Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Automation of logistics business processes'
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Pimenta, de Almeida Mariana. "Automation of Supply Processes : A Study at Ericsson AB." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-264414.
Full textInom informations- och kommunikationsteknologinäringen (IKT) har trycket för att påskynda implementeringen av 5G-teknik skapat en ny konkurrensmiljö för företagen. Denna teknik möjliggör inte bara lägre latens, utan också större antal anslutna enheter, större mängder delad data och snabbare. Den växande efterfrågan från kunderna pressar varje steg i leveranskedjan att bli effektivare. I denna bransch är det viktigt att uppnå en kort tid till marknaden för att ligga före konkurrenterna och positionera företaget som trendmässigt i kunders ögon. Därför har det blivit nödvändigt att övergripande förkorta ledtiderna och leverera produkter på ett snabbare sätt. Denna studie utfördes i samarbete med Ericsson AB, mer specifikt i Ericsson Outbound Supply EMEA. Nya upptrappningar från kunder har visat att Ericssons sätt att arbeta för att hantera kundköporder inte är effektiva. I många fall tar det längre tid att behandla beställningen än de ledtider som avtalats med kunden. I denna studie undersöks hur automatiseringstekniker kan förbättra ordningsflödena från början till slut, hur dessa kan påverka Ericsson som organisation och dess arbetskraft, samt vilka faktorer som måste beaktas vid implementering av automatisering. För att stödja utredningen genomfördes också en analys av de problem som oftast påverkar hårdvaruleveranser till kunder genom Spiderweb-programmet. Det senare är ett internt förbättringsinitiativ från Ericsson Supply, fokuserat på att förbättra Ericssons orderhanteringsflöden för marknadsområdet Europa och Latinamerika. Studien baserades på följande forskningsfrågor: Hur kan automatiseringsteknologier bidra till att förbättra Supply’s prestanda? Hur påverkar automatisering företaget som organisation, dess kultur och arbetskraft? Hur kan förbättringsmetodiken följas i Spiderweb-enhetens automatiseringsupptäckter? Kvalitativ data samlades främst genom möten med Spiderwebprogramdrivare och 11 intervjuer med olika intressenter på Ericsson Supply. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar denna studie att de fyra kritiska faktorerna som kommer att kräva ytterligare utveckling för att automatisering i Supply ska bli verklighet är: dess kultur; inrättande av en datadriven organisation; samordning av olika processer och kommunikation mellan beroende intressenter; och teknisk implementering av automatiseringsteknologi och andra verktyg som används lokalt. Det dras också slutsatsen att automatiseringspotentialen fullt ut kommer att realiseras om den åtföljs av en motsvarande utveckling av arbetskraften och en tydlig kommunikation av strategin från toppledningen. Slutligen beaktar huvudrekommendationen till Supply behovet av att standardisera orderhanteringsprocesser och förenkla orderflöden innan automatiseringsimplementering i Supply startar.
Андрійчик, Андрій Вікторович, and Andriy Andriychyk. "Глобалізаційна реакція на сучасні логістичні процеси." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/50507.
Full textГлобалізація промисловості і торгівлі надала не тільки багато переваг, але і створило безліч завдань. Компанії, які колись обслуговували тільки місцеві ринки, тепер працюють з клієнтами та споживачами, що знаходяться далеко від своїх основних місць базування. У той же час, їх постачання і виробничі можливості мають всесвітній масштаб. В результаті, їх мережі постачання і розподілу, стали більш складними і, як правило більш невизначеними. Завданням управління і координацією цієї глобальної мережі матеріальних та інформаційних потоків, стала ключовим пріоритетом для підприємств, оскільки вони прагнуть залишатися конкурентоспроможними на постійно мінливому ринку. Отже, потреба в більш високому рівні матеріально-технічного забезпечення та управлінні ланцюгами поставок, сьогодні є як ніколи великою.
Smuts, Francois. "Estimating the effectiveness of a mobile phone network's deferred revenue calculated through the use of a business automation and support system." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/6726.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mobile phone networks form an integral part of economic and social development globally. Mobile phones have become an everyday part of life and it is hard to imagine a competitive economy without the availability of mobile communications. Emerging markets benefit most from the implementation of mobile technology and growth trends are outperforming earlier predictions. The most popular and sustainable payment model used by mobile phone networks in emerging markets is the pre paid mechanism used for the distribution of airtime. This mechanism brings about unique challenges for networks in emerging markets. In this thesis the importance of the mobile phone network pre paid value channel is introduced through an analysis of pre paid revenue. A brief introduction is given to the systems and products that contribute to the functioning of the pre paid value channel. The revenue generation process is described with regards to the pre paid sector of the market and an in-depth explanation of the importance of deferred revenue is given, how it is recorded and what role it fulfils in the generation of revenue. The complexity of the network environment, both technical and operational makes the use of a business automation and support system (BSS) a necessary tool for effective execution of tasks and processes within the network environment. These systems record information from a wide spectrum of available technical network resources and use this information to automate the flow of network products. The use of such a system for the calculation of deferred revenue is suggested. Saaty‟s Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) algorithm and the Elimination and Choice Expressing Reality (ELECTRE) method are used to compare the newly proposed method for the calculation of deferred revenue using a BSS. Using Saaty's algorithm to estimate the effectiveness of deferred revenue as reported through the use of a BSS yields favourable results for the proposed method. This helps to bridge the gap in the poorly researched mobile telecommunications industry. ELECTRE is used to substantiate the findings of the model using AHP and meaningful tests are done to motivate correctness and accuracy of the results obtained throughout. Most importantly, the findings were shared with academic and industry experts, adding meaningful resemblance to the goals set out to achieve.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mobiele foon netwerke is wêreldwyd 'n onlosmaakbare deel van ekonomiese en sosiale ontwikkeling. Mobiele fone is deel van ons alledaagse lewe en dit is moeilik om 'n kompeterende ekonomie te bedink sonder die beskikbaarheid van mobiele kommunikasie. Ontluikende markte trek die meeste voordeel uit die implementering van mobiele tegnologie en groeitendense vertoon beter as wat vroeër voorspel is. Die mees gewilde en volhoubare betaalmetode wat deur mobiele foon netwerke in ontluikende markte gebruik word, is die voorafbetalingsmeganisme wat vir die verspreiding van lugtyd gebruik word. Hierdie meganisme bring unieke uitdagings vorendag in ontluikende markte. Die tesis beskryf die belangrikheid van die mobiele foon netwerk voorafbetalingswaardekanaal deur 'n analise te maak van vooruitbetalingsinkomste. 'n Kort oorsig oor die sisteme en produkte wat bydra tot die funksionering van die vooruitbetalingswaardekanaal word verskaf. 'n Beskrywing van die inkomste-genereringsproses vir die vooruitbetaling-sektor van die mark word verskaf en 'n in-diepte verduideliking van die belangrikheid van uitgestelde inkomste, hoe dit vasgelê word en watter rol dit speel in die generering van inkomste word verduidelik. Die kompleksiteit van die netwerkomgewing, beide op 'n tegniese en operasionele vlak, maak die gebruik van 'n besigheidsoutomatisering en ondersteuningsisteem (BSS) 'n noodsaaklike instrument vir die effektiewe uitvoer van take en prosesse binne die netwerkomgewing. Hierdie sisteme stoor informasie vanuit 'n wye spektrum van beskikbare tegniese netwerkbronne en gebruik die inligting om die vloei van netwerkprodukte te outomatiseer. Die gebruik van sodanige sisteem word voorgestel vir die berekening van uitgestelde inkomste. Saaty se Analitiese Hierargie Proses-algoritme (AHP) en die Eliminasie en Realiteit-Deur-Keuse Uitdrukkingsmetode (ELECTRE) word gebruik vir die vergelyking van die voorgestelde metode vir die berekening van uitgestelde inkomste deur middel van 'n BSS. Die gebruik van Saaty se algoritme om die effektiwiteit te bereken van uitgestelde inkomste soos gemeld deur die gebruik van 'n BSS, lewer gunstige resultate vir die voorgestelde metode. Dit vul 'n leemte in die swak nagevorsde mobiele telekommunikasie industrie. ELECTRE word gebruik om die bevindinge van die AHP-model te substansieer en betekenisvolle toetse word deurentyd gedoen om die korrektheid en akkuraatheid van die resultate te motiveer. Die belangrikste aspek van die navorsing is dat die bevindinge gedeel is met kenners binne die akademie sowel as die industrie, wat nou aansluit by die doelstellings wat aanvanklik beoog is.
