Academic literature on the topic 'Atlas cellulaire'

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Journal articles on the topic "Atlas cellulaire"


Hill, Matthew C., Zachary A. Kadow, Lele Li, Tien T. Tran, Joshua D. Wythe, and James F. Martin. "A cellular atlas of Pitx2-dependent cardiac development." Development 146, no. 12 (June 14, 2019): dev180398.

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Srivastava, Sudhir, Paul D. Wagner, Shannon K. Hughes, and Sharmistha Ghosh. "PreCancer Atlas: Present and Future." Cancer Prevention Research 16, no. 7 (July 5, 2023): 379–84.

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Abstract Precancer atlases have the potential to revolutionize how we think about the topographic and morphologic structures of precancerous lesions in relation to cellular, molecular, genetic, and pathophysiologic states. This mini review uses the Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN), established by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), to illustrate the construction of cellular and molecular three-dimensional atlases of human cancers as they evolve from precancerous lesions to advanced disease. We describe the collaborative nature of the network and the research to determine how and when premalignant lesions progress to invasive cancer, regress or obtain a state of equilibrium. We have attempted to highlight progress made by HTAN in building precancer atlases and discuss possible future directions. It is hoped that the lessons from our experience with HTAN will help other investigators engaged in the construction of precancer atlases to crystallize their thoughts on logistics, rationale, and implementation.
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McCampbell, Kristen K., Kristin N. Springer, and Rebecca A. Wingert. "Atlas of Cellular Dynamics during Zebrafish Adult Kidney Regeneration." Stem Cells International 2015 (2015): 1–19.

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The zebrafish is a useful animal model to study the signaling pathways that orchestrate kidney regeneration, as its renal nephrons are simple, yet they maintain the biological complexity inherent to that of higher vertebrate organisms including mammals. Recent studies have suggested that administration of the aminoglycoside antibiotic gentamicin in zebrafish mimics human acute kidney injury (AKI) through the induction of nephron damage, but the timing and details of critical phenotypic events associated with the regeneration process, particularly in existing nephrons, have not been characterized. Here, we mapped the temporal progression of cellular and molecular changes that occur during renal epithelial regeneration of the proximal tubule in the adult zebrafish using a platform of histological and expression analysis techniques. This work establishes the timing of renal cell death after gentamicin injury, identifies proliferative compartments within the kidney, and documents gene expression changes associated with the regenerative response of proliferating cells. These data provide an important descriptive atlas that documents the series of events that ensue after damage in the zebrafish kidney, thus availing a valuable resource for the scientific community that can facilitate the implementation of zebrafish research to delineate the mechanisms that control renal regeneration.
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Kunst, Michael, Eva Laurell, Nouwar Mokayes, Anna Kramer, Fumi Kubo, António M. Fernandes, Dominique Förster, Marco Dal Maschio, and Herwig Baier. "A Cellular-Resolution Atlas of the Larval Zebrafish Brain." Neuron 103, no. 1 (July 2019): 21–38.

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Ding, Song‐Lin, Joshua J. Royall, Susan M. Sunkin, Lydia Ng, Benjamin A. C. Facer, Phil Lesnar, Angie Guillozet‐Bongaarts, et al. "Comprehensive cellular‐resolution atlas of the adult human brain." Journal of Comparative Neurology 524, no. 16 (September 15, 2016): 3127–481.

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Ding, Song-Lin, Joshua J. Royall, Susan M. Sunkin, Lydia Ng, Benjamin A. C. Facer, Phil Lesnar, Angie Guillozet-Bongaarts, et al. "Comprehensive cellular-resolution atlas of the adult human brain." Journal of Comparative Neurology 524, no. 16 (September 15, 2016): Spc1.

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Ding, Song-Lin, Joshua J. Royall, Susan M. Sunkin, Lydia Ng, Benjamin A. C. Facer, Phil Lesnar, Angie Guillozet-Bongaarts, et al. "Comprehensive cellular-resolution atlas of the adult human brain." Journal of Comparative Neurology 525, no. 2 (December 5, 2016): 407.

