Academic literature on the topic 'Aviser'
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Journal articles on the topic "Aviser"
Brøndsted, Mikala. "Danske aviser - indekser og fuldtekstbaser." Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek 20, no. 2 (June 1, 2007): 33–39.
Full textElklit, Jørgen. "Niels Thomsen og Jette D. Søllinge, De danske aviser 1634-1991., Bind 1-3 (Bind 1-2 dog med titlen De danske aviser 1634-1989 og forfatterangivelsen Jette D. Søllinge og Niels Thomsen), Odense: Dagspressens Fond, i kommission hos Odense Universitetsforlag." Politica 24, no. 2 (January 1, 1992): 231.
Full textRavden, Nicola, Louise Ahrenfeldt, Niels Bønding, and Ditte Laursen. "Fri adgang til seks millioner digitaliserede avissider." Revy 44, no. 1 (March 31, 2021): 16–17.
Full textKelstrup, Jesper Dahl. "Policyprofessionelle i danske tænketanke: uddannelse, erhvervserfaring og synlighed i Folketinget og landsdækkende aviser." Politica 52, no. 1 (February 12, 2020): 59–75.
Full textNissen, Mogens Rostgaard. "Kampen om Flensborg." Sønderjydske Årbøger 132, no. 1 (December 21, 2023): 171–202.
Full textSchmidt, Kristoffer. "Christian 5.s parforcejagt i 1600-Tallets aviser." Fund og Forskning i Det Kongelige Biblioteks Samlinger 59 (January 4, 2020): 9.
Full textKind, Hans Jarle, and Lars Sørgard. "Fusjon i tosidige markeder." Magma 16, no. 8 (August 1, 2013): 51–62.
Full textRekdal, Ole Bjørn. "Når grensene sprenges: Om eksploderende dusjdører i norske aviser." Norsk medietidsskrift 18, no. 04 (December 14, 2011): 371–79.
Full textLærum, Even, Sigurd Høye, Ragnhild Nordland, Vegard Hegstad, Synnøve Lærum, and Hans Engvold. "Hva skriver norske aviser og ukeblader om vond rygg?" Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 130, no. 24 (2010): 2465–68.
Full textWolland, Steingrim. "Når Høyesterett leser aviser. Om ytringsfrihet, menneskerett og straff." Lov og Rett 28, no. 10 (December 1, 1989): 465–78.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Aviser"
Steiro, Andreas. "Lærere i lønnskamp - holdninger til status og lønn gjennom media 1986-1988." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for historiske studier, 2014.
Full textLie, Malene Paulsen. "Fra biologidiskurs til miljødiskurs? : Pressedekningen av minoriteter i norske aviser fra 1902-2010." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, 2012.
Full textVancova, Sona. "TEAM, HOLD, LAG. : Sammenlignende undersøgelse af engelske låneord i danske og svenske aviser." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Scandinavian Languages, 2008.
Full textI denne opgave undersøger jeg engelske låneords påvirkning af sproget i danske og svenske aviser.
Jeg har undersøgt følgende: På hvilke emneområder er påvirkningen størst, hvilket af disse to sprog er mest påvirket totalt set, hvad er omfanget af mulige afløsninger, hvilke bøjninger i pluralis ubestemt form har låneordene fået i respektive sprog samt hvilket omfang har låneordene der kom ind i dansk / svensk fra engelsk før / efter 2. verdenskrig.
Låneordene (simplexord og kun substantiver) fundne i artikler er blevet delt ind efter områderne nyheder – indland, nyheder – udland, kultur, sport og reklameannoncer. Alle ord er undersøgte etymologisk.
Materialet der er brugt er 10 rigsudgaver af danske og svenske metroaviser , 5 danske og 5 svenske. Alle aviser er i elektronisk form i PDF-format.