Söderbärg, Karl. "Industry 4.0 to enhance lean resource efficiency." Thesis, KTH, Industriell ekonomi och organisation (Inst.), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-301241.
Full textDenna uppsats är en praktisk och empirisk utredning av relationen och samspelet mellan de två industriella paradigmen Lean Management och Industri 4.0. Till grund för det för det ligger en utförlig fallstudie av en godsmottagning för att identifiera Lean slöserier och en tillhörande diskussion om hur dessa slöserier kan elimineras genom att förbättra arbetsprocesser och materialflöden med Industri 4.0 och tillhörande teknologier. Ur det uppdagades att åtgärder för göra processer mer effektiva med dessa Industri 4.0 teknologier bör föregås av att processen kan utföras på ett standardiserat vis. När det är säkerställt så är det denna studies rekommendation att fokusera på metoder och verktyg för insamling av data vilket blir den grund som möjliggör implementering av behjälpliga och automatiserande Industri 4.0 teknologier.
Kyuchukov, Atila, and Vahid Mehraein. "Labour and automation in reshoring." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-38816.
Full textMichelberger, Bernd [Verfasser]. "Process-oriented information logistics: aligning process information with business processes / Bernd Michelberger." Ulm : Universität Ulm. Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1075809282/34.
Full textLouw, Johannes Jacobus. "Advanced supply chain planning processes and decision support sytems for large-scale petrochemical companies /." Link to the online version, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/1117.
Full textHolmgren, Rachelle. "Challenges Involved in the Automation of Regression Analysis." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2016. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/1405.
Full textWoo, Siu-on, and 胡兆安. "Dynamic routing for automated material handling systems." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2005. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B35679207.
Full textАлексенко, Ольга Василівна, Ольга Васильевна Алексенко, Olha Vasylivna Aleksenko, А. Luhova, and V. Suprun. "Model of business process of management engineering company "Automation Group"." Thesis, Sumy State University, 2016. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/46975.
Full textNjokweni, Thobela. "Increasing competitiveness through the enhancement of logistics processes in the South African automotive industry." Thesis, Port Elizabeth Technikon, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/418.
Full textAlvina, Patricia. "Blockchain Technology Applications in the Business Processes of Logistics Enterprises : A study to explore improvements in Logistics Services Quality (LSQ) with blockchain technology." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-263071.
Full textBlockchain-tekniken är en ny teknik som har fångat uppmärksamheten och intresset hos många företag de senaste åren. Företag är intresserade av att utveckla affärsprocesser med hjälp av blockchain-teknik. Blockchain-teknik skapar en oföränerlig post och eliminerar mellanhänder i de många transaktionsprocesserna. Logistik tjänster ä ren av de affärsprocesser som skulle kunna ha en fördel av blockchain-tekniken. Som en helt ny teknik är det och andra sidan brist på metoder att analysera blockchain-teknikens tillämpningar för företag. Denna uppsats efterforskar en metod för att analysera blockchain-tekniken i syfte att förbättra företags affärsprocesser. Tre forskningsmetoder är utvecklade i tre delar av denna rapport. Nästa paragraf beskriver de olika delarna. Blockchain-tekniken är en ny teknik som har fångat uppmärksamheten och intresset hos många företag de senaste åren. Företag är intresserade av att utveckla affärsprocesser med hjälp av blockchain-teknik. Blockchain-teknik skapar en oföränerlig post och eliminerar mellanhänder i de många transaktionsprocesserna. Logistik tjänster ä ren av de affärsprocesser som skulle kunna ha en fördel av blockchain-tekniken. Som en helt ny teknik är det och andra sidan brist på metoder att analysera blockchain-teknikens tillämpningar för företag. Denna uppsats efterforskar en metod för att analysera blockchain-tekniken i syfte att förbättra företags affärsprocesser. Tre forskningsmetoder är utvecklade i tre delar av denna rapport. Nästa paragraf beskriver de olika delarna. Första delen kommer belysa litteraturartiklar för att efterforska kvalitetsparametrar i blockchaintekniken och logistiska tjänsters. Den identifierar komponenter av Blockchain-tekniken som oföränderliga poster och eliminerar mellanhänder. Fortsättningsvis, kommer den att belysa omfattningen och kvalitén av logistiktjänster idag. Slutligen kommer den att identifiera fördelar med blockchain-tekniken för förbättring av logistiktjänster. Den andra delen av denna uppsats belyser aktuella användningsfall av blockchain-tekniken vid förbättring av logistiktjänster. En tre-stegs prioritetsprocess appliseras för att identifiera tillämpningar av blockchain modeller från en lång lista av användningsfall. Första steget är att skapa en lång lista av användningsfall från all ostrukturerad information på internet. Andra steget är att hitta, från steg ett, användningsfall och dela upp dem i tre modeller av blockchain användningsfall i logistiktjänster: lokaliseringgrad, spårbarhet och direkt transaktion. Slutligen, mognaden av varje kluster är analyserat där tre olika mognadsgrader har undersökts: Teknologi, beställaren och regleringsberedskap. Kombinationen definerar klustren från den mest mogna till den minst mogna. Sista delen av rapporten analyserar genomförande-modeller av användningsfall i olika scenarier för tillämpning i företagstjänster för informationsteknologi. Efterforskning av metoder för scenarioanalyser och relevans för förtagens strategiska beslutfattningsprocess förklaras. En förenklad metod förslås för att analysera de tre modellerna av blockchain-teknologin från del två. Mognadsgraden av varje kluster av användningsfall utvärderas i olika scenarios. Scenario-analysen av modellerna för blockchain-applikationer inom logistiktjänster kommer att ge begränsad insikt i hur företag kan implementera blockchain-tekniken.
