Journal articles on the topic 'AUTOMATED CONTEXTS MANAGEMENT'
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Grefen, Paul. "Networked Business Process Management." International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance 4, no. 2 (July 2013): 54–82.
Full textBenabbou, Amel, and Safia Nait-Bahloul. "Automated Context Formalization for Context-aware Specification Approach." International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design 9, no. 3 (July 2018): 23–47.
Full textGrefen, Paul, and Oktay Turetken. "Advanced Business Process Management in Networked E-Business Scenarios." International Journal of E-Business Research 13, no. 4 (October 2017): 70–104.
Full textLanger, Markus, Cornelius J. König, Diana Ruth-Pelipez Sanchez, and Sören Samadi. "Highly automated interviews: applicant reactions and the organizational context." Journal of Managerial Psychology 35, no. 4 (December 31, 2019): 301–14.
Full textYe, Jun, and Guoxin Liu. "Analysis on the Development of Automation and Intelligence in China’s Manufacturing Industry—Taking R & D Collaboration among Automobile Enterprises." Mobile Information Systems 2022 (October 11, 2022): 1–14.
Full textDerakhshanfar, Hossein, J. Jorge Ochoa, Konstantinos Kirytopoulos, Wolfgang Mayer, and Vivian W. Y. Tam. "Construction delay risk taxonomy, associations and regional contexts." Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 26, no. 10 (November 18, 2019): 2364–88.
Full textAzzi, Anna, Daria Battini, Maurizio Faccio, Alessandro Persona, and Fabio Sgarbossa. "Inventory holding costs measurement: a multi-case study." International Journal of Logistics Management 25, no. 1 (May 6, 2014): 109–32.
Full textDzieduszyński, Tomasz. "Convolutional Neural Networks as Context-Scraping Tools in Architecture and Urban Planning." BUILDER 296, no. 3 (February 25, 2022): 79–81.
Full textMichellod, Julien Lancelot, Declan Kuch, Christian Winzer, Martin K. Patel, and Selin Yilmaz. "Building Social License for Automated Demand-Side Management—Case Study Research in the Swiss Residential Sector." Energies 15, no. 20 (October 20, 2022): 7759.
Full textBonnet, Pierre, Christophe Botella, François Munoz, Pascal Monestiez, Mathias Chouet, Hervé Goëau, and Alexis Joly. "Automated Identification of Citizen Science Observations for Ecological Studies." Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2 (May 17, 2018): e25450.
Full textKnight, Simon, and Karen Littleton. "Dialogue as Data in Learning Analytics for Productive Educational Dialogue." Journal of Learning Analytics 2, no. 3 (February 18, 2016): 111–43.
Full textK A, Shirien, Neethu George, and Surekha Mariam Varghese. "Descriptive Answer Script Grading System using CNN-BiLSTM Network." International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 9, no. 5 (January 30, 2021): 139–44.
Full textVos, Tanja E. J., Peter M. Kruse, Nelly Condori-Fernández, Sebastian Bauersfeld, and Joachim Wegener. "TESTAR." International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design 6, no. 3 (July 2015): 46–83.
Full textO’ Leary, Niall O’, Lorenzo Leso, Frank Buckley, Jonathon Kenneally, Diarmuid McSweeney, and Laurence Shalloo. "Validation of an Automated Body Condition Scoring System Using 3D Imaging." Agriculture 10, no. 6 (June 26, 2020): 246.
Full textZaniolo, Marta, Matteo Giuliani, Andrea Francesco Castelletti, and Manuel Pulido-Velazquez. "Automatic design of basin-specific drought indexes for highly regulated water systems." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22, no. 4 (April 20, 2018): 2409–24.
Full textRafique, Muhammad Zeeshan, Mustafa Haider, Abdul Raheem, Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, and Muhammad Saad Amjad. "Essential Elements for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) adoption for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing in Context of Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Framework – A Review." Jurnal Kejuruteraan 34, no. 1 (January 30, 2022): 1–10.
Full textSnider, Eric J., David Berard, Saul J. Vega, Evan Ross, Zechariah J. Knowlton, Guy Avital, and Emily N. Boice. "Hardware-in-Loop Comparison of Physiological Closed-Loop Controllers for the Autonomous Management of Hypotension." Bioengineering 9, no. 9 (August 27, 2022): 420.
