Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Asset maintenance'
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Mollentze, Frederik Jacobus. "Asset management auditing the roadmap to asset management excellence /." Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2005. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-01242006-124600.
Full textKoegelenberg, Johannes Josias Albertus. "Integrating physical asset management with business strategy." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/50373.
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A critical success factor for investment in high capital intensive business is to ensure that there is an integrated physical asset management plan in place that is integrated with the business strategy. The three fundamental aspects in modern physical asset management are to have a balanced performance measurement framework, self assessment system and benchmark review process in place to integrate, control and continuously improve the return on asset investment. There is a general lack of "hands-on" structured integration and performance management in the physical asset management environment. The result is ineffective assets with high life cycle costs that will have a negative effect on the business return on investment. A literature study was done on the most resent physical asset management models and business performance measurement systems to identify if the necessary methods and business systems exist to effectively manage the physical asset management function. A self assessment review and benchmark was done on Ticor South Africa and Kumba Resources centres to identify the gap in performance and what the main criteria is for improvement. The process was also used to identify the barriers that exist to effectively implement and integrate physical asset management with a link into business strategy. Achieving success in any strategy implementation requires a team effort among all stakeholders. A shared understanding and collaboration of all the role players is required. Very often physical asset management is not seen as core business, but as a cost centre that cannot be done without. This leads to sub optimisation and increased asset life cycle cost. It also promotes the tendency to make short-term financial decisions that do not have any longterm sustainability. A further downside to it is that if the function is seen as a service department it will only be reactive to business strategy and does not form part of the business strategy. This leads to a very reactive situation where the actions are driven by fixing what is wrong just to stay in business. A uniform performance measurement framework must be implemented across all business functions to align the entire organisation with the business goals. All functions have an effect on overall business performance, but they seldom have conflicting goals. Physical asset managers are sometimes not properly prepared and skilled to ensure that an effective and efficient physical asset management function is being maintained. Training and learning should be a major focus to ensure optimum use of employee potential in meeting the functional goals. Ignored leadership is a recipe for poor performance and frustration. The degree to which a company's business functions and processes are aligned with customers' needs makes a significant impact on the bottom line. The key objectives for the physical asset management strategy should be drafted with customer "needs and wants" in mind. The objective must be to maximise long-term profitability of plant and equipment through utilisation of the allocated resources. The opportunities and improvement methods that are possible in the physical asset management environment are endless and the potential that exists can be missed by the likelihood of failure to implement it effectively. The lack of managerial support is in many cases the only cause of failure to link physical asset management with business strategy. Secondly, the weakness of some of the solutions offered and the lack of embedding the solutions that are generated also contribute to the failure of linking physical asset management with business strategy. "The secret of managing success is choosing the right direction despite the uncertainties and conjlicting stakeholder expectations, and taking the whole organisation with you." - John Woodhouse.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Kritiese faktor vir die suksesvolle belegging in kapitaal intensiewe besighede is om te verseker dat 'n geïntegreerde fisiese batebestuurplan in plek is wat met die besigheidstrategie integreer. Die drie fundamentele aspekte in moderne fisiese batebestuur is om 'n gebalanseerde prestasieraamwerk vir bestuur, self-evalueringstelsel en doelwit-bestuursproses in plek te hê, om dit te integreer, te beheer en deurlopend opbrengste op bate-belegging te verbeter. Daar is 'n algemene gebrek aan vaardighede om die gestruktureerde integrasie en prestasiebestuur in die fisiese batebestuursomgewing te verseker. Die resultaat is oneffektiewe bates met baie hoë lewensikluskoste wat die besigheid se opbrengs op kapitaal negatief sal beinvloed. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen om die nuutste fisiese batebestuurmodelle en prestasiebestuurstelsels te identifiseer en te analiseer. Die doel was om vas te stel of die nodige metodes en besigheidraamwerke bestaan waarmee die fisiese batebestuur funksie bestuur kan word. 'n Self-evaluering analise en doelwitmeting is gedoen op Ticor South Africa en Kumba Resources-sentra met die doel om die gapings in prestasie te identifiseer en kriteria vir verbetering te bepaal. In die proses is die hindernisse wat in die pad van effektiewe implementering en integrering van fisiese batebestuur met besigheidstrategie staan, geïdentifiseer. Spanwerk word benodig vir die suksesvolle implementering van besigheidstrategie. 'n Gedeelde verstandhouding en samewerking deur alle belanghebbendes word benodig. Fisiese batebestuur word gereeld uitgesonder as een van die nie-kern besigheidsfunksies en dat dit slegs 'n kostesentrum is waarmee nie weggedoen kan word nie. Dit lei tot die suboptimisering van die bate se lewensiklus-koste. Dit skep ook die tendens om slegs korttermyn finansiële besluite te neem, wat geen langtermyn volhoubaarheid het nie. 'n Verdere gevolg is dat die funksie slegs beskou kan word as 'n dienste-funksie en dat dit baie reaktief raak teenoor strategie verandering. Die funksie word ook nie deel van die besigheidstrategie nie. Dit lei tot 'n baie reaktiewe situasie waarin aksies en inisiatiewe slegs gedryf word deur die noodsaaklikste bates te herstel net om in besigheid te bly. 'n Uniforme prestasie-bestuursraamwerk moet geïmplementeer word regoor al die besigheidsfunksies om die totale organisasie se besigheidsdoelwitte in ooreenstemming te bring. Al die besigheidfunksies het 'n effek op oorhoofse besigheidprestasie, maar daar is baie selde doelwitte wat totaal in konflik met mekaar is. Fisiese batebestuurders is soms nie ten volle voorbereid of bevoeg om te verseker dat 'n effektiewe fisiese batebestuursfunksie onderhou word nie. Opleiding en mentorskap moet 'n fokuspunt wees om te verseker dat werknemerpotensiaal benut word in die bereiking van funksionele doelwitte. Leierskap wat agterweë bly is 'n resep vir lae prestasie en frustrasie. Die graad waartoe 'n besigheidfunksie en proses ooreenstem met sy kliente se behoeftes sal 'n beduidende impak op die netto prestasie van die besigheid hê. Die kern doelwitte van die fisiese batebestuurstrategie moet opgestel word deur die behoeftes van die kliente in ag te neem. Langtermyn winsgewendheid van aanlegtoerusting moet die doelwit wees tydens die allokasie van hulpbronne. Die geleenthede en verbeteringsmetodes beskikbaar in die fisiese batebestuuromgewing het oneindige potensiaal wat verlore kan gaan as nagelaat word om die funksie effektief te implementeer. Gebrek aan ondersteuning deur bestuur is in baie gevalle die rede hoekom die fisiese batebestuurfunksie nie geïntegreer is met die besigheidstrategie nie. Die swakpunte van sommige van die oplossings wat aangebied word en die onvermoë om oplossings te implementeer, dra by tot die mislukking om fisiese batebestuur met besigheidstrategie te verbind. "The secret of managing success is choosing the right direction despite the uncertainties and conflicting stakeholder expectations, and taking the whole organisation with you. " - John Woodhouse.
