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Søllinge, Jette D. De danske aviser, 1634-1989. Odense: Udgivet af Dagspressens fond i kommission hos Odense universitetsforlag, 1988.

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(Association), Option consommateurs, ed. Le locataire avisé: Chercher, trouver, aviser. [Montréal]: Éditions de l'Homme, 2002.

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I, Københavns universitet Universitetsbiblioteket. Mikrofilmede aviser i Universitetsbibliotekets 1. afdeling. Edited by Hartvig Steen. 4th ed. København: Universitetsbibliotekets 1. afd., 1987.

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Hanne, Ruus, ed. Hyppige ord i danske aviser, ugeblade og fagblade. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1986.

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Borch, Sigurd. En Esbjergdreng fortæller: Om løse typer og aviser. Esbjerg]: Historisk Samfund for Ribe Amt, 1986.

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Allern, Sigurd. Nyhetsverdier: Om markedsorientering og jounalistikk i ti norske aviser. Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget, 2001.

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Dammann, Jaran. Vi har pissa i frysern: Flere morsomme trykkfeil fra norske aviser. Oslo]: Gyldendal, 2007.

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Selback, Bente. Fire dagar i nordiske aviser: Ei jamføring av påverknaden i ordforrådet i sju språksamfunn. Oslo: Novus, 2007.

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Hegge, Per Egil. Ridende rytter til hest: Finurligheter og annen språklig moro i aviser og presse-og litt ellers. Oslo: Kagge, 2005.

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Ahm, Agner. På lederplads: Ledelse i dagspressen i anden halvdel af nittenhundredtallet. Kbh: Handelshøjskolens Forlag, 2008.

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Fiévet, Marc. L' aviseur. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Lafon, 2003.

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Sibat, Lluís Oliván. Has marxat sense avisar. Barcelona: Columna, 2010.

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Caldas, Joaquim Castro. Convém avisar os ingleses. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Quasi Edições, 2002.

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Herrero, Rafa Pérez. El otoño llegó sin avisar. Tres Cantos, Madrid: Bohodón Ediciones, 2014.

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Shulamit, Volkov, Stern Frank, and Universitat Tel-Aviv. Institut für Deutsche Geschichte., eds. Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte. Tel Aviv: Universität Tel-Aviv, 1988.

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Lindgren, Jarl. Avioero ja ikä. Helsinki: Väestöntutkimuslaitos, 1986.

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McKenzie, Fred. Avinger, Texas, USA. [Avinger, Tex.]: F. McKenzie, 1988.

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Arajärvi, Terttu. Lapset ja avioero. Helsinki: Tammi, 1986.

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McKenzie, Fred. Avinger, Texas, USA. San Antonio: Watercress Press, 2003.

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Aviner, Shelomoh Ḥayim. Eshmoaḥ: Śiḥot ʻim ha-Rav Aviner Shelomoh. Yerushalayim: [ḥ. mo. l.], 1995.

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Ḥayim, Aviner Shelomoh. Eshmoaḥ: Śiḥot ʻim ha-Rav Shelomoh Aviner. Yerushalayim: Sifriyat Ḥaṿah, 1997.

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Mosheh, Ḥasdai, and Noiman Zeʼev, eds. Eshmoaḥ: Śiḥot ʻim ha-Rav Shelomoh Aviner. Yerushalayim: [ḥ. mo. l.], 1997.

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Arriba, Rafael Acosta de. Avidez de la Palabra. [S.l.]: Ediciones Poramor, 1994.

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Russell, Roberts. Pedro Menéndez de Aviles. Bear, Del: Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2003.

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Fisher, M. F. K. Avise la fin: Histoires et souvenirs, 1908-1929. Monaco: Du Rocher, 2005.

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Aviles, Elvis. Elvis Aviles: Señales del instinto. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Codetel, 1995.

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Güiraldes, Florencia. Tiempos de avidez y lejanías. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Hojas y Cuadernos de Sudestada, 1991.

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Berg, Bjarne. Adressa: Avisen, byen og distriktet : et historisk overblikk 1856-2006. Grimstad: Grimstad adressetidende, 2007.

