Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Autonomie au travail'
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Terssac, Gilbert de. "Travail et autonomie : division du travail et régulations sociales." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990IEPP0024.
Full textImbeau, Patrick, and Rachid Bagaoui. "Lien entre autonomie au travail et gestion de la vie hors travail." Acfas-Sudbury, 2006. https://zone.biblio.laurentian.ca/dspace/handle/10219/70.
Full textBécousse, Gérard. "Mémoire et autonomie en contexte scolaire : néophyte, praticien ou expert : les effets de situations de travail en autonomie sur les conduites de mémorisation des collégiens en histoire et en géographie." Lille 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003LIL30025.
Full textMemorization is considered as a complex general effect of mechanisms and processes referred to pupil's level of implication : neophyte, practician, expert. Cognitive, contextual, and motivational dimensions of these three levels are also referred to autonomy in a pedagogical device including memorization of declarative and procedural knowledge. Three points of support form the structure of that organization (pupils, the others, knowledge and documents in classroom) creating three interactions (teaching, training, learning). Research combines three types of proceeding in history and geography (secondary French school, sixth to third forms) : autonomy supportive teaching (memorization of dates and places) autonomous learning (memorization of savoir-faire, analysis and description). Different effects on conducts are analysed : keeping, changing, selecting, differentiating, giving explicit, identifying
Sarmiento, Mayca Luz Janet. "Autonomie au travail et partenariat patronal-syndical dans une papeterie québécoise." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0005/MQ31794.pdf.
Full textVaillant, Marie-France. "Soigner la maladie chronique : quand le travail d'équipement révèle autonomie et attachements." Thesis, Grenoble, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012GRENH027/document.
Full textCommon speech calls for patient autonomy. Yet chronic illness care also reveals attachments. This is what we propose to highlight, through our thesis that takes for example diabetes and plans through the development of the concept of ‘the equipping work', questioning the autonomy, which is far to go self. From interviews, field observations, objects screening, and search of traces, we interrogate such practices as therapeutic education, the introduction of drugs and equipment (glucometer, insulin pump). These elements are all mediations, for the patient, family members, health professionals, patient organisations, which influence the course of living with the disease. Equipping can make the link between the sociology of health and illness, symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and the actor network theory. It provides a grid of chronic illness and care, with all the equipements that contribute to the management of disease. It allows defining autonomy despite the strength of disease ties and leads to rebuild the identity of the man-with-the-sickness
Moussy, Pascal. "Autonomie ouvrière et contentieux du travail et de l'emploi : bilan et perspectives." Paris 10, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA100146.
Full textThe following papers are intended to point out the "workers' autonomy" i. E. All the values, representations and action reasoning belonging to the "working movement" in labour and employment disagreements particularly concerning some court controversies and some answers brought by judicial precedents
Marichalar, Pascal. "Prévenir ou produire : autonomie et subordination dans la médecine du travail (France, 1970-2010)." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00790523.
Full textTheis, Laurent. "L'autonomie dans l'enseignement avec plan de travail, un encadrement sur deux niveaux." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape11/PQDD_0017/MQ47244.pdf.
Full textErnst, Stähli Michèle. "La flexibilité du temps de travail : entre autonomie et contraintes : une étude de cas en Suisse." Marne-la-Vallée, 2003. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00129517.
Full textBy looking at how a new regulation is translated into everyday practices, this dissertation explores through a specific case study the degree of autonomy gained by wage-earners with the introduction of flexible working schedules. The guiding hypothesis is that by introducing procedural rules, flexitime opens the space for more daily negotiations, therefore reinforcing the effects of power relations inherent to employment relationships. The goal is to understand, through a sociological approach, how employees experience a form of working time that transfers responsibility for time management to them, and how they integrate work-related constraints with their life outside the workplace. The first part of the dissertation sets up the context of the case study. It offers a definition of flexibility by situating it in the broader history of work time, as well as in relation to various organizational forms and cultural transformations. An international literature review and a focus on the Swiss case are offered. In the second part, the focus is narrowed to a specific Swiss firm specialized in mail-order, where a system of individualized management of annual work time has been introduced. By combining a quantitative and qualitative approach, it is possible to analyze determinants of the practices internal to the firm and determinants related to employees themselves, as well as the way in which employees articulate these two orders of constraints. The results show that the implementation of flexible working time is not affecting daily negotiation practices so much as it is creating a set of informal rules. The autonomy of wage-earners is expressed first and foremost through their capacity to produce, negotiate, and legitimate these rules. The intraindividual level has proven to be central for the social regulation of flexible working time. It is not so much a question of legitimation, but rather the process of institutionalization nurtured by the energy invested by wage-earners in their personal quest for a compromise between their various roles, identities, and aspirations. It is this individualized regulation that is ensuring the success of the system under study
Drollet, Solange. "Le droit du travail en Polynésie française : entre autonomie et assimilation : contribution à l'étude du droit social polynésien." Aix-Marseille 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AIX32038.
Full textDrollet, Solange. "Le droit du travail en Polynésie française, entre autonomie et assimilation : contribution à l'étude du droit social polynésien /." Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2000. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376403946.
Full textLarrue, Maïté. "Accompagner l'élève en difficulté vers l'autonomie grâce au travail sur la consigne : étude d'interactions langagières en groupes restreints : La consigne outil maîtrisé, facteur d'autonomie cognitive et identitaire de l'élève." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM3035.
Full textHow to assist an at-risk student towards greater cognitive autonomy and identity development by structuring support than can go through phases of guidance and through the writing of instructions in a small group.This device is based on an exploration of a literary text to gather information that gives rise to the creation of instructions addressed to peers. The role of the constraining instruction is to become an empowering point.Through the analysis of linguistics interactions, this work seeks to show how support can play a role of guidance and building towards autonomy
Lenzi, Catherine. "Travail, genre et engagement dans les SEL : réflexions sur l'autonomie de l'individu à partir d'une variante de l'économie solidaire." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007VERS021S.