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KHAW, P. T. "Atlas of Glaucoma." British Journal of Ophthalmology 83, no. 8 (August 1, 1999): 994d.

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Ffytche, T. J. "Atlas der Kontaktlinsenanpassung." British Journal of Ophthalmology 70, no. 1 (January 1, 1986): 80.

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GÁL, V., J. HÁMORI, T. ROSKA, D. BÁLYA, ZS BOROSTYÁNKŐI, M. BRENDEL, K. LOTZ, et al. "RECEPTIVE FIELD ATLAS AND RELATED CNN MODELS." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 14, no. 02 (February 2004): 551–84.

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In this paper we demonstrate the potential of the cellular nonlinear/neural network paradigm (CNN) that of the analogic cellular computer architecture (called CNN Universal Machine — CNN-UM) in modeling different parts and aspects of the nervous system. The structure of the living sensory systems and the CNN share a lot of features in common: local interconnections ("receptive field architecture"), nonlinear and delayed synapses for the processing tasks, the potentiality of feedback and using the advantages of both the analog and logic signal-processing mode. The results of more than ten years of cooperative work of many engineers and neurobiologists have been collected in an atlas: what we present here is a kind of selection from these studies emphasizing the flexibility of the CNN computing: visual, tactile and auditory modalities are concerned.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Atlas cellulaire"


Collin, Antoine. "Annotation cellulaire automatique pour la construction d'un atlas cellulaire." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024.

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Les technologies d'analyse de l'expression des gènes sur cellule unique, apparues depuis une dizaine d'années, sont en train de modifier profondément les approches de biologie cellulaire.L'analyse de données de cellules uniques est un processus complexe. Une étape clé est l'annotation cellulaire, qui consiste à assigner un type cellulaire pertinent à chacune des cellules analysées. La bonne annotation des cellules conditionne la qualité des analyses ultérieures. Cette tâche réclame une expertise biologique sur le tissu d'intérêt et une expertise computionnelle en analyse de données. Des initiatives tel que le Human Cell atlas (HCA) permettent de disposer d'atlas de référence de grande taille dotées d'annotations méticuleuses. En tant que telles, elles constituent une opportunité pour développer des modèles d'apprentissage automatique profonds susceptibles d'automatiser le processus d'annotation.Les enjeux de cette thèse étaient de mettre en place des outils d'annotation cellulaire automatiques pouvant fonctionner sur de grands jeux de données. Pour y parvenir, deux axes de travail ont été développés: j'ai tout d'abord réalisé l'annotation d'un atlas des voies aériennes humaines comprenant plus de 400.000 cellules à partir de plusieurs dizaines de biopsies obtenues chez des patients atteints de formes précoces de bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO), qui ont été comparées à autant de biopsies provenant de volontaires sains de même âge. J'ai ensuite mis au point une méthode d'annotation automatique après avoir réalisé un état de l'art des outils existants.Dans une première partie, mon analyse bioinformatique a permis de caractériser le rôle central joué par la fumée de cigarette, principalement au niveau des cellules épithéliales situées à la surface des voies aériennes trachéobronchiques, et dès lors directement en contact avec la fumée de cigarette. Les populations cellulaires affectées sont caractérisées par l'expression de gènes codant pour des enzymes de détoxification ou impliquées dans le métabolisme xénobiotique, l'expression d'aucun de ces gènes n'étant affectée chez d'anciens fumeurs, ni chez des volontaires