Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Aruba, description and travel'
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Dömötör, Ildikó. "Gentlewomen in the bush : a historical interpretation of British women's personal narratives in nineteenth-century rural Australia." Monash University, School of Political and Social Inquiry, 2004. http://arrow.monash.edu.au/hdl/1959.1/5283.
Full textPatkar, Manjiri. "Virtual imagery in nineteenth century French travel narratives perception and description of architectural space /." Diss., University of Iowa, 2002. http://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/192.
Full textKotzé, Louis Jacobus Daniël. "An investigation into the coverage of diverse forms of tourism in South African travel magazines." Thesis, University of Port Elizabeth, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/339.
Full textSpyker, Stephen K. "Spirituality and technology on the Appalachian Trail : a study in frontiers." Virtual Press, 2004. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1290777.
Full textHaubenstricker, Daniel L. "Images of Madison, Indiana : a method for tourism planning in historic places." Virtual Press, 1986. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/450105.
Full textDepartment of Landscape Architecture
Diamond, Katherine. "Reducing these loose papers into this order : a bibliographical sociology of the Principall Navigations (1589)." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2012. http://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/8362.
Full textTrépanier, Stéphane. "Description de l'incidence et de certains facteurs de risque de la malaria, l'hépatite A, la typhoïde et la shigellose chez les voyageurs québécois." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/5963.
Full textGirardin, Jordan. "Travel in the Alps : the construction of a transnational space through digital and mental mapping (c. 1750s-1850s)." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/10648.
Full textChang, Na. "The East and the West in the travel writings of the late medieval East and West." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.708975.
Full textBush, Charmel Lolita. "Image of Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB): an external stakeholder's perspective." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/9097.
Full textMyte, Lina, and Markus Lindh. "Ett flytande paradis? : En studie om hur tropiska öar framställs i svenska resemagasin." Thesis, University of Kalmar, School of Communication and Design, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hik:diva-2598.
Full textThis is a study about how Swedish travel magazines write about tropical islands with a history of colonization. The study investigates how the islands of Mauritius, the Seychelles, Haiti, the Maldives, the Dominican Republic, Aruba, Zanzibar and Guadeloupe are being portrayed in four Swedish travel magazines.
Travel articles published in the travel magazines Vagabond, Allt om Resor, Res and Escape 360° during the period January 2004 to December 2009 have been analyzed through critical discourse analysis.
The study concludes that the travel magazines tend to idealize and aestheticize the tropical islands. The islands are being presented as paradises on earth. They are described as fairy tales, magical, dreams and as playgrounds for Westerners. The inhabitants of the tropical islands are being judged by how well they attend to the tourists’ needs and wishes. The inhabitants are presented as unreliable, while the tourists are presented as reliable. The inhabitants are also being portrayed as childish, exotic and primitive.
Theories about how old colonial ways of thinking continue to flourish in travel journalism are being used to give depth to the findings of the study.
Pockley, Simon Charles Nepean. "The flight of ducks research report." [Melbourne] : S. Pockley, 1998. http://purl.nla.gov.au/nla/pandora/FOD.
Full textKnöck, Raymond Bennett. "The emergence of a sunspot tourist destination : a case study of St. Kitts." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=64024.
Full textFaure, Elisabeth. "À la recherche de l’île oubliée : la Sardaigne des voyageurs." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAL039.
Full textItaly occupies a very peculiar place in the history of travel. Considered a cradle of the Western world, the country was seen by travelers as the essential destination of the European Tour, where members of the classically trained elite, exposed to the finest achievements of art and architecture, yearned to reclaim the legacy of ancient civilizations.By the end of the 18th century, the Italian Grand Tour had stretched as far as Calabria and Sicily, inspiring countless travel accounts. But most travelers deliberately forgot to embark on the ultimate journey : remote, supposedly wild and dangerous, the little-explored island of Sardinia remained an enigma.This study explores the relatively small corpus of texts dedicated to Sardinia, focusing on French travel writing (although a wider range of sources is used in the study) and covering what may be called a “long nineteenth century” (from 1792 to 1909)
Ashworth, Margaret Jane. ""To be" in design, travel and nature: The applicability of E-Prime to descriptive writing." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1994. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/971.
