Academic literature on the topic 'Ars grammatica'

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Journal articles on the topic "Ars grammatica"


Cannon, Christopher. "Langland’s Ars Grammatica." Yearbook of Langland Studies 22 (January 2008): 1–25.

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Петрова, М. С. "To the translation of Donatus’ Ars Grammatica (III. 1. – 4.)." Диалог со временем, no. 82(82) (April 21, 2023): 372–75.

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Публикуется комментированный перевод c латинского языка разделов из «Грамматической науки» (“Аrs grammatica” [Ars minor]) Доната, которые относятся к языковым ошибкам и неправильностям в речи – «О варваризме», «О солецизме», «О других погрешностях в речи», «О метаплазме». A commented translation from Latin of sections from Donatus’ “Ars grammatica” (Ars minor) is published, which relate to linguistic errors and irregularities in speech – “On Barbarism” (De barbarismo), “On Solecism” (De soloecismo ), “On Other Errors in Speech” (De ceteris vitiis), “On Metaplasm” (De metaplasmo).
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Quirós R., Manuel Antonio. "Η Τεχνη Γραμματικη - Ars Grammatica." Revista de Filología y Lingüística de la Universidad de Costa Rica 31, no. 2 (June 16, 2005): 201.

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Este artículo toma en consideración, teórica e históricamente, la gramática: su definición, fin, etimología, división, valor, importancia y su comparación y deslinde de la lingüística, de la cual forma parte. Desde la Antigüedad, la gramática normativa ha ejercido una enorme importancia en la cultura y educación de los pueblos. Algunos latinismos de la esfera gramatical concluyen el artículo.
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Maia Pereira de Jesus, Isabela. "A Ars Grammatica de Terenciano Mauro." Rónai – Revista de Estudos Clássicos e Tradutórios 7, no. 1 (October 5, 2019): 94–108.

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Este artigo apresenta um breve comentário sobre a arte gramatical intitulada Terentianus de littera, de syllaba, de pedibus, do autor latino Terenciano Mauro. Observa-se que o gramático confere especial atenção formal à construção de seu texto, uma vez que o produziu forma metrificada, variando o uso dos metros. À luz dos estudos de John Langshaw Austin (1990) a respeito do conceito de performatividade, neste trabalho serão discutidas as principais características do tratado, demonstrando, por meio de exemplos, as particularidades da obra de Terenciano Mauro.
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Martin, Geoffrey. "Arabic-Speaking Christians and Toledo, BCT MS Cajón 99.30 in High Medieval Spain." Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 18 (July 21, 2021): 177–215.

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This article interprets the Arabic notes of a Christian who made a primer of Latin grammatical texts—primarily Donatus’ Ars grammatica—in order to shore up his Latin vocabulary. The copyist on the whole offers excellent evidence for Latin learning among Iberia’s Arabic-speaking Christians, who thrived in much of the peninsula between the tenth and thirteenth centuries
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Martin, Geoffrey. "Arabic-Speaking Christians and Toledo, BCT MS Cajón 99.30 in High Medieval Spain." Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 18 (July 21, 2021): 177–215.

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This article interprets the Arabic notes of a Christian who made a primer of Latin grammatical texts—primarily Donatus’ Ars grammatica—in order to shore up his Latin vocabulary. The copyist on the whole offers excellent evidence for Latin learning among Iberia’s Arabic-speaking Christians, who thrived in much of the peninsula between the tenth and thirteenth centuries
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Alberto, Paulo Farmhouse. "New evidence of Julian of Toledo’s Ars grammatica." Revue d'Histoire des Textes 13 (January 2018): 165–83.

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Petrova, Maya. "On the translation of Donatus' Ars Grammatica (I.1-6)." Hypothekai 5 (September 2021): 83–99.

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Dillon, John. "A Platonist Ars Amatoria." Classical Quarterly 44, no. 2 (December 1994): 387–92.

