Academic literature on the topic 'Average measure of entanglement'
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Journal articles on the topic "Average measure of entanglement"
Dahlsten, O. C. O., and M. B. Plenio. "Entanglement probability distribution of bi-partite randomised stabilizer states." Quantum Information and Computation 6, no. 6 (September 2006): 527–38.
Full textBrennen, G. "An observable measure of entanglement for pure states of multi-qubit systems." Quantum Information and Computation 3, no. 6 (November 2003): 619–26.
Full textZHANG, YE-QI, and JING-BO XU. "ENTANGLEMENT SWAPPING OF PAIR CAT STATES." International Journal of Quantum Information 09, no. 03 (April 2011): 993–1003.
Full textLapeyre Jr., G. John, Sébastien Perseguers, Maciej Lewenstein, and Antonio Acín. "Distribution of entanglement in networks of bi-partite full-rank mixed states." Quantum Information and Computation 12, no. 5&6 (May 2012): 502–34.
Full textSoteros, C. E., D. W. Sumners, and S. G. Whittington. "Entanglement complexity of graphs in Z3." Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 111, no. 1 (January 1992): 75–91.
Full textMAJTEY, A. P., and A. R. PLASTINO. "TYPICAL BEHAVIOR OF THE GLOBAL ENTANGLEMENT OF AN OPEN MULTIQUBIT SYSTEM IN A NON-MARKOVIAN REGIMEN." International Journal of Quantum Information 10, no. 06 (September 2012): 1250063.
Full textRajeev, Manasa, and Christine C. Helms. "A Study of the Relationship between Polymer Solution Entanglement and Electrospun PCL Fiber Mechanics." Polymers 15, no. 23 (November 28, 2023): 4555.
Full textHorodecki, Michał. "Simplifying Monotonicity Conditions for Entanglement Measures." Open Systems & Information Dynamics 12, no. 03 (September 2005): 231–37.
Full textSmith, Philip, and Eleni Panagiotou. "The second Vassiliev measure of uniform random walks and polygons in confined space." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, no. 9 (February 3, 2022): 095601.
Full textBiswas, George, Anindya Biswas, and Ujjwal Sen. "Inhibition of spread of typical bipartite and genuine multiparty entanglement in response to disorder." New Journal of Physics 23, no. 11 (November 1, 2021): 113042.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Average measure of entanglement"
Amouzou, Grâce Dorcas Akpéné. "Etude de l’intrication par les polynômes de Mermin : application aux algorithmes quantiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024.
Full textThis thesis explores the measurement of entanglement in certain hypergraph states, in certain quantum algorithms like the Quantum Phase estimation and Counting algorithms as well as in reactive agent circuits, using the geometric measurement of entanglement, tools from Mermin polynomials and coefficient matrices. Entanglement is a concept present in quantum physics that has no known equivalent to date in classical physics.The core of our research is based on the implementation of entanglement detection and measurement devices in order to study quantum states from the point of view of entanglement.With this in mind, calculations are first carried out numerically and then on a quantum simulator and computer. Indeed, three of the tools used can be implemented on a quantum machine, which allows us to compare theoretical and "real" results
Tunison, Robert. "Average Taxonomic Distinctness as a Measure of Global Biodiversity." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2018.
Full textWoldekristos, Habtom G. "Tripartite Entanglement in Quantum Open Systems." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2009.
Full textSanja, Lončar. "Negative Selection - An Absolute Measure of Arbitrary Algorithmic Order Execution." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, 2017.