Von, Petersdorff Hagen Alexander. "Identifying and quantifying maintenance improvement opportunities in physcial asset management." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/85699.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Asset Management initiatives suffer many barriers in implementation which hinder their influence and sustainability. One of these barriers is the lack of buy-in from all levels in the organisation, due to a lack of understanding of the perceived benefits of Asset Management. The relationship between throughput and the maturity of Asset Management implementation is usually felt throughout the organisation, but is difficult to prove or quantify. Furthermore, it is di cult to isolate the effects of maintenance using traditional methods. Organisational alignment in an Asset Management project is achieved by aligning employees' views on what the deficient areas in the organisation are, and managing their expectations in what the perceived benefit of a good application of Asset Management would bring forth. However, the lack of a transparent method to convey the significance of critical areas in the system, and a clear way to communicate these problems creates a barrier in implementation. Without empirical evidence people rely on argumentative opinions to uncover problems, which tends to create friction as opinions from various factions may differ. Typically, these initiatives are constrained by available resources, and the allocation of resources to the correct areas is thus vital. In order for Asset Management initiatives to be successful there first needs to be alignment in execution through a clear understanding of which assets are critical, so that resources can be allocated effectively. In this study, this problem is thoroughly examined and solutions are sought in literature. A method is sought which seeks to isolate the effects of the maintenance function in an operation and uncover critical areas. A study is performed on methods which are typically used to create such understanding, which are shown to have shortcomings that limit their applicability. Thus a new methodology utilising simulation is created in order to overcome these problems. The methodology is validated through a case study, where it is shown that the simulation, in the context of the methodology, is highly beneficial to uncovering critical areas and achieving organisational alignment through communication of results.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fisiese bate bestuursinitiatiewe het verskeie tekortkominge in hulle implementering wat hulle invloed en volhoubaarheid verhinder. Een van hierdie hindernisse is die tekort aan ondersteuning van alle vlakke in die organisasie, wat as gevolg van 'n gebrek aan begrip van die voordele van bate bestuur voorkom. Die verhouding tussen die volwassenheid van batebestuur en produksie deurset word gewoonlik reg deur die organisasie gevoel, maar hierdie verhouding is moeilik om te bewys of te kwantifiseer. Verder is dit moeilik om met huidige methodes die gevolge van instandhouding te isoleer, en dus deeglik te begryp. Organisatoriese aanpassing by `n bate bestuursprojek word bereik deur werknemers se siening te belyn oor wat die gebrekkige areas is, en om hulle verwagtinge te bestuur oor die voordele wat `n goeie bate bestuursprojek kan voortbring. Daar is `n gebrek aan metodes om in `n deursigtige wyse die kritieke areas aan te dui en te komunikeer aan werknemers. Dit skep `n hindernis in die uitvoer van projekte en, in die afwesigheid van empiriese bewyse van probleme, is werknemers afhanklik van argumentatiewe menings om probleme te ontbloot, en die menings van verskeie rolspelers kan verskil. Enige inisiatiewe is tipies beperk deur die beskikbaarheid van hulpbronne daarvoor, en `n effektiewe toedeling van beskikbare hulpbronne is dus noodsaaklik. Om `n suksesvolle batebestuursprojek uit te voer, moet daar eers `n duidelike begrip en ooreenstemming wees oor wat die verskeie kritieke areas is wat die meeste aandag verlang, sodat hulpbronne doeltreffend toegeken kan word. In die studie word hierdie probleem deeglik ondersoek deur oplossings na te vors in die literatuur. `n Metode is gesoek wat daarop gemik is om die gevolge van instandhouding te isoleer in `n produksiestelsel en kritiese areas te ontbloot. `n Studie is uitgevoer op metodes wat gewoonlik gebruik word om sodanige analises uit te voer, en dit word gewys dat huidige metodes terkortkominge het wat hulle toepaslikheid beperk. Dus is `n nuwe metode geskep wat gebruik maak van simulasie om hierdie probleme te oorkom. Die metode is gevalideer deur om `n gevallestudie uit te voer, waar dit bevestig is dat die metode voordelig is om op `n deursigtige wyse kritiese areas te ontbloot en om organisatoriese belyning te bewerkstellig deur effektiewe kommunikasie van die resultate.
Sharp, Mark. "Expectations of inefficiency in the built asset maintenance process." Thesis, University of Greenwich, 2008. http://gala.gre.ac.uk/8197/.
Full textZhang, Yu. "Implementation of Reliability Centered Asset Management method on Power Systems." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik (EES), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-201717.
Full textKapitalförvaltning har inom alla områdem blivit allt viktigare, speciellt inomelkraftsteknik. Det beror i huvudsak av två orsaker. Den första är storinvesteringskostnad, vilket inkluderar design, konstruktion, utrustning och underhåll.Den andra är den höga straffavgiften för system operatören vid elavbrott. Dessutom,på grund av den nyligen avreglerade elmarknaden, så fäster elföretagen meruppmärksamhet på investerings och underhållskostnader. En av deras huvudmål är attmaximera underhållsprestandan. Så utmaningen för operatörerna är att levereratillförlitlig elkraft till kunder, samtidigt vara kostnadseffektiva mot leveratörer.Reliability Centered Asset Management (RCAM) är bland de bästa metoderna för attlösa detta problem. En enklare RCAM metod är introducerad först i denna rapport.Modellen inkluderar en underhållsstrategi-definition, underhållskostnad-kalkyl och enIIoptimiserings modell. Grundad på denna enklare modell, andra förbättringar ärtillagda och en ny modell är föreslagen. Förbättringarna inrymmer en nyunderhållsstrategi, ökad felfrekvens och en ny målfunktion. Den nya modellentillhandahåller också en tidsbaserad underhållsplan.
Shang, Hui. "Maintenance modelling, simulation and performance assessment for railway asset management." Thesis, Troyes, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TROY0022/document.
Full textThe aim of this thesis research work is to propose maintenance models for railways infrastructures that can help to make better maintenance decisions in the more constrained environment that the railway industry has to face, e.g. increased traffic loads, faster deterioration, longer maintenance planning procedures, shorter maintenance times. The proposed maintenance models are built using Coloured Petri nets; they are animated through Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the performance of the considered maintenance policies in terms of cost and availability. The maintenance models are developed both at the component and network levels, and several different maintenance problems are considered. At the rail component level, maintenance policies with different level of monitoring information (level of gradual deterioration vs binary working state) are compared to show the benefits of gathering monitoring information on the deterioration level. The effect of preventive maintenance delays is also investigated for both condition-based inspection policies and periodic inspection policies on a gradually deteriorating component. At the line level, a maintenance policy based on a two-level inspection procedure is first investigated. Then, considering the case when the deterioration process depends on the operation modes (normal vs limited speed), a maintenance optimization problem is solved to determine an optimal tuning of the repair delay and speed restriction
Moghaddaszadeh, Kermani Mohammad. "Criticality strategic decision making model for maintenance and asset management." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2016. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/criticality-based-strategic-decision-making-model-for-maintenance-and-asset-management(913ab341-1c44-480c-875e-77d8e28f037b).html.
Full textAl, Shaalane Amir. "Improving asset care plans in mining : applying developments from aviation maintenance." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/71813.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to compare the aviation derived reliability metric known as the Maintenance Free Operating Period (MFOP), with the traditionally used, and commonly found, reliability metric Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), which has over the years shown some innate disadvantages in the field of maintenance. It will be shown that this is mainly due to MTBF’s inherent acceptance of failure and the unscheduled maintenance therewith directly connected. Moreover, MFOP is successfully applied to a mining specific case study, as to date, no other application of the MFOP concept to the mining sector is known. An extensive literature study is presented, which covers concepts relevant to the overall study and which helps to contextualise the problem, revealing the major shortcomings of the commonly accepted MTBF metric. A methodology to analyse systems MFOP performance, making use of failure statistics to analyse both repairable and non-repairable systems, is presented. Validation makes use of a case study which applies the MFOP methodology to a system, specifically in the mining sector. It was shown that MFOP could be applied to the data obtained from the mining sector, producing estimates which were accurate representations of reality. These findings provide an exciting basis on which to begin to facilitate a paradigm shift in the mind set of maintenance personnel, setting reliability targets and dealing with unscheduled maintenance stops. KEYWORDS: Maintenance Free Operating Period, Mean Time Between Failure, Maintenance, Mining
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die Onderhoudvrye Bedryf Tydperk (OBT), ’n betroubaarheidsmaatstaf afkomstig van die lugvaart industrie, te vergelyk met die Gemiddelde Tyd Tussen Falings (GTTF) maatstaf wat tradisioneel in algemene gebruik is, maar wat oor die jare inherente nadele met betrekking tot instandhouding geopenbaar het. Dit sal bewys word dat hierdie nadele hoofsaaklik ontstaan as gevolg van die GTTF se inherente aanvaarding van failure en die ongeskeduleerde instandhouding wat daarmee gepaard gaan. OBT word ook suksesvol aangewend in ’n mynwese-spesifieke gevallestudie, wat aaangegaan is aangesien geen ander sooortgelyke aanwending in die mynwese sektor tot datum bekend is nie. ’n Breedvoerige literatuurstudie word voorgelê wat relevante konsepte dek en die probleem binne konteks plaas, en daardeur die hoof tekortkominge van die algemeen aanvaarde GTTF metriek ontbloot. ’n Metodologie waardeur analise van die stelsel werkverrigting van die OBT uitgevoer kan word met gebruik van onderbrekings statistiek om herstelbaar sowel as onherstelbare stelsels te analiseer, word voorgestel. Geldigheid word getoets deur ’n gevallestudie wat die OBT metodologie aangewend word spesifiek vir ’n stelsel in die mynwese Dit is bewys dat OBT toegepas kan word op data afkomstig van die mynwese sector, en skattings lewer wat akkurate voorstellings is van die werklikheid. Hierdie bevindinge is opwindend, en dit dien as die basis vir ’n die aanwending van ’n paradigmaskuif in die benadering van instandhoudingspersoneel tot die daarstelling van teikens vir betroubaarheid en ook in hul hantering van ongeskeduleerde instandhoudingsophoud. SLEUTELWOORDE: Onderhoudvrye Bedryf Tydperk, Gemiddelde Tyd Tussen Falings, Onderhoud, Mynbou
Stylianides, Theodoros. "Highway filter drains maintenance management." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2017. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/27533.
Full textRuparathna, Vithanapalpita K. Rajeev J. "Climate-driven asset management of public buildings : a multi-period maintenance planning framework." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/62129.
Full textApplied Science, Faculty of
Engineering, School of (Okanagan)
Zhang, Xiaoyan. "Cross-industry digital innovation in asset maintenance : a phenomenon-based exploratory case study." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023ECDL0051.
