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Cerezo, Andrés Gutiérrez de. Ars grammatica: Multiedición crítica. Burgos: Universidad de Burgos, 1998.
Find full textAmiot, Dany, and Nelly Flaux. Ars Grammatica: Hommages à Nelly Flaux. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011.
Find full texteditor, Rosellini Michela, and Spangenberg Yanes Elena editor, eds. Prisciani Caesariensis ars, liber XVIII, pars altera. Hildesheim: Weidmann, 2015.
Find full textMezhdunarodnai︠a︡ nauchnai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Ars Grammatica" (3rd 2007 Minsk, Belarus). Ars Grammatica--grammaticheskie issledovanii︠a︡: Materialy dokladov 3-ĭ Mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Minsk, 5-6 dekabri︠a︡ 2007 g. Minsk: MGLU, 2007.
Find full textMezhdunarodnai︠a︡ nauchnai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Ars Grammatica" (3rd 2007 Minsk, Belarus). Ars Grammatica--grammaticheskie issledovanii︠a︡: Materialy dokladov 3-ĭ Mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Minsk, 5-6 dekabri︠a︡ 2007 g. Minsk: MGLU, 2007.
Find full textJulius, Romanus C., ed. A rhetorical grammar: C. Julius Romanus, Introduction to the Liber de adverbio : as incorporated in Charius' Ars Grammatica II.13. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
Find full textLi, Zhiqiang. "Er ya" he "Du xie shu" dui bi yan jiu. Beijing Shi: Xue yuan chu ban she, 2016.
Find full textPurcell, William Michael. Ars poetriae: Rhetorical and grammatical invention at the margin of literacy. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press, 1996.
Find full textRoy, Gérard-Raymond. Le savoir grammatical après treize ans de formation. Sherbrooke, Qué: Éditions du CRP, 1995.
Find full text1977-, Sudhoff Stefan, and Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, eds. Kontrast als eigenständige grammatische Kategorie des Deutschen. Leipzig: Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, 2010.
Find full textKroon, Sjaak. Grammatica en communicatie in het onderwijs Nederlands. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, 1985.
Find full textEine grammatische Bemerkung =: A grammatical remark. Stuttgart: Edition Cantz, 1993.
Find full textGrammatica delle arti: Forme e spazio storico dell'espressione artistica. Roma: Salerno editrice, 2021.
Find full textMaren, Fittschen, and İleri Esin 1937-, eds. Türkisch als Fremdsprache unter sprachwissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten: Materialien und Referate der internationalen Fachtagung, 11.-14. Juni 1992 in Hamburg. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.
Find full textBoas, Hans Christian, and Mirjam Fried. Grammatical constructions: Back to the roots. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co., 2005.
Find full textHeine, Bernd. Language contact and grammatical change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Find full text1948-, Savoia Leonardo Maria, ed. Grammatical categories: Variation in romance languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Find full textPurnelle-Simart, Cl. Ovide, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris, De medicamine: Index verborum, listes de fréquence, relevés grammaticaux. Liège: Université de Liège, Faculté de philosophie et lettres, Centre informatique de philosophie et lettres, 1987.
Find full textQuirk, Randolph. Grammatical and lexical variance in English. London: Longman, 1995.
Find full textSemerari, Livia. La grammatica dell'ornamento: Arte e industria tra Otto e Novecento. Bari [Italy]: Edizioni Dedalo, 1993.
Find full textGardner, Morrison F. TGSS: Test of Grammatical and Syntactical Skills : manual. Hydesville, Calif: Psychological and Educational Publications, 2002.
Find full textGrammatik-ABC für Deutsch als Fremdsprache auf Zertifikatsniveau und Niveaustufen A1, A2, B1, B2: Ein kleines Handbuch für Lernende und Lehrende ; einfach, klar, praktisch. 2nd ed. Frankfurt, M: R. G. Fischer, 2011.
Find full textMagdalena, Matussek, and Perlmann-Balme Michaela, eds. Em Übungsgrammatik: Deutsch als Fremdsprache : [Wiederholung der Grundstufe Mittelstufe]. Ismaning: Hueber, 2002.
Find full textClaire, Lefebvre, ed. Serial verbs: Grammatical, comparative and cognitive approaches. Amsterdam: JohnBenjamins, 1991.
Find full textSerial Verbs: Grammatical, Comparative and Cognitive Approaches. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1991.
Find full textDietrich, Eggers, ed. Mittelstufen-Grammatik für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Donauwörth: Hueber, 1988.
Find full textThe structure of language: An introduction to grammatical analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Find full text1955-, Moore John C., ed. Proto-properties and grammatical encoding: A correspondence theory of argument selection. Stanford, Calif: CSLI Publications, 2001.
Find full textGrammatical relations: The evidence against their necessity and universality. London: Routledge, 1991.
Find full textLampert, Martina. Die parenthetische Konstruktion als textuelle Strategie: Zur kognitiven und kommunikativen Basis einer Grammatischen Kategorie. Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 1992.
Find full textLampert, Martina. Die parenthetische Konstruktion als textuelle Strategie: Zur kognitiven und kommunikativen Basis einer grammatischen Kategorie. München: O. Sagner, 1992.
Find full textRaymond, Murphy. Essential grammar in use =: Grammatica di base della lingua inglese. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Find full textZhukova, Darʹi︠a︡. Grammatika svobody -- piat' urokov: Raboty iz kollektsii Arteast 2000+ Muzeia sovremennogo iskusstva v Liubliane. Moskva: Garazh, 2015.
Find full textO'Neill, Michael. Grammatical evolution: Evolutionary automatic programming in an arbitrary language. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Find full textNonsentential constituents: Theory of grammatical structure and pragmatic interpretation. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1990.
Find full textA semantic and pragmatic model of lexical and grammatical aspect. New York: Garland Publishing, 1997.
Find full textCharisius, Flavius Sosipater. Ars grammatica. Libri V. Edited by Karl Barwick. B. G. Teubner, 1997.
Full textCharisius, Flavius Sosipater, and Karl Barwick. Ars Grammatica. Libri V. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2012.
Find full textAmiot, Dany, Walter De Mulder, Estelle Moline, and Dejan Stosic. «Ars Grammatica»: Hommages à Nelly Flaux. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2017.
Find full text), Dionysius (Thrax, and Adalbert Merx (I E Otto Adalbert Ernst. Dionysii Thracis Ars Grammatica Qualem Exemplaria Vetustissima Exhibent... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.
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