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The concept of an ‘art of love’ has been popularised for all time by the naughty masterpiece of Ovid. A good deal of critical attention has been devoted to this work in recent times, including some to his possible sources, but under this latter rubric attention has chiefly been directed rather to his parody of more serious types of handbook, such as an ars medica, an ars grammatica, or an ars rhetorica, than to the possibility of his having predecessors in the actual ‘art’ of love.
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<p>Este trabalho consiste em uma breve análise da gramática de Diomedes (séc. IV d.C.), sob um ponto de vista sociolinguístico, acerca do bilinguismo greco-latino. Após estabelecer as contextualizações histórica e sociolinguística do texto sob análise, a fim de ilustrar a dinâmica da coexistência das línguas grega e latina na sociedade da época, situação que se reflete, de certo modo, em um texto gramatical antigo, apresentamos e avaliamos os indícios textuais e conceituais que parecem decorrer de um possível caráter de bilingualidade atribuível aos seus leitores. Entre esses fenômenos, destacamos como mais relevante a ocorrência de análises translinguísticas, seja através do oferecimento de explicações que aproximam as duas línguas (<em>utraque lingua</em>), seja através da alternância de códigos (<em>code-switching</em>) no texto da gramática de Diomedes.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>This article consists of a brief analysis from a sociolinguistic perspective of the </em>Ars Grammatica<em> of Diomedes (fourthcentury A.D.) concerning Greco-Latin bilingualism. After establishing the historical and sociolinguistic context of the text in order to illustrate the dynamics of the coexistence of Greek and Latin in contemporary society – a situation that is reflected to some degree in the ancient grammatical text – the textual and conceptual evidence that seems to be derived from bilingual characteristics attributable to its readers is presented and analyzed. The most relevant among these phenomena in the text of the </em>Ars Grammatica<em> of Diomedes is the ocurrence of translinguistic analyses through explanations that bring the two languages closer (</em>utraque lingua<em>) or through the interchange between codes (code-switching)</em>.</p>
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Ars grammatica"


Rocha, Eduardo Lacerda Faria. "A ARS Grammatica de Diomedes: reflexos do bilinguismo greco-latino." Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, 2015.

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CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Nesta dissertação, pretendemos examinar, na Ars grammatica, de Diomedes, os elementos textuais e conceitos gramaticais que possam representar reflexos do bilinguismo greco-latino existente na sociedade em que essa obra se inseria, na região de Constantinopla, antiga capital do Império Romano do Oriente, onde a gramática teria sido publicada por volta do fim do século IV d.C.. A análise das artes grammaticae dos gramáticos latinos, como é o caso de Diomedes e sua ars, faz parte de um conjunto de estudos pertencentes à área da Historiografia Linguística, e que têm como corpus um texto antigo, através do qual, seguindo a proposta de Swiggers (2013, p. 43), busca-se contribuir, modestamente, para a compreensão do ideário linguístico e seu desenvolvimento. Essa contribuição se inicia, neste trabalho, a partir das contextualizações histórica e sociolinguística do texto sob análise, a fim de ilustrar a dinâmica instaurada em um texto gramatical antigo da coexistência das línguas grega e latina na sociedade da época. Com base nesse contexto, apresentamos e avaliamos os indícios no texto que decorrem do caráter bilíngue sociorregional, levando, também em consideração a língua do potencial leitor da gramática e a própria metalinguagem utilizada pelo autor.
In this dissertation we intend to examine, in the Ars grammatica of Diomedes, the textual elements and grammatical concepts that could represent reflections from the Greek and Latin bilingualism in the society in which this work was inserted, more specifically in the region of Constantinople, the late capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, where the grammar might have been published around the last years of the 4th century AD. The analysis of the artes grammaticae of Latin grammarians, such as Diomedes and his ars, is constituent of a combination of studies belonging to the field of Historiography of Linguistics, which have ancient texts as corpus. Through this corpus, according to the approach of Swiggers (2013, p. 43), we look for providing a modest contribution to the comprehension of the linguistic ideas and their development. This contribution initiates in this work from the historical and sociolinguistic contextualization of the text under analysis, in order to illustrate the dynamics of the coexistence of the Greek and Latin languages established in an ancient grammatical text at that time. Based on this context, we demonstrate and evaluate the traces in the text which originate from the socio-regional bilingual features, taking as well into consideration the language of the potential reader of the grammar and the metalanguage itself used by the author.
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El, Matouni Fatima. "Diomede grammatico : fonti, tradizione manoscritta, circolazione e ricezione della sua opera. Edizione critica di una sezione del capitolo ‘De verbo’ (GL I 364-388)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.

