Academic literature on the topic 'Baïes (Italie)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Baïes (Italie)"
El Azm, Wael S. Abu, Ramy Aldallal, Hassan M. Aljohani, and Said G. Nassr. "Estimations of competing lifetime data from inverse Weibull distribution under adaptive progressively hybrid censored." Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 19, no. 6 (2022): 6252–76.
Full textJiang, Jingchi, Xuehui Yu, Yi Lin, and Yi Guan. "PercolationDF: A percolation-based medical diagnosis framework." Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 19, no. 6 (2022): 5832–49.
Full textMusi, Aurelio. "Historia urbana y mezzogiorno de Italia en la Edad Moderna: propuesta de un cuestionario." Hispania 58, no. 199 (March 5, 2019): 471.
Full textXie, Jin, Xiaoyan Liu, Lei Zhu, Yuqing Ma, and Ke Zhang. "The <i>C</i><sup>3</sup> parametric eighth-degree interpolation spline function." AIMS Mathematics 8, no. 6 (2023): 14623–32.
Full textGUO, XunXiang. "<italic>g</italic>-Orthonormal bases in Hilbert spaces." SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica 43, no. 10 (October 1, 2013): 1047–58.
Full textSilveira, Ethieli Rodrigues da, Lisandrea Rocha Schardosim, Marília Leão Goettems, Marina Sousa Azevedo, and Dione Dias Torriani. "Educação Em Saúde Bucal Direcionada Aos Deficientes Visuais." Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial 21, no. 2 (June 2015): 289–98.
Full textJiménez Rodríguez, Gustavo Adolfo. "Comentarios a la Sentencia TEDH/2011/31 Caso Lautsi y otros contra Italia." BIOLEX REVISTA JURIDICA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE DERECHO 13 (August 18, 2019): 33–42.
Full textVázquez Aguado, Octavio, Patricia Vaz García, Manuela Fernández Borrero, Mirian Fernández, and José Carlos León Jariego. "Acción intercultural en los ámbitos de la calidad de vida." Alternativas. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, no. 15 (December 15, 2007): 51.
Full textGlina, Débora Miriam Raab, and Andréia De Conto Garbin. "Assédio moral no trabalho: aspectos conceituais, jurídicos e preventivos." Saúde, Ética & Justiça 10, no. 1-2 (November 7, 2005): 38.
Full textMartino, Simone C., and Roberta Ricucci. "Being Muslims in Italy: Between Recognition and Conflict." Journal of Religion in Europe 8, no. 3-4 (December 12, 2015): 392–418.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Baïes (Italie)"
Narès, Léa. "Les complexes monumentaux de Baïes (Ier s. av. J.-C. - IIIème s. apr. J.-C.) : phases d'aménagement et identification des espaces à partir des décors." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textLocated in the Phlegraean Fields (Campania, Italy), Baiae was renowned for its steam and thermo-mineral springs, making it a favourite resort for the Roman aristocracy. The ancient thermal station concentrated luxurious villae and baths built and remodelled between the end of the Republic and 3rd c. around a volcanic lake, now open to the sea. Although the site suffered the effects of bradyseism and was partly buried by the Monte Nuovo’s eruption in 1538, the remains were still visited during the Grand Tour. Excavated in the 1930-1940s, the monumental complexes constitute the 40 hectares of the current archaeological park and preserve in situ architectural facings (wall-paintings, stuccos, mosaics, opera sectilia, sculptures, and various furniture). This study aims to document, analyse and put into their architectural context these mostly unpublished decorations: most of them are difficult to read, and their interpretation has required the use of computer graphics methods, resulting in graphic reconstructions. Chronological phases have been determined thanks to the decoration’s analysis. The architectural re-contextualisation, supported by recent plans, also led to the identification of the various spaces and to a socio-economic interpretation of the site
Monaco, Marina. "La reconstitution d'un paysage antique : l'"Ager Campanus" : Application des méthodologies des systèmes d'information géographiques." Besançon, 2004.
Full textThe aim of the thesis is the reconstruction - by means of geographical information systems (GIS) -of the ancient landscape in the "Ager Campanus". After studying this land as a whole, a test zone has been located by means of the analysis of historical sources and the study of the big north-south centuriation. Such zone is identified as the southern part of "Ager Campanus", which extends from south of the path of Regi Lagni (ancient "Clanius") towards the northern sorrounding of the metropolitan area of Naples. A big lot of information has been gathered into the GIS data base, representing both archaeological and environmental data. The correlation analysis of the above data, by means of the spatial analysis of GIS, enabled the global understanding of the landscape, allowing to face some complex questions of rural history and to propose a novel reconstruction of the organization and occupation of the land through time
Bruni, Leonardo Bernard-Pradelle Laurence. "Histoire, éloquence et poésie à Florence au début du Quattrocento." Paris : Classiques Garnier Numérique : Champion Electronique, 2009.
Full textISBN de l'édition imprimée : 978-2-7453-1485-7. Édition du texte latin ou italien et traduction française en regard. Titre provenant de la page de titre. Bibliogr. Notes bibliogr. Index.