Full textWalker, Brett L. "William Smith Clark: A Study in Education, Christianity, and American-Japanese Cooperation in the Nineteenth Century." PDXScholar, 1993. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/4640.
Full textZhou, Lichen. "Destination attributes that attract international tourists to Cape Town." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2005. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&.
Full textMcFarlane, Elizabeth Anne. "French travellers to Scotland, 1780-1830 : an analysis of some travel journals." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/21711.
Full textNorris, Mary Beth. "A walking tour for elementary students of the historical district of Highland, California." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1998. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/1441.
Full textMedawar, Christian. "Mary Edith Durham and the Balkans, 1900-1914." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23726.
Full textThe research consists of both published works and unpublished sources, some of which have not been used for studying Durham. These include Durham's personal manuscripts, correspondence from other personal papers, and documents from the British Foreign Office archives. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Furgiuele, Peter M. "A museum about the city: an air rights proposal for Boston." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/53068.
Full textMaster of Architecture
Becker, Anne Lynn. "The layout of the land : the Canadian Pacific Railway's photographic advertising and the travels of Frank Randall Clarke, 1920-1929." Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=83171.
Full textThe CPR's tourist brochures established a visual vocabulary of the travelling experience, which was readily employed by individuals such as Montreal journalist Frank Randall Clarke. Clarke was sponsored by the CPR to travel across the country in the summer of 1929. His journalistic writing and personal photograph album allow for a rich analysis of the visual culture of the period, and they will be used to illustrate the ways in which the CPR represented Canadian progress, immigration, and tourism.
Bruguier, Nathalie. "D'une France l'autre : voyage et écriture à la Renaissance (1550-1598)." Thesis, McGill University, 2000. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=33273.
Full textFirst of all, the South legislates as a land of industrious administrators. However, even if it shows a claim for independence---a secularly evidenced fact---it nevertheless remains subject to the French Crown. Southerners, with identical customs as those of the French, are already part of this political entity. Schismatic area par excellence that tears the State apart, shown by numerous Huguenot patches in the Languedoc region, it is about to embrace the faith of the Same. This tendency occurs together with the linguistic phenomenon: the use of the French language develops at the same time as the practice of Law. The various parameters that distinguish the Other from the Same tend to converge to make the Southerner a subject per se of the Kingdom of the Valois. Far from questioning the foundation of the modern French identity, the people of Languedoc and other Southerners, with a rich distinct set of customs, contribute to it in several ways.
Smit, Susanna Elizabeth. "Die aanwending en integrasie van pikturale en geskrewe bronne vir 'n kultuurhistoriese evaluering van geselekteerde temas van die Wellington-omgewing, 1657-1900." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/52190.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study pictorial Africana are used to sketch a socio-historical image of certain aspects of Wellington (previously known as Waggonmakers Valley) during the period 1657 to 1900. Together with written sources such as letters, diaries and travel diaries, the pictorial sources (in this case paintings, pictures and maps) are considered primary sources. Although the inhabitants of Waggonmakers Valley and later Wellington clearly developed an own identity, Wellington cannot be viewed in isolation. The town and region are placed in the broader context of the Drakenstein Valley and the Western Cape. The establishment and development of the town are placed within the prevalent political and economic climate of that time. Historical highlights of the town's history are given in short. A list of artists, pictorial works and place of conservation where these pictorial works are being conserved was compiled. It was attempted to determine the artists' connection with the Drakenstein Valley, Waggonmakers Valley and Wellington in each discussion. In the discussion of the territory (bodem) the Waggonmakers Valley is placed in the context of the Drakenstein Valley. In this