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Le présente thèse, qui constitue une première étape vers une nouvelle édition de l''Ars grammatica' de Diomède, propose le texte critique et le commentaire d'une partie du premier livre de ce manuel, correspondant à la discussion sur la formation du parfait, les verbes défectifs et certains verbes irréguliers (GL I 364, 10-388, 10). L'introduction, organisée en cinq chapitres, aborde premièrement les questions relatives à l'auteur (chapitre I) et à l'ouvrage en général, puis elle donne un aperçu de sa structure et de son contenu, en accordant une attention particulière aux caractéristiques liées à la destination de manuel, conçu pour un public hellénophone, dont le latin n'était pas la langue maternelle (chapitre II). Le troisième chapitre est consacré à la tradition manuscrite de l'Ars, avec un premier recensement des témoins qui le conservent en entier, en partie ou sous forme d'extraits, et une description des manuscrits sur lesquels la 'recensio' a été fondée. Les liens textuels entre eux sont ensuite discutés et une hypothèse de reconstruction du stemma des manuscrits est proposée. Le chapitre se termine par une étude sur l'histoire de la circulation du texte de Diomède qui présente certains moments de sa diffusion dans le Moyen Âge, ainsi que sa redécouverte à l'époque humaniste. Le quatrième chapitre de l'introduction est spécifiquement consacré à l'étude de la partie de l'œuvre dont l'édition est proposée, avec des aperçus sur les sources qui s'y trouvent et sur l'utilisation d'exemples rares présentant un très grand intérêt. Le cinquième chapitre concerne les critères de l'éditoriaux. Le texte critique, qui correspond aux pages 364-388 du volume I des 'Grammatici Latini' de Keil, est suivi d'un commentaire qui aborde des problèmes textuels et philologiques et qui, en même temps, approfondit la doctrine de Diomède sur certaines questions de morphologie verbale, en la comparant avec le reste de la littérature grammaticale de l'Antiquité tardive et du début du Moyen-Âge
This work, which is intended as a first step towards a new edition of Diomedes' 'Ars grammatica', offers the critical text and commentary of a portion of Book I of this manual, corresponding to the dissertation about the formation of the perfect, defective verbs and some irregular verbs (GL I 364, 10-388, 10). The introduction, organized in five chapters, offers first of all some issues concerning the author (chapter I) and his work in general, and an overview of its structure and contents, with particular attention to the characteristics related to its destination as a manual conceived for a Greek-speaking audience, for whom Latin was not the mother tongue (chapter II). The third chapter is devoted to the manuscript tradition of the 'Ars', with a census of the witnesses that preserve it in full, in part or in the form of extracts, and a description of the manuscripts on which the 'recensio' is based. The textual relationship between them is then discussed and a hypothesis of the reconstruction of the 'stemma codicum' is offered. The chapter closes with a history of the circulation of Diomedes' text that illuminates some moments of its early medieval diffusion, as well as its rediscovery in the humanistic age. The fourth chapter of the introduction is specifically dedicated to the section of the work of which the edition is offered, with insights into the sources found there and an exploration of the use of literary 'exempla', that deserve interest since they are very rare. The introduction closes with a formulation of the criteria of the critical edition. The critical text, corresponding to pages 364-388 of volume I of Keil's 'Grammatici Latini', is followed by a commentary that discusses textual and philological problems and at the same time deepens Diomedes' doctrine on certain questions of verbal morphology, comparing it with the rest of late antique and early medieval grammatical literature
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Eggs, Frederike. "Die Grammatik von als und wie." Tübingen Narr, 2003.

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Beckmann, Frank. "Untersuchungen zur Grammatik der Adjunkte /." Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter, 1997.

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Weigand, Edda. "Sprache als Dialog : Sprechakttaxonomie und kommunikative Grammatik /." Tübingen : M. Niemeyer, 1989.

