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Penderita hipertensi di Indonesia ini cenderung mengalami peningkatan yaitu diperkirakan 15 juta orang per tahun. Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan dimana tekanan sistole dan diastole mengalami kenaikan yang melebihi batas normal (tekanan sistole diatas 140 mmHg, diastole di atas 90 mmHg). Gaya hidup merupakan faktor risiko penting timbulnya hipertensi pada seseorang termasuk usia dewasa muda dan lansia. Penelitian dikembangkan untuk memberikan terapi komplementer dalam menangani hipertensi. Salah satu jenis terapi komplementer adalah tumbuhan obat. Tumbuhan obat yang potensial dipercaya masyarakat dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan tekanan darah, adalah avocad. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat perbedaan efektifitas rebusan daun avocado dan jus daging buah avocado dalam menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Quasi eksperiment dengan desain penelitian two group pretest post test sampel penelitian ini adalah lansia yang berada di Kuok dengan responden sebanyak 30 orang yang diambil dengan cara purposive sampling . Hasil uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji T dua mean independen. Berdasarkan hail uji T dua mean independen di dapatkan bahwa nilai rata – rata penurunan tekanan darah setelah diberikan rebusan daun avocad sebesar 15,03 dan nilai rata – rata penurunan tekanan darah setelah diberikan jus avocad sebesar 11,33 dengan nilai p = 0,039< α = 0,05 , artinya ada perbedaan efektifitas rebusan daun avocad dan jus avocado terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia yang menderita hipertensi di Kuok. Disarankan rebusan daun avocad sebagai salah satu alternatif bagi lansia penderita hipertensi dalam menurukan hipertensi.
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Tyar, Ferriza, and Muhammad Iwan Wahyuddin. "Sistem Pakar Menggunakan Metode Naïve Bayes dan Certainty Factor untuk Mendeteksi Hama pada Tanaman Alpukat Berbasis Web." Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) 6, no. 4 (February 4, 2022): 488–96.

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Avocad (Persea americana) is a table fruit-producing plant of the same name. This plant comes from Mexico and Central America as a garden plant in other tropical areas of the world. In Indonesia itself, avocados are widely found because of the tropical climate, then people also like avocados because there are many choices from various food and beverage ingredients. Lack of attention to the cultivation and breeding of avocados makes the yields less good, and not optimal. so the author conducted this research in the hope that the yield and breeding of avocado plants can be maximized. This expert system was built using Web-based programming. The method applied is Naïve Bayes, which is a method that uses statistics and probability in predicting the chances of avocado plants having growth disorders based on the presence of pests (worms) in avocado plants.
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Kirchengast, Tyrone, and Rabia Mzouji. "Les victimes comme parties prenantes d’un procès pénal de type accusatoire." Criminologie 44, no. 2 (September 12, 2011): 99–123.

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Cet article examine les différentes manières par lesquelles les victimes de crimes ont pu être intégrées à une procédure accusatoire dans des ressorts de common law. Le dépôt d’une déclaration de victime a été la principale voie par laquelle les victimes se sont vu octroyer un certain statut dans les procédures judiciaires. Récemment, l’importance croissante des avocats des victimes dans divers ressorts de common law témoigne du souci accru de donner à celles-ci un vrai statut et des droits effectifs en termes de représentation juridique. Un avocat peut ainsi les accompagner tout au long de la procédure judiciaire, des audiences avant procès jusqu’à la détermination de la peine et aux procédures d’appel. L’expérience des tribunaux de droit civil pourrait aussi contribuer au succès de l’intégration des avocats des victimes dans des modèles accusatoires ; des avocats dont la notoriété grandissante traduit une avancée significative pour un droit pénal qui, en concevant les victimes comme parties prenantes des systèmes de justice de type accusatoire, attache de plus en plus d’importance à valoriser leur capacité d’action.
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Treu Kessel, Ariane. "À propos du rapport d’Olivier Bonard « Les avocats du ça »." Revue française de psychanalyse Vol. 87, no. 5 (November 2, 2023): 1407–12.

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Dans son rapport, « Les avocats du ça » au CPLF 2023 à Lausanne, Olivier Bonard défend l’idée que le surmoi est une partie du moi qui joue un rôle de tiers comme avocat du ça. Sa dialectique entre un surmoi en idéal et un surmoi interdicteur chez l’analyste et chez le patient permet de lier le narcissisme régressif, la toute-puissance idéalisée et un narcissisme intégrant l’épreuve de réalité. Si l’on arrive à s’en servir dans la cure, le surmoi permet de faire bouger les interdits liés aux imagos parentales idéalisées et intériorisées. Le surmoi peut alors renoncer à idéaliser l’interdit, accéder aux traces des soins, de la protection et de l’amour parental et les lier à l’agressivité dans une relation ambivalente. Le dégagement d’aspects surmoïques exagérés devient alors un but de l’analyse.
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Hours, Armelle. "Éclats de l’affect, éclairs de transfert." Revue française de psychanalyse Vol. 87, no. 5 (November 2, 2023): 1365–70.

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À travers une lecture du rapport d’Olivier Bonard, guidée à la fois par la diversité des présentations cliniques et par la fertilité des métaphores, les chemins de l’affect en direction de la théorie seront revisités. À la fulgurance des expressions de l’affect répondent les jaillissements d’une mise en scène, d’une interprétation. Autant d’Einfallen qui initient la possibilité d’une sortie de la sidération qui ne pourra être opérante que dans une autre temporalité que celle de l’urgence. Dans ce travail, l’appui sur la notion des avocats du Ça permet une articulation de la clinique de la séance et de la métapsychologie. Toutefois, le tour de force de Bonard, c’est aussi de montrer via la processualité du travail psychanalytique, que c’est au moment même où, dans un renversement saisissant, le patient se fait avocat du Ça de l’analyste, suite à un acting par exemple, qu’il peut avoir accès à sa propre théorie.
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Thomasset, Claude. "Impacts des profils professionnels sur la formation juridique au Québec : d’aujourd’hui à hier." Revue générale de droit 30, no. 3 (December 5, 2014): 455–500.

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L’auteure a mené, en 1996, une enquête sur les pratiques d’inscription des étudiants et des étudiantes en droit dans les cours facultatifs offerts dans les programmes de premier cycle des cinq facultés de droit situées au Québec et elle l’a complétée, pour les fins de cet article, avec les données correspondantes de la Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa, Section de droit civil. Cette enquête révèle que ce sont les cours qui appartiennent au « profil indicatif » de l’École de formation professionnelle du Barreau du Québec qui obtiennent le plus de faveur parmi les cours facultatifs mis à l’horaire dans les facultés de droit. Ce phénomène, que l’auteure appelle « syndrome du Barreau », menace la viabilité des cours facultatifs offerts en dehors du profil indicatif et a des conséquences graves sur la qualité de la formation des juristes. L’auteure recherche ensuite les causes historiques de cette situation et elle trace, à partir de sources secondaires, un tableau synthétique des origines de la formation professionnelle depuis la colonisation française. Elle indique les grandes étapes de la création des corporations professionnelles du droit. Elle montre le cheminement différent qui a été suivi par les notaires et les avocats pour la formation de leurs membres. Elle constate que très tôt, les avocats ont opté pour une formation académique pour raccourcir la durée des stages requis pour devenir avocat. Elle montre que les facultés de droit ont été créées principalement pour assurer la formation des avocats. Celles-ci ont hérité de ces origines une dépendance directe tant pour la composition de leur corps enseignant que pour le contenu des cours qui y sont dispensés. Malgré les critiques que cette situation a pu provoquer, le contrôle des facultés de droit par les membres du Barreau se fait sentir bien après qu’elles aient été composées de professeurs de carrière. En recherchant les origines du « syndrome du Barreau », l’auteure a été en mesure de montrer les racines profondes de l’inféodation des facultés de droit aux ordres professionnels.
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Ngomo, Orléans, Joseph Sieliechi, and Etienne Dongo. "Impact of mineral and organic absorbent during the discoloration of avocado oil by comparing with olive oil." Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences 16, no. 2 (January 27, 2021): 113–21.

