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Radiation shield at Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) facility based on D-D Neutron Generator 2.4 MeV has been modified with pre-designed beam shaping assembly (BSA). Modeling includes the material and thickness used in the radiation shield. This radiation shield is expected to protect workers from radiation doses rate that is not exceed 20 mSv·year-1 of dose limit values. The selected materials are barite, paraffin, polyethylene and lead. Calculations were performed using the MCNPX program with tally F4 to determine the dose rate coming out of the radiation shield not exceeding the radiation dose rate of 10 μSv·hr-1. Design 3 was chosen as the recommended model of the four models that have been made. The 3rd shield design uses a 100 cm thickness of barite concrete as primamary layer to surrounding 100 cm x 100 cm x 166.4 cm room, and a 40 cm borated polyethylene surrounding the barite concrete material. Then 10 cm barite concrete and 10 cm of borated polyethylene are added to reduce the primary radiation straight from the BSA after leaving the main layer. The largest dose rate was 4.58 μSv·h-1 on cell 227 and average radiation dose rate 0.65 μSv·hr-1. The dose rates are lower than the lethal dose that is allowed by BAPETEN for radiation worker lethal dose.Keywords: Radiation shield, tally, radiation dose rate, BSA, BNCT PEMODELAN PERISAI RADIASI PADA FASILITAS BORON NEUTRON CAPTURE THERAPY BERBASIS GENERATOR NEUTRON D-D 2,4 MeV. Telah dimodelkan perisai radiasi pada fasilitas Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) berbasis reaksi D-D pada Neutron Generator 2,4 MeV dengan Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA) yang telah didesain sebelumnya. Pemodelan ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh suatu desain perisai radiasi untuk fasilitas BNCT berbasis generator neutron 2,4 MeV. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan cara memvariasikan bahan dan ketebalan perisasi radiasi. Bahan yang dipilih adalah beton barit, parafin, polietilen terborasi dan timbal. Perhitungan dilakukan menggunakan program MCNPX dengan tally F4 untuk menentukan laju dosis yang keluar dari perisai radiasi. Desain periasi radiasi dinyatakan optimal jika radiasi yang dihasilkan diluar perisai radiasi tidak melebihi Nilai Batas Dosis (NBD) yang telah ditentukan oleh BAPETEN. Hasilnya, diperoleh suatu desain perisai radiasi menggunakan lapisan utama beton barit setebal 100 cm yang mengelilingi ruangan 100 cm x 100 cm x 166,4 cm dan polietilen terborasi 40 cm yang mengelilingi bahan beton barit. Kemudian ditambahkan beton barit 10 cm dan polietilen terborasi 10 cm untuk mengurangi radiasi primer yang lurus dari BSA setelah keluar dari lapisan utama. Laju dosis terbesar adalah 4,58 μSv·jam-1 pada sel 227 dan laju dosis rata-rata yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 0,65 µSv·jam-1. Nilai laju dosis tersebut masih dibawah ambang batas NBD yang diperbolehkan oleh BAPETEN untuk pekerja radiasi.Kata kunci: Perisai radiasi, tally, laju dosis radiasi, BSA, BNCT
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Dera, Santy. "Pengaruh pH Larutan Terhadap Nukleasi dan Pertumbuhan Kristal Barium Sulfat Didalam Pipa Beraliran Laminar: Pengamatan Kristal Menggunakan SEM-EDX dan XRD." Gorontalo Journal of Infrastructure and Science Engineering 1, no. 2 (October 10, 2018): 37.

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Kerak barium sulfat merupakan kasus yang sangat umum terjadi di dalam industry minyak dan gas bumi. Adanya kerak ini mempengaruhi produksi minyak dan gas bumi, sehingga menimbulkan masalah teknis yaitu dapat menghambat laju alir, sehingga tekanan pada pipa akan semakin tinggi dan menyebabkan pipa akan pecah dan rusak. Hasil penelitian ini menyajikan tentang pengendapan kristal barit dibawah pengaruh nilai pH (6,8,10) larutan, konsentrasi Ba2+ (2500ppm, 3000ppm, 3500ppm) dan konsentrasi aditif asam lauric (5,10,20 ppm) dengan suhu konstan 300C dan laju alir 30ml/menit. Dalam kegiatan penelitian ini percobaan pengerakan BaSO4 di dalam pipa uji dilakukan dengan mereaksikan BaCL2.2H2O dan Na2SO4. Larutan dialirkan pada pipa beraliran laminar. Adapun pipa uji berisi lima kupon terbuat dari baja tahan karat (stainless steel). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penambahan zat aditif asam laurat dan meningkatnya nilai pH memperpanjang waktu induksi sehingga semakin lama terbentuknya inti kristal. Hal itu di akibatkan karena pH larutan mampu meningkatkan protonasi gugus asam karboksilat dari aditif sehingga mampu menghambat laju pertmbuhan kristal. Analisa SEM menunjukkan bahwa morfologi kristal BaSO4 berbentuk seperti bunga yang mengindikasikan bahwa bentuk kristal ini merupakan ciri khas kristal barit. Hasil analisis EDX menunjukkan bahwa elemen utama yang terbentuk pada sample adalah Ba, S, dan O. Sementara hasil analisis XRD memastikan bahwa kristal barium sulfat (barite), ini membuktikan kerak yang terbentuk adalah kristal barite sebagai kerak padat.
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YALÇIN, Cihan, and Yusuf URAS. "DADAĞLI (KAHRAMANMARAŞ) BÖLGESİNDE KARBONATLI KAYAÇLAR İLE İLİŞKİLİ DAMAR TİPİ Pb-Zn CEVHERLEŞMESİNİN MİKROTERMOMETRİK ÖZELLİKLERİ." Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 25, Özel Sayı (December 13, 2022): 36–45.

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Kahramanmaraş ili jeolojik yapısı sebebiyle farklı kökenli kayaçları bir arada bünyesinde barındırır. Kuzeyde Toros Orojenik Kuşağı, güneyde ise Arap levhasına ait birimler gözlenir. Dadağlı bölgesi de Arap levhasına ait kenar kıvrım kuşağında yer alır. Bu bölgenin temelinde Seydişehir formasyonuna ait birimler yüzlek verir. Bu temel üzerine ise Mesozoyik yaşlı karbonatlı kayaçlar açısal uyumsuzlukla gelmektedir. Yavuzeli bazaltı ise tüm birimleri kesmektedir. Dadağlı kuzeyindeki Mesozoyik yaşlı karbonatlı kayaçlarda damar tipi baritli kurşun-çinko cevherleşmesi bulunur. Galenit, sfalerit, pirit, serüzit, smitzonit, götit ve gang olarak da barit ve kuvars parajenezi oluşturur. Jeokimyasal analizlerde PbO maksimum %60’a ve Zn değerleri ise 1200 ppm’e kadar ulaşmaktadır. Cevher oluşturan çözeltinin kökeni hakkında bilgiler elde etmek için parajenezde yer alan barit ve kuvarsdan sıvı kapanımı ölçümleri yapılmıştır. İki fazlı olan (sıvı ve gaz) kapanımlar da yapılan ölçümlere göre ötektik sıcaklık (Te) değerleri kuvars mineralinde -22,90 ile -21,10 oC, barit mineralinde ise -20,90 ile -19,50 oC arasındadır. Son buz ergime sıcaklıkları (Tmice) değerleri ise kuvars mineralinde -9,50 ile -4,30 oC arasında barit mineralinde ise -6,50 ile -4,20 oC arasındadır. % NaCl tuzluluk eşdeğerleri kuvars mineralinde 6,88-13,40 arasında, barit mineralinde ise 6,74-9,86 arasındadır. Homojenleşme sıcaklıkları (Th, oC) ise her iki mineralde 255,30-310,20 oC arasında olup ortalama 288,15 oC’dir. Kapanımların basınç değerlerine bakıldığında hem kuvars hem de barit mineralinde benzer değerler elde edilmiş olup ortalama Ph 92,85 bar’dır. Yoğunluk değerlerine bakıldığında ise kuvarsa ait kapanımların barite ait kapanımlara göre nispten daha yoğun olduğu belirlenmiştir. Homojenleşme sıcaklığı-tuzluluk diyagramlarında kapanımlar epitermal alanlarda dağılım göstermektedir. Ötektik sıcaklık değerleri ve sıcaklığın düşmesi ile artan tuzluluk durumu, çözeltinin H2O-NaCl sisteminde olan hidrotermal bir sistemi veya seyreltilmiş formasyonu suyunu işaret etmektedir.
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Budi, Gogot Setyo, Hurijanto Koentjoro, Joshua Wijaya, and Evan Filbert Sikomena. "The attenuation coefficient of barite concrete subjected to gamma-ray radiation." MATEC Web of Conferences 258 (2019): 05030.