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Santos, Thiago Scolari Chab dos. "Artigo : da tékhne grammatiké aos dias de hoje." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2014.

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Orientador : Prof. Dr. José Borges Neto
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/10/2014
Inclui bibliografia
Área de concentração: Estudos linguísticos
Resumo: A dissertação de mestrado "Artigo: da Tékhne Grammatiké aos dias de hoje" propõe-se a fazer uma descrição do percurso histórico da classe de palavras "artigo". Nesse sentido, o objetivo da dissertação é identificar a presença desta classe de palavras em gramáticas ao longo da história, partindo daquela que é considerada, por muitos, a primeira gramática publicada – a Tékhne Grammatiké escrita por Dionísio Trácio – que veio a público no século I antes de Cristo. Serão analisados e estudados os recursos e processos utilizados na representação e definição do artigo retratado nesta gramática, bem como será feito um mapeamento histórico desta definição ao longo do tempo. Seguindo pela Gramática de la lengua castellana – de Antonio de Nebrija, a primeira a tratar de uma língua românica, publicada no ano de 1492. Em todas as gramáticas analisadas na dissertação serão debatidas as estratégias discursivas dos autores no processo de descrição e definição do artigo. Para tanto, serão feitas as seguintes leituras: João de Barros (séc. XVI), Amaro de Roboredo (séc. XVII), Jerónymo Contador de Argote (séc. XVIII), António dos Reis Lobato (séc. XVIII), Jerónimo Soares Barbosa (séc. XIX) e Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro (séc. XIX - Brasil). Também será vista a Gramática de Port Royal que –embora seja da língua francesa – tem importante influência em gramáticos portugueses e brasileiros. Além disso, serão discutidas gramáticas do século XX, como a de Eduardo Carlos Pereira de 1907, a gramática de Celso Cunha e Lindley Cintra, de 1985, e, finalmente, a Gramática pedagógica do português brasileiro de Marcos Bagno, de 2011. Todas estas obras serão analisadas, tendo como eixo central a representação do artigo dentro de suas línguas de referência – o português, o grego e o castelhano, para, finalmente, estabelecer seu percurso histórico e, então, uma discussão acerca de suas definições contemplando suas semelhanças e diferenças presentes nos vários autores selecionados. Palavras-chave: linguística-histórica, gramática, artigo.
Abstract: The master’s dissertation "Artigo: da Tékhne Grammatiké aos dias de hoje" it is proposed to make a description of the historical background of the word class " article". In this sense, the dissertation’s objective is to identify the presence of that word class in several grammars throughout history departing from what is regarded by many as the first published grammar – the Tékhne Grammatiké writer by Dionísio Trácio – that went public in the first century BC. Resources and processes will be analyzed and studied used in the representation and definition in Article portrayed in this grammar and will be a historical mapping of this definition over time. Following by Gramática de la lengua castellana – from Antonio de Nebrija, the first one to work whit a romantic language, published in 1492. In all grammars analyzed in the dissertation will be discussed the discursive strategies of the authors in the process description and definition in Article. The following readings will be made: João de Barros (century. XVI), Amaro de Roboredo (century. XVII), Jerónymo Contador de Argote (century. XVIII), António dos Reis Lobato (century. XVIII), Jerónimo Soares Barbosa (century. XIX) and Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro (century. XIX - Brazil). the Port Royal Grammar will also be visited that – although the French language – has an important influence on Portuguese and Brazilian grammarians. In addition, grammars of the twentieth century will be discussed as the grammar of Eduardo Carlos Pereira 1907, the grammar of Celso Cunha and Lindley Cintra, 1985, and finally the pedagogical grammar of Brazilian Portuguese Marcos Bagno, 2011. All these works will be analyzed , with the central axis of representation as the article within their reference languages - Portuguese, Greek and Spanish, to finally establish their evolution and, finaly, a discussion of the definitions contemplating their similarities and differences present in the various selected authors. Key-words: historical-linguistics, gammar, article.
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Nelson, Diane. "Grammatical case assignment in Finnish /." New York : Garland publishing, 1998.