Full textAlgoritamsko trgovanje je automatizovani proces izvršavanja naloga na elektronskim berzama. Može se primeniti na širok spektar nansijskih instrumenata kojima se trguje na berzi i karakteriše ga značajna kontrola investitora nad izvršavanjem njegovih naloga, pri čemu se teži nalaženju pravog balansa izmedu troška i rizika u vezi sa izvršenjem naloga. S ozirom da se merenjem performasi izvršenja naloga određuje da li je postignuto najbolje izvršenje, u praksi postoji značajan broj različitih pokazatelja. Najčešće su to pokazatelji cena, neki od njih se određuju pre trgovanja (eng. Pre-trade), neki u toku trgovanja (eng. Intraday), a neki nakon trgovanja (eng. Post-trade). Dva najdominantnija pokazatelja cena su VWAP i Arrival Price koji je zajedno sa ostalim "pre-trade" pokazateljima cena poznat kao Implementation shortfall (IS).Pojam negative selekcije se uvodi kao "post-trade" mera performansi algoritama izvršenja, polazeći od pojma optimalnog naloga, koji predstavlja idealni nalog koji se mogao izvrsiti u datom vremenskom intervalu, pri ćemu se pod pojmom "idealni" podrazumeva nalog kojim se postiže najbolja cena u tržišnim uslovima koji su vladali u toku tog vremenskog intervala. Negativna selekcija se definiše kao razlika vektora optimalnog i izvršenog naloga, pri čemu su vektori naloga defisani kao količine akcija na odgovarajućim pozicijama cena knjige naloga. Ona je jednaka nuli kada je nalog optimalno izvršen; negativna, ako nalog nije (u potpunosti) izvršen, a pozitivna ako je nalog izvršen, ali po nepovoljnoj ceni.Uvođenje mere negativne selekcije zasnovano je na ideji da se ponudi nova, alternativna, mera performansi i da se u odnosu na nju nađe optimalna trajektorija i konstruiše optimalno izvršenje naloga.U prvom poglavlju teze dati su lista notacija kao i pregled definicija i teorema neophodnih za izlaganje materije. Poglavlja 2 i 3 bave se teorijskim pregledom pojmova i literature u vezi sa mikrostrukturom tržišta, pokazateljima trgovanja i algoritamskim trgovanjem. Originalni rezultati su predstavljeni u 4. i 5. poglavlju. Poglavlje 4 sadrži konstrukciju optimalnog naloga, definiciju i osobine negativne selekcije. Teorijski i praktični rezultati u vezi sa osobinama negativna selekcije dati su u [35]. Poglavlje 5 sadrži teorijske osnove stohastičke optimizacije, definiciju modela za optimalno izvršenje, kao i originalni rad u vezi sa metodom nemonotonog linijskog pretraživanja [31], dok 6. poglavlje sadrži empirijske rezultate.
Klinkert, Rickard. "Uncertainty Analysis of Long Term Correction Methods for Annual Average Winds." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för fysik, 2012.
Full textFör att bygga en vindkraftspark är man i behov av att kartlägga vindresurserna i det aktuella området. Med hjälp av tidsserier från numeriska vädermodeller (NWP), globala assimileringsdatabaser och intilliggande observationer korrigeras de uppmätta vindhastigheterna och vindriktningarna för att motsvara långtidsvärdena av vindförhållandena. Dessa långtidskorrigeringsmetoder (LTC) genomförs generellt sett med hjälp av linjär regression i Mät-korrelera-predikera-metoden (MCP). Denna metod, och två andra metoder, Sektor-bin (SB) och Syntetiska tidsserier (ST), används i denna rapport för att utreda de osäkerheter som är knutna till långtidskorrigering.Det testområde som är valt för analys i denna rapport omfattas av Nordsjöregionen, med 22 meteorologiska väderobservationsstationer i Danmark, Norge och Sverige. Dessa stationer är till största del belägna till havs eller vid kusten. Tidsserierna som används täcker åttaårsperioden från 2002 till 2009, där det året med högst variabilitet i uppmätt vindhastighet, år 2007, används som den korta mätperiod som blir föremål för långtidskorrigeringen. De långa referensdataseten som använts är väderprediktionsmodellen WRF ( Weather Research and Forecast Model), baserad både på data från NCEP/FNL (National Centers for Environmental Prediciton Final Analysis) och ERA-Interim (ECMWF Interim Re-analysis). Dessutom används även data från MERRA (Modern Era Re-Analysis) och satellitobservationer från QuikSCAT. Långtidsperioden för alla dataset utom QuikSCAT omfattar