Full text"Local exchange system"(in French, "Systèmes d'échange locaux": SEL) are a variant of social economy concerned with the question of personal autonomy, tackled from three different angles: work, gender and militant commitment. Each of these three approaches allows to question and break down the post-modern rhetoric of emancipation that underlies the theories of "the end of work", and "the end of militants" or the assumption that "new" forms of commitment are emerging. After an introductory section which presents, among other things, the historical background of SEL, the first part of the thesis throws light on the fact that work remains an institution and that it contributes to "socializing" people. In this first part is examined the weight of "out-of-work activities" in the movement that is remodelling work in its current forms. The second part assesses the impact of the injunctions made by social economy on the people concerned, in the fields both of social protection and gender relations. The processes of decollectivization and of work-sharing between sexes are at the core of the analysis. The third part evinces the fact that militant commitment, far from being free from social determination, is built socially - today as it was yesterday- beyond the weight of personal choices. The point is made particularly clear in the study of the position of women, who play the main part in animating SEL: gender relations shape the social movement and give it its meaning. This work is grounded on an ethnographic-type field investigation conducted over several years, and complemented by a quantitative research on SEL, ten years after they started
Grangeat, Michel. "Différenciation, évaluation et métacognition dans l'activité pédagogique -à l'école et aucollège-." Lyon 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LYO20050.
Full textOur purpose is to find out how the development of metacognition can improve autonomisation in students in an individualized workframe. A first investigation, which compares three educational patterns at junior highschool entrance level, shows that organizing metacognitive regulations and streaming students according to their needs improves their relationship to knowledge in that it increases distanciation. A second enquiry follows throughout a year the evolution of several students involved in individualized courses coordinated by metacognition. The study shows that autonomisation is a gradual process. The last part deals with transferring results. As for teaching practice, we describe how metacognitive regulations fit in with teaching based on problem-situations. With the purpose of understanding the scope of metacognition, we show how it reinforces the notion of the learning process seen as overcoming a cognitive obstacle. Lastly we verify that our proposition enables students to share in the meaning of knowledge, to maintain control over their strategies and to bring together various viewpoints on the purpose of education. Thus autonomisation is improved when metacognitive regulation is installed
Ernst, Michèle. "La flexibilité du temps de travail : entre autonomie et contraintes. Une étude de cas en Suisse." Phd thesis, Université de Marne la Vallée, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00129517.
Full textde comprendre, par une approche sociologique, comment les salariés vivent une forme de temps de travail qui leur délègue la responsabilité de sa gestion et comment ils composent avec les différentes contraintes propres au travail et à leur vie hors travail. La première partie du mémoire contextualise la situation étudiée. Elle définit la notion de flexibilité en la situant dans l'histoire du temps de travail ainsi que par rapport aux différentes formes d'organisation et à certaines transformations culturelles de notre société. Elle présente la littérature internationale et détaille la situation du temps de travail en Suisse, ce qui permet de situer la monographie présentée dans la deuxième partie. Celle-ci porte sur une entreprise suisse de vente par correspondance ayant introduit une gestion individualisée et annualisée du temps de travail. La combinaison entre une approche quantitative et
qualitative permet d'analyser les déterminants internes à l'entreprise et ceux propres aux salariés susceptibles d'orienter les pratiques en matière de temps de travail, ainsi que la manière dont les salariés articulent ces deux ordres de contraintes.
Les résultats indiquent que l'application des temps de travail flexibles ne passe pas tant par une négociation quotidienne des pratiques que par la fixation de règles informelles. L'autonomie des salariés s'exprime avant tout dans leur capacité à produire, à négocier et à légitimer ces règles. Le niveau intraindividuel s'est révélé être crucial dans la régulation sociale du temps de travail flexible. Elle ne renvoie pas à un simple processus de légitimation mais bien à un mouvement d'institutionnalisation qui tire sa force de l'énergie investie par les salariés dans la recherche personnelle de compromis entre leurs différents rôles, identités et aspirations. C'est cette régulation passant par l'individu qui assure le succès du système étudié.
Louis, Joanes. "L'émancipation du droit du travail calédonien." Paris 13, 2013. http://scbd-sto.univ-paris13.fr/secure/ederasme_th_2013_louis.pdf.
Full textThe law of the Overseas is a discipline that most often concerns the public law specialists. Their interest for that discipline began in the 17th century and helped the metropolitan State to implement a policy to conquest the overseas territories. Early, the researchs led by Professor Gonidec, Luchère and Lampué showed the limits of the United State used by France as constutional organisation, due to the great distance between all those territorites, and the historical, cultural and sociological differences with the natives. The labour law emanciaption seems to have no link with the public law. It is normally a part of the private law. But in the caledonian situation, that principle is not that right because of the importance of the researchs from the public lawers. In fact, New Caledonia is considered as a "sui generis" entity since May the 5th, 1998 and started then an independence process. The independence process is divided in 2 parts. First, the metropolitan State transfers a set of powers to the local authorities. Then, a referendum is set up to ask if the caledonian citizens want the metropolitan State to transfer the sovereign powers (army, foreign policy, justice. . . ) to New Caledonia. In this process, the article 21 of the organic Law of march the 19th, 1999 gave to New Caledonia an exclusive jurisdiction for the labour law, so that the metropolitan State do not participate anymore in the making of the caledonian labour law. My thesis will be focused on the labour law of New Caledonia, but not only on that transfer of jurisdiction that can’t describe the reality of that situaiton. That’s why the word “emancipation” is more convenient because there are actually two different realities linked to the labour law in New Caledonia. The first one is related to the independence that lead to a summa divisio of the normative power inside the local labour law: the metropolitain Statekeep the exclusive jurisdiction to determine the Jus commune, and the local power can fix the Jus proprium. The second one is the independence that lead to an exclusive jurisdiction to set all the rights related to people of the territory. In the wo cases, there are two problems. The first problem is a doubt about the institutions of New Caledonia in the future. The second problem is about the method: can we use the comparative law method even if New Caledonia is, for some specialists, still part of the French Republic despite the special status given by the article 76 of the Constitution ? It seems that the comparative law method is necessary because there are some similar points between the metropolitan labour law and the caledonian labour law. To conclude, because that emancipation of the labour law, it is possible to bring out how complex is that territory, where the identity question is very important. But, in the opposite way, it is probably thanks to the labour law, that needs the oppositions to maintain a permanent contact and discuss to keep the social peace inside the companies and in the all society, that New Caledonia will be able to find how could be its institutional and social systems in the future
Proust, Serge. "La rationalisation de l'activité théatrale : autonomie artistique et intervention publique." Bordeaux 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999BOR21025.