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Barite is a non-metallic mineral, which composed of Barium Sulfate (BaSO4), has specific gravity about 4.5. It can be used for high density concrete as a shielding against gamma-ray. This paper presents the use of barite as concrete aggregates to block gamma-ray radiation. Two concrete grades fc’25 and fc’35 were prepared. The effect of barite to the attenuation coefficient of samples was studied by replacing coarse aggregate with barite and replacing both coarse and fine aggregates with barite. The results show that the protection ability of the concrete using barite aggregates subjected to gamma-ray is better than those of concrete using barite as coarse aggregate and the normal one. The attenuation coefficient of concrete fc’25 with barite as aggregates and concrete with barite as coarse aggregate is 0.294 cm-1 and 0.230 cm-1, respectively; The attenuation coefficient of concrete fc’35 with barite as aggregates and concrete with barite as coarse aggregate is 0.304 cm-1 and 0.271 cm-1, respectively; While the attenuation coefficient of normal concrete fc’ 25 and fc’35 is 0.205 cm-1 and 0.225 cm-1, respectively. The average density of normal concrete fc’ 25 and fc’35 was 2252 kg/m3 and 2323 kg/m3, 3004 kg/m3 and 3064 kg/m3 for concrete with barite as coarse aggregate, and 3461 kN/m3 and 3464 kg/m3 for concrete using barite for its aggregates.
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Rajabi, Abdorrahman, Pouria Mahmoodi, Pura Alfonso, Carles Canet, Colin Andrew, Saeideh Azhdari, Somaye Rezaei, et al. "Barite Replacement as a Key Factor in the Genesis of Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb±Ba and Barite-Sulfide Deposits: Ore Fluids and Isotope (S and Sr) Signatures from Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb±Ba Deposits of Iran." Minerals 14, no. 7 (June 28, 2024): 671.

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Iran hosts more than 350 Precambrian to Cenozoic sediment-hosted Zn-Pb±Ba and barite-sulfide deposits, including shale-hosted massive sulfide (SHMS, also called SEDEX) and Irish-type and Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) mineralization, and barite is a common mineral in these deposits. In the SHMS deposits, barite is typically found as fine-grained disseminations in thin laminae. In these deposits, the sulfide laminae often occur as diagenetic replacements and as bands containing authigenic and diagenetic barite and pyrite framboids. In the Irish-type Zn-Pb-Ba and stratabound barite-sulfide deposits, barite exhibits various textures, including fine-grained disseminated barite, banded zebra textures, veins, and massive barite lenses. In some of the giant Irish-type deposits, as well as in the stratabound barite-sulfide mineralization, the main stratabound sulfide ore is developed within a barite envelope and is characterized by the replacement of barite and pyrite by chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite. In the MVT deposits, the formation of barite is often related to dolomitization, and sulfide mineralization involves the replacement of the dolomitized carbonate rocks, as well as associated barite. Fluid inclusion studies on the Irish-type deposits indicate that the temperatures and salinities of the sulfide-forming fluids are higher compared to those of the barite-forming fluids. Fluid inclusion analyses of coarse-grained barites from Irish and MVT deposits reveal their hydrothermal origin. The δ3⁴S values of sulfide minerals (pyrite, sphalerite, and galena) in Irish-type deposits exhibit a broad range of low values (mostly −28 to +5‰), primarily revealing a process of bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR). However, the textures (replacement, colloform, and banded) and more positive sulfur isotope values (+1 to +36‰) in the SHMS Zn-Pb deposits suggest that bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) plays a less significant role. We suggest that thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) connected to the direct replacement of barite plays a more relevant role in providing sulfur for the sulfide mineralization in the SHMS, barite-sulfide, and MVT deposits. Based on the textual evidence, sulfur isotopic data, and fluid inclusion studies, barite has been identified as a key controller for the subsequent Zn-Pb mineralization by providing a suitable host and significant sulfur contribution in the sediment-hosted Zn-Pb and stratabound barite-sulfide deposits. This implies that diagenetic barite might be a precursor to all types of sediment-hosted Zn-Pb mineralization.
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Reza, Fachrul. "KEBERADAAN ULA PUCUAK (Trimeresurus barati) PADA BEBERAPA DAERAH DI SUMATERA BARAT." Bioconcetta 1, no. 2 (October 2015): 87–93.

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Guembou Shouop, Cebastien Joel, Sang-In Bak, Eric Jilbert Nguelem Mekontso, Maurice Ndontchueng Moyo, and David Strivay. "Barite concrete-based cement composites for 252Cf spontaneous neutron and 60Co/192Ir shielding based on Monte Carlo computation." Materials Research Express 9, no. 4 (April 1, 2022): 045502.

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Abstract Barite concrete composite materials have been investigated for 252Cf spontaneous neutron and 60Co/192Ir gamma sources’ shielding using Monte Carlo computational method. The Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) was used to compute the shielding properties of three different materials (barite concrete, barite cement, and barite aggregate) used as structural walls in fixed neutron & gamma industrial radiography for Non-Destructive Testing applications. The obtained results displayed good properties of barite concrete in shielding spontaneous neutrons emitted from the 252Cf source, as the effective dose drops about 108 times in only 140 cm wall thickness, and it was found to be about 10 times more effective than other materials investigated. In addition, the investigated gamma shielding properties of the barite concrete showed a relatively smaller wall thickness compared to the ordinary concrete. The decision-making process based on the ALARA principle of dose limitation showed that the use of barite concrete in such facilities is more effective than the use of barite cement and barite aggregate, for both gamma and neutron radiography shielding design. To achieve an average value of 1 μSv/h, the obtained result shows that 80 cm of Barite concrete is needed, while 125 and 130 cm of barite cement and barite aggregate are needed, respectively to shield the Co-60 source. Meanwhile, 50 cm of wall made of barite concrete is sufficient to cut down the effective dose rate to 1 μSv/h (for 50 Ci and 55 cm for 150 Ci 192Ir), which is an appropriate design for the public area adjacent to the industrial radiographic facility. It was therefore concluded from the obtained data that barite concrete is the most effective shielding material for radioactive sources (60Co, 192Ir, and 252Cf) used in radiographic applications.
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Bonny, Sandy M., and Brian Jones. "Barite (BaSO4) biomineralization at Flybye Springs, a cold sulphur spring system in Canada's Northwest Territories." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 44, no. 6 (June 29, 2007): 835–56.

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The Flybye Springs, Northwest Territories, consist of 10 active vents and numerous small seeps that discharge sulphide- and barium-rich spring waters at an average temperature 8.5 °C. Oxidation of sulphide to sulphate drives precipitation of stellate and platy barite microcrystals in the proximal flow paths. Downstream, and in vent- and tributary-fed ponds, barite is precipitated among streamer and mat forming colonies of sulphur-tolerant microbes, including Thiothrix, Beggiatoa, Thioploca, Chromatium, Oscillatoria, fungi (dominantly Penicillium), and unicellular sulphate reducing bacteria. These microbes mediate barite saturation by adjusting redox gradients and via passive adsorption of barium ions to cell surfaces and extracellular polymeric substances. Passive biomineralization produces barite laminae in floating microbial mats, nanometric coatings, and micrometric encrustations around microbial cells and filaments, and local permineralization of Thiothrix, Beggiatoa, and Oscillatoria outer cell walls. Intracellular barium enrichment and (or) metabolic sulphur oxidation may be important to "active biomineralization" that produces nanometric barite globules on the tips of fungal hyphae, barite-filled cell cavities in Beggiatoa and Thiothrix, and baritized sulphur globules. Degradation of biomineralized cells generates detrital "microfossils," including barite tunnels, layered cylinders, solid cylindrical grains and chains of barite beads. The diversity of inorganic and biomineralized barite in the Flybye Springs flow path highlights the influence of ambient chemistry, microbial metabolism, and cellular structure on barite solubility and on the taphonomy of microfossils preserved in barite.
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Wang, Chunyao, Li Zhou, Shuai Zhang, Li Wang, Chunwan Wei, Wenlei Song, Liping Xu, and Wenge Zhou. "Morphology of Barite Synthesized by In-Situ Mixing of Na2SO4 and BaCl2 Solutions at 200 °C." Crystals 11, no. 8 (August 16, 2021): 962.

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Barite is an abundant sulfate mineral in nature. Especially, the variety of morphologies of barite is often driven by the mixing of Ba-bearing hydrothermal fluid and sulfate-bearing seawater around hydrothermal chimneys. In order to better understand the factors affecting the morphology and precipitation mechanism(s) of barite in seafloor hydrothermal systems, we synthesized barite by a new method of in-situ mixing of BaCl2 and Na2SO4 solutions at 200 °C while varying Ba concentrations and ratios of Ba2+/SO42−, and at room temperature for comparison. The results show that barite synthesized by in-situ mixing of BaCl2 and Na2SO4 solutions at 200 °C forms a variety of morphologies, including rod-shaped, granular, plate-shaped, dendritic, X-shaped, and T-shaped morphologies, while room temperature barites display relatively simple, granular, or leaf-like morphologies. Thus, temperature affects barite morphology. Moreover, dendritic barite crystals only occurred at conditions where Ba2+ is in excess of SO42− at the experimental concentrations. The dendritic morphology of barite may be an important typomorphic feature of barite formed in high-temperature fluids directly mixing with excess Ba2+ relative to SO42−.
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Khubchandani, Lachman M., and Priya Hosali. "Grassroots English in a Communication Paradigm." Language Problems and Language Planning 23, no. 3 (December 31, 1999): 251–72.