Full textChui, Michelle A., Richard J. Holden, Alissa L. Russ, Olufunmilola Abraham, Preethi Srinivas, Jamie A. Stone, Michelle A. Jahn, and Mustafa Ozkaynak. "Human Factors in Pharmacy." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 61, no. 1 (September 2017): 666–70.
Full textSboev, Alexander, Anton Selivanov, Ivan Moloshnikov, Roman Rybka, Artem Gryaznov, Sanna Sboeva, and Gleb Rylkov. "Extraction of the Relations among Significant Pharmacological Entities in Russian-Language Reviews of Internet Users on Medications." Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6, no. 1 (January 17, 2022): 10.
Full textAl-Shammari, Minwir M. "Production Value Chain Model for Sustainable Competitive Advantage." Management Systems in Production Engineering 31, no. 1 (February 18, 2023): 27–32.
Full textSnyder, Eric, Thomas Rivers, Lisa Smith, Scott Paoni, Scott Cunliffe, Arpan Patel, and Erika Ramsdale. "From months to minutes: Creating Hyperion, a novel data management system expediting data insights for oncology research and patient care." PLOS Digital Health 1, no. 11 (November 1, 2022): e0000036.
Full textMarzi, David, and Fabio Dell’Acqua. "Mapping European Rice Paddy Fields Using Yearly Sequences of Spaceborne Radar Reflectivity: A Case Study in Italy." Earth 2, no. 3 (July 2, 2021): 387–404.
Full textMoreira, Eugênio, Daniel Ribeiro Cardoso, and Paulo Jorge Alcobia Simões. "Tecnologias da informação aplicadas à avaliação da visibilidade de bens tombados em contextos urbanos | Information technologies applied to the assessment of the visibility of historical heritage in urban contexts." InfoDesign - Revista Brasileira de Design da Informação 15, no. 1 (August 28, 2018): 1–16.
Full textMolnar, Petra. "Technology on the margins: AI and global migration management from a human rights perspective." Cambridge International Law Journal 8, no. 2 (December 2019): 305–30.
Full textMorano, Rosato, Tajani, Manganelli, and Liddo. "Contextualized Property Market Models vs. Generalized Mass Appraisals: An Innovative Approach." Sustainability 11, no. 18 (September 6, 2019): 4896.
Full textIohov, Olexandr, Victor Maliuk, Olexandr Salnikov, and Olena Novykova. "Application of the ontology of the choice of selection to describe the processes of interaction of subjects of military communication management." Advanced Information Systems 5, no. 1 (June 22, 2021): 54–61.
Full textMotz, Gary, Alexander Zimmerman, Kimberly Cook, and Alyssa Bancroft. "Collections Management and High-Throughput Digitization using Distributed Cyberinfrastructure Resources." Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2 (July 5, 2018): e25643.
Full textTilley, Alexander, Joctan Dos Reis Lopes, and Shaun P. Wilkinson. "PeskAAS: A near-real-time, open-source monitoring and analytics system for small-scale fisheries." PLOS ONE 15, no. 11 (November 13, 2020): e0234760.
Full textSavova, G. K., K. C. Kipper-Schuler, J. F. Hurdle, and S. M. Meystre. "Extracting Information from Textual Documents in the Electronic Health Record: A Review of Recent Research." Yearbook of Medical Informatics 17, no. 01 (August 2008): 128–44.
Full textHeldal, Frode, Endre Sjøvold, and Kenneth Stålsett. "Shared cognition in intercultural teams: collaborating without understanding each other." Team Performance Management: An International Journal 26, no. 3/4 (April 13, 2020): 211–26.
Full textWesterlund, Parvaneh, Ingemar Andersson, Tero Päivärinta, and Jörgen Nilsson. "Towards automated pre-ingest workflow for bridging information systems and digital preservation services." Records Management Journal 29, no. 3 (November 18, 2019): 289–304.
Full textDarr, Asaf. "Automatons, sales-floor control and the constitution of authority." Human Relations 72, no. 5 (July 25, 2018): 889–909.
Full textBeck, A., T. Ganslandt, M. Hummel, M. Kiehntopf, U. Sax, F. Ückert, S. Semler, and H. U. Prokosch. "IT Infrastructure Components for Biobanking." Applied Clinical Informatics 01, no. 04 (2010): 419–29.