discussion the discovery and settlement of the valley are considered, as well as the naming of the Drakenstein Valley, Waggonmakers Valley and Wellington. The appearance of the valley, mountains, hills, as well as the vegetation, animal life and bird life are discussed. The influence of the Berg River and other rivers on the inhabitants' lives is included in the discussion, as well as relevant folk-tales and popular beliefs. Where applicable, various uses for plants (e.g. medicinal) in these people's daily lives are discussed. In the discussion of the church the following aspects are considered: the beginning of missionary work in the Waggonmakers Valley, the secession of the church and the subsequent establishment of Wellington, as well as some religious aspects such as the "Wederdoper" Sect and the big revival of 1860. Festivals, sports and recreation depict the social activities of the Wellington people up to the end of the nineteenth century. In the discussion of the architecture, aspects such as political, economic and social influences on building style as well as building materials and building methods were taken into account. To illustrate: the opening of the Wellington railway line and the opening of Bainskloof Pass influenced the architecture of the town and region. Influencing factors on the lay-out of the town as well as the meaning of BainskloofPass for Wellington were considered.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Pikturale Africana word in hierdie studie as 'n bron aangewend om 'n kultuurhistoriese beeld met betrekking tot sekere aspekte van Wellington, voorheen bekend as Wagenmakersvallei, gedurende die periode 1657 tot 1900, te skets. Die pikturale bronne is saam met die geskrewe bronne, wat briewe, dagboeke en reisjoernale insluit, as primere bronne beskou. Die pikturale bronne verwys in hierdie geval na skilderye, tekeninge, prente en kaarte. Alhoewel die inwoners van die Wagenmakersvallei en later Wellington duidelik 'n eie identiteit ontwikkel het, kan Wellington nie in isolasie gesien word nie. Die dorp en omgewing word binne die groter geheel van die Drakensteinvallei en Wes-Kaap geplaas. Die ontstaan en groei van die dorp is binne die heersende politieke en ekonomiese klimaat van die tyd geplaas. Historiese hoogtepunte in die dorp se geskiedenis is kortliks aangedui. 'n Lys van kunstenaars en pikturale werke, asook die plek van bewaring van hierdie pikturale bronne, is saamgestel. Daar is gepoog om die kunstenaars se verband met die Drakensteinvallei, Wagenmakersvallei en Wellington in elke bespreking vas te stel. In die bespreking van die bodem word die Wagenmakersvallei binne die konteks van die Drakensteinvallei geplaas. Daar word in die bespreking gekyk na die ontdekking en vestiging van die vallei, sowel as die naamgewing van die Drakensteinvallei, Wagenmakersvallei en Wellington. Die voorkoms van die vallei, berge, heuwels, sowel as die plantegroei, dier- en voellewe word bespreek. Die invloed van die Bergrivier en ander riviere op die lewens van die mense word in die bespreking ingesluit, sowel as relevante volksvertellings en volksgelowe. Die gebruik van plante vir medisinale en ander gebruike in die daaglikse lewe van die mense, is waar toepaslik bespreek. In die bespreking van die kerk is daar gekyk na die ontstaan van sendingwerk in die Wagenmakersvallei, die afstigting van die kerk, die gevolglike ontstaan van Wellington en enkele geestelike aspekte soos die Wederdopersekte en die groot herlewing van 1860. Feesvieringe, sport en ontspanning skets die sosiale bedrywighede van die Wellingtonners tot die einde van die negentiende eeu. Aspekte soos politieke, ekonomiese en maatskaplike invloede wat boustyle beinvloed het, sowel as boumateriaal en -metodes, is in ag geneem in die bespreking van die argitektuur. Ter illustrasie: die opening van die spoorlyn tot by Wellington en die opening van Bainskloofpas het 'n invloed gehad op die argitektuur van die dorp en omgewing. Daar is gekyk na faktore wat die dorpsuitleg beinvloed het, asook die betekenis van Bainskloofpas vir Wellington.
Farnsworth, John Seibert. "Coves of departure : field notes from the Sea of Cortez." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/21811.
Full textDathan, Patricia Wendy. "The reindeer years : contribution of A. Erling Porsild to the continental northwest, 1926-1935." Thesis, McGill University, 1988. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=61692.
Full textSchulenburg, Alexander Hugo. "Transient observations : the textualizing of St Helena through five hundred years of colonial discourse." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/3419.
Full textBazzocchi, Karl. "A westerner's journey in Japan : an analysis of Edward S. Morse's Japan day by day." Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=101875.
