Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Attitudes COVID-19'
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Gustavsson, Fredrik, and Anton Rinaldo. ""Get a better attitude!" : An analysis of media use and support/hesitancy attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-85224.
Full textDenna studie undersöker förhållandet mellan medieanvändning och förespråkande/tveksamhet mot COVID-19-vaccinet. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera förhållandet mellan sociala medier och traditionell medieanvändning och attityder till förespråkande/tveksamhet gentemot COVID-19-vaccinet. Vi vill analysera hur de sociala och traditionella medierna som nyhetskälla är relaterade till förespråkande och tveksamhet. Vidare vill vi se om medieanvändning som nyhetskälla har något samband med avvägningsinställningen till COVID-19. Vi har hittat ett forsknings hål i COVID-19-pandemin och sambandet mellan social och traditionell medieanvändning som nyhetskälla och förespråkande, tveksamhet och avvägningsattityder till COVID-19-vaccinet. RQ 1: Vad är förhållandet mellan användning av sociala medier som nyhetskälla och förespråkande/tveksamhet mot COVID-19-vaccinet? RQ 2: Vad är förhållandet mellan traditionell medieanvändning som nyhetskälla och förespråkande/tveksamhet mot COVID-19-vaccinet? Metoden för denna studie är en kvantitativ undersökning om medieanvändning före och under COVID-19-pandemin och förespråkande, tveksamhet och avvägning av attityder till COVID-19-vaccinet. Befolkningsstorleken är 201 svenska medborgare i åldrarna 18-65. Urvalet samlades in genom ett snowball sample. Studien har ett teoretiskt ramverk som består av kriskommunikation, misinformation, ekokammare, attityder och social förstärkning av risk. Dessutom presenterar studien tidigare forskning som liknar studien. Den tidigare forskningen presenterar några viktiga resultat, såsom användningen av sociala medier tenderar att öka under kriser, hur ekokammare kan ökas av känslan av rädsla och forskning om attityder till vacciner. Tidigare forskning presenterar också hur misinformation sprids på sociala medier och hur antivaccinationsrörelsen utnyttjar det postmodern health paradigm som får människor att vända sig till internet med sina medicinska problem. Studien drar slutsatsen att traditionella medier i vissa fall kan ha en positiv relation till stödjande attityder och att sociala medier ansluter till några av de tveksamma åsikterna mot COVID-19.
Pedersen, Johanna, and Lukas Hansson. "Consumers' attitude towards locally produced food products : a study on how the Covid-19 pandemic might have affected consumers attitudes." Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för ekonomi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22175.
Full textKladias, Angela. "Parent-Child Relationships and Student Outcomes in Children: A Comparison Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Otterbein University Honors Theses / OhioLINK, 2005. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=otbnhonors1620458607619877.
Full textHasselhuhn, Linnea. "Unga konsumenter och digitala betalningsmedel : Unga vuxnas attityder och acceptans till digitala betalningsmedel." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik, konst och samhälle, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-85204.
Full textSammanfattning Syfte Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka unga svenska konsumenters attityder till digitala betalningsmedel. För att besvara syftet upprättades två forskningsfrågor: Hur kan faktorer som påverkar unga vuxnas attityder till digitala betalningsmedel beskrivas? Hur kan unga vuxnas attityder till digitala betalningsmedel beskrivas? Metod Både en kvalitativ metod och kvalitativ metod har använts, en så kallad triangulering. Vad gäller den kvantitativa delen så har enkäter använts för att samla in data som sedan har analyserats med hjälp av regressionsanalyser. För den kvalitativa delen användes djupintervjuer för att beskriva unga vuxnas attityder och acceptans till digitala betalningsmedel. Resultat Studiens resultat visade att det fanns olika faktorer som hade en påverkan på unga vuxnas attityder och acceptans till att använda digitala betalningsmedel. De faktorer som hade ett samband med ålder var upplevd användarvänlighet, upplevd enkelhet att använda, risk- samt säkerhetsaspekter. Unga vuxnas attityder till digitala betalningsmedel var mycket positiva och respondenterna hade en stor acceptans till nya digitala betalningsmedel. Vad studien även har kommit fram till är att andra människors inflytande hade en liten inverkan på individens attityd till att använda digitala betalningsmedel. Faktorer som hade en stor påverkan på unga vuxnas attityder och användande var säkerhet, snabbhet och användarvänlighet.
Holmgren, Brännström Ulrika, and Ulrika Malmlöf. "KBT under den globala pandemin Covid-19 : Psykoterapeuters föreställningar om, och upplevelser av, terapeutisk allians vid övergången till psykoterapi via videolänk." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för psykologi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-179633.
Full textDuring the pandemic COVID-19 the health care has suddenly been forced to adjust their work and start using video conference to keep the continuity, which also impacts psychotherapy. Despite extensive evidence of the efficiency of video conference psychotherapy there are still myths among clinicians that the therapeutic alliance can be endangered by the digital format, which can complicate the implementations. The aim of this study is to examine the psychotherapists' experiences of psychotherapy via video conference, with particular focus on the therapeutic alliance (TA). Through semi-structured interviews we examined the psychotherapists conceptions, adaptations and the experiences of this readjustment. Data were analyzed based on qualitative content analysis; Communication, The solid relation and the CBT-interventions. The main results indicated that the clinicians needed to adapt the treatment contextually, communicatively and in terms of content to frame TA, and that TA can be developed via video conference. This coincides with previous international research. Areas of development is the new phenomenon self-exposure and transformation/change of equalization of power. The conversion has positively exceeded the expectations and has partly changed the respondents attitudes to therapy via video conference. Within the limitations of this study, implications and further directions for research are described.