Full textA phenomenon-based exploratory case study Abstract This thesis captures, describes, documents, and conceptualize an unexplored yet significant phenomenon, cross-industry digital innovation, by cross-fertilizing the asset maintenance in aviation and rail freight industries. Rail is the most energy-efficient and low-emitting freight transport mode. However, the status quo of rail freight wagon maintenance in Europe presents a state of inefficiency and lack of intelligence. With the rapid development of digital technologies, condition-based and predictive maintenance represent an excellent opportunity to yield a big efficiency leap in wagon maintenance, thus potentially making rail freight transport competitive and sustainable. This thesis argues that how to leverage digital technologies to benefit rail freight wagon maintenance is not only a technical problem of how to make good use of digital technology to improve maintenance efficiency, but also a strategic problem of how to innovate business model to generate value growth for rail freight industry. When solving such complex practical problems, sometimes the best ideas come from outside your industry. As initiated by the Aero-Ferro Benchmark project, learning the best practice from aviation will contribute to rail freight success. Thus, this thesis aims to theoretically conceptualize how to carry out cross-industry digital innovation in asset maintenance, and to practically solve the problem of what rail freight can learn from the aviation industry. In this respect, this thesis reviews relevant theories in the field of innovation and strategy aiming to find theoretical support. However, based on the knowledge gaining from literature, it is found that cross-industry digital innovation is such an infant field that no well-established and well-fitting theory could directly help define, analyze and address this complex issue. This motivates us to conceptualize a new theoretical framework to explain this emerging phenomenon. To achieve this purpose, this thesis conducts an exploratory case study on digital innovation in asset maintenance in aviation and rail freight industries. We start from determining a preliminary asset maintenance system framework from two sub-system (technical system and business system) to guide the phenomenon-based theorizing. Then, an abductive reasoning and system combing approach is followed, together with literature review and case study as the main research methods. Findings from case study on the technical system argue that the maintenance strategy of rail freight wagons will undergo an imperative paradigm shift from preventive to predictive, especially in terms of utilizing digital technology and data management. Thus, a technical architecture of condition monitoring based predictive maintenance for rail freight wagons is proposed in this thesis. For the business system, this thesis analyzes the changing roles of main actors in this emerging digital maintenance landscape and the evolution of their business models in wagon maintenance ecosystem, forecasting the potential business model innovation of rolling stock(wagon) OEMs, cargo rail operators and wagon keepers. In doing so, this thesis offers insightful theoretical and practical contributions. First, this thesis contributes to advancing the theory building in cross-industry digital innovation. A phenomenon-based cross-industry digital innovation strategy framework is developed. Second, this thesis contributes to guiding the problem-solving strategy of digital innovation in wagon maintenance in rail freight industry
Hilber, Patrik. "Maintenance optimization for power distribution systems." Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Electrical Engineering, Elektrotekniska system, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4686.
Full textChandarasupsang, T., N. Chakpitak, and Keshav P. Dahal. "Organisational learning model for utility asset management using knowledge engineering approach." International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/2639.
Full textDe, Wet Vorster Hendrik. "An analysis of the effectiveness of the asset maintenance plan at Spoornet : case study : class diesel locomotives (traction and rolling stock)." Thesis, Peninsula Technikon, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/1019.
Full textMaintenance of locomotives is the main function of Bellville Locomotive Traction Depot in the Western Cape. Therefore, it is important to have a sound maintenance plan in place, to prevent a negative impact on the availability and reliability of locomotive supply for hauling power to train services. The purpose of the research is to determine the causes of the increased frequency of maintenance through a case study relating to 35-class locomotives. The abnormal increased frequency of wheel change and inter-bogie control repairs on 35-class diesel locomotives is investigated. A research survey was adopted, which included questionnaires and personal interviews based on the literature search. The target group is L&N section, which includes below-deck maintenance, overhaul and change out, repairs to locomotive bogies, frames, wheels, snubbers, inter-bogie control and traction motors. Sixteen people are responsible for all below-deck repairs and service of 52 locomotives. The results of the research will expose the shortcomings of the maintenance plan and propose solutions. This will be achieved by testing the effectiveness of the existing maintenance plan at Spoornet through the identification of the causes for the abnormal increase in wheel changes and inter-bogie control repairs on 35-class diesel locomotives. The outcome from this case study research will be to quantify the benefits arising from the effective application of a maintenance plan.
Chaudhary, Osman, and Erdem Yüksek. "Dynamic life-cycle costing in asset management of production equipments with emphasis om maintenance." Thesis, KTH, Industriell produktion, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-41281.
Full textEndo, Fumihiro, Masaki Kanamitsu, Ryo Shiomi, Hiroki Kojima, Naoki Hayakawa, and Hitoshi Okubo. "Optimization of Asset Management and Power System Operation Based on Equipment Performance." IEEE, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/11798.
Full textCapace, Brunella. "NDT application in Transport Asset Management. QA/QC performance specifications in pavement construction and maintenance." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/4100.
Full textHilber, Patrik. "Component reliability importance indices for maintenance optimization of electrical networks." Licentiate thesis, Stockholm, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-274.
Full textUslu, Berk. "Discrete Event Simulation Model for Project Selection Level Pavement Maintenance Policy Analysis." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/77014.
Full textMaster of Science
Gong, Qing. "Enterprise System Consolidation : A case study with Holmen Paper With a focus on Asset Management." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik (ICT), 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-108317.
Full textZhou, Yifan. "Asset life prediction and maintenance decision-making using a non-linear non-Gaussian state space model." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2010. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/41696/1/Yifan_Zhou_Thesis.pdf.
Full textOzbek, Mehmet Egemen. "Development of Performance Warranties for Performance Based Road Maintenance Contracts." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/9887.
Full textMaster of Science
Okubo, Hitoshi, Fumihiro Endo, Naoki Hayakawa, Hiroki Kojima, and Yotaro Suzuki. "Optimization of Asset Management in High Voltage Substation Based on Equipment Monitoring and Power System Operation." IEEE, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/14536.
Full textMhlongo, Thabani. "Application of the physical asset management in the city of Cape Town water services." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/8499.
Full textThe City of Cape Town water services is currently operating on the reactive mode and their maintenance system is not effectively and efficiently utilized. The lack of proper utilization of Physical Asset Management (PAM) has resulted in the technical department failure to meet the departmental objectives of providing planned and scheduled maintenance activities, reducing equipment downtime and ensuring planned delivery of quality spares at the appropriate time. The aim of the report is to provide guidance in the implementation of physical assets management. The report looks at different maintenance strategies available and evaluates the current operating scenarios for the department and further recommends the relevant strategy that will suit the department. Physical asset management as a maintenance program provides an effective planned and scheduled maintenance system to reduce labor and downtime. This ensures that the correct materials and parts are utilized and that the workmanship is of a high quality. A Maintenance Plan provides documented and sequenced tasks with labour and types of material required to execute the plan. Infrastructure assets are systems that serve defined operational needs, where the intention is to maintain the asset for continual use on a certain level. One of the main aspects in infrastructure network is the degree of interdependency not only within a particular asset network but also among networks. The failure of one component within a network may undermine the performance of other networks. One of the major objectives in an infrastructure network is to maintain the necessary service level through continuous maintenance while ensuring cost effectiveness The initial step is to choose certain maintenance tactics and then decide how often these tactics will be performed. The frequency of maintenance, its actions or tactics depends on the current condition of the equipment which is linked within the technical characteristics of failure and specific monitoring technique. “Regardless of the system you select, you must start from where you are and then develop an orderly series of steps to get where you want to end up, so start by assessing your current situation. The most essential ingredient in your maintenance management system is the people. An excellent system run by poorly trained or unmotivated people will be adequate at best but well trained people with positive attitudes can make an excellent system world class.”-Thomas Westerkamp
Svenson, Kristin. "A Microdata Analysis Approach to Transport Infrastructure Maintenance." Doctoral thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Mikrodataanalys, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-23576.
Full textHunt, Philip Duncan. "Analysis of roughness deterioration of bitumen sealed unbound granular pavements for use in road asset management modeling." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2002. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/36178/1/36178_Hunt_2002.pdf.