Croullebois, Marie-Laurence. "Bases chromosomiques et génétiques des anomalies observées dans les croisements intraspécifiques chez le Millet : Setaria italica (L.) P. B." Paris 11, 1987.
Full textMonteleone, Mario. "Lexicographie et dictionnaires électroniques : des usages linguistiques aux bases de données lexicales." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2003.
Full textCroullebois, Marie-Laurence. "Bases chromosomiques et génétiques des anomalies observées dans les croisements intraspécifiques chez le millet Setaria italica (L.) P.B. /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textTermignoni, Susana. "Bases teórico-metodológicas para um hiperdicionário semibilíngue de expressões idiomáticas italiano-português em meio a um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2015.
Full textAs expressões idiomáticas não são apenas adereços eventuais e acessórios do discurso, unidades coloquiais da língua que imprimem um colorido especial à comunicação, mas um recurso essencial da linguagem que diz de formas de viver, de conceber o mundo e de pertencimento do indivíduo à sociedade. Ao mesmo tempo em que refletem peculiaridades próprias de cada língua, também compartilham vivências com outras comunidades linguísticas, representando um patrimônio histórico e cultural universal de incontestável valor. Essas unidades da língua são objeto de estudo da Fraseologia. Esta pesquisa insere-se no âmbito de duas vertentes da Fraseologia Contrastiva: a Fraseografia Bilíngue e a Fraseodidática, tendo como foco uma subcategoria das unidades fraseológicas (UFs) – as expressões idiomáticas (EIs). Tem como objetivo primordial desenhar um modelo de hiperdicionário (um dicionário on-line) semibilíngue de expressões idiomáticas italianoportuguês brasileiro, voltado para a compreensão de aprendizes brasileiros de língua italiana de nível intermediário-avançado, propondo soluções de equivalência que são fruto de pesquisa em corpora originais nas duas línguas. O modelo de dicionário é pensado como sendo parte de um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) de Língua Italiana, de modo a permitir que, futuramente, diferentes objetos de aprendizagem possam ser inseridos no AVA e conectados ao dicionário. Para o reconhecimento da natureza, da constituição e da frequência de uso das EIs, são utilizados subsídios da Linguística de Corpus por meio de um corpus jornalístico construído a partir dos jornais italianos Il Corriere della Sera e La Repubblica e também do Webcorp, um conjunto de ferramentas que permitem extrair dados linguísticos da Web como se fosse um grande corpus. Como resultado final, é apresentada uma amostra do protótipo de dicionário (disponível no site dizionarioei/principal.php), constituída de EIs italianas do campo léxico da gastronomia, conforme um modelo de verbete projetado para um hiperdicionário de EIs. Esta pesquisa quer fundamentalmente contribuir para os estudos de Fraseografia Contrastiva e de Fraseodidática do italiano e do português, constituindo, também, um incentivo à elaboração de futuras ferramentas on-line para o ensino de italiano a brasileiros, campo que ainda conta com poucos recursos, não obstante os inegáveis progressos alcançados recentemente.
Idiomatic expressions are not only random ornaments and speech accessories, nor colloquial language units that add some color to communication, they are an essential feature of language that refers to ways of living, of conceiving the world and to the belonging of the individual to the society. While reflecting peculiarities of each language, they also present experiences shared with other language communities, representing a universal historical and cultural heritage of undisputed value. These language units are the object of study of phraseology. This research falls under two strands of contrastive phraseology: bilingual phraseography and phraseodidactics, focusing on a subset of phraseological units (PUs) - idiomatic expressions (IEs). This research primary objective is to design a semi-bilingual hyperdictionary (an online dictionary) model of Italian-Brazilian Portuguese idiomatic expressions, dedicated to help intermediate-advanced Brazilian learners of Italian. The hyperdictionary will suggest equivalence solutions that are the result of searches in original corpora in both languages. The dictionary model is part of a virtual learning environment (VLE) of Italian Language, which will eventually allow the insertion of different learning objects connected to the dictionary. To recognize the nature, constitution and the frequency of use of the IEs, subsidies of Corpus Linguistics are used by means of a journalistic corpus built from Italian papers - Il Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica. Webcorp, a set of tools to extract linguistic data from the Web, is also used as a large corpus. As a result, a sample of the prototype dictionary ( php) with Italian IEs with gastronomic lexicon is presented based on a model of entry designed for a IEs hyperdictionary. The results are expected to contribute to the study of Italian and Portuguese contrastive phraseography and phraseodidactics. They may also encourage the development of future on-line tools for teaching Italian to Brazilians, a field that still has few resources, despite the undeniable progress achieved recently.
Books on the topic "Baïes (Italie)"
Ernesto, Fabrizio Di. Portaerei Italia: Sessant'anni di NATO nel nostro paese. 2nd ed. Rende (Cosenza): Fuoco, 2010.
Find full textBasi e strutture militari degli Stati Uniti in Italia: Il negoziato, 1949-1954. Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l., 2014.