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Holst, Jan Henrik. "Lettische Grammatik /." Hamburg : H. Buske, 2001.

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Böttner, Michael. "Relationale Grammatik /." Tübingen : M. Niemeyer, 1999.

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Tropper, Josef. "Ugaritische Grammatik /." Münster : Ugarit, 2000.

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Books on the topic "Ars grammatica"


Donatus. Ars grammatica. Turnhout: Brepols, 1992.

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Papias. Ars grammatica. Bologna: Pàtron, 1998.

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Cerezo, Andrés Gutiérrez de. Ars grammatica: Multiedición crítica. Burgos: Universidad de Burgos, 1998.

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Amiot, Dany, and Nelly Flaux. Ars Grammatica: Hommages à Nelly Flaux. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011.

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editor, Rosellini Michela, and Spangenberg Yanes Elena editor, eds. Prisciani Caesariensis ars, liber XVIII, pars altera. Hildesheim: Weidmann, 2015.

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Mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ nauchnai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Ars Grammatica" (3rd 2007 Minsk, Belarus). Ars Grammatica--grammaticheskie issledovanii︠a︡: Materialy dokladov 3-ĭ Mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Minsk, 5-6 dekabri︠a︡ 2007 g. Minsk: MGLU, 2007.

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Mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ nauchnai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Ars Grammatica" (3rd 2007 Minsk, Belarus). Ars Grammatica--grammaticheskie issledovanii︠a︡: Materialy dokladov 3-ĭ Mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Minsk, 5-6 dekabri︠a︡ 2007 g. Minsk: MGLU, 2007.

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Julius, Romanus C., ed. A rhetorical grammar: C. Julius Romanus, Introduction to the Liber de adverbio : as incorporated in Charius' Ars Grammatica II.13. Leiden: Brill, 2004.

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Li, Zhiqiang. "Er ya" he "Du xie shu" dui bi yan jiu. Beijing Shi: Xue yuan chu ban she, 2016.

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Andersson, Marie. Grammatica officinalis. [Malmö, Sweden]: Sailor Press, 2017.

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Book chapters on the topic "Ars grammatica"


Scaglione, Aldo. "Dante and the Ars Grammatica." In The Divine Comedy and the Encyclopedia of Arts and Sciences, 27. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1988.

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GRIGORAȘ, Isabela. "Editing Alcuin’s Disputatio de uera philosophia and Ars grammatica. New Findings, Methodology, and Problems." In Past and Future, 285–303. Rome, Italy: Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales, 2021.

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Baum, Richard. "Grammatik als ‘inventio’." In History and Historiography of Linguistics, 19. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1990.

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Lübeck, Anika. "Schulbegleitung als Irritation „schulischer Grammatik“." In Schulbegleitung im Rollenprekariat, 239–44. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019.

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Muehlbauer, Manuel, Jane Burry, and Andy Song. "Automated Shape Design by Grammatical Evolution." In Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design, 217–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Ramendra, Dewa Putu, Ida Bagus Putra Yasa, and Gede Mahendrayana. "Grammatical Errors in Students’ Paragraph." In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Languages and Arts across Cultures (ICLAAC 2022), 102–12. Paris: Atlantis Press SARL, 2022.

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Andersen, Christiane, and Christine Fredriksson. "BESONDERHEITEN DER DEUTSCHEN GRAMMATIK." In Gebrauchsbezogene Grammatik für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache im mehrsprachigen Kontext, 87–122. Berlin: Frank & Timme GmbH, 2023.

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Kindt, Walther. "Wortstellung als Problem einer dynamischen Grammatik." In Was determiniert Wortstellungsvariation?, 49–62. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1994.

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Alheit, Peter. "Biografizität als „mentale Grammatik“ der Lebenszeit." In Frontiers in Time Research – Einführung in die interdisziplinäre Zeitforschung, 161–83. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020.

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Winters, Margaret E. "Grammatical Meaning and the Old French Subjunctive." In Research on Old French: The State of the Art, 351–76. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "Ars grammatica"


Hajic, Jan, Ondrej Bojar, and Zdenka Uresova. "Comparing Czech and English AMRs." In Proceedings of Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics and Dublin City University, 2014.

