Academic literature on the topic 'Baritō'
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Journal articles on the topic "Baritō"
Full textDera, Santy. "Pengaruh pH Larutan Terhadap Nukleasi dan Pertumbuhan Kristal Barium Sulfat Didalam Pipa Beraliran Laminar: Pengamatan Kristal Menggunakan SEM-EDX dan XRD." Gorontalo Journal of Infrastructure and Science Engineering 1, no. 2 (October 10, 2018): 37.
Full textYALÇIN, Cihan, and Yusuf URAS. "DADAĞLI (KAHRAMANMARAŞ) BÖLGESİNDE KARBONATLI KAYAÇLAR İLE İLİŞKİLİ DAMAR TİPİ Pb-Zn CEVHERLEŞMESİNİN MİKROTERMOMETRİK ÖZELLİKLERİ." Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 25, Özel Sayı (December 13, 2022): 36–45.
Full textBudi, Gogot Setyo, Hurijanto Koentjoro, Joshua Wijaya, and Evan Filbert Sikomena. "The attenuation coefficient of barite concrete subjected to gamma-ray radiation." MATEC Web of Conferences 258 (2019): 05030.
Full textRajabi, Abdorrahman, Pouria Mahmoodi, Pura Alfonso, Carles Canet, Colin Andrew, Saeideh Azhdari, Somaye Rezaei, et al. "Barite Replacement as a Key Factor in the Genesis of Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb±Ba and Barite-Sulfide Deposits: Ore Fluids and Isotope (S and Sr) Signatures from Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb±Ba Deposits of Iran." Minerals 14, no. 7 (June 28, 2024): 671.
Full textReza, Fachrul. "KEBERADAAN ULA PUCUAK (Trimeresurus barati) PADA BEBERAPA DAERAH DI SUMATERA BARAT." Bioconcetta 1, no. 2 (October 2015): 87–93.
Full textGuembou Shouop, Cebastien Joel, Sang-In Bak, Eric Jilbert Nguelem Mekontso, Maurice Ndontchueng Moyo, and David Strivay. "Barite concrete-based cement composites for 252Cf spontaneous neutron and 60Co/192Ir shielding based on Monte Carlo computation." Materials Research Express 9, no. 4 (April 1, 2022): 045502.
Full textBonny, Sandy M., and Brian Jones. "Barite (BaSO4) biomineralization at Flybye Springs, a cold sulphur spring system in Canada's Northwest Territories." Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 44, no. 6 (June 29, 2007): 835–56.
Full textWang, Chunyao, Li Zhou, Shuai Zhang, Li Wang, Chunwan Wei, Wenlei Song, Liping Xu, and Wenge Zhou. "Morphology of Barite Synthesized by In-Situ Mixing of Na2SO4 and BaCl2 Solutions at 200 °C." Crystals 11, no. 8 (August 16, 2021): 962.
Full textKhubchandani, Lachman M., and Priya Hosali. "Grassroots English in a Communication Paradigm." Language Problems and Language Planning 23, no. 3 (December 31, 1999): 251–72.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Baritō"
Janasi, Suzilene Real [UNESP]. "Ferrita de bário: preparação de fases dopadas com cobalto, titânio e estanho." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 1997.
Full textA substituição parcial de íons Fe3+ por pares de íons (Co2+-Ti4+ ou Co2+-Sn4+) na ferrita de bário hexagonal (BaFe12O19) leva a uma substancial diminuição no campo coercitivo (Hc) com uma pequena mudança na magnetização de saturação (Ms), permitindo seu uso em gravação magnética e magneto-óptica de alta densidade. Os diferentes métodos de preparação de ferritas de bário resultam em produtos com propriedades distintas. Neste trabalho, preparou-se BaFe12-2xCoxTixO19 e BaFe12-2xCoxSnxO19 (0,25 £ x £ 1) por coprecipitação, utilizando cloretos dos metais precursores e solução de KOH/K2CO3 como precipitante. Após a secagem, o produto obtido foi calcinado a 950oC por 3h, lavado e seco. Os difratogramas de raios X indicaram a formação da ferrita de bário. As micrografias eletrônicas de varredura mostraram que os pós obtidos apresentam-se na forma de plaquetas hexagonais de 1 a 2mm. As curvas de magnetização das ferritas de bário dopadas mostraram que o campo coercitivo e a remanência diminuem em função do aumento da razão de substituição x. A curva de magnetização da amostra dopada com Co-Ti, com x = 1 é característica de uma ferrita mole, com Hc = 13,5 kA.m-1 (0,17 kOe), Ms = 46,1 emu.g-1 e Mr = 11,0 emu.g-1. Para a amostra dopada com Co-Sn a diminuição de Mr não é significante. Estes resultados mostraram que as propriedades magnéticas das ferritas de bário dopadas obtidas por coprecipitação foram melhoradas, em relação aos dados da literatura para ferrita de bário pura ou dopada.