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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG "Grassroots English " im Kommunikationsparadigma Der Aufsatz behandelt den kommunikativen Zugang im mehrsprachigen Zusammenhang. Er analysiert Daten aus dem in Indien gesprochenen Englisch in Bezug auf den Sprecher/Hörer, die Funktion, den Kontext und andere relevante Faktoren, die die Sprache im alltaglichen Leben bestimmen. In der postkolonialen Ära hat der Gebrauch dieses "Grassroots English" unter denjenigen, die sich in einer mehrsprachigen städtischen Umgebung spontan grundlegende Bestandteile der Sprache aneignen, in bemerkenswerter Weise zugenommen. Dieser Sprachgebrauch wird im allgemeinen nicht auf forma-lem Wege durch Unterricht erlernt. Diese Situation macht die Anpassungs-prozesse an die kontext- und funktionsspezifische Realität sichtbar. Anstatt über normative Eigenschaften des indischen Englisch auf einer Skala "einheimischer" und "nicht-einheimischer" englischer Sprachen zu theoreti-sieren, zeigt diese Studie die Komplementaritåt zwischen "Grassroots English" und anderen Sprachen Indiens, und die Entstehung dieser Variante als eine der notwendigen Kontaktsprachen im vielsprachigen Indien. RESUMO Humnivela angla en komunika paradigmo La referajo enfokusigas la komunikan aliron en plurlingvaj medioj kaj analizas donitajojn el la barata angla vidalvide al la parolanto/aüskultanto, la tasko, la kunteksto, kaj aliaj perantaj faktoroj, kiuj estras la paroladon en la ciutaga vivo. En la postkolonia epoko, okazis rimarkinda kresko en la uzo de la humnivela angla lingvo inter la spontanaj akirantoj de iuj elementaj eroj de la lingvo en urba, plurlingva medio. Tian lingvouzon oni generale ne lernas formale pere de la eduko. Tiu ci situacio montras procezojn de adaptigo al la realo specife formita de la kuntekstoj kaj la taskoj. Anstataŭ teoriumi pri la normaj trajtoj de la barata angla sur ia plurcentra globa deklivo-gamo da denaskaj kaj nedenaskaj anglaj lingvoj, tiu ci studo okupas sin identigi la komplementecon inter la humnivela angla kaj aliaj lingvoj en Barato, kaj la aperon de tiu ĉi varianto kiel unu el la vivgravaj kontakto-lingvoj en la plurisma Barato.
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Xu, Tianfu, Songhua Shang, Hailong Tian, Keqi Bei, and Yuqing Cao. "Numerical Simulation on Authigenic Barite Formation in Marine Sediments." Minerals 9, no. 2 (February 10, 2019): 98.

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Submarine cold seep and its associated authigenic minerals in sediment are meaningful to indicate the existence of underlying natural gas hydrate. The anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is coupled with sulfate reduction (SR) and influences the dissolution and precipitation of barite. However, the forming mechanism of barite is not yet clearly understood. In order to investigate the forming process of authigenic barite and its relationship with methane leakage flux, based on the measured data of the Qiongdongnan Basin in the Northern slope of the South China Sea, we constructed a 1D model of a sedimentary column to reproduce the formation of barite using the numerical simulation method. The results show that the original equilibrium of barite was broken by the cold seep fluids and Ba2+ was carried upward to the sulfate-rich zone leading to the formation of barite front. When there is no flux of methane from the bottom of sediment, the barite front disappears. The relationship between methane leakage flux and authigenic minerals was also discussed. It can be concluded that high methane flux corresponds to a shallow barite front in the sediment, furthermore, the barite content first increases and then decreases as the methane flux increases. At the same time, an inverse relationship between the ratio of authigenic barite to calcite and methane flux was obtained.
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Farhani, Muhammad Reza, and J. C. Heldiansyah. "BARITO RIVERSIDE PUBLIC OPEN SPACE IN MUARA TEWEH CITY." JURNAL TUGAS AKHIR MAHASISWA LANTING 11, no. 2 (August 31, 2022): 67–79.

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The Regional Government of North Barito Regency carried out an image of Muara Teweh City with the titles "wonderful Barito" and "Muara Teweh Barito City" which resulted in the existence of a siring construction plan along the banks of the Barito river Muara Teweh City. The siring development plan along the Barito river, besides acting as a public open space, also acts as an effort to beautify the city's visuals, it is better to consider the lives of the local community. The design of the Barito riverside public open space with the cultural riverside concept can be an answer to the need for riverside public open space that not only accommodates recreational activities for visitors by utilizing the Barito river landscape, but can also accommodate the cultural activities of the local community without getting rid of the community's riverside life.
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Widanagamage, Inoka, Allison Waldron, and Mihaela Glamoclija. "Controls on Barite Crystal Morphology during Abiotic Precipitation." Minerals 8, no. 11 (October 25, 2018): 480.

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Barite (BaSO4) is a stable and widely distributed mineral in Earth’s crust. As such, barite has the potential to preserve specific geochemical and morphological characteristics representative of conditions at the time of its formation, which could be useful for interpretations of Earth’s ancient rocks and paleoenvironments. In this study, we used variations in saturation index, solution temperature, solution chemistry, presence of organics, and Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions to investigate variations in barite crystal morphology. Through 42 experiments, we simulated poorly understood, low temperature spring settings similar to Zodletone Spring in Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma. Using SEM/EDS, we identified barite rosettes, rounded barite, euhedral/square-shaped barite, and elliptical barite as the crystal morphologies that directly reflect different formational settings. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns revealed different crystallographic characters of the four distinct barite crystal morphologies; in particular, the samples that precipitated from supersaturated SrSO4 solution exhibited double peaks at 43° 2-Theta, which matched barite with strontium substitution as barite might have incorporated strontium in its structure. Barite crystals that formed in the presence of organics in the initial solution exhibited a double peak at 33° 2-Theta, which was absent in other samples. Confocal Raman microscopy indicated that all of the samples had typical barium sulfate bands, with a few differences in bands between the samples; for example, the 638 cm−1 band showed splitting or a double band between different samples. The samples that precipitated from solution with organics had organic compounds from the experimental solution included in their composition. In both cases, C–H stretches from 2800 cm−1 to 3000 cm−1 were present as well as bands from 1350 cm−1 to 1500 cm−1, which are typical of organic compounds. Based on our experiments, the variation in barite crystal morphologies reflected changes in initial solution chemistry (or environmental settings).
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Septiari, Rika, Asysyifa Asysyifa, and Arfa Agustina Rezekiah. "PENILAIAN KINERJA PENYULUH DI KESATUAN PENGELOLAAN HUTAN (KPH) BARITO TENGAH KABUPATEN BARITO UTARA KALIMANTAN TENGAH." Jurnal Sylva Scienteae 7, no. 2 (May 4, 2024): 180.

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The Central Barito forest management unit (FMU) is located in North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan, and its working area covers 7 (seven) sub-districts. The Central Barito FMU has experienced a decline in its carrying capacity either due to natural forces or human intervention. This requires the role of forestry extension workers to empower the community, therefore this research was conducted to analyze the performance of forestry extension officers. Data collection in this study was carried out by direct interviews with respondents. The results of interview data with forestry extension officers at KPH Barito Tengah, North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan Province were analyzed according to the criteria for assessing forestry extension officers, Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.43/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/5/2016 concerning General Guidelines for the Implementation and Appreciation of Sustainable Ecosystems. Based on the assessment of the 7 criteria or indicators for assessing forestry extension agents, the average value of the performance of forestry extension officers at KPH Barito Tengah is in the good category with a score of 77.99.Kesatuan pengelolaan hutan (KPH) Barito Tengah berada di Kabupaten Barito Utara Kalimantan Tengah. KPH Barito Tengah berada di wilayah kerja 7 (tujuh) kecamatan. KPH Unit Barito Tengah telah mengalami penurunan daya dukungnya baik disebabkan oleh sumber alam itu sendiri ataupun karena adanya campur tangan manusia dari hal tersebut sangat diperlukan peran penyuluh kehutanan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat, oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kinerja penyuluh kehutanan. Metode pengambilan data pada penelitian ini dengan cara metode wawancara langsung kepada responden. Hasil data wawancara terhadap penyuluh kehutanan di KPH Barito Tengah Kabupaten Barito Utara Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah dianalisis sesuai kriteria Penilaian penyuluh kehutanan Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor P.43/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/5/2016 tentang Pedomanan Umum Untuk Penyelenggaraan dan Apresiasi Wana Lestari. Berdasarkan penilaian dari 7 kriteria atau indikator penilaian penyuluh kehutanan nilai rata-rata kinerja penyuluh kehutanan di KPH Barito Tengah ternasuk dalam kategori bagus dengan skor sebesar 77,99.
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Babaei, Amir Haji, and Alireza Ganji. "Characteristics of the Ahmadabad hematite/barite deposit, Iran – studies of mineralogy, geochemistry and fluid inclusions." Geologos 24, no. 1 (March 1, 2018): 55–68.