Full textSensevy, Gérard. "Institutions didactiques, régulation, autonomie : une étude des fractions au cours moyen." Aix-Marseille 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1995AIX10002.
Full textA longitudinal teaching experiment was conducted with forth and fifth graders. The researcher was the teacher of the experimental class. The students participated in two specially designed activities, in: the production of fractions problems, by using a specific typology, and by producing and observing a set of criterias. The aim of such an activity was the improvement of the students conceptual and epistemological reflexion, and their change from a waiting position, passive, to a devolution position. So, they have to accept the responsability for sharing the teaching intention. A special work in the "journal of fractions", devoted to link the students activity to the progress of the institutional time. So, the students had to be able to become chronogenetic, i. E to propose to the class useful contributions to tackle new topics of curriculum, in an emblematisation process, which contributed to build the didactic memory of the class. These two activities constituted phenomenotechnic instruments, intendent to produce empiric facts, and to favorise the understanding of learning-teaching practices. On an other hand, they were considered as institutions, where teacher's and students's work allowed them to elaborate together new relations to the mathematical objects. So, classroom interactions were organised in order to built a mutual meaning system, grounded on appropriate semiotic tools. Such interactions necessitated a negotiation of new social norms, and the inculcation of new "dispositions" which demanded accurate gestures by the teacher. A new didactic contract, for the teacher and for the students, was determinated
Giraud, Christophe. "Chambres d'hôtes à la ferme et autonomie de la femme en agriculture." Paris 5, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA05H046.
Full textThe transformations undergone by gender relations in France since the sixties have also had an impact on the farming world. The quest of women for a social and professional identity, independent from their husband's, modifies farming practices. The emergence of the Bed and Breakfast activity is analysed in terms of this quest for autonomy and individualisation. The present enquiry is principally based on forty interviews carried out in the Charente-Maritime region with both men and women who have or have had a board and lodging activity. This enables us to map out two contrasting situations. When the husband takes on the tourist activity it becomes an additional source of income for the farm and accentuates the sexual division of labour. The accommodation activity is then integrated into the farming activity and the women's contribution rmains largely invisible. . .
Stoessel, Charles. "Décisions risquées et organisations à risques : autonomie au travail et reconnaissance sociale dans la conduite d'une industrie de process." Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00557579.
Full textStoessel, Charles. "Décisions risquées et organisations à risques : autonomie au travail et reconnaissance sociale dans la conduite d’une industrie de process." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010CNAM0723/document.
Full textThis doctoral dissertation describes the running of a high-risk process industry,nuclear power plants, and the operators’ autonomy to apply technical procedures.The chosen procedures must fit the "real-life" situations, which are always new, andultimately unique. Nuclear power technology is so complex that ambiguous situations often arise. The operators have to make technical decisions that encompassall the demanding issues of high-risk industries : nuclear safety, plant availabilityand generation output, workers’ safety, environmental protection, etc.Operating a nuclear power plant thus involves trade-offs between theoretically compatible concerns that in practice are incompatible or difficult to reconcile.Each option in the actual decision will have advantages for certain criteria anddisadvantages for others. Deciding thus always means forgoing something, andtechnical decision-making in high-risk organizations forces the field workers totake professional and personal risks. The dissertation thus examines the factors explaining why operators are still interested in getting involved in the action.Self-interest and cultural theories cannot explain all the cases encountered in thefield (workers with high commitment but paradoxically little interest in career advancement, strong differences between individuals in a supposedly homogenoussocio-professional groups, etc.). The research focuses on social recognition andgift/countergift theories as the primary explanation for motivation and cooperation at work
Ganault, Jeanne. "L'autonomie temporelle et ses usages : un révélateur des inégalités sociales devant le temps." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2022. https://theses.hal.science/tel-03898523.
Full textDifferences in how working people use their time depending on their social characteristics (namely, class and gender), are well documented. What remains unclear is how much autonomy they have to spend their time as they see fit, and how their autonomy might change their relationship to time. This work aims at redefining time autonomy in paid work as a multidimensional construct, and reintroducing it into time use analysis for the wage-earner population. Using both quantitative data from the French Time Use Survey and Working Conditions Surveys, and qualitative interviews, I look into how time autonomy shapes the way people spend their time, and the way they think about time. I define time autonomy as the range of freedoms workers get (or lack) in shaping their work time, and I identify eight types of temporal autonomy, from "'absolute' constraints" to "'absolute' autonomy", that reveal inequalities in terms of social class, gender and work context. These types of autonomy are associated with different paid and unpaid work schedules : more autonomous men are more likely to work and value long hours in paid work, and more autonomous women are more likely to dedicate more time to unpaid work. The gender-segregated nature of autonomous workers' schedules is in part explained by an anticipatory selection of (some) women in autonomous occupations. This selection is not available to everyone : workers who are more constrained in their daily schedules are also more likely to have had limited options throughout their life course, yet I find they are less likely to express any desire to change their situation in the present or in the future, as they attempt to "make autonomy of necessity"
Gregoire, Maud. "L’autonomie et le travail non subordonné en coopérative d’activité et d’emploi : une analyse critique." Thesis, Lille 2, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIL2D004/document.
