Journal articles on the topic 'Artist branding and storytelling'
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Mukherjee, Dhrubaa. "Singing-in-between spaces: Bhooter Bhabisyat and the music transcending class conflict." Studies in South Asian Film & Media 12, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 3–17.
Full textSilver, Larry. "Branding Baldung." Arts 10, no. 4 (October 14, 2021): 70.
Full textShilina, Marina G., Maria Sokhn, and Julia Wirth. "VR-mediated storytelling of experience in destination branding: hybrid 4D transformations." RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism 28, no. 1 (March 30, 2023): 165–74.
Full textBelova, Alla. "Storytelling in advertising and branding." 22, no. 22 (August 2, 2021): 13–26.
Full textFadhli, Rahmat, Rosiana Nurwa Indah, Novi Widya, and Wulan Oktaviani. "STRATEGI PERPUSTAKAAN SEKOLAH DASAR DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN EMOTIONAL BRANDING MELALUI STORYTELLING." JMIE (Journal of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Education) 4, no. 1 (June 1, 2020): 68.
Full textNyagadza, Brighton, Ernest Kadembo, and Africa Makasi. "conceptual model of corporate storytelling for branding." Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa 39, no. 2 (October 6, 2022): 25–48.
Full textGeetha, Dr V., Dr C. K. Gomathy, Mr S. Aravind, and V. Venkata Surya. "BRANDING AND MARKETING FOR STARTUPS." INTERANTIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 08, no. 09 (September 24, 2024): 1–6.
Full textPriskila, Anastasya Mary, Ocvita Ardhiani, and Paujiatul Arifah. "PEMBENTUKAN PERSONAL BRANDING MELALUI STORY TELLING (STUDI PADA AKUN INSTAGRAM IVY WIJAYA)." BroadComm 6, no. 1 (April 1, 2024): 13–24.
Full textSudiwijaya, Erwan, Fajar Junaedi, and Mujono Mujono. "Designing Kapanewon Nanggulan Branding through Storytelling." Proceeding International Conference of Community Service 1, no. 2 (December 31, 2023): 348–55.
Full textScolari, A. Carlos. "Transmedia branding: Brands, narrative worlds, and the mcwhopper peace agreement." Semiotica 2018, no. 224 (September 25, 2018): 1–17.
Full textRoxo, Filipa. "Transmedia Storytelling as a Potential Employer Branding Strategy." U.Porto Journal of Engineering 6, no. 1 (April 29, 2020): 66–77.
Full textShahrin, Muhamad, Rosni Ab Wahid, and Azizan Mohamed Isa. "Forward Thinking in Building Sustainability Practice in Malaysia: A New Trend in Evaluating the Digital Brand Storytelling in Malaysian Social Enterprise Brand." European Journal of Business and Management Research 7, no. 3 (June 20, 2022): 313–19.
Full textHerskovitz, Stephen, and Malcolm Crystal. "The essential brand persona: storytelling and branding." Journal of Business Strategy 31, no. 3 (May 4, 2010): 21–28.
Full textKESKIN, Halit, Ali Ekber AKGUN, Cemal ZEHIR, and Hayat AYAR. "TALES OF CITIES: CITY BRANDING THROUGH STORYTELLING." Journal of Global Strategic Management 1, no. 10 (June 15, 2016): 31.
Full textLifao Waruwu, Nitolonia Fernando, Natalie Amelia Lieputra, Christiana Yosevina, and Krishnamurti Murniardi. "Pengaruh Advertising Framing dan Character Type Konten Employer Branding terhadap Intention to Apply." Kajian Branding Indonesia 2, no. 1 (January 13, 2020): 103–31.
Full textFakhrurrozi, Achmad, Gunawan Susilo, and Yon Ade Lose Hermanto. "Perancangan Film Pendek Animasi Cakra–The Growing Hope untuk Mendukung Branding Universitas Negeri Malang." JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts 3, no. 9 (September 30, 2023): 1262–80.
Full textHadi Prayitno, Eko, Rizki Taufik Rakhman, and Indro Moerdisuroso. "Photography Storytelling Sebagai Branding Desa Cisaat, Subang, Jawa Barat." VISUALIDEAS 3, no. 1 (May 19, 2023): 57–64.
Full textMartinus, Handy, and Fachmi Chaniago. "Analysis of Branding Strategy through Instagram with Storytelling in Creating Brand Image on Proud Project." Humaniora 8, no. 3 (October 19, 2017): 201.
Full textYang, Kenneth C. C., and Yowei Kang. "Predicting the Relationships Between Narrative Transportation, Consumer Brand Experience, Love and Loyalty in Video Storytelling Advertising." Journal of Creative Communications 16, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 7–26.
Full textCRIȘAN, Camelia, and Dumitru BORȚUN. "Digital Storytelling and Employer Branding. An Exploratory Connection." Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 5, no. 2 (June 2017): 273–87.
Full textRahayu, Rr Ratna Amalia, Arifpermana Ratum, Sangid Gani Zaini, and Citra Fadillah. "Branding using Video Storytelling Approach: Bungbulang’s Village Identity." E3S Web of Conferences 388 (2023): 04041.
Full textAdona, Fitri, Yusnani Yusnani, and Sri Nita. "Implementation of Digital Marketing in Building Padang City Branding." Quantitative Economics and Management Studies 4, no. 1 (January 2, 2023): 139–43.
Full textGbagbo, Divine Kwasi, and D. Rose Elder. "STORYTELLING SONGS OF THE ÈWÈ-DÒMÈ OF GHANA." African Music: Journal of the International Library of African Music 11, no. 1 (December 1, 2019): 91–112.