Find full textNatalino, Ronzitti, ed. Le Basi militari della NATO e di paesi esteri in Italia: Analisi dell'ordinamento nazionale, degli accordi internazionali e bilaterali e materiali di documentazione. Roma: CD, Servizio informazione parlamentare e relazioni esterne, 1990.
Find full text(Italy), Marcon, ed. Il campo volo di Marcon nella Grande Guerra. Vicenza]: Terra ferma, 2015.
Find full textLucchini, Carlo. Aviano nido di aquile, 1911-2000. Tricesimo (Udine): I.T.C., 2001.
Find full textPaciaroni, Carlo Enrico. Il Venda e il 1⁰ R.O.C.: La storia di un monte : dai monaci agli aviatori. Italy: s.n., 1993.
Find full textCantoni, Virginio, Gabriele Falciasecca, and Giuseppe Pelosi, eds. Storia delle telecomunicazioni. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2011.
Full textMistico metallico dinamico: Note in margine alle vicende costruttive dell'aeroporto militare di Elmas. Sassari: Carlo Delfino editore, 2015.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Baïes (Italie)"
Scimone, Riccardo, Alessandra Menafoglio, Laura M. Sangalli, and Piercesare Secchi. "The Death Process in Italy Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Functional Compositional Approach." In Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 333–41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textBlack, Christopher F. "The Council of Trent and Bases for Continuing Reform." In Church, Religion and Society in Early Modern Italy, 19–36. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2004.
Full textDi Benedetto, Alessandro, and Margherita Fiani. "Integration of LiDAR Data into a Regional Topographic Database for the Generation of a 3D City Model." In Geomatics for Green and Digital Transition, 193–208. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textAlberti, Francesco, and Barbara Chiarelli. "Accessible-to-All Cities. A Project of Networking Italian Experiences to Raise Awareness and Promote Universal Design." In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. IOS Press, 2022.
Full textCacchiani, Silvia. "(Pseudo-)Anglicisms as Nominal Compounds in Italian." In The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation, 86–110. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Full text"Bases constitutionnels du renaissant Empire Romain (1814) / Basi costituzionali del rinascente Impero Romano (1814)." In Constitutional Documents of Italy and Malta 1787–1850, Part I: National Constitutions / Constitutions of the Italian States (Ancona – Lucca), edited by Jörg Luther. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2009.
Full textBaldauf-Berdes, Jane L. "The Organization of the Four ospedali." In Women Musicians of Venice, 64–99. Oxford University PressOxford, 1993.
Full textRocci, Andrea. "Modal conversational backgrounds and evidential bases in predictions: the view from the Italian modals." In Time, 128–53. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Full textPezzolo, Luciano. "Bonds and Government Debt in Italian City-States, 1250-1650." In The Origins Of Value, 145–64. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2005.
Full textColombelli, Alessandra. "Green startups and local knowledge bases: newborn suppliers of energy related technologies in Italian provinces." In Handbook on Green Growth, 260–87. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Baïes (Italie)"
Ji, Yaguang, Songnian Yu, and Yafeng Zhang. "A novel Naive Bayes model: Packaged Hidden Naive Bayes." In 2011 6th IEEE Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). IEEE, 2011.
Full textAkkus, Mahmut, Fatih Dikmen, H. Arda Ulku, and A. Arif Ergin. "Radon transform interpretation of retarded-time potentials for SWG bases." In 2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - Italy (ACES). IEEE, 2017.
Full textZuccaro, G., V. Albanese, F. Cacace, C. Mercuri, F. Papa, A. G. Pizza, S. Sergio, M. Severino, Adolfo Santini, and Nicola Moraci. "Seismic Vulnerability Evaluations Within The Structural And Functional Survey Activities Of The COM Bases In Italy." In 2008 SEISMIC ENGINEERING CONFERENCE: Commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake. AIP, 2008.
Full textBedini, Raffaele, Giovanni Tani, Alessandro Fortunato, Gabriele Goti, and Claudio Mantega. "From Traditional to Virtual Design of Machine-Tools: A Long Way to Go ... Part 2 — The Talk Between Two Worlds." In ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2006.
Full textMilis, George, Matthew Bates, Maria Saridaki, Gaetana Ariu, Shirley Parsonage, Terry Yarnall, and David Brown. "ADDRESSING EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING AND DISENGAGEMENT FROM EDUCATION THROUGH SERIOUS GAMES' CO-DESIGN." In eLSE 2015. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2015.
Full textCabanes, Jose Luis, Federico Iborra-Bernad, and Carlos Bonafé-Cervera. "Reconstrucción virtual de ambientes urbanos a partir de fotografías históricas a través de Image Based Animations (IBA). La Plaza de la Virgen de Valencia alrededor de 1870." In 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.
Full textMorvillo, Samuele, Salvatore Di Dio, Benedetto Inzerillo, Daniele Ronsivalle, and La Gennusa Maria. "Strategic Design for mobility: Study of a methodology for the analysis of user behavior and choices regarding mobility." In Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2024) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems. AHFE International, 2024.
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