Full textBotes, Hein. "The evolution from plant maintenance to physical asset management : an analysis of the Sasol Synfuels roadmap for change." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/50658.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: The change management approach followed during the installation of a new maintenance work management process (termed SAMI Stage1) in Sasol Synfuels is assessed. A framework and a set of change management principles are derived from literature relevant to the topic and are used as a basis to assess the implemented change. The concept of physical asset management is also reviewed and incorporated into the overall framework. The assessment reveals the following positive aspects of the change management process followed: • Excellent executive sponsorship throughout the implementation of SAMI Stage 1. • The use of one team of Sasol Synfuels personnel to develop the strategic plan and another team to perform the design of the new maintenance work management process has resulted in a core group of change advocates within Sasol Synfuels. • Sasol Synfuels business units were declared SAM I Stage 1 competent, which included the achievement of outcome indicators as well as behavioural changes. • The SAMI Stage 1 change is reinforced through further changes such as SAMI Stage 2, SAM PI (production initiative), as well as the creation of a new department, OPEX, to facilitate operational excellence within Sasol Synfuels. • The overall SAMI roadmap, commencing with maintenance work management, is found to be an effective vehicle to achieve the future integrated state of asset management. However, the following negative aspects of the implemented change are also highlighted: • The concept of physical asset management as the ultimate objective of the SAMI process was inadequately explained and coached to the organisation. Although maintenance work management efficiency has improved, the organisation has not made the mental transition from a cost centre mentality to a profit centre mentality. • Production personnel were initially excluded to a large extent, since SAM I Stage 1 was installed as a predominantly maintenance-focussed initiative. However, production personnel are required to play a large role in the maintenance work management process and their initial exclusion required significant stakeholder management during the advanced stages of the change. • There have not been significant changes to the recognition and reward systems in Sasol Synfuels in order to enhance the integration of specifically the maintenance and production functions. The organisation is thus still very much focused on functional excellence as opposed to the integrated concept of asset management. The effectiveness of installing a maintenance work management process first and then addressing equipment failures is also reviewed. It is concluded that this approach of firstly establishing discipline in the execution of maintenance work is indeed a viable approach. However, the overall objective of asset management must be considered from the onset and the organisation must be continuously aligned to that objective. Based on the above observations, recommendations are made on futu re Sasol implementations of maintenance work management processes. In essence there should be more focus on the concept of physical asset management before and during such an implementation. It is also recommended that a post SAM I Stage 1 project analysis should be performed (using appropriate questionnaires andlor interviews) to assess the positive and negative aspects as encountered by the organisation. These learning pOints should be documented and used for future, similar interventions. It should also be established whether the changes in behaviour and outcome are due to predominantly compliance to the work management process, or whether there is significant commitment to the process. Commitment to the process by the majority of the organisation is required to ensure sustainability there of.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die benadering soos gevolg ten opsigte van veranderingsbestuur gedurende die implementering van 'n nuwe instandhoudingswerk bestuursproses in Sasol Synfuels (genaamd SAM I Fase 1), word ondersoek. 'n Raamwerk en 'n stel beginsels met betrekking tot veranderingsbestuur word uit die relevante nagevorste literatuur ontwikkel en word gebruik as 'n basis waarteen die geimplementeerde verandering geevalueer word. Die beginsel van fisiese batebestuur word ook ondersoek en in die oorhoofse raamwerk geinkorporeer. Die volgende positiewe aspekte van die veranderingsbestuur proses wat gevolg was, word deur die ondersoek openbaar: • Uitstekende borgskap deur uitvoerende bestuur tydens die verloop van die implementering van SAMI Fase 1. • Die gebruik van een span Sasol Synfuels personeel om die strategiese plan te ontwikkel en 'n ander span om die ontwerp van die nuwe instandhoudingswerk bestuursproses te behartig, het gelei tot die ontstaan van 'n kern groep in die organisasie wat die verandering ondersteun. • Besigheidseenhede in Sasol Synfuels is SAM I Fase 1 bedrewe verklaar, wat die behaling van uitkomsindikators, sowel as gedragsveranderinge insluit. • Die SAMI Fase 1 verandering word versterk deur verdere veranderings soos SAMI Fase 2, SAMPI (produksie inisiatief), sowel as die daarstelling van 'n nuwe afdeling, OPEX, om operasionele uitnemendheid in Sasol Synfuels te fasiliteer. • Die algehele SAMI proses, beginnende met die bestuur van instandhoudingswerk, is effektief bevind om die toekomstige, geintegreerde toestand van batebestuur te verwesenlik. Die volgende negatiewe aspekte van die geimplementeerde verandering word egter ook uitgelig: • Die beginsel dat fisiese batebestuur die uiteindelike doelwit van die SAMI proses is, was nie voldoende verduidelik en oorgedra aan die organisasie nie, Alhoewel die effektiwiteit van instandhoudingswerk bestuur verbeter het, het die organisasie nie die paradigma skuif gemaak van 'n kostegesentreerde denkwyse na 'n winsgesentreerde denkwyse nie. • Aanvanklik was produksiepersoneel grootliks uitgesluit uit die proses, aangesien SAMI Fase 1 hoofsaaklik as 'n instandhoudingsinisiatief aangepak is. Produksiepersoneel het egter 'n groot rol om te speel in die instandhoudingswerk bestuursproses en hulle aanvanklike uitsluiting het gelei tot aansienlike bestuur van belanghebbendes gedurende die gevorderde stadiums van die verandering. • Daar is nog nie betekenisvolle veranderinge gemaak aan die vergoedings -en erkenningssisteme in Sasol Synfuels om sodoende die integrasie van spesifiek die instandhouding en produksiefunksies te bevorder nie. Daar is dus nog steeds 'n sterk fokus in die organisasie op funksionele uitnemendheid in teenstelling met die geintegreerde beginsel van batebestuur. Daar word ook gekyk na hoe effektief dit is om eers 'n instandhoudingswerk bestuursproses te installeer voordat toerustingfalings ondersoek word. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat hierdie benadering om eers dissipline in die uitvoering van instandhoudingswerk daar te stel, inderdaad 'n haalbare benadering is. Die oorhoofse doelwit van batebestuur moet egter vanaf die begin oorweeg word en die organisasie moet gedurig op koers gehou word rakende daardie oogmerk. Voorstelle, gegrond op bogenoemde waarnemings, word gemaak vir die toekomstige implementering van instandhoudingswerk bestuursprosesse in Sasol. In wese moet daar meer gefokus word op die beginsel van batebestuur voor en gedurende so 'n implementering. Daar word ook aanbeveel dat 'n nabetragting gehou word rondom die implementering van SAMI Fase 1 (met behulp van gepaste vraelyste en/of onderhoude) om die positiewe en negatiewe aspekte, soos ondervind is deur die organisasie, te evalueer. Hierdie inligting moet dan gedokumenteer word en gebruik word vir toekomstige, soortgelyke intervensies. Daar moet ook bepaal word of die verandering in gedrag en resultate die gevolg is van oorwegend die navolging van die proses of toewyding aan die proses. Die meerderheid van die organisasie moet toegewyd wees aan die proses om volhoubaarheid te verseker.
Louw, Andries Barnabas. "Tools for the revision of a maintenance strategy for an explosives manufacturing plant, using asset management principles / A.B. Louw." Thesis, North-West University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/3835.