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Avocado is a versatile and valuable product. Its oil is comparable to olive oil in terms of nutritional quality. It can also be used in cosmetics, in particular, in soaps, shampoos and lotions. Despite all these important attributes that avocado has, it is highly perishable and coupled with the lack of farm-to-market roads, a lot of it is lost after harvest during the peak season. The introduction of methods that will transform avocado to products with a long shelf life and added value will go a long way to solving the problem of post-harvest losses and poverty. One of these methods is the production of avocado oil. In addition, in order to reduce the colour of the pigments without altering their quality, discoloration tests were carried out by adsorption on bleaching grounds (a montmorillonite, a kaolinite and activated carbon). The colour intensities of the oils before and after adsorption were determined using two complementary methods: a UV-Vis spectrophotometer and a Konica Minolta spectrophotometer CM-5. The UV-Vis spectrophotometer show that the activated carbon has a best fixing capacity of the pigments; According to the Colorimetric parameters (CIE-Lab) the coordinates L* a* b* that showed brightness (L*) of the avocado oil was half of the olive oil (41.13±0.02 vs 84.85±0.02). The activated carbon was better in fixing the red (a*) (4.99±0.01vs 15.73±0.01 before adsorption) and yellow (b*) (63.71±0.09 vs 70.07±0.09 before adsorption) pigments, while the other two adsorbents have very little influence on the red colour of avocado oil. RésuméL’avocat est un produit versatile et de grande valeur. Son huile est comparable à huile d’olive en terme de qualité nutritionnelle ; elle peut également être utilisée en cosmétique en occurrence dans les savons, champoings et lotions. En pleine saison, l’on fait face à une abondance des avocats dans les zones de production qui sont très souvent enclavées ; c’est ainsi que face aux difficultés de transport et les routes peu praticables pour l’importation, l’on se retrouve en train de perdre de très importantes quantités d’avocats après les récoltes. Or la production d’huile d’avocats permettrait de réduire les pertes post récolte, réduirait le chômage et permettrait de lutter contre la pauvreté après la vente des huiles extraites. De plus, dans le but de réduire les pigments colorés, des tests de décolorations effectués par adsorption sur des terres décolorantes (une montmorillonite en provenance de Maroua, une kaolinite en provenance de Douala et le charbon actif) sont effectués. Les couleurs des huiles mesurées avant et après adsorption à l’aide deux appareils complémentaires : Le spectrophotomètre UV-Vis et du Konica Minolta spectrophotomètre CM-5 montrent. Les analyses spectrophotométriques UV-Vis montrent que c’est le charbon activé qui présente la meilleure adsorption des pigments ; D’après les coordonnées L*a*b*, la clarté de l’huile d’avocat est pratiquement la moitié de celle de l’huile d’olive (41,13±0,02 contre 84,85±0,02), le charbon activé fixe mieux les pigments rouges (a*) (4,99±0,01 contre 15,73±0,01 avant adsorption) et jaunes (b*) (63,71±0,09 contre 70,07±0,09 après adsorption), tandis que les deux autres adsorbants influencent très peu sur la coloration des huiles.
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Peterson, Everett B., and David Orden. "Avocado Pests and Avocado Trade." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90, no. 2 (May 2008): 321–35.

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Goldschmidt, Jona, and Loretta Stalans. "LAWYERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE FAIRNESS OF JUDICIAL ASSISTANCE TO SELF-REPRESENTED LITIGANTS." Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 30, no. 1 (February 1, 2012): 139.

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How much assistance should a trial judge provide a self-represented litigant [SRL] before the judge’s impartiality will be reasonably questioned? This question has been of continuing concern to both the bench and bar ever since the rise of the pro se litigation movement in the late 1990s, particularly in the context of “mixed” cases involving an SRL and a represented party. Case law and ethics codes provide inconsistent decisions and vague guidelines for judges, who must balance their duty to provide reasonable assistance with their duty to ensure a fair trial for all parties. This paper reports the results of a survey administered to 210 Canadian family law practitioners who were presented with 16 hypothetical scenarios involving an SRL and a represented party. Respondents indicated their views regarding the impartiality and helpfulness of the trial judge in each scenario, involving various procedural defaults by the SRL and different forms of judicial assistance or lack thereof. The results indicate that lawyers' perceptions of a judge's impartiality are affected, inter alia, by the favourability of the outcome for the SRL, and whether the assistance provided dealt with procedural or substantive matters. Future research is needed to determine whether a consensus can be established regarding perceptions of lawyers, lay persons, and judges regarding which forms of assistance are reasonable and required, permissible, or impermissible.Jusqu’à quel point un juge de première instance peut-il venir en aide à une partie qui se représente elle-même sans que son impartialité puisse raisonnablement être mise en doute? Cette question ne cesse de préoccuper les juges et les avocats depuis l’essor qu’a pris le phénomène de l’autoreprésentation à la fin des années 1990, en particulier dans le contexte des cas « mixtes », impliquant une partie qui se représente elle-même et une partie représentée par un avocat. La jurisprudence et les codes de déontologie fournissent des décisions contradictoires et des lignes directrices vagues aux juges, qui doivent trouver un équilibre entre leur devoir de fournir une aide raisonnable et leur obligation d’assurer un procès équitable à toutes les parties. Le présent article expose les résultats d’une enquête réalisée auprès de 210 spécialistes du droit de la famille du Canada, auxquels on a soumis 16 scénarios hypothétiques impliquant une partie se représentant elle-même et une partie représentée par un avocat. Les répondants ont indiqué leur point de vue quant à l’impartialité et à l’aide accordée par le juge de première instance dans chacun des scénarios. Les scénarios comportaient diverses erreurs de procédure commises par la partie se représentant elle-même et différentes formes d’aide judiciaire ou l’absence d’aide de cette nature. Les résultats indiquent que la façon dont les avocats perçoivent l’impartialité d’un juge est affectée, entre autres, par la mesure dans laquelle l’issue est favorable pour la partie se représentant elle-même et par le fait que l’aide a porté sur des procédures ou sur des questions de fond. Il faudra d’autres recherches pour déterminer si un consensus peut être atteint relativement à la façon dont les avocats, les non-initiés et les juges perçoivent les formes d’aide qui sont raisonnables et requises, autorisées ou interdites.
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Asghar, Sana, Mudassar Naseer, Samina Khalid, Bushra Zulfiqar, Hafiz Wasif, Muhammad Abdul Salaam Khan, Nafeesa Muslim, Muhammad Asad Saleem, and Kiran Yousaf. "Introduction, Origin, History and Sustainability Perspective of Avocado as a Prosperous Crop: A Review." Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 3, no. 3 (December 29, 2024): 557–63.

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Avocado owing to its great nutritional and medical benefits fetch higher price making it one of most economical important fruits. Avocado immense importance arouses the need of its evaluation to check its adaptability under different climatic conditions. The value addition of avocado fruit is necessary to keep it available for longer time period. Avocado Oil, Avocado Tea, Avocado Pickle, Avocado Marmalade and Avocado Jam is highly nutritious products and it importance as Vitamin E Powerhouse in addition to rich source of major essential vitamins and minerals make it an everyday choice for health conscious people. The growing of Avocado has huge potential in uplifting the rural economy, rural area agriculture based employment and reducing the poverty rate of growers. On the other hand, overall Avocado industry is highly criticized because of deforestation, massive water utilization, polluting the water bodies with insecticides and fertilizers, posing a threat to other plant species, and environmental pollution. Despite that huge benefits associated with avocado growing compensate for these losses. The review gives a glimpse of sustainability perspectives of growing avocado.
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Chimsook, Thitiphan, and Rittichai Assawarachan. "Effect of Drying Methods on Yield and Quality of the Avocado Oil." Key Engineering Materials 735 (May 2017): 127–31.

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This experimental study was carried out to verify the quality enhancement of avocado oil production by different drying methods. During this study, samples of green avocado cake were obtained from Tak Province, Thailand. The small size of fresh green avocados was the raw material to prepare the high quality of avocado oil. The drying methods composed of air drying, hot air drying and vacuum drying, respectively. The dried avocado pulp was evaluated the moisture contents and then pressed avocado oil using the extraction machine. All avocado oil were determined the physical and chemical properties. The current study revealed that hot air drying and air drying had the highest and lowest yield, respectively. The unsaturated fatty acids in avocado oil were higher than the saturated fatty acids in all avocado oils from the three drying methods. The costs of drying methods were considered and the present study revealed that the best method for drying green avocado cake was hot air drying with the desired oven.
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Aiala de Mello, Renata. "Analyse discursive des émotions dans le procès contre Flaubert et Madame Bovary." Gláuks - Revista de Letras e Artes 22, no. 01 (July 29, 2022): 105–17.

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Résumé : Avec la publication de Madame Bovary en 1857, Flaubert est accusé d’outrager la morale, la religion et les bonnes mœurs. Devant le Tribunal de Paris, le romancier est alors représenté par son avocat, Jules Sénard, et le Ministère Public par Ernest Pinard. Cet article a pour objectif d’analyser les discours des deux avocats dans ce procès. Par des arguments basés sur une morale pleine de stéréotypes à propos du comportement féminin, ils construisent l’ethos d’Emma de façon pathémique. Pour convaincre le jury d’interdire ou de permettre la publication du roman, ils s’appuient sur la description des « chutes » d’Emma, se référant aux « erreurs » commises par le protagoniste. On effectue une analyse à la fois qualitative, linguistique, discursive et interdisciplinaire pour délimiter les points de vue moral, éthique et esthétique au sujet de Madame Bovary et aussi de son personnage principal, de la fonction de la littérature, de la création littéraire, des femmes dans la société française du XIX siècle, de l’adultère et du suicide. On veut montrer, enfin, le potentiel stratégique et persuasif des émotions dans les textes/discours analysés. Des émotions qui reflètent et réfractent les multiples sujets touchés et leurs discours.
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Manalu, Jojor Lamsihar, Billy Sukendar, Zita Arieselia, Rita Dewi, and Yulia Tanti Narwati. "Pengaruh Variasi Ukuran Partikel pada Ekstraksi Biji Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Trigliserida Pada Tikus Hiperlipidemia." Damianus Journal of Medicine 22, no. 3 (December 31, 2023): 199–205.

