Academic literature on the topic 'Banque mondialle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Banque mondialle"
Londeix, Pauline, and Marcela Viera. "vih & Banque mondiale." Vacarme 85, no. 4 (2018): 80.
Full textSchoepfer, Isabelle, and Joëlle Salomon Calvin. "Banque mondiale: la ville reconsidérée." Géo-Regards 3, no. 1 (2010): 9–23.
Full textEhrhart, Christophe. "Croissance, redistribution et lutte contre la pauvreté : l’évolution non linéaire de l’approche de la Banque mondiale." L'Actualité économique 82, no. 4 (September 18, 2007): 597–641.
Full textChavagneux, Christian. "Banque mondiale : l'esprit de révolte." L Economie politique 27, no. 3 (2005): 5.
Full textLafourcade, Olivier, and Michèle Guerard. "Banque mondiale et ajustement structurel." Revue d'économie financière 4, no. 1 (1994): 355–67.
Full textLauwerier, Thibaut, and Abdeljalil Akkari. "Repenser l’influence de la Banque mondiale sur les politiques d’éducation de base en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone." Articles 46, no. 3 (May 16, 2012): 343–62.
Full textGRIGORYAN, LOUISA, and AMISSI M. MANIRABONA. "Lutter autrement contre la corruption transnationale: potentiel et défis du système de sanctions de la Banque mondiale." Canadian Yearbook of international Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international 58 (October 6, 2021): 142–93.
Full textChavagneux, Christian. "Trois scénarios pour la Banque mondiale." L Economie politique 30, no. 2 (2006): 5.
Full textChavagneux, Christian. "FMI, Banque mondiale : le tournant politique." Revue d'économie financière 70, no. 1 (2003): 209–18.
Full textCling, Jean-Pierre, Mireille Razafindrakoto, and François Roubaud. "La Banque mondiale, entre transformations et résilience." Critique internationale 53, no. 4 (2011): 43.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Banque mondialle"
Sou, Ngadoy Ngaba. "La Stratégie de la banque mondiale." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986.
Full textDELFORGE, COSTE ISABELLE. "Les cofinancements avec la banque mondiale." Paris 11, 1993.
Full textFinancing of development requires in the less provided countries a help from states which the bird is inclined to promote. Although it is very active in certain african or latin american developing nations, the bird needs to call upon other actors of financing's services like multilateral banks for development (bid, bad. . . ), organizations for export credits, commercial banks. This approach of financing gives the bird a leading role able to respect the different aims of each colender. The development of cofinancing has to be realized thanks to an increasing of its field : it must be useful for highly priority projects on the largest possible area. The first part discribes principles and methods according to which the organizations act. The different contracts of cofinancing are presented in the second part. The divergences between colenders give rise to different contracts. The bird proposes these contracts being sure that the projet is effective in th "cycle of project" proceedings. Contracts are from different juridical kinds piblic law or private law. Colenders protect themselves by more and more effective guarantees by creating important juridical links between their contracts : the "cross default" claude for example. Cofinancig would be perfect if it wcould implement a single contract between colenders, all of them having the same securities and being guaranteed by the bird : the beinning is the birth of the b-loans
Sou, Ngadoy Ngaba. "La stratégie de la banque mondiale." Paris 9, 1986.
Full textThériault, Dimitri. "Et si Machiavel avait été banquier? : une étude sur l'allocation des prêts de la Banque mondiale." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018.
Full textThis research studies the allocation of World Bank loans with panel data covering up to 115 countries over three time periods: Cold War (1973-1990), post-Cold War (1991-2000), and post-September 11 (2001-2013). Among our findings, we show that the more a state receives a large amount of loans by the World Bank, the more it supports the US foreign policy. At the same time, our data reveals that recipients of World Bank loans are on average closer to Russian foreign policy than American foreign policy for all periods under consideration. We argue that these results provide evidence that World Bank’s loans are used to buy and reward supports or abstentions for specific resolutions in the United Nations rather than for all the ones adopted in a session. Our study furthermore indicates that after September 11 terrorist attacks, World Bank recipient countries receiving the greatest amount of US military assistance were also the ones receiving the largest loans by the Bank. Although this supports the thesis that the events of 9/11 led the United States to use the World Bank in their national interests as during the Cold War, we find that the Bank appears to have limited political considerations in the allocation of its loans after the collapse of the USSR and especially between 2001 and 2013. Keywords : World Bank, IBRD, IDA, multilateral development institutions, aid, military assistance, political affinity
Fonseca, Marília. "La Banque mondiale et l'éducation au Brésil (1977-1990)." Paris 5, 1992.
