Academic literature on the topic 'Atlantique tropical de l'Ouest'
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Journal articles on the topic "Atlantique tropical de l'Ouest"
Peyon, Jean-Pierre. "Coopératives et syndicats agricoles dans l'Ouest. L'exemple de la Loire-Atlantique." Économie rurale 207, no. 1 (1992): 33–36.
Full textBignoumba, Guy-Serge. "La pêche atlantique et les États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, le cas du Gabon." Norois 180, no. 1 (1998): 685–701.
Full textBotte, Roger. "Les Rapports Nord-Sud, la Traite Négrière et le Fuuta Jaloo à la Fin du XVIIIeSiècle." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 46, no. 6 (December 1991): 1411–35.
Full textMarchand, Grégor, Loïc Ménanteau, Bertrand Poissonnier, Robert Cadot, and Yann Viau. "Néolithisation de la France de l'Ouest : témoignages Villeneuve-Saint-Germain, Cerny et Chambon sur la Loire angevine et atlantique." Gallia préhistoire 41, no. 1 (1999): 223–48.
Full textBorne, V., J. P. Margerel, and M. F. Olivier-Pierre. "L'evolution des paleoenvironnements au Paleogene dans l'Ouest de la France; le bassin de Saffre-Nord-sur-Erdre (Loire-Atlantique, France)." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 162, no. 4 (July 1, 1991): 739–51.
Full textHwang, Monica, Robert Andersen, and Edward Grabb. "Voluntary Association Activity in Quebec and English Canada: Assessing the Effects of Region and Language." Canadian Journal of Political Science 40, no. 1 (March 2007): 209–32.
Full textMpoame, M., and J. Tchoumboué. "Elimination périodique des oocystes d’Eimeria chez le poulet pendant la journée en milieu tropical." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 49, no. 3 (March 1, 1996): 227–28.
Full textGuernet, Claude, and Taniel Danelian. "Ostracodes bathyaux du Crétacé terminal – Éocène moyen en Atlantique tropical (Plateau de Demerara, Leg 207)." Revue de Micropaléontologie 49, no. 4 (October 2006): 215–25.
Full textSaa, Antonio, Roberto De Antonio, Javier Almorox, and José María Gasco. "Comparación de dos índices de continentalidad en la Península Ibérica." Estudios Geográficos 53, no. 209 (December 30, 1992): 691–703.
Full textOyede, L. M., J. Lang, and G. Tsawlassou. "Un exemple de sedimentation biodetritique holocene en climat tropical humide le “lac” Ahémé (Bénin, Afrique de l'Ouest)." Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East) 7, no. 5-6 (January 1988): 835–55.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Atlantique tropical de l'Ouest"
Rouyer-Denimal, Louis. "Compréhension des interactions entre l'hydroclimat du Nord-Est du Brésil et l'Atlantique tropical de l'Ouest au cours des derniers 300 000 ans par une approche multi-traceurs organiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textThe Earth is a complex system with many interactions and is also home to countless species. Consequently, extensive research has enhanced our comprehension of the Earth's climate over the past few decades. Nonetheless, numerous areas remain unexplored. The North-East (NE) region of Brazil and the western tropical Atlantic have received limited attention so far. The distinctive hydroclimate of northeastern Brazil and the contribution of the tropical western Atlantic to interhemispheric heat transfer make these regions climatologically important. Lipid biomarkers are among the frequently utilized proxys for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, and they provide valuable insights. Numerous environmental factors, including ocean temperature, vegetation composition, and hydroclimate conditions, can be deduced from the abundance, distribution, and isotopic composition of these compounds. The objective of this thesis project is to reconstruct previous hydroclimatic fluctuations in the extreme northeastern area of Brazil, associated with surface circulation in the western tropical Atlantic. This task will be achieved through the characterisation of organic material obtained from a marine sediment core sampled from the Brazilian margin spanning the last 305, 000 years. The characterization of organic matter (OM) at both total and molecular level was employed to identify the sources of OM and, specifically, the composition of the modern vegetation within the study area. Moreover, the reconstruction of surface and subsurface ocean temperatures respectively from the distribution of long-chain alkenones and isoprenoid glycerol alkyl tetraethers highlighted significant subsurface warmings over the last three deglaciations. The cause of the warming of the tropical western Atlantic during these periods is suggested to be the combined effect of reduced ocean circulation and increased intensity of the Agulhas Leakage. Finally, the study has found a close relationship between hydroclimatic changes and past variations in vegetation cover in northeastern Brazil, as inferred from long-chain n-alkanes properties. This relationship is largely influenced by the upper ocean temperature of the tropical Atlantic and the intensity of South-East trade winds. The present study allowed us to better understand the role of the tropical Atlantic as a heat reservoir during deglaciations and to better constrain the influences controlling past hydroclimatic variations in northeastern Brazil
Leduc-Leballeur, Marion. "Influence océanique du golfe de Guinée sur la mousson en Afrique de l'Ouest." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2012.
Full textDiakhate, Moussa. "Couplage océan-atmosphère en Atlantique tropical." Thesis, Paris 6, 2015.