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Background: Avocado seed (Persea americana Mill.) which is usually thrown away after avocado fruit consumption, contains active compounds that can lower blood triglyceride level. Utilization of avocado seed as a medication to lower triglyceride has potentials that still needs to be discovered before it can be used as an alternative herbal medicine. Objectives: The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of avocado seed’s particle size variation during extraction on the extract effectiveness in lowering blood triglyceride level. Methods: This is an experimental research which is done on Sprague Dawley rats. The rats are propylthiouracil (PTU) for 14 days to reach hyperlipidemic state. The hyperlipidemic rats are divided into 2 groups of intervention. The first group receives avocado seed extract which was extracted from avocado seeds that had been milled for 15 minutes. The second group receives avocado seed extract which was extracted from avocado seeds that had been milled for 30 minutes. Particle size is determined by the average diameter of 10 random avocado seed particle in each group. The avocado seed particle is extracted using remaceration method. Avocado seed extract is given for 14 days with a daily dose of 250 mg/kgBW. Triglyceride level in the rats’ blood is measured after PTU has been given for 14 days and is measured again after 7 days, and 14 days of avocodo seed extract intervention. Unpaired T-test and Paired T-test are used to analyze the data. Results: The average particle size of avocado seed in the second group avocado seed’s extraction the second group is 13.50 µm. Avocado seed extract lowers blood triglyceride level on hyperlipidemic rats from day 0-7, day 0-14 and day 7-14 in the first group (p<0.05). The findings in the second group are similar (p<0.05), except for day 7-14 (p>0.05). There is no significant difference in the decrease of blood triglyceride level between the first group and the second group (p>0.05). Conclusions: Avocado seed extract can lower the level of blood triglyceride in rats. The variation of avocado seed’s particle size on its extraction has no effect on the decrease of blood triglyceride.
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Ge, Yu, Xiaoping Zang, Yuanzheng Liu, Lixia Wang, Jiashui Wang, Yanxia Li, and Weihong Ma. "Multi-Omics Analysis to Visualize Ecotype-Specific Heterogeneity of the Metabolites in the Mesocarp Tissue of Three Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Ecotypes." Horticulturae 7, no. 5 (May 1, 2021): 94.

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The huge amount of metabolites in avocado mesocarp influences the commercial production of specific avocado fruits for consumption and for industrial applications. Additionally, the diversity in the metabolite content may be used as biomarker for differentiating among various avocado ecotypes. However, the differences in metabolites in avocado remain unclear among various avocado ecotypes. In this study, we first compared the lipid droplets, fatty acid compositions, and gene expression profiles of the mature avocado mesocarps of three ecotypes, and confirmed the differences in the mesocarp oil contents. Furthermore, the lipidomics and metabolomics based on the ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-triple and time-of-flight mass spectrometry and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-Q exactive-mass spectrometry were completed, respectively, which revealed considerable differences in the relative amounts of lipids from 10 classes and other metabolites from seven super-classes among the examined avocado ecotypes. The profiles of 65 lipids and 15 other metabolites could be potential candidate biomarkers useful for identifying diverse avocado ecotypes. This is the first comprehensive metabolomics-based comparative investigation of lipid and other metabolites among three avocado ecotypes.
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Winarni, Sri, Annasari Mustafa, and Atik Kurniawati. "ANALISIS PROFIL SENYAWA KIMIA MINYAK ALPUKAT DARI DUA VARIETAS BUAH ALPUKAT (Persea americana) DAN POTENSINYA UNTUK KESEHATAN." Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan 34, no. 4 (December 5, 2024): 879–92.

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Avocado (Persea americana) is a popular tropical fruit due to its health benefits and its diverse applications in culinary and cosmetic industries. The avocado fruit is not only consumed for its flesh, but its utilization has now expanded with the production of avocado oil. As interest in avocado oil increases, different extraction methods have been developed to obtain oil of the highest quality. This study aimed to analyze the chemical profile of avocado oil from two varieties, as well as evaluate its health potential. The research method used is descriptive, focusing on the composition of fatty acids analyzed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The results of the study showed that the butter variety avocado oil contains fatty acids such as tetracosanoic acid, octadecenoic acid, undecylenic acid, palmitic acid, nonanoic acid, and heptacosanoic acid. Meanwhile, the alligator variety avocado oil contains fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid. The study concluded that variations in avocado fruit influence the fatty acid composition of avocado oil extracted by the autoclave method, where alligator variety avocado oil provides health benefits as a source of vegetable oil rich in oleic and linoleic acids, while the butter variety avocado oil offers benefits for nerve health. Recommendations for further research include clinical studies evaluating the health benefits of avocado oil, with a focus on the effects of fatty acids such as tetracosanoic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid, to provide stronger scientific evidence regarding their effects on nerve, heart, and skin health.
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Kumari, P. D. S. R., and R. Amarakoon. "Fermentation of Persea americana Seed Flour Using Lactobacillus plantarum and Investigate Its’ Effect on Nutritional Quality." European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 3, no. 5 (September 14, 2021): 55–59.

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This study aims to investigate the fermentation of Avocado seed flour using Lactobacillus plantarum. Proximate composition and most important mineral contents of Avocado seed flour after fermenting for 24, 48 and 72 h were compared with dry unfermented Avocado seed flour. Avocado seed flour fermented for 72 h had significant increase (p<0.05) of crude protein content from 6.42±0.08% to 9.26±0.28%. Mineral contents were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Ca, Mg, Fe contents of dry unfermented Avocado seed flour were 208.89±0.3 μg/g, 99.05±0.01 μg/g, 9.04±0.01 μg/g and fermented Avocado seed flour (72 h) were 227.06±0.050 μg/g, 189.22±0.33 μg/g, and 18.11±0.006 μg/g respectively. There is a significant increase (p<0.05) of Ca, Mg and Fe content of fermented (72 h) Avocado seed flour. Fermentation of Avocado seed flour for 72 h enhance the nutritional quality.
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Sáenz-Ceja, Jesús Eduardo, and Diego Rafael Pérez-Salicrup. "Avocado Cover Expansion in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Central Mexico." Conservation 1, no. 4 (October 25, 2021): 299–310.

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Avocado cultivation has reduced the extent of forest ecosystems in central Mexico, even in natural protected areas such as the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) where information on the extent and expansion dynamics of avocado cover is scant. This study aimed to identify avocado plantations within the MBBR through photo interpretation for the 2006–2018 period. Change rates of the avocado cover extent were calculated for the northern, central, and southern zones of the MBBR, and topographic attributes such as elevation, soil type, slope, and slope aspect were identified. A total extent of 958 ha is covered by avocado plantations within the MBBR. The southern zone hosted the largest area under avocado cultivation (570 ha), but the northern zone had the highest change rate between 2006 and 2018 (422%). Most avocado orchards have been established mainly in Acrisol soils, south-facing slopes, on steep hillsides, and in elevations between 2050 and 2800 m. The conversion from traditional agricultural lands has been the main mechanism for the establishment of avocado orchards. However, 40 ha under avocado cultivation derived from deforestation, mainly in the central zone. The expansion of avocado plantations could trigger environmental impacts, even threatening the overwintering habitat and the migratory phenomenon of the monarch butterflies.
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Alissa, Karen, Yu-Chi Hung, Chih Yao Hou, GiGi Chin Wen Lim, and Jhih-Ying Ciou. "Developing New Health Material: The Utilization of Spray Drying Technology on Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Seed Powder." Foods 9, no. 2 (January 30, 2020): 139.

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Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) generates byproducts, especially the avocado seeds. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the potential utilization of avocado seed as a very important, high phenolic content, climacteric fruit with unique characteristics and high nutritional properties. As such, theantioxidative test is conducted, then spray drying is used to produce avocado seed powder. The objective of this study was to develop an avocado seed powder using the spray drying technique by investigating the solution stability with different avocado seed extract concentrations, and to determine the physical properties of spray dried avocado powder that consists of powder yield, moisture, water activity, solubility, and color. The avocado seed extract was mixed with maltodextrin and water and homogenized for 10 min at 8000 rpm. The avocado seed solution was then spray dried with different inlet temperatures and feed flow rates. The spray dried avocado seed powder was analyzed for its yield, moisture content, water activity, solubility, and color. It was reported that the solution with the least avocado extract concentration (10 g) had the best stability in terms of presence of solute particles and color. The avocado seed powder obtained from this experiment had yield ranges from 24.46–35.47%, moisture content ranges from 7.18–7.96%, water activity ranges from 0.27–0.34, solubility ranges from 55.50–79.67 seconds, L* value ranges from 38.38–41.05, a* value ranges from 6.20–7.25, and b* value ranges from 13.33–15.17. In addition, increasing inlet temperature resulted in an increase in powder yield, solubility, a* value, and b*value, as well as a decrease in moisture, water activity, and L* value. Meanwhile, increasing the feed flow rate resulted in an increase in powder yield, moisture, water activity, and all L*, a*, b* values, as well as a decrease in solubility. In conclusion, spray drying technology is able to develop avocado seed powder.
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Ardianto, Wina Fadia, Sriani Sriani, and Abdul Halim Hasugian. "Application of color extraction methods and k-nearest neighbor to determine maturity avocado butter." Jurnal Teknik Informatika C.I.T Medicom 15, no. 1 (March 30, 2023): 09–20.

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Computerization requires system testing and further system development, namely color feature extraction with KNN. Avocado is one that has a high protein content in it. This research uses the KNN algorithm method and feature extraction in order to get more effective results, the purpose of this research is to make it easier for people to choose the ripeness level of butter avocados because people still don't know about the maturity level of butter avocados. In this study, testing was carried out by bringing the avocado fruit closer to the cellphone camera connected to the researcher's internet, after which the application will automatically match the color of the avocado. to the system, the system will produce output based on that color with output in the form of the ripeness level of the avocado, whether it is ripe, ripe, half ripe, rotten and also generates information on how much longer the avocado will ripen. All stages of system development are carried out by analyzing data first, then taking sample data, training and testing datasets, then the results of the system will become benchmarks. The test data in this study used several types of avocado objects, namely: Raw, Half Ripe, Ripe, Ripe, Rotten. It consisted of 55 data samples consisting of 11 raw avocado samples, 11 half-ripe avocado samples, 11 ripe avocado samples, 11 ripe avocado samples and 11 rotten avocado samples. Obtained euclidean distance values ​​for each type of avocado butter. After that, the sum is done to get the overall level of accuracy by adding up the total euclidean distance with the total euclidean distance for each type of avocado. After getting the added value multiply it by 100%. Then the overall accuracy results obtained are 98.38%.
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N. Kamotho, Grace, Lydiah A. Asiko, James K. Kibanyu, Phares R. Kinyua, Rebecca N. Karaya, Patrick M. Muthee, and Zipporah M. Mwathi. "ASSESSMENT OF PRODUCTION CONSTRAINTS AND CONTRIBUTION OF AVOCADO TO FOO SECURITY AND INCOME IN THE MOUNT KENYA REGION, KENYA." International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch 08, no. 05 (2023): 13–31.