Resultaterne viser at i begge sprog er påvirkningen mindst på nyhedsområderne (både indland og udland), videre følger områderne sport, kultur og flest låneord er fundet i reklameannoncer. I begge sprog er antallet mulige afløsninger større end antallet af ord der ikke findes afløsning for. I begge sprog får størstedelen af låneordene nationalsproglige bøjninger. Antallet låneord med engelsk bøjning er højest i svensk. I dansk er der større frihed og brug af begge bøjningsformer. Mere end 50 % af de fundne låneord kom ind i sprogene efter 2. verdenskrig.
Gjøra, Linda. "Svart på hvitt - Norske avisers fremstilling av personer med demens." Thesis, Nordic School of Public Health NHV, 2011.
Full textBackground: Dementia is a disease that will affect many of us during our lives. Our knowledge about a disease often reflects our response to it. Mass media is one resource that many people will use as they seek more information about dementia. In Nordic countries, newspapers are among the important mass media resources that create and spread information to the population. Aim: This study aimed to gain deeper knowledge about how Norwegian newspapers present people with dementia. Method: Modified grounded theory was used to analyze Norwegian newspaper articles published during 2010. Results: Norwegian newspapers present people with dementia as a homogeneous group. Conclusion: Articles in Norwegian newspapers label people with dementia as stereotypes, thus sustaining the stigma already related to this group. There is a need for a broader presentation of people with dementia, one that describes individual differences and the different phases of the disease to achieve a more dementia-friendly society.
ISBN 978-91-86739-22-5
Engström, Kerstin. "Genus & genrer : forskningsanknutna genusdiskurser i dagspress /." Umeå : Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper, Umeå universitet, 2008.
Full textCalquín, Toledo Macarena Teresa. "Estrategia de crecimiento Aviasur." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2016.
Full textMagíster en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas
Aviasur es una empresa dedicada a los servicios integrales de aviación (Venta de Aeronaves, Servicio de Mantenimiento Aeronáutico, Servicios de FBO Operador de base fija, Vuelos Chárter, Administración de Aeronaves, Servicio de Hangaraje y Venta de Repuestos a Terceros) con una trayectoria de 5 años. La industria a la cual pertenece es altamente competitiva porque está orientada a un nicho exclusivo de clientes y existen altas barreras de entrada. Sus principales competidores llevan 25 y 50 años en el rubro. Bajo este escenario, para Aviasur es indispensable llegar a ser una empresa competitiva y rentable por medio de la oferta y ejecución de sus servicios. Por esta razón, este trabajo de grado se enfoca en la búsqueda de una estrategia de crecimiento que permita a Aviasur convertirse en un actor influyente dentro de la industria y crear una relación con sus clientes que sea sostenible a largo plazo. La metodología utilizada contempla el diagnóstico de la empresa y sus 6 Unidades de Negocio (UN). Luego a partir de los análisis financieros, se determina que es relevante analizar la UN de Administración de Aeronave y Chárter (analizando sólo el servicio de chárter), FBO, Ventas de Aeronaves y CMA (Centro de Mantenimiento Aeronáutico). A partir de estas, se identifican los aspectos estratégicos y de negocio, el entorno externo, riesgos por UN y se formulan estrategias posibles a seguir. Finalmente, se define que la estrategia de crecimiento a desarrollar estará basada en situar al CMA como líder de servicios de mantenimiento aeronáutico en Chile. Esta estrategia permitirá potenciar una de las áreas con oportunidades de crecimiento en el mercado y logrará que la propuesta de servicio integral de Aviasur se vea fortalecida de cara a sus clientes y a sus otras UN. Para desarrollar esta estrategia se detallan diversos planes (Gestión de Riesgo, Comunicaciones, Marketing, Operaciones, Ventas, Personas, Análisis Financiero, Gestión del Cambio e Implementación) que le van a permitir a esta área mejorar su calidad de servicio, la relación con sus clientes y mostrar al mercado su calidad técnica, la cual la diferencia de sus competidores. La estrategia del CMA es el paso inicial para que Aviasur logre volver competitivas a todas sus áreas y servicios. Respecto al resultado de los flujos para el CMA, utilizando un horizonte de 5 años se obtuvo un VAN de USD $ 72.699 (considerando ampliar en 800 mts2 el hangar del CMA), con una TIR de 37%, la cual es mayor a la tasa de descuento del proyecto que es de 22%. De las simulaciones de Monte Carlo se identificó que la variable con mayor riesgo para la estrategia es el dólar, porque al variar $80 pesos, el VAN es negativo y el % del margen bruto también se ve afectado quedando con un 56% de probabilidades de ser igual a 13,4%, casi 5% menos de lo que se está proyectando en los flujos.