Full textThis thesis contributes to critical reflections on autonomy and work through the study of non-subordinated work in business and employment cooperatives (BEC). The concept of non-subordinated workers, close to that of freelancers, refers to individuals who attempt to forge a living out of their skills outside of the traditional salaried worker system. They find themselves their work opportunities by offering their goods and services to clients. The thesis explores the kind of autonomy that these workers practice by asking the following question: to what extent does non-subordinated work allow workers to attain individual and collective autonomy in a neoliberal system characterised by the individual-entrepreneur figure? It is based on an inductive approach carried out during an ethnographic study. It belongs to the constructivist epistemology and to critical management studies. To begin, the thesis studies the individual dimension of autonomy by looking into the non-subordinated worker as a figure. In particular, it compares this figure to that of the individual entrepreneur and builds on the concept of micro-emancipation. The thesis also examines the collective dimension of autonomy at the level of the governance of the BEC and at the level of the non-subordinated workers’ collectives that are created within the cooperative. Anarchism, rarely used in management sciences, proves to be an interesting analytical framework for the analysis. In parallel, the thesis provides three contributions. Firstly, it establishes an overview of contemporary work situations that demonstrates, amongst other things, that the distinction between the legal status of an employee and that of a self-employed person is outdated. Secondly, it proposes a typology of non-subordinated workers’ career paths which includes four profiles: “suffering in the salaried worker system”, “unemployed”, “nomadic”, “entrepreneur”. Thirdly, it offers managerial advice to help collectives of non-subordinated workers organise in a non-hierarchical way
Cosson, Arnaud. "Réformateurs au quotidien : approche sociologique du travail de réforme dans la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle loi sur les parcs nationaux." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014IEPP0031/document.
Full textOur research work brings together sociology of institutional change, studies of administrative work and studies of environmental policies. Drawing on a six years ethnographical study, we document the daily activities of directors of national parks (i.e. middle managers in French administration) in charge of implementing in new law to reform this nature conservation policy. We address the issue of reformer’s autonomy. We demonstrate empirically, then theoretically, that national parks, and more generally nature conservation policies, features high institutional inertia. Then we argue that, even in a context including strong constraints, reformers have autonomy. Yet autonomy is never pre-given nor can be taken for granted. It closely depends on reformers’ daily practices. Reformers need to build and to maintain their autonomy. Certain stages in institutional change linked to the implementation of the reform are critical to achieve this : the beginning of the reform process and then short periods when reformers can work to ensure that the dynamics of the reform process itself depart strongly from the usual inertia mechanisms of the public policy. Thus, the management of the reform process, more than its substance, is at the heart of the building of reformers’ autonomy and opens up a space for institutional innovation. We document the practical modalities of reformers’ work of interpretation, of composition and of modeling which contribute to the fact that ongoing action is increasingly being considered through the lens of the recent collective experience (since the beginning of the reform) rather than through the lens of the distant history on which institutional inertia is based
Mazaud, Anne-Laure. "Contrat de travail et droit commun : essai de mesure." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE2157.
Full textWhen wondering about the relationship between employment contract and general law, autonomist claim is usually immediately brought up. Yet, the point is not to claim, but to define the propensity to autonomy of labor law in regard of general contract law, many times asked, and always renewed. Precisely, this measurement essay reveals deeply nuanced results. Thus autonomy could not be definitely accepted due to many manifestations of the subservience of employment contract to general law. However it cannot be totally contradicted because of the incontestable emancipation of the employment contract from the general law. To understand this apparent contradiction, the subject must be divided. The approach cannot be global and the study must deal with distinct subjects. The employment contract system is indeed oscillating between two poles: autonomy and dependence. Emancipation towards general law is almost complete when considering some questions. Concerning some other questions, subservience can only be noted. Moreover, the results of this research are leading to affirm that autonomy and dependence are not two distinct areas, separated by a hermetic border. Hence, dependence must be admitted when general law is preserved, though autonomy already appears when general law is appropriate. It is more intense when general law is distorted, and reaches its ultimate degree when general law is ousted. A kind of continuum is observed between these two poles – subservience and autonomy – on which questions about employment contract are organized. Consequently, when measuring the relationship between employment contract and general contract law, everything is a matter of degrees, proximity and distance correlative to these two extremities of the spectrum
BOUALI, BOUMEDIENE. "Le secteur de l'industrie des hydrocarbures en algerie : statut general du travailleur? autonomie des entreprises, et motivation du personnel." Paris, CNAM, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997CNAM0277.
Full textIn algeria, the shift from a centralized and planned economy to a free-market system involving selfgovernment policy has been experiencing its transient stage since 1988. In this field, the human resource function stands for the central parameter of the analysis of this dissertation. Within this function, the analysis deals particularly with the variable motivation at work. As an additional part, an on-site survey has been conducted within a set of sixteen hydrocarbon firms. The question here is to find out the necessary means to conciliate the set of the social and political system parameters, with the management policy of the state-owned enterprise. Hence, the statement of the problem subtending this work : "following the failure of the current centralized system of the management of the human resources function variables - developing within + rigid system of a planned economy - in using this function as an economical lever to strengthen the efficiency of the state-owned firm in general and especially the hydrocarbons industrie's units , more particularly through the socialist organization of the enterprise and the algerian labor code (s. G. T. ), how and to what extent the new economical reforms of autonomy, once integrated within a still centralized and unified framework, could put that reinforcement in, concrete form ?" the analysis has been conducted towards three directions : (1) the management systems of the algerian state-owned enterprise since the independance, (2) the development of the hydrocarbons sector in algeria, and (3) the industrial psychology theories and the analysis of their concepts with regard to personnel motivation within that sector. The stimuli will be essentially traced within the firm's management policy. In this analysis, the skinnerian environment will be essential. Finally, this work tries to define the requirements for conciliating the current situation with the liabilities related to thirty years of centralized human resources management (1966-1996)
Richard, Stéphane. "L’IMPACT DES NORMATIVITÉS ORGANISATIONNELLES ET PROFESSIONNELLES SUR LA SANTÉ PSYCHIQUE DES TRAVAILLEURS SOCIAUX : ENJEUX POUR LA PRATIQUE DU TRAVAIL SOCIAL." Thesis, Laurentian University of Sudbury, 2014. https://zone.biblio.laurentian.ca/dspace/handle/10219/2223.