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Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) belongs to the family Lauraceae and it is an important crop to rural communities and economies in Kenya. Currently, avocado is grown in several agroecological zones mainly by small-scale growers (85%) who grow it for subsistence, local markets and export. About 70% of avocado is grown in Central and Eastern region of Kenya. Central region produces 40%, Eastern 28%, Western 13%, Rift Valley 10%, Nyanza 6%, Coast 2% and Nairobi County 1%. The main production areas are Muranga, Kiambu, Thika, Embu, Meru, Taita Hills and Kitale. The aim of this study was to assess the production constraints and contribution of avocado to food security and income in Mount Kenya region. The study population comprised of smallholder avocado farmers. Purposive sampling was done in selecting highest producing sub-counties of avocado in Nyeri, Muranga and Embu counties. Simple random sampling was used to select 40 smallholder farmers from each of the selected subcounties who participated in the survey. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analysed using SPSS computer package. Results indicated several constraints in the production of avocado including pests and diseases, lack of quality planting material, poor soils, lack of technical knowledge by avocado farmers and lack of well-structured marketing system. The study identified a gap in value addition of avocado in Kenya. It was also demonstrated that avocado contributes highly to household income and food security. The crop should therefore be accorded priority by policy makers and more research needs to be encouraged especially in the management of pests and diseases. Capacity building to avocado growers should be routinely carried out so as to avoid the many challenges that emanate from lack of technical knowledge. Intervention in value addition of avocado is an aspect that Kenyan county governments need to engage in by investing in cottage industries on avocado processing.
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Liu, Yuanzheng, Yu Ge, Rulin Zhan, Xinge Lin, Xiaoping Zang, Yanxia Li, Ying Yang, and Weihong Ma. "Molecular Markers and a Quality Trait Evaluation for Assessing the Genetic Diversity of Avocado Landraces from China." Agriculture 10, no. 4 (April 2, 2020): 102.

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Avocado is an economically important crop that is widely cultivated in the tropical and subtropical regions of China. However, there is a lack of sufficient information regarding the racial origins and genetic diversification of native avocado germplasm. On the basis of a race-specific kompetitive allele-specific PCR genotyping analysis, the 56 avocado accessions examined in this study were classified as complex hybrids, namely Guatemalan × Mexican × West Indian hybrids. The genetic relationships among the avocado accessions were assessed based on a quality trait evaluation and molecular characterization. The total flavonoid content was relatively useful for differentiating between native avocado accessions. A cluster analysis as well as principal component and coordinate analyses of quality traits and molecular characteristics differentiated the avocado accessions, but not according to geographical origins. Thus, the artificial flow of avocado germplasm or seed exchanges among farmers within specific regions may have contributed to the similar genetic backgrounds of avocado germplasm from different collections.
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Rahman, Nurdin. "The Effect of Giving Avocado Leaf and Seed Extract as Antidiabetes: A Systematic Literature Review." Jurnal Gizi Kerja dan Produktivitas 4, no. 1 (May 30, 2023): 81–94.

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This literature review aimed to determine the effect of giving avocado leaf extract and seeds as an antidiabetic. The literature study was conducted by choosing an experimental research design using experimental animal subjects. The results of a review of 9 articles showed that avocado seed and leaf extract as antidiabetics were that both of them showed potential as promising antidiabetic agents. Research on avocado seed extract showed that administration of avocado seed extract positively improved glycemic control and reduced diabetes symptoms in diabetic rats. On the other hand, research on avocado leaf extract showed that administration of avocado leaf extract could also reduce blood glucose levels and regulate lipid profiles in diabetic rats. These two extracts show different but consistent effects in improving blood glucose regulation and lipid profiles in diabetic conditions. Avocado seed extract showed a more significant effect in reducing diabetes symptoms, while avocado leaf extract showed promising potential in regulating blood glucose levels and lipid profiles.
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Tripathi, Prakash Chandra. "Status and prospects of Avocado cultivation in India." Brazilian Journal of Development 10, no. 2 (February 7, 2024): e67059.

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Avocado (Persia americana) is a native to tropical America. It was originated in Mexico and Central America, possibly from more than one wild species. The early Spanish explorers recorded its cultivation from Mexico to Peru. Avocado production increased almost 1100 percent as compared to 1961. In India, Avocado was introduced in Bangalore and hill stations like Kallar near Nilgris, Palani hills of Kodaikanal, Shrevaroy hills of Yercaud, Coorg during 1912 and 1940. Later the seedlings of those varieties spread over humid subtropical region but remain neglected. The avocado cultivation have gained an overwhelming popularity during last one decade due to nutritional properties of the fruits. Presently around 7000 tones of avocados annually and the production is increasing rapidly as more and more areas is being brought under cultivation. The agro- climatic conditions prevailing in various parts of the country appear to be favorable for bringing more areas under avocado. Recently several varieties belonging to all three horticultural races i.e., West Indian, Guatemalan and Mexican have been introduced in India. Some varieties such as Arka Supreme, Arka Ravi and TKD-1 were released by CHES(IIHR), Chettalli (Coorg) and HRS station Thayangudusai (TN). These research centres are maintaining large number of accession of avocado germplasm. CHES (IIHR), Chettalli standardized the cleft grafting method for multiplication of avocado. Avocado is planted at a distance of 5 to 8 meters depending on the vigour of variety and growth habit. In general, young avocado trees are given N, P2O5 and K2O in the proportion of 1:1:1 and older trees in the proportion of 2:1:2 . Both A & B types are planted in the orchards for proper pollination and sufficient number of pollinators should be encouraged by keeping honey bee boxes. The studies conducted at CHES, Chettalli revealed that Apis cerena was the major pollinator followed by Apis florea, Tetragonula sp. and ants. Avocado plants seedlings start bearing five to six years after planting while grafted plants start yielding in 3-4 years. Harvesting is done manually and bruising and exposing fruits to direct sunlight is avoided. The yield ranges from 100 to 500 fruits per tree. The peak harvest time is different in different region. Presently, there is very little organized marketing system for avocado in India as the production is small and production areas are scattered. Avocados are mostly produced in Coorg, Chikmagalur, Shivamogga, Kodaikanal, Lower Palani hills, Kallar and Wayanad. The demand of avocado is manly in metro cities like Chennai, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi,Pune and Ahmadabad. A large quality of avocado and avocado products are being imported in the country to fulfil the demand. Avocado is mainly used fresh, in sandwich filling or in salads.. Several products of avocado i.e. Arka avocado chutney, Arka avocado bread spread, Spray dried avocado powder have been developed by ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore. The cultivation area is rapidly growing in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, North Eastern States etc. of the country. The seminars, workshops, field days, awareness programmes, demonstrations etc. conducted by ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore during last one decade played a vital role in popularization of avocado in the country. Visualizing the demand and rising popularity of avocado at domestic and international level, there is good scope of Avocado cultivation in India. There is need to provide suitable technological backup to fulfil the requirement of growers, processing industry and consumers
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Ge, Yu, Funing Ma, Bin Wu, and Lin Tan. "Morphological and Chemical Analysis of 16 Avocado Accessions (Persea americana) From China by Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis." Journal of Agricultural Science 10, no. 8 (July 10, 2018): 80.

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The physicochemical composition of avocado fruit has been well reported, but there is little detail on Chinese native avocado varieties. The present study investigated the morphological characteristics, oil contents, and fatty acid compositions of 16 avocado accessions grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of China. Eight fatty acids were identified and quantified by GC-MS. The major fatty acids of avocado pulp were palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids, accounting for 78-91% of the total fatty acids content. The analysis of one-way variance (ANOVA) of the data revealed morphological and chemical differences between most of avocado accessions. Moreover, 16 avocado accessions were distinguished through a PCA scores scatter plot and cluster analysis based on fatty acid profiles. The results identified some remarkable characteristics of avocado accessions from different places of collection.
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Prihastari, Z. S., and I. Sabarisman. "Product development of avocado-coffee using Quality Function Deployment method in Doesoen Sirap coffee shop, Semarang, Central Java." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 924, no. 1 (November 1, 2021): 012048.

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Abstract The millennial lifestyle encourages the development of coffee drinks, accompanied by the proliferation of coffee shops. Coffee and avocado are some of the potential plantation products in Dusun Sirap, Semarang. Currently, there is no processing of avocado plantation products at the coffee shop. This study aimed to produce avocado coffee at the Doesoen Sirap coffee shop according to consumer preference by Quality Function Deployment method. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires showed that seven attributes, namely taste, texture, color, size, price, topping, and drinking aids in avocado coffee on the market today, have not satisfied consumers. Therefore, technical needs are required to achieve customer satisfaction on these attributes. Avocado coffee has eight technical requirements. One of the highest technical requirements is the mass ratio of avocado, ice, water, and sugar to create the sweet taste of avocado juice. After forming the House of Quality matrix, there are three design concepts for the avocado coffee prototype that will be made. Based on interviews with the shop barista as a trained panelist, avocado coffee products with a sugar dose of 25 mg were the chosen concept.
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Arima, Eugenio Y., Audrey Denvir, Kenneth R. Young, Antonio González-Rodríguez, and Felipe García-Oliva. "Modelling avocado-driven deforestation in Michoacán, Mexico." Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 3 (February 23, 2022): 034015.

