Academic literature on the topic 'Beach groundwater'
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Journal articles on the topic "Beach groundwater"
Horn, Diane P. "Beach groundwater dynamics." Geomorphology 48, no. 1-3 (November 2002): 121–46.
Full textDelisle, Marie-Pierre, Yeulwoo Kim, and Timu Gallien. "BEACH GROUNDWATER IMPACTS ON WAVE OVERTOPPING FLOODING." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (September 1, 2023): 91.
Full textWahab, Ahmad Khairi Abd, Norasman Othman, Mohamad Hidayat Jamal, and Shairul Rohaziawati Samat. "Effect of Rainfall and Groundwater Level on Sandy Beach Profile." Applied Mechanics and Materials 567 (June 2014): 32–37.
Full textde Sieyes, Nicholas R., Todd L. Russell, Kendra I. Brown, Sanjay K. Mohanty, and Alexandria B. Boehm. "Transport of enterococci and F+ coliphage through the saturated zone of the beach aquifer." Journal of Water and Health 14, no. 1 (June 22, 2015): 26–38.
Full textMaple, Margit, Maia Coylar, Russell Detwiler, and Timu Gallien. "MODELING COASTAL WATER TABLE FLUCTUATIONS USING PFLOTRAN." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (September 1, 2023): 88.
Full textLi, L., and D. A. Barry. "Wave-induced beach groundwater flow." Advances in Water Resources 23, no. 4 (January 2000): 325–37.
Full textSmit, Yvonne, Jasper Donker, and Gerben Ruessink. "Spatiotemporal Surface Moisture Variations on a Barred Beach and their Relationship with Groundwater Fluctuations." Hydrology 6, no. 1 (January 15, 2019): 8.
Full textBallukraya, P. N., and R. Ravi. "Natural Fresh-Water Ridge as Barrier Against Sea-Water Intrusion in Chennai City." Journal Geological Society of India 52, no. 3 (September 1, 1998): 279–86.
Full textWoussen, Emilie, Damien Sous, and Nadia Sénéchal. "Observations of Tide- and Wave-Driven Groundwater Dynamics in Meso-Tidal Sandy Beach." Water 16, no. 13 (July 5, 2024): 1924.
Full textRuiz de Alegria-Arzaburu, Amaia, Jon J. Williams, and Gerhard Masselink. "APPLICATION OF XBEACH TO MODEL STORM RESPONSE ON A MACROTIDAL GRAVEL BARRIER." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 32 (January 23, 2011): 39.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Beach groundwater"
Austin, Martin J. "Swash, groundwater and sediment transport processes on a gravel beach." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2005.
Full textGoler, Gunes. "Numerical Modeling Of Groundwater Flow Behavior In Response To Beach Dewatering." Master's thesis, METU, 2004.
Full textWallace, Brian Matthew. "NCMA GROUNDWATER MODEL USING USGS MODFLOW-2005/PEST." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2016.
Full textTeo, Hhih-Ting, and h. teo@griffith edu au. "Tidal Dynamics in Coastal Aquifers." Griffith University. School of Engineering, 2003.
Full textTeo, Hhih-Ting. "Tidal Dynamics in Coastal Aquifers." Thesis, Griffith University, 2003.
Full textThesis (Masters)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
School of Engineering
Full Text
Woussen, Emilie. "Interactions entre le comportement mécanique des ouvrages de défense pour la protection du littoral et les processus hydro-sédimentaires contrôlant la dynamique du trait de côte : approche expérimentale couplée numérique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textOne of the ways to mitigate the increasing risks of coastal flooding and erosion, is optimising the effectiveness of existing coastal structures by extending or reinforcing their defensive properties. The main objective of this work is to improve the understanding of interactions between nearshore hydrodynamics and coastal defense structures, particularly riprap protection walls. To achieve this, the different elements present at the upper beach, such as long or infragravity waves arriving from offshore, the coastal aquifer and their interaction with riprap are studied. Various methods for separating the free surface signal into seaward and shoreward components were explored, in order to analyze the transformations of infragravity waves under storm conditions on a sandy beach protected by riprap. Experimental data were used to calibrate the XBeach numerical model in 2D (SurfBeat mode). Analysis of the simulation results highlighted the importance of bathymetry and the selected wave breaking model in setting up the numerical simulations. Significant generation of infragravity waves and the formation of standing waves were observed. A correlation was established under moderate wave conditions between the R2% (a commonly used runup proxy) and bathymetric variations parallel to the coast (cyclic pattern at the outer bar). No notable impact of the riprap on infragravity wave reflection was observed under the investigated conditions. Experimental data collected on the beach of Lacanau were also analyzed to study the dynamics of the coastal aquifer beneath a sandy beach exposed to tides and waves, protected by rubble mound structure. A recirculation cell was identified, but no immediate significant effect of the riprap was detected. Finally, a numerical model based on the discrete element method was developed using the LMGC90 software. This initial approach provides a foundation and insights into the geomechanical response of structures such as riprap under the influence of wave runup and forces
Taylor, Renee Lamoreaux. "Bench-scale analysis of diesel-PCE mixture behavior for the Park-Euclid WQARF Site." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2004.