Lindén, Josefine, and Josefine Östman. "Från Corona till flygstol : En kvalitativ studie om resebeteenden efter en pandemi." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Turismvetenskap, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-40989.
Full textGlobaliseringen ökar och rörligheten mellan länder likaså. En effekt av det är att turismen är en av de snabbast växande branscherna och det internationella resandet ökar successivt. I slutet av år 2019 uppstod ett nytt coronavirus i Wuhan, Kina. Viruset som fått namnet covid19, coronavirus disease 2019, kan liknas vid en influensa som ställer till problem för luftvägarna. Den 11 mars 2020 rapporterade Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) det nya coronaviruset som en pandemi. Covid-19 har visat sig ha en förödande negativ effekt på världsekonomin och de flesta branscherna, inte minst besöksnäringen. För närvarande finns en avrådan i Sverige från icke-nödvändiga resor fram till den 15 juli 2020. Till detta fenomen kan det komma att skapas olika attityder. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur svenska turisters internationella resebeteenden kan komma att påverkas efter en pandemi. Två teorier har använts som behandlar beteenden och attityder. Theory of reasoned action som är huvudteorin som beskriver processen för ett valt beteende, den kompletterande teorin är push- och pullfaktorer. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet är baserat på 18 individuella intervjuer. En intervjuguide utformades utifrån åtta teman från de valda teorierna. Studien har gett insikt om att det finns ett fortsatt intresse av resande, samtidigt som studien också visar tydligt att det finns ett förändrat resebeteende hos resenärer. Detta beteende grundar sig i en förändring av attityder kring resande som påverkar hur det framtida resandet kommer se ut, vilket är något som bör tas i beaktning för framtida kriser som kan påverka besöksnäringen. Det som kan komma att uppmärksammas efter covid-19 är att resenärer tar mer hänsyn till hygien och vikten av att värna om miljön när de reser.
Dedeic, Emina, and Angelina Sten. "Could IT be a matter of life or death? : - En studie om hur det digitala vårdmötet påverkar patienten och organisationen." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informatik och media, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-414727.
Full textDueñas, Carolina, and Shahla Aliyeva. "Resebeteenden under COVID-19 : En kvalitativ studie om COVID-19 påverkan på svenska konsumenters resebeteenden." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Turismvetenskap, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-41315.
Full textDenna studie handlar om svenska konsumenters resebeteenden och hur de ställer sig till resande under den pågående pandemin COVID-19. Studien undersöker bland annat hur COVID-19 har påverkat svenska konsumenters tankar kring resande, vilka faktorer det är som påverkar svenska konsumenters resebeteenden vid en pandemi och vilka attityder svenska konsumenter har till resande under COVID-19. För att få svar på föreliggande syfte och frågeställningar har denna studie utgått från en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med 11 respondenter som reser regelbundet. Studien tar avstamp i det teoretiska ramverket teorin om planerat beteende samt begreppen risker, riskuppfattning och massmedia. I resultatet framkom det att konsumenterna följer myndigheternas rekommendationer och restriktioner för att undvika risker som kan uppstå i samband med COVID-19. Resultaten visar även att svenska konsumenter uppfattar begreppet risk som något negativt och att COVID-19 mer eller mindre utgör en risk för de. Konsumenter upplever att medier och nyhetsuppdateringar har skapat en oro genom skrämmande rubriker, men att de på samma gång har hjälpt konsumenterna att bilda sin egna uppfattning. Svenska konsumenters resebeteenden har förändrats då resultaten även visar på att svenska konsumenter följer myndigheternas reseavrådan.
Asplund, Henrietta, and Malin Berg. "Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med Covid-19 : en litteraturöversikt." Thesis, Ersta Sköndal Bräcke högskola, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:esh:diva-8981.
Full textBakgrund: Smittsamma sjukdomar på grund av virus härstammar ofta från sjuka människor och djur och har länge varit ett stort hot mot människan och samhället. I december 2019 upptäcktes ett nytt coronavirus som får namnet SARS-CoV-2 och orsakar sjukdomen Covid-19. Det leder till en pandemi och sätter snabbt stor press på sjukvården världen över. Att vara sjuksköterska under en pandemi har visat sig vara utmanande men även givande. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med Covid-19. Metod: Metoden är en litteraturöversikt baserad på 7 kvalitativa, 2 kvantitativa och en mixad artikel. Artiklarna hittades i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed och var publicerade de senaste två åren. Sökord som användes var Nurses, Experience, Attitude, Nursing, Nursing care och Covid-19. Analysmetoden som användes var enligt Friberg och Hendersons teori användes som teoretisk utgångspunkt.Resultat:Analysen identifierade tre teman. Att arbeta under hot om smitta, Att utföra omvårdnad under utmanande omständigheter samt Förändrad syn på sjuksköterskeyrket. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor som arbetat med vård av patienter med Covid-19 har upplevt att bristande erfarenheter lett till att den kliniska omvårdnaden blir lidande. Rädslan av att bli smittad påverkade dem psykiskt och fysiskt. Det var ett etiskt dilemma att utföra vård av smittsamma patienter utan adekvat skyddsutrustning. Stöd från samhället och patienter har stärkt sjuksköterskornas profession.