Schiavini, Reginaldo. "Avisos multimodais em simuladores virtuais." Doctoral thesis, UNiversidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura, 2017.
Full textNo âmbito do Design, esta pesquisa aborda, de um modo geral, o design centrado no utilizador, no design de informação, nos avisos e na Realidade Virtual (RV). A eficácia dos avisos de segurança depende da capacidade de influenciar os comportamentos dos utilizadores. Alguns estudos sugerem que a explicitação das consequências do incumprimento dos avisos de segurança influencia positivamente, a tomada de decisão adequada. A explicitação das consequências é de difícil implementação nos avisos de segurança convencionais estáticos; em contrapartida, nos avisos de base tecnológica é bem mais simples, porém, ainda é escassa a investigação sobre a sua eficácia. É esta a oportunidade do nosso projeto de investigação, que tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de um aviso de segurança de base tecnológica eficiente, baseado nos conhecimentos do design de interação, comunicação e de experiência, que explicite as consequências do incumprimento da informação apresentada. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, utilizou-se uma metodologia mista, que conjuga técnicas de recolhimento de dados qualitativa e quantitativa. O tipo da pesquisa é de natureza exploratória. O método de experimentação utiliza a RV e como instrumentos de recolha de dados utilizam-se questionários, entrevistas e recorre-se à observação não participante. Esta abordagem, pretende minimizar os problemas decorrentes da aplicação das metodologias clássicas nas suas implicações éticas, de segurança, económicas e temporais, porque não permitem o uso/simulação de situações de risco e de perigo para o utilizador. Os resultados desta pesquisa demonstram que o ambiente virtual utilizado, os preceitos do design e o aviso multimodal são eficientes no cumprimento dos objetivos traçados. Os resultados das variáveis utilizadas são positivos e a hipótese foi comprovada com recurso a testes estatísticos. O aviso multimodal desenvolvido tem elevado potencial para ser utilizado em vários produtos tecnológicos, nomeadamente na indústria de eletrónicos e automobilística.
ABSTRACT: In the context of Design, this research approaches, generally the user-centered design, information design, warnings and Virtual Reality (VR). The effectiveness of safety warnings depends on the ability to influence the behavior of users. Some studies suggest that the explicitation of the consequences of non-compliance notices of influence, positively, making appropriate decision. The explicitation of the consequences is difficult to implement in conventional static warnings; however, the technology-based warnings are simple. However, in the technology-based warnings is much simpler, but research on its effectiveness is still scarce. It is in this theme that this is the opportunity of our research project, which develops, have as main objective the development of an efficient technology based security warning, based on knowledge of interaction, communication and experience design, consequences of failure to comply with the information presented. So, we can achieve the goals, we have chosen to use a mixed methodology that combines techniques for collecting qualitative and quantitative data. The type of research will be of an exploratory nature. The method of experimentation will use VR and as instruments of data collection, will be used questionnaires, interviews and non-participant observation. This approach aims to minimize the problems arising from the application of classical methodologies in their implications, particularly those related to ethical, safety, economic and temporal difficulties, because they do not allow the use/simulation of situations of risk and danger to the user. The results of this research demonstrated that the virtual environment used, the design precepts and the multimodal warning were efficient in the accomplishment of its objectives. The results of the variables used were positive and the hypothesis was proposed as a validity with the use of statistical tests. It is expected that the multimodal warning developed may have high potential to be used in various technological products, namely in the electronics and automotive industry.