Full textThe technical and financial support of the World Bank to the Brazilian education started in 1971. Since then the bank financed five projects for the development of primary and secondary education. These projects amount to 102 million dollars. However, given the nature of international cooperation and the problems of Brazilian institutional organization, the materialization of international projects has faced educational administration with political, administrative and financial difficulties. This has made the projects expensive for the country and inefficient for education
Boilève, Félix. "Une "Banque du savoir" ? Enquête sur la nature et la politique de l'expertise de la Banque mondiale." Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2020.
Full textIn the 1990s, the World Bank was facing an unprecedented crisis, due to the consequences of structural adjustment programs and of some projects it financed, which were considered harmful by many. The response of the international institution was to describe itself as a “Knowledge Bank”, claiming by this term that its primary value lied in its development knowledge, while acknowledging the political nature and the need to transform this knowledge. This thesis takes up this self-description and investigates the current nature of this Knowledge Bank. To this end, ethnographic studies, mainly in West Africa, were conducted on knowledge that the World Bank itself has identified as one of its prominent concern: the knowledge embedded in its development interventions (projects, technical assistance). By discussing mainly the literature in anthropology of development, and building upon relevant work in Science and technology studies, the thesis identifies an “expertise as operation” at the heart of these interventions. This expression denotes the actions undertaken by World Bank experts (consultants, project managers) to construct or transform the identities and problems of individual or collective entities, through the production and mobilisation of knowledge about them, and often by ensuring that these entities seize upon this knowledge about themselves. The choice made in the thesis to analyse economic interventions (support for the competitiveness of an economic sector, support for the development of entrepreneurship, or research on industrial policies) allows for an in-depth analysis of the much criticized neoliberal and “economicist” policy of the World Bank, so as to show that the politics of the institution cannot be reduced to those aspects, and is primarily embedded in these operations of expertise on identities and problems
Belaali, Mohamed. "La Banque mondiale et le financement du développement industriel au Maroc." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textOgandaga, Ndiaye Gilles. "La Banque mondiale et la protection de l'environnement en Afrique centrale." Nice, 2003.
Full textCentral Africa is an area confronted with an interference of most alarming evils as regards development. Lower economic activity, crisis of the structures of development, poverty of the population, to which are added an overexploitation of the natural resources. This crisis to reorientate the action of many organisations of development towards a taking into account of environmental problems in their strategies of development. Thus it of the World bank is. The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the interventions of the World bank in the field of environmental protection in Central Africa. It comes out from this study that, although the prime objective of this institution is not environmental protection, environmental problems are now located at the heart of the strategy of development of the World bank. That results in the increase in the wallet of projects allocated with the environmental protection, then by the development of tools intended for the management of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development
Belaali, Mohamed. "La Banque mondiale et le financement du développement industriel au Maroc." Poitiers, 1987.
Full textIt is essentially by means of loan agreements with its underdeveloped member countries that world bank can achieve its policy of aid to development. The statement and performance proceedings of those loan agreements are not only formal. They are the very expressions of the world bank inderdevelopment development conceptions. Applying those conceptions to the industrial sector of a single member country, morocco in this case, implies a precise strategy : privatization of the institutions of industrial intervention, support and protection of the private local and foreign industrial capital, important extroversion of industry and thus of the moroccan economy. A concrete investigation reveals that the industrial strategy advocated by world bank in morocco comes up against limits which are not only economical and financial (world bank refusal to finance a heavy industry, promotion of light export industries, industrialization by way of indebting. . . ),but also political and social, (problem of ingerence, state sovereignty, restricting effects of the enforcement of the structural adjustement plan on impoverished classes). So, beyond juridical and financial modes of loan agreements- wich cons- titute the very basis of world bank intervention this survey tries to analyze the relations of domination and dependence existing between world bank and its underdeveloped member countries. In fact, those relations are nothing but the reflection of the relationships existing between industrialized countries and underdeveloped countries
Plantavin, Cédric. "La société financière internationale (membre du groupe de la banque mondiale) et ses interventions en Afrique subsaharienne : aspects juridiques et fonctionnement." Nice, 1999.