Full textSchleif, Carolyn. "Oldfields : an historic structures report." Virtual Press, 1989. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/563163.
Full textDepartment of Architecture
Faulhaber, Felix. "Decision-making factors of German tourists travelling to South Africa." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/983.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this report is to provide detailed insights into the marketing of services, specifically in the airline and travel agency industries. Therefore, the report firstly presents the existing literature, narrowing down the view from the traditional marketing approach with the 4P to the 7P approach for service marketing. As a final step, the few sources on airline and travel agency marketing are evaluated to identify gaps in the current research. Following this overview, the report explains the current situation within the airline and travel agency industries. The players in these markets currently face significant challenges, namely the competitive structure, changing booking behaviours, increasing competition of low-cost airlines, the rise of oil prices, increasing activities for environmental protection, structural problems of the major aircraft manufacturers, the open skies agreement between Europe and the US, and the current economic crisis. In order to successfully compete in this challenging environment, airlines as well as travel agencies need to understand the needs and preferences of their potential customers very clearly. Consequently, the researcher conducted a survey amongst passengers from Germany to South Africa in order to gain information on these preferences. This questionnaire aims to clearly identify the major decision-making factors of the passengers when choosing an airline or booking channel. Knowledge regarding these decision-making factors enables companies to design their offering in a way that the needs and preferences of passengers are optimally met, while the airline or travel agency can still operate profitably. The survey was posted online and 185 respondents across all age groups participated. The main insights of the results are that the price clearly is the dominant decision-making factor for both the choice of the airline and the choice of the booking channel. Furthermore, several hypotheses, which could be extracted from the literature, are tested. It is found that for travel agencies, the consulting services do not have any significant impact on the decision of the passengers. Their perceived competency, however, does play a reasonably important role and is consequently a factor that needs to be considered by travel agencies when designing the offer. For airlines, the flight schedule clearly constitutes the second most important factor. While the brand is at least considered fairly important, frequent flyer programmes, as well as the membership in an alliance, are not considered to be important at all for the decision of the airline. The report nevertheless explains why the membership in an alliance does, in reality, have significant positive effects on the performance of an airline, specifically through the positive impact on operating cost and improvements in the flight schedule. As a final step, the results are compared to a similar survey conducted by Wise Research Ltd. (2008: 3) and Lufthansa (Euler, 2005: 8). It is found that there are only slight variances between the results. A possible explanation for the variances could be that the economic environment has changed. Also cultural differences and differences between short- and long-haul flights are considered.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag het die verskaffing van gedetailleerde insig in die bemarking van dienste ten doel, spesifiek in die lugredery- en reisagentskapbedrywe. Daarom bied die verslag eerstens die bestaande literatuur aan, terwyl die beskouing van die tradisionele bemarkingsbenadering met die 4P- tot die 7P-benadering vir diensbemarking vernou word. Laastens word die enkele bronne wat lugredery- en reisagentskapbemarking behandel, geëvalueer om leemtes in die bestaande literatuur te identifiseer. Na hierdie oorsig, verduidelik die verslag die huidige situasie in die lugredery- en reisagentskapbedrywe. Die rolspelers in hierdie markte kom voor beduidende uitdagings te staan, naamlik veranderende besprekingsgedrag, toenemende mededinging van laekoste-lugrederye, stygende oliepryse, toenemende optrede vir omgewingsbeskerming, strukturele probleme van die vername vliegtuigvervaardigers, die Oop Lugruimooreenkoms (Engels: Open Skies agreement) tussen Europa en die VSA, en die huidige ekonomiese krisis. Om suksesvol in hierdie uitdagende milieu mee te ding, moet lugrederye en reisagentskappe die behoeftes en voorkeure van hul moontlike kliënte baie duidelik begryp. Gevolglik het die navorser ʼn opname gemaak onder passasiers onderweg van Duitsland na Suid-Afrika om inligting omtrent hierdie voorkeure in te