Andersson, Hanna, and Elina Bruér. "Robotic Process Automation - Förändrar det sättet vi arbetar?" Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-20362.
Full textRobotic Process Automation (RPA) is an increasingly emerging technology and is used in organizations to automate and streamline manual business processes. There are a number of advantages to using this technology. However, the implementation of RPA can be linked to mixed reactions among employees and it is not unusual for some employees to oppose the technology due to fear and ignorance of the influence of automation. This case study aims to investigate how the implementation of RPA affects organizational aspects such as working methods, roles and responsibilities, and examine whether there are differences in management and experience regarding this in consulting, private and public activities.In order to investigate the above-mentioned areas, the data collection was conducted through semistructured interviews with organizations that implemented RPA and through literature research. The result shows that there are a lot of similarities in how RPA affects the work in organizations, but the differences lie in how the work with RPA is conducted.
Sheehan, Brian H. Moats Stuart D. VanAssche David J. "Analysis of the contracting processes and ethical culture at Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill AFB Ut." Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2007. http://bosun.nps.edu/uhtbin/hyperion-image.exe/07Dec%5FSheehan%5FMBA.pdf.
Full textAdvisor(s): Rendon, Rene G. ; Petross, Diana F. ; Sekerka, Leslie E. "December 2007." "MBA professional report"--Cover. Description based on title screen as viewed on January 10, 2008. Includes bibliographical references (p. 67-68). Also available in print.
Bougueng, Tchemeube Renaud. "Location-Aware Business Process Management for Real-time Monitoring of Patient Care Processes." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/24336.
Full textKarlsson, Philip, and Marcus Rex. "Utveckling av internt materialförsörjningssystem : En fallstudie på Hörle Automatic." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för ekonomistyrning och logistik (ELO), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-66940.
Full textBackground: Over the past decades, industrial logistics has gained an increasingly important role in giving companies a competitive edge in the global market. To achieve increased efficiency in the logistics function, the configuration of an internal materials supply system may have a significant impact on minimizing non-value added activities. There are several principles for internal materials supply system, how these are applied have a great impact on it’s industrial environment. The choice between different systems is characterized by an complexity where manufacturing industries change back and forth several times. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to propose a framework for the development of internal materials supply systems in the welding process within metalworking. Methodology: This is a case study at Hörle Automatic. The study approach has been to identify non-value adding activities in the case company's internal materials supply system to the welding process. And after that develop their current system to minimize identified activities. Based on this, a framework has been designed to highlight the factors to be taken into account when developing an internal materials supply system. Empirical material has been collected through interviews, observations, focus groups and archival material. To enable identification of nonvalue-adding activities, a process mapping has been established. Furthermore, tests have been carried out regarding internal materials supply processes to strengthen the author's proposal. Result/Discussion: The result of the study is a framework including eleven factors that companies should take into account when developing an internal materials supply system. The framework involves factors regarding, production variation, item specification, layout, suppliers, and communication. Conclusion: A total of 18 non-value adding activities was identified regarding Hörle Automatic's internal materials supply system in their welding process. The development of the internal materials supply system as proposed eliminates some of the identified nonvalue-adding activities performed by welding operators. The remaining activities are reduced through a new layout and that usage of more cost-effective personnel.
Xu, Dongsheng. "Resource allocation among multiple stochastic demand classes in express delivery chains /." View abstract or full-text, 2007. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?IELM%202007%20XU.
Full textKreisel, Bjorn. "Low cost intelligent automation (LCIA) and process analysis methodology with implementation examples at the company 'Festool GmbH Deutschland'." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/52921.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: This document describes the different possibilities of Low Cost Intelligent Automation (LCIA)and process analysis for companies in the processing industry. These techniques can be used in production and assembly to reach a higher productivity and to maintain the company's competitiveness. Productivity is very important for any company, because it influences the profit. LCIA means using cheap solutions to automate processes in assembly and production. Cheaper machines payoff much faster. This is important, because life cycles are becoming shorter and shorter. With LCIA more manual processes can be automated. This is an advantage especially in countries with high labour costs. Process analysis helps to optimise processes in a company. To reach this goal it is essential to analyse processes systematically. This helps to gather detailed information about manufacturing defects and where they originated from. With these information it is much easier to eliminate the source of error and to reduce the number of defective products. Less errors in a production process lead to higher quality and productivity. The company "Festool GmbH Deutschland" serves as an example for using the described methods. The presented examples for LCIA are simple solutions to automate manual processes in the assembly division. The process of a fully automated machine serves as an example to illustrate the different aspects of a process analysis in this company. The methodologies presented in this document can be used to achieve improvements especially in productivity. Therefore any company coming from a labour intensive industry should think about integrating LCIA and process analysis into their continuous improvement strategy.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dokument beskryf die verskillende moontlikhede van Lae Koste Intellegente Automasie (LKIA)en die proses analise vir maatskappye in die vervaardiging industrie. Hierdie metodes kan gebruik word in produksie en montering om hoër produktiwiteit te verkry sowel as die maatskapy se mededingendheid te handhaaf. Produktiwiteit is baie belangrik vir enige maatskappy, want dit beïnvloed die winsgewindheid. LKIA beteken die gebruik van goedkoop oplossings om prosesse te automatiseer in montering en produksie. Goedkoper masjiene word vinniger afbetaal. Dit is belangrik, want die lewenssiklus van beide produkte en masjiene word al korter. Met LKIA kan meer handprosesse ge-automatiseer word. Dit is 'n voordeel veral in lande met hoë arbeidskostes. Proses analise help om die prosesse in 'n maatskappy te optimiseer. Om hierdie doel te bereik is dit belangrik om prosesse sistematies te analiseer. Bogenoemde help om gedetaileerde informasie in te samel rondom vervaardigings defekte sowel as die oorsprong daarvan. Met hierdie informasie is dit makliker om die oorsprong van foute uit te skakel en om die getal foutiewe produkte te verminder. Minder foute tydens die vervaardigings proses ly tot 'n hoër kwaliteit en produktiwiteit. Die maatskappy "Festool GmbH Deutschland" dien as 'n voorbeeld vir die gebruik van die beskryfde metodes. Die voorgestelde voorbeelde vir LKIA is eenvoudige oplossings om die handprosesse in die monterings afdeling te outomatiseer. Die proses van 'n ten volle ge-automatiseerde masjien, dien as 'n voorbeeld om die verskillende aspekte van proses analise in hierdie maatskappy te illustreer. Die metodologie wat gebruik is in die dokument, kan gebruik word om verbeteringe veral in produktiwiteit te bewerkstellig. Dus kan enige firma in 'n arbeidsintensiewe industrie gebruik maak van die integrasie van LKIA en proses analise in sy deurlopende verbeterings strategie.