Cavar, Ivan, and Malin Jansert. "Being forced to work from home : A focus on how having to work from home followingthe covid-19 pandemic has affected the employee’s performance and social work-life." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-178023.
Full textHögklint, Rasmus, and Tim Lindholm. "Från fest till coronatest : En kvantitativ studie om hur studenters inställning ser ut till resandet under en pandemi." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för organisation och entreprenörskap (OE), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-100103.
Full textJohansson, Tobias, and Tobias Jonsson. "Risk, tillit och vaccinering -En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas resonemang kring vaccinationen av Covid-19 i en svensk kontext." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-92441.
Full textDet första fallet av Covid-19 bekräftades i Sverige i slutet på januari 2020. Vid studiens genomförande har samhället påbörjat vaccineringen mot viruset. Även om majoriteten av befolkningen verkar positivt inställda till vaccinet återstår frågan om vilka faktorer som påverkar detta. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en förståelse för hur unga vuxna i Sverige resonerar kring Covid-19 viruset och vaccinationen mot det. Syftet besvaras med följande frågeställningar, hur resonerar unga vuxna i Sverige kring risker med Covid-19 viruset och vaccinationen mot det och hur formas unga vuxna i Sveriges resonemang kring vaccinering av den naturliga inställningen och deras förhållningssätt till expertsystem. Tidigare forskning visar att risk och tillit till expertsystem kan vara påverkande faktorer på individers vaccinationsbenägenhet, åtminstone när det gäller barnvaccin eller tidigare influensavaccinationer. Tidigare kvantitativ forskning har även visat på skillnader i vaccinationsbenägenhet mellan åldersgrupper, där unga vuxna var mest troliga att vara negativt inställda. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie med individer i åldersgruppen unga vuxna visar hur risk och tillit till expertsystem kan influera deras resonemang kring Covid-19 viruset och vaccineringen mot det samt hur deras naturliga inställning kan påverkas av pandemin. Resultatet av studien visar att respondenterna tenderar att se allvarligare på risker med Covid-19 gentemot andra än sig själva, något som kan vara en bidragande faktor till den åldersgruppens inställning till vaccinering. Studien visar även att en hög tillit till expertsystem möjliggör ett positivt resonemang kring vaccineringen och att den naturliga inställningen i pandemins samhälle är förändrad hos respondenterna.
Sandell, Moa. "Den saken är klar, vad som än sker så kommer samhället aldrig vara sig likt efter det här : Människors erfarenheter av coronapandemin." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-448479.
Full textBackground: Previous pandemics have had negative effects on both people and society. Pandemic management needs to be adapted to the local context and the measures require a behavioral change. To implement these measures in a beneficial way, information about people's experiences and perceptions in a pandemic context are required. Aim: To study experiences regarding the corona pandemic and its consequences on people living on an island. Method: The study was conducted on Åland and participants (n = 21) were recruited from Åland's Covid cohort (ÅCK). Data were collected through four focus groups interviews, and these were analyzed using systematic text condensation. Results: Three categories were identified through the analysis. The first category deals with both positive and negative changes regarding occupation, everyday life and social life. In the second category, the participants address their worry, both for the future and their relatives, as well as the psychological impact due to the pandemic. The last category deals with experiences of pandemic management, the confusion and frustration associated with it, trust in authorities and a joint effort to stop the pandemic. Conclusion: The fact that Åland is an island has affected people's experiences of the pandemic. The island is situated between two countries its relationship to these has been affected due to the pandemic. The littleness has contributed to social pressure and a sense of responsibility. It is important to consider the local context and the phase of the pandemic when conducting future studies.
Hussein, Aida. "Inställning till vaccination mot covid- 19 i Rinkeby och Tensta, Sverige : Om vaccinationsvilja och tveksamhet i ett socioekonomiskt utsatt område i Sverige." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:his:diva-20031.
Full textIntroduction: Vaccine hesitancy is a phenomenon that is important to study when the fight against covid-19 and other diseases is dependent on the population being vaccinated. Rinkeby-Tensta previously had low vaccination coverage due to concerns about side effects. The aim is to measure the attitude toward vaccination against covid -19 in Rinkeby-Tensta Method: A cross-sectional study was performed with convenience sample. Results: Results show that 72 respondents answered the survey, of which 78 percent of the respondents answered that they either do not want or do not know if they want to get vaccinated. Discussion: Level of education is not associated with willingness to get vaccinated. To postpone vaccinations is perceived as a benefit. Concerns about the side effects of vaccine is a factor in the vaccination decision.
Johansson, Linnea, and Elisabeth Reszling. "Development of Activity-Based Workplaces and Working from Home : An investigation of how the COVID-19 experience have impacted employees’ attitude towards activity-based workplaces post-pandemic." Thesis, Jönköping University, Internationella Handelshögskolan, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-54062.
Full textHuiskes, Pamela. "Prevalence of and attitudes towards technology-facilitated sexual violence during the COVID-19 pandemic." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10284/10307.