samel. Hierdie vraelys het beoog om die vername besluitnemingsfaktore van passasiers te identifiseer wanneer hulle ʼn lugredery of besprekingskanaal kies. Kennis omtrent hierdie besluitnemingsfaktore stel maatskappye in staat om hul aanbieding so te ontwerp dat die behoeftes en voorkeure van passasiers optimaal nagekom word, terwyl die lugredery of reisagentskap steeds winsgewend bedryf kan word. Die opname is aanlyn geplaas en 185 mense vanuit alle ouderdomsgroepe het deelgeneem. Die hoofinsigte van die resultate is dat prys duidelik die oorheersende besluitnemingsfaktor in beide die keuse van lugredery én die keuse van besprekingskanaal is. Verder is verskeie hipoteses wat vanuit die literatuur onttrek kon word, getoets. Vir reisagentskappe word daar bevind dat die konsultasiedienste geen beduidende invloed op die besluitneming van passasiers het nie. Daarteenoor speel hul vermeende bekwaamheid ʼn redelik belangrike rol en is gevolglik ʼn faktor wat deur reisagentskappe oorweeg moet word wanneer die aanbieding ontwerp word. Vir lugrederye is die vlugskedule duidelik die tweede belangrikste faktor. Terwyl die handelsmerk as minstens redelik belangrik beskou word, word gereëlde vlieërprogramme, asook die lidmaatskap van ʼn assosiasie, glad nie as belangrik beskou vir die keuse van lugredery nie. Die verslag verduidelik hoekom die lidmaatskap van ʼn assosiasie nieteenstaande in werklikheid beduidende voordelige invloede op die prestasie van ʼn lugredery het, spesifiek deur die voordelige invloed op bedryfskostes en verbeterings aan die vlugskedule. In ʼn finale stap word die resultate vergelyk met dié van ʼn soortgelyke opnames gemaak deur Wise Research Ltd. (2008: 3) en Lufthansa (Euler, 2005: 8). Daar word bevind dat daar slegs klein verskille in die bevindinge voorkom. ʼn Moontlike verduideliking van die verskille is dat die ekonomiese milieu verander het. Kulturele verskille tussen kort en lang afstand vlugte word ook oorweeg.
Aist, Rodney. "Willibald of Eichstätt (700-787 CE) and Christian topography of early Islamic Jerusalem." Thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.683272.
Full textJenson, Jason, and University of Lethbridge Faculty of Arts and Science. "In search of a nobler past : incanismo and community tourism in Saraguro, Ecuador." Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Dept. of Anthropology, c2011, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10133/3076.
Full textviii, 213 leaves; 29 cm
Dellavedova, Alba. "L'expérience du nouveau entre la construction de soi et la description du monde : le texte comme la rencontre d'exigences littéraires et scientifiques. Le cas d'Isabelle Eberhardt." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA040199.
Full textThe thesis describes the work of Isabelle Eberhardt, a travel writer who explores Algeria and Tunisia between 1897 and 1904. The establishment of the original edition of her texts presents several problems considering that quite a number of publishers modified them. The analysis of the editions that are available today and the consultation of manuscripts retained in the Archives nationales d'outre-mer in Aix-en-Provence, allowed to obtain some helpful clarification on this subject, even if the situation remains delicate. Isabelle Eberhardt travels to the islamic Maghreb with the intention of living in Algeria for good, in the desire to construct her new identity, write publishable texts, learn more about local traditions. The diversity of projects means that there is a personal involvement as well a literary and scientific intention. The research method used by our writer during her journeys has been investigated and summerized by the alternation of engagement and estrangement. Eberhardt's poetics is equally clear and it is based on the valorization of the lieu's vitality as well as on the definition of an existential and living space. The texts are the product of a formation process knowledge-based and with a literary purpose. They have been analyzed with a critical and interpretative approach. Isabelle Eberhardt's experience and the values that it promotes make possible a rapprochement with the studies exploring connections between literature and geography
Spinola, Caroline Sartorello. "A Índia de Octavio Paz: uma leitura de vislumbres da Índia a partir da Otredad, da narrativa de viagem e da tradução cultural." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2018. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/21191.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2018-07-03T13:30:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caroline Sartorello Spinola.pdf: 1049203 bytes, checksum: d58ce86b2c478131730b22233e3ba807 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-19
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