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Abstract As demand for avocado climbs, avocado production in Michoacán—Mexico’s biggest avocado growing region—expands into new places. We use a spatial probit model to project the geographic distribution of likely future avocado expansion and analyze those results to determine (a) threats to specific forest types and (b) how the distribution of avocado is shifting spatially under current and future climate scenarios. Our results suggest that avocado expansion in Michoacán is strongly driven by distance to existing agriculture, roads, and localities, as well as the dwindling availability of Andosol soils. As future expansion ensues, it presents risk of forest loss across various forest types, with pine-oak forest, mesophilic montane forest, and oyamel fir forest being of particular concern. Moreover, our results suggest that avocado production will occupy wider ranges in terms of temperature, precipitation, slope steepness and soil. The model predicts that climate change will alter the spatial distribution of avocado plantings, expanding into forest types at lower and at higher elevations. Forest loss threatens ecosystem degradation, and a wider avocado crop production footprint could lead to orchard establishment into dwindling forests that host a high diversity of native oaks and charismatic species, including the monarch butterfly.
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Parkinson, Louisamarie E., Roger G. Shivas, and Elizabeth K. Dann. "Pathogenicity of Nectriaceous Fungi on Avocado in Australia." Phytopathology® 107, no. 12 (December 2017): 1479–85.

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Black root rot is a severe disease of young avocado trees in Australia causing black necrotic roots, tree stunting, and leaf drop prior to tree death. Nectriaceous fungi (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales), are commonly isolated from symptomatic roots. This research tested the pathogenicity of 19 isolates from Calonectria, Cylindrocladiella, Dactylonectria, Gliocladiopsis, and Ilyonectria, spp. collected from young avocado trees and other hosts. Glasshouse pathogenicity tests with ‘Reed’ avocado (Persea americana) seedlings confirmed that Calonectria ilicicola is a severe pathogen of avocado, causing stunting, wilting, and seedling death within 5 weeks of inoculation. Isolates of C. ilicicola from peanut, papaya, and custard apple were also shown to be aggressive pathogens of avocado, demonstrating a broad host range. An isolate of a Calonectria sp. from blueberry and avocado isolates of Dactylonectria macrodidyma, D. novozelandica, D. pauciseptata, and D. anthuriicola caused significant root rot but not stunting within 5 to 9 weeks of inoculation. An isolate of an Ilyonectria sp. from grapevine closely related to Ilyonectria liriodendri, and avocado isolates of Cylindrocladiella pseudoinfestans, Gliocladiopsis peggii, and an Ilyonectria sp. were not pathogenic to avocado.
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Paramanand, Dini Agusti, Husnur Rukyat, Yuli Purwandari Kristianingrum, and Sitarina Widyarini. "Efficacy of Avocado Oil Cream in Wound Repair: Macroscopic Analysis, Inflammatory Cells Count, and Collagen Density." World's Veterinary Journal 14, no. 3 (September 25, 2024): 380–88.

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The wound healing process goes through a series of complex stages that are mutually continuous, namely inflammation, proliferation, and maturation. Following wound formation and the release of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors, inflammation occurs immediately after the hemostasis phase. Proliferation occurs when products processed by the growth factors are present. The final stage, maturation, is portrayed by the plan of the extracellular network. This study utilized oil from avocado fruit (Persea americana), which contains linoleic and oleic acid content that supports skin tissue repair. The study aimed to explore the effects of using avocado oil cream on the area of wound healing, the number of inflammatory cells, and the collagen density. Twenty-four female mice, aged eight weeks, were used as experimental animals by making excision wounds using a 4 mm biopsy punch on the dorsal skin on the left and right sides. The mice were divided into four groups based on the percentage of avocado oil in the topical cream included Group K (control, topical cream without avocado oil), Group P1 (5% topical avocado oil cream), Group P2 (10% topical avocado oil cream), and Group P3 (15% topical avocado oil cream). Macroscopic examination of the wounds was conducted daily on days 3, 6, and 9 after topical cream treatment using a digital caliper. A total of 48 skin tissue samples were collected from days 3, 6, and 9 after cream application, which were then processed for histopathology evaluations using hematoxylin-eosin staining and Masson’s Trichrome staining. Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to count the inflammatory cells, and Masson's Trichrome staining was employed to assess collagen density. The results revealed that avocado oil had a great impact on wound closure after 9 days of 15% avocado oil cream treatment, reducing the inflammatory cells after 3-6 days of 10% avocado oil cream therapy, and increasing collagen density after 9 days of 15% avocado oil cream application, as compared to the control, non-avocado oil cream group. Avocado oil can help close wounds, reduced the number of inflammatory cells, and increased collagen density when used in topical pharmaceutical formulations. Avocado oil cream may, therefore, be considered a viable option for wound repair treatment.
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Bakara, Tiar lince, Rumida, and Ginta Siahaan. "Training and Making Avocado Seed Flour as Snack Food in Dalu Sepuluh Village Tanjung Morawa Residence." Journal of Saintech Transfer 2, no. 2 (November 22, 2019): 187–94.

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Avocado seeds are waste that can be utilized by the community while the seeds are only disposed of as waste. Avocado seeds have a hypoglycemic effect, an antidiabetic effect through its ability to reduce blood glucose levels and contain high enough starch by 23%. The high starch content allows the use of avocado seeds into flour. The avocado seed flour produced will be applied for making donuts, cookies and simulation chips. The aim of this Community Service is to provide knowledge to the women cadres group and mothers in the hope of being able to turn avocado seeds into avocado seed flour and be processed into snack foods such as cookies, donuts and simulated chips. Management of Community Service is carried out in Dalu Sepuluh-B Village, Tanjung Morawa Sub-district. The Community Service method is by demonstration and training so that women group and mothers are able and skilled at making avocado seed flour into donuts, cookies and simulated chips. The results of community service activities are that participants of the cadre group and PKK mothers have known the benefits of avocado seed flour and have been skilled in making processed products from avocado seed flour that can be applied in the community so that it can improve the degree of public health.
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Subba, Saidiksha, Sarad Gurung, S. K. Mahato, Bandan Thapa, and Binoy Chhetri. "Introduction of Avocado (Persia americana) Fruits in Eastern Himalaya of India: A Review." International Journal of Economic Plants 10, May, 2 (May 19, 2023): 127–31.

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Avocado (Persia americana) or locally called Phamfal is a subtropical, dicotyledonous, evergreen tree belonging to the family Lauraceae. The avocado tree is originated from a broad geographical area stretching from the eastern and central highlands of Mexico through Guatemala to the Pacific coast of Central America. Avocado is a fruit, produced from tropical trees characterized by a pear shape and blackish green in colour with high nutritional value and creamy texture. Avocado crop can be used in several ways i.e for processed products, exportation and oil extraction, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as a raw material thereby generating high value added products.High demand for information on avocado indicates that there is considerable interest in this crop in various parts of India as well as Eastern India. Moreover, avocado can be grown in Darjeeling hilly region and adjoining states of India as the soil and climatic condition is favourable for their growth and development. However, in this region avocado cultivation is very negligible in homestead garden, small and marginal orchard due to lack of scientific knowledge of farmers. So that in this context to identify and conservation of wild and farmers cultivated species of avocado is the major concern for all avocado growers and scientist.
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Baidhe, Emmanuel, Nicholas Kiggundu, and Noble Banadda. "The Bioprocessing Quick Wins from Avocado Fruit in Uganda." European Journal of Engineering Research and Science 5, no. 5 (May 22, 2020): 582–87.

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Bioprocessing can help redeem the economic value for avocado (Persea americana) in Uganda. This study reviews the virgin potential of avocado bioprocessing in Uganda. Avocado consists of flesh, seed, and peel. The review indicates that the waste seed and peel are vital for development of high-value products. Both the edible part and waste (peel and seed) can be used for biogas production through a solid-state fermentation process. Biodiesel can be developed using avocado seed oil through a process called transesterification. Avocado oil is a better alternative for biodiesel production compared to waste cooking oil as it requires no further conversions processes for transforming fatty acids to esters. The starch-rich avocado seed is a suitable substrate for bioethanol, pigment and starch production. The high starch content places the avocado fruit as a potential (i) raw material for the production of bioplastics (ii) substrate for bacterial culture media production as opposed to potatoes, cereals, and cassava that double as a staple food. Avocado seeds can also be used for the production of antioxidants relevant for preventing enzymatic browning, thereby increasing product shelf life. Despite the quick wins, there is a need for increased research, financing, personnel training and development of appropriate policies to spur the benefits and untapped potential of avocado bioprocessing in Uganda. The circular economy of avocado waste alone into high-value products could increase gains in the environment and stimulate industrial development especially the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries in Uganda.
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Wanjiku, E. K., J. W. Waceke, B. W. Wanjala, and J. N. Mbaka. "Identification and Pathogenicity of Fungal Pathogens Associated with Stem End Rots of Avocado Fruits in Kenya." International Journal of Microbiology 2020 (July 9, 2020): 1–8.