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Abstract The Ahmadabad hematite/barite deposit is located to the northeast of the city of Semnan, Iran. Geostructurally, this deposit lies between the Alborz and the Central Iran zones in the Semnan Subzone. Hematite-barite mineralisation occurs in the form of a vein along a local fault within Eocene volcanic host rocks. The Ahmadabad deposit has a simple mineralogy, of which hematite and barite are the main constituents, followed by pyrite and Fe-oxyhydroxides such as limonite and goethite. Based on textural relationships between the above-mentioned principal minerals, it could be deduced that there are three hydrothermal mineralisation stages in which pyrite, hematite and barite with primary open space filling textures formed under different hydrothermal conditions. Subsequently, in the supergene stage, goethite and limonite minerals with secondary replacement textures formed under oxidation surficial conditions. Microthermometric studies on barite samples show that homogenisation temperatures (TH) for primary fluid inclusions range from 142 to 256°C with a temperature peak between 200 and 220°C. Salinities vary from 3.62 to 16.70 NaCl wt% with two different peaks, including one of 6 to 8 NaCl wt% and another of 12 to 14 NaCl wt%. This indicates that two different hydrothermal waters, including basinal and sea waters, could have been involved in barite mineralisation. The geochemistry of the major and trace elements in the samples studied indicate a hydrothermal origin for hematite and barite mineralisation. Moreover, the Fe/Mn ratio (>10) and plots of hematite samples of Ahmadabad ores on Al-Fe-Mn, Fe-Mn-(Ni+Co+ Cu)×10, Fe-Mn-SiX2 and MnO/TiO2 – Fe2O3/TiO2 diagrams indicate that hematite mineralisation in the Ahmadabad deposit occurred under hydrothermal conditions. Furthermore, Ba and Sr enrichment, along with Pb, Zn, Hg, Cu and Sb depletion, in the barite samples of Ahmadabad ores are indicative of a low temperature hydrothermal origin for the deposit. A comparison of the ratios of LaN/YbN, CeN/YbN, TbN/LaN, SmN/NdN and parameters of Ce/Ce* and La/La* anomalies of the hematite, barite, host volcanic rocks and quartz latite samples to each other elucidate two important points: 1) the barite could have originated from volcanic host rocks, 2) the hematite could have originated from a quartz latite lithological unit. The chondrite normalised REE patterns of samples of hematite barite, volcanic host rocks and quartz latite imply that two different hydrothermal fluids could be proposed for hematite and barite mineralisation. The comparison between chondrite normalised REE patterns of Ahmadabad barite with oceanic origin barite and low temperature hydrothermal barite shows close similarities to the low temperature hydrothermal barite deposits.
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Muntyan, Barbara L. "Colorado Barite." Rocks & Minerals 73, no. 4 (July 1998): 242–62.

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Lajoie, Marie-Ève, Stephen J. Piercey, James Conliffe, and Daniel Layton-Matthews. "Geology, mineralogy, S and Sr isotope geochemistry, and fluid inclusion analysis of barite associated with the Lemarchant Zn–Pb–Cu–Ag–Au-rich volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Newfoundland, Canada." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 57, no. 1 (January 2020): 133–66.

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Barite in the approximately 513 Ma Lemarchant volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit, Newfoundland, consists of granular and bladed barite intimately associated with mineralization. Regardless of type, the composition of barite is homogeneous at bulk rock and mineral scale containing predominantly Ba, S, and Sr, with minor Ca and Na. The barite has homogeneous sulphur isotope compositions (δ34Smean = 27‰), similar to Cambrian seawater sulphate (25–35‰) and Sr isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr = 0.706905 to 0.707485). These results are consistent with barite having formed from fluid–fluid mixing between Cambrian seawater and VMS-related hydrothermal fluids. The 87Sr/86Sr values in the barite are lower than mid-Cambrian seawater, which suggests that some of the Sr was derived from the underlying Neoproterozoic basement. Fluid inclusions in bladed barite are low-salinity, CO2-rich inclusions with homogenization temperatures between 245°–250 °C, and average salinity of 1.2 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Estimated minimum trapping pressures of between 1.7 to 2.0 kbars were calculated from aqueous–carbonic fluid inclusion assemblages. The fluid inclusion results reflect regional metamorphic reequilibration during younger Silurian regional metamorphism, rather than primary fluid signatures, despite the preservation of primary barite and fluid inclusion textures. These results illustrate that barite in VMS deposits records the physicochemical processes associated with VMS formation and the sources of fluids in ancient VMS deposits, as well as seawater sulphate and basement isotopic compositions. The results herein are not only relevant for the Lemarchant deposit but also for other barite-rich VMS deposits globally.
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Yu, Fu Tao, Hui Min Gao, Shi Jie Tao, Wen Tao Shi, Zhi Jie Ren, Da Chao Yuan, and Chang Xing Fu. "Study on a Lead-Zinc-Fluorite-Barite Symbiotic Ore." Applied Mechanics and Materials 539 (July 2014): 794–98.

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The ore using in this paper was obtained from Hunan Province, China, which contains fluorite (15.65%), barite (48.42%), quartz (30.56%), sphalerite (0.57%), galena (0.54%) and other minerals. After fluorite-barite mixed flotation, fluorite-barite separation flotation, and anti-flotation of lead and zinc minerals, the fluorite concentrate with 97.35% CaF2 and barite concentrate with 95.49% BaSO4 was gotten. The recovery of the fluorite concentrate was 81.85% and the recovery, specific gravity, whiteness of the barite concentrate was 95.00%, 4.34g/cm3, 90.65%, respectively. This symbiotic ore can be comprehensive utilized by this beneficiation procedure.
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Akinay, Yuksel, and Ihsan Nuri Akkuş. "The optic and dielectric properties of CuO deposited barite pigments." Academic Perspective Procedia 2, no. 3 (November 22, 2019): 1325–30.

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The CuO deposited barite pigments (CBP) were obtained by direct deposition method. Optic and dielectric properties of nanocomposites were investigated. Hence, the prepared pigments were structural scanning electron microscope (SEM). The optic properties of pigments were evaluated with ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometer (UV-Vis). The scanning electronic microscopy results show that barite was coated with CuO uniformly. The UV-Vis results show that CuO deposited barite pigments (CBP) have high ultraviolet shielding performance. Furthermore CuO deposited barite pigments (CBP) exhibited UV-Vis reflectance than those of pure-CuO. Furthermore, the conductivity of barite flakes increased with the coating of CuO nanoparticles. The dielectric properties of CuO deposited barite pigments were determined in the frequency range of 8.2–12.4 GHz via vector network analyzer and the electromagnetic absorption properties of nanocomposite was determined and calculated by using these dielectric values (permittivity). CuO deposited barite/epoxy nanocomposite (mass ratio is 3:10) with 2 mm thickness showed a minimum reflection loss of -9 dB at 12.25 GHz frequency. Furthermore, the conductivity of barite flakes increased with the coating of CuO nanoparticles.
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Afolayan, David Oluwasegun, Adelana Rasak Adetunji, Azikiwe Peter Onwualu, Oghenerume Ogolo, and Richard Kwasi Amankwah. "Characterization of barite reserves in Nigeria for use as weighting agent in drilling fluid." Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 11, no. 5 (April 29, 2021): 2157–78.

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AbstractSuccessful drilling operations are dependent on the properties of the drilling fluid used to drill wells. Barite is used as a weighting agent during the preparation of drilling fluid. Over the years, oil and gas industry in Nigeria has been depending mainly on imported barite for drilling operations, whereas the country has huge deposits of barite. There is the need to assess the properties of the locally sourced barite for their suitability in drilling fluid formulation. This study presents the local processing methods of barite and examines the crude and on-the-site processed barite’s physio-chemical properties. These parameters were compared with American Petroleum Institute and Department of Petroleum Resources standards. XRD results show that on-the-site beneficiated barite has 87.79% BaSO4, 6.66% silica, 0.03% total soluble salt, 1.39% Fe2O3, and 1.603% heavy metals. Chemical analysis indicated that the pH, moisture content, metallic content such as Ca, Pb, Zn, Mg, Cu, and Cd minerals, and extractable carbonates were within the standard specified for usage as a drilling fluid weighting agent. The analysed crude barite samples were basic, within the pH of 8.3 and 8.6. Locally processed barite has lower Fe, Pb, Cd, and Cu content compared to industrially accepted barite. The specific gravity increased from 4.02 ± 0.07 to 4.15 ± 0.13, and the hardness reduced potentially from 5 Mohr to 3.5 Mohr on the hardness scale. The amount of impurities was sufficiently low, and the specific gravity of the samples improved to meet the needs of any drilling operation and compare favourably with industrially accepted barite.
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Deng, Ning, Andrew G. Stack, Juliane Weber, Bo Cao, James J. De Yoreo, and Yandi Hu. "Organic–mineral interfacial chemistry drives heterogeneous nucleation of Sr-rich (Bax, Sr1−x)SO4 from undersaturated solution." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 27 (May 21, 2019): 13221–26.