The partial substitution of Fe3+ ions with pairs of ions (Co2+-Ti4+ or Co2+-Sn4+) in hexagonal barium ferrite (BaFe12O19) leads to a substantial reduction on coercivity (Hc) with only a low change in saturation magnetization (Ms), allowing its use in high density magnetic and magneto-optical recording. Different preparative methods result in barium ferrites with distinguished properties. In this work, BaFe12-2xCoxTixO19 and BaFe12-2xCoxSnxO19 (0.25 £ x £ 1) were prepared by the coprecipitation method using chloride salt precursors and KOH/K2CO3 solution. After drying, the powder was calcinated at 950oC by 3 h, washed and dried. The X ray diffraction patterns indicated the barium ferrite phase formation. The scanning electron micrographs showed that the particles are hexagonal platelike with diameter size ranging from 1 to 2 mm. The magnetization curves of substituted barium ferrites showed that the values of Hc and Mr decrease with the increase of the substitution ratio x. The magnetization curve profile for Co-Ti substituted sample with x =1 is characteristic of a soft ferrite with Hc = 13.5kA.m-1 (0.17 kOe), Ms = 46.1 emu.g-1 and Mr = 11.0 emu.g-1. These results indicated that the magnetic properties of substituted barium ferrites obtained by coprecipitation were improved when compared with the literature data for pure and substituted barium ferrite.
Liu, Fanmao. "Photoresponse of ferroelectric BaTiO3 thin films." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017.
Full textBaTiO3 is a lead-free ferroelectric oxide material. BaTiO3 thin films have been widely studied for memory applications due to its charge memory effect resulting from its ferroelectric nature. Nowadays, the scientific community has renewed its interest on BaTiO3, because it holds characteristics that is interesting for rapidly developing areas such as photovoltaics, photoelectric sensing and photocatalysis. The main goal of the present thesis is to study the photoelectric effects on BaTiO3 thin films and to give light on the relevant mechanisms that control them. Ferroelectric materials show intrinsic, unavoidable and exclusive internal electric fields: imprint electric field (Eimp) and depolarization electric field (Edep). Thus distinct photoelectric effects can be obtained due to Eimp and Edep. In the present thesis we have studied in detail the role of Eimp and Edep on photoelectric effects of BaTiO3 films. In particular, it is shown that appropriate measurement configuration can be used to disclose and isolate their contribution. As a result, different transient and constant photoresponses can be obtained as wish. By the same token, their contribution to the ferroelectric switching dynamics are also analyzed. The transient photoresponse finds its origin on the screening of surface charge (photoscreening). In order to modulate its magnitude detailed characterization has been performed. It is concluded that the polarization photoscreening is governed by the presence of water adsorbed at the surface, allowing it to be controlled. However, the photoelectric efficiency has been found to be limited by the low generation of carriers by light, that is the reason why the effect of O substituted by N in BaTiO3 lattice, which should result in band-gap narrowing, hence improving the photoelectric efficiency, has been studied. Interestingly, it is found that ammonia treatments are efficient to improve photoelectric responses, without having any clear evidence of N substitution.
ALMEIDA, JUNIOR Airton Tavares De. "Caracterização da barita e do vidro cristal como atenuadores na blindagem das radiações X e Gama." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2005.