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Losses associated with stem end rot (SER) of avocado fruits have been reported in all avocado growing regions of the world. In Kenya, mature avocado fruits present SER symptoms during storage and marketing, but the disease causal agent(s) has not been established. This study aimed to identify the fungal pathogen(s) associated with avocado SER in Kenya and evaluate its pathogenicity. Fungal isolates were collected from symptomatic avocado fruits from randomly selected orchards and major markets within Murang'a County, a major avocado growing region in Kenya, between September 2017 and March 2018. A total of 207 and 125 fungal isolates, recovered from orchards and major markets, respectively, were identified morphologically and further confirmed by molecular techniques. The identified isolates were Lasiodiplodia theobromae (39.8%), Neofusicoccum parvum (24.4%), Nectria pseudotrichia (18.4%), Fusarium solani (7.2%), F. oxysporum (5.1%), F. equiseti (3.9%), and Geotricum candidum (1.2%). Geotricum candidum was exclusively recovered from fruits from the market. In the pathogenicity test, L. theobromae, N. parvum, and N. pseudotrichia caused the most severe SER symptoms. Consequently, they were considered to be the major pathogens of SER of avocado fruits in Kenya. To our knowledge, this is the first report of SER pathogen of avocado fruits in Kenya. Given the significant contribution of avocado fruits to household income and foreign exchange in Kenya, this information is significant to further develop management strategies of postharvest loss of avocado fruits in Kenya.
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Galindo Tovar, María Elena, Hilda Eulalia Lee Espinosa, Joaquín Murguía González, Otto Raúl Leyva Ovalle, and Ivonne Landero Torres. "Domesticación y distribución geográfica de Persea americana Mill. en la época precolombina." Revista de Geografía Agrícola, no. 50-51 (June 30, 2013): 65–70.

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During the domestication of avocado tree, different man-plant-climate interactions have been reflected in its diversity. The different environments in which this crop has evolved and the various ways it has been handled by different cultures, have produced the great diversity of genotypes from which modern cultivars have developed. The different purposes for which the avocado has been selected over time in conjunction with the various environmental conditions of the areas in which the avocado has been introduced and cultivated have spawned a wide range of physiological varieties, which were already known before Spanish arrival. Historical, paleo historical and paleo ecological evidence on the three main avocado tree domestication are presented in this study: a) the Mexican avocado domestication in the central area of Mexico, b) the domestication of Caribbean avocado in the Maya Lowlands (Yucatan and Belize) and c) Guatemalan avocado domestication in the Highlands of Chiapas and Guatemala.
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Fan, Simiao, Yunyang Qi, Linghong Shi, Marcella Giovani, Nur Afifah Ahmad Zaki, Siwei Guo, and Hafiz Ansar Rasul Suleria. "Screening of Phenolic Compounds in Rejected Avocado and Determination of Their Antioxidant Potential." Processes 10, no. 9 (September 2, 2022): 1747.

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Avocados are one of the important fruits in our diet, showing many health benefits. However, a significant amount of avocados become defective as they are transported throughout the supply chain and are refused by consumers, ending up at animal or pet feed manufacturers. Indeed, some previous evidence suggests that rejected avocados still present high phenolic content that can be reused in the drug or pharmacological industry. Therefore, in the present work, we measured the phenolic content from rejected avocado pulp and evaluated the antioxidant potential, followed by characterization and quantification using LC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS and HPLC-PDA. Reed avocado pulp was highest in TPC (0.21 mg GAE/g f.w.) and TFC (0.05 mg QE/g f.w.), whereas in TCT assay, low traces of tannins were exhibited in Wurtz and Reed avocado pulp. Hass avocado pulp had the highest antioxidant potential in DPPH (0.32 AAE/g f.w.), FRAP (0.13 AAE/g f.w.), ABTS (0.32 AAE/g f.w.), •OH-RSA (0.51 AAE/g f.w.) and FICA (0.47 mg EDTA/g) assays. Wurtz avocado pulp had higher antioxidant potential in RPA (0.07 mg AAE/g) and PMA (0.27 AAE/g f.w.). A total of 64 phenolic compounds were characterized in avocado pulp, including 10 in Hass avocado pulp, 31 in Wurtz avocado pulp and 45 in Reed avocado pulp. In HPLC-PDA quantification, chlorogenic acid (21.36 mg/g f.w.), epicatechin (14.24 mg/g f.w.) and quercetin (21.47 mg/g f.w.) were detected to be the highest in Hass, Wurtz and Reed avocado pulp, respectively. Our study showed the presence of phenolic compounds in rejected avocado pulp and hence can be utilized in food and pharmaceutical industries.
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Dupuis-Surpas, Claire, and Olivier Cléach. "Avocat un jour, avocat toujours ?" Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, no. 48-2 (December 1, 2017): 165–83.

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Avocado plant can be formulated into a lotion because preparation based on previous research avocado leavescontain high antioxidant is represented with flavonoid compound. The purpose of this study is to know avocado leaves can be formulated into the preparation of lotion and to know the preparation of lotion from extract etanol avocado leavescan moisturaize the skin. The research uses exsperimental method. Avocado leaves is exstrach by maceration process. Exanination of lotion preparation by this research is phytochemical screening test, pH test,irritation test and skin moisturaise test with concentration 3% and 5%. Extrach ethanol avocado leaves can be formulated into a skin moisturaizing lotion preparation with irritation test results showed no irritation on the skin, skin moisture examination result concentration 5% moist. The result showed that moisturaizing lotion preparation from avocado leaves ethanol extrach (Persea americana Mill) for skin moisture with different concentration can be formulated into skin moisturaizing lotion preparation
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Djonny, Maxie, Rosalia Sira Sarungallo, and Lydia Melawaty. "Extraction of oil and characteristics from avocado seeds and flesh." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1097, no. 1 (October 1, 2022): 012026.

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Abstract In this study the extraction of fat and avocado seeds. The method used to obtain the fat of meat and avocado seeds is by cold extraction with blender for 2 minutes and heat extraction with reflux for 2 hours. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) how much fat can be obtained from the flesh and avocado seeds. (2) how characteristics meat and avocado seed that is by determination of the number of saponification, acid number, melting point and organoleptic. The result of fat analysis on the flesh obtained fat of 3.5%, saponification number 64,515 mg KOH / g, acid number 3.08 mg KOH / g, melting point 28-35 °C with greenish-yellow fat color and avocado scent. In the avocado seeds obtained fat by 1.5%, the saponification number 119.493 mg KOH / g, acid number 3.30 mg KOH/g, melting point 26-407 °C with brownish yellow color and the smell of avocado seeds.
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Ainol, Ainol, Ummi Nadziratul Laily, Lailatul Hasanah, Laeylatul Karomah, Intan Maghfirah, Rosita Rosita, Diana Sarkila, and Fitria Ida Maulida. "PEMBERDAYAAN KELOMPOK TANI SUMBER MAKMUR DALAM MENGOLAH LIMBAH BIJI ALPUKAT MENJADI KOPI BUBUK HERBAL." As-Sidanah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 5, no. 2 (October 15, 2023): 355–67.

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Avocado fruit is one type of fruit that contains fat, vitamins A, B, C and E and carotene. Increased consumption of avocado fruit causes an increase in the production of avocado seed waste. This waste can be innovated into a healthy ground coffee drink. Community empowerment in utilizing avocado seed waste is carried out through several stages in the ABCD (Asset Based Community-driven Development) approach including inculturation, discovery, design, define, and reflection. This activity was carried out with the Sumber Makmur Farmer Group in Ranuagung Village, Tiris District. This research aims to empower the community and farmer groups by utilizing waste avocado seeds to make herbal ground coffee. In addition, the community can find an asset in the form of an avocado seed which was originally thought of as a pile of trash, which has become an asset that provides economic value. Utilization of avocado seed waste can also improve environmental cleanliness in Ranuagung Village.
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Rossheim, Matthew E., Eric Q. Ninh, Melvin D. Livingston, and Dennis L. Thombs. "49,000 Avocado Cutting Injuries." American Journal of Health Behavior 44, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 13–17.

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Objectives: In the United States (US), avocado consumption has increased dramatically since the year 2000. Despite media attention concerning injuries resulting from cutting or pitting avocados, such injuries have not been monitored systematically. The current study is the first to estimate the number of people with avocado cutting injuries presenting to US hospital emergency departments. Methods: We utilized cross-sectional data from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS). We used keyword searches of case narrative text to identify avocado cutting and pitting injuries from 2000 to 2017. Sampling weights were applied to generate national estimates of avocado cutting injuries. Results: From 2000 to 2017, there were an estimated 49,331 avocado cutting injuries presenting to US emergency departments (95% CI 34,178-64,483). The increase in these injuries appears to coincide with increases in per capita avocado consumption. Avocado cutting injuries now constitute nearly 2% of knife-related injuries presenting to US hospital emergency departments. Conclusions: Due to the increase in avocado cutting injuries and the severity of these injuries, more systematic surveillance is needed as well as improved safety measures.
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de Oliveira, Ana Paula, Eryvelton de Souza Franco, Rafaella Rodrigues Barreto, Daniele Pires Cordeiro, Rebeca Gonçalves de Melo, Camila Maria Ferreira de Aquino, Antonio Alfredo Rodrigues e Silva, et al. "Effect of Semisolid Formulation of Persea Americana Mill (Avocado) Oil on Wound Healing in Rats." Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013 (2013): 1–8.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the wound-healing activity of a semisolid formulation of avocado oil, SSFAO 50%, or avocado oilin natura, on incisional and excisional cutaneous wound models in Wistar rats. An additional objective was to quantify the fatty acids present in avocado oil. On the 14th day, a significant increase was observed in percentage wound contraction and reepithelialization in the groups treated with 50% SSFAO or avocado oil compared to the petroleum jelly control. Anti-inflammatory activity, increase in density of collagen, and tensile strength were observed inSSFAO 50% or avocado oil groups, when compared to control groups. The analysis of the components of avocado oil by gas chromatography detected the majority presence of oleic fatty acid (47.20%), followed by palmitic (23.66%), linoleic (13.46%) docosadienoic (8.88%), palmitoleic (3.58%), linolenic (1.60%), eicosenoic (1.29%), and myristic acids (0.33%). Our results show that avocado oil is a rich source of oleic acid and contains essential fatty acids. When usedin naturaor in pharmaceutical formulations for topical use, avocado oil can promote increased collagen synthesis and decreased numbers of inflammatory cells during the wound-healing process and may thus be considered a new option for treating skin wounds.
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Viola, Enrico, Carla Buzzanca, Ilenia Tinebra, Luca Settanni, Vittorio Farina, Raimondo Gaglio, and Vita Di Stefano. "A Functional End-Use of Avocado (cv. Hass) Waste through Traditional Semolina Sourdough Bread Production." Foods 12, no. 20 (October 11, 2023): 3743.