samma period som observationsstationerna. QuikSCAT-datat som använts omfattar perioden 1 november 1999 till 31 oktober 2009.Analysen är indelad i tre delar. Inledningsvis behandlas osäkerheten som är kopplad till referensdatans ingående i långtidskorrigeringsmetoderna. Därefter analyseras osäkerhetens beroende av längden på den samtidiga datan i referens- och observationsdataseten. Slutligen utreds osäkerheten med hjälp av en icke-parametrisk metod, en s.k. Bootstrap: Osäkerheten i SB-metoden för en fast samtidig längd av tidsserierna från observationer och referensdatat uppskattas genom att skapa en generell modell som estimerar osäkerheten i estimatet.Resultatet visar att skillnaden när man använder WRF-modellen baserad både på NCEP/FNL och ERA-Interim i långtidskorrigeringen är marginell och avviker inte markant i förhållande till stationsobservationerna. Resultatet pekar också på att MERRA-datat kan användas som långtidsreferensdataset i långtidsdkorrigeringsmetoderna. Däremot ger inte QuikSCAT-datasetet tillräckligt med information för att avgöra om det går att använda i långtidskorrigeringsmetoderna. Därför föreslås ett annat tillvägagångssätt än stationsspecifika koordinater vid val av koordinater lämpliga för långtidskorrigering. Ytterligare ett resultat vid analys av långtidskorrigeringsmetoden SB, visar att metoden är robust mot variation i korrelationskoefficienten.Rörande osäkerhetens beroende av längden på samtidig data visar resultaten att en sammanhängande mätperiod på ett år eller mer ger den lägsta osäkerheten i årsmedelvindsestimatet, i förhållande till mätningar av kortare slag. Man kan även se att standardavvikelsen av de långtidskorrigerade medelvärdena avtar med längden på det samtidiga datat. Den implementerade ickeparametriska metoden Bootstrap, som innefattar sampling med återläggning, kan inte estimera osäkerheten till fullo. Däremot ger den lovande resultat som föreslås för vidare arbete.
Teng, Peiyuan. "Tensor network and neural network methods in physical systems." The Ohio State University, 2018.
Full textHan, Yong. "Some problems about SLE." Thesis, Orléans, 2017.
Full textThis thesis focuses on three topics related to the SLE(k) processes. The first part is about the dipolar SLE(k)process and the conformal restriction measure on the strip ; the second part is about the connectivity propertyof the Brownian loop measure ; and the third part is about the generalized integral means spectrum of the innerwhole plane Loewner processes driven by a Lévy process
Albouy, Olivier. "Discrete algebra and geometry applied to the Pauli group and mutually unbiased bases in quantum information theory." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2009.
Full textPagliarani, Stefano. "Portfolio optimization and option pricing under defaultable Lévy driven models." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2014.
Full textIn questa tesi studiamo alcuni problemi di portfolio optimization e di option pricing in modelli di mercato dove le dinamiche di uno o più titoli rischiosi sono guidate da processi di Lévy. La tesi é divisa in quattro parti indipendenti. Nella prima parte studiamo il problema di ottimizzare un portafoglio, inteso come massimizzazione di un’utilità logaritmica della ricchezza finale e di un’utilità logaritmica del consumo, in un modello guidato da processi di Lévy e in presenza di fallimenti simultanei. Nella seconda parte introduciamo una nuova tecnica per il prezzaggio di opzioni europee soggette a fallimento, i cui titoli sottostanti seguono dinamiche che prima del fallimento sono rappresentate da processi di Lévy esponenziali. Nella terza parte sviluppiamo un nuovo metodo per ottenere espansioni analitiche per i prezzi di derivati europei, sotto modelli a volatilità stocastica e locale guidati da processi di Lévy, espandendo analiticamente l’operatore integro-differenziale associato al problema di prezzaggio. Nella quarta, e ultima parte, presentiamo un estensione della tecnica precedente che consente di ottenere espansioni analitiche per i prezzi di opzioni asiatiche, ovvero particolari tipi di opzioni il cui payoff dipende da tutta la traiettoria del titolo sottostante.