sains. Cette réversibilité phénotypique lors de l'arrêt de consommation du tabac s'accompagne de modifications moléculaires et cliniques liés à la BPCO. Mes travaux sont actuellement complétés par des approches de transcriptomique spatiale, et d'analyse de l'expression des différentes isoformes de transcrits.La seconde partie de cette thèse explore les méthodes d'annotation automatiques existantes à la lumière des problématiques rencontrées lors de l'annotation de l'atlas BPCO. J'ai d'abord effectué une revue extensive de la littérature, avec un intérêt particulier pour les méthodes utilisant des modèles d'apprentissage profond. J'ai ensuite développé mon propre outil d'annotation automatique, scMusketeers, dont l'architecture favorise la construction d'un espace latent renforçant le type cellulaire tout en minimisant les effets inter-batchs expérimentaux. Des tests menés sur 12 jeux de données différents sur 7 outils actuellement disponibles le positionne favorablement, notamment pour la détection de types cellulaires rares
Single-cell gene expression analysis technologies, which have emerged over the last ten years, are profoundly changing approaches to cell biology. The analysis of single-cell data is a complex process involving many steps. A key step is cell annotation, which involves assigning the most relevant cell type to the different cells analysed. Correct cell annotation determines the quality of subsequent analyses. This complex task requires biological expertise of the tissue of interest and computational expertise to carry out data analysis. Initiatives such as the HCA provide large reference atlases with curated annotation. As such, they represent an opportunity to develop deep learning models capable of automating the annotation process.The aim of this thesis was to set up automatic annotation tools that could operate on large datasets. To achieve this, two lines of work were developed: first, I created an atlas of the human airways comprising more than 400,000 cells based on several dozen biopsies obtained from patients with early forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which were compared with as many biopsies from healthy volunteers of the same age. I then developed an automatic annotation method after reviewing the state of the art existing tools.In the first part, I was able to characterise the central role played by cigarette smoke, mainly in the epithelial cells located on the surface of the tracheobronchial airways, and thus directly exposed to cigarette smoke. The populations affected are characterised by the expression of genes coding for detoxification enzymes or enzymes involved in xenobiotic metabolism. None of these genes were affected in either ex-smokers or healthy patients. There appears to be a reversibility of the pathology following cessation of smoking, despite the molecular changes induced during initial exposure to cigarette smoke. My work is now currently extended by spatial transcriptomic approaches and analysis of the expression of different transcript isoforms.In the second part, I explored existing automatic annotation methods in the light of the knowledge acquired when annotating the COPD atlas. I began with an extensive review of the literature, with a particular interest in methods using deep learning models. I then developed an automatic annotation tool, scMusketeers, whose architecture favours the construction of a latent space reinforcing cell type while minimising experimental inter-batch effects. It compared favorably to 7 currently available tools on 12 different datasets, particularly in the task of detecting rare cell types
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Deprez, Marie. "Étude de l’hétérogénéité cellulaire et des dynamiques de régénération de l’épithélium respiratoire sain par analyses des signatures transcriptionnelles sur cellules uniques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2019.