Full textThesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
Burnett, Sulene. "A simplified numerical decision making toolbox for physical asset management decisions." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/85626.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: The management of physical assets has become a popular eld of study over recent years and is being acknowledged in multiple disciplines world wide. In this project, research on Physical Asset Management (PAM), maintenance and decision making are presented. PAM is a complex subject and requires the participation of multiple disciplines in order to successfully manage physical assets. Moreover, the management of maintenance makes a big contribution in achieving successful PAM. Decision making is a core element to manage maintenance e ciently, both on strategic and operational level. Various methods and techniques can be used to aid the decision making process such as, using past experience, xed decision making techniques and techniques involving numerical calculations, to mention only a few. However, using numerical calculations to make decisions are not very popular. This is due to various reasons, for example the inherent complexity of the mathematics and the time required to execute such calculations are disliked. People tend to avoid complex numerical calculations and rather rely on past experience and discussion of circulating opinions to make decisions. This is not ideal and can lead to inconsistent and inaccurate decisions. In this project, the importance of numerical decision making is researched, especially in maintenance related decisions. The focus is placed on the simpli cation of numerical decision making techniques with the aim to make it easy and quick to use to support operational PAM decisions. Di erent decisions regarding PAM, especially decisions with regards to managing maintenance in order to achieve PAM, are discussed by means of a literature study. This is done to clarify the applicability of using numerical decision making techniques to support this type of decisions. A few di erent available numerical techniques are highlighted that can be used to support the decision making process. The decisions together with numerical decision making techniques are evaluated in order to combine the most appropriate techniques in a simpli ed manner. The purpose of this is that it can be used by anyone with the necessary knowledge of a speci c system or operation. As a result a simpli ed numerical decision making toolbox is developed that can support maintenance related decision. This toolbox is applied to a real life situation by means of a case study, made possible by Anglo American Platinum Limited (Amplats). An evaluation and validation of the toolbox is done through the case study to conclude wether it has value in practice or not.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestuur van siese bates het die afgelope paar jaar 'n gewilde studieveld geword en word erken in verskeie dissiplines reg oor die w^ereld. In hierdie projek word navorsing gedoen oor Fisiese Bate Bestuur (FBB), instandhouding en besluitneming. FBB is 'n komplekse onderwerp en vereis die deelname van verskeie dissiplines om sukses te behaal. Die bestuur van instandhouding maak 'n groot bydrae tot suksesvolle FBB. 'n Kern element van doeltre ende instandhouding is besluitneming, beide op strategiese en operasionele vlak. Verskillende metodes en tegnieke kan gebruik word om die besluitnemingsproses te ondersteun soos byvoorbeeld om gebruik te maak van ondervinding en vorige gebeurtenisse, vaste besluitnemingstegnieke, tegnieke wat numeriese berekeninge gebruik en nog meer. Die gebruik van numeriese metodes om besluite te neem is nie baie gewild nie. Dit is as gevolg van verskeie redes soos byvoorbeeld die inherente kompleksiteit en ingewikkeldheid van die wiskunde en ook die tyd wat benodig word om sulke berekeninge uit te voer. Mense is geneig om ingewikkelde numeriese berekeninge te vermy en eerder staat te maak op vorige ervaring en die bespreking van menings om besluite te neem. Dit is nie ideaal nie en kan lei tot onkonsekwente besluite, of selfs verkeerde besluite. In hierdie projek is die belangrikheid van numeriese besluitneming nagevors, veral in die onderhoudsverwante besluite. Die fokus word geplaas op die vereenvoudiging van die numeriese besluitnemings tegnieke. Die doel is om dit op so 'n manier te vereenvoudig dat dit maklik en vinnig is om te gebruik vir operasionele FBB besluite. Verskillende besluite oor FBB, veral besluite met betrekking tot instandhouding om suksesvolle FBB te bereik, word bespreek deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie. Die literatuurstudie ondersoek die toepaslikheid van die gebruik van numeriese besluitnemingstegnieke vir hierdie soort besluite. 'n Paar verskillende beskikbare numeriese tegnieke wat gebruik kan word om die besluitnemingsproses te ondersteun word uitgelig. Die besluite, saam met numeriese besluitnemingtegnieke, word ge evalueer om die mees gepaste tegnieke te kombineer in 'n vereenvoudigde manier. Uiteindelik moet dit deur enige iemand met die nodige kennis van 'n spesi eke stelsel of proses gebruik kan word. As resultaat is 'n vereenvoudigde numeriese besluitnemingstegniekkombinasie ontwikkel wat besluite verwant aan instandhouding kan ondersteun. Hierdie tegniek-kombinasie word toegepas in 'n werklike situasie deur middel van 'n gevallestudie, wat moontlik gemaak is deur Anglo American Platinum Limited. 'n Evaluering en validering van die tegniek-kombinasie word gedoen in die gevallestudie om te bepaal of dit wel waarde het in die praktyk of nie.
Naim, Wadih. "On the Role of Data Quality and Availability in Power System Asset Management." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-295696.
Full textQC 20210528
Ozbek, Mehmet Egemen. "Development of a Comprehensive Framework for the Efficiency Measurement of Road Maintenance Strategies using Data Envelopment Analysis." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/29117.
Full textPh. D.
Wallnerström, Carl Johan. "On Incentives affecting Risk and Asset Management of Power Distribution." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-37310.
Full textDistribution av elektricitet är att betrakta som ett naturligt monopol och är med stor sannolikhet det moderna samhällets viktigaste infrastruktur – och dess betydelse förutspås öka ytterligare i takt med implementering av teknik ämnad att minska mänsklighetens klimatpåverkan. I Sverige finns det fler än 150 elnätsbolag, vilka är av varierande storleksordning och med helt olika ägarstrukturer. Tidigare var handel med elektricitet integrerat i elnätsbolagens verksamhet, men 1996 avreglerades denna; infrastruktur för överföring separerades från produktion och handel. Införandet av kvalitetsreglering av elnätstariffer under början av 2000-talet och hårdare lagar om bland annat kundavbrottsersättning samt politiskt- och medialt tryck har givit incitament till kostnadseffektivitet med bibehållen god leveranskvalitet. En viktig aspekt är att eldistribution har, jämfört med andra infrastrukturer, flera speciella egenskaper som måste beaktas, vilket beskrives i avhandlingens första del tillsammans med introduktion av risk- och tillförlitlighetsteori samt ekonomisk teori. Två studier som kan ha bidragit till den förra regleringens fall och en studie vars resultat ändrat reglermyndighetens initiala idé avseende modell för att beräkna påverkbara kostnader i kommande förhandsreglering från 2012 är inkluderade. Av staten utsedd myndighet övervakar att kunder erbjudes elnätsanslutning och att tjänsten uppfyller kvalitetskrav samt att tariffnivåerna är skäliga och icke diskriminerande. Traditionellt har elnätsföretag mer eller mindre haft tillåtelse till intäkter motsvarande samtliga omkostnader och skälig vinst, så kallad självkostnadsprissättning. Under slutet av 1990-talet började ansvarig myndighet emellertid arbeta mot en reglering av intäktsram som även beaktar kostnadseffektivitet och kundkvalitet. Vid utformande av en sådan reglering måste svåra avvägningar göras. Exempelvis bör elnätsföretags objektiva förutsättningar, såsom terräng och kunder, tas i beaktning samtidigt som modellen bör vara lätthanterlig och konsekvent. Myndigheten ansåg ingen existerande reglermodell vara lämplig att anpassa till svenska förhållanden, så en ny modell utvecklades: Nätnyttomodellen (NNM). För 2003 års tariffer användes denna och beslut om krav på återbetalning till berörda elnätskunder togs, vilka överklagades. En utdragen juridisk process inleddes, där modellen kritiserades hårt av branschen på flera punkter. Två, i avhandlingen inkluderade studier, underbyggde kritisk argumentation mot NNM. Beslut i första instans (Länsrätt) hade inte tagits 2008 då parterna kom överens avseende år 2003-2007. Ett EU-direktiv tvingar Sverige att gå över till förhandsreglering, och i stället för att modifiera NNM och fortsätta strida juridiskt för den, togs beslut att ta fram en helt ny modell. Nätföretagens tillåtna intäktsram kommer förenklat grunda sig på elnätsföretagens kapitalkostnader och löpande kostnader. Därtill, utifrån hur effektivt och med vilken kvalitet nätföretagen bedrivit sin verksamhet, kan tillåten intäktsram justeras. En systematisk beskrivning av ett elnätsföretags nuvarande riskhantering och investeringsstrategier för olika spänningsnivåer tillhandahålles med syfte att stödja elnätsföretag i utvecklandet av riskhantering och att ge akademiskt referensmaterial baserat på branscherfarenhet. En klassificering av riskhantering uppdelat i olika kategorier och en sårbarhetsanalysmetod samt en ny tillförlitlighetsindexkategori (RT) föreslås i avhandlingen, delvis baserat på genomförd studie. Sårbarhetsanalysens övergripande idé är att identifiera och utvärdera möjliga systemtillstånd med hjälp av kvantitativa tillförlitlighetsanalyser. Målet är att detta skall vara ett verktyg för att nyttja tillgängliga resurser effektivare, t.ex. förebyggande underhåll och semesterplanering samt för att bedöma om förebyggande åtgärder baserat på väderprognoser vore lämpligt. RT är en flexibel kategori av mått på sannolikhet för kundavbrott ≥T timmar, vilket exempelvis är användbart för analys av kundavbrottsersättningslagars påverkan; sådana har exempelvis införts i Sverige och UK under 2000-talet. En statistisk valideringsmetod av tillförlitlighetsindex har tagits fram för att uppskatta statistisk osäkerhet som funktion av antal mätdata ett tillförlitlighetsindexvärde är baseras på. För att utvärdera introducerad sårbarhetsanalysmetod har en studie utförts baserat på timvisa väderdata och detaljerad avbrottsstatistik avseende åtta år för två olika eldistributionsnät i Sverige. Månader, veckodagar och timmar har jämförts vars resultat exempelvis kan användas för fördelning av resurser mer effektivt över tid. Sårbarhet med avseende på olika väderfenomen har utvärderats. Av de studerade väderfenomen är det blott ymnigt snöfall och hårda vindar, särskilt i kombination, som signifikant påverkar eldistributionssystems tillförlitlighet. Andra studier har visat på sårbarhet även för blixtnedslag (som ej fanns med som parameter i avhandlingen inkluderad studie). Temperatur (t.ex. inverkan av frost), regn och snödjup har således försumbar påverkan. Korrelationsstudier har utförts vilket bland annat visar på ett nästan linjärt samband i Sverige mellan temperatur och elförbrukning, vilket indirekt indikerar att även elförbrukning har försumbar påverkan på leveranskvalitet. Slutligen föreslås ett analysramverk som introducerad sårbarhetsanalys skulle vara en del av. Övergripande idé presenteras, vilket främst skall inspirera för fortsatt arbete; emellertid bör påpekas att introducerad sårbarhetsanalysmetod är en självständig och färdig metod oavsett om föreslagna idéer genomföres eller ej.