Stevenson, Robin. "Generating quantum resources through measurement and control." Phd thesis, 2013.
Full textBooks on the topic "Average measure of entanglement"
Everett, J. R. A report on experiments to measure average fibre diameters by optical fourier analysis. Melbourne: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, 1986.
Find full textLei, Pui-Wa. Alternatives to the grade point average as a measure of academic achievement in college. Iowa City, Iowa: ACT, Inc., 2001.
Find full textLei, Pui-Wa. Alterntives to the grade point average as a measure of academic achievement in college. Iowa City, Iowa: ACT, Inc., 2001.
Find full text(Editor), John A. Prestbo, ed. The Market's Measure: An Illustrated History of America Told Through the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Dow Jones & Company, Inc., 1999.
Find full textVan Olmen, Daniël, and Johan Van Der Auwera. Modality and Mood in Standard Average European. Edited by Jan Nuyts and Johan Van Der Auwera. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Full textBeenakker, Carlo W. J. Extreme eigenvalues of Wishart matrices: application to entangled bipartite system. Edited by Gernot Akemann, Jinho Baik, and Philippe Di Francesco. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textKaboudan, Mak. Computational Spatiotemporal Modeling of Southern California Home Prices. Edited by Shu-Heng Chen, Mak Kaboudan, and Ye-Rong Du. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textSchreyer, Paul. GDP. Edited by Matthew D. Adler and Marc Fleurbaey. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textGupta, Rajesh. Randomized controlled trial evidence for gabapentin in post-herpetic neuralgia. Edited by Paul Farquhar-Smith, Pierre Beaulieu, and Sian Jagger. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textSorrentino, Alfonso. Action-Minimizing Invariant Measures for Tonelli Lagrangians. Princeton University Press, 2017.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Average measure of entanglement"
Weik, Martin H. "average measure of information content." In Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 92. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.
Full textFranco, Federica, Alessia Amelio, and Sergio Greco. "3D Average Common Submatrix Measure." In Digital Libraries: The Era of Big Data and Data Science, 26–32. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textDella Mea, Vincenzo, Gianluca Demartini, Luca Di Gaspero, and Stefano Mizzaro. "Experiments on Average Distance Measure." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 492–95. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
Full textAmelio, Alessia, and Clara Pizzuti. "Average Common Submatrix: A New Image Distance Measure." In Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2013, 170–80. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textKwok, Rex, Abhaya Nayak, and Norman Foo. "Coherence measure based on average use of formulas." In PRICAI’98: Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 553–64. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
Full textNowostawski, Mariusz, and Andrzej Gecow. "Identity Criterion for Living Objects Based on the Entanglement Measure." In Semantic Methods for Knowledge Management and Communication, 159–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textPeleg, David, and Uri Pincas. "The Average Hop Count Measure For Virtual Path Layouts." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 255–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.
Full textNguyen, Loan Thi Thuy, Trinh D. D. Nguyen, Anh Nguyen, Phuoc-Nghia Tran, Cuong Trinh, Bao Huynh, and Bay Vo. "Efficient Method for Mining High-Utility Itemsets Using High-Average Utility Measure." In Computational Collective Intelligence, 305–15. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textMatsuo, Yutaka, Yukio Ohsawa, and Mitsuru Ishizuka. "Average-Clicks: A New Measure of Distance on the World Wide Web." In Web Intelligence: Research and Development, 106–14. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.
