Academic literature on the topic 'Aurora borealis'

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Journal articles on the topic "Aurora borealis"


Chassefière, Eric. "Friedrich Christoph Mayer and his theory of the aurora borealis." Aurorae Borealis Studia Classica 11 (April 8, 2021): 1–5.

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The eleventh volume in the series presents two articles on the aurora borealis by Friedrich Christoph Mayer (1697–1729), a mathematician at the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg. The first paper, titled “De Luce Boreali” (On the Northern Light), was presented during a session at the newly founded Academy in October 1726. It was printed two years later (1728) in the very first volume of its official periodical, the Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. The second paper, also bearing the title “De Luce Boreali”, constitutes the author’s ‘second thoughts’ on the matter. It was presented during a session in October 1728 but was not printed until after Mayer’s death, in the fifth volume of the Commentarii (1735). Both papers are included in facsimile in this issue of Aurorae Borealis Studia Classica. Eric Chassefière, member of the Histoire des sciences astronomiques team of the SYRTE laboratory at the Observatoire de Paris, has written an introduction to Mayer’s life and works with a special emphasis on his theory of the aurora borealis. In his introduction, Chassefière also recounts how Mayer’s theory was received by other eighteenth-century savants.
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Cole, Thomas B. "Aurora Borealis." JAMA 314, no. 15 (October 20, 2015): 1546.

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Bondurant, Liza, and Sten Odenwald. "The Aurora Borealis." Science Teacher 88, no. 2 (November 2020): 54–62.

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Aspaas, Per Pippin. "Biographical introduction, Summary of Contents (manuscript version), Summary of Contents (Latin edition) and Summary of Contents (German edition)." Aurorae Borealis Studia Classica 4 (December 6, 2016): 1–17.

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This file contains a biographical introduction on Maximilianus (Maximilian) Hell (1720-1792) followed by summaries of contents of all three known versions of his treatise on the Aurora Borealis, the 'Lucis Boreæ Theoria nova' (manuscript version, c. 1770), 'Aurorae Borealis Theoria Nova' (Latin edition, 1776) and 'Neue Theorie des Nordlichtes' (German edition, 1792).
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Maden, Nafiz. "Historical aurora borealis catalog for Anatolia and Constantinople (hABcAC) during the Eastern Roman Empire period: implications for past solar activity." Annales Geophysicae 38, no. 4 (July 28, 2020): 889–99.

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Abstract. Herein, Anatolian aurorae are reviewed based on the existing catalogs to establish a relationship between the aurora observations and past solar activity during the Medieval period. For this purpose, historical aurora catalogs for Constantinople and Anatolia are compiled based on the existing catalogs and compared with those in the Middle East region. The available catalogs in the literature are mostly related to the records observed in Europe, Japan, China, Russia, and the Middle East. There is no study dealing only with the historical aurora observations recorded in Anatolia and Constantinople. The data of the catalog show that there is a considerable relationship between the aurora activity and past strong solar activity. High auroral activity around the extreme solar particle storm in 774/775 and the Medieval grand maximum in the 1100s in Anatolia and the Middle East is quite consistent with the past solar variability reported in other scientific literature.
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Nagarajan, Nandini. "Unravelling the Aurora Borealis." Resonance 27, no. 5 (May 2022): 713–31.

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Hechter, Richard P. "Chasing the Aurora Borealis." Physics Teacher 58, no. 5 (May 2020): 306–7.

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Kragh, Helge. "The Spectrum of the Aurora Borealis: From Enigma to Laboratory Science." Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 39, no. 4 (2009): 377–417.