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In recent years, a main goal of research has been to exploit waste from agribusiness industries as new sources of bioactive components, with a view to establishing a circular economy. Non-compliant avocado fruits, as well as avocado seeds and peels, are examples of promising raw materials due to their high nutritional yield and antioxidant profiles. This study aimed to recycle avocado food waste and by-products through dehydration to produce functional bread. For this purpose, dehydrated avocado was reduced to powder form, and bread was prepared with different percentages of the powder (5% and 10%) and compared with a control bread prepared with only semolina. The avocado pulp and by-products did not alter organoleptically after dehydration, and the milling did not affect the products’ color and retained the avocado aroma. The firmness of the breads enriched with avocado powder increased due to the additional fat from the avocado, and alveolation decreased. The total phenolic content of the fortified breads was in the range of 2.408–2.656 mg GAE/g, and the antiradical activity was in the range of 35.75–38.235 mmol TEAC/100 g (p < 0.0001), depending on the percentage of fortification.
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Marra, Anita, Vasileios Manousakis, Georgios Panagiotis Zervas, Nikolaos Koutis, Marios Argyrios Finos, Theodora Adamantidi, Ellie Panoutsopoulou, Anna Ofrydopoulou, and Alexandros Tsoupras. "Avocado and Its By-Products as Natural Sources of Valuable Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Bioactives for Functional Foods and Cosmetics with Health-Promoting Properties." Applied Sciences 14, no. 14 (July 9, 2024): 5978.

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Avocado (Persea americana) is a unique fruit with exceptional nutritional and technological characteristics, as well as proposed health benefits. Moreover, the commercial utilization of avocado to make guacamole and/or to extract its oil for several applications generates massive amounts of avocado bio-wastes, including peels and seeds by-products, which further impact the environment and waste management costs. Within this article, the proposed health benefits of moderate avocado consumption, as a functional component of a balanced diet against inflammation-related chronic disorders, and its potential applications are fully addressed. The numerous bioactive compounds present in avocado fruit and its by-products, such as its bioactive phenolics, dietary fiber, and lipid bioactives like unsaturated fatty acids and polar lipids, are also thoroughly outlined. The functional anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, and antioxidant properties of each of these bioactives and avocado extracts, are then thoroughly reviewed. Emphasis is given to these avocado-derived bioactives and extracts that have the potential to be utilized in various industrial applications, such as in functional foods, supplements, nutraceuticals, and cosmetics related health-promoting applications. The limitations and future perspectives of these applications based on avocado bioactives are also discussed.
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Risnata, Richa Poetri, and Agriana Rosmalina Hidayati. "Determination of Total Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity of Avocado Stem Bark (Persea americana Mill) Ethanol Extract in Inhibiting DPPH." Jurnal Biologi Tropis 24, no. 4 (November 9, 2024): 877–86.

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Excessive free radicals in the body can trigger degenerative diseases. Therefore, antioxidant help is needed from outside the body to inhibit free radicals. Long-term use of synthetic antioxidants is limited because they can cause cancer. This encourages the development of natural antioxidants, one of which comes from avocado stem bark. Avocado stem bark contains flavonoids which act as antioxidants. This study aims to determine the total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of avocado stem bark ethanol extract in inhibiting DPPH. Avocado stem bark was extracted using sonication followed by the identification of flavonoids using a tube test and thin layer chromatography test. Determination of total flavonoid content was carried out using the colorimetric method and antioxidant testing using the DPPH method. The results obtained were that the avocado stem bark was positive for containing flavonoids based on tube tests and thin layer chromatography. The results of determining the flavonoid content in the ethanol extract of avocado stem bark were 5.572 mgQE/g. The ethanol extract of avocado stem bark is a very strong antioxidant with an IC50 of 21.221 ppm. So it was concluded that avocado stem bark can be used as a natural antioxidant candidate.
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Luna-Zapién, Edén A., Jorge A. Zegbe-Dominguez, and Jorge Armando Meza-Velázquez. "Applying an alginate and mucilage-based edible coating to avocado halves favors some physical attributes and consumer acceptance." Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development 25 (December 21, 2023): 244–56.

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The avocado is a highly perishable fruit, leading to significant potential waste and loss in some links of the agri-food chain, with negative environmental and economic impacts. This study explored the influence of an alginate and mucilage-based edible coating on some physical attributes, cold storage, and consumer acceptance of avocado halves coated at the ready-to-eat stage. Two lots of avocado halves were formed. One was treated with an edible coating formulated from alginate and mucilage; the other was uncoated. Uncoated and coated avocado halves were cold-stored at 4 ± 1 °C and 95% relative humidity for 12 d. The fruit mass loss (FML), fresh firmness (FF), and some color parameters were measured every other day. The experiment was conducted in a completely random design with three replicates at each sampling date. On the sixth day, a sensory study was performed with 30 untrained panelists who were frequent avocado eaters. The coated avocado halves were brighter, redder, and yellower during the experimental period than uncoated avocado halves. A significant color differences (?E*) were found between coated and uncoated avocado halves. At the end of the experiment, the coated samples had the lowest FML and FF and the greatest consumer acceptance. Therefore, the edible coating presented here is a feasible technology for minimally-processed avocado halves and for high-latitude markets, where this fruit is scarce.
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Guan, Vivienne X., Elizabeth P. Neale, and Yasmine C. Probst. "Identifying usual food choices with avocados in a clinical trial cohort of overweight and obese adults in Australia." PLOS ONE 18, no. 1 (January 26, 2023): e0279567.

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Background Consumption of avocados has been suggested to be beneficial for weight control, however, limited research is available about the related food choices. Understanding the food choices associated with avocados at meal occasions may further aid behavioural strategies to lose weight. The present study used a systematic approach to develop an avocado-specific food database, with the aim to explore food choices related to avocados at meal occasions as reported by overweight and obese volunteers in weight loss clinical trials. Methods The avocado-specific database was based on AUSNUT 2011–13 food composition database structure and was developed via a systematic approach, which determined the avocado content of Australian foods and beverages. Baseline usual food intake data was retrospectively pooled from four food-based clinical trials (n = 758). The Apriori algorithm of association rules, a two-step descriptive method was used to identify food choices associated with avocados at different meal occasions using a nested hierarchical food group classification system. Results The avocado database identified 34 avocados and avocado-containing foods and beverages. The proportion of avocado consumers in the pooled cohort was 51.3% (n = 389), with an average avocado intake of 21.57 ± 36.75 grams per day. Avocados were found to be closely related to other food groups at all of the food group levels at main meal occasions. A total of 68 food items containing avocados were identified for avocado consumers at the breakfast, lunch and dinner meals. Conclusion The avocado specific database provides a snapshot of the foods and beverages which contain avocados. Enumerating the full range of food choices in relation to avocado consumption should provide examples of food choices that people might consider in their efforts to increase their avocado consumption.
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Ish-Am, G., A. A. F. Barrientos-Priego, A. Castaneda-Vildåzola, and S. Gazit. "AVOCADO (Persea Americana MilI.) POLLINATORS IN ITS REGION OF ORIGIN." Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 5, Esp (1999): 137–43.

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Insects visiting avocado flowers were collected over the course of five research trips to Mexico, in the states of Midnoacan, Mexico, Puebla, Veracruz and Chiapas. Most of the specimens were identified at the species level, and the amount and distribution of pollen on their bodies were determined. Both the density and behavior of species found to carry a large amount of avocado pollen were observed on the avocado bloom. In commercial orchards sprayed with potent insecticides, only a small number of visitors of a few species were observed, most of them honeybees (Apis mellifera). In contrast, on unsprayed trees (in small plots, backyards, etc) large numbers of visitors of numerous species were usually observed. More than 1 ,OOO individual insects, of about 100 species, were collected on avocado bloom, most of them of the orders Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and Heteroptera. Apparently, some of the visitor species did not pollinate the avocado flowers, but most Of them did contribute to its pollination. The following species were found to be effective pollinators of avocado: the honeybee, 8 to 10 species of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponinae) and the " Mexican honey was$' (Brachygastra mellifica). These species were the main pollinators of the three avocado races: Mexican. Guatemalan and West Indian. Honeybees were active on the avocado bloom at most sites; however, in some cases they abandoned the avocado bloom to collect nectar and pollen from nearby competing flowers. The stingless bee species and the Mexican honey wasp showed a greater preference for the avocado bloom. We assume that the original pollinators of the avocado, before the introduction of the honeybee to the American continent, were stingless bee and wasp species, which are better adapted for its pollination.
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Lestari, Friska Rieny, Nisa Rahmaniyah Utari, and Muhammad Irfan. "Addition Of Avocado Seed Flour In The Making Of Choux Paste." Jurnal Pendidikan Tata Boga dan Teknologi 3, no. 3 (December 31, 2022): 80.