Full textBillersjö, Sofia. "In-situ remediation of benzene-contaminated groundwater – A bench-scale study." Thesis, KTH, Mark- och vattenteknik (flyttat 20130630), 2013.
Full textAlastal, Khalil. "Ecoulements oscillatoires et effets capillaires en milieux poreux partiellement saturés et non saturés : applications en hydrodynamique côtière." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2012.
Full textIn this thesis, we study hydrodynamic oscillations in porous bodies (unsaturated or partially saturated), due to tidal oscillations of water levels in adjacent open water bodies. The focus is on beach hydrodynamics, but potential applications concern, more generally, time varying and oscillating water levels in coupled systems involving subsurface / open water interactions (natural and artificial beaches, harbor dykes, earth dams, river banks, estuaries). The tidal forcing of groundwater is represented and modeled (both experimentally and numerically) by quasi-static oscillations of water levels in an open water reservoir connected to the porous medium. Specifically, we focus on vertical water movements forced by an oscillating pressure imposed at the bottom of a soil column. Experimentally, a rotating tide machine is used to achieve this forcing. Overall, we use three types of methods (experimental, numerical, analytical) to study the vertical motion of the groundwater table and the unsaturated flow above it, taking into account the vertical head drop in the saturated zone as well as capillary pressure gradients in the unsaturated zone. Laboratory experiments are conducted on vertical sand columns, with a tide machine to force water table oscillations, and with porous cup tensiometers to measure both positive pressures and suctions along the column (among other measurement methods). Numerical simulations of oscillatory water flow are implemented with the BIGFLOW 3D code (implicit finite volumes, with conjugate gradients for the matrix solver and modified Picard iterations for the nonlinear problem). In addition, an automatic calibration based on a genetic optimization algorithm is implemented for a given tidal frequency, to obtain the hydrodynamic parameters of the experimental soil. Calibrated simulations are then compared to experimental results for other non calibrated frequencies. Finally, a family of quasi-analytical multi-front solutions is developed for the tidal oscillation problem, as an extension of the Green-Ampt piston flow approximation, leading to nonlinear, non-autonomous systems of Ordinary Differential Equations with initial conditions (dynamical systems). The multi-front solutions are tested by comparing them with a refined finite volume solution of the Richards equation. Multi-front solutions are at least 100 times faster, and the match is quite good even for a loamy soil with strong capillary effects (the number of fronts required is small, no more than N≈ to 20 at most). A large set of multi-front simulations is then produced in order to analyze water table and flux fluctuations for a broad range of forcing frequencies. The results, analyzed in terms of means and amplitudes of hydrodynamic variables, indicate the existence, for each soil, of a characteristic frequency separating low frequency / high frequency flow regimes in the porous system
Wang, Yunli. "Etude expérimentale et numérique des oscillations hydrodynamiques en milieux poreux partiellement saturés." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2010.