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The composition of the aurora borealis became a subject of scientific interest with the introduction of spectroscopy, but for a long time the aurora refused to reveal its secrets. After fifty years of research, the origin of the dominant green line of wavelength 5577 ÅÅ was still a mystery. Only in 1912 did progress finally begin to occur in the understanding of the aurora, a field of research which appealed in particular to Norwegian scientists. Prominent among them was Lars Vegard (1880––1963), who in 1923 suggested a new picture of the upper atmosphere and an explanation of the green line in terms of excitations of frozen nitrogen dust particles. Although apparently confirmed by cryogenic experiments, Vegard's theory was challenged by the Canadian physicist John McLellan (1867––1935) who in 1925, together with his postdoctoral student Gordon Shrum (1896––1985), reproduced the line in experiments with helium-oxygen mixtures. This is the story of how the enigma of the green auroral line was finally resolved and explained by the quantum theory of atoms, namely as a transition between two metastable states of oxygen. It is also the story of two of the period's leading specialists in auroral spectroscopy, their rivalry, and different approaches to the study of the northern light.
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Maraschi, Andrea. "Red lights in the sky, hunger in sight. Aurora borealis and famine between experience and rhetoric in the early Middle Ages." Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura 18 (December 22, 2018): 301–19.

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The purpose of the present paper is to analyse the mental and cultural attitudes of early medieval people towards one celestial “unidentified” phenomenon: aurora borealis. Celestial signs were often – but not always - interpreted on the basis of biblical prophecies, as visible words through which God forewarned humanity of future major events like the death of a king, pestilence, or famine. Attention will be mainly focused on the latter aspect, and specifically on the potential connection between the signs associated with the end of times in the Gospels, and actual records of aurorae, which were in turn interpreted as proving and confirming biblical prophecies. Aurora borealis seems to have generated anxiety about climate and hunger and to have enjoyed a particularly bad reputation, the reasons depending either on the moral purposes of related records, the rhetorical strategies they offered, or the actual emotional impact they had on the observers.
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Belanger, Noelle, and Anna Westerstahl Stenport. "The Politics of Color in the Arctic Landscape: Blackness at the Center of Frederic Edwin Church's Aurora Borealis and the Legacy of 19th-Century Limits of Representation." ARTMargins 6, no. 2 (June 2017): 6–26.

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American painter Frederic Edwin Church's monumental oil painting Aurora Borealis (1865) presents a stark contrast to the dominant Western tradition of representing the Arctic as monochrome and static. This article discusses how the impressive palette of Aurora Borealis and its black semi-circle in the center allow for a revisionist understanding of Church's contributions to a rich history of Arctic representation, including in an age of climate change and rapidly melting ice. The article connects Aurora Borealis to emerging lens technologies—especially photography and astronomy, and later the cinema and composite satellite imagery, to argue for circumpolar north as globally connected—then, and now. The article furthermore draws connections to the nineteenth-century trade in pigments, the interconnected routes of slavery, and cultural modes of urban modernity.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Aurora borealis"


Holmberg, Megan Elizabeth. "Anomalous Apparitions of Light in Colonial America: Visions of Comets, New Stars, the Aurora Borealis, and Rainbows." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2019.

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This dissertation examines the body of literature that formed around anomalous light apparitions (comets, new stars, the aurora borealis, and rainbows) as it explores questions about the representation and response to celestial and meteorological phenomena during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in colonial America. I further consider the ways that these texts’ meanings are informed by rational scientific thought and by other non-scientific or non-rational, emotive, or aesthetic modes of thinking. I consider how these phenomena elicit a set of empirical yet emotionally-charged observational practices that complicate how we understand the roles of the rational and the non-rational in the scientific literature of this period. I argue that non-rational passionate investments are evident within or as part of the period’s rational scientific literature; they act as the impetus for scientific inquiry therefore forming an integral part of the scientific endeavor. This dissertation further explores how the practice of writing about these phenomena generates and facilitates the formation of communities of amateur scientific observers in colonial America. I further investigate how practices of data collection contribute to knowledge about the regular and irregular behaviors of celestial bodies, and how this knowledge impacts everyday practices essential for survival such as farming and travelling. What science writing from this period demonstrates is the ability for multiple ways of thinking to be in play simultaneously; these texts show how several worldviews (i.e. science, Puritanism, popular religion) are intrinsic to each other. Because of their liminality, these texts function outside of traditional categories such science, religion, and natural philosophy. Furthermore, they destabilize traditional conceptions of genre with their blend of rational and non-rational modes of thought and their incorporation of fact and fiction. While I treat these literary texts within their historical contexts, I am also interested in the ways in which these texts reach modern audiences, particularly in academia at a time when the humanities and sciences are positioned against one another.
Temple University--Theses
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Ojeda, Romero Juan Andre. "Dual Satellite Coverage using Particle Swarm Optimization." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2014.