QC 20110815
Nordström, Lars. "Use of the CIM framework for data management in maintenance of electricity distribution networks." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Industriella informations- och styrsystem, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-3985.
Full textQC 20100614
Rommelspacher, Karl Otto. "The recommendation and validation of an appropriate physical asset management policy for Prasa’s Metrorail division." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/20231.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: The decline of the passenger rail transport system of South Africa over the past two decades has left the passenger rail industry in a difficult position. The most significant impact has been the deterioration of the physical assets. Due to the renewed focus by government on passenger rail transport, the need for improving the physical asset management has been recognised. Physical asset management manifests itself through the application of strategies. The need for new and/or updated strategies was identified and summarily examined. Through the initial literature study, it was found that strategies are founded on the specific maintenance policy of an organisation. The application of the new/updated strategies was intended to take place at Metrorail. An investigation at Metrorail revealed the lack of any significant policy that is required to develop any new strategies. This discovery led to a shift in focus from the development of new strategies to the development of a physical asset management policy. A generic policy statement called Requirement-‐based Asset Management (RAM) was developed, with its primary focus being the conducting of maintenance activities based on the requirements of the organisation, the employees, the asset and the customer. In order to evaluate the suitability of RAM, a strategic roadmap was developed based on the policy statement and validated in three areas of Metrorail. These three areas were the wheel set maintenance system, the Top 7 fault evaluation procedure and the scheduled maintenance cycle of the train sets. The application procedure concluded that the roadmap and thus by deduction RAM are suitable for the Metrorail environment. RAM can be used to develop/improve an organisation’s physical asset management policy.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die agteruitgang van die vervoerspoorwegstelsel vir passasiers gedurende die afgelope twee dekades in Suid-‐Afrika het hierdie bedryf in ‘n moeilike posisie geplaas. Die mees beduidende impak van hierdie verwaarlosing is die agteruitgang van die instandhouding van fisiese bates. Die regering se hernuwe fokus op die vervoer van passasiers per spoor het gelei tot die herkenning van die behoefte aan verbeterde bestuur van fisiese bates. Die bestuur van fisiese bates word gemanifesteer deur die toepassing van strategieë. ‘n Behoefte aan nuwe en/of opgedateerde strategieë is geïdentifiseer en nagevors. Die aanvanklike literatuurstudie het bevind dat strategieë op ‘n organisasie se spesifieke instandhoudingsbeleid gebaseer is en die toepassing van hierdie nuwe en/of opgedateerde strategieë is beplan by Metrorail. ‘n Gebrek aan ‘n noemenswaardige beleid wat vereis word vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe strategieë is by Metrorail gevind. Hierdie bevinding het ‘n fokusverskuiwing tot gevolg gehad – van die ontwikkeling van nuwe strategieë na die ontwikkeling van ‘n bestuursbeleid vir fisiese bates. ‘n Generiese beleidsverklaring genaamd “Requirement-‐based Asset Management” (RAM), met die primêre fokus op instandhoudingsaktiwiteite, is ontwikkel en is gebaseer op die behoeftes van die organisasie, die werknemers, bates en kliënte. ‘n Strategiese metodologie wat op die beleidsverklaring gebaseer is, is ontwikkel om die geskiktheid van die RAM te evalueer en is dit in drie areas van Metrorail gevalideer. Hierdie drie areas sluit in die instandhoudingstelsel vir wielstelle, die prosedures betrokke by die evaluasie van die sewe mees beduidende foute, en die geskeduleerde instandhoudingsiklus van die treinstelle. Deur die toepassingsprosedure is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die metodologie, en gevolglik die RAM, geskik is vir die Metrorail-‐omgewing. Die RAM kan dus gebruik word vir die ontwikkeling en/of verbetering van ‘n organisasie se bestuursbeleid vir fisiese bates.
Barroso, Rafael. "Diminuição do tempo em manutenção preventiva em uma frota de caminhões de uma mineração de grande porte: uma discussão baseada na manutenção produtiva total." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3134/tde-08032019-114508/.
Full textAs it is directly under global economic factors, the mining industry tends to develop to seek leaner production processes, combining lower operational costs to better productive rates. In this context, the main objective of this study is to evaluate the general behavior of the time spend in preventive maintenance of a truck fleet from a large-scale mining project, being the analysis performed in a time window based on an economic period of local minimum in copper prices. From the observed behavior a discussion is made under the assumptions of the management methodology named Total Productive Maintenance in order to discuss the possible main risks and/or consequences that can be faced by the project and how these decisions qualitatively indicate the degree of maturity between production and maintenance in a mining project. In the end, it can be concluded that an intense work is still needed to translate the TPM premises into the mineral industry, being necessary to seek ways to adapt processes and metrics that are more suited to the extractive industry environment (which is very different from the manufacturing industry, where the program started). In addition, it is clear that the application of TPM is possible and welcome in mining since there are several academic studies in the area - in other words, the most challenging point in question is probably that an endogenous TPM program is developed within a mineral project.
Hwisu, Shin. "Stochastic Analysis For Water Pipeline System Management." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/202696.
Full textCarstens, Wiehahn Alwyn. "Regression analysis of caterpillar 793D haul truck engine failure data and through-life diagnostic information using the proportional hazards model." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/20333.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Physical Asset Management (PAM) is becoming a greater concern for companies in industry today. The widely accepted British Standards Institutes’ specification for optimized management of physical assets and infrastructure is PAS55. According to PAS55, PAM is the “systematic and co-ordinated activities and practices through which an organization optimally manages its physical assets, and their associated performance, risks and expenditures over their life cycle for the purpose of achieving its organizational strategic plan”. One key performance area of PAM is Asset Care Plans (ACP). These plans are maintenance strategies which improve or ensure acceptable asset reliability and performance during its useful life. Maintenance strategies such as Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) acts upon Condition Monitoring (CM) data, disregarding the previous failure histories of an asset. Other maintenance strategies, such as Usage Based Maintenance (UBM), is based on previous failure histories, and does not consider CM data. Regression models make use of both CM data and previous failure histories to develop a model which represents the underlying failure behaviour of the asset under study. These models can be of high value in ACP development due to the fact that Residual Useful Life (RUL) can be estimated and/or the long term life cycle cost can be optimized. The objective of this thesis was to model historical failure data and CM data well enough so that RUL or optimized preventive maintenance instant estimations can be made. These estimates were used in decision models to develop maintenance schedules, i.e. ACPs. Several regression models were evaluated to determine the most suitable model to achieve the objectives of this thesis. The model found to be most suitable for this research project was the Proportional Hazards Model (PHM). A comprehensive investigation on the PHM was undertaken focussing on the mathematics and the practical implementation thereof. Data obtained from the South African mining industry was modelled with the Weibull PHM. It was found that the developed model produced estimates which were accurate representations of reality. These findings provide an exciting basis for the development of futureWeibull PHMs that could result in huge maintenance cost savings and reduced failure occurrences.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fisiese Bate Bestuur (FBB) is besig om ’n groter bekommernis vir maatskappye in die bedryf te word. Die Britse Standaarde Instituut se spesifikasie vir optimale bestuur van fisiese bates en infrastruktuur is PAS55. Volgens PAS55 is FBB die “sistematiese en gekoördineerde aktiwiteite en praktyke wat deur ’n organisasie optimaal sy fisiese bates, hul verwante prestasie, risiko’s en uitgawes vir die doel van die bereiking van sy organisatoriese strategiese plan beheer oor hul volle lewensiklus te bestuur”. Een Sleutel Fokus Area (SFA) van FBB is Bate Versorgings Plan (BVP) ontwikkeling. Hierdie is onderhouds strategieë wat bate betroubaarheid verbeter of verseker tydens die volle bruikbare lewe van die bate. Een onderhoud strategie is Toestands Gebasseeerde Onderhoud (TGO) wat besluite baseer op Toestand Monitering (TM) informasie maar neem nie die vorige falingsgeskiedenis van die bate in ag nie. Ander onderhoud strategieë soos Gebruik Gebasseerde Onderhoud (GGO) is gebaseer op historiese falingsdata maar neem nie TM inligting in ag nie. Regressiemodelle neem beide TM data en historiese falings geskiedenis data in ag ten einde die onderliggende falings gedrag van die gegewe bate te verteenwoordig. Hierdie modelle kan baie nuttig wees vir BVP ontwikkeling te danke aan die feit dat Bruikbare Oorblywende Lewe (BOL) geskat kan word en/of die langtermyn lewenssilus koste geoptimeer kan word. Die doelwit van hierdie tesis was om historiese falingsdata en TT data goed genoeg te modelleer sodat BOL of optimale langtermyn lewensiklus kostes bepaal kan word om opgeneem te word in BVP ontwikkeling. Hierdie bepalings word dan gebruik in besluitnemings modelle wat gebruik kan word om onderhoud skedules op te stel, d.w.s. om ’n BVP te ontwikkel. Verskeie regressiemodelle was geëvalueer om die regte model te vind waarmee die doel van hierdie tesis te bereik kan word. Die mees geskikte model vir die navorsingsprojek was die Proporsionele Gevaarkoers Model (PGM). ’n Omvattende ondersoek oor die PGM is onderneem wat fokus op die wiskunde en die praktiese implementering daarvan. Data is van die Suid-Afrikaanse mynbedryf verkry en is gemodelleer met behulp van die Weibull PGM. Dit was bevind dat die ontwikkelde model resultate geproduseer het wat ’n akkurate verteenwoordinging van realiteit is. Hierdie bevindinge bied ’n opwindende basis vir die ontwikkeling van toekomstige Weibull Proporsionele Gevaarkoers Modelle wat kan lei tot groot onderhoudskoste besparings en minder onverwagte falings.
