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School, Birmingham Business, ed. BCOM: BCOM with a language : business skills development. Birrmingham: Birmingham Business School, 1995.
Find full textṄag-dbaṅ-kun-dgaʼ-bsod-nams, ʼJam-mgon A-myes-źabs, 1597-ca. 1662. and Źol-khaṅ Bsod-nams-dar rgyas, eds. Rol moʼi bstan bcos. Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ, 1986.
Find full textKeene, Raymond D., and G. K. Kasparov. BCO2 Batsford Chess Openings 2. 2nd ed. London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1997.
Find full textHe-ru-ka, Ñi-zla. Rten ʼbrel sngags bcos rig pa. Pe-cin: Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun Khang, 2015.
Find full textHūm̐-chen and Ñi-zla, eds. Sṅags bcos beʼu bum phyogs bsgrigs. Lha-sa: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ, 2006.
Find full textal, Zha-lu-tsantra-shrI rt. Rol mo'i bstan bcos gces btus. Lha-sa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 2019.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Gso rig sman bcos phyogs bsgrigs. Zi ling: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2013.
Find full textʼBrog las dkar chuʼi bstan bcos. Zi-ling: Mtsho-sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2014.
Find full textChina) Gzhug-lugs rtsa-gnad kun-gleng (Conference) (3rd 2014 Sichuan Sheng. Bcos sgyur: Rtsa gnad kun gleng. Chengdu: Si-khron dus-deb-tshogs-pa, Si-khron Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang, 2016.
Find full textChu śiṅ bstan bcos gsar ʼgrel. Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra, H.P: Bod-phrug khyim sde nas dpar skrun źus, 2003.
Find full textYon-tan-mgon-po, Gʼyu-thog. Cha lag bco rgyad. [Lan-chou]: Kan-suʼu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ, 1999.
Find full textbod kyi sgra rig pa'i bstan bcos. Lan kru'u: Kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2009.
Find full textKarma-phun-tshogs. Tshad maʼi bstan bcos rigs paʼithem skas. Bylakuppe, Mysore: Sṅa-ʼgyur mtho slob mdo sṅags rig paʼi ʼbyuṅ gnas gliṅ, 1997.
Find full text19uu. gnyan rims gso ba/ bcos sgrig ma. 3rd ed. Pe cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2011.
Find full textauthor, Tshul-khrims-blo-gros Bla-ruṅ Mkhan-po, and Rdza Tshe-ring-bkra-shis transcriber, eds. Dus thog bcos bsgyur: A timely reform. Dharamsala: Kha-ba dkar po Bod-kyi rig-gzhung sri-zhu-khang, 2017.
Find full textbrtse dung gis bcom pa'i lang tsho. Dharamsala, h.p: Bod kyi dpe mdzod khang, 2014.
Find full textDge-ʼdun-grub. Tshad maʼi bstan bcos rigs paʼi rgyan. Lan-chou: Kan-suʼu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ, 1996.
Find full textJane, Bailey, Clement Diane 1936-, Feenie Rob, Fong Nathan, McSherry Caren 1952-, and BCTV (Television station : Vancouver, B.C.), eds. BCTV cookbook: [120 recipes from B.C.'s best-known TV chefs! and celebrity recipes from the BCTV News teams. [Vancouver, B.C.]: Canada Wide Magazines & Communications, 2000.
Find full textldan, 'jam dpal skal ldan// dar zhabs 'jam dpal skal. rol mo'i bstan bcos dri za'i glu dbyangs. Kalimpong, w.b: Jampel kaldhen (dharshab), 2005.
Find full textcent, Dignāga 5th, ed. Rgyas paʼi bstan bcos tshad ma rnam ʼgrel. Mundgod, N. Kanara, Karnataka: ʼBras-spuṅs Blo-gsal-gliṅ Dpe-mdzod-khaṅ, 1997.