Full textApesar de alguma emergente literatura sobre a Violência Sexual Facilitada pela Tecnologia (TFSV) experimentada por adultos, continua a ser um tema subexplorado. Esta dissertação visa explorar a literatura escassa, mas emergente, e abordar este fenómeno no contexto da atual pandemia da COVID-19. Uma das principais conclusões da revisão da literatura (artigo 1), é que parece haver inconsistência acerca das diferenças significativas entre a prevalência de vitimização masculina e feminina de TFSV. Estudos anteriores mostraram, contudo, diferenças significativas nos tipos de vitimização de TFSV em função do género. Os dados empíricos disponíveis relativos à vitimização de adultos são difíceis de comparar porque a terminologia, definições e medidas utilizadas para definir a TFSV continuam a ser inconsistentes. Para preencher a lacuna dentro da investigação empírica sobre vitimização sexual em linha sofrida por adultos, procedeu-se a uma revisão da literatura, seguida de um estudo empírico sobre a prevalência e as atitudes em relação ao TFSV durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Para criar algum grau de padronização dentro deste campo de estudo, a Escala de Vitimização de TFSV desenvolvida por Powell & Henry (2016) foi utilizada para explorar o tema no quadro teórico (artigo 1) e foi também administrada a uma amostra de 289 adultos entre os 18 e os 56 anos de idade no estudo empírico (artigo 2). Nesta amostra, as mulheres apresentaram uma probabilidade significativamente maior do que os homens de denunciar várias formas de vitimização de assédio sexual. Os adultos não heterossexuais eram significativamente mais prováveis do que os heterossexuais dos inquiridos a denunciar 11 comportamentos da escala de 21 itens, repartidos pelas quatro dimensões da TFSV. Durante a atual pandemia de COVID-19, muitos tipos de violência contra as mulheres e a comunidade LGBT+ intensificaram-se, e a TFSV parece não ser exceção. Os resultados indicaram padrões de género na vitimização sexual, bem como na natureza da TFSV. Com quase metade dos participantes a relatar que ignoraram o comportamento como resposta à vitimização da TFSV, a investigação futura poderia concentrar-se nos motivos por detrás da subnotificação deste tipo de violência. Além disso, deveria ser conduzida mais investigação sobre pessoas com diversidade sexual e de género, para melhor avaliar o âmbito e a natureza das experiências de TFSV dentro deste grupo.
Довгунь, Дмитро Олегович, and Dmytro Dovhun. "Дослідження засобів текстової аналітики для опрацювання даних про COVID-19." Bachelor's thesis, 2021. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/35785.
Full textQualification work is devoted to the study of methods and tools of text analytics for data processing on COVID-19. The aim of the work is to raise the level of awareness of the scientific community and researchers about the articles published in the subject area of COVID-19. The first section of the qualification work of the educational level "Bachelor" presents an extensive analysis of the subject area of word processing in the field of COVID-19. The basics of text extraction enclosures for COVID-19 are described. Resources for text mining modeling for COVID-19 have been identified and analyzed. The second section of the qualification work of the educational level "Bachelor" describes the word processing systems for COVID-19. Text search engines for publications on COVID-19 have been studied. COVID-19 word processing systems with intelligence functions are analyzed. The word processing systems for COVID-19 aimed at research and quality control of sources are described. Systems of generalization of texts concerning COVID-19 are considered. Systematic reviews of scientific sources on COVID-19 have been studied.
ВСТУП 7 1 АНАЛІЗ ТЕКСТІВ У ГАЛУЗІ COVID-19. СТАН ДОСЛІДЖЕНЬ, КОРПУСИ ТА РЕСУРСИ 9 1.1 Аналіз предметної області 9 1.2 Корпуси видобування тексту щодо COVID-19 11 1.3 Ресурси для моделювання текстового майнінгу для COVID-19 13 1.4 Висновок до першого розділу 19 2 ЗАСОБИ ТЕКСТОВОЇ АНАЛІТИКИ ДЛЯ ОПРАЦЮВАННЯ ДАНИХ ПРО COVID-19 20 2.1 Системи опрацювання текстів щодо COVID-19 20 2.2 Пошукові текстові системи для публікацій щодо COVID-19 21 2.3 Системи опрацювання текстів щодо COVID-19 з функціями розвідки 23 2.4 Системи опрацювання текстів щодо COVID-19 спрямовані на дослідження та контроль якості джерел 24 2.5 Системи узагальнення текстів щодо COVID-19 26 2.6 Системні огляди наукових джерел щодо COVID-19 28 2.7 Узагальнення результатів проведених наукових розвідок щодо COVID-19 31 2.8 Висновок до другого розділу 34 3 БЕЗПЕКА ЖИТТЄДІЯЛЬНОСТІ, ОСНОВИ ХОРОНИ ПРАЦІ 35 3.1 Долікарська допомога при вивихах 35 3.2 Правила техніки безпеки при експлуатації обладнання 37 3.3 Висновок до третього розділу 39 ВИСНОВКИ 40 ПЕРЕЛІК ДЖЕРЕЛ 41 ДОДАТКИ
Simões, Patrícia Sofia Francisco. "Intenção de vacinação contra a COVID-19 em Portugal : preditores sociodemográficos e psicossociais." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/37013.