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A dual satellite system in a Low Earth Orbit, LEO, would be beneficial to study the electromagnetic occurrences in the magnetosphere and their contributions to the development of the aurora events in the Earth's lower atmosphere. An orbit configuration is sought that would increase the total time that both satellites are inside the auroral oval. Some additional objectives include minimizing the total fuel cost and the average angle between the satellites' radius vectors. This orbit configuration is developed using a series of instantaneous burns applied at each satellite's perigee. An analysis of the optimal solutions generated by a Particle Swarm Optimization method is completed using a cost function with different weights for the time, fuel, and angle terms. Three different scenarios are presented: a single burn case, a double burn case, and a four burn case. The results are calculated using two different orbital mechanics models: an unperturbed two-body simulation and a two-body simulation with added Earth's equatorial bulge effects. It is shown that the added perturbation reduces the total event time in the optimal solutions generated. Specific weights for the cost function are recommended for further studies.
Master of Science
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Petersson, Rasmus, and Rex Tigerstrand. "Stadsnära Norrskensturism : Viktiga parametrar gällande artificiell belysning för utvecklingen av norrskensturism i ett stadsnära läge." Thesis, Tekniska Högskolan, Jönköping University, JTH, Byggnadsteknik och belysningsvetenskap, 2020.

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Enligt Tillväxtverket (2019) har den totala konsumtionen inom svensk turismnäring ökat med 124% mellan åren 2000–2018. Denna trend kan även utläsas för den svenska naturturismen där en studie från Mittuniversitet (2014) visade att det inom naturturism omsätts ca 3.6 miljarder kronor varje år och att 40% av företagen var i en tillväxtfas (Fredman, Margaryan, 2014). En form av naturturism som växt sig stark norra Sverige under senare år är norrskenturismen (Jóhannesson & Lund, 2017; Mathisen, 2017; Friedman, 2010), som i enbart Kiruna kommun beräknas omsätta runt 100 miljoner varje år (Naturturismföretagen. 2019). Idag är denna typ av turism framförallt koncentrerad till landsbygden med långa avstånd och höga resekostnader som följd. Samtidigt som många turister har en negativ påverkan på djur och natur (Björnsdóttir, 2015). Syftet med studien är således att ta fram och föra en diskussion kring vilka aspekter av en belysningsanläggning som är viktiga för att göra norrskensturismen mer stadsnära och tillgänglig för en större del av befolkningen. Arbetet ska även ge förslag på generella anpassningar av den artificiella belysningen som kan appliceras på anläggningen. Metoden som används är en kombination av litteraturstudie, intervjuer och en analys av befintliga belysningsprogram. Litteraturstudien gav en bakgrundsundersökning inom ämnet samt tydliggjorde hur studiens syfte skulle formuleras. Intervjuerna genomfördes med fyra ljusdesigners där deras tankar och idéer gällande vilka aspekter som anses viktiga för att skapa en stadsnära norrskensturism. I studiens sista steg analyserades redan befintliga belysningsprogram från städer där belysningsanläggningen anpassats för att minimera stadens ljusföroreningar. Analyserna gav sedan konkreta åtgärdsförslag som jämfördes med intervjudeltagarnas resonemang. Studiens resultat visar på att armaturavskärmning, ljusfördelning, ljuspunktshöjder och belysningsstyrning anses vara de viktigaste aspekterna för den artificiella belysningen. Lagar, standarder och andra former av styrdokument är en annan aspekt som ofta togs upp, med resonemang för hur dessa kan påverka en belysningsanläggnings hösta respektive lägsta nivå. Gällande de generella förslagen på anpassningar redovisas att både anpassningar av ljuskällors färgtemperaturer och ljusriktning kan appliceras på en anläggning förhållandevis enkelt. Men att en väl anpassad belysningsstyrning är svårare, det ska dock tilläggas att denna anpassning kan ha större och mer positiv påverkan för en norrskensanpassad belysningsanläggning. Till de personer som vill utveckla denna typ av projekt rekommenderas att i ett tidigt skede blanda in eventuella intressenter och ta hänsyn till deras aspekter. Arbetets ämnesområde är relativt outforskat och en väl utförd förstudie inför projektet är därför av stor vikt för att minimera eventuella misstag. Studien begränsas av att enbart ta hänsyn till och föra en diskussion kring de aspekter som uppkommit under intervjuerna. Dessa aspekter är endast hämtade ur en ljusdesigners perspektiv och tydliggör således inte andra intressenters intressen inom ämnet.