Full textLe, Lay Stéphane. "Autonomie individuelle et précarisation : dispositifs publics et souffrance sociale en classes populaires." Phd thesis, Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00818951.
Full textTorlotting, Dorothée. "De la prévention des risques au soin de manutention raisonné : former par la simulation pour construire la qualité au travail." Thesis, Paris, HESAM, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020HESAC035.
Full textThe patient's handling activity is often considered by caregivers to be an undervalue task. In addition, each year it generates health damage among professionals. In response to this disaster of training courses are proposed. Mostly guided by a safe approach, professionals are not very receptive. Training are too often based on a masterful, demonstrative pedagogy centered on learning techniques and their application. This thesis reflects an iterative design approach to "reasoned handling care" training (RHC). The research is based on empirical data collected in the design and deployment of training sessions. An innovative simulation methodology has been implemented not to train the "right gesture" but to help caregivers towards the construction of a suitable gesture which becomes a path of emancipation for the professional and respect for the autonomy and well-being of the beneficiary. The handling activity is thus approached as a problem-solving activity based on the experience of the participants, seeking to bring out their embedded knowledge, working on opportunities for collaboration between the patient and the caregiver. The trainer does not demonstrate, she has a guiding role. The proposed solutions are discussed within the collective during the test of the scenario by the designers, during the simulation that are played in front of an audience of learners or during the debriefing. Debates on professional practices, observed or reported, can thus be engaged offering professionals new perspectives to understand handling in a different way. It becomes a source of emancipation, development for the caregiver and a possibility of autonomy, well-being for the beneficiary
Santarelli, Jean. "Processus d'apprentissage en formation et quête du sens : Le cas des étudiants infirmiers : Approche ethnographique." Phd thesis, Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00935760.
Full textEl, Andoulsi Sourour. "Représentations de l'autonomie au travail et dynamique des échanges entre cadres-dirigeants et agents de maîtrise : cas du secteur textile & habillement en Tunisie." Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENG003.
Full textConceição, Neto Vera Lúcia da. "Liderança e autonomia nas novas formas de organização do trabalho: uma análise de empresas de tecnologia da informação em Pernambuco." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2014. https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/16188.
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Esta tese analisou como se estrutura a autonomia dos liderados na relação estabelecida com seus líderes na nova organização do trabalho, especificamente em duas empresas de TI em Pernambuco. As novas formas de organização do trabalho (NFOT) articulam o discurso de que as empresas de TI, por possuir ambientes mais flexíveis, adotam uma estrutura orgânica com melhores condições no local de trabalho, liderança funcionalmente eclética e participativa horizontalmente, divisão do trabalho flexível, adoção do poder compartilhado na sua prática que favorecem a autonomia no trabalho. Portanto, esta tese apresenta uma construção teórica e empírica que visou o entendimento da liderança e da autonomia nas NFOT. Seu objeto de estudo foi os líderes intermediários (supervisores, coordenadores, encarregados) e os seus liderados. A abordagem é qualitativa de perspectiva construcionista que contemplou a análise crítica do discurso. Optou-se por um estudo comparativo entre duas empresas de TI que averiguou as convergências e as divergências nas suas práticas. Concluiu-se que numa mesma organização as práticas flexíveis da liderança podem coexistir com as práticas tradicionais de controle burocrático. A autonomia não está isenta dos conflitos e das tensões no ambiente de trabalho, e apesar de existir choques com os procedimentos e as políticas da estrutura e das relações de poder, ela se realiza e acontece. O líder principal por meio da sua personalidade impõe uma estrutura de NFOT que permite o engajamento de poder e a vivência da autonomia na prática. Por outro lado, constatou-se que as organizações indicadas como NFOT nem sempre permitem a autonomia, sendo mais um processo evolucionário da burocracia disfarçado de NFOT.
Cette thèse a analysé comment se structure l’autonomie des subordonnés dans les rapports établis avec leurs leaders dans la nouvelle organisation du travail, surtout dans deux entreprises de TI du Pernambouc. Les nouvelles formes d’organisation du travail (NFOT) articulent le discours qui affirme que les entreprises de TI, possédant une ambiance plus souple, adoptent une structure organique avec de meilleures conditions dans le lieu de travail, une direction fonctionnellement éclectique et participative horizontalement, le partage flexible du travail, l’adoption du pouvoir partagé dans sa pratique qui favorisent l’autonomie dans le travail. Cependant, cette thèse présente une construction théorique et empirique qui a misé sur la compréhension du leadership et de l’autonomie dans les NFOT. Son objet d’étude a été les leaders intermédiaires (superviseurs, coordinateurs, chargés) et leurs subordonnés. L’approche est qualitative de perspective constructionniste qui a considéré l’analyse critique du discours. On a opté pour une étude comparative entre deux entreprises de TI en enquêtant sur les convergences et les divergences dans leurs pratiques. On est arrivé à la conclusion que dans une même organisation les pratiques souples de leadership peuvent coexister avec les pratiques traditionnelles de contrôle bureaucratique. L’autonomie n’est pas exemptée des conflits et des tensions dans l’ambiance du travail et, malgré l’existence de conflits avec les procédures et les politiques de la structure et des rapports de pouvoir, elle est réalisée et survient. Le leader principal, à travers sa personnalité, impose une structure de NFOT qui permet l’engagement de pouvoir et l’emploi de l’autonomie dans sa pratique. De l’autre côté, on a observe que les organisations indiquées ne permettent pas toujours l’autonomie, et cela devient plutôt un processus évolutionnaire de la bureaucratie déguisé en NFOT.
Sojecki, Sandrine. "Autonomie et gouvernance dans de nouvelles formes de régulations sociales : Le cas des interfaces entre groupes de travail dans le secteur du conseil." Paris 9, 2008. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2008PA090015.