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Ben, Daojie, Dr Sangta, and Dawa Pengcuo. "The Grammatical Categories of the Classical Tibetan Verbs." In 7th International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication (ICELAIC 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Elhami, Ali. "TYPES OF RECASTS (FULL AND PARTIAL) AND GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURES BY BASIC LEVEL EFL LEARNERS." In Arts & Humanities Conference, Venice. International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, 2016.

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Castiglione, Gianpietro, Giampaolo Bella, and Daniele Francesco Santamaria. "Towards Grammatical Tagging for the Legal Language of Cybersecurity." In ARES 2023: The 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2023.

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Blokh, M. Y. "The Problem of Creating Grammatical Teaching of Text." In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication (ICELAIC 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.

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Lampesberger, Harald. "A Grammatical Inference Approach to Language-Based Anomaly Detection in XML." In 2013 Eighth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES). IEEE, 2013.

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Liu, Xinyi, Mengying Wang, Lingyue Zhang, and Mengxiao Zhou. "Intralingual Errors in Grammatical Aspects of Chinese University L2 Learners’ Compositions." In 2022 3rd International Conference on Language, Art and Cultural Exchange(ICLACE 2022). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2022.

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Fadhilah, Tesha Fersty, and Hermawati Syarif. "Grammatical Competence in Constructing Wh-Questions in Reading Comprehension Test: A Proposed Study." In Ninth International Conference on Language and Arts (ICLA 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Depega, Armila, and Jufrizal. "Grammatical Errors Committed by the English Department Students in Writing an Argumentative Essay." In Eighth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA-2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Lovenia, Lova, and Ermanto Ermanto. "Grammatical Cohesion of Conjunctions in Short Story Collection Kompas March 2014 Edition." In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.

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Reports on the topic "Ars grammatica"



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The article analyzes transformation of word-forms during spontaneous creation in live television broadcasting. Particular attention is paid to adjectives adverbs. The specific properties of adverbs makes it easier to trace general trends in their transformations, because adverbs are not burdened with many different forms and their variations, that occur in the process of word change of some other class of words at the same time adverbiatives allow to analyze in more detail the semantical and grammatical structure of speech. The main method we use is to observe the speech of live TV journalist, we used during the study methods of comparative analysis of comparison of theoretical positions from the work of individual linguists and journalists. Our objective is to trace these transformations and develop a certain attitude towards them in our researches of the language of the media and practicing journalists to support positive trends in the development of the broadcasting on TV and give recommendations for overcoming certain negative trends. All studies of the problems of transformation of grammatical forms in different ways relate to translation studies, mostly investigate the grammatical transformations, that the translator resorted to, when reproducing the original by means of another language. At first glance, it would be logical, if the live speech of television journalists was dominated by transformations? Associated with the translation from internal to foreign broadcasting in cases where natural for this TV journalists is Russian-speaking internal broadcasting and he reproducing the text from internal Russian-speaking. The transformation of grammatical forms however this cannot be seen in the live use of adverbiatives. An interesting trend can also be seen in the transformation of different types of gramma­tical forms. In particular, negative interference is mostly characteristic of the forms of corporate adverbs. Forms of the same word with the same grammatical meaning is such overlapping of two forms of the same grammatical meaning is practically impossible outside of adjectives adverbial and adjectives themselves. Only a small number of transformations are associated with the forms of superlatives.
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Thomas, Strobel. A contrastive approach to grammatical doubts in some contemporary Germanic languages (German, Dutch, Swedish). Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M., March 2023.