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Les progrès technologiques en séquençage haut débit et en manipulation cellulaire permettent d'analyser simultanément et indépendamment le contenu de nombreuses cellules (ARN, ADN,...). Cette révolution "omique" offre un nouveau cadre pour revisiter la "Théorie Cellulaire", essentiellement basée sur des caractéristiques morphologiques et fonctionnelles. Les nombreuses modalités cellulaires désormais accessibles au niveau de la cellule unique, telles que leur transcriptome, leur localisation spatiale, leurs trajectoires développementales, enrichissent considérablement cette définition, et établissent un contexte totalement renouvelé pour réévaluer la définition de "types" ou d’"états" cellulaires ainsi que leurs interactions. \Mon travail de thèse a été de mettre en place des approches statistiques appropriées pour analyser ces données transcriptomiques sur cellule unique caractérisées par une forte variance, la présence d'un pourcentage élevé de valeurs nulles et un grand volume de données. Mon travail s’est focalisé sur le modèle expérimental central de mon laboratoire d’accueil, l'épithélium des voies respiratoires humaines. Les voies respiratoires humaines sont bordées d'un épithélium pseudo-stratifié composé principalement de cellules basales, sécrétrices, à gobelet et multiciliées. Les voies respiratoires constituent en outre un véritable écosystème cellulaire, dans lequel la couche épithéliale interagit étroitement avec les cellules immunitaires et mésenchymateuses. Cette coordination entre les cellules assure une bonne défense du système respiratoire et sa correcte régénération en cas d'agressions extérieures. Une meilleure compréhension des situations cellulaires normales et pathologiques peut améliorer les approches pour lutter contre des pathologies telles que la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique, l'asthme ou la mucoviscidose.J'ai d'abord pu caractériser au niveau de la cellule unique la séquence précise et spécifique des événements conduisant à la régénération fonctionnelle de l'épithélium, en utilisant un modèle 3D de cellules humaines. J'ai identifié des hiérarchies de lignées cellulaires et j'ai pu reconstruire les différentes trajectoires possibles de différentiation cellulaire. J'ai confirmé des trajectoires cellulaires décrites précédemment, mais j'ai aussi découvert une nouvelle trajectoire reliant les cellules à gobelet aux cellules multiciliées, identifiant de nouvelles populations cellulaires et de nouvelles interactions moléculaires impliquées dans le processus de régénération de l'épithélium sain des voies aériennes humaines. J'ai ensuite construit un atlas des différents types cellulaires qui tapissent les voies respiratoires humaines saines, du nez jusqu’à la 12ième génération de bronches. Le profilage de 10 volontaires sains a généré un ensemble de données de 77 969 cellules, provenant de 35 emplacements distincts, qui comprend plus de 26 types cellulaires épithéliaux, immunitaires et mésenchymateuses. Cet atlas illustre l'hétérogénéité cellulaire présente dans les voies respiratoires. Son analyse révèle une différence d'expression des gènes entre le nez et les voies respiratoires pulmonaires que j’ai caractérisé dans les cellules suprabasales, sécrétrices et multiciliées. Mes travaux ont également permis d'améliorer la caractérisation de certaines populations de cellules rares, comme les cellules "hillock", déjà décrites chez la souris. En conclusion, mon travail contribue à une meilleure compréhension des dynamiques de différenciation et d'hétérogénéité cellulaire dans les voies respiratoires humaines saines. La ressource ainsi constituée sera extrêmement utile dans tout projet futur visant à analyser avec précision les conditions spécifiques des maladies respiratoires
Improvements made in nucleic acid sequencing and cell handling technologies now offer the opportunity to analyze simultaneously the content of numerous single cells (RNA, DNA, ...) by global and unbiased approaches. This single-cell ‘omics’ revolution provides a new framework to revisit the “Cell Theory”, elaborated over several centuries, and essentially based on morphological and functional features. The many cell modalities now accessible at single- cell level, such as their transcriptome, spatial localization, developmental trajectories, enrich considerably this definition, and set a renewed context to precisely reassess the definition of ‘cell types’, ‘cell states’ as well as their different interactions and fates.My thesis work initially set up ad hoc approaches and statistical framework to analyze appropriately these single-cell data, which deeply differ from standard bulk RNA-seq. High variance, presence of a huge percentage of null values, large volume of data are among the specific characteristics of these datasets. My work was centered on the main experimental model of my host laboratory, e.g. the human airway epithelium. Human airways are lined by a pseudostratified epithelium mainly composed of basal, secretory, goblet and multiciliated cells. Airways also constitute a true cellular ecosystem, in which the epithelial layer interacts closely with immune and mesenchymal cells. This coordination between cells ensures proper defense of the respiratory system and its correct regeneration in case of external aggression and injuries. A better understanding of the operating sequences in normal and physiopathological situations is relevant in pathologies such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma or cystic fibrosis.First, I characterized at a single cell level the precise and cell-specific sequence of events leading to functional regeneration of the epithelium, using a 3D model of human cells. I then built a single-cell atlas of the different cell types that are lining healthy human airways from the nose to the 12th generation of bronchi.By applying computational and statistical approaches, I have identified cell lineage hierarchies and was able to reconstruct a comprehensive cell trajectory roadmap in human airways. I not only confirmed previously described cell lineages, but I have also discovered a novel trajectory that links goblet cells to multiciliated cells, identifying novel cell populations and molecular interactors involved in the process of healthy human airway epithelium regeneration. The profiling of 12 healthy volunteers then generated a dataset of 77,969 cells, derived from 35 distinct locations. The resulting atlas is composed of more than 26 epithelial, immune and stromal cell types demonstrating the cellular heterogeneity present in the airways. Its analysis has revealed a strong proximo-distal gradient of expression in suprabasal, secretory, or multiciliated cells between the nose and lung airways. My work has also improved the characterization of rare cells, including “hillock” cells that have been previously described in mice.In conclusion, this work probably represents one of the first single-cell investigations in human airways. It brings original contributions to our understanding of differentiation’s dynamics and cellular heterogeneity in healthy human airways. The resulting resource will be extremely useful for any future single-cell investigators and also for establishing a very useful joint between clinical and biological works. As such, it will constitute a reference in any future project aiming to precisely analyze specific disease conditions
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Books on the topic "Atlas cellulaire"