Full textVaccination is one of the fundamental measures taken to control the pandemic due to COVID-19, which makes it important to comprehend the predictors of the intention of getting vaccinated, in order to promote its adherence. This study had the goal to evaluate the intention to get vaccinated in a sample of Portuguese individuals, as well as explore an ensemble of sociodemographic and psychosocial variables, based on three predictive models (i.e., Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, and the 3 C’s Model), as predictors of said intention. Additionally, it was intended to understand if the news about adverse reactions and suspension of the vaccination program with one of the vaccine brands might have had impact on the trust on vaccines and intentions to get vaccinated. This study was transversal, quantitative, with data collected through an online questionnaire. The sample consisted of 383 participants, living in Portugal that, until the date, were not vaccinated against COVID-19. The results showed that the intention to get vaccinated was higher in people with other nationality non-Portuguese, in between health professionals, that lived with people above 65 years old. The psychosocial determinants that were associated with the intention to get vaccinated were skepticism, with a negative relation, understood benefits, social norm, and risk perception (susceptibility), all with positive relations considering intention to get vaccinated. After the emerging news on the media about the possible adverse effects associated to AstraZeneca, it was observed a decrease in the intention to get vaccinated and trust towards all vaccines, especially AstraZeneca. These results contribute to the identification of target groups that should be prioritized when intervening, as well as what beliefs and predictors potentially modified can be used to promote adherence to vaccination.
Silva, Maria João Mortágua e. "The impact of Health Literacy on Knowledge and Attitudes towards preventive strategies against COVID- 19: a cross-sectional study." Master's thesis, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/10216/134363.
Full textIntroduction: COVID-19 pandemic introduced a set of mitigation measures based on personal behavior and attitudes. In the absence of vaccination or specific treatment, it became essential to comply to these measures in order to reduce infection transmission. Health literacy is the basis for changing behaviors. Objective: To characterize the impact of literacy on knowledge and attitudes towards preventive strategies against COVID-19. Methodology: This cross-sectional study involved an online questionnaire applied to students of the University of Porto, Portugal, containing various questions concerning knowledge and attitudes towards COVID-19, based on European guidelines. Health literacy was assessed through the Newest Vital Sign (NVS). We applied logistic regression in order to estimate the relation between knowledge attitudes as well as potential confounders. Results: We collected 871 answers (76.3% female), with a median age of 22 years old. We found adequate literacy in 92% (95%CI: 90.2-93.8%), irrespective of gender and age. In the global analysis, 78.6% of the participants (95%CI: 77.2-80.0%) had adequate knowledge, and 90.4% (95%CI: 89.4-91.4%) had adequate attitudes. Better literacy was associated with better attitudes (OR=1.212; 95%CI: 1.002-1.467; p=0.048) but not with better knowledge (OR=1.141; 95%CI: 0.981-1.326; p=0.086). In a model adjusted for gender, age, and formation in health, female gender and formation in health were associated with better knowledge and attitudes. Conclusion: Better health literacy is associated with better attitudes towards COVID-19, even without significant impact on knowledge, it constitutes a decisive factor in the implementation of preventive strategies and in the effectiveness of the pandemic combat.
Silva, Maria João Mortágua e. "The impact of Health Literacy on Knowledge and Attitudes towards preventive strategies against COVID- 19: a cross-sectional study." Dissertação, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/10216/134363.
Full textIntroduction: COVID-19 pandemic introduced a set of mitigation measures based on personal behavior and attitudes. In the absence of vaccination or specific treatment, it became essential to comply to these measures in order to reduce infection transmission. Health literacy is the basis for changing behaviors. Objective: To characterize the impact of literacy on knowledge and attitudes towards preventive strategies against COVID-19. Methodology: This cross-sectional study involved an online questionnaire applied to students of the University of Porto, Portugal, containing various questions concerning knowledge and attitudes towards COVID-19, based on European guidelines. Health literacy was assessed through the Newest Vital Sign (NVS). We applied logistic regression in order to estimate the relation between knowledge attitudes as well as potential confounders. Results: We collected 871 answers (76.3% female), with a median age of 22 years old. We found adequate literacy in 92% (95%CI: 90.2-93.8%), irrespective of gender and age. In the global analysis, 78.6% of the participants (95%CI: 77.2-80.0%) had adequate knowledge, and 90.4% (95%CI: 89.4-91.4%) had adequate attitudes. Better literacy was associated with better attitudes (OR=1.212; 95%CI: 1.002-1.467; p=0.048) but not with better knowledge (OR=1.141; 95%CI: 0.981-1.326; p=0.086). In a model adjusted for gender, age, and formation in health, female gender and formation in health were associated with better knowledge and attitudes. Conclusion: Better health literacy is associated with better attitudes towards COVID-19, even without significant impact on knowledge, it constitutes a decisive factor in the implementation of preventive strategies and in the effectiveness of the pandemic combat.
Pimentel, Bruna Viana Leão. "Telemedicine in pediatrics : perceptions, attitudes and preferences of parents and clinicians during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Portugal." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/51624.