Full textMorrison, Clare, Michelle Beattie, Joseph Wherton, Cameron Stark, Julie Anderson, Carolyn Hunter-Rowe, and Nicola M. Gray. "Testing and implementing video consulting for outpatient appointments: using quality improvement system thinking and codesign principles." BMJ Open Quality 10, no. 1 (March 2021): e001259.
Full textShkrygun, Yu. "Management of Logistics Activities of Enterprises in the Context of Industry 4.0." Economic Herald of the Donbas, no. 4 (66) (2021): 53–61.
Full textFernández-Isabel, Alberto, and Rubén Fuentes-Fernández. "Social-Aware Driver Assistance Systems for City Traffic in Shared Spaces." Sensors 19, no. 2 (January 9, 2019): 221.
Full textYang, Xihua. "Deriving RUSLE cover factor from time-series fractional vegetation cover for hillslope erosion modelling in New South Wales." Soil Research 52, no. 3 (2014): 253.
Full textHuynh, Nghi, Marc Frappier, Herman Pooda, Amel Mammar, and Régine Laleau. "SGAC: A Multi-Layered Access Control Model with Conflict Resolution Strategy." Computer Journal 62, no. 12 (May 13, 2019): 1707–33.
Full textPääkkönen, Juho, Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, and Mikko Jauho. "Credibility by automation: Expectations of future knowledge production in social media analytics." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 26, no. 4 (February 5, 2020): 790–807.
Full textTuan, Annamaria, Daniele Dalli, Alessandro Gandolfo, and Anastasia Gravina. "Theories and methods in CSRC research: a systematic literature review." Corporate Communications: An International Journal 24, no. 2 (April 1, 2019): 212–31.
Full textCybulski, Jacob L., and Rens Scheepers. "Data science in organizations: Conceptualizing its breakthroughs and blind spots." Journal of Information Technology 36, no. 2 (February 26, 2021): 154–75.
Full textMiksa, Tomasz, Simon Oblasser, and Andreas Rauber. "Automating Research Data Management Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans." ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 13, no. 2 (June 30, 2022): 1–22.
Full textMaxant, Jérôme, Rémi Braun, Mathilde Caspard, and Stephen Clandillon. "ExtractEO, a Pipeline for Disaster Extent Mapping in the Context of Emergency Management." Remote Sensing 14, no. 20 (October 20, 2022): 5253.
Full textOmonov, F. A. "ADAPTATION OF SITUATIONAL MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES FOR USE IN AUTOMATED DISPATCHING PROCESSES IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT." International Journal of Advance Scientific Research 02, no. 03 (March 1, 2022): 59–66.
Full textIvanova, I. A., O. S. Osipova, and V. N. Pulyaeva. "Automating Processes of Personnel Motivation Management in the Context of Implementing a Principle of Social Justice." Management Science 9, no. 4 (January 30, 2020): 63–74.
Full textSizov, Pavel. "Supply Chain Management in the Context of Digitalization." SHS Web of Conferences 93 (2021): 03009.
Full textMakhlouf Shabou, Basma. "Digital diplomatics and measurement of electronic public data qualities." Records Management Journal 25, no. 1 (March 16, 2015): 56–77.
Full textKazakova, Elena O. "“MAKE THE MOST OF EVERYTHING”: THE WORLD AS A RESOURCE IN 1920s CHILDREN’S NON-FICTION." Practices & Interpretations: A Journal of Philology, Teaching and Cultural Studies 7, no. 4 (December 22, 2022): 22–43.
Full textLapshov, Yuriy A., Denis G. Lyamkin, Viktor N. Negoda, and Andrey A. Pertsev. "THE ONTOLOGICAL MODELING IN PLANNING THE STAFFING SUPPORT PERFORMING A CODE REVIEW FOR AUTOMATED SYSTEMS." Автоматизация процессов управления 2, no. 68 (2022): 108–17.
Full textAzevedo-Sa, Hebert, Suresh Kumaar Jayaraman, X. Jessie Yang, Lionel P. Robert, and Dawn M. Tilbury. "Context-Adaptive Management of Drivers’ Trust in Automated Vehicles." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5, no. 4 (October 2020): 6908–15.
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