Jean-Claude, Roland, ed. Atlas de biologie cellulaire. 4th ed. Paris: Masson, 1993.

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Butler, E. B. Cytology of bodycavity fluids: A colour atlas. London: Chapman and Hall, 1986.

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Butler, E. B. Cytology of body cavity fluids: A colour atlas. London: Chapman and Hall, 1986.

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Kini, Sudha R. Color atlas of differential diagnosis in exfoliative and aspiration cytopathology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011.

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Junqueira, Luiz Carlos Uchôa, 1920- and Carneiro José, eds. Basic histology: Text & atlas. New York: Lange Medical Books, McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division, 2003.

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Elli, Kohen, ed. Atlas of cell organelles fluorescence. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2004.

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Wuensche, Andrew. The global dynamics of cellular automata: An atlas of basin of attraction fields of one-dimensional cellular automata. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1992.

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Gabrijela, Kocjan, ed. Clinical cytopathology of the head and neck: A text and atlas. London: Greenwich Medical Media, 2001.

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1928-, Boddington Michael M., ed. Atlas of serous fluid cytopathology: A guide to the cells of pleural, pericardial, peritoneal, and hydrocele fluids. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989.

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Learmonth, Geneviève Warner. An atlas of cytopathology of the head and neck: With clinical and histological correlations. London: Arnold, 1998.

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Book chapters on the topic "Atlas cellulaire"


Anderson, Janice R. "General Cellular Reactions." In Atlas of Skeletal Muscle Pathology, 19–25. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1985.

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Katz, Arnold M. "Molecular and Cellular Basis of Contraction." In Atlas of Heart Failure, 1–17. London: Current Medicine Group, 2002.

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Spanel-Borowski, Katharina. "The Cortex and Cellular Stromatolysis." In Atlas of the Mammalian Ovary, 31–37. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Frühwirth, Rudolf, and Are Strandlie. "Track Finding." In Pattern Recognition, Tracking and Vertex Reconstruction in Particle Detectors, 81–102. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractThere is no systematic theory of track finding yet. Therefore, the first section of this chapter presents a list of basic techniques which have been successfully used, stand-alone or in combination, in past and present experiments. Among them are the conformal transformation, the Hough and the Legendre transform, cellular automata and neural networks, pattern matching, and track following by the combinatorial Kalman filter. The following section gives a brief excursion into online or real-time track finding in the collider experiments CDF, ATLAS, and CMS. As track finding in most cases delivers some candidates that do not correspond to actual particle tracks, the concluding section discusses methods for an efficient selection of valid candidates.
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Katz, Arnold M. "Molecular and Cellular Basis of Contraction and Relaxation." In Atlas of HEART FAILURE, 1–14. London: Current Medicine Group, 2005.

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Romanò, Massimo. "General Principles of Anatomy and Cellular Electrophysiology." In Text Atlas of Practical Electrocardiography, 1–5. Milano: Springer Milan, 2015.

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Sawyer, Douglas B., and Wilson S. Colucci. "Molecular and Cellular Events in Myocardial Hypertrophy and Failure." In Atlas of HEART FAILURE, 61–81. London: Current Medicine Group, 2005.

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Sawyer, Douglas B., and Wilson S. Colucci. "Molecular and Cellular Events in Myocardial Hypertrophy and Failure." In Atlas of Heart Failure, 65–85. London: Current Medicine Group, 2002.