According to The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (2019) the total consumption of tourism in Sweden has grown with 124% between the years 2000-2018. This trend that also applies for the Swedish nature-tourism where a study from Mid Sweden University (2014) shows that nature-based tourism each year has approximately 3.6 billion SEK in turnover, and that 40% of concerned businesses is in a phase of growth (Fredman & Margaryan, 2014). Northern light-tourism is a form of nature-tourism that has grown quickly in northern Sweden in recent years (Jóhannesson & Lund, 2017; Mathisen, 2017; Friedman, 2010). In Kiruna alone it is estimated that the northern light tourism alone has a revenue of 100 million SEK each year (Swedish Nature and Ecotourism Association, 2019). This form of tourism often has a high traveling costs and is concentrated to the countryside with far traveling distances between each site. In the same time, a lot of tourists on the countryside has a negative impact on the nature and wildlife (Björnsdóttir, 2015). The purpose of this study is therefore to point out and discuss around different aspects concerning the artificial lighting with an impact on how we can develop a northern light- tourism in a more urban environment. The study shall also give general suggestions for how these aspects can be adapted into a light installation. The method that is use in this research is a literature study, interviews and an analyse of four cities’ lighting masterplans. The literature study was used to specify the foundation and aim of the study. Where the interviews clarified the important aspect for an urban development of northern light-tourism from a lighting designers’ point of view. In the last phase of the study, four lighting masterplans with a clear focus on how to prevent light pollution where analysed. These analyses then gave some action proposals that can be compared to the answers from the interview participants. The results from the study show that shielded luminaires, light distributions, luminaire installation height and lighting controls are considered to have the largest impact on the lighting installation regarding the visibility of the northern light. Also, laws and regulations were a common answer, with some reasoning about the regulations of max and min requirements from an installation. Regarding the general proposals some suggestions concerning luminaire colour temperature and light distribution can quite easy be applied to an installation, in comparison to a more complicated lighting control. To everyone that would like to develop a project of this kind it is recommended that in an early stage get in contact with any stakeholders and listen to their opinions. In that way any mistakes are minimised even though the topic of this study is relatively unexplored.The study is limited to only show and discuss the answers that came up under the interviews, and that these answers is only reproduced from a lighting designers’ point of view.
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Backman, Fredrick. "Från föhn till feu! : Esrange och den norrländska rymdverksamhetens tillkomsthistoria från sekelskiftet 1900 till 1966." Thesis, Umeå University, Department of historical, philosophical and religious studies, 2010.

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This essay is about the origin, planning and establishment of the European Space Research Organisation's (ESRO) sounding rocket base Esrange outside Kiruna in Northern Sweden. Three main questions are examined. First I show there were not just scientific and technical but also political, economical as well as military reasons to build a European rocket base. Second, I scrutinize the reasons to choose Northern Sweden as the location for the rocket base. As it turns out, the main reasons were the favourable location of Northern Sweden within the aurora oval zone, the proximity of the Kiruna Geophysical Observatory, and the possibility to use a large, although not quite uninhabited, area where the launched rockets could crash. Finally, I examine the difficulty of talking about boundaries of various kinds, such as temporal, spatial and functional. The essay also provides a discussion on possible ways to continue research on this topic.

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Matias, Nino Neto. "Aurora Borealis arctic abservatory ARCH medium student competitions." Master's thesis, 2012.