Full textContexto: A Telemedicina (TM) é uma área em crescimento, cuja adoção tem sido lenta apesar das suas aplicações em Pediatria. Na pandemia COVID-19 houve uma implementação generalizada de TM como forma de resposta a esta crise. Objetivos: Caracterizar as experiências, perceções, atitudes e preferências de pediatras e pais/cuidadores de crianças, relativamente à utilização de TM em Pediatria, no contexto da pandemia COVID-19 em Portugal. Métodos: Estudo observacional exploratório com base em questionários dirigidos a pediatras selecionados a partir da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria, e amostra de conveniência de pais/cuidadores de crianças até aos 16 anos, seguidos no Departamento de Pediatria do CHULN. Os dados foram colhidos através de dois questionários anónimos, em português, desenvolvidos com base em revisão da literatura e experiência dos autores, um para cada grupo – médicos e pais; consistindo em 5 e 6 secções respetivamente. Ambos questionam contacto prévio com TM; perceção de vantagens, desvantagens e riscos da TM; preferências, perceção de barreiras e recetividade relativamente à utilização de TM; caracterização sociodemográfica. Os participantes foram contactados via email, contendo o link para a página do questionário na plataforma LimeSurvey®. Estudo aprovado pela Comissão de Ética do CHULN e CAML. Ambos os questionários foram submetidos a teste piloto para aferir a aceitabilidade e exequibilidade. Resultados: Incluem 103 respostas do grupo de pediatras. A maioria dos participantes é do género feminino e exerce em hospitais públicos. Perceções de vantagens de TM incluem facilitação do acesso a cuidados de saúde, proteção contra infeções e redução do uso inadequado do Serviço de Urgência; barreiras percecionadas incluem preocupação em não avaliar o doente corretamente, questões acerca de responsabilidade médico-legal e regulamentação. Verificou-se recetividade para consultas de follow-up remotas. Conclusão: A conclusão deste estudo e estudos futuros são necessários para avaliar de que forma a TM pode melhorar a prática geral em Pediatria.
Context: Telemedicine (TM) is a growing field of healthcare. Its adoption has been slow despite its broad application in pediatrics. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a widespread use of TM and as a much-needed response to an unprecedented crisis. Objectives: To characterize experiences, perceptions, preferences and attitudes among pediatricians and parents/caregivers of children aged 0-16 years, regarding the use of TM in Pediatrics, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal. Methods: Cross-sectional exploratory survey study carried among pediatricians selected from the “Pediatric Portuguese Society” database and a convenience sample of parents of children, aged 0-16 years, who are patients at a Tertiary Care and Academic Hospital Center in Lisbon, Portugal. Data was collected using two versions of self-administered anonymous questionnaires, written in Portuguese, developed after a wide literature review and the panel’s expertise, one for each of the two groups - clinicians and parents. The questionnaires consisted of 5 and 6 sections, respectively. Both enquired about perceived benefits, disadvantages, and risks anticipated using telemedicine in pediatrics; previous contact with telemedicine; preferences, receptivity and perceived barriers; and sociodemographic data. Participants were contacted via email containing the link to the survey, based on the LimeSurvey® platform. The study was approved by the medical Ethics Committee. Both instruments were pilot tested for acceptability and feasibility. Results: Preliminary results include 103 questionnaires. Most of respondents were women and work in public hospitals. Perceived advantages of the use of TM include facilitators to accessibility, protection from infections and reduction of misuse of emergent medical care; barriers are mostly related to concerns of not correctly evaluating the patient, medicolegal and regulation matters. Participants are receptive to using TM for follow-up visits. Conclusion: The conclusion of this and further studies are required to better assess how TM can improve general practice in Pediatrics.
Freitas, Pedro Miguel Monteiro. "Atitudes face à terapia online durante a pandemia COVID-19:dois estudos com clientes e terapeutas." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.12/8414.
Full textINTRODUÇÃO: As atitudes face à terapia online são importantes preditores de adesão a esta. Com o início da pandemia COVID-19, a terapia online ganhou prominência, tornando-se essencial entender o papel atual e futuro desta modalidade. ESTUDO 1. Atitudes dos clientes portugueses face à terapia online. Objetivos: estudar as atitudes de clientes face à terapia online e a relação com caraterísticas sociodemográficas, clínicas e do processo terapêutico. Método: estudo comparativo com uma amostra de 80 clientes, recolhida em dois momentos da pandemia. As atitudes face à terapia online foram avaliadas pelo Online Counseling Attitudes Scale (OCAS). Resultados e Discussão: clientes demonstraram atitudes positivas face à terapia online e que a passagem teve um impacto neutro a ligeiramente negativo no processo terapêutico. Não se verificaram diferenças significativas nas atitudes para as variáveis sociodemográficas à exceção da idade, e observou-se uma associação positiva das atitudes com o tempo de acompanhamento online. ESTUDO 2. Atitudes dos terapeutas portugueses face à terapia online. Objetivos: estudar as atitudes de terapeutas face à terapia online, avaliando como se relacionam com caraterísticas sociodemográficas e profissionais, e as mudanças na prática terapêutica. Método: estudo comparativo com uma amostra de 542 terapeutas. As atitudes face à terapia online foram avaliadas pela escala OCAS (versão adaptada). Resultados e discussão: Os terapeutas clínicos evidenciaram atitudes razoavelmente positivas face à terapia online e mostraram-se no geral, satisfeitos com o aumento do trabalho à distância. As atitudes variaram significativamente, de acordo com o género, idade, facilidade de uso das tecnologias, formação em psicoterapia, orientação teórica e percentagem de clientes em terapia online. CONCLUSÃO: O meio online mostrou-se uma opção válida e segura para estabelecer terapia e tanto clientes como terapeutas, mostram-se abertos em continuar a utilizar a terapia online no futuro.
