclair. "Kinetics of Bainite Formation in 100Cr6 and Similar High-Carbon Steel Grades." In Bearing Steel Technologies: 10th Volume, Advances in Steel Technologies for Rolling Bearings, 1–11. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959: ASTM International, 2014.
Full textAhn, Hyo-Sung. "Formation Control via Bearing Measurements." In Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 221–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textBlass, Toni, Werner Trojahn, and Daniel Merk. "Influence of Material and Heat Treatment on the Formation of WECs on Test Rig FE8." In Bearing Steel Technologies: 11th Volume, Advances in Steel Technologies for Rolling Bearings, 129–50. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959: ASTM International, 2017.
Full textBlass, Toni, Xiaohong Xu, Kirsten Wunder, Werner Trojahn, Ke Geng, and Feng Li. "Influence of Steel Cleanliness on RCF and WEC Formation." In Bearing Steel Technologies: 12th Volume, Progress in Bearing Steel Metallurgical Testing and Quality Assurance, 26–49. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959: ASTM International, 2020.
Full textAhn, Hyo-Sung. "Bearing-Based Formation Control via Global Orientation." In Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 255–68. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Bearing formations"
Quintero, Luis F., and Zaki Bassiouni. "Porosity Determination in Gas-Bearing Formations." In SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1998.
Full textDesport, Olivier, Kim Copping, and Barry L. Johnson. "Accurate Porosity Measurement in Gas Bearing Formations." In Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2011.
Full textAl-Qattan, Hamad, Emad Al-Jassam, Magdy Mansour, and Mahmoud Morcey. "Case Study: Single Well Design Targeting Three Water Bearing Formations." In International Petroleum Technology Conference. IPTC, 2022.
Full textSchiano, Fabrizio, and Paolo Robuffo Giordano. "Bearing rigidity maintenance for formations of quadrotor UAVs." In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2017.
Full textErskine, Julian, Rafael Balderas-Hill, Isabelle Fantoni, and Abdelhamid Chriette. "Model Predictive Control for Dynamic Quadrotor Bearing Formations." In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2021.
Full textVassilellis, G. D., and R. M. Graves. "Induced Permeability Reduction in Water-Bearing Formations: Selecting the Appropriate Method." In SPE Formation Damage Control Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1994.
Full textHou, Chang-Yu, Denise E. Freed, Nikita Seleznev, Dean M. Homan, John Rasmus, Gong Li Wang, and Natalie Uschner-Arroyo. "COMPLEX CONDUCTIVITY MODEL FOR HIGHLY MATURE KEROGEN-BEARING FORMATIONS." In 2020 SPWLA 61st Annual Online Symposium. Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts, 2020.
Full textHudson, John David, Faruk Civan, Guillermo Michel, Deepak Devegowda, and Richard F. Sigal. "Modeling Multiple-Porosity Transport in Gas-Bearing Shale Formations." In SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2012.
Full textAmeri, S., K. Aminian, and A. B. Yost. "Data Base for Eastern Gas-Bearing Formations: Development and Application." In SPE Eastern Regional Meeting. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1987.
Full textPhirani, Jyoti, Ramanan Pitchumani, and Kishore K. Mohanty. "Transport Properties of Hydrate Bearing Formations from Pore-Scale Modeling." In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2009.
Full textReports on the topic "Bearing formations"
Sun, Y. F., and D. Goldberg. Analysis of electromagnetic propagation tool response in gas-hydrate-bearing formations. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2005.
Full textEvans, R. D., and F. Civan. Characterization of non-Darcy multiphase flow in petroleum bearing formations. [Quarterly] report, January 1--March 30, 1993. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1993.
Full textEvans, R. D., and F. Civan. Characterization of non-Darcy multiphase flow in petroleum bearing formations. Annual status report, May 14, 1991--May 13, 1992. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1992.
Full textMiyairi, M., K. Akihisa, T. Uchida, T. S. Collett, and S R Dallimore. Well-log interpretation of gas-hydrate-bearing formations in the JAPEX/JNOC/GSC Mallik 2L-38 gas hydrate research well. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1999.
Full textLePain, D. L., K. P. Helmold, R. J. Gillis, R. D. Reger, and R. F. Swenson. Field trip guide: Sedimentology, reservoir quality, and tectonic setting of late Mioceneearly Pliocene gas-bearing formations, upper Cook Inlet, Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, March 2017.
Full textChandler, F. W. Sedimentology and Paleoclimatology of the Huronian [Early Aphebian] Lorrain and Gordon Lake Formations and Their Bearing On Models For Sedimentary Copper Mineralization. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1986.
Full textBrown, L. R., and A. A. Vadie. The Utilization of the Microflora Indignous to and Present in Oil-Bearing Formations to Selectively Plug the more Porous Zones Thereby Increasing Oil Recovery During Waterflooding. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1997.
Full textVadie, Alex A., James O. Stephens, and Lewis R. Brown. The Utilization of the Microflora Indigenous to and Present in Oil-Bearing Formations to Selectively Plug the More Porous Zones Thereby Increasing Oil Recovery During Waterflooding. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1998.
Full textBrown, Lewis R., James O. Stephens, and Alex A. Vadie. The Utilization of the Microflora Indigenous to and Present in Oil-Bearing Formations to Selectively Plug the More Porous Zones Thereby Increasing Oil Recovery During Waterflooding. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1999.
Full textBrown, Lewis R., Martin J. Byrnes, James O. Stephens, and Alex A. Vadie. The Utilization of the Microflora Indigenous to and Present in Oil-Bearing Formations to Selectively Plug the More Porous Zones Thereby Increasing Oil Recovery During Waterflooding. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1999.
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