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Sr-bearing marine barite [(Bax, Sr1−x)SO4] cycling has been widely used to reconstruct geochemical evolutions of paleoenvironments. However, an understanding of barite precipitation in the ocean, which is globally undersaturated with respect to barite, is missing. Moreover, the reason for the occurrence of higher Sr content in marine barites than expected for classical crystal growth processes remains unknown. Field data analyses suggested that organic molecules may regulate the formation and composition of marine barites; however, the specific organic–mineral interactions are unclear. Using in situ grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS), size and total volume evolutions of barite precipitates on organic films were characterized. The results show that barite forms on organic films from undersaturated solutions. Moreover, from a single supersaturated solution with respect to barite, Sr-rich barite nanoparticles formed on organics, while micrometer-size Sr-poor barites formed in bulk solutions. Ion adsorption experiments showed that organic films can enrich cation concentrations in the adjacent solution, thus increasing the local supersaturation and promoting barite nucleation on organic films, even when the bulk solution was undersaturated. The Sr enrichment in barites formed on organic films was found to be controlled by solid-solution nucleation rates; instead, the Sr-poor barite formation in bulk solution was found to be controlled by solid-solution growth rates. This study provides a mechanistic explanation for Sr-rich marine barite formation and offers insights for understanding and controlling the compositions of solid solutions by separately tuning their nucleation and growth rates via the unique chemistry of solution–organic interfaces.
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Ansari, Ebrahim, Farhad Ehya, Ghodratollah Rostami Paydar, and Sara Maleki Kheymehsari. "Fluid Inclusion, Rare Earth Element Geochemistry, and Isotopic (O and S) Characteristics of the Ardakan Barite Deposit, Yazd Province, Iran." Minerals 14, no. 8 (July 24, 2024): 739.

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The stratabound barite mineralization occurs in the Ardakan deposit as patches and veins in the dolomites and limestones of the Middle Triassic Shotori Formation. Rare-earth element (REE) geochemistry, O and S isotopes, and fluid inclusion data were used to identify the mode of barite formation. Barite is associated with subordinate fluorite and quartz and, to a lesser extent, with sphalerite, malachite, chrysocolla, and iron and manganese oxide-hydroxides. Barite contains a very low ∑REE concentration (14.80–19.59 ppm) and is enriched in light rare-earth elements (LREEs) relative to heavy rare-earth elements (HREEs). The low ∑REE content and the Ce/La ratio (4.0–6.5) indicate a hydrothermal (terrestrial) origin of the barite. Similar to barite, the ∑REE content in fluorite is low (0.14–6.52 ppm) and suggests a sedimentary setting. The Tb/Ca versus Tb/La diagram also indicates a hydrothermal origin of fluorite. The δ34S values in the barite (+27.9 to +32.4‰) indicate that the sulfur most likely originates from evaporites and/or connate waters from the Late Precambrian to the Lower Cambrian. The δ18O values (+15.9 to +18.1‰) in the barite show that the oxygen originated either from Late Precambrian–Lower Cambrian evaporites or from basinal brines with slightly higher δ18O values than the evaporites. The salinity and homogenization temperature ranges of the aqueous fluid inclusions in barite, fluorite, and quartz (0.88–16.89 wt% NaCl equivalent and 90–270 °C, respectively) reveal that the mineralizing fluids were formed from basinal brines with the participation of heated meteoric water. From this, it is concluded that the Ardakan barite deposit was formed by the meeting of heated, ascending sulfate-bearing meteoric water and cooler, Ba-bearing connate water trapped in the overlying Middle Triassic dolomites and limestones. The Ardakan deposit belongs to the structure-related class and the unconformity-related subclass of barite deposits.
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Estuari DAS Barito merupakan muara sungai Barito yangmengalir dari Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah dan bermuara di Laut Jawa pada Provinsi KalimantanSelatan. Estuari ini terletak pada wilayah administratif Kabupaten Barito Kuala, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.
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Siswoyo, Siswoyo, Irmanida Batubara, and Devi Aristyanti. "Tempat Tumbuh dan Kandungan Flavonoid Total Daun Tabat Barito (Ficus deltoidea Jack.)." Proceeding of Mulawarman Pharmaceuticals Conferences 3 (April 26, 2016): 78–86.

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Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengetahui perbedaan kadar bahan aktif yaitu flavonoid daun tabat barito (Ficus deltoidea Jack.) pada dua tempat tumbuh yang berbeda. Daun tabat barito dikoleksi dari Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) dan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS). Tabat barito di TNGGP yang digunakan dalam penelitian tumbuh sebagai efifit, sedangkan di TNGHS tumbuh di atas tanah. Daun tanaman diekstraksi dengan etil asetat lalu ditentukan kadar total flavonoidnya menggunakan spektrometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar flavonoid daun tabat barito TNGHS lebih rendah dibandingkan daun tabat barito TNGGP. Perbedaan kadar flavonoid diduga karena perbedaan kadar kimia tanah pada kedua lokasi.
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Ran, Jin Cheng, Quan Jun Liu, Hong Xiao, and Zhi Guo Zhang. "Separation Test of Fluorite Ore with Barite in Hunan." Applied Mechanics and Materials 543-547 (March 2014): 3781–84.

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A detailed beneficiation test of fluorite ore with barite from Hunan area was studied. The grade of the fluorite in the crude ore is 56.47% and the barite is 17.32%, mainly gangue minerals is quartz. According to the properties of the ore, by comparing the results of various tests, we decided take the procession as follow: after the grade classification, coarse grain tailing by the jig, and then bulk flotation fluorite and barite ore, mixed flotation concentrate then float the fluorite and restrain the barite, the fine particle come into the shaking table to concentrate the barite fine particle concentration. Finally the grade of fluorite concentrate is 96.54% and recovery rate is 89.77%; the grade of barite concentrate is 88.78% and recovery rate is 97.46%. Then we achieved the good test indicator.
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Kuznetsov, Dmitriy S., Igor N. Burtsev, and Sergey K. Kuznetsov. "Barite raw market and prospects for the development of deposits in the Republic of Komi." Север и рынок: формирование экономического порядка 25, no. 3/2022 (September 29, 2022): 171–85.

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Barite is an important raw material used in various industries, which causes great interest in the raw material base, the prospects for its development and the involvement of new deposits in the industrial circulation.The purpose of the research is to analyze the current state and development trends of the barite raw material market and to assess the possibilities of resuming barite production in the Republic of Komi. It has been shown that the consumption of barite for many years is mainly associated with the drilling of exploration and production wells for oil and gas. At the same time, the use of barite in the chemical and other industries is increasing. Despite the development of a number of deposits in Russia, a significant amount of barite is imported from Kazakhstan, China, Netherlands and other countries, which necessitates an increase in the volume of mining operations and the involvement of new deposits in the industrial circulation. The characterization of the Khoilinsky barite deposit located in the Polar Urals in the Republic of Komi, is given. This deposit possesses significant reserves of high quality barite ores suitable for obtaining concentrates for various purposes. It has been concluded that the Khoilinsky deposit can be considered as one of the most promising. Its development will significantly increase the production of barite ores in Russia, reduce imports and meet the needs of the oil and gas, chemical and other industries, and increase export supplies.
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Sungai Barito adalah sungai yang terpanjang di Indonesia berada pulau Kalimantan, bagian hulu berada di Serawak Negara Malaysia sedangkan bagian hilir Sungai Barito terletak di Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan dan Sungai Barito ini langsungbermuara ke Laut Jawa.
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Zou, Qiu Lin, Jun Li, and Zhen Yu Lai. "Research on Barite Concrete Mixed with Fly Ash." Applied Mechanics and Materials 275-277 (January 2013): 2107–11.

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Barite concrete with density grade of 3 and strength grade of C30 was prepared by mixing with different fineness of fly ash. The workability, mechanical properties and long-term high temperature performance of the prepared barite concrete were researched. Results show that the workability of barite concrete is improved by mixing with fly ash, and no segregation of mixture has been observed. The apparent density and 3d, 28d compressive strength of barite concrete are decreased obviously after mixing with fly ash. But with the increasing of the fineness of fly ash, the apparent density and 3d, 28d compressive strength of barite concrete have a slight increase. High temperature residual compressive strength is decreased with the increasing of temperature. The cycle times of heat treatment at 400°C only has a little effect on residual compressive strength of barite concrete.
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Zhang, Fangfu, Zhaoyi Dai, Chao Yan, Narayan Bhandari, Fei Yan, Ya Liu, Zhang Zhang, Gedeng Ruan, Amy T. Kan, and Mason B. Tomson. "Barite-Scaling Risk and Inhibition at High Temperature." SPE Journal 22, no. 01 (July 25, 2016): 069–79.