Lodree, Emmett. "Mathematical models for minimizing customer response time in two echelon supply chain systems /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 2001. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/mo/fullcit?p3036843.
Full textHaq, Izhar Ul. "Innovative configurable and collaborative approach to automation systems engineering for automotive powertrain assembly." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2009. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/15178.
Full textMnguni, Nombuyiselo. "To investigate and evaluate the implementation of the supply chain management in service delivery with specific focus on procurement processes of goods and services in the head office of the Eastern Cape department of health." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1599.
Full textTerblanche, Lee-Anne. "Supply chain planning : processes of a sports retail company." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/97148.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are numerous supply chain planning processes and activities that need to take place to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in a company. For the case study retailer, these planning processes and activities contribute to the end goals and objectives of the company. In order to reach these goals and objectives, the importance and contribution of each of the planning processes and activities must be determined. Supply chain planning can provide a company with a competitive advantage, but it can also lead to catastrophic events when it is not fully utilised or poorly executed. A case study was done on a South African sports retailer to determine to what extent the different supply chain planning processes and activities contribute to the end goals and objectives of this retailer and how these goals and objectives are tracked within the company. The implementation of planning processes and -activities were also investigated and what the consequences may be when the planning processes and activities are poorly executed. Goals and objectives which were given to the retailer‟s planners were investigated and thoroughly studied. Some of these goals included achieving effective stock policies, managing gross sales margins for products and accurate forecasting. A hybrid research method was used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. Interviews were conducted with planners in the company to explore their current planning methods as well as to highlight the shortcomings thereof. A job satisfaction questionnaire determined the motivators and hygiene factors (where hygiene factors refer to factors such as the employee‟s relationships with their supervisor, salaries and working conditions) of the employees in the company. A low level of motivators and hygiene factors may contribute to employee‟s responses at the workplace: exit, voice, loyalty and neglect. The importance of supply chain planning in the sports retail industry and the shortcomings this retailer has on supply chain planning methods were determined and the crucial role planning plays in this retailer was effectively determined and comprehended. Areas for improvement include, realistic budgeting and planning, enhanced forecasting methods and investing in employee training. Results also show that the retailer is managing effective levels of planning to reach the goals and objectives of the company. However, there are key areas for improvement where focus should be placed upon.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is talle beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite wat moet plaasvind om die effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid van n maatskappy te verseker. Vir die kleinhandelaar in die gevallestudie dra hierdie beplanningsaktiwiteite, en -prosesse by tot die doelwitte en doelstellings van die maatskappy. Om hierdie doelwitte en doelstellings te kan bereik, moet die belangrikheid en bydrae van die beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite bepaal en ten volle begryp word. Voorsieningskettingbeplanning kan aan „n maatskappy „n mededingende voordeel verskaf, maar kan ook lei tot katastrofiese gebeure indien die voosieningskettingbeplanning swak uitgevoer word of nie ten volle aangewend word nie. „n Gevallestudie is gedoen op „n Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelaar in sporttoerusting om te bepaal watter tipe beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite plaasvind in hierdie landswye kleinhandelaar. Die implementering van die beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite is ook ondersoek en wat die nagevolge kan wees wanneer hierdie beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite swak uitgevoer word. Doelwitte en doelstellings wat aan die beplanners van die besigheid deurgegee word, is deeglik bestudeer. Sommige van hierdie doelwitte sluit in die bereiking van effektiewe voorraadbeleide, handhawing van bruto verkope marges vir produkte en akkurate vooruitskattings. „n Hibriede navorsingsmetode is gebruik vir die insameling van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data. Onderhoude is met die beplanners van die maatskappy gevoer om die huidige beplanningsmetodes te verken en om die tekortkomings in die beplanningsmetodes uit te wys. „n Werkstevredenheid vraelys het die motiveerders en higiëne faktore (waar higiëne faktore verwys na werknemers se verhouding met die toesighouer, salarisse en werksomstandighede) van die werknemers bepaal. Lae vlakke van motiveerders en higiëne faktore kan lei tot die volgende reaksies: ontrekking, stem, lojaliteit en verwaarlosing. Die kritieke belangrikheid wat beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite behels vir hierdie kleinhandelaar was vasgestel, asook die tekortkominge wat hierdie kleinhandelaar met voorsieningskettingbeplanningsmetodes het. Verbeteringsareas sluit in, realistiese beplanning en „n realistiese begroting, verbeterde vooruitskattingsmetodes en om in die werknemer se opleiding te investeer. Dit is bepaal dat hierdie kleinhandelaar handaaf effektiewe vlakke van beplanning om einddoelstellings en einddoelwitte te bereik. Daar is egter, sekere areas, waar fokus op geplaas moet word. Sleutelwoorde: Voorsieningskettingbeplanning, beplanningsprosesse, beplanningsaktiwiteite.
Louw, Johannes Jacobus. "Advanced supply chain planning processes and decision support systems for large-scale petrochemical companies." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/1117.