This study intends to understand the India translated and presented by Octavio Paz in In light of India. Also seeks to detect the image of México and of Latin America that emerges from the book in contrast with the Indian culture. In the book is possible to identify two different journeys: an internal journey that the mexican poet does inside himself and Mexico is his destine and starting point; and the actual journey that Paz makes to India. Thus, this study means to organize and deepen some key concepts of Paz’s works (as otredad, temporalities, poetic language, love) found not only in In light of India as in different essays of Octavio Paz
Este projeto de pesquisa pretende apreender a Índia traduzida e apresentada por Octavio Paz em seu livro Vislumbres da Índia: um diálogo com a condição humana. Pretende também detectar a visão do México e da América Latina que emerge do livro, contrastada com a cultura indiana. No livro, é possível identificar duas viagens: uma viagem externa, aquela que Paz realiza à Índia; e uma viagem interna, em que o México é o seu destino e ponto de partida. A partir desses olhares cruzados – e por meio de um recorte temático – a pesquisa buscará sistematizar e aprofundar alguns conceitos chaves da obra paziana (otredad, temporalidade, linguagem poética, amor, corpo) encontrados não apenas em Vislumbres da Índia como em outros livros de sua produção ensaística
Lilly, Charles N. "Outer Edges of the Middle Kingdom." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1987. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc500251/.
Full textJohnson, Erik A. "County-Level Land Use Planning Policies and Regulations Impacting the Pattern of Settlement in Utah County, Utah." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 1988. http://patriot.lib.byu.edu/u?/MTGM,19181.
Full textZilindile, Mphumzi Brooklyn. "An assessment of needle ice, snowfall and the zero-curtain effect and its relationship with soil frost dynamics on sub-Antartic Marion Island." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1006908.
Full textWright, Judith Helen. "In their own image : Nuwara Eliya, a British town in the heart of Ceylon." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/28315.
Full textArts, Faculty of
Geography, Department of
Holt, Kamia Walton. "The Sound of Utah: the Presence of Geographical Elements in Music Written About the State of Utah." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 1997. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/u?/MTGM,35377.
Full textTôrres, Raquel Mundim 1985. "O inferno e o paraíso se confundem : viagens de brasileiros à URSS (1928-1933)." [s.n.], 2013. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/281787.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T18:14:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Torres_RaquelMundim_M.pdf: 5070635 bytes, checksum: 952e0d1e3497803ff6d8a878deba3c1a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Resumo: Esse trabalho analisa os primeiros relatos de viagem de brasileiros à União Soviética, publicados entre 1928 e 1933. Busca historicizá-los, salientando não só as ideologias de seus autores, como também o contexto anticomunista imposto pelas autoridades brasileiras, em especial, pelo Itamaraty. A pesquisa aborda ainda a maneira como as viagens ocorriam e a forma como os viajantes eram recepcionados e manejados por algumas cidades da URSS. Para tal, analisa como agências soviéticas atuavam na hospitalidade dos viajantes, a fim de controlarem e persuadirem suas percepções. Por fim, é feito uma análise da imagem que os viajantes brasileiros formaram do cotidiano soviético no período em que viajaram correspondente ao período do Primeiro Plano Quinquenal. O intuito principal da pesquisa foi trabalhar com os relatos de viagem nas suas mais diversas possibilidades, a fim de contribuir para a inserção destas narrativas como fontes documentais na historiografia social
Abstract: This research analyzes travel accounts from the first Brazilians who went to the Soviet Union, published between 1928 and 1933. It aims to historicize them, stressing not only the ideologies of their authors, but also the Brazilian anticommunist context imposed by authorities, in particular by the Foreign Ministry, Itamaraty. The research also investigates how the trips occurred and how the travelers were received and treated in some cities of the USSR. For that, it analyzes how some Soviet agencies behaved in hospitality, in order to control and persuade their perceptions. Finally, an analysis is made of the image that Brazilian travelers formed from Soviet everyday life on the period of the First Five-Year Plan. The main purpose of this study was to work with travel accounts considering its various possibilities, in order to contribute to the inclusion of these narratives as documentary sources in social historiography
Historia Social
Mestra em História
Domingues, Bruno Willian Brandão. "A cidade das aquarelas: o Rio de Janeiro nos registros de Jean-Baptiste Debret." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2018. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/21115.