Herrera, Gonzales-Pratto Isabel, Vásquez Ricardo Herrera, and Avilés Antonio Ojeda. "Entrevista al Dr. Antonio Ojeda Aviles." Derecho & Sociedad, 2015.
Full textClément, Sarah. "Ecritures avides : Beckett, Des Forêts, Bernhard." Paris 7, 2013.
Full textThrough a cross-reading of three soliloquies, Molloy, Le Bavard and Béton, I propose to analyse the notion of « avidity » -quintessentially linked to those of rhetorical copia, abundance and verbosity- as an essential principle in the writing of Beckett, des Forêts and Bernhard. Whether avidity appears in the forms of compulsive repetition or of chatter as a mariner of overexpression, it reveals the vacuity of the powerless subjects, it embodies the lingering mediocrity which they feel, while it also pushes them forward, beyond the self. In the grasp of tensions between the crumbling characters and their frenzied logorrhea, the avid narrative demonstrates a taste for the use of repetitions and for long and asyntactic sentences, as well as it displays a strong tendency towards abuse and aggressiveness, a fragmented prose, an abundance of personal oral structures, and intertextual practices. These diverse modes, recurrent in the copious discourse, indicate an appetite for words, as well as a will to deconstruct the traditional foundations of narratives. Their strong blast can induce the absorption of these readers, whose abnormal, excessive relation to the text relies on a mixture of somehow contradictory affects —fascination, attraction, contamination, or, conversely, disgust, nausea, hatred. The text is metabolized through a series of processes such as the inflation of metatextual play, a diffusely propagated prophylactic irony, or an aggressive inclusion and rejection of the reader. Such processes invest readers in a borderline experience, the might of which mainly relies on unsettled interpretations
Silva, Ivani Jose da. "Avidez de IgG na Toxoplasmose: padronização do pH como caotrópico para quantificação direta de anticorpos de baixa avidez." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.
Full textToxoplasmosis is a highly prevalent protozoosis, affecting at least one billion people worldwide. The infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii is asymptomatic and benign but it can cause visual losses in addition to death in fetuses and immunocompromised patients. The agent can be controlled by early diagnosis and treatment, but this therapy depends on the determination of active or recent infection. The parasitological diagnosis is complex, time consuming and only performed in few centers, so specific serology is essential for diagnosis. The IgG avidity tests has been used to determine recent infection, but avidity conventional tests only provide an indirect estimate of low avidity antibodies from the total and high avidity antibodies. The quantification of low avidity antibodies would be interesting due to high titers in the acute phase of infection or as markers of disease activity. Using reversible chaotrope such as pH, we standardized an enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) to allow the determination and quantification of low avidity antibodies. For standardization we used serum samples from experimentally infected rabbits or samples of biological material bank of the Laboratory of Protozoology, IMTSP. Our results showed that pH 3.5 is a chaotrope similar to 6M urea (r2 = 0.9909) in avidity ELISA, and high avidity antibodies had similar resistance to two associated chaotrope in experimental sera. The antibodies recovered on elution with pH 3.5 or urea had similar antigen specificity by immunostaining or Western blot. The neutralizing antibody eluted by pH allowed retest by ELISA after 1 hour of refolding, with direct quantification of antibodies of low avidity. The reproducibility inter and intra test were above 95%, but with worse results for pH 3.5. After standardization, we analyzed 150 samples of human sera with known serology and avidity, composed by a large majority of high avidity samples. Avidity as percent of high avidity antibodies showed erratic results in chaotrope comparison, attributed to the majority of high avidity samples, although the direct measure of low avidity IgG kept correlation with the indirect estimate (r2 = 0.48). This approach allows the direct determination of low avidity antibodies that are early produced in an antigen challenge. Our test is similar to the biology of antibody selection, since antigen presentation by acid exosomes of follicular dendritic cells in germinal center seems to be the system of selection of clones that produce high avidity antibodies. The prospective use of the quantification of low avidity antibodies in toxoplasmosis are attractive, either by the quantitative relationship with the severity of the disease; or the increased presence in recent infections, especially in congenital infection and in immunosuppressed patients, or their relative increase in reactivated chronic disease, such as ocular toxoplasmosis.