Full textThis thesis aims at investigating experimentally, analytically and numerically, the consequences of hydrodynamic variations and oscillations with high temporal variability in partially saturated porous media. The problems investigated in this work involve “free surfaces” both outside and inside the porous media, the free surface being defined as the “atmospheric” water pressure isosurface (Pwater = Patm). The laboratory experiments studied in this work are, respectively: Lateral imbibition in a dry sand box with significant capillary effects; Transmission of oscillations of the free surface through a vertical sand box placed in a small wave canal (IMFT, Toulouse); Dynamics of free surface oscillations and wave propagation in a large wave canal (HYDRALAB, Barcelona), partially covered with sand, with measurements of both open water and groundwater levels, and of sand topography (erosion / deposition). For theoretical studies, we have developed linearized analytical solutions. Here is a sample problem that was treated analytically in this work: The linearized equation of Dupuit-Boussinesq (DB) for transient free surface flow, assuming horizontal flow and instantaneous wetting/drainage of the unsaturated zone: forced oscillations, wave transmission and dissipation through a rectangular sandbox. We also developed a weakly nonlinear solution of the Dupuit-Boussinesq equation to study the sudden imbibition (temporal monitoring of the wetting front). We have studied the different types of transient flow problems related to the experiments cited above by numerical simulation. In particular, we have simulated unsaturated or partially saturated transient flows in vertical cross-section, using a computer code (BIGFLOW 3D) which solves a generalized version of Richards’ equation. Thus, using the Richards / BIGFLOW 3D model, we have studied numerically the experiment of unsaturated imbibition in a dry sand (IMFT sandbox), and then, with the same model, we have also studied the partially saturated wave propagation experiment in the large Barcelona wave canal (HYDRALAB laboratory), focusing on the sloping sandy beach, with coupling between the micro-porous zone (sand) and the “macro-porous” zone (open water). To interpret the results of the latter experiment and compare them to simulations, we use several methods of signal analyzis and signal processing, such as: Fourier analysis, discrete multi-resolution wavelets (Daubechies), auto and cross-correlation functions. These methods are combined with pre-filtering methods to estimate trends and residuals (moving averages; discrete wavelet analyses). This signal analyzis has allowed us to interpret and quantify water propagation phenomena through a sandy beach. To sum up, different modeling approaches, combined with model calibration procedures, were applied to transient nonlinear coupled flow problems. These approaches have allowed us to reproduce globally the water content distributions and water level propagation in the different configurations studied in this work
Books on the topic "Beach groundwater"
Scott, Andres A., Duffy Cheryl A, and Costas Evan M, eds. Wellhead protection area delineations for the Lewes-rehoboth Beach Area, Delaware. Newark, Del: University of Delaware, 2003.
Find full textIllinois. Division of Public Water Supplies. Round Lake Beach facility number 0971550 well site survey report. Springfield, Ill: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 1994.
Find full textSmith, Barry S. Conceptual hydrogeologic framework of the shallow aquifer system at Virginia Beach, Virginia. Richmond, Va: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2002.
Find full textScorca, Michael P. Selected hydrogeologic and water-quality data from Jones Beach Island, Long Island, New York. Syosset, New York: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1995.
Find full textMiller, Wesley L. Hydrogeology and migration of septic-tank effluent in the surficial aquifer system in the northern Midlands area, Palm Beach County, Florida. Tallahassee, Fla: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1992.
Find full textMiller, Wesley L. Hydrogeology and migration of septic-tank effluent in the surficial aquifer system in the northern Midlands area, Palm Beach County, Florida. Tallahassee, Fla: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1992.
Find full textMiller, Wesley L. Hydrogeology and migration of septic-tank effluent in the surficial aquifer system in the northern Midlands area, Palm Beach County, Florida. Tallahassee, Fla: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1992.
Find full textPucci, Amleto A. Aquifer-test analysis of the upper aquifer of the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system, Union Beach Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey. West Trenton, N.J: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1989.
Find full textPucci, Amleto A. Aquifer-test analysis of the upper aquifer of the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system, Union Beach Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey. West Trenton, N.J: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1989.
Find full textPucci, Amleto A. Aquifer-test analysis of the upper aquifer of the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system, Union Beach Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey. West Trenton, N.J: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Beach groundwater"
Cuadrado-Quesada, Gabriela. "A Sandy-Beach Paradise, Groundwater Exploitation and Groundwater Governance Through Communal Water Boards." In Water Governance - Concepts, Methods, and Practice, 107–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textReyes, Clint Chester, and Yoshimitsu Tajima. "Detection of Groundwater Flow Velocity Field in the Swash Zone of the Coral Gravel Beach Using Particle Tracking Velocimetry." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 69–77. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
Full textGemilang, Wisnu Arya, Ulung Jantama Wisha, and Hendra Bakti. "Water Quality Assessment for Detecting Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) Pollution in the Coastal Area of Krakas Beach, North Lombok District, Indonesia." In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 121–32. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textCunningham, J. A., G. D. Hopkins, M. Reinhard, and C. A. LeBron. "Enhanced anaerobic in situ bioremediation of fuel hydrocarbons in groundwater at Seal Beach, California." In Groundwater 2000, 411–12. CRC Press, 2020.