Full textGovernance, as usually applied in so-called classical organisations is not sufficient to cope with the complexity of new organisational networking patterns. It is advisable to support such organisations to further develop participative and transverse governance thanks to inter-group cooperation. The case study of interfaces among the different working groups of a Consultancy company highlights the major dimensions, obstacles and/or vectors of change for the governance mode. This company is striving to implement a new matrix and organisational structure. The transverse management requires changes in the work organisational modes that challenge the type of autonomy at work, social regulations, “subsidiarity”, trust as well as group micro-culture. Changes require a learning process related to new interactions that goes naturally along with a revision of authority stratums and modes of social regulations of the organisation
Godfroid, Tiphaine. "Le patient acteur dans la prise en charge du cancer : attentes normatives et travail du malade." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAH014/document.
Full textThe patient actor in the management of cancer : normative expectations and patient workIn the context of a humanisation of care that enhances the figure of the individual as an actor in his or her health, this thesis questions the positioning of patients affected by cancer and their caregivers and close relatives in the care and experience of this pathology from the point of view of their "becoming actor". It highlights the disease management work done by the affected individuals, notably by analyzing how they deal with the uncertain dimensions of the experience of cancer. It also shows how the ethical considerations of the "right to information", the patient "associated with decisions" or even "at the heart of care" and the fight against cancer policy centered on "health education" contribute to bring to the foreground normative expectations that weigh on the sick. Through four stages of the disease - the discovery and announcement of cancer, the treatment period, the experience of remission and end-of-life trajectories - it more specifically examines the differences between the expected and prescribed roles and the roles effectively endorsed, the strategies of cooperation, negotiation or resistance between the actors and the elements that underpin the decision-making of the patients and their commitment to the actions they take to face cancer on a daily basis. The underlying questioning thus focuses on the actions and strategies undertaken by the actors affected in an attempt to control a trajectory of illness marked by uncertainty and how the latter integrate - or not the expectations of " the individual actor of his health and his disease "
Salles, Mylène. "L'évaluation de l'autonomie fonctionnelle des personnes âgées : contribution de la didactique professionnelle à la formation des travailleuses et travailleurs sociaux au Québec." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/9596.
Full textAbstract : It is a known fact that the aging of the population in Quebec has been steadily increasing and statistical figures speak for themselves. The word “aging” in the singular form masks the multiple contexts and processes of aging. For those who are not able to age well, family solidarity, as well as institutional solidarity, that is to say the public ones usually compensate for the loss of autonomy. The Quebec public health policies give structure to home support services following the assessment of the person’s situation with the Multiclientele Assessment Tool (MAT). This tool is used in the entire health and social services network, and by professionals such as social workers (SWs). However, gerontology is rarely taught in the initial training of SWs while these professionals also work with the older population. We reflected on how SWs gained their knowledge when assessing older adults. With regard to knowledge translated into practice, we focused the research on activity theories, occupational didactics and the conceptual framework of mediation. We examined activities performed by experimented professionals in social work when they were assessing functional autonomy of older adults. This was done to identify some of the knowledge applied in their practice and to make such knowledge available for the training of social work students in Quebec. Over 150 hours of observations and 22 individual and group meetings were conducted with volunteer practitioners working in the home support sector of a health and social services centre. The preliminary results of the research were presented to two focus groups: one with SWs who participated in the research, the other with social work teachers. Our results help describe the assessment procedures within the home support organization and differentiate the activity process by which SWs assess the person’s functional autonomy. We note that the knowledge acquired by SWs is based primarily on a detailed knowledge of the territory, the assessment tool and institutions. A second category of knowledge is the conceptualization of the functional autonomy by using the MAT tool as the scope and area of intervention of SWs. Finally, a third category of knowledge refers to the knowledge acquired which is used to interact with older adults and those around them. However, these three categories of knowledge are not reflected in the views of SWs but rather result from our own analysis of their practice. The assessment of functional autonomy is analyzed by the mediation concept. This concept highlights the knowledge acquired by SWs. With regard to knowledge related to practice, we noticed that their classification between the usual categories of theoretical knowledge or practice knowledge was ineffective. We use the occupational didactics vocabulary, such as functional invariants which are related to the assessment of functional autonomy, and activity-based patterns which are related to the assessment itself. Two key moments were identified in the assessment process. The first one includes the information collection and data analysis. The functional autonomy has an impact on the person’s life conditions. It is divided into two areas: mobility and cognition with intervention areas such as the safety and integrity of the person. In this iterative process, the SW identifies with the person what might affect her/his daily life. The assessment process raises two questions: (a) how to resolve this impact? and (b) how the loss of autonomy could be compensated? The information collection and the SW’s reasoning become then an iterative process, since the two elements of the process are linked and in continuous mode. The second moment of the assessment occurs if, in the current iterative process, the SW feels that there is a dissonance. It is essential to identify its nature in order to take it into account and maintain the objective of the activity which is to assess the functional autonomy for compensation purposes. The SW must identify the reason why there is a dissonance in order to be able to pinpoint with the person the inherent need for the loss of autonomy and what could be considered to address it. Taking into account this dissonance has just slowed down the progress of the activity. The reasoning which was previously related to the information collection has given way to the analysis of what may impede the assessment according to the situation. The components that generate the dissonance appear to be related to day-to-day activities, life conditions at the person’s home (consistency/inconsistency, refusal of services, self-neglect, mistreatment, aggressiveness). Assessing the situation becomes more complex because of the dissonance. The functional autonomy is still divided into two areas: mobility and cognition with the same areas of intervention which are the safety and the integrity of the person. However, to do so, the SWs’ reasoning is based on three schemes. In situations where a decision must be made on actions to be taken on a case, it must be referred, for instance, to a service or a profession standard. The reasoning then becomes normative. There are also situations where the SW acts according to her/his values and representations. It is called instinctive reasoning. Finally, the SW can explore these two orientations and choose the path of clinical reasoning designated as ethics. It is then similar to prudential practices which are characterized by uncertainty.