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Paoli, Donatella, Francesco Lombardo, and Andrea Lenzi. "Image Gallery: Non-Sperm Cellular Components (Figs. 124–150)." In Atlas of Human Semen Examination, 79–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Legdou, Anass, Hassan Chafik, Aouatif Amine, Said Lahssini, and Mohamed Berrada. "A Random Forest-Cellular Automata Modeling Approach to Predict Future Forest Cover Change in Middle Atlas Morocco, Under Anthropic, Biotic and Abiotic Parameters." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 91–100. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Conference papers on the topic "Atlas cellulaire"


Link, Jason M., Brittany Allen-Petersen, Andrew Gunderson, Danielle Jorgens, Craig Dorrell, Jody Hooper, Philip Streeter, et al. "Abstract B118: Developing a molecular and cellular atlas of pancreatic disease." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer: Innovations in Research and Treatment; May 18-21, 2014; New Orleans, LA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2015.

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Peters, H., P. Potla, J. Rockel, T. Tockovska, K. Delos Santos, S. Vohra, C. Pastrello, et al. "POS0213 INFRAPATELLAR FAT PAD IN KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS: CELLULAR AND TRANSCRIPTOMIC ATLAS." In EULAR 2024 European Congress of Rheumatology, 12-15 June. Vienna, Austria. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism, 2024.

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Wu, Sunny Z., Daniel Roden, Ghamdan Al Eryani, Simon Junankar, Elgene Lim, Aatish Thennavan, Alma Andersson, et al. "Abstract 129: An integrated multi-omic cellular atlas of human breast cancers." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2021; April 10-15, 2021 and May 17-21, 2021; Philadelphia, PA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2021.

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Selka, F., T. Blein, J. Burguet, E. Biot, P. Laufs, and P. Andrey. "Towards a Spatio-Temporal Atlas of 3D Cellular Parameters During Leaf Morphogenesis." In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW). IEEE, 2017.

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Hines, William C., Kate Thi, Maria Rojec, Gaelen Stanford-Moore, and Mina J. Bissell. "Abstract B86: A cytometric atlas of the human breast: Comprehensive characterization reveals 12 distinct cell populations." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on Cellular Heterogeneity in the Tumor Microenvironment; February 26 — March 1, 2014; San Diego, CA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2015.

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Luca, Bogdan A., Chloé B. Steen, Armon Azizi, Magdalena Matusiak, Joanna Przybyl, Nastaran Neishaboori, Almudena Espín Pérez, et al. "Abstract 3443: Atlas of clinically-distinct cell states and cellular ecosystems across human solid tumors." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2020; April 27-28, 2020 and June 22-24, 2020; Philadelphia, PA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2020.

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Kaur, G., A. Tjitropranoto, Q. Wang, S. B. Shaikh, and I. Rahman. "Lung Cellular Senescence Atlas by Single Cell RNA Sequencing and Other Biomarkers in Patients With COPD." In American Thoracic Society 2023 International Conference, May 19-24, 2023 - Washington, DC. American Thoracic Society, 2023.

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Testa, Stefano, Aastha Pal, Ajay Subramanian, Minggui Pan, Nam Bui, Sushama Varma, Matt van de Rijn, Kristen Ganjoo, Anusha Kalbasi, and Everett J. Moding. "325 CellSARCTx: a single-cell transcriptomics atlas of adoptive cellular therapy targets in soft tissue sarcomas." In SITC 39th Annual Meeting (SITC 2024) Abstracts, A376—A378. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2024.

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Fowlkes, C. C., C. L. Luengo Hendriks, S. V. E. Keranen, M. D. Biggin, D. W. Knowles, D. Sudar, and J. Malik. "Registering Drosophila embryos at cellular resolution to build a quantitative 3D atlas of gene expression patterns and morphology." In 2005 IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference Workshops and Poster Abstracts. IEEE, 2005.

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Gay, A. C., M. Banchero, A. K. Saikumar Jayalatha, M. Berg, T. E. Gillett, B. H. Ly, P. Van Der Velde, et al. "A single-cell atlas of the airway wall in patients with asthma reveals novel cellular mechanisms of disease." In ERS Lung Science Conference 2024 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2024.

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