Harris, Brenden Roy. "Design to maintenance: A new construction design and building life cycle management approach." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2021. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/213059/1/Brenden_Harris_Thesis.pdf.
Full textPaterna, Hidalgo Angel. "Gestion patrimoniale des infrastructures de la ratp : développement d'un processus d'aide à la décision pour optimiser la stratégie de maintenance." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PESC1200/document.
Full textThe RATP is the operator and asset manager of the public railway transport of Paris and the next suburbs. Nowadays, with more than 10 million trips per day, this transport network is one of the most crowded in the world. In this context of high service requirements, the RATP asset managers must assure the structural integrity, the quality of service and the sustainability of an aging and heterogeneous asset. However, available budgets are, by nature, limited and, in this context, two tasks become essential: to justify budget requirements and to optimize the programming of maintenance actions. The current asset strategy is based on visual inspections to detect degradation symptoms that concern the structural integrity of the structure. Depending on these results, managers must select and prioritize the maintenance actions taking into account the constraints involved in asset management. This decision-making process is based on the expert knowledge and is not formalized. In this context, the purpose of this thesis is to develop a multicritera decision support tool which reduces the inherent variability degree of visual inspections and the lack of transparency in the decision-making process. In order to provide RATP's managers a decision support tool, this research is based on the next stages :- The development of a functional model of degradation mechanisms by the application of the operational safety methods. The Functional Analyse (FA), the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and the casual graphs are applied to know how infrastructures function, degrade and interact with the environment.- The construction of a decision support tool based on multicriteria methods. The first stage is the construction of a lot of criteria formalizing the technical, economic and social aspects involved in the RATP's asset management (rule based assignment model). The second stage is the application of ELECTRE methods to develop a multicriteria decision support tool which optimizes the management of the RATP's asset. This tool is tested on the line 4 of the Paris metro in order to study development prospects. The main prospect is the operational development of this tool in the context of the management of the RATP's asset
Bharadwaj, Ujjwal R. "Risk based life management of offshore structures and equipment." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2010. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/8554.
Full textFouathia, Ouahab. "Stratégie de maintenance centrée sur la fiabilité dans les réseaux électriques de haute tension." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/211003.
Full textCette thèse rentre dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche lancé par ELIA, et dénommé COMPRIMa (Cost-Optimization Models for the Planning of the Renewal, Inspection, and Maintenance of Belgian power system facilities). Ce projet vise à développer une méthodologie qui permet de modéliser une partie du réseau électrique de transport (par les réseaux de Petri stochastiques) et de simuler son comportement dynamique sur un horizon donné (simulation de Monte Carlo). L’évaluation des indices de fiabilité permet de comparer les différents scénarios qui tentent d’améliorer les performances de l’installation. L’approche proposée est basée sur la stratégie RCM (Reliability-Centered Maintenance).
La méthodologie développée dans cette thèse permet une modélisation plus réaliste du réseau qui tient compte, entre autres, des aspects suivants :
- La corrélation quantitative entre le processus de maintenance et le processus de vieillissement des composants (par un modèle d’âge virtuel) ;
- Les dépendances liées à l’aspect multi-composant du système, qui tient compte des modes de défaillance spécifiques des systèmes de protection ;
- L’aspect économique lié à la stratégie de maintenance (inspection, entretien, réparation, remplacement), aux coupures (programmées et forcées) et aux événements à risque (refus disjoncteur, perte d’un client, perte d’un jeu de barres, perte d’une sous-station, etc.).
Doctorat en sciences appliquées
Onyenanu, Tochukwu Emmanuel. "An improved maintenance management strategy for gas field equipment in Escravos gas–to–liquid plant, Nigeria / T.E. Onyenanu." Thesis, North-West University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/4894.
Full textThesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2017-08-01T13:16:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Gomes Gerude.pdf: 3290960 bytes, checksum: 9bdd883476a85e1e8d0adcf47fa16ba2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-21
As society's dependence on energy increases, the regulatory agencies' demands grow with the electric power concessionaires for quality and continuity. On the other hand, in particular, the Brazilian electrical system is much more complex due to the increase in other transmission lines, substations, direct current systems and the use of generation plants from different sources, which imposes on energy companies the adoption Strategies and procedures that guarantee greater reliability to these assets. The use of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) allows the operation of electric power systems to make faster and more assertive decisions, however, the maintenance and inspection strategies in these equipments are not even among the companies in the sector, and this has led to some professionals to abandon the idea of proactive inspection. In this work a broad approach is taken on the subject, from the perspective of manufacturers' manuals, Reliability Centered Maintenance theory (RCM) and under international norms and guidelines. It is presented a research with eight companies of the Brazilian electrical sector and a survey of information in two substations of the National Interconnected System, with evaluation of the performance of the installed IEDs which includes the construction of failure curves, stratification of defects by subsystems and comparison between the families of IEDs in these facilities. At the end, a plan of periodic inspection is proposed in these devices using a methodology based on multicriteria analysis to define periodicities.
À medida que a dependência de energia pela sociedade aumenta, crescem as exigências das agências reguladoras junto às concessionárias de energia elétrica por qualidade e continuidade. Por outro lado, em particular, o sistema elétrico brasileiro está muito mais complexo devido ao incremento de outras linhas de transmissão, subestações, sistemas de corrente contínua e a utilização de usinas de geração de diferentes fontes, o qual impõe às empresas de energia a adoção de estratégias e procedimentos que garantam maior confiabilidade a esses ativos. A utilização de Dispositivos Eletrônicos Inteligentes (IEDs) permite que a operação dos sistemas de energia elétrica possa tomar decisões mais rápidas e assertivas, no entanto, as estratégias de manutenções e inspeções nestes equipamentos não estão niveladas entre as empresas do setor, e isto tem levado alguns profissionais a abandonarem a ideia de inspeção proativa. Neste trabalho faz-se uma ampla abordagem sobre o tema, sob a ótica dos manuais de fabricantes, da teoria de Manutenção Centrada em Confiabilidade (RCM) e sob as normas e guias internacionais. É apresentada uma pesquisa com oito empresas do setor elétrico brasileiro e um levantamento de informações em duas subestações do Sistema Interligado Nacional, com avaliação do desempenho dos IEDs instalados a qual inclui a construção das curvas de falha, estratificação de defeitos por subsistemas e comparação entre as famílias de IEDs existentes nestas instalações. Ao final é proposto um plano de inspeção periódico nestes dispositivos utilizando uma metodologia baseada em análise multicritério para definição das periodicidades.
Koziel, Sylvie Evelyne. "From data collection to electric grid performance : How can data analytics support asset management decisions for an efficient transition toward smart grids?" Licentiate thesis, KTH, Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-292323.
Full textQC 20210330
Nam, Le Thanh. "Stochastic Optimization Methods for Infrastructure Management with Incomplete Monitoring Data." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/85384.
Full text0048
(主査)教授 小林 潔司, 教授 大津 宏康, 教授 河野 広隆
Roiz, Guilherme Augusto. "Análise de substituição de ativos com base em variáveis de confiabilidade e sustentabilidade: uma aplicação DEA." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18157/tde-09052016-141824/.
Full textCompanies are placed in a global context of sustainable concern where environmental and social issues accompanying economic concerns. It is necessary to include, in some way, the economic feasibility analysis or in modeling of Economic Life and Asset Replacement, variables that may pose social and environmental aspects. In this scenario enters the PAS-55 standard - Publicly Avaiable Specification - 55, published by the British Standards Institution, which aims to improve the management system of physical assets in order to allow greater economic results, social and environmental issues arising from the use of equipment, in companies. The procedures laid down in PAS-55 standard suggests the alignment of knowledge from maintenance management, which make up the framework of Reliability Engineering, the knowledge of economic engineering in order to make tools and methods to make decisions in relation to physical assets companies. The objective of this study is to propose a model of asset replacement that considers variables Reliability and Sustainability, along with financial variables, using data envelopment analysis. The results present a conceptual model of asset replacement, with the inclusion of social and environmental variables and DEA application and also a case study with real data that assesses the replacement of equipment belonging to a producer of phosphoric acid.