INTRODUCTION: Attitudes towards online therapy are important predictors of its adherence. With the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, online therapy gained prominence, becoming essential to understand the current and future role of this therapy modality. STUDY 1. Portuguese client’s attitudes towards online therapy. Objectives: evaluate client’s attitudes towards online therapy and its relationship with sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, as well regarding the therapeutic process. Method: comparative study with a sample of 80 clients, collected in two periods of the pandemic. Attitudes towards online therapy were measured by the Online Counseling Attitudes Scale (OCAS). Results and discussion: clients displayed positive attitudes towards online therapy and stated that the transition to this modality had a neutral to slightly negative impact on the therapeutic process. No significant differences were found in the relationship between attitudes and sociodemographic variables except for age, but a positive association was found between attitudes and the amount of experience with online therapy. STUDY 2. Portuguese therapist’s attitudes towards online therapy. Objectives: investigate therapist’s attitudes towards online therapy and how they relate to sociodemographic and professional characteristics, accessing also changes in the therapeutic practice. Method: comparative study with a sample of 542 therapists. Attitudes towards online therapy were measured by the OCAS scale (adapted version). Results and discussion: therapists showed reasonably positive attitudes towards online therapy and were in general, satisfied with the increase in remote work. Attitudes significantly varied according to gender, age, ease of technological use, psychotherapy training, theoretical orientation and percentage of clients receiving online therapy. CONCLUSION: the online environment proved to be a valid and secure option to establish therapy and both clients and therapists, seem open to continue using online therapy in the future.
Qian, Chengzhi. "A Quantitative Study Investigating the Attitudes toward Protective Behaviors against Outdoor PM2.5 Air Pollution Among Adults Living in Nanjing City, China." Thesis, 2021. https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-tgyz-4739.
Full textHorgan, Jacqueline. "“I’m Ready for Scientifical Duty!” Young Museum Program Alumnus’ Orientations Towards Science." Thesis, 2021. https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-t30k-g824.
Full textCosta, Cláudia Maria da Silva. "Adesão e atitudes dos psicólogos face à prática baseada em evidência em Portugal: validação da EAPBE-36." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/75077.
Full textAs atitudes face à prática baseada na evidência (PBE) já há muito são exploradas, mas pouco se sabe sobre estas em Portugal. A literatura indica que há ainda uma grande parte de profissionais de saúde mental que tem uma atitude negativa face à PBE. Este estudo tem como objetivos 1) avaliar as atitudes dos psicólogos e estudantes de psicologia em relação à PBE, 2) identificar aspetos que possam contribuir para atitudes negativas face à PBE, 3) explorar o impacto do aumento da carga de trabalho na área da saúde mental, consequente da pandemia COVID-19, no uso da PBE e, por fim, 4) testar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Atitudes face à Prática Baseada em Evidência (EAPBE-36) em Portugal. Para esses efeitos foram recrutados 155 participantes (73 psicólogos e 82 estudantes de psicologia), que responderam a um questionário sociodemográfico, à EAPBE-36, à Escala de Fé na Intuição e à Escala de Necessidade de Cognição. As atitudes dos psicólogos e estudantes de psicologia portugueses face à PBE revelam-se positivas. A experiência, o modelo teórico de referência utilizado e um estilo de pensamento intuitivo parecem influenciar as atitudes face à PBE. A EAPBE-36 demonstrou boas propriedades psicométricas em Portugal.
Attitudes towards evidence-based practice (EBP) have long been explored, but little is known about them in Portugal. The literature indicates that there is still a large proportion of mental health professionals who have a negative attitude towards EBP. This study aims to 1) assess the attitudes of psychologists and psychology students towards EBP, 2) identify aspects that may contribute to negative attitudes towards EBP, 3) explore the impact of the increased mental health workload, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, on the use of EBP, and finally, 4) test the psychometric properties of the Evidence-based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS-36) in Portugal. For these purposes, 155 participants (73 psychologists and 82 psychology students) were recruited, and answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the EBPAS-36, the Faith in Intuition Scale, and the Need for Cognition Scale. The attitudes of portuguese psychologists and psychology students towards EBP are positive. Experience, the theoretical reference model used and an intuitive thinking style seem to influence attitudes towards EBP. The EBPAS-36 showed good psychometric properties in Portugal.
Zhou, Yeqing. "Supply Chain and Service Operations with Demand-Side Flexibility." Thesis, 2021. https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-z46m-b217.
Full textRibeirinho, Beatriz Pinheiro de Almeida. "The impact of COVID-19 on organic and conventional food consumption : examining the moderating effect of sustainable-self-esteem on the relationship between mortality salience and consumers´ choice and evaluations of organic versus conventional food." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/35146.