Full textCom objetivo de determinar as características de atenuação do minério sulfato de bário (BaSO4) e do vidro cristal utilizados como blindagem contra as radiações ionizantes X e gama, em instalações radiográficas, foi realizado um estudo de atenuação com argamassa e concreto de barita, usados, respectivamente, no revestimento de paredes e em blocos; e com o vidro cristal usado em biombos e janelas. Para isso, foram analisadas 10 placas de argamassa de barita, 3 placas de concreto de barita, com área média útil de 900 cm2 e espessura média de 1 a 5 cm, e 3 placas de vidro cristal, com área útil de 323 cm2, com espessuras de 1, 2 e 4 cm. As amostras foram irradiadas com raios-X, com potenciais de 60, 80,110 e 150 quilovolts, e raios gama do 60Co. As respostas de atenuação (mGy/mAmin) e (mGy/h) ambos a 1 metro, em função da espessura, resultaram na obtenção das curvas de atenuação e de transmissão. Além disso, foram determinadas as espessuras equivalentes das camadas semi e deciredutoras, tanto para o vidro cristal, como para a argamassa e o concreto de barita
Gondim, Priscylla Cinthia Alves. "Desenvolvimento de bloco de veda??o com barita na composi??o de partida para blindagem de radia??o X." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2009.
Full textConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico
This work main objective is to study the use of bricks in barium X-rays rooms in order to contribute to the optimization of shielding rooms diagnosis. The work was based on experimental measurements of X-ray attenuation (40 to 150 kV), using ceramic seal bearing the incorporation of barium sulfat (BaSO4). Different formulations were studied in three different firing temperatures and evaluated for incorporation in the ceramic body. The composition of 20% of barite processed at a temperature of 950 ? C showed better physical and mechanical properties, is considered the most suitable for the purpose of this work. Were produced bricks sealing composition formulated based on that presented the best technological features. These blocks were tested physically as a building material and wall protective barrier. Properties such as visual, deviation from the square, face flatness, water absorption and compressive strength were evaluated for all the blocks produced. The behavior of this material as attenuator for X-rays was investigated by experimental results which take into account mortar manufacturers barium through the different strains and compared with the reference material (Pb). The simulation results indicated that the ceramic block barium shows excellent properties of attenuation equivalence lead taking into account the energy used in diagnostic X-ray
Este trabalho tem por finalidade principal estudar a utiliza??o de blocos cer?micos baritados em salas de radia??o X, visando contribuir para a otimiza??o da blindagem de salas de diagn?stico. O trabalho foi baseado em medidas experimentais de atenua??o da radia??o X (40 a 150 kV), empregando material cer?mico de veda??o contendo a incorpora??o de sulfato de b?rio (BaSO4). Diferentes formula??es foram estudadas em tr?s temperaturas de queima diferentes e avaliadas as incorpora??es na massa cer?mica. A composi??o de 20% de barita processada a temperatura de 950?C, apresentou melhores propriedades f?sicas e mec?nicas, sendo considerada a mais adequada para a proposta deste trabalho. Foram produzidos blocos cer?micos de veda??o baseados na composi??o formulada que apresentou melhores caracter?sticas tecnol?gicas. Estes blocos foram testados fisicamente como material construtivo de parede e barreira protetora. Propriedades como caracter?sticas visuais, desvio com rela??o ao esquadro, planeza das faces, absor??o de ?gua e resist?ncia ? compress?o foram avaliadas para todos os blocos produzidos. O comportamento deste material como atenuador para a radia??o X foi investigado por meio de resultados experimentais que levaram em considera??o fabricantes de argamassas baritadas atrav?s das diferentes tens?es e comparado com o material de refer?ncia (Pb). Os resultados obtidos nas simula??es indicaram que o bloco cer?mico baritado demonstra ?timas propriedades de atenua??o em equival?ncia ao chumbo levando-se em conta as energias usadas em raios X diagn?stico
Zhong, Zhimin. "Combustion syntheses and characterization of Barium Titanate, Barium Tetratitanate and Lead substituted Barium Tetratitanate /." The Ohio State University, 1994.
Full textKudelová, Barbora. "Prekonavani barier." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2017.
Full textAlmeida, Jademir Jesus Pirapora de. "Ação da radiação de alta energia nas propriedades mecânicas de compostos elastoméricos a base de SBR carregados com barita." Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2012.
Full textUniversidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
In this work were studied the action of ionizing radiation on the physical-mechanical properties in elastomeric compounds based on styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) filled with barite, opening way for application of these composites in the protection and shield against high-energy radiation, in the form of aprons. These aprons come to substitute the elastomeric ones with lead filler in ergonomic and economically advantageous conditions. The effect of high-energy radiation was studied on SBR compounds filled with barite at 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150phr (phr = parts per hundred rubber) of barite concentrations, exposed to ionizing radiation at 0, 100, 200, 500 and 1000kGy doses. The samples were characterized by physic-mechanical tests as rheometry, tensile strength, resilience, hardness, wear resistance, oil absorption, permanent deformation under compression (compression set) and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis. The morphological characteristics were determined by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the radiation causes an increase in tensile strength and elongation, the tear strength and hardness, and a decrease in fluid absorção and deformation under compression.