Books on the topic "Aviser"
Søllinge, Jette D. De danske aviser, 1634-1989. Odense: Udgivet af Dagspressens fond i kommission hos Odense universitetsforlag, 1988.
Find full text(Association), Option consommateurs, ed. Le locataire avisé: Chercher, trouver, aviser. [Montréal]: Éditions de l'Homme, 2002.
Find full textI, Københavns universitet Universitetsbiblioteket. Mikrofilmede aviser i Universitetsbibliotekets 1. afdeling. Edited by Hartvig Steen. 4th ed. København: Universitetsbibliotekets 1. afd., 1987.
Find full textHanne, Ruus, ed. Hyppige ord i danske aviser, ugeblade og fagblade. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1986.
Find full textBorch, Sigurd. En Esbjergdreng fortæller: Om løse typer og aviser. Esbjerg]: Historisk Samfund for Ribe Amt, 1986.
Find full textAllern, Sigurd. Nyhetsverdier: Om markedsorientering og jounalistikk i ti norske aviser. Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget, 2001.
Find full textDammann, Jaran. Vi har pissa i frysern: Flere morsomme trykkfeil fra norske aviser. Oslo]: Gyldendal, 2007.
Find full textSelback, Bente. Fire dagar i nordiske aviser: Ei jamføring av påverknaden i ordforrådet i sju språksamfunn. Oslo: Novus, 2007.
Find full textHegge, Per Egil. Ridende rytter til hest: Finurligheter og annen språklig moro i aviser og presse-og litt ellers. Oslo: Kagge, 2005.
Find full textAhm, Agner. På lederplads: Ledelse i dagspressen i anden halvdel af nittenhundredtallet. Kbh: Handelshøjskolens Forlag, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Aviser"
Kehm, Roland. "Aviäre Influenzaviren." In Lexikon der Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen, 46–53. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
Full textFontaine, Joachim. "Charles Avison." In Barockmusikführer, 13–17. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2001.
Full textSchade, R. "„Aviäre Antikörper“ - ein Verbundprojekt." In Ersatz- und Ergänzungsmethoden zu Tierversuchen, 440–41. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 1997.
Full textDubois, Pierre. "‘Music…is like a conversation among friends, where the few are of one mind’." In Charles Avison in Context, 35–51. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textMaddison, Margaret. "Charles Avison, gentleman, and the vicar of Bedlington’s will." In Charles Avison in Context, 53–68. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textGardner, Matthew. "Charles Avison, John Brown and English oratorio." In Charles Avison in Context, 69–120. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textWollenberg, Susan. "Avison and Oxford, 1750–1810." In Charles Avison in Context, 121–30. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textHurst, Revd Terry. "Charles Avison and the Methodists." In Charles Avison in Context, 131–41. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textMarini, Stephen A. "Charles Avison and the psalmody reform movement in Britain." In Charles Avison in Context, 143–77. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textSouthey, Roz. "Managing a musical career in the eighteenth century." In Charles Avison in Context, 179–213. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Aviser"
MARTINEZ, CRISTINA, MARIA TRIGUEZ, and NURIA ZAMORA. "CELIACA SIN AVISAR." In 37 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Pediatría y Atención Primaria - SEPEAP 2023. Grupo Pacífico, 2023.
Full textHurtado Alegría, Julio A., María Cecilia Bastarrica, and Alexandre Bergel. "Analyzing software process models with AVISPA." In Proceeding of the 2nd workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.