Full textEste estudo tem como objetivo compreender mais profundamente como as escolhas, atitudes, intenção de compra e vontade de pagar dos consumidores mudam, face à pandemia. Esta pesquisa examina este fenómeno dentro da indústria alimentar, por ser uma das mais impactadas durante a pandemia, com um foco singular consumo de alimentos orgânicos versus convencionais, utilizando e autoestima como moderadora. Os resultados indicam que no contexto do COVID-19 houve um aumento da saliência da mortalidade, a consciência de que a morte é inevitável. Todavia a saliência da mortalidade não impactou as avaliações dos consumidores e a escolha dos alimentos, com exceção da intenção de compra de produtos convencionais que parece diminuir no contexto do COVID-19 para consumidores com menos autoestima proveniente de comportamentos sustentáveis. No entanto, o contexto do COVID-19 parece conduzir a atitudes mais positivas em relação aos alimentos orgânicos para pessoas que têm comportamentos de sustentabilidade como fonte de autoestima. Este estudo sugere que os revendedores podem influenciar os consumidores positivamente no contexto COVID-19, disponibilizando facilmente esses produtos para atrair consumidores para a compra de alimentos orgânicos e aproveitar as atitudes positivas que parecem emergir em relação a este tipo de productos durante a pandemia. Este estudo fornece informações valiosas sobre o comportamento do consumidor em relação aos alimentos orgânicos e convencionais, examina os fatores que influenciam a intenção de compra, a vontade te pagar, as atitudes e as escolhas de alimentos durante a pandemia.
Ribeiro, Rodrigo Amaral. "Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on cause-related marketing." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/24972.
Full textA pandemia de COVID-19 gerou uma onda de modificações sociais sem fronteiras. À medida que os indivíduos sentiam que o seu estilo de vida abrandava repentinamente, as empresas também o sentiram. No entanto, como consequência do crescente envolvimento das corporações nas práticas socialmente responsáveis, os indivíduos pressionaram-nas para tomarem medidas de modo a aliviar os efeitos da pandemia. Esta pesquisa aborda a prática corporativa de Marketing de Causas e procura preencher as lacunas encontradas na literatura propondo a descoberta de como, ou se, a orientação temporal de uma causa (imediata vs contínua) influencia o comportamento dos consumidores; tendo em consideração a pandemia em que a sociedade se encontra envolvida, atualmente. De modo a estudar as lacunas detectadas, duas causas distintas: Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome (causa imediata) e a Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (causa contínua); são analisadas. Tendo por base o uso de modelagem de equação estrutural partial least squares e um total de 300 respostas de consumidores, várias deduções são extraídas. Os resultados demonstram que haverá um impacto da pandemia no Marketing de Causas, uma vez que o comportamento dos consumidores se alterou. Além disso, é encontrado um contraste nas respostas dos consumidores a uma campanha de Marketing de Causas, dependendo da orientação temporal da causa. Por exemplo, numa causa contínua, quanto maior o fit entre a marca e a causa, maiores serão as atitudes em relação à campanha de Marketing de Causas, e quanto maior a flexibilidade cognitiva dos consumidores, maior será o impacto nas intenções de compra.
Filipe, Inês Ferreira de Sousa. "Idadismo no contexto da COVID 19: Representação das pessoas mais velhas nos jornais digitais Portugueses." Master's thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/22805.
Full textDiscrimination against older people, called ageism, is a problem rooted in the society in which we live. In this work, we tried to get to know the representation of older people in Portugal during the pandemic of COVID-19. To this end, an inductive thematic analysis was carried out based on 347 publications of the main four Portuguese newspapers in digital format, collected in the period between 2 March - date of the first case of COVID-19 in Portugal - and 4 May - date of the end of the Emergency state. The results show that the representation of older people is ageist, even though there are news in which this age group is valued and the importance of fighting this type of discrimination is reinforced. Some older people interviewed consider that, during the pandemic, they were abandoned by family members, but that they are also an example for the youngest, often contradicting the stereotype associated with them. Regarding compliance with the guidelines, older people were also portrayed as disobedient. Finally, the results show that old age attitudes, considering the stereotypes, prejudice and discriminatory behaviors, are mostly expressed in a negative way.
Shah, Nidhi Narendrakumar. "Comparison among factors - Autonomy, Attitude, and managerial support for job satisfaction in IT organization teleworking environment during COVID 19 – Research in India." Master's thesis, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/134284.
Full textTeleworking offers a range of benefits to organizations and personnel. For one, it helps to reduce administrative and/or operational costs and improve work-life balance for employees. However, in the face of COVID-19 pandemic, the major challenge is continuity of business with teleworking environment. As organizations close their physical office space to curtail the spread of the viral infection. These disruptive tendencies placed huge demand on the management and employees in various organizations as some were not even used to teleworking environment beforehand. Beyond the technological inputs that make teleworking possible, there are other ends to ensuring its workability as the teleworking environment is even composed of both the social and technical subsystem. It is against this backdrop that this study was put forth to evaluate the drivers of job satisfaction of employees while utilizing teleworking support systems to carry out their work functions – which would have normally been done within the walls of a physical (traditional) office environment. Attitude, autonomy, and managerial support are three variables that can significantly impact the job satisfaction level of employees in a new/unfamiliar work terrain as presented by teleworking environment hence it is crucial to compare these three variables to examine the one that has the greater impact. A quantitative research method, involving 154 teleworkers from Indian organizations, was adopted in this study as the researcher aims to evaluate the impact of independent variables [such as autonomy, attitude, task allocation, managerial support, and perceived usefulness] on job satisfaction, the dependent variable. The mediating and moderating effects of certain variables on the relationship between specific independent variables and job satisfaction was also analysed. The SmartPLS 3.0 software was used in running partial least squares structural equation modelling analyses. From the findings, it was observed that attitude and autonomy of employee in teleworking support system had significant positive relationship with job satisfaction. The significance of combining a socio-technical model with a technology acceptance model is brough to light.