Neste trabalho foi estudada a ação da radiação ionizante nas propriedades físico-mecânicas nos compostos elastoméricos a base de estireno-butadieno (SBR) carregados com barita, abrindo caminho para aplicação destes compostos na proteção e blindagem contra a radiação alta energia, na forma de aventais, vindo substituir os aventais a base de elastômero carregado com chumbo em condições ergonômicas e economicamente vantajosas. Foi estudado o efeito da radiação ionizante em compostos a base de SBR carregado com barita nas concentrações de 50, 75, 100, 125, e 150phr (phr = partes por cem de borracha) de barita expostos à radiação ionizante nas doses de 0, 100, 200, 500 e 1000kGy. As amostras foram caracterizadas por meio de ensaios físico-mecânicos de reometria, de resistência à tração, resiliência, dureza, resistência ao rasgo, absorção de óleo, deformação permanente sob compressão (compression set) e ensaios de análise térmica dinâmico-mecânica. As características morfológicas dos compositos foram determinadas por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os resultados mostraram que a radiação provoca um aumento da resistência à tração, do alongamento sob tração, da resistência ao rasgamento e da dureza; e um decréscimo na absorção de fluido e na deformação sob compressão.
FRIMAIO, AUDREW. "Desenvolvimento de um material cerâmico para utilização em proteção radiológica diagnóstica." reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2006.
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Dissertacao (Mestrado)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
Rai, Maha. "Molecular dynamics modelling of barium silicate and barium fluorozirconate glasses." Thesis, University of Kent, 2018.
Full textBooks on the topic "Baritō"
Henshūshitsu, Chikyū no Arukikata, ed. Baritō: Bali. Tōkyō: Daiyamondo Biggusha, 2005.
Find full textHenshūshitsu, Chikyū no Arukikata, ed. Baritō: Bali. Tōkyō: Daiyamondo Biggusha, 2007.
Find full textToshokan, Kunitachi Ongaku Daigaku. Baritō no geinō shiryō shozō mokuroku. Tōkyō: Kunitachi Ongaku Daigaku Fuzoku Toshokan, 1991.
Find full textBijutsukan, Fukuoka-shi. Egakareta maryoku: 1930-nendai Baritō Batuan no kaigaten = Images of power : Balinese paintings made for Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead. Fukuoka-shi: Fukuoka-shi Bijutsukan, 1995.
Find full textOber, Joyce A. Barite. [Place of publication not identified]: [U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines], 1990.
Find full textSearls, James P. Barite. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1993.
Find full textPetrovich, Petrov Valentin, Delit͡s︡in I. S, and Nauchnyĭ sovet po rudoobrazovanii͡u︡ (Akademii͡a︡ nauk SSSR), eds. Barit. Moskva: "Nauka", 1986.
Find full textBerg, Richard B. Barite in Montana. [Butte]: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Dept. of Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, 1988.
Find full text(Indonesia), Barito Selatan, ed. Barito Selatan selayang pandang. Buntok: Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Selatan, 2000.
Find full textA, Silva Michael. Mineral commodity report, barite. Sacramento, Calif: California Dept. of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1985.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Baritō"
Rothwell, R. G. "Barite." In Minerals and Mineraloids in Marine Sediments, 42–46. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.
Full textGooch, Jan W. "Barite." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 66. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.
Full textHeubeck, Christoph. "Barite." In Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 250–51. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
Full textHeubeck, Christoph. "Barite." In Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 328. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023.
Full textWhite, William M. "Barium." In Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, 1–3. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textWhite, William M. "Barium." In Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, 91–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textPohling, Rolf. "Barium." In Chemische Reaktionen in der Wasseranalyse, 25–27. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
Full textBourgeois, Marie M. "Barium." In Hamilton & Hardy's Industrial Toxicology, 57–62. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.
Full textGooch, Jan W. "Barium." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 66. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.
Full textBrookins, Douglas G. "Barium." In Eh-pH Diagrams for Geochemistry, 168–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Baritō"
Middleton, Julia, Adina Paytan, and Tristan J. Horner. "Barium-Isotopic Signatures of Barite Diagenesis." In Goldschmidt2020. Geochemical Society, 2020.