Full textThe main goal of this thesis is to explore the influence of sea surface temperature (SST), on surface wind at seasonal and intraseasonal timescales. At seasonal timescales, momentum and convergence budget were first documented by using a simple atmospheric mixed layer model, and two reanalyses. This approach allows us to identify the main processes that control the surface wind dynamics, in order to explore their sensitivity to the SST. Results show that these processes vary strongly in different regions of the tropical Atlantic. In addition, the comparison of the representation of theses processes in observations and reanalyses show that, as in all climate models (coupled or not), the reanalyses have the same flaws. Eventually, this work proposes a method to better assess the capacity of an atmospheric model to answer the SST fluctuations, and investigate potential wrong atmospheric parameterizations, such as boundary layers. The second part of this study focuses on tropical Atlantic regions of strong SST gradients, where SST intraseasonal variability is the largest. Several technics of spectrum and statistical analysis were performed in order to investigate the atmospheric patterns associated to these fluctuations of oceanic fronts. Except in the equatorial region (where we found a clear coupling already described in previous studies), no clear hint of a surface wind response to the SST fluctuations was observed in the two coastal upwelling fronts. In addition, the oceanic patterns associated to the SST indexes were also investigated. In all three upwelling fronts, as expected for such upwelling regimes, the vertical oceanic mixing clearly dominates the mixed-layer heat budget. In the equatorial band, as found in previous studies, the horizontal advection is equally important, while it appears surprisingly weak in the coastal fronts. Eventually, potential signals of equatorial and coastal Kelvin waves were also followed to these coastal fronts
Quilliec, Bénédicte. "L'épée atlantique : échanges et prestige au Bronze final." Paris 1, 2003.
Full textTounsi, Khoudhir. "Le cycle du carbone dans l'Océan atlantique tropical." Toulouse 3, 1990.
Full textFévrier, Sabine. "Modele a deux couches de l'ocean atlantique tropical." Paris 6, 1993.
Full textDieppois, Bastien. "Etude par analyses spectrales de l'instabilité spatio-temporelle des téléconnexions basse-fréquences entre les fluctuations globales du secteur Atlantique et les climats de l'Europe du NW (1700-2010) et du Sahel ouest-africain (1900-2010)." Phd thesis, Université de Rouen, 2013.
Full textRiot, Laurent. "Constitution et traitement d'une population : les jeunes en difficulté d'insertion : l'exemple de deux bassins d'emploi de l'ouest (1975-2000)." Paris 8, 2003.
Full textThis thesis is about the formation of the social problem of young people in difficulty in France. It concerns the daily functionning of institutions wich have progressively define this population in the early 1980's : the " Missions locales " (local missions). The fieldwork of this study concerns the urban area of Nantes and the rural area of Châteaubriant, in west of France. The thesis studies the requirements's effects of the daily functionning of these institutions. The study shows the political, professionnal and social dimensions of the local definition and treatment of this population
Braconnot, Pascale. "Validation objective de modeles d'ocean tropical a l'aide des donnees focal sequal." Paris 6, 1992.
Full textSennechael, Nathalie. "Optimisation d'un modele de l'ocean atlantique tropical par methode inverse adaptative." Paris 6, 1994.
Full textBooks on the topic "Atlantique tropical de l'Ouest"
Université de Nantes. Centre de recherches sur l'histoire du monde atlantique (CRHMA). Eglise et société dans l'Ouest atlantique, du Moyen-Age au XXe siècle. Nantes: Ouest éditions, 2000.
Find full textatlantique, Universite de Nantes Centre de recherches en histoire internationale et. Usages et images de l'argent dans l'ouest Atlantique aux temps modernes: Études de documents. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007.
Find full textUniversité de Nantes. Centre de recherches en histoire internationale et atlantique. Usages et images de l'argent dans l'ouest Atlantique aux temps modernes: Études de documents. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007.
Find full textHistoire sociale du politique: Les villes de l'Ouest atlantique français à l'époque moderne, XVI-XVIIIe siècle. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2010.
Find full textMouvements ouvriers et crise industrielle: Dans les régions de l'Ouest atlantique des années 1960 à nos jours. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2010.
Find full textLacroix-Riz, Annie. L' économie suédoise entre l'Est et l'Ouest, 1944-1949: Neutralité et embargo, de la guerre au Pacte atlantique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1991.
Find full textSaupin, Guy, and Jean-Luc Sarrazin, eds. Économie et société dans la France de l'Ouest Atlantique. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004.
Full textLe Page, Dominique, ed. Usages et images de l'argent dans l'Ouest atlantique aux Temps modernes. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Atlantique tropical de l'Ouest"
"Remerciements." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full textLy, Ibrahima, Odeline Billant, Fatou Ndiaye, Mohamed Diedhiou, Moustapha Ngaido, Mamadou Aliou Diallo, Mamadou Bassirou Ndiaye, Souleye Ndao, and Marie Bonnin. "Chapitre 8. Opportunités et limites de la planification spatiale marine au Sénégal." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full textMachu, Éric, Timothée Brochier, Xavier Capet, Siny Ndoya, Ibrahima Sidiki Ba, and Luc Descroix. "Chapitre 2. Pollutions dans un monde liquide." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full textSoudant, Philippe, Hilde Toonen, Patricia Mirella Da Silva, Rui Trombeta, Odeline Billant, Nelly Le Goïc, Adeline Bidault, et al. "Chapitre 5. Cultiver la mer." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full textLanco Bertrand, Sophie, and Marie Bonnin. "Introduction. Aménagement de l’espace marin dans l’Atlantique tropical." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full textRagueneau, Olivier. "Chapitre 16. L’interdisciplinarité en questions." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full textDa Silva Leite Noury, Katiuscia, and Florence Galletti. "Chapitre 7. Outils juridiques de gestion de la zone côtière brésilienne." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full textDuarte Dos Santos, Mauricio, Solange Teles Da Silva, and Carolina Dutra. "Chapitre 14. Planification spatiale marine et usages récréatifs de la mer." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full textToonen, Hilde, Pamela Backman-Vargas, and Xander Keijser. "Chapitre 13. Outils de gouvernance participative et délibérative pour la planification spatiale marine dans l’Atlantique tropical." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
Full text"Glossaire." In Planification spatiale marine en Atlantique tropical. IRD Éditions, 2023.
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