Full textMcGinity, Matthew, Jeffrey Shaw, Volker Kuchelmeister, Ardrian Hardjono, and Dennis Del Favero. "AVIE." In the 2007 workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2007.
Full textAlegria, Julio Ariel Hurtado, Maria Cecilia Bastarrica, and Alexandre Bergel. "Analyzing the Scrum Process Model with AVISPA." In 2010 XXIX International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). IEEE, 2010.
Full textVats, Prashant, and Anjana Gossain. "AVISAR - a three tier architectural framework for the testing of Object Oriented Programs." In 2016 Second International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH). IEEE, 2016.
Full textCho, Song, Richard Smith, Amy Duguay, Peng Li, Alice Bakker, Ben Alba, Melissa Thomas, et al. "Abstract B233: c‐Met antagonist Avimer™ polypeptide that exhibits potentin vivoandin vitroinhibitor activity." In Abstracts: AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference: Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics--Nov 15-19, 2009; Boston, MA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2009.
Full textAlmeida, Ana, Francisco Rebelo, Paulo Noriega, and Carmen Gálvez. "Legibilidade de avisos de segurança em ambiente virtual." In 9° Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2019.
Full textMuñoz, Antonio, Antonio Maña, and Daniel Serrano. "AVISPA in the Validation of Ambient Intelligence Scenarios." In 2009 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. IEEE, 2009.
Full textLobo, Jaziel Souza, and Vaninha Vieira. "Alerta Antecipado de Desastres para Deficiente Visual e Auditivo: Reportando Resultados de Uma Pesquisa de Campo." In Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2021.
Full textMartinot-Lagarde, V., M. Maynard, and J.-M. Grenier. "The New Generation Aviso Patrol Vessel." In Warship 95: Offshore Protection Vessels. RINA, 1995.
Full textReports on the topic "Aviser"
Crawford, Aladsair J., Vilayanur V. Viswanathan, Charles K. Vartanian, Md Jan E. Alam, Patrick J. Balducci, Di Wu, Trevor D. Hardy, and Kendall Mongird. Avista Turner Energy Storage System: Assessment of Battery Technical Performance. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2019.
Full textMajo Masferrer, Natalia. La influenza aviar: una enfermedad en constante evolución. Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, March 2024.
Full textFalconi, César, and Alejandro Nin Pratt. Impacto económico potencial de la influenza aviar en el sector avícola de América Latina y el Caribe. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2006.
Full textSingh, Monika, and Mudumbai Ranganathan. Formal Verification of Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructures (BRSKI) Protocol Using AVISPA. National Institute of Standards and Technology, October 2020.
Full textPiras, Claudia, Agustina Suaya, Ana María Díaz Escobar, and Luz Magdalena Salas Bahamón. El lenguaje importa. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2023.
Full textGrimsmo, Asbjørn, Anders Underthun, and Øystein Fossen. En kontrollert framtid? Opplevde arbeidsforhold blant norske flygeledere og virkelighetsoppfatninger om flysikringsarbeidet i Avinor. Oslo: Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, 2014.
Full textAcebrón Ruiz, Julián. Homenaje (sucinto aviso donde se expone el plan de la obra). Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2019.
Full textDelgado, Lucas Esteban, and Axel Rivas. Graduate XXI: Un mapa del futuro: Cincuenta innovaciones educativas en América Latina. Inter-American Development Bank, April 2016.
Full textAlam, Md Jan, Patrick Balducci, Trevor Hardy, Anjan Bose, Chen-Ching Liu, Anurag Srivastava, Yin Xu, et al. Development and Analysis of Control Strategies for a 1 MW/3.2 MWh Energy Storage System at Avista Utilities. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2020.
Full textKyburz, María Eugenia, César Falconi, José Rente Nascimento, Nicolás Mateo, Alejandra Palma, Mark D. Wenner, Rocío González, and Peter Pfaumann. Informe rural 2006. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2007.
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