Full textConventional supply chain integration concepts focus primarily on the internal and external integration of individual supply chains (can be viewed as intra-supply chain integration). Due to the highly integrated nature of petrochemical value chains, related supply chains should also be integrated by taking account of enterprise/industry-wide synergies and interdependencies (can be viewed as inter-supply chain integration). Inter-supply chain integration can typically develop along three dimensions: - Upstream feed clusters (upstream in the chemical value chain) - Downstream product clusters (downstream in the chemical value chain) - Macro logistics network clusters (within and across related logistics networks for liquid bulk, dry bulk, packaged goods and gases) This dissertation presents a generic framework of applicable intra- and inter-supply chain planning processes that supports related long- (strategic), medium- (tactical) and short-term (operational) supply chain decisions for large-scale petrochemical companies. This type of companies has to manage relative complex supply chains. Highly complex supply chains (due to an extensive product portfolio, supplier base, customer base, manufacturing processes, transportation, and management processes and systems) require far more advanced planning processes than simple supply chains. Advanced supply chain planning processes cover an extended supply chain scope, deal with longer time horizons, and utilize more sophisticated analytical techniques and decision support systems. An extensive literature study, supplemented by empirical research in the South African petrochemical industry, provided the foundation for the advanced supply chain planning framework concluded in this dissertation. Semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire presented to an informed audience constitute the empirical research conducted. The related best practices, concepts, approaches followed, and level of advancement in three supply chain planning dimensions were derived. To guide petrochemical companies along the planning advancement journey, the roadmap developed can be utilized for the application and implementation of the advanced supply chain planning framework. This roadmap articulates the advancement stages, dimensions, characteristics, and triggers to advance. Typical characteristics associated with the advancement stages and dimensions provide the means for a company to assess their level of progression. The essential mechanisms that can enable interventions are also articulated.
Abahamye, Aloysius. "Cost comparison between repackaging bulk oral solid medicines and purchasing manufacturer-prepared patient-ready packs in the public sector in South Africa." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020596.
Full textAplom, Busisiwe. "Perceptions in the implementation of supply chain management processes : the case of the Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs in the Eastern Cape." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020781.
Full textАндрушко, А. М., В. В. Давиденко, О. М. Гармаш, А. М. Andrushko, V. V. Davidenko, and O. M. Harmash. "Оптимізація бізнес-процесів ланцюга поставок з використанням сучасних інформаційних технологій." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2022. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/54804.
Full textThe article considers solutions that allow you to optimize business processes using information technology. The necessity of automation of the account of activity of the enterprises with use of EDI for maintenance of competitiveness in the competitive market is analyzed.
Антипенко, Б. А., Анна Вікторівна Марченко, Анна Викторовна Марченко, and Anna Viktorivna Marchenko. "Автоматизація бізнес-процесів фінансово-економічного відділу ДП "Сумський інститут землеустрою"." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2017. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/64683.
Full textЗахарченко, І. В., М. С. Лисенко, Н. О. Матвієнко, О. М. Гармаш, I. V. Zakharchenko, M. S. Lysenko, N. O. Matvienko, and O. M. Harmash. "Сучасні тенденції в логістиці та логістичному аутсорсингу в умовах Covid-19." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2022. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/54810.
Full textThe article considers the key factors influencing the development of logistics in a pandemic. Trends in modern logistics were also analyzed, which directly emphasize the importance of understanding the internal business processes of the enterprise and the external environment.
Cheong, Tae Su. "Value of information and supply uncertainty in supply chains." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/42725.
Full textSohn, SugJe. "Modeling and Analysis of Production and Capacity Planning Considering Profits, Throughputs, Cycle Times, and Investment." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/5083.
Full textNel, Andre. "Determining the critical success factors enabling RFID technology in the South African citrus industry." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/887.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: RFID technology may be the most capable technology to address the track and trace requirements within the Agri-food supply chain. RFID technology has become a prominent research area in recent times, with multiple benefits being promised and envisaged. The list of applications and deployments within the supply chain is numerous, with the ambassadors of this technology promising increased supply chain effectiveness, inventory management capabilities and enhanced information visibility. Deregulations within the South African citrus industry created changes to the internal structure of the industry, with the requirements of enhanced information visibility for traceability becoming a high priority. Current information structures and initiatives are providing the basic requirements for the changing business environment, with limitations to real-time and visible information for improved decision-making and planning initiatives. The purpose of this exploratory study was to identify the critical success factors for RFID technology deployment in supply chains in general and to identify the critical success factors relevant to the South African citrus industry. The study also researched the benefits and challenges of deploying RFID technology within the South African citrus industry, relating to citrus supply chain performance improvements of RFID adoption. The research indicates that certain limitations and challenges pertinent to the citrus industry exist, which would require industry level priority for successful implementation of RFID technology within the South African citrus industry. This study provides the South African citrus industry with a guideline to address the current non-collective management of information, information systems and requirements and collaboration initiatives. The use of this research should be of great assistance to the South African citrus industry role-players by providing a strategic framework for addressing information improvement initiatives.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: RFID tegnologie kan moontlik die mees bevoegde tegnologie wees om die naspeurbaarheid vereistes van n Agri-voedsel voorsiening ketting aan te spreek. RFID tegnologie is huidiglik 'n prominente navorsingsgebied, met beloofde meervoudige voordele. Die lys van aanwendings en toepassings binne die voorsiening ketting is veelvoudig, met beloftes van die ambassadeurs van die tegnologie, vir verbeterde voorsienings ketting doeltreffendheid, inventaris bestuur en verhoogde inligtings sigbaarheid. Deregulasie van die Suid Afrikaanse sitrus industrie het interne strukturuele veranderinge in die industrie teweeg gebring, met prioriteit fokus vir verhoogde inligting sigbaarheid vir naspeurbaarheid doeleindes. Huidige inligting strukture en initiatiewe verskaf die basiese grondslag vir die deurlopende veranderende besigheids omgewing, met intyd en sigbaarheids inligtings beperkinge, vir verbeterde besluitneming en beplanning initiatiewe. Die doel van die ondersoekende studies was om die generiese kritieke sukses faktore van RFID tegnologie implementering en die kritieke sukses faktore direk verwant tot die Suid Afrikaanse sitrus industrie te identifiseer. Die studie het ook die voordele en uitdagings van RFID implementering binne die Suid Afrikaanse sitrus industrie nagevors, spesifiek verwant tot die prestasie verbeterings van RFID implementering in die sitrus voorsienings ketting. Die navorsing dui aan dat sekere beperkinge en uitdagings spesifiek tot die sitrus industrie bestaan wat industrie vlak prioriteit vereis, vir suksevolle implementasie van RFID tegnologie binne die Suid Afrikaanse sitrus industrie. Die resultate van die studie verskaf die Suid Afrikaanse sitrus industrie met 'n riglyn om die uitdagings van die huidige nie-kollektiewe bestuur van inligting, inligting stelsels en vereistes en samewerkings initiatiewe aan te spreek. Die gebruik van die navorsing behoort van groot waarde te wees vir die rolspelers van die Suid Afrikaanse sitrus industrie, in die verskaffing van 'n strategiese raamwerk vir die aanspreking van inligting verbeterings intiatiewe.
Yilmaz, Tuba. "Dynamic resource allocation in manufacturing and service industries." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/51729.
Full textMagnusson, David, and Johan Marengård. "Intraorganizational Harmonization of Logistical IT-tools A Case Study at Siemens Medical Solutions to Attain Synergies in Supply Chain Processes." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-2611.