Baghioni, Liza. "Faire les saisons, se faire aux saisons : une ethnologie du travail dans des stations de tourisme." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM3106.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the social condition of seasonal workers in tourism from an ethnological point of view. These seasonal workers carry out their activities in tourist resorts in the South East of France and are subject to flexible and unsecure employment policies. This form of intermittent employment implies geographic and professional mobility which corresponds to the rhythms and requirements of the tourism sector. These workers question the dominant set of norms regarding employment, social rhythms and lifestyles. Their socially depreciated work is considered as transitional. Nevertheless, many of them “work the seasons” for many years, sometimes during their whole working life. How do they manage to “have a career” within a precarious employment system? The analysis looks at the position of the seasonal workers in the companies and within the tourist resort. This research shows that these workers are subject to a mechanism of social invisibilization. The study also encompasses work organization in the context of large variations in the amount of working hours. Finally, the analysis looks at the various ways of coping with intermittent revenues (during the between seasons periods as well). We will consider long term trajectories of seasonal workers.The relationship between work and non-work is at the center of this research. Being concerned with the living conditions of these tourism workers leads to a broader consideration of the position of work and leisure and the sense of norm and autonomy in our society
Mérette, Geneviève. "L'habilitation psychologique et la fréquence des conduites d'incivilité organisationnelle autorévélées." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/133.
Full textEneau, Jérôme. "Vers une modèle d'organisation autoformatrice. Apports du concept de réciprocité à une perspective d'autonomisation en formation." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00588883.
Full textMartin, Emmanuel. "Manager en dernier ressort : le travail de l'encadrement de proximité à EDF." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00739382.
Full textAraújo, Wagner dos Reis Marques. "Tem “barrageiro” no brega? Um estudo acerca das trajetórias de mulheres que se prostituem nas áreas atingidas pelas Usinas Hidrelétricas de Jirau e Santo Antonio no Estado de Rondônia." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/182686.
Full textEsta Tese de Doutorado tem como objeto de investigação as trajetórias de mulheres que têm ou tiveram experiências de trabalho sexual no distrito de Jaci Paraná e em Porto Velho, capital do estado de Rondônia, onde geralmente elas exercem atividades como “garçonetes”, proprietárias de bares e garotas de programas. Na fase inicial da construção das UHEs foi registrada uma presença expressiva de profissionais do sexo originárias de diferentes estados brasileiros e, também, de países da fronteira amazônica. A minha investigação que parte dos estudos de gênero e prostituição, objetivou analisar a prostituição em áreas próximas às Usinas Hidrelétricas Jirau e Santo Antônio para compreender as trajetórias laborais e os projetos de vida de mulheres que se prostituem. A pesquisa tem por enfoque a análise da articulação entre prostituição compreendida como trabalho, as relações de gênero e sexualidade considerando que essa atividade está inserida em uma pluralidade de serviços e contextos que envolvem afetos, intimidades e relações sexuais de natureza venal. A problemática da pesquisa diz respeito à prostituição praticada em bares de prostituição, considerando que através de diferentes usos do corpo e da sexualidade há mulheres que se inserem no comércio sexual estabelecendo em suas práticas margens de agência e estratégias que visam anular os efeitos negativos da prostituição. Por um lado, isso se torna um problema frente à falta de regulamentação do trabalho sexual no Brasil e às assimetrias de gênero que a perpassam; por outro, tais práticas conflitam com as representações ideológicas do corpo e da sexualidade da mulher que estão nas discussões de diferentes teorias feministas. As mulheres encontram particularidades que tornam a prostituição em bares vantajosa não somente em relação a outras modalidades de trabalho relegadas às mulheres dos estr
Lafargue, Marie. "Les relations de travail dans l'entreprise transnationale." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0279.
Full textTransnational companies now stand as leading economic powers in aglobalisation context. Stripped of any legal personality, they are only partly bound by thenational laws. Aside from supranational law, which is incomplete provides only partialregulation, labour relations within globalised companies remain largely bound by nationallaws while the paradigms of labour law have barely evolved in order to adjust to theirsingularity. The nature of the law that governs those professional relations is therefore notcommensurate to their transnational reality.The deficiencies of the current framework for analysis thus compel researchers to gobeyond the twofold boundaries of legal systems and legal entities in order to develop suitableglobal solutions. A positivist, forward-looking analysis of the law reveals the existence of anadaptation process that is already underway but which must also be extended andstrengthened.It is therefore a matter of establishing a legal adjustment principle within those labourrelations, which reveals the identity of the transnational: transnationality is an expression ofpluralism. Legal adaptation assumes, on the one hand, that companies be reconstructed asorganisations and that a synergy be established with other players in the field of globalgovernance. The alignment trend implies, on the other hand, the birth of a "post-modern",pluralist global law, resting on a foundation of fundamental rights. It is thus at the cost of suchdevelopments that an adapted regulation of labour relations will be achieved withintransnational companies, together with the emergence of a globalised social law
Haché-Miron, Marie-Claude. "Surcharge de travail et développement de l'épuisement professionnel : examen du rôle modérateur de l'autonomie et de la qualité de la relation avec le supérieur hiérarchique." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/6461.
Full textBélanger, Marc-André. "Reconnaissance et management : le cas du Harvard Business Review." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27460.
Full textTouaiti, Balsam. "Emotional labor in the workplace : impact on individual and organizational health." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023AIXM0015.
Full textEmotional labor has been an in demand research subject among service researchers. In this thesis, we propose to study the impact of external and internal antecedents in the workplace on individual and organizational health through emotional labor. In the first article, we focus on the interaction between individual and organizational factors. We extend the effort-reward imbalance model by suggesting it boosts the emotional regulation processes and effects deleteriously the organizational commitment. Our results from study 1 and study 2 suggest that emotional labor may explain the adverse effects of effort-reward imbalance and that job autonomy may mitigate burnout. Given the complexity of emotional processes, we use a mixed-methods design to investigate our concerns in the second article. The findings of study 1 identify a number of job features that affect workplace health and suggest hypotheses. In study 2, we confirm that emotional labor may explain the effects of autonomy and reward and that cultural indulgence moderates some of these effects. In the third article, we highlight the impact of individual factors on occupational health. We propose to examine whether transversal competences boost occupational health in everyday-life. A three-time-lagged design suggest that emotional labor may explain the influence of interpersonal competence related to mindfulness and that organizational support can decrease emotional exhaustion
Serges, Dorothée. "Insertions économiques des migrantes brésiliennes en Guyane française." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00701363.