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Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
In order to analyze how foreign travelers reported and portrayed Brazil, the following research had been devoted to Jean-Baptiste Debret's analyzes of iconographic and written sources. Debret's artistic history at the court of Napoleon Bonaparte had greatly influenced his choice as a historical painter of the court of D. João VI and later of D. Pedro I after his coming to Brazil as part of the "Mission" Artistica Francesa, closely following all the events of the monarchy in the tropics. Through the study of his works, we realized that his role was not only as a historical painter, but also a picturesque painter, with a vast collection of representations of the daily life and culture of the Brazilian people, especially in the city of Rio de Janeiro
Com o objetivo de analisar a maneira como os viajantes estrangeiros relataram e retrataram o Brasil, a seguinte pesquisa se dedica às análises das fontes iconográficas e escritas de Jean-Baptiste Debret. O histórico artístico de Debret na corte de Napoleão Bonaparte, influenciara amplamente na sua escolha como pintor histórico da corte de D. João VI e futuramente de D. Pedro I após sua vinda ao Brasil como componente da “Missão” Artística Francesa, acompanhando de perto todos os acontecimentos da monarquia nos trópicos. Por meio do estudo de suas obras, percebemos que seu papel não foi somente como pintor histórico, mas também um pintor pitoresco, com um vasto acervo de representações do cotidiano e da cultura do povo brasileiro, principalmente da cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Outram-Leman, Sven. "The nature of British mapping of West Africa, 1749-1841." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/25821.
Full textAratanha, Emilia Jorge de. "Fotografia, cidade e candomblé: a lavagem do Bonfim de Marcel Gautherot." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2017. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/20656.
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The presente work aims to discuss the views that the french photographer Marcel Gautherot (radicated in Brazil since 1939) has of the festivities of the Lavagem do Bonfim, in a series of fotos taken around 1955. Gautherot, who developed his carrier due to his passion for traveling, permits us to see a different portrayal of the Brazilian Candomblé due to his status as a foreigner. With his almost ethnographic point of view, Gautherot sheds light into another side of this African-brazilian religion: that of the usage of public space in a period in time that black people had severe restrictions on movement and use of public space. Other contemporary photographers set their lenses towards recording what was inside the private space of the Terreiro, while Gautherot sees the Candomblé practitioners in public, utilizing the city
Este trabalho visa discutir a festa da Lavagem do Bonfim, em Salvador, sob visão do fotógrafo Marcel Gautherot (francês radicado no Brasil desde 1939) num conjunto de fotos do rito tiradas em 1955. Gautherot, que desenvolveu sua carreira devido à sua paixão por viajar, nos permite ver uma nova forma de retratar o Candomblé por meio de seu olhar de estrangeiro. Com seu ponto de vista quase etnográfico, Gautherot privilegia outra faceta dessa religião de origem africana: o da tomada do espaço urbano, em um período em que os negros sofriam fortes restrições de movimentação e ocupação do mesmo. Outros fotógrafos do período privilegiavam retratar o ritual no interior dos terreiros, enquanto que Gautherot retrata os praticantes do Candomblé em cerimônias públicas, utilizando os espaços da cidade
Boyle, Mary. "To be a pilgrim : a comparative study of late medieval accounts of pilgrimage from Germany and England to the Holy Land." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:8f1b780c-642e-4ab1-9878-7068f9634ffa.
Full textGrant, Michael E. (Michael Edward). "China Run." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1986. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc500963/.
Full textMellen, E. Garnett. "The Appalachian cultural landscape along the New River." Thesis, This resource online, 1994. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-06102009-063233/.
Full textPeck, Nizaam. "Development of a Service Delivery Framework for South African Pilgrims Travelling to Saudi Arabia." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/1573.