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Summary Barite (BaSO4) is one of the common scales in oil-and-gas production. Extensive work has been conducted to study barite nucleation and inhibition at temperatures below 100°C. However, with the advance in deepwater exploration and production (E&P) which can encounter high-temperature (HT) conditions, a better understanding of barite-scaling risk at HT (e.g., > 150°C) becomes essential. In this paper, a systematic study was conducted to explore barite nucleation kinetics from 70 to 200°C in synthetic brines containing phosphonate (0–10 ppm) or polymeric (5–10 ppm) scale inhibitors. A 2-hour protection time with or without any detectable barite nucleation was used to define the scaling risk. To detect barite nucleation, two novel apparatuses were developed—a modified dynamic flow loop and a batch reactor. The modified dynamic flow loop has a retention time of up to 4 hours and is ideal to carry out experiments at higher than 100°C. Ba concentrations in the effluents were monitored to determine barite nucleation more precisely compared with traditional “tube blocking” technique. The new batch reactor uses our newly developed laser-detection method, a transparent pressure tube, and an oil bath. The transparent pressure tube allows laser light to pass through and can withstand 150-psi pressure at 175°C, therefore providing an efficient approach to study the precipitation kinetics of scales and to evaluate inhibition efficiency of inhibitors at HT. Constant inhibitor-concentration isopleths of diethylenetriamine pentamethylene phosphonic acid (DTPMP) for barite inhibition were constructed on the basis of our experimental data. Finally, a semiempirical model that is based on data of barite nucleation and inhibition kinetics from this study and previous work was built to predict scaling risk of barite at different physicochemical conditions. This model covers a wide range of temperature (from 4 to 200°C) and brine compositions. It also covers the effect of Ba2+–SO42− ratio in solution, common cations (e.g., Ca2+), and thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors on barite precipitation. Model precipitations were found to be consistent with field observations. The results of this study can guide the design of barite-scale treatment for HT oil-and-gas production.
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Kleden, Hermannus. "Analysis of Determinants of Tourist Visits to Ecotourism Objects in East Barito Regency." Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universtas Palangka Raya : GROWTH 8, no. 2 (May 11, 2023): 98–105.

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This study aims: 1) To determine the effect of Tourist Attractions on Tourist Visits to Ecotourism Objects in East Barito Regency, 2) To determine the effect of Services on Tourist Visits to Ecotourism Objects in East Barito Regency, 3) To determine the effect of Facilities on Tourist Visits to Ecotourism Objects East Barito Regency, 4) To find out the effect of Price on Tourist Visits to Ecotourism Objects in East Barito Regency. The research design is descriptive quantitative research. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Test the data analysis prerequisites using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the price variable has no and significant effect on Tourist Visits to Ecotourism Objects in East Barito Regency, while the variables of Tourist Attraction, Services and Facilities indicate a positive and significant influence on Tourist Visits to Ecotourism Objects in East Barito Regency
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Carter, Samantha C., Adina Paytan, and Elizabeth M. Griffith. "Toward an Improved Understanding of the Marine Barium Cycle and the Application of Marine Barite as a Paleoproductivity Proxy." Minerals 10, no. 5 (May 9, 2020): 421.

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Marine barite (BaSO4) is a relatively ubiquitous, though minor, component of ocean sediments. Modern studies of the accumulation of barite in ocean sediments have demonstrated a robust correlation between barite accumulation rates and carbon export to the deep ocean. This correlation has been used to develop quantitative relationships between barite accumulation rates and export production and is used to reconstruct export production in the geologic past, particularly during times of dynamic changes in the carbon cycle. We review the processes that affect the formation and preservation of marine barite, as well as those controlling the relationship between the barium (Ba) and carbon biogeochemical cycles. Additionally, we take a new approach to modeling the marine Ba cycle as a two-box model, specifically evaluating Ba utilization in the surface ocean and refining the equation describing the relationship between export production and barite formation. We compare these new results with past modeling efforts. The new model demonstrates that increases in export production can lead to sustained increases in barite accumulation in marine sediments without resulting in complete surface water Ba depletion, which is distinctly different from previous modeling results.
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Lu, Ying, Weiping Liu, Xuming Wang, Huaigang Cheng, Fangqin Cheng, and Jan D. Miller. "Lauryl Phosphate Flotation Chemistry in Barite Flotation." Minerals 10, no. 3 (March 20, 2020): 280.

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Barite has numerous applications including barium mud for oil well drilling, manufacture of elemental barium, filler for paper and rubber industries, and contrast material for X-ray radiology for the digestive system. Currently, froth flotation is the main method for the beneficiation of barite using fatty acid as a typical collector. In this research, it was found that lauryl phosphate is also a promising collector for barite flotation. Results from microflotation, contact angle, and zeta potential indicate that lauryl phosphate is adsorbed on the barite surface and thus achieves superior flotation efficiency at a wide pH range. The interfacial water structure and wetting characteristics of barite surface with/without lauryl phosphate adsorption were also evaluated by molecular dynamics simulations (MDS). The results from molecular dynamics simulations and interaction energy calculations are in accord with the experimental results, which suggest that lauryl phosphate might be a potential collector for the flotation of barite.
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enelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui hubungan antara supervise akademik dengan kompetensi profesional guru SDN di Marabahan Kabupaten Barito Kuala. (2) Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dengan kompetensi professional guru SDN di Marabahan Kabupaten Barito Kuala. (3) untuk mengetahui hubungan supervise akademik dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dengan kompetensi profesional guru SDN di Marabahan Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriftif korelasional, dengan populasi penelitian berjumlah 115 orang. Jumlah sampel penelitian yaitu sebanyak 85 orang. Hasil penelitin dismpulkan: (1) Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara supervise akademik denga kompetensi professional guru SDN di Marabahan Kabupaten Barito Kuala. (2) Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dengan kompetensi professional guru SDN di Marabahan Kabupaten Barito Kuala. (3) Terdapat hubungan secara bersamasama yang positif dan signifikan antara supervise akademik dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dengan kompetensi profesional guru SDN di Marabahan Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian serupa dengan subjek penelitian yang lebih luas.
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Zhou, Hong, Mengmeng Wang, Hao Ding, and Gaoxiang Du. "Preparation and Characterization of Barite/TiO2Composite Particles." Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2015 (2015): 1–8.

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To make full use of barite mineral and obtain a kind of composite particles material which has the property of both barite and TiO2, the composite particles material with TiO2coated on the surface of barite particle was prepared by the method of TiOSO4solution chemical hydrolysis and precipitation to form hydrolysis composite, removing the impurities of hydrolysis composite, drying, and calcination in this study. The results were evaluated by the covering power of composites. Composite structure and properties were characterized by means of XRD, SEM, FTIR, and XPS. The results showed that the surface of barite had been coated with rutile TiO2uniformly and compactly and the hiding power value and oil absorption value of the composite powder were 18.50 g/m2and 15.5 g/100 g, respectively, which had similar pigment performances to TiO2. The results also showed that it was mainly the strong chemical bond between barite and TiO2that combined them firmly in barite/TiO2composite particle (B/TCP).
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Sokić, Miroslav D., Vladislav Matković, Jovica Stojanović, Branislav Marković, and Vaso Manojlović. "Kinetics of barite reduction from refractory barite-sulphide ore." Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 22, no. 4 (December 31, 2016): 261–68.

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Refractory sulphide–barite ore was reduced with carbon in order to release lead, zinc, and copper sulphide from barite-pyrite base. Mineralogical investigations showed that due to the complex structural-textural relationships of lead, copper and zinc minerals with gangue minerals, it is not possible to enrich the ore using the conventional methods of mineral processing. The influence of temperature and time was studied to optimize the conditions, and to determine the kinetics of the barite reduction. The maximum removal of barite from ore was 96.7% at 900oC after 180 min. Chemically controlled kinetic model showed the best compliance with the experimental data. An activation energy of 142 kJ/mol was found.
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Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis retribusi pasar dan retribusi pasar terhadap optimalisasi pendapatan asli daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Timur. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Barito Timur selama 3 (tiga) tahun 2018 sampai 2020. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis uji asumsi klasik dan analisis regresi linear berganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 24 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan retribusi pasar dan retribusi parkir berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan asli daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Timur. Secara parsial retribusi pasar dan retribusi parkir berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan asli daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Timur. Retribusi pasar berpengaruh dominan terhadap pendapatan asli daerah pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Timur sebesar 87,9%. Kata kunci : Laporan Keuangan, retribusi pasar, retribusi parkir, pendapatan asli daerah, analisis regresi linier berganda.
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Siqueira, Kennya Beatriz, Mirella Lima Binoti, Renato Moreira Nunes, Cristiano Amancio Vieira Borges, Amanda Fernandes Pilati, Guilherme William Marcelino, Marco Antônio Sundfeld da Gama, and Paulo Henrique Fonseca da Silva. "Custo benefício dos nutrientes dos alimentos consumidos no Brasil." Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 25, no. 3 (March 2020): 1129–35.