Full textThrough a harmonization of IT-tools among intraorganizational units synergies can be attained through economies of scale and homogenous interfaces towards supply chain partners. In this thesis the possibilities for such synergies at Siemens Medical Solutions in Germany are investigated. By evaluating performance of IT-tools and the cost impact of different scenarios recommendations for harmonization at Siemens Medical Solutions are given.
Boman, Viktoria, and Hannah Kallaanvaara. "Digitaliseringens inverkan på redovisningsarbetet : En kvalitativ studie om redovisningsproduktens kvalité." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-79444.
Full textThe digitization is a current topic in today's society, and the rapid progress creates greater challenges than before for the accounting industry. Due to this, significant changes have occurred in the accountants daily tasks which affects the industry in general. Thus, the purpose of the study was to investigate and analyze whether an increased digitization of the accounting profession deteriorates the quality of the product that accountants create. An empirical research has also been conducted using qualitative methods, where interviews with senior accountants create the basis for the study. To further strengthen the empirical data, secondary data was collected from the accounting bureaus websites. A comparison was then made with the previous research on the subject, whereupon the results of the study were analyzed and interpreted. The results of the study were not considered strong enough to provide indications that digitization affects the quality of the products that accountants create. Therefore, the conclusion of the study is that the product of the accounting does not seem to be impaired by the digitization within the accounting profession.
Харченко, В. І. "Розробка прототипу інформаційної системи обслуговування клієнтів центру зайнятості." Master's thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/69502.
Full textThe paper deals with automation of the employment centers' activities. The activity of the Sumy City Employment Center has been analyzed, business process models have been developed, and a web-based information system for servicing the employment center has been designed and implemented.
Börjesson, Max, Larsson Victoria Fagerlund, and Anton Lindh. "Vildsvinskedjan : - En utvärderingsstudie av handeln av vildsvinskött i södra Sverige." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för ekonomistyrning och logistik (ELO), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-86066.
Full textAbstract Title: The wild boar chain- An evaluation study of the market of wild boar meat in southern Sweden Course: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, Controller 15 hp (2FE24E) Institution: School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University in Växjö Authors: Victoria Fagerlund Larsson, Anton Lindh and Max Börjesson Tutor: Elin Funck Examiner: Pia Nylinder Keywords: Logistics processes, processes, narrow section, bottleneck, efficiency, improvement, quality, productivity, process mapping and evaluation. Background: No more than 15% of wild boar meat reaches the market because of the issues surrounding the market. It exists of obstacles and bottlenecks in the chain that hinder an effective market. The rest of the 85% of wild boar meat that does not reach the market is consumed by hunters and wasted because of population control and pest control because wild boars cause damage for farmers. This leads to partially wasted meat which could have been sold on the market for profits. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to map the process of the logistic chain for wild boar meat in southern Sweden. The difficulties that exist today in the logistic chain will be identified through process mapping. We also give suggestions for potential improvements, supported by relevant theory. Overcoming these difficulties will enable a more efficient logistic chain, with more wild boar meat on the market and increased profitability for the different actors that operate within the chain. Method: This essay uses a process evaluation study to be able to get an overview of the processes and what needs to change. The empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The market for wild boar meat in Sweden has been identified through process mapping. Problems have been visualized and potential solutions have been presented. This paper has showed large fluctuations in both demand and supply. That means that it is difficult to make forecasts. We suggest forecasts as a tool for predicting the fluctuations. The sharing of information between the different parties will be considerably better if stores and the plants that handle wild boar meat in Sweden digitalize the forecasts. That would increase the inflow and the outflow to the market. This would result in a better logistic chain for wild boar meat.
Костяк, Катерина Михайлівна, Kateryna Mykhailivna Kostyak, Наталія Iванівна Гaлaй, and Natalia Ivanovna Galay. "Aктуaльнicть впрoвaджeння нa укрaїнcьких пiдприємcтвaх cучacних лoгicтичних cиcтeм." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/50118.
Full textCучacний cвiт пocтiйнo змiнюєтьcя, i зaдля уcпiшнoгo вeдeння кoнкурeнтнoї бoрoтьби пiдприємcтвa мaють зaвжди бути гoтoвими дo кaрдинaльних змiн у cфeрi зaбeзпeчeння їх вирoбничo-гocпoдaрcькoї дiяльнocтi. Cтрaтeгiчнo вaжливим є вибiр лoгicтичнoї cиcтeми, грaмoтнe впрoвaджeння якoї мoжe привecти дo здiйcнeння дoвгocтрoкoвих цiлeй пiдприємcтвa тa знижeння пocтiйних витрaт.
The modern world is constantly changing, and for the sake of successful competition the enterprises must always be ready for cardinal changes in the sphere of their sphere. It is strategically important to choose a logical system, the proper implementation of which can lead to the realization of long-term goals of the enterprise.
Аушев, У. К., and U. K. Aushev. "Проект внедрения МИС-системы в частное медицинское учреждение на примере стоматологической клиники МК Дент : магистерская диссертация." Master's thesis, б. и, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10995/93435.
Full textThe relevance is due to the growth in the volume of processed information, as well as the need to improve the quality of services provided in the field of healthcare. The purpose of the master's work: implementation and adaptation of 1C: Medicine. Dental clinic in a private medical institution. The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies in the development of theoretical and methodological principles of business process management in the management of a medical organization, in order to improve the already existing information models of the organization in order to improve the efficiency of company management. The practical significance of the study lies in the automation of the main processes of a private clinic using the software "1C: Medicine", which led to a reduction in management costs and additional profit.
Івершень, А. Ю. "Автоматизація генерування документів з використанням CMS-систем (на прикладі DC «ARTES»)." Master's thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/71801.
Full textThe master’s thesis focuses on the essence of the generation of standard documents in a small non-profit organization, which provides services (DC Artes»). The analysis of the impact of automation of the business process on indicators of efficiency is carried out. The main aim of this research is to create a prototype of the automated system for generation and accounting of typical documentation of DC Artes».
Larsson, Björn, and Ola Qviberg. "Evaluation and Justification of an RFID Implementation : Pilot at IKEA Customer Distribution Centre." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-2734.
Full textThe purpose of this final thesis isto develop a model for justification and evaluation of RFID technology. RFID is a new, relatively untested, technology using radio signals for automatic identification of different objects. Our theoretical frame of references focuses on research about RFID and implementation iss ues, we also conducted case studies and interviews in order to learn about RFID. Most RFID installations of today are Pilots or early adopters wanting to try new technology. A lot of the written sources were reports from consultancy firms or suppliers of technology.
Implementing RFID in real environment gave important insights into potentials and limitations of the technology. It proved that it is difficult to achieve sufficient readability in a steel environment. We also learned that one should not underestimate the time for installation and tuning in order to meet higher readability. The project finally resulted in an iterative model for justification and evaluation of RFID technology.