Find full textSlob-dpon, Bkra-śis-rgya-mtsho, ed. Gsaṅ Rñiṅ rgyan daṅ rol moʼi bstan bcos. [Bod-ljoṅs]: Bod-ljoṅs Bod yig dpe rñiṅ dpe skrun khaṅ, 1996.
Find full textRgyal-yoṅs Naṅ-paʼi Sman-khaṅ Lte-ba (Bhutan), ed. Gso rig tshad ldan sman bcos lam ston. Thim-phug: Rgyal-yoṅs Naṅ-paʼi Sman-khaṅ Lte-ba, Naṅ-paʼi Gso-rig ʼDzin-skyioṅ Lte-ba, Gso-ba Lhan-khag, 2009.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Rwa stod bsdus grwa dang deʼi dogs bcod. Lha sa: Ser gtsug nang bstan dpe rnying ʼtshol bsdu phyogs sgrig khang, 2009.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Bcom ldan rig paʼi ral griʼi gsung skor. [Kathmandu]: Sa skya rgyal yongs gsung rab slob gnyer khang, 2007.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Rgyas paʼi bstan bcos tshad ma rnam ʼgrel. [Dga' ldan]: [Dga' ldan rnam rgyal gling], 1990.
Find full textRgyal-yoṅs Naṅ-paʼi Sman-khaṅ Lte-ba (Bhutan), ed. Gso rig tshad ldan sman bcos lam ston. Thim-phug: Rgyal-yoṅs Naṅ-paʼi Sman-khaṅ Lte-ba, Naṅ-paʼi Gso-rig ʼDzin-skyioṅ Lte-ba, Gso-ba Lhan-khag, 2009.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Sman pa med saʼi sman bcos lag deb. Pe cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2002.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Mkhas ʼjug gi sdom byang dang bstan bcos. Bylakuppe, mysore: Ngagyur nyingma institute, 1998.
Find full textBsam-gtan-bzaṅ-po, ed. Bcom-ldan-rigs-paʼi-ral-griʼi gsuṅ ʼbum ... Lha-sa: Khams-sprul Bsod-nams-don-grub, 2006.
Find full textʼDod paʼi bstan bcos: Rdzoṅ-khaʼi rtsa ʼgrel. Thim-phu: Ke-em-kri dpe skrun khaṅ, 2005.
Find full text19uu. phyugs nad brtag bcos rgyun mkho phyogs btus. Pe cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2009.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Gsang rnying rgyan dang rol moʼi bstan bcos. Lha sa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1996.
Find full textMkhyen-brtseʼi-dbang-po. Las sna tshogs paʼi sngags bcos beʼu bum. Pe-cin: Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang, 2008.
Find full textRgyal-yoṅs Naṅ-paʼi Sman-khaṅ Lte-ba (Bhutan), ed. Gso rig tshad ldan sman bcos lam ston. Thim-phug: Rgyal-yoṅs Naṅ-paʼi Sman-khaṅ Lte-ba, Naṅ-paʼi Gso-rig ʼDzin-skyioṅ Lte-ba, Gso-ba Lhan-khag, 2009.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Gsung ʼbum bcom ldan rig paʼi ral gri. [Lha sa]: [Khams sprul bsod nams don grub], 2006.
Find full text'bum, 19uu mkha'. sgra rig pa'i bslab gzhi/ (dag bcos ma/). Zi ling: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2016.
Find full textSrid paʼi khugs pa bco brgyad. [Qinghai]: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ, 2005.
Find full textPlanche, Didier. L'affaire BCV: Les dessous d'une manipulation. Vevey: Editions de l'Aire, 2007.
Find full textRgyal khab rim pa'i dngos po ma yin pa'i shul bzhag rig gnasf. Gnyen gyi bskal pa bco brgya. Zi-ling: Mtsho-sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2014.
Find full textCenter, Buddhist Digital Resource. Bcom ldan ʼdas ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin paʼi man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs paʼi rgyan gyi ʼgrel pa shes rab sgron maʼi phreng ba. [Cazadero, ca, usa]: Ye shes sdeʼi chos ʼkhor ʼphrul par khang, 2001.
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