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Resumo Um dos maiores problemas atuais da população é a deficiência de nutrientes. Estudos indicam que consumidores consideram o preço dos alimentos mais relevante do que os valores nutricionais. Assim, este trabalho objetivou comparar o custo dos nutrientes de alimentos típicos da dieta brasileira, realizando coletas de preços em mercados virtuais e calculando o custo para se atingir 30% das necessidades diárias de um adulto saudável para oito nutrientes. A carne de frango foi a fonte mais barata de proteína. A fibra de cereal teve o menor custo para fibra e ferro. As fontes mais baratas de cálcio foram o Ovomaltine e os lácteos, e o fígado bovino foi o alimento melhor ranqueado para vitamina A. A vitamina C foi o nutriente mais barato na dieta brasileira, e o suco de acerola a fonte mais barata deste nutriente. Os lácteos ocuparam as seis primeiras posições no “ranking” da vitamina D, e nozes e sementes apresentaram o menor custo para vitamina E. Os resultados mostraram que os consumidores brasileiros podem alcançar a ingestão recomendada de nutrientes considerados críticos a um baixo custo por meio da aquisição dos alimentos melhor ranqueados. No entanto, esse ranqueamento deve ser ponderado em função da qualidade do alimento, conforme preconiza o Novo Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira.
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Abdellaoui, K., I. Z. Hager, Hosam A. Othman, A. Boumaza, and Najoua Kamoun. "Structural, Optical and Thermal Characterizations of Lithium Borate Glasses Containing the Barite." Defect and Diffusion Forum 397 (September 2019): 24–38.

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A glass system was prepared according to the formula 60mol%B2O3 – x mol %barite – (40-x) mol %Li2O, where x=0, 5, 7.5, 10, 15 and 20 mol%. The amorphous nature of the prepared glasses was confirmed through X-ray diffraction. The prepared glasses were also characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, UV-vis absorption spectroscopy and the differential thermal analysis (DTA). The density is found to increase and this is because of the higher molecular of the added barite. The molar volume also increases with increasing barite content that indicates the structural changes occurred in borate network that were also confirmed using FTIR. Increasing the concentration of barite shifts the UV cutoff edge toward higher wavelengths from about 300 nm at 0 mol% barite to about 400 nm at 15 mol% of barite. Glass transition temperature (Tg) is found to increase with the increasing barite content. When analyzed by photoluminescence, the samples exhibit luminescence emission centered at around 400, 415, 480, 430, 485, 520, 545, and 570 nm when excited at 300 nm wavelength. The emission peaks at 420 nm, and 440 nm were assigned to F center emission. Between 440 nm and 520 nm it is rather the effect of the presence of the impurities.
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Noorhayati Noorhayati. "Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai DPUPR Kabupaten Barito Utara." Jurnal Ekonomi STIEP 4, no. 1 (May 20, 2019): 21–26.

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The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of motivation and job satisfaction through staffperformance of DPUPR North Barito Regency. Data about those variable was collected by conductinterviews with questionnaire. The sample is selected by using the technique simple random sampling, whichtotaled 30. The hyphoteses are tested using multiple regression analysis by SPSS for Windows 19.0. Theresult showed that : 1) the motivation and job satisfaction has a significant and simultan influence throughstaff performance DPUPR North Barito Regency; 2) the motivation hasn’t a significant impact through staffperformances on staffs of DPUPR North Barito Regency; the job satisfaction has a significant impactthrough staff performances of DPUPR North Barito Regency; and then 3) the most dominan variableaffecting through staff performance of DPUPR North Barito Regency is the job satisfaction.
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Jaiyen, Sarawut, Akapong Phunpueok, and Ruamporn Potong. "Determination of Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Cement Paste Containing Ilmenite and Barite for γ-Rays." Applied Mechanics and Materials 879 (March 2018): 156–60.

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The gamma ray shielding properties of cement paste containing ilmenite and barite (BaSO4) at different concentration were investigated using beam transmission method for 59.5 keV gamma ray energy of 241Am radioactive isotopes by using NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. The mass attenuation coefficients (μm) of these shielding materials were calculated. It was found that the mass attenuation coefficients increase with increasing of ilmenite and barite content up to a value of 60% by weight. The highest value of μm was 0.425 ± 0.003 cm2/g for cement paste containing ilmenite and 1.598 ± 0.039 cm2/g for the cement paste containing barite. The mass attenuation coefficient values were compared between cement pasted containing ilmenite and barite. The result show that cement paste containing barite showed good gamma ray shielding performances than that for the cement paste containing ilmenite.
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Papini, Rísia Magriotis, Armando Corrêa de Araujo, Aline Pereira Leite, and Renata Corrêa da Silva. "Estudo de rotas de concentração para amostras de barita." Rem: Revista Escola de Minas 60, no. 3 (September 2007): 483–90.

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No presente trabalho, foi estudada a possibilidade de flotação de 4 tipos de baritas, buscando-se mais de 60% de BaO e menos de 6% de SiO2 na recuperação.Procedeu-se a flotação, testando-se diferentes reagentes e combinações desses reagentes. A presença de sulfetos, nas amostras, levou, também, à busca de sua retirada na flotação, a fim de melhorar a recuperação e teor de BaO. Nas quatro amostras de barita, tem-se que os melhores resultados obtidos demonstraram que o objetivo foi alcançado, ou seja, o teor de BaO ficou acima de 64%, o teor de SiO2 abaixo de 3,3% e a recuperação de BaO acima de 79,4%. Para cada barita, porém, a rota de concentração foi diferente; na barita azul o cetil-estearil sulfato de sódio e o óleo de soja foram os melhores reagentes coletores, para a amostra de barita branca foi a mistura de sulfossucinato e ácido sulfônico que propiciou o melhor resultado, na barita T3 foi o óleo de soja e, na barita rejeito, o sulfossucinato.
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Toyoda, Shin, Taisei Fujiwara, Ai Uchida, and Jun-Ichiro Ishibashi. "ESR dating of sea-floor hydrothermal barite: contribution of 228Ra to the accumulated dose." Geochronometria 43, no. 1 (January 1, 2016): 201–6.

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Abstract Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of barite has been recently developed and is now practically applied to barite extracted from sea-floor hydrothermal deposits. The evolution of the accumulated dose to barite is simulated for an actual sample of barite in sea-floor hydrothermal sulfide deposit to find that the contribution of radioactive nuclei of 228Ra series can be important for the samples younger than 300 years old. Currently, any date over 50 years should be considered a maximum value when the 228Ra content is not obtained. The method to estimate the contribution from 228Ra series has to be developed in future for those in which 228Ra is not detected. The age limit of ESR dating of barite would be 5000 to 6000 years due to the decay of 226Ra, which is also found by simulation of the accumulated dose.
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Haridison, Anyualatha, and Diano Permana. "ANALISIS RASIO KEUANGAN DAERAH DALAM MENILAI KINERJA ANGGARAN PENDAPATAN DAN BELANJA DAERAH KABUPATEN BARITO SELATAN." Jurnal Agregasi : Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi 9, no. 2 (November 28, 2021): 53–74.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis Kinerja Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) Kabupaten Barito Selatan tahun 2014-2018 yang diukur dengan menggunakan rasio keuangan daerah, kemudian hasilnya tersebut digunakan kembali untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan naik turunnya rasio keuangan daerah Kabupaten Barito Selatan.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yakni penelitian yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan dan menyajikan data yang diterima dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Selatan khususnya berupa data-data jumlah Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Selatan sehingga memberikan gambaran yang cukup jelas untuk penulis menganalisis serta membandingkan dengan teori yang ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Barito Selatan dengan menggunakan rasio keuangan daerah mengalami penurunan, sehingga masih perlu peningkatan yang ekstra karena orientasi anggaran yang tercermin dari tinjauan kelima rasio masih belum terfokus pada kepentingan publik sebagaimana seharusnya.
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Staicu, Lucian C., Tomasz Bajda, Lukasz Drewniak, and Laurent Charlet. "Power Generation: Feedstock for High-Value Sulfate Minerals." Minerals 10, no. 2 (February 19, 2020): 188.

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Coal-fired power facilities generate a polymetallic effluent (Flue Gas Desulfurization—FGD) rich in sulfate. FGD effluents may be considered an important secondary resource. This paper investigates the recovery of sulfate as barite (BaSO4), a mineral with high commercial value and a critical raw material. Using equimolar BaCl2, >99% desulfurization of an FGD effluent produced by a coal-fired power plant operating in central Poland was achieved, yielding up to 16.5 kg high purity barite m−3. The recovered barite was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric (TGA), scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM), surface properties (PZC), density, and chemical stability (TCLP), and was compared with a commercial reference material. Barite recovery also led to the reduction in concentration of Al (86%), Cu (52%), K (69%), Mo (62%), Se (40%), Sr (91%), and U (75%) initially present in the FGD effluent. TCLP results indicate the entrapment and the stabilization of ~70% Se and ~90% Al in the barite structure. Based on this dataset, an in-depth characterization of the recovered barite is presented, and the removal mechanism of the elements is discussed. The study also provides a preliminary cost benefit analysis of the process. To our best knowledge, this is the first work showing barite recovery and metal removal from FGD effluents using a one-step process.
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Fan, Chunfang, Amy T. Kan, Ping Zhang, and Mason B. Tomson. "Barite Nucleation and Inhibition at 0 to 200°C With and Without Thermodynamic Hydrate Inhibitors." SPE Journal 16, no. 02 (December 13, 2010): 440–50.