Full textFauziah, Ekky Ulfah, Yanti Setianti, and Yustikasari Yustikasari. "Personal Branding of Hana Madness as an Mental Disability Doodle Artist." JCommsci - Journal of Media and Communication Science 1, no. 3 (August 7, 2019): 132.
Full textSuparno, Antoni. "Implementasi Citizen Public Relations Melalui Ekspresi Diri Instagram Dalam Membangun Brand Awareness Universitas Universal." Gunahumas 1, no. 1 (September 21, 2020): 105–21.
Full textArendarska, Justyna. "Walka o wiarygodność. Narracje i storytelling w ukraińskiej komunikacji strategicznej." Zeszyty Prasoznawcze 66, no. 2 (254) (June 27, 2023): 61–74.
Full textMucundorfeanu, Meda. "The Key Role of Storytelling in the Branding Process." Journal of Media Research 11, no. 1 (30) (January 3, 2018): 42–54.
Full textHudak, Kasey Clawson. "Resident stories and digital storytelling for participatory place branding." Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 15, no. 2 (February 9, 2019): 97–108.
Full textLund, Niels Frederik, Scott A. Cohen, and Caroline Scarles. "The power of social media storytelling in destination branding." Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 8 (June 2018): 271–80.
Full textGrabska, Katarzyna. "Visual Storytelling about Genocide, Displacement, and Exile." Conflict and Society 8, no. 1 (June 1, 2022): 192–211.
Full textAnisa Diniati, Lusy Mukhlisiana, and Moch Armien Syifaa. "WORKSHOP KONTEN STORYTELLING BAGI UMKM DALAM MENGOPTIMALKAN MEDIA SOSIAL." JP2N : Jurnal Pengembangan Dan Pengabdian Nusantara 1, no. 3 (June 2, 2024): 189–98.
Full textSjöholm, Jenny, and Cecilia Pasquinelli. "Artist brand building: towards a spatial perspective." Arts Marketing: An International Journal 4, no. 1/2 (September 30, 2014): 10–24.
Full textAlegro, Tjaša, and Maja Turnšek. "Striving to Be Different but Becoming the Same: Creativity and Destination Brands’ Promotional Videos." Sustainability 13, no. 1 (December 25, 2020): 139.
Full textSalas, Alexis. "Queer Latinx Bodies and AIDS: Joey Terrill’s “Still Here” and “Once Upon A Time”." Arts 13, no. 4 (August 9, 2024): 133.
Full textTsvetkova, Olga L. "Storytelling as a tool of brand communication." Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin 4, no. 27 (2021): 66–74.
Full textLee, Min-Ha. "Brand Marketing through Transmedia Storytelling : Focusing on BTS’s Branding Strategy." Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association 13, no. 3 (April 30, 2019): 351–61.
Full textGambarato, Renira Rampazzo, and Geane Carvalho Alzamora. "Transmedia Storytelling Initiatives in Brazilian Media." MedienJournal 36, no. 4 (March 24, 2017): 51–62.
Full textGambarato, Renira Rampazzo, and Geane Carvalho Alzamora. "Transmedia Storytelling Initiatives in Brazilian Media." MedienJournal 36, no. 4 (March 24, 2017): 51.
Full textRachbini, Widarto, Silverius Yoseph Soeharso, Harimurti Wulandjani, Sri Rahayu, Emi Rahmawati, and Suyanto. "The Impact of Brand Society and Narrative Branding on Brand Image and its Implications on Consumer Purchase Behavior: A Case Study of Luxury Fashion Brands in Jakarta." Journal of Law and Sustainable Development 11, no. 7 (September 26, 2023): e1387.
Full textLu, Miao, Qi Lu, and Hyungsik Kahn. "Brand Storytelling: A Review and Agenda for Future Research." Institute of Global Business Research 35, no. 1 (December 31, 2023): 1–33.
Full textHuang, Shiyi. "Research on Marketing Strategies and Trends of Art Co-Branding in the Contemporary Fashion Industry." Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences 55, no. 1 (December 1, 2023): 7–15.
Full textGerstenblatt, Paula. "What COVID-19 has brought us to: Art, activism, and changes in social work education." Qualitative Social Work 20, no. 1-2 (March 2021): 595–603.
Full textLiu, Ruitong, Xiaorui Yang, and Zeyu Ye. "Storytelling: An Emotional Branding Approach Based on Consumer Experience--The Case of LEGO." Highlights in Business, Economics and Management 19 (November 2, 2023): 280–85.
Full textChoi, Sarah. "Can we just work it out? Spike Jonze’s short choreographic storytelling in Arcade Fire’s ‘Afterlife’ (2013)." Short Film Studies 14, no. 1 (March 1, 2024): 43–50.
Full textCattrysse, Patrick. "Screenwriting: Between Art and Craft." Palabra Clave 24, no. 2 (May 24, 2021): 1–11.
Full textDorame, Katie. "Alien Apostles." Boom 5, no. 4 (2015): 4–13.
Full textDiabate, Naminata. "“I Want to Be Involved in Constructing the World”: In Discussion with Malala Andrialavidrazana." Monsoon 1, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 60–74.
Full textJoo, Ha Young. "A Critique of the Branding of Damien Hirst as an Artist." Journal of Cultural Product & Design 58 (September 30, 2019): 97–108.
Full textMardhiyani, Nur Laili, and Liliek Budiastuti. "Implementing The Visual Storytelling Model as a Branding Strategy of Kandri Tourism Village on Instagram @desawisatakandri." E3S Web of Conferences 317 (2021): 02018.
Full textLund, Niels Frederik, Caroline Scarles, and Scott A. Cohen. "The Brand Value Continuum: Countering Co-destruction of Destination Branding in Social Media through Storytelling." Journal of Travel Research 59, no. 8 (November 28, 2019): 1506–21.
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