Wallnerström, Carl Johan. "On Risk Management of Electrical Distribution Systems and the Impact of Regulations." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Electromagnetic Engineering, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4717.
Full textThe Swedish electricity market was de-regulated in 1996, followed by new laws and a new regulation applied to the natural monopolies of electrical distribution systems (EDS). These circumstances have motivated distribution systems operators (DSOs) to introduce more comprehensive analysis methods. The laws, the regulation and additional incentives have been investigated within this work and results from this study can be valuable when developing risk methods or other quantitative methods applied to EDS. This tendency is not unique for Sweden, the results from a comparative study of customer outage compensation laws between Sweden and UK is for example included.
As a part of investigating these incentives, studies of the Swedish regulation of customer network tariffs have been performed which provide valuable learning when developing regulation models in different countries. The Swedish regulatory model, referred to as the Network Performance Assessment Model (NPAM), was created for one of the first de-regulated electricity markets in the world and has a unique and novel approach. For the first time, an overall presentation of the NPAM has been performed including description of the underlying theory as a part of this work. However, the model has been met by difficulties and the future usage of the model is uncertain. Furthermore, the robustness of the NPAM has been evaluated in two studies with the main conclusion that the NPAM is sensitive toward small variations in input data. Results from these studies are explained theoretically investigating algorithms of the NPAM.
A pre-study of a project on developing international test systems is presented and this ongoing project aims to be a useful input when developing risk methods. An application study is included with the approach to systematically describe the overall risk management process at a DSO including an evaluation and ideas of future developments. The main objective is to support DSOs in the development of risk management, and to give academic reference material to utilize industry experience. An idea of a risk management classification has been concluded from this application study. The study provides an input to the final objective of a quantitative risk method.
Cardoso, Tiago Nuno Raposo. "Metodologias de Gestão de Ativos na perspetiva do prestador de serviços de manutenção." Master's thesis, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/19760.
Full textO tema da manutenção tem vindo a ser cada mais visto como um assunto que se deve apostar mais, contrariamente ao que se passava antigamente em que era visto como um mal necessário dentro das organizações e até mesmo algo que sempre que se pudesse contornava-se, pois era visto como um núcleo de custos e não como um benefício. Ultimamente, esta ideia tem vindo a alterar-se, atualmente a manutenção é vista como algo que se pode tirar partido de forma a amenizar custos, melhorando a disponibilidade e fiabilidade dos ativos das organizações através de novas abordagens ao tema da manutenção e consequentemente trazendo ganhos na produção destas mesmas organizações. A gestão de ativos é então um dos temas que mais tem crescido dentro da área da manutenção, pois uma gestão eficiente dos ativos de uma organização pode trazer inúmeros benefícios, sendo as empresas prestadoras de serviços de manutenção precursoras da importância da gestão de ativos. Desta forma, esta dissertação apresenta o tema da gestão de ativos com base nas Normas ISO 55000, por forma a realizar uma metodologia a aplicar em reservatórios sob pressão. Palavras
The issue of maintenance is being increasingly seen as an issue that should bet more, contrary to what happened in the past when it was seen as a necessary evil within organizations and even something that could be avoided whenever, because it was seen as a core of costs and not seen as a benefit. This idea has been changing, and maintenance has been seen as something that can be taken advantage of in order to reduce costs, improving the availability and reliability of the organizations assets through new approaches to the maintenance theme and consequently bringing gains in the production of these organizations. Asset management is therefore one of the most growth issues within the maintenance area, since efficient management of the assets of an organization can bring numerous benefits, with maintenance service providers pioneering the importance of asset management. This work presents the topic of asset management based on ISO 55000 in order to carry out a methodology to be used in pressure vessels.
Lake, Neal J. "Evaluating the health of bridge structures." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2001.
Find full textQuintella, Luciano Confort [UNESP]. "Aplicação da manutenção centrada em confiabilidade (RCM) na otimização do programa de manutenção de centrais termonucleares." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/143841.
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Submitted by LUCIANO CONFORT QUINTELLA null (l_quintella@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-07T00:13:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 UNESP-FEG - Dissertação de Mestrado - APLICAÇÃO DA MANUTENÇÃO CENTRADA EM CONFIABILIDADE NA OTIMIZAÇÃO DO PROGRAMA DE MANUTENÇÃO DE CENTRAIS TERMONUCLEARES - Luciano C Quintella_Rev168 - REVISÃO FINAL.pdf: 4453734 bytes, checksum: b3c4369bb61bf3c735292c7280dfc961 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-12T16:47:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 quintella_lc_me_bauru.pdf: 4453734 bytes, checksum: b3c4369bb61bf3c735292c7280dfc961 (MD5)
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A função manutenção vem sendo considerada como fator estratégico para as empresas, pois através do alinhamento de suas políticas corporativas e integração de seus programas de gestão de ativos, de riscos e de ciclo de vida de suas unidades de negócios, as empresas vêm buscando a constante redução de custos e a melhoria de seus resultados operacionais. E, assim, obtendo maior competitividade. A Manutenção Centrada em Confiabilidade (RCM) é um método já bem disseminado por todo o mundo e que, ao longo dos anos, vem promovendo estes diferenciais estratégicos através de preceitos que possibilitam a elaboração de Programas de Manutenção Preventiva de custo-eficaz, através de um método para a definição de políticas de manutenção mais adequadas, com o foco na manutenção da função dos ativos em seu contexto operacional. Ao longo dos anos, o método RCM vem sendo aplicado em inúmeros estudos de casos em diferentes empresas de diversos seguimentos, onde podem ser observadas novas adaptações ou simplificações do método RCM clássico. Estas adaptações buscam uma maior adequação as particularidades destas empresas e/ou um retorno mais rápido de resultados. O setor nuclear de geração de energia foi um dos pioneiros na adoção e disseminação do RCM, e vem desenvolvendo processos simplificados de aplicação do RCM, como o “Streamlinned RCM” e o “método PMO” (Otimização do Programa de Manutenção, do inglês: Preventive Maintenance Optimization). Estes estudos mostram que o método PMO apresenta uma maior flexibilidade, o que permite a adoção de diferentes estratégias de aplicação que, por sua vez, têm trazido resultados expressivos para as empresas, através da otimização dos Programas de Manutenção já existentes. Com base na literatura, neste trabalho são abordadas questões referentes ao RCM e sua contextualização na área nuclear, estudos sobre os métodos simplificados do RCM e o desenvolvimento do método PMO. Por fim, é realizada uma aplicação prática do método PMO sobre os sistemas relacionados e subsistemas do Sistema de Remoção de Calor Residual (JN), mais especificamente, sobre as Bombas de injeção de segurança do Sistema de Injeção de Alta Pressão (JND) da Usina Nuclear Angra 2. Através dos resultados obtidos com esta aplicação, pretende-se otimizar o Programa de Manutenção da Planta (PMP) referente a estes equipamentos e, assim, validar o método PMO como ferramenta para a melhoria contínua do Programa de Gestão de Ativos e Ciclo de Vida da Usina Nuclear Angra 2.
Corporations tend to consider maintenance work a strategic element. It is through maintenance—especially the alignment between corporate policies and integration of their programs to manage assets, risks, and life cycles of business units—that corporations try to continuously improve their results, reduce their operational costs, and, therefore, increase their competitiveness. Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a popular method across the world; it has been promoting competitiveness through concepts that allow the design of cost-effective Preventive Maintenance Programs These programs are effective because they entail appropriate maintenance policies that are focused on the preservation of the assets functions in their operational context and on the formation of technical knowledge basis supported by hard data. Throughout the years, RCM has been applied in numerous case studies and in different companies engaged in a variety of market segments. Such diversity in the application of RCM allowed us to observe new adaptations and variations of the classic method. Such adaptations aim to better respond to specific operational contexts in and within production units, as well as achieve faster results. The nuclear power sector has pioneered regarding the adoption and dissemination of RCM; it has been developing simplified versions of RCM, such as the “Streamlined RCM” and the PMO (Preventive Maintenance Optimization). These studies demonstrate that the PMO presents enhanced flexibility, which allows the adoption of different strategies; such enhanced flexibility brings expressive results to corporations as pre-existing maintenance programs are optimized. Based on the currently available literature, this dissertation addresses numerous questions regarding RCM and its application to nuclear power segments. It also addresses studies about simplified versions of RCM and the development of the PMO method. The discussion is supplemented with a practical application of the PMO method regarding auxiliary systems and sub-systems of Removal of Residual Heat System (JN), especially those regarding the security injection pumps of the High Pressure Injection System (JND) at Angra II Nuclear Plant. Through the results obtained from this application, it is possible to optimize the Maintenance Program of these equipments, and therefore, validate the PMO method as a tool of continuous improvement of the Assets and Life Cycle Program of Angra II.