Tröger, Ralph. "Supply Chain Event Management – Bedarf, Systemarchitektur und Nutzen aus Perspektive fokaler Unternehmen der Modeindustrie." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2014. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-155014.
Full textЗаверчук, Віталій Васильович, and Vitaliy Zaverchuk. "Дослідження алгоритмічного та програмного забезпечення роботи високонавантажених CRM систем." Thesis, Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, 2017. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19010.
Full textThe diploma paper for obtaining the Master’s degree 8.05010201 - Computer systems and networks - Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil 2017. The diploma paper is devoted to the analysis of algorithms and software of high-loaded CRM systems operation. Classification of modern CRM systems and review of their main components were made during this research. Improvements related to this research are based on development of solution for the CRM system architecture using the queues technology of Microsoft Azure platform, which can increase the performance and scalability of the system at all levels. Analyzed and provided classification of methods and practices designed to develop high-loaded and service oriented CRM systems. Investigated design patterns that allow to speed up development and improve the quality of the CRM system.
Vacher, Blandine. "Techniques d'optimisation appliquées au pilotage de la solution GTP X-PTS pour la préparation de commandes intégrant un ASRS." Thesis, Compiègne, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020COMP2566.
Full textThe work presented in this PhD thesis deals with optimization problems in the context of internal warehouse logistics. The field is subject to strong competition and extensive growth, driven by the growing needs of the market and favored by automation. SAVOYE builds warehouse storage handling equipment and offers its own GTP (Goods-To-Person) solution for order picking. The solution uses an Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) called X-Picking Tray System (X-PTS) and automatically routes loads to workstations via carousels to perform sequenced operations. It is a highly complex system of systems with many applications for operational research techniques. All this defines the applicative and theoretical scope of the work carried out in this thesis. In this thesis, we have first dealt with a specific scheduling Job Shop problem with precedence constraints. The particular context of this problem allowed us to solve it in polynomial time with exact algorithms. These algorithms made it possible to calculate the injection schedule of the loads coming from the different storage output streams to aggregate on a carousel in a given order. Thus, the inter-aisle management of the X-PTS storage was improved and the throughput of the load flow was maximized, from the storage to a station. In the sequel of this work, the radix sort LSD (Least Significant Digit) algorithm was studied and a dedicated online sorting algorithm was developed. The second one is used to drive autonomous sorting systems called Buffers Sequencers (BS), which are placed upstream of each workstation in the GTP solution. Finally, a sequencing problem was considered, consisting of finding a linear extension of a partial order minimizing a distance with a given order. An integer linear programming approach, different variants of dynamic programming and greedy algorithms were proposed to solve it. An efficient heuristic was developed based on iterative calls of dynamic programming routines, allowing to reach a solution close or equal to the optimum in a very short time. The application of this problem to the unordered output streams of X-PTS storage allows pre-sorting at the carousel level. The various solutions developed have been validated by simulation and some have been patented and/or already implemented in warehouses
Karlinsky, Shichor Yael. "Automation, Decision Making and Business to Business Pricing." Thesis, 2018. https://doi.org/10.7916/D83X9Q5M.
Full textOliveira, Filipe Aparício. "A proposal for the improvement of financial academic processes: process modelling and analysis in NOVA IMS." Master's thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/103108.
Full textBusiness Process Management is known for the improvement it causes in processes, such as cost and resources spending reduction. Providing the capability to understand processes this technique is an added value for every company. It can also be a base for future implementations such as the use of new technologies as Robotic Process Automation. The RPA comes with the potential of reducing manual, simple, recurrent, and time-consuming tasks, existent in every process, changing them to automatic actions. This work project will analyze the state of Financial Services from NOVA IMS, a faculty from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, along with its possible inefficiencies. Therefore, the objective of this work is to apply BPM technologies and techniques and acquire knowledge about the financial processes and conclude with some improvement critics based mainly on the use of Robotic process automation.
Gruhn, Volker, and André Köhler. "Analysing and Enhancing Business Processes and IT-Systems for Mobile Workforce Automation - A Framework Approach." 2007. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A32864.
Full textYushin, Lu, and 盧郁欣. "The Study of Relationship Between the Customer’ Service Ability, Business Automation and Relationship Structure of the Logistics Company and the Logistics Performance of the Consigned Industries." Thesis, 2002. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/47846113043100080464.
Full text長榮管理學院
Abstract Logistics system, such as transportation and storage, plays an important role in the modern environment of business management. Therefore, the research is based on exploring relevant topics on choosing logistics companies for domestic industries. The main research direction is focused on “how do logistics companies’ inner capability influence logistics results of general industries?”. Through actual investigations on factory managers in order to find out variables which influence decisions for industries to choose their logistics companies, then all types of references can be provided to industry managers for them to choose their ideal logistics companies. Using questionnaires as the tool of collecting information, the research conducts sampling using information on “top 5000 Taiwan industries in the year of 2001”. Sending out the total of 500 questionnaires, and receiving the total of 109 valid questionnaires in return. The valid questionnaires in return are 21.9%. The research uses valid questionnaires to conduct proof analysis on topics of “analysis of variables”, and “regression analysis”. According to the research, positive results reflect in the following aspects. They are logistics companies’ ability of customers’ services (reliability, stability, and speed), level of business automation (input of automatic facilities, application of information system, and input of automatic employment), and relationship constructed between consigned industries and logistics companies (level of cooperation dependence and level of coordination). If professional logistics companies can meet the following requests better, such as finish delivery within certain period of time, simply order procedure, raise applied proportion of inner automation, and increase delivery efficiency, then consigned industries are more able to satisfy customers’ needs. Moreover, as far as findings for structure of relationships are concerned, “intimate type” of community delivers more on time and reaches higher level of satisfaction from clients then “cooperative type” and “independent type” of communities. Generally speaking, if relationship between consigned industries and cooperative logistics companies are closer, then industries’ logistics results are better. The research also shows that, professional logistics companies’ level of business automation and level of customers’ services are positively correlated. If logistics companies can develop thorough automatic logistics operation system and information system, then they can improve their level of customers’ services and satisfaction in order to increase logistics performance for consigned industries. Key Words: Customers’ Services, Business Automation, Relationship Structure, Logistics Performance, Outsourcing
Barros, Filipa Mariana Fernandes da Silva. "Creation and implementation of collaborative business processes & solutions for international logistics, in a retail company." Master's thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/54743.