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Ao longo de centenas de anos, a raça humana tentou desvendar os mistérios da natureza. As Auroras Boreais foram um desses maiores mistérios. Como se explicava os brilhos, umas vezes esverdeados, outras em tons vermelhos, em várias regiões da terra, em momentos específicos do ano, enquanto noutros lugares, os céus permaneceram completamente inalterados? Durante esses tempos houve várias teorias para explicar este fenómeno, inclusive a de que deuses estariam por detrás desse espetáculo luminoso. Outras teorias mais complexas incluíam a existência de dois buracos, um no Pólo norte, outro no Pólo sul, onde a luz era projetada para centro do nosso planeta, e ainda outra que sugere uma grande guerra que seria travada entre guerreiros lendários que conquistaram o seu lugar no céu como uma recompensa da coragem e bravura que demonstraram nas suas batalhas terrestres. Com a evolução da tecnologia, desvendámos esse mistério e conseguimos explicações científicas sobre a causa destes fenómenos. O objetivo desta dissertação é a elaboração de uma proposta para um edifício que integre o conceito de hotel e de observatório. A pureza da arquitetura fará a ponte de ligação entre o espaço físico com o espaço astral. O conceito deste projeto baseia-se na envolvência do exterior com o interior e vice-versa para promover uma profunda compreensão e assimilação da natureza envolvente e dos fenómenos por si gerados, sendo as Auroras Boreais e a floresta a grande atração turística deste lugar
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Hsieh, Wen I., and 謝雯亦. "The Analysis and Interpretation of Aurora Borealis by John Thrower." Thesis, 2017.

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Aurora Borealis by Canadian composer John Thrower, which was composed for marimba and percussion ensemble. This work covers classical, popular, and jazz music styles, furthermore its playing skills and interpretation are particular and profound, therefore aroused author's interests on intensive study. This thesis worked on Aurora Borealis subject research, including of its background, music forms, composition techniques, playing skills, interpretation, and etc… Hope that the achievements and reviews will provide readers with deep reference, either in playing skills or further research.
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Wang, Wang-Ru, and 王婉茹. "Music Analysis and Performance Interpretations of John Thrower’s Aurora Borealis for Marimba and Percussion Ensemble." Thesis, 2015.

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Andrus, Ryan Charles. "LAMBDA." 2013.

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LAMBDA was an exploration of science and art in two components: a performance-lecture and an art installation. This project asserted that performance and art are effective methods of delivering scientific information to a general audience. The first component was a solo performance-lecture that used lights, projection, costumes, props, and sound in a hybrid classroom space. The performance-lecture covered the topics of light, the Aurora Borealis, gravitational lensing, and the cosmic microwave background. The art installation used light emitting objects to visually represent the gravitational disturbances that exist within a section of space-time.
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Books on the topic "Aurora borealis"


Maggiari, Massimo. Aurora borealis. Trento: La finestra, 2004.

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Centre international d'art contemporain de Montréal., ed. Aurora Borealis. [Montréal]: Centre international d'art contemporain de Montréal, 1985.

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Holmström, Lisa C. Q. Aurora Borealis in Lapland. S.l]: Lapplandmedia, 2012.

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Prince, Richard. Aurora borealis: Richard E. Prince. Burnaby, BC: Visual Arts Burnaby/Gallery at Ceperley House, 2001.

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Hope, Melissa B. Aurora borealis: Magnetic journey in poetry. Buenos Aires: Dunken Editorial, 2004.

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Eller, Rhonda L. Whale songs in the Aurora Borealis: Select poems. London, Ont: EPIP: Electronic Books in Print, 2005.

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Jack, Finch, Curtis Jan 1952-, and Akasofu Syun-Ichi, eds. The Northern Lights: Secrets of the Aurora Borealis. Portland, OR: Alaska Northwest Books, 2009.

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ill, Lobel Anita, ed. Not everyday an aurora borealis for your birthday: A love poem. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.

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Wilfried, Schröder, ed. Das Polarlicht: Hermann Fritz und die Polarlichtforschung = The aurora borealis : Hermann Fritz and the foundation of auroral research. Darmstadt: WP Druck, 2004.

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McLaren, Whitney. Aurora Borealis. Blurb, 2017.

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Book chapters on the topic "Aurora borealis"


Çetintemel, Uğur, Daniel Abadi, Yanif Ahmad, Hari Balakrishnan, Magdalena Balazinska, Mitch Cherniack, Jeong-Hyon Hwang, et al. "The Aurora and Borealis Stream Processing Engines." In Data-Centric Systems and Applications, 337–59. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.

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Siscoe, George L. "An historical footnote on the origin of ‘aurora borealis’." In History of Geophysics, 11–14. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union, 1986.