Full textArtois, Pierre. "La pluralité des modalités de professionnalisation contemporaines: le groupe professionnel des aides familiales au coeur de tensions." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209081.
Full textNous avons choisi de centrer notre analyse sur un groupe professionnel méconnu, en recherche de reconnaissance et dont les incertitudes sur le travail pèsent à cause des redéfinitions émises par les politiques d’emplois le concernant suite aux changements démographiques et sociétaux affectant l’ensemble de la société. Notre hypothèse centrale est que la professionnalisation désignent des phénomènes problématiques ;qu’elle ne vise pas exclusivement à autonomiser un groupe de travailleurs sur le marché du travail afin qu’ils obtiennent un statut. Elle peut également servir à valoriser une activité afin de légitimer et développer la reconnaissance des organisations prestataires du dit travail.
Pour ce faire, nous sommes partis d’un cadre analytique original et novateur croisant les différentes modalités mentionnées dans la littérature pour en faire une typologie permettant de saisir l’hétérogénéité des phénomènes que recouvre la professionnalisation. Nous avons commencé par retracer les conditions socio-historiques de constitution du groupe à travers une recherche documentaire agrémentée par un travail ethnographique et d’observations participantes. Afin de tester nos hypothèses, nous avons opté pour des méthodologies mixtes. 412 questionnaires furent ainsi récoltés auprès des fédérations employeuses du secteur pour cerner les identités professionnelles revendiquées et convoquées. De même, une trentaine d’entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisé pour approfondir l’analyse en termes de trajectoires biographiques et d’évolutions des pratiques.
Nos principaux résultats se traduisent par une innovation théorique, proposant de replacer des formes d’analyses structurannionistes au sein de la sociologie des groupes professionnelles. Ce faisant, nous constatons que le processus de professionnalisation des aides familiales a suivi une catégorisation d’intervention publique où professionnaliser était synonyme de création d’emploi pour in fine devenir un instrument idéologique, qui est repris progressivement sous une catégorisation gestionnaire détachant l’individu, pris comme travailleur professionnel, de la fonction qu’il exerce.
Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales
Kahboub, Abdelkrim. "Pour un enseignement/apprentissage en autodirection dans le système universitaire algérien." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018UBFCC021/document.
Full textFor the sake of this research, we intend to reflect upon the materials that we can establish in order to enhance autonomy in language teaching /learning within the context of FOS (Français sur objectifs spécifiques : French specific pruposes). The existing concepts do not seem to coordinate with the first year technology and sciences students’ needs.The main objective of our research is to bring a contribution to the principle of self-directed learning. We aimed to go beyond theory and to reflect upon the feasibility and the practice of the concepts that create the bound between learners autonomy and FOS ; focus on learning, contribution of neurosciences and cognitivism.The research findings have enabled us to:- review/ reconsider some key concepts of autonomy and self-directed learning through the experiment conducted with our students.- present some practical applications of the principles that we have examined
Torres, Delgado José Fidel. "Un système interactif d'aide à la décision pour la régulation de charges de travail dans les ateliers." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 1995. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00144253.
Full textGrossi, Valentina. "L'image négociée. Une sociologie des professions du photojournalisme à l'ère numérique." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEH136.
Full textMany observers argue that the professions revolving around photojournalism are facing a deep crisis in recent decades due to increased competition with image banks and amateurs. However, several organizations continue to handle the production of photojournalistic images in a specialized manner, championing the importance of maintaining what they refer to as a “professional” attitude towards these objects. How can some actors successfully claim the “license” to produce these artifacts and the possibility of autonomously defining their own “mandate”, while their monopoly over this activity is no longer taken for granted? A two-pronged inquiry, both historical and ethnographic, will provide an answer to this question. The ethnographic part of this research was carried out on three French editorial boards: the photo service of an international news agency, the editorial staff of the print edition of a national newspaper, and the web editorial team of a news magazine. This investigation showed that the strong division of labor in media companies is not at odds with the exercise of professional autonomy, understood as the ability, for actors, to implement complex assessments while reflecting on the very aims of their activity. The virtuosity of photojournalism professionals consists in bringing together heterogeneous constraints, which are not reducible to the simple logic of profit. These constraints are reinforced and updated through interactions between actors who compose the different professional segments and through the contacts they maintain with external groups (i.e. the sources and the public). Autonomy is therefore the result of a sui generis work organization that allows professionals to develop a specific morality in connection with that of neighboring groups as well as the “intelligence” of their activity. However, tendencies towards “deprofessionalization” are also noticeable: the actors’ autonomy is undermined when production systems tend to individualize work and, at the same time, to abolish complex judgment. This thesis thus aims to contribute to current discussions on the impact of digital technologies and new forms of work organization on professional autonomy
Serges, Dorothee. "Insertions économiques des migrantes brésiliennes en Guyane française." Thesis, Paris 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA030172/document.
Full textThe economica insertion of Brazilian female migrants in French Guiana lies within the framework of the global process of the migration and labour market feminisation, initiating the movements of a less skilled South countries workforce, mainly from Pará and Amapá States (Northern Brazil) toward North countries, French Guiana, overseas department. This economic insertion is intrinsically tied to migration, family and professional determinants. This doctoral thesis analyzes the forms of economic autonomies acquired by the female migrants, since three generations and taking into account the possibilities offered by the French Guianese ethnostratified society's labour market. The complementarity between qualitative and quantitative methods allowed to unveil the (a)typical trajectories connecting family morality and entrepreneurship