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Summary In this study, we modified the commonly employed dynamic-tube-blocking methodology and built an apparatus to study the nucleation kinetics of barite-scale formation at high temperatures in the presence and absence of scale inhibitors. Barite formation was detected by monitoring pressure change over a micrometer-sized in-line filter, and this has been proved to be an easy and accurate method to study mineral-scale-nucleation kinetics at high temperatures. Additionally, we investigated the nucleation kinetics of barite at 0–25°C with and without thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors. By using this modified dynamic-tube-blocking technique, we successfully measured the nucleation kinetics of barite in 1M NaCl solutions over a temperature range from 25 to 200°C and at various supersaturation conditions. We also evaluated the inhibition efficiency of barite precipitation at this high temperature range. On the basis of the experimental results, the relationship of precipitation kinetics of barite as a function of temperature and saturation index was established. The inhibition efficiency of the phosphonate inhibitor [bis-hexamethylenetriamine-penta (methylene phosphonic) acid (BHPMP)] on barite precipitation has been evaluated over the same range of conditions. The Ca2+ effect on the inhibition efficiency of BHPMP at a low temperature (4°C) and at high temperatures (175–200°C) was investigated also. Results of this study have been incorporated into the scale-prediction software ScaleSoftPitzer.
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Ihsan, Ihsan, Yati Nurhayati, and Nahdhah Nahdhah. "Efektifitas Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Tingginya Angka Stunting Di Kabupaten Barito Kuala." Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia 4, no. 2 (August 16, 2023): 129–50.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Apa saja pengaturan hukum terhdapat stunting di Kabupaten Barito kuala (2) bagaimana keefektifitasan yaitu Peraturan Bupati Nomor 14 Tahun 2022 Tentang Pencegahan Stunting di Kabupaten Barito Kuala, metode penelitian empiris, yaitu mengkaji mengenai proses penegakan dan keefektifitasan suatu perturan perundang-undangan serta hambatan dalam proses penegakan peraturan tersebut, pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder dan data primer, dan Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melalui studi kepustakaan serta studi lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan peraturan tentang stunting yaitu Peraturan Bupati Nomor 14 Tahun 2022 Tentang Pencegahan Stunting di Kabupaten Barito Kuala, peraturan ini merupakan turunan dari Peraturan Presiden Nomor 72 Tahun 2021 Tentang Percepatan Penurunan Stunting, tidak hanya peraturan ini saja juga ada Surat Keputusan Bupati Kabupaten Barito Kuala Nomor 188.45/462/KUM/2021 Tentang Penetapan Desa Prioritas Pencegahan dan Penanganan Stunting Serta Intervensi Gizi Spesifik dan Sensitif di Kabupaten Barito Kuala Tahun 2022 peraturan ini yang menjadi dasar dan sandaran pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Kuala untuk menurunkan angka stunting di sana, namun nyatanya keefektifitasan peraturan yang ditegakkan dan program yang dijalankan bisa dikatakan tidak maksimal, dikarenakan penurunan angka stunting di Kabupaten Barito Kuala tidaklah signifikan.
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Zarasvandi, Alireza, Nazanin Zaheri, Houshang Pourkaseb, Abbas Chrachi, and Hashem Bagheri. "Geochemistry and Fuid-Inclusion Microthermometry of the Farsesh Barite Deposit, Iran." Geologos 20, no. 3 (October 23, 2014): 201–14.

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Abstract The Permian carbonate-hosted Farsesh barite deposit is located southeast of the City of Aligudarz in the province of Lorestan, Iran. Structurally, this deposit lies in the Zagros metallogenic belt and the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. Barite mineralisations occur as open-space flling veins, and as massive and replacement ores along fractures, faults and shear zones of the Permian carbonate host rocks. In order to determine the structure, in addition to pe-trographic and fuid-inclusions studies, an ICP-MS analysis was carried out in order to measure the major as well as the trace and rare earth elements. The Farsesh barite deposit has a simple mineralogy, of which barite is the main mineral, followed by calcite, dolomite, quartz, and opaque minerals such as Fe-oxides. Replacement of bar-ite by calcite is common and is more frequent than space-flling mineralisation. Sulphide minerals are minor and mainly consist of chalcopyrite and pyrite, which are altered by weathering to covellite, malachite and azurite. Petrographic analysis and micro-thermometry were carried out on the two-phase liquid/vapour inclusions in ellipsoidal or irregularly shaped minerals ranging in size from 5–10 µm. The measurements were conducted on fuid inclusions during the heating and subsequent homogenisation in the liquid phase. The low homogenisation temperatures (200–125°C) and low to moderate salinity (4.2–20 eq wt% NaCl) indicate that the barite had precipitated from hydrothermal basinal water with low to moderate salinity. It appears from the major and trace elements that geochemical features such as Ba and Sr enrichment in the barite samples was accompanied by depletion of Pb, Zn, Hg, Cu and Sb. The geochemistry of the rare earth elements, such as low σREE concentrations, LREE-enrichment chondrite-normalised REE patterns, the negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies, the low Ce/La ratio and the positive La and Gd anomalies, suggest that the Farsesh barite was deposited from hydrothermally infuenced sea water. The Farsesh deposit contains low-temperature hydrothermal barite. The scatter plots of the barite (close to sea water) in different areas on the CeN/SmN versus CeN/YbN diagram support the possibility that the barite was formed from seawater-bearing hydrothermal fuids.
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Wang, Hong Jun, Hui Xin Dai, Wei Lin Yang, and Ting Ting Li. "The Beneficiation of the Barite Ore in China." Applied Mechanics and Materials 644-650 (September 2014): 5368–71.

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Sunarningsih, Nfn. "Karakter Pemukiman Lahan Basah Abad VI - XV Masehi di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Barito." Kapata Arkeologi 13, no. 1 (July 25, 2017): 109.

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One of the great rivers that flow in Kalimantan region is Barito River, precisely in the southeast region. Barito drainage basin crosses two different provinces, namely South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. Archaeological researches of wetland ancient settlements on Barito Basin are mainly in the downstream area. The result of this research obtained a varied data, such as artifacts, settlement form, and environmental supports. There seemed to be such character differences in each site. Therefore, this article examine the factors that influence the character differences of each wetland site. The research use descriptive analytic, with inductive reasoning. The result shows that there are some characters of wetland residential sites in the Barito basin, which is influenced by the function of site, the mastery of technology, environmental carrying capacity, and the intensity interaction with outside community.Salah satu sungai besar yang mengalir di wilayah Kalimantan adalah Sungai Barito, tepatnya di wilayah Kalimantan bagian Tenggara. Daerah Aliran Sungai Barito melintasi dua wilayah propinsi yang berbeda, yaitu Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian arkeologi terhadap pemukiman lahan basah (abad ke 6-15 M) di Daerah Aliran Sungai Barito berada terutama di daerah hilir. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut didapatkan data yang beragam, baik dari artefak, bentuk pemukimannya, dan lingkungan pendukungnya. Tampaknya ada karakter yang berbeda dari masing-masing situs. Oleh karena itu, tulisanini berusaha untuk mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perbedaan karakter dari masing-masing situs di lahan basah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-analisis, dengan penalaran induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa macam karakter dari situs pemukiman lahan basah di DAS Barito, yang dipengaruhi oleh fungsi situs, penguasaan teknologi, daya dukung lingkungan, dan intensitas terjadinya interaksi dengan masyarakat luar.
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Pe-Piper, Georgia, and David Piper. "Controls on Barite Mineralization in a Major Intracontinental Shear Zone: Carboniferous of the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia." Minerals 11, no. 12 (December 14, 2021): 1413.

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Prominent veins of late Carboniferous barite, associated with fluorite and calcite, outcrop close to older granite plutons along an intracontinental shear zone that was active throughout the Carboniferous in southeastern Canada. Some barite is stratigraphically constrained to younger than 315 Ma and final mineralization is constrained by a published Rb–Sr isochron of 300 ± 6 Ma. Barite occurrences in the Carboniferous basins of central Nova Scotia, 50 km to the south, are synchronous with or post-date ankerite-siderite-magnetite-pyrolusite and Pb-Zn mineralization, which was facilitated by fluid interaction with thick evaporites. This study aims to determine controls on the distribution of barite in the shear zone, from field relationships, vein petrography and isotope geochemistry of minerals. The isotope chemistry of shear zone barite is similar to that occurring in Pb-Zn-Mn-Ba mineralization to the south, suggesting a common origin. Veins of barite, associated with fluorite, represent the youngest and regionally coolest phase of a 70 Ma history of Carboniferous mineralized veins along the Minas Fault Zone. Their prominence close to granite plutons reflects brittle deformation of the deeply-rooted granites in a complexly deforming fault zone, but the origin of abundant F remains uncertain.
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