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Avocado is one of the good plant commodities in Indonesia, avocado production in Indonesia itself is quite abundant and has been widely used for various product processing. This can be seen from the production of avocados in Indonesia in 2021 reaching 660,830 tons, the part consumed from avocados is only the flesh, while the skin and seeds are used as waste. The percentage of avocado seed weight is about 20% of the total weight of the fruit. So to reduce the amount of avocado seed waste, the author conducted an experiment on avocado seeds that had been processed into flour and added them to the product that the author would study, namely choux paste. Meanwhile, the antioxidants found in avocado seeds have potential as natural food additivies for food products. In this study the addition of avocado seeds aims to determine the effect of the addition of taste and public acceptance of choux paste from avocado seed flour. The author chose choux paste in this study because choux products can be combined with various kinds of fillings that have a sweet taste, so they can overcome the bitter taste of avocado seed flour. This study was conducted to analyze the level of preference (taste, aroma, texture and taste) of choux pasta through organoleptic tests. This research is an experimental research with 4 treatments of avocado seed flour, namely control (P0), 20% (P1), 30% (P2) and 50% (P3). The subjects of this study were 40 non-expert panelists and 5 expert panelists. The results of this study indicate that the best formula for avocado seed flour choux paste favored by the second panel is the addition of 20% avocado seed flour. The results of the average value obtained from 4 aspects (color, aroma, taste and texture) are with a total score of 39.8 expert panelists with an average of 3.3 which belongs to the like category. Meanwhile, the total score of non-expert panelists is 41.2 with an average of 3.4 which is included in the like category.
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Muñoz, Alberto Valenzuela, Carlos Berrnardino Ruiz Huaraz, Ángel Antonio Panaspaico Medina, Rodolfo Jorge Aragon Rosadio, Dario Emiliano Medina Castro, and Tomas Cotrina Trigozo. "Elasticity of Demand for Avocado to the European Market and the United States, Years 2010 – 2020." Migration Letters 20, S9 (November 12, 2023): 629–52.

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The analysis was carried out for the period from 2010 to 2020, where the production and export volumes of avocado to European and North American countries are shown. The objective of this study is to determine the elasticity of demand for avocado in these countries. “Since Alfred Marshall included it in his work Principles of Economics. An analysis is made of the statistical series of each variable, its historical evolution, as well as its individual trends. Based on the following econometric model: Qd(t) = βo + β1(P)t +β2(Yp)t + β3(TC)t + β4(N) + u Eviews 9.0 software was used, applying a log-log econometric model where the data series are given in years. To measure the elasticity of demand for avocado, the indicators used were consumption, population, per capita income in dollars, and the international price of avocado in dollars. In the Netherlands, the demand for Peruvian avocado shows the following behavior: A 1% increase in price causes a reduction in demand of 0.16 %. An increase in per capita income of 1% causes the demand for avocado to increase by 2.7%. A 1% increase in population causes the demand of avocado to increase by 8.23 %. In Spain, the demand for Peruvian avocados shows the following behavior: A 1% increase in price generates a reduction in demand of 0.09 %. If per capita income increases by 1%, the demand for avocado increases by 0.13 %. A 1% increase in population generates that the demand for avocado increases by 3.49%. In the U.S., demand for Peruvian avocados shows the following behavior: A 1% increase in price generates a reduction in demand of 1.25%. If per capita income increases by 1%, the demand for avocado increases by 16.99%. A 1% increase in population causes the demand for avocado to decrease by 1.38%. In ENGLAND, the demand for Peruvian avocado shows the following behavior: A 1% increase in price generates a reduction in demand of 0.03 %. If per capita income increases by 1%, the demand for avocado decreases by 0.47%. A 1% increase in population generates that the demand for avocado increases by 3.62%.
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Fopa, Mitterand Telesphore, and Achille Jean Jaza Folefack. "Acteurs dans le Processus de Diffusion et d’Adoption des Variétés Améliorées d’Avocatiers dans le Département du Bamboutos (Cameroun)." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 19, no. 15 (May 31, 2023): 209.

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Le présent article examine les acteurs impliqués dans le processus de diffusion et d’adoption des variétés améliorées d’avocatiers à l’Ouest Cameroun. L’étude a été réalisée entre 2019 et 2022 dans le département de Bamboutos, choisi en raison d’une multitude de projets et d’acteurs qui y sont impliqués pour valoriser et promouvoir la filière avocats. L’étude a pour objectif d’identifier les acteurs engagés dans la vulgarisation et la culture des avocats greffés ainsi que les rôles joués par chaque acteur. La technique d’échantillonnage non probabiliste dite boule de neige a permis d’identifier 106 producteurs. Deux ONG et trois OP identifiés de façon raisonnée ont aussi été enquêtées grâce aux questionnaires, entretiens et observations de terrain. Les données collectées de sources primaire et secondaire ont été analysées par la technique de statistique descriptive avec l’utilisation des logiciels SPSS et Excel. Les résultats révèlent que deux catégories d’acteurs que sont les acteurs du secteur formel (l’IRAD, les OP (GIC promise, SCOOP Mangwa, RELESS) ; les ONG (Graine de vie, RECROSAF) et ceux du secteur informel (agriculteurs, pépiniéristes et intermédiaires) sont impliqués dans la diffusion des variétés améliorées d’avocatiers. Il ressort de l’analyse des rôles joués par chaque acteur, deux types d’interactions. Ce sont, les interactions intragroupes et les interactions intergroupes. Celles-ci se font à travers trois catégories d’activités à savoir : les activités fortement réalisées (la sensibilisation sur la culture des avocats ( 88,88 % ), le suivi et formation sur l’itinéraire technique (88,88% ), la production des plants greffés ( 77,77%° et la vente des plants ( 88,88 %) ), les activités moyennement réalisées (production des greffons (55,55 %), la vente des greffons (55, 55%), la formation en greffage (44,44%) et une activité faiblement réalisée (la création parc à bois (11,11%). L’analyse des interactions entre les différents acteurs impliqués fait ressortir deux types d’interactions notamment : les interactions intragroupes et interaction intergroupe qui se font à travers trois catégories d’activités, ente autre : les activités fortement réalisées (la sensibilisation sur la culture des avocats ( 88,88 % ), le suivi et formation sur l’itinéraire technique (88,88% ), la production des plants greffés ( 77,77%° et la vente des plants ( 88,88 %) ), les activités moyennement réalisées (production des greffons (55,55 %), la vente des greffons (55, 55%) et la formation en greffage (44,44%) et une activité faiblement réalisée (la création parc à bois (11,11%). Au niveau de l’adoption. En rapport aux superficies emblavé, On a identifié trois catégories de producteurs : les grands producteurs (15%), les moyens producteurs (43%) et les petits producteurs (42%). Les contraintes liées à la diffusion et l’adoption sont principalement d’ordres managériaux, économiques et techniques. L’étude recommande une redéfinition des rôles des acteurs du secteur formel et une assistance technique aux acteurs informels. This paper examines the actors involved in the process of dissemination and adoption of improved avocado varieties in West Cameroon. The study area is the f Bamboutos division, chosen because of a multitude of projects and actors involved in that division to enhance and promote the law sector. The study aims to identify the actors involved in the popularization and culture of graft lawyers as well as the roles played by each actor. The snowball non-probability sampling technique enabled the identification of 106 producers. Furthermore, two NGOs and three FOs were purposively selected. In all selected groups, investigations were made through questionnaires, interviews, and field observations. The data collected from primary and secondary sources were analyzed by the technique of descriptive statistics with the use of the SPSS software " and Microsoft Excel. The results reveal that two categories of actors are involved in the dissemination of improved varieties of avocado trees, namely: actors in the formal sector consisting of IRAD, POs (GICpromise, SCOOP Mangwa, RELESS) and NGOs (Graine de life, RECROSAF) and actors in the informal sector made up of farmers, nurserymen, and intermediaries. The analysis of the interactions between the different actors involved highlights two types of interactions, namely: intra-group interactions and inter-group interaction, which take place through three categories of activity, namely: activities that are strongly carried out (awareness of the culture of lawyers (88.88%), monitoring and training on the technical route (88.88%), the production of grafted plants (77.77%° and the sale of plants (88.88%), moderately carried out activities (production of scions (55.55%), sale of scions (55.55%) and training in grafting (44.44%). ) and a poorly carried out activity (the creation of a wood yard ( 11.11%)). In terms of adoption, there are three categories of producers: large producers (15%), medium producers (43%), and small producers (42%). The constraints related to dissemination and adoption are mainly managerial, economic, and technical. The study recommends a redefinition of the roles of actors in the formal sector and technical assistance to informal actors.
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Muhibuddin, Anton, Siti Fadhilah, Antok Wahyu Sektiono, Umi Kulsum Nur Qomariyah, Mazidatul Faizah, Ambar Susanti, and Sri Nurhatika. "Yeast from Epiphyte of Avocadoes to Control Colletotrichum gloesporioides Causing Antrachnose Disease." SAINTEKBU 10, no. 2 (July 23, 2018): 52–60.

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Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum gloesporioides fungi is an important disease in avocado fruit during storage. An effective, cheap, and non-poisoned control method was required during storage to minimize chemical pesticide residues. This observation was aimed to select yeast with antagonistic ability from avocado epiphyte. Selected yeasts then tested their antagonist ability versus Colletotrichum gloesporioides, the fungi causing anthracnose disease, in vitro. Based on visual observation, microscopically and macroscopically, knowing that there were 3 yeast species isolated from green-long avocado variety i.e.: Candida sp., Filobasidium sp., and Cryptococcus sp., and then from mega gagauan avocado variety i.e.: Pichia sp., Candida sp., Cryptococcus sp., and Metschnikowia sp. The most antagonist yeast was Cryptococcus sp, which isolated from green long avocado. Keyword: Yeast, antagonist, storage, avocado, anthracnose
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