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Université de Montréal. Service des archives. Répertoire numérique détaillé du fonds du Comité aviseur (A 64). [Montréal]: Université de Montréal, Service des archives, 1988.

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Dan, Diner, Stern Frank, and Universitat Tel-Aviv. Institut für Deutsche Geschichte., eds. Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte.: Nationalsozialismus aus heutiger Perspektive. Tel Aviv: Universität Tel-Aviv, 1994.

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Avilez, Carlos. Si el infierno existiera: Avilez & extraños. México: Rhythm Books, 2013.

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Tor, Andersen, and Institutt for journalistikk, eds. Ord og gjerning: Thorbjørn Wale - kriger og brobygger. Kristiansand: Institutt for journalistikk, 2006.

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Aviner, Shelomoh Ḥayim. Temime derekh: ʻal deveḳut be-H. / Shelomoh Ḥayim ha-Kohen Aviner. Yerushalayim: [ḥ. mo. l.], 2009.

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Helge, Giverholt. Avisfellesskap gjennom 75 år: Norsk bladeierforening, Norske avisers landsforbund 1910-1985. Oslo: Utgitt av Norske avisers landsforbund, 1985.

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1941-, Aviero, and Civica pinacoteca Amedeo Modigliani (Follonica, Italy), eds. Aviero: Labyrinth : il filo rosso della conoscenza. Poggibonsi (SI) [i.e. Siena, Italy]: C. Cambi, 2012.

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Gossaire, Miton. Les Tards Avises: Histoire d'une revolte paysanne en Quercy, Perigord et Agenais. Castelnaud la Chapelle: L'Hydre, 1997.

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Aviner, Shelomoh Ḥayim. Maʻagalim mi-saviv la-shanah: Leḳeṭ maʼamarim she-pursemu be-sifre Shelomoh Aviner. Bet El: Sifriyat Ḥaṿah, 2004.

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Sadan, Eli. Bizui talmid-ḥakham: Beʻiḳvot divre ha-belaʻ ʻal ha-rav Shelomoh Aviner, sheliṭa. Yerushalayim: ha-Mekhinah ha-yeshivatit Baʻale "Bene Daṿid", 2002.

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Peter, Stojka, Davidová Eva, Hübschmannová Milena, and Holub Karel, eds. Dúral me avilem: Avri kidine le vlašika d̓íl̓a. Praha: Ars Bohemica, 2000.

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Sotomayor, Eliana. Dix ans de luttes pour la reconnaissance: Le Comité aviseur de l'action communautaire autonome. Montréal: Comité aviseur de l'action communautaire autonome, 2006.

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Pelt, Katie Van. Enseñe a avisar a su bebé: Guía práctica para facilitar el control de esfínteres. Mexico: Promexa, 1992.

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Afendopolo, Caleb ben Elijah. Aviner ben Ner: Shirim u-melitsot ba-ḥaruzim be-signon ben ha-melekh ṿeha-ṿazir. Ashdod: Mekhon "Tifʼeret Yosef" le-ḥeḳer ha-Yahadut ha-Ḳaraʼit, 2006.

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ʻOvadyah, Algamil Yosef ben, ed. Aviner ben Ner: Shirim u-melitsot ba-ḥaruzim, be-signon ben ha-melekh ṿeha-ṿazir. Ashdod: Mekhon "Tifʼeret Yosef" le-ḥeḳer ha-Yahadut ha-Ḳaraʼit, 2006.

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Alt går efter planen: Sagaen om Nyhedsavisen. [Kbh.]: Politiken, 2009.

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Nynorsk frekvensordbok: Dei vanlegaste orda i skriftleg nynorsk : henta frå aviser, sakprosa og romanar, 1978-84. Bergen: Alma Mater, 1989.

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Bly blir gull: Schibsteds historie 1839-1933. Oslo: Schibsted forlag, 2011.

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Rosendo, Marga Somoza. Llegaste sin avisar. Avant Editorial, 2018.

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Rosendo, Marga Somoza. Llegaste sin avisar. Avant Editorial, 2018.

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