Full textFlandoli, Franco, Andrea Papini, and Marco Rehmeier. "Average Dissipation for Stochastic Transport Equations with Lévy Noise." In Mathematics of Planet Earth, 45–59. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Average measure of entanglement"
Seshadri, Suparna, Karthik V. Myilswamy, Zhao-Hui Ma, Yu-Ping Huang, and Andrew M. Weiner. "Measuring frequency-bin entanglement from a quasi-phase-matched lithium niobate microring." In CLEO: Fundamental Science, FTu4F.3. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
Full textWang, Po-Han, and Ray-Kuang Lee. "Characterization of thermal degraded optical cat states by non-Gaussianity." In Quantum 2.0, QW3A.6. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
Full textWang, Po-Han, and Ray-Kuang Lee. "Characterization of thermal degraded optical cat states by non-Gaussianity." In CLEO: Applications and Technology, JW2A.153. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.
Full textBeigi, Salman. "Maximal entanglement — A new measure of entanglement." In 2014 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT). IEEE, 2014.
Full textJack, B., J. Leach, J. Romero, S. Franke-Arnold, S. M. Barnett, and M. J. Padgett. "Spatial Light Modulators to Measure Entanglement Between Spatial States." In Frontiers in Optics. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2009.
Full textLo Franco, Rosario, Farzam Nosrati, Alessia Castellini, and Giuseppe Compagno. "Robust entanglement preparation through spatial indistinguishability quantified by entropic measure." In Entropy 2021: The Scientific Tool of the 21st Century. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2021.
Full textTajima, Hiroyasu. "A New Second Law of Information Thermodynamics Using Entanglement Measure." In Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12). Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 2014.
Full textŻyczkowski, Karol. "Geometry of Quantum Entanglement." In Workshop on Entanglement and Quantum Decoherence. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2008.
Full textJian, Zhang, and Zhou Jin. "Surface Roughness Measure Based on Average Texture Cycle." In 2010 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC). IEEE, 2010.
Full textSutcliffe, Evan, Matty J. Hoban, and Alejandra Beghelli. "Multi-User Entanglement Routing for Quantum Mesh Networks." In Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Average measure of entanglement"
Muñoz, Ercio, and Mariel Siravegna. When Measure Matters: Coresidence Bias and Integenerational Mobility Revisited. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2023.
Full textAllik, Mirjam, Dandara Ramos, Marilyn Agranonik, Elzo Pereira Pinto Junior, Maria Yury Ichihara, Mauricio Barreto, Alastair Leyland, and Ruth Dundas. Developing a Small-Area Deprivation Measure for Brazil. University of Glasgow, May 2020.
Full textBürgi, Constantin, and Nisan Gorgulu. Spatial Closeness of Population and Economic Growth. Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure, 2022.
Full textMeyer, Erik, and Erik Meyer. Night skies data report: Photometric assessment of night sky quality at Haleakal? National Park. National Park Service, 2024.
Full textBacharach, Miguel, and William J. Vaughan. Household Water Demand Estimation. Inter-American Development Bank, March 1994.
Full textMonsalve, Emma, Alma Romero, and António Afonso. Public Sector Efficiency: Evidence for Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2013.
Full textAdsit, Sarah E., Theodora Konstantinou, Konstantina Gkritza, and Jon D. Fricker. Public Acceptance of INDOT’s Traffic Engineering Treatments and Services. Purdue University, 2021.
Full textAguiar, Brandon, Paul Bianco, and Arvind Agarwal. Using High-Speed Imaging and Machine Learning to Capture Ultrasonic Treatment Cavitation Area at Different Amplitudes. Florida International University, October 2021.
Full textHarris, Bernard. Anthropometric history and the measurement of wellbeing. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, June 2021.
Full textCarpio, Carlos, Manuel Garcia, Ana R. Rios, Tullaya Boonsaeng, Juan M. Murguia, and Alcido Wander. Static and Dynamic Economic Resilience Indicators for Agrifood Supply Chains: The COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, June 2023.
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