Full textThis thesis is concerned with the service delivery received by pilgrims based in South Africa, especially with regards to services and amenities that were paid for and promised in the contract, but which may not have materialized. The focus on Hajj travelling can be viewed as an aspect of religious tourism (so to speak). Currently there is a dearth of research on this particular spiritual journey in South Africa. For this reason, this research aims to elucidate the service delivery components, processes and challenges. The researcher finds it necessary to research this topic because pilgrimage constitutes part of religious tourism and the policies governing the Hajj industry, as well as the operational aspects of the Hajj industry are unclear. Problems such as poor service standards, lack of business ethics and malpractice exist in the Hajj industry. The main challenges in the South African Hajj industry are: a) Lack of mainstream travel and tourism practices in the South African Hajj industry. b) Absence of a service and quality driven industry. c) Difficulty in acquisition of travel documentation for pilgrims. d) Lack of business ethics and malpractice by service providers. e) Limitations on travel through the newly introduced quota system by the Hajj Ministry of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). In 1994 the South African Government formed the South African Hajj and Umrah Council, (SAHUC) and is a nationally based constituted organisation. This organisation is officially recognised by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the official structure responsible and accountable for facilitating the affairs of the South African pilgrims within South Africa and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (SAHUC, 2005). The researcher intends on addressing the above-mentioned challenges through developing a service delivery framework that will help alleviate the problems in the industry between South African Hajj role players. The framework is aimed at identifying current gaps between supply and demand in the Hajj industry as well as providing recommendations for the future.
Sharif, Ahlam Ammar Abdellatif. "Sustainable architectural design between inscription and de-scription : the case of Masdar City." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2016. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/sustainable-architectural-design-between-inscription-and-description-the-case-of-masdar-city(a7e35e00-6834-46aa-976c-607a82d51f36).html.
Full textGnerre, Maria Lucia Abaurre. "Roteiro do Maranhão a Goiaz pela capitania do Piauhi : uma viagem as engrenagens da maquina mercadante." [s.n.], 2006. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/279979.
Full textTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
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Resumo: Analisamos, nesta tese, alguns aspectos de uma narrativa produzida por um viajante anônimo, nos últimos anos do século XVIII, o Roteiro do Maranhão a Goiaz pela Capitania do Piauhi. Trata-se de um texto colonial anônimo que se encontra na matriz de importantes discursos sobre a identidade nacional brasileira. O texto incide diretamente sobre outros textos importantes da historiografia brasileira da primeira metade do século XX, como Capítulos de história colonial, de Capistrano de Abreu, e Formação do Brasil contemporâneo, de Caio Prado Jr. O autor anônimo do Roteiro do Maranhão a Goiaz pela Capitania do Piauhi revela uma excepcional eloqüência argumentativa ao buscar persuadir seus interlocutores, na metrópole, sobre a adequação do plano que propõe para a ocupação dos sertões entre os rios Tocantins e Paraíba. Através deste plano, pretende, em síntese, levar o estado português ao sertão da colônia. Reconhecemos, no texto do Roteiro, as marcas da ilustração portuguesa, com suas nuances bem características, formando o substrato teórico do pensamento econômico presente no Roteiro do Maranhão. Os temas do ócio, da indolência, das terras incultas e espíritos bárbaros, presentes nesta representação dos sertões, são exemplos de características que derivam da imagem que se formara da própria nação portuguesa no século XVIII. Analisamos como esta representação de Portugal, em seu momento de crise, migra, através do texto do Roteiro do Maranhão, para o sertão da colônia, e identificamos as propostas do autor anônimo para solucionar tais problemas
Abstract: This thesis analyzes some aspects of a travel narrative - Roteiro do Maranhão a Goiaz passando pela Capitania do Piauhi - written by an anonymous author. In the last years of the XVIII century, this writer made a long journey through the Portuguese colonies in the Amazon region. In his "Roteiro", the traveler elaborates an important colonization plan aimed at founding a state organization in one of the most desert and uncivilized areas of the Portuguese colonies. In order to plot this course of action, the author uses all his knowledge about economy, in the way that it was understood in XVIII century Portugal.
Historia Social
Doutor em História
Yip, Wing-hang Eric, and 葉永恆. "從洛陽伽藍記硏究北魏後期(A.D. 493-534)的政治, 社會, 經濟與佛敎." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1991. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B13192140.
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