Full textTechnical international organizations are supposed to serve cooperation between nations. The most active of them act in development and their purpose is to serve common interest. World bank group institutions, which are international bank for reconstruction and development (IBRD), international development association (IDA), international finance corporation (IFC) and multilateral investment guarantee agency (MIGA), have statutory duty to enforce this development by providing capital to requesting states in favor of investment on their territory. In this context, each of them follows a specific mission and has special competencies. Close to the IBRD, an organization with general competencies working with states, IFC (corporation) has a special vocation. It's directly interested in private sector of less developed countries and, by this way, performs two kinds of missions : technical assistance and financing. It's the "advice bank" of developing countries. Sub-Saharan Africa is one of its operational area where it interferes in priority. Advisory services have been recently developed. They allowed to disclaim the African continent specificity. Like this, the corporation could put particular tools dedicated to African private sector. Then, its banking activity is interested in private sector productive projects financing. The corporation promotes investment in this domain either by furnishing owner's equity or by liberating private capital. On the African continent, it has a small enterprises trust fund. Structurally, IFC is regarded as an international investment bank, but its vocation to operate in less developed areas makes it an atypical international organization which develops specific instruments
Books on the topic "Banque mondialle"
Malard, Arielle. Le cofinancement: Banque mondiale, banques commerciales. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1988.
Find full textLa Banque mondiale. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1986.
Find full textChristin, Ivan. La Banque mondiale. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1995.
Find full textEnquête sur la Banque mondiale. [Paris]: Fayard, 1989.
Find full textBanque mondiale, peuples autochtones et normalisation. Paris: Karthala, 2011.
Find full text(Dakar, Senegal) World Bank Mission résidente. Programme de la Banque mondiale au Sénégal. Dakar, Sénégal: Mission résidente de la Banque mondiale, 1998.
Find full textGouvernance économique mondiale et conflits armés: Banque mondiale, FMI et GATT-OMC. Paris: Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textLa Banque de France et la Seconde guerre mondiale. Paris]: Banque de France, 2013.
Find full textBerg, Alan. Malnutrition, les remèdes existent: L'expérience de la Banque mondiale. Paris: Economica, 1989.
Find full textBaum, Warren C. Investir dans le développement: Les leçons de l'expérience de la Banque mondiale. Paris: Economica, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Banque mondialle"
"LA BANQUE MONDIALE." In La dette extérieure des pays en développement, 35–48. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2001.
Full text"Banque mondiale du développement au climat." In Regards sur la Terre 2009, 246–47. Presses de Sciences Po, 2009.
Full textBoisson de Chazournes, Laurence. "Chapitre 6. Banque mondiale et développement social." In Maîtriser la mondialisation, 193–215. Presses de Sciences Po, 2000.
Full textPastré, Olivier. "Avant-Propos." In La guerre mondiale des banques, 5. Presses Universitaires de France, 2007.
Full textAglietta, Michel. "Vingt ans de mutations." In La guerre mondiale des banques, 7. Presses Universitaires de France, 2007.
Full textPollin, Jean-Paul. "Un scenario heterodoxe pour l’industrie bancaire du futur." In La guerre mondiale des banques, 25. Presses Universitaires de France, 2007.
Full textJacquillat, Bertrand. "Le capitalisme financier du XXIe siecle." In La guerre mondiale des banques, 45. Presses Universitaires de France, 2007.
Full textArtus, Patrick. "L’inconnue asiatique." In La guerre mondiale des banques, 57. Presses Universitaires de France, 2007.
Full textBetbèze, Jean-Paul. "Le systeme bancaire europeen : entre contre-revolution et internationalisation." In La guerre mondiale des banques, 69. Presses Universitaires de France, 2007.
Full textPastré, Olivier. "Les defis de l’industrie bancaire fran²aise." In La guerre mondiale des banques, 79. Presses Universitaires de France, 2007.
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