Full textMiddleton, Julia, Adina Paytan, Mak Saito, and Tristan Horner. "Barium Isotope Signatures of Barite Diagenesis." In Goldschmidt2021. France: European Association of Geochemistry, 2021.
Full textDoldersum, A., and S. Baraka-Lokmane. "Effect of Water Salinity on Barium Sulfate Formation in the Context of Gas Wells in the Dutch Sector of the North Sea." In SPE Oilfield Scale Symposium. SPE, 2024.
Full textMiddleton, Jule, Adina Paytan, and Tristan Horner. "Barium isotope fractionation during ion exchange at the barite-fluid interface: Implications for barium cycling in seawater." In Goldschmidt2022. France: European Association of Geochemistry, 2022.
Full textWang, Xu, Salima Baraka-Lokmane, and Eric Mackay. "Impact of Reservoir on Relaxation of Requirement for SRP Whilst Protecting Production - Reactive Transport Modelling for a Mature Offshore Field." In SPE Oilfield Scale Symposium. SPE, 2024.
Full textRaja Sahar, Raja Nor Rafidah, Wan Amni W Mohamad, Ema Farima Rustam Ali Khan, and Siti Aishah Mohd Hatta. "Selection of Barium Sulphate/Barite Dissolver Chemical through Establishment of Standard Laboratory Screening Protocols." In Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2019.
Full textMahmoodi, Pouria, Jan M. Peter, Abdorrahman Rajabi, and Ebrahim Rastad. "Geological and textural characteristics as evidence for Irish-type mineralization in the Eastern Haft-Savaran deposit." In Irish-type Zn-Pb deposits around the world. Irish Association for Economic Geology, 2023.
Full textYue, Zhiwei David, Andrew Slocum, Xiaohong Lucy Tian, Linping Ke, Megan Westerman, and John Hazlewood. "An Integrated Scale Protection Package for Offshore Fractured Wells Under Designed Shut-In Extension." In SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry. SPE, 2021.
Full textSlocum, Andrew, Zhiwei David Yue, Linping Ke, Michael Thomas, Jeremy Lacamu, Matthew Kottemann, Ken Lizak, et al. "Case Studies of Novel Seawater-Based FracPac Fluid Used in DeepWater Gulf of Mexico with Barium-Rich Formation Fluids Present." In SPE Oilfield Scale Symposium. SPE, 2024.
Full textOfei, Titus Ntow, Bjørnar Lund, Arild Saasen, Sigbjørn Sangesland, Harald Linga, Knud Richard Gyland, and Masahiro Kawaji. "Barite Sag Measurements." In IADC/SPE International Drilling Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Baritō"
Turner, R. J. W., and W. D. Goodfellow. Barium Carbonate Bodies Associated With the Walt [Cathy] Stratiform Barium Deposit, Selwyn Basin, Yukon: a Possible Vent Complex Associated With a Middle Devonian Sedimentary Exhalative Barite Deposit. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1990.
Full textCollings, R. K., and P. R. A. Andrews. Summary report no. 1: barite. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1988.
Full textHarris, Michael J. Barite flotation; El Cuervo Butte. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1988.
Full textScanlan, E. J., M. Leybourne, D. Layton-Matthews, A. Voinot, and N. van Wagoner. Alkaline magmatism in the Selwyn Basin, Yukon: relationship to SEDEX mineralization. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2021.
Full textStack, Andrew G. Reaction mechanisms for barite dissolution and growth. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2010.
Full textLiseroudi, M. H., O. H. Ardakani, P. K. Pedersen, R. A. Stern, J M Wood, and H. Sanei. Diagenetic and geochemical controls on H2S distribution in the Montney Formation, Peace River region, western Canada. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textSimandl, G. J., R. J. D'Souza, S. Paradis, and J. Spence. Rare-earth element content of carbonate minerals in sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textMichael Holmes, Carolyn Nyberg, Katie Brandt, Kurt Eylands, Nathan Fiala, and Grant Dunham. Subtask 1.23 - Mercury Removal from Barite the Oil Industry. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2008.
Full textBallestero, Florencio. Una evaluación de la homogeneidad macroeconómica y del desarrollo de la región centroamericana. Inter-American Development Bank, December 1998.
Full textMacdonald, A. S. Lake Ainslie barite-fluorite veins, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1999.
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