Full textHashim, Mohmadisa, Arijatul Wardah Ahmad, Zahid Mat Said, Nasir Nayan, Hanifah Mahat, Yazid Saleh, and Koh Liew See. "Seasonal Variability of Groundwater Quality in Kapas Island, Terengganu, Malaysia." In Water Quality - Factors and Impacts [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full text"Relationship between dry and wet beach ecosystems and E. coli levels in groundwater below beaches of the Great Lakes, Canada." In Groundwater and Ecosystems, 255–70. CRC Press, 2013.
Full textKhouz, Abdellah, Jorge Trindade, Fatima El Bchari, Pedro Pinto Santos, Eusébio Reis, Adil Moumane, Fatima Ezzahra El Ghazali, Mourad Jadoud, and Blaid Bougadir. "Integrating GALDIT and GIS for Assessing Sea Water Intrusion Susceptibility in the Akermoud Coastal Water Table, Morocco." In Advances in Geospatial Technologies, 35–72. IGI Global, 2024.
Full textABIyas, Hao Rong, Nan Ge, and Henglu Miao. "Optimal Configuration Mode of Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Small Watersheds in Northern Grasslands." In Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press, 2022.
Full textCallahan, Richard F. "Infrastructure Partnership Success in Southern California." In Great Policy Successes, 161–79. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full text"Leaky Coastal Margins: Examples of Enhanced Coastal Groundwater and Surface-Water Exchange from Tampa Bay and Crescent Beach Submarine Spring, Florida, USA." In Coastal Aquifer Management-Monitoring, Modeling, and Case Studies, 107–26. CRC Press, 2003.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Beach groundwater"
Saponieri, A., and L. Damiani. "Groundwater flow on a drained beach." In CMEM 2013. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2013.
Full textRobinson, Clare, Tom Baldock, Diane Horn, B. Gibbes, M. G. Hughes, P. Nielsen, and L. Li. "Measurement of Groundwater and Swash Interactions on a Sandy Beach." In Fifth International Conference on Coastal Dynamics. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2006.
Full textAustin, Martin, Gerd Masselink, Ian Turner, Daniel Buscombe, and Jon Williams. "GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE BETWEEN A GRAVEL BARRIER BEACH AND A FRESHWATER LAGOON." In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009.
Full textBHANDARY, HARISH, ASIM AL-KHALID, S. CHIDAMBARAM, and A. MUKHOPADHYAY. "BRACKISH GROUNDWATER UTILIZATION POTENTIAL OF BEACH WELLS IN KUWAIT- A CASE STUDY." In 38th IAHR World Congress. The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2019.
Full textLee, Kwang-Ho, Norimi Mizutani, and Toshiaki Fujii. "80. EFFECTS OF GROUNDWATER TABLE ON WAVE BREAKING IN A GRAVEL BEACH." In Coastal Dynamics 2009 - Impacts of Human Activities on Dynamic Coastal Processes. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2009.
Full textUda, Takaaki, Susumu Nishimura, and Ko-ichi Hirano. "Field Observation of Lowering of Groundwater Level by Application of Beach Management System at Chigasaki Beach in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan." In 27th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2001.
Full textPowers, Michael, Daria Nikitina, Martin F. Helmke, Magnus Payzine, and Cameron Knight. "TIDES, GROUNDWATER FLOW AND SALT POND DEVELOPMENT AT SLAUGHTER BEACH SALT MARSH, DELAWARE." In Joint 69th Annual Southeastern / 55th Annual Northeastern GSA Section Meeting - 2020. Geological Society of America, 2020.
Full textStark, Nina, Stephen Adusei, Jonathan Hubler, Mohamad El Ahmad, Thomas Mayer, Tian-Jian Hsu, and Jiaye Zhang. "Relating Beach Groundwater-Surface Water Dynamics to In Situ Strength from Dynamic Penetrometers." In Geotechnical Frontiers 2025, 75–82. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2025.
Full textGiraud, J., M. Chouteau, C. Taveau, and R. P. Chapuis. "Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Groundwater Level Changes Induced by Tides in a Shallow Beach Aquifer." In Near Surface 2011 - 17th EAGE European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Netherlands: EAGE Publications BV, 2011.
Full textReports on the topic "Beach groundwater"
Cialone, Mary, Jessamin Straub, Britt Raubenheimer, Jenna Brown, Katherine Brodie, Nicole Elko, Patrick Dickhudt, et al. A large-scale community storm processes field experiment : the During Nearshore Event Experiment (DUNEX) overview reference report. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), March 2023.
Full textPeyton, B. M., and K. R. Martin. 100 Area groundwater biodenitrification bench-scale treatability study procedures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1993.
Full textBarnett, P. J. Surficial geology of Cockburn Island, Ontario. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
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