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Spring, Ulrike. "Materializing the Aurora Borealis: Carl Weyprecht and Scientific Documentation of the Arctic." In Expeditions as Experiments, 141–62. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.

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Knudsen, Henrik. "Battling the Aurora Borealis: The Transnational Coproduction of Ionospheric Research in Early Cold War Greenland." In Exploring Greenland, 143–65. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016.

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Agostinelli, di C. "Sul Problema Delle Aurore Boreali Moto Di Un Corpuscolo Elettrizzato in Presenza Di Un Dipolo Magnetico." In Modern Questions of Celestial Mechanics, 3–25. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Helmholz, Heike, Blair D. Johnston, Christiane Ruhnau, and Andreas Prange. "Gill cell toxicity of northern boreal scyphomedusae Cyanea capillata and Aurelia aurita measured by an in vitro cell assay." In Jellyfish Blooms: New Problems and Solutions, 223–34. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010.

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"aurora borealis." In Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering/Wörterbuch GeoTechnik, 82. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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"Aurora Borealis." In Buffalo Dance, 63. The University Press of Kentucky, 2022.

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"Aurora Borealis." In Astronomically Speaking, 57–59. CRC Press, 2003.

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"Aurora Borealis / Australis." In The Complete Guide to Landscape Astrophotography, 49–61. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2017. |: Routledge, 2017.

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Conference papers on the topic "Aurora borealis"


Krasheninnikov, Alexey V., Yury S. Rybnov, Sergey P. Soloviev, and Alexander A. Spivak. "Infrasound from the aurora borealis." In 27th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics, edited by Oleg A. Romanovskii and Gennadii G. Matvienko. SPIE, 2021.

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Ishikawa, Tomokazu, Yonghao Yue, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, and Tomoyuki Nishita. "Modeling of aurora borealis using the observed data." In the 27th Spring Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2013.

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Cucicov, Dorin. "Mytherrella: an interactive installation hallucinating mythological auroral formations." In 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Paris: Ecole des arts decoratifs - PSL, 2024.

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SHORT PAPER. Up until very recently, mythological tales predominated in the explanation of the polar auroras. Today, we understand that the polar lights are a phenomenon brought on by the solar winds' interaction with the magnetosphere of the Earth leading to precipitation of energetic particles on the topside ionised atmosphere. However, for a long time, this phenomenon inspired vibrant trans-border stories with a profound impact on local communities. In our interactive installation, Mytherrella, we aimed to create a dynamic environment in which scientific data and mythological storytelling unearth new imaginaries about the aurora borealis. The generative video integrated in the installation uses a custom real-time StyleGAN algorithm that continuously samples from a model trained on a large set of all-sky auroral images acquired in Kiruna, Sweden. This method enables live interaction with the generated video, producing novel synthetic auroral formations that are unpredictable while remaining within the bounds of the learned features. By combining the dataset with a relatively small number of alternative-style images, the diversity of the generated content is increased, creating a divergent effect that reinforces the mythological narrative. We share the technique of interactive video generation as well as the research process behind the creation of the work.
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Doelling, Willy, Albrecht Delius, and Lester Lembke-Jene. "AURORA BOREALIS – A new European Combined Research Icebreaker and Drilling Vessel." In SNAME 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Performance of Ships and Structures in Ice. SNAME, 2010.

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The paper discusses the development of the AURORA BOREALIS, a new European Polar Research and Scientific Drilling Vessel with dynamical positioning capability in drifting ice. The Vessel will be designed as a heavy icebreaker with the highest polar ice class. She will be powered to break continuously multiyear ice of more than 2.5m thickness and she will be able to manage ice ridges up to 15m height and more. She shall perform research tasks including scientific drilling missions all-year-round in the Arctic and in Antarctica without any other assisting support vessels. One of the key issues in the required performance specification for the vessel is the mandatory performance of autonomous station keeping operations in drifting level ice of more than 2.0m thickness during drilling and other research tasks.
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Alavi, Charlotte. "Aspire High School Internship – Redesigning a Wide-Angle Camera Lens to Study the Aurora Borealis." In 2019 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC). IEEE, 2019.

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