Full textThe present dissertation was carried out as part of the Integrated Master of Industrial Engineering and Management and under the scope of Sonae’s internship initiative, “Call for Solutions”, more specifically at the International Logistics Department of Sonae SR. The challenge proposed by Sonae was named “Create and implement Sonae’s future business processes and solutions for International Logistics” and consisted in integrating a transformation programme team that was responsible for creating and implementing collaborative processes and solutions, supported on a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, in collaboration with international partners worldwide. This project emerged when a series of constraints were identified in every team of Sonae’s International Logistics Department. In order to tackle these constraints, a supply chain collaborative solution has been developed and implemented, enabling the creation of a single point of contact and visibility for all supply chain stakeholders, available globally and at any time. This project has implied great organizational changes, since all import and export processes will be managed exclusively through this tool. In addition, entities such as suppliers, logistics service providers and customs brokers must be engaged on it and have an active role, in order to achieve a successful Roll-Out. The results were very satisfactory: in 11 months, 63% of the total purchase orders for suppliers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka regions, and 29%, for suppliers from China region, were placed through this tool, representing almost 1600 purchase orders. Regarding the supply chain entities that had to be engaged, the on-boarding rates were the following: (i) A total of 79 suppliers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka were on-boarded, representing an on-boarding rate of 100%; (ii) 96 suppliers from China region were on-boarded, from a total of 418, representing an on-boarding rate of 23%; (iii) A total of 3 Logistics Service Providers/3PL were on-boarded, representing an on-boarding rate of 100%; (iv) A total of 2 Customs Brokers were on-boarded, representing an on-boarding rate of 100%;
A presente dissertação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial e desenvolvida sob a iniciativa de estágios “Call for Solutions”, promovida pela Sonae, na Direção de Logística Internacional (DLI). O desafio proposto pela Sonae, no âmbito da referida iniciativa apresentou o tema “Create and implement Sonae’s future business processes and solutions for International Logistics” e consistiu em integrar uma equipa de projeto, responsável por desenvolver e implementar novos processos de negócio e soluções, em colaboração com parceiros internacionais, necessários para a implementação de uma solução digital colaborativa, suportada num regime de “Software as a Service”. Este projeto surgiu quando uma série de ineficiências foram identificadas, conexas aos processos de importação e exportação da Sonae. Por forma a colmatar as necessidades identificadas, uma ferramenta digital tem sido desenvolvida e implementada na realidade operacional da Direção de Logística Internacional, que visa criar um ponto único de contacto e visibilidade, para as entidades presentes na cadeia de abastecimento. Este projeto implicou grandes alterações organizacionais e gestão da mudança, dado que todos os processos de importação e exportação serão, no futuro, geridos exclusivamente através desta nova solução. Adicionalmente, uma vez que a plataforma em questão é uma solução colaborativa, tornou-se premente envolver, de forma ativa, outras entidades da cadeia de abastecimento, tais como fornecedores, operadores logísticos e despachantes. Os resultados foram muito satisfatórios: em 11 meses, 63% das ordens de compra de fornecedores de regiões como a India, Paquistão, Bangladesh e Sri Lanka, e 29% das ordens de compra de fornecedores da região da China, foram colocadas através desta plataforma. Relativamente ao envolvimento ativo de outras entidades da cadeia de abastecimento, as taxas de on-boarding foram as seguintes: (i) 100% dos fornecedores da região da India, Paquistão, Bangladesh e Sri Lanka foram on-boarded (de um total de 79 fornecedores) (ii) 23% dos fornecedores da região da China foram on-boarded (de um total de 418 fornecedores); (iii) 100% dos Operadores Logísticos foram on-boarded (de um total de 3 operadores logísticos); (iv) 100% dos Despachantes foram on-boarded (de um total de 2 entidades despachantes).
Olckers, Nicolaas Johannes. "An evaluation of just-in-time principles as part of the logistics chain in an engineering business." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10210/6291.
Full textThis report covers literature studies of Logistics, Warehousing (as one of the important components in the logistics chain) as well as Just-in-time (JIT) principles (as an important focus recently in logistics operations). The spareparts distribution function of a South African motorcar manufacturing business is then investigated and positioned within the logistics chain and warehousing concept, using the information from the literature study. The implementation of Just-in-time (JIT) principles with regards to specific components of the logistics chain is then investigated in the form of case studies. While most literature only discuss the implementation of JIT principles in a manufacturing environment, this report highlights the fact that substantial benefits can also be obtained by implementing JIT principles in a non-manufacturing environment. This investigation highlights specific benefits as well as negative points which support the literature and which could be used to guide future implementors of JIT principles.
Esteves, David João Pedreiro. "Uma estratégia para a aplicação de robotic process automation nos processos de gestão de recursos humanos." Master's thesis, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/134139.
Full textA transformação digital em curso é um produto da rápida e imparável evolução dos Sistemas de Informação que são um fator transformador do modo de funcionamento das organizações. As novas ferramentas digitais são elementos transformadores que permitem o redesign, otimização e automatização dos processos. Estas questões serão particularmente relevantes nas organizações que terão de ter a flexibilidade necessária a uma rápida adaptação, sob pena de perderem competitividade. Business Process Management (BPM) e Robotic Process Automation (RPA) são dois dos atores desta transformação. A combinação de sinergias entre a metodologia BPM e a tecnologia RPA, em determinados contextos, poderá revelar-se benéfica e incrementar o potencial de automatização do RPA. A área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos foi identificada como contexto, enquanto área organizacional, com potencial para automatização de processos. O foco deste trabalho de investigação incide sobre a aplicação do BPM e do RPA à automatização de processos, tendo como objetivo principal propor uma estratégia para a automatização de processos na área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Tem sido identificado na comunidade científica a escassez de estudos de propostas sistematizadas de implementação e utilização RPA nas organizações. Como contributo para resolver esta questão, será utilizada a proposta do Design Science Research para desenvolver um referencial de automatização em RPA, que será validado com a sua aplicação em contexto organizacional.
The digital transformation underway is a product of rapid and unstoppable evolution of Information Systems, that are a transforming factor in the way organizations operate. The new digital tools are transforming elements that allow the redesign, optimization and automation of processes. These issues will be particularly relevant in Organizations that will have the necessary flexibility to adapt quickly, otherwise they will lose competitiveness. Business Process Management (BPM) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are two of the actors in this transformation. The combination of synergies between BPM methodology and RPA technology, in certain contexts, could be beneficial, increasing the automation potential of RPA. The Human Resources Management area was identified as a context and as an organizational area, with potential for process automation. The focus of this research work is on the application of BPM and RPA to process automation, with the main objective of proposing a strategy for process automation in the area of Human Resources Management. It has been identified in the scientific community the scarcity of studies of systematic proposals for the implementation and use of RPA. As a contribution to resolve this issue, the proposal of Design Science Research will be used to develop an automation framework in RPA, which will be validated with its application in an organizational context.