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Unquestionably (or: undoubtedly), every competent speaker has already come to doubt with respect to the question of which form is correct or appropriate and should be used (in the standard language) when faced with two or more almost identical competing variants of words, word forms or sentence and phrase structure (e.g. German "Pizzas/Pizzen/Pizze" 'pizzas', Dutch "de drie mooiste/mooiste drie stranden" 'the three most beautiful/most beautiful three beaches', Swedish "större än jag/mig" 'taller than I/me'). Such linguistic uncertainties or "cases of doubt" (cf. i.a. Klein 2003, 2009, 2018; Müller & Szczepaniak 2017; Schmitt, Szczepaniak & Vieregge 2019; Stark 2019 as well as the useful collections of data of Duden vol. 9,, Språkriktighetsboken etc.) systematically occur also in native speakers and they do not necessarily coincide with the difficulties of second language learners. In present-day German, most grammatical uncertainties occur in the domains of inflection (nominal plural formation, genitive singular allomorphy of strong masc./neut. nouns, inflectional variation of weak masc. nouns, strong/weak adjectival inflection and comparison forms, strong/weak verb forms, perfect auxiliary selection) and word-formation (linking elements in compounds, separability of complex verbs). As for syntax, there are often doubts in connection with case choice (pseudo-partitive constructions, prepositional case government) and agreement (especially due to coordination or appositional structures). This contribution aims to present a contrastive approach to morphological and syntactic uncertainties in contemporary Germanic languages (mostly German, Dutch, and Swedish) in order to obtain a broader and more fine-grained typology of grammatical instabilities and their causes. As will be discussed, most doubts of competent speakers - a problem also for general linguistic theory - can be attributed to processes of language change in progress, to language or variety contact, to gaps and rule conflicts in the grammar of every language or to psycholinguistic conditions of language processing. Our main concerns will be the issues of which (kinds of) common or different critical areas there are within Germanic (and, on the other hand, in which areas there are no doubts), which of the established (cross-linguistically valid) explanatory approaches apply to which phenomena and, ultimately, the question whether the new data reveals further lines of explanation for the empirically observable (standard) variation.
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Peculiarities of translating romance novels are considered in the article. Examples from the novel by Kristan Higgins “Too good to be true” are given in order corresponding to their manifestation in the book. Special attention is given to the translation of realities. The main translation techniques used are transliteration and transcription, calquing, and combinations (concerning onomastic realities), descriptive translation and approximation (concerning everyday realities and associations). Besides, it is mentioned, that gender dimension is extremely pragmatically valid in the context of other stylistic and grammatical aspects of the text. The authors make a conclusion of dynamic changes in speech stereotypes towards blurring gender lines between masculine and feminine speech behavior. It is important to consider this fact when translating romance novels.
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Lindo-Ocampo, Gloria Inés, and Hilda Clarena Buitrago-García. English for Business Course. Thematic Unit: Business Events. Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, September 2022.

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This didactic unit is aimed at the fifth semester students of the Business Administration, Marketing and International Business program, who have already completed the four basic levels of the Open Lingua program. This proposal seeks to develop skills and competencies that allow them to perform in different fields related to private, public and solidarity economy companies, and in various mediation and negotiation processes at national and international levels. The instructional design of this unit contains real-life situations, focused on the world of business, that allow students to interact in various types of business events. The grammatical and lexical concepts, necessary to interact successfully in these types of communicative situations, are introduced and applied. The educational activities are designed to offer opportunities to interact in business conferences, international exhibitions, and seminars, among others. The contents are framed in natural and meaningful contexts. This leads to a greater understanding of the type of language used in business and the way it is used to communicate. The contents are structured in three lessons in which the level of complexity of the topics, tasks, texts and transitions (4Ts) have been considered. Also, various types of activities that activate and reinforce previous knowledge and that, subsequently, evaluate the progress of the students, are included.
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This article examines the specifics of the translation of irony in Margaret Mitchell’s novel “Gone with The Wind”. The relevance of the article lies in the problems of translating an artistic technique from English into Russian. The purpose of the article is to identify the definition of the term “irony” and ways to translate it based on the works of scientists. The research methodology consists of analyzing the techniques of translating quotations from the original text of the novel and its translation. As a result of the study, the most effective translation techniques were identified, such as: complete translation with minor lexical or grammatical transformations; antonymic translation; addition of semantic components; cultural and situational substitution. The specifics of the translation of irony in the text using transformation techniques were also determined, due to the special role of this literary technique in the context of the novel. The theoretical basis of this article is the classification of translation techniques by T. A. Kazakova. The conclusions of the study show which are the most effective translation techniques used in translating the artistic technique “irony” from English into Russian.
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