Academic literature on the topic 'ARN – Dynamique'
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Journal articles on the topic "ARN – Dynamique"
Martins, Nelson Eduardo, Roenick Proveti Olmo, Eric Roberto Guimarães Rocha Aguiar, João Trindade Marques, and Jean-Luc Imler. "Les insectes : un fantastique réservoir de virus et de gènes antiviraux." Biologie Aujourd'hui 212, no. 3-4 (2018): 101–6.
Full textMontel, Fabien. "Plasticité structurelle et mécanique du pore nucléaire." médecine/sciences 39, no. 8-9 (August 2023): 625–31.
Full textMONTIER, O., M. LOPEZ-VIVEROS, X. LE TALLEC, F. BELHADJ-KAABI, A. LAZUKA, S. LACROIX, M. TOURNIE, E. SOYEUX, S. AZIMI, and V. ROCHER. "Comportement de l’ARN du SARS-CoV-2 au sein des filières de traitement eaux et boues du site Seine Valenton – Siaap-Sival." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, COVID-19 (December 17, 2021): 43–53.
Full textDuband, Lilian. "La forêt d’exception® de Verdun face à une crise majeure : un laboratoire en vraie grandeur pour des aménagements innovants." Revue forestière française 74, no. 2 (June 23, 2023): 263–68.
Full textLEROUX, C., L. BERNARD, F. DESSAUGE, F. LE PROVOST, and P. MARTIN. "La fonction de lactation : régulation de la biosynthèse des constituants du lait." INRAE Productions Animales 26, no. 2 (May 17, 2013): 117–28.
Full textLewis-Borrell, Luke, Jessica Irving, Chris J. Lilley, Marie Courbariaux, Gregory Nuel, Leon Danon, Kathleen M. O'Reilly, Jasmine M. S. Grimsley, Matthew J. Wade, and Stefan Siegert. "Robust smoothing of left-censored time series data with a dynamic linear model to infer SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations in wastewater." AIMS Mathematics 8, no. 7 (2023): 16790–824.
Full textGOCKO, X. "UNE HESITATION CONJOINTE." EXERCER 32, no. 171 (March 1, 2021): 99.
Full textBussière, Éric. "Coordonner les politiques économiques en Europe du plan Werner à Maastricht. Autour des conceptions de Jacques Delors." Histoire, économie & société 42e année, no. 3 (August 25, 2023): 76–87.
Full textAbbas, Hicham, and Henri Martin. "La sortie du marché du travail des personnes en couple et de leurs conjoints." Retraite et société N° 90, no. 1 (August 21, 2023): 15–47.
Full textRadkiewicz, Małgorzata. "Filmowe krajobrazy epoki antropocenu: eksploracja, eksploatacja, trwanie." Kwartalnik Filmowy, no. 122 (June 30, 2023): 21–35.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "ARN – Dynamique"
Douet, Julien. "ADN ribosomique 5S chez Arabidopsis thaliana : dynamique chromatinienne et ARN polymérase IV." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2008.
Full textLouvet, Emilie. "Dynamique et compartimentation de la machinerie de maturation des ARN ribosomiques en cellules vivantes." Paris 5, 2005.
Full textThe functional organisation of the nucleus depends on machineries that are distributed in domains named nuclear bodies. To understand how this distribution is regulated we have chosen the nucleolus as example. We have focused our attention on traffic and compartmentation of the rRNA processing machinery during interphase and mitosis. To follow proteins in living cells we have used microscopy technologies such as: FRAP, videomicroscopy and tdFLIM-FRET. A reversible system capable of disconnecting the processing from the transcription machineries during interphase permitted us to show that the processing machinery can be disconnected from the transcription sites and accumulates in nuclear masses originating from the nucleolar granular component. We named these granular masses. This reversible process permitted us to study reformation of the nucleolus. In control cells and in an assay using permeabilized cells set up in the laboratory, we have shown that nucleolar reformation depends on ATP hydrolysis and that CK2 is involved in nucleolar compartmentation. At the exit of mitosis, we have shown that early and late processing machineries pass through the same PNB. The convergence of the machineries in a single site could be at the origin of PNB formation. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that Nop52 and B23 interact in the same PNB. For this reason, we propose that PNB are preassembly platforms for rRNA processing complexes
Beaurain, François. "Les complexes boucle-boucle ARN : approches par dynamique moléculaire et spectroscopie UV en solution." Bordeaux 1, 2003.
Full textA kissing-complex is made of two hairpins with complementary loops. This kind of structure is known to participate in molecular recognition and is involved in a lot of gene regulation but also in all retrovirus dimerization process (for a review, see Brunel et al. , 2002). Some of the factors which determine the kissing-complex stability have already been studied (Gregorian & Crothers, 1995). Here after a preliminary reflexion about the kissing-complex topology, a study based on MD and UV monitored thermal denaturation experiments gets a deep insight into the kissing-complex structure and stability and brings a new way to aprehend this family of structures. Then, a MD study of the two DIS/DIS (Dimerization Initiating Site of HIV-1) kissing-complex structure helps to understand the dynamics and the topology of both duplexes. This study results in a proposal of a new and simple dimerization process
Watrin, Marguerite. "Régulation de l'expression génique par formation de complexes boucle-boucles ARN : application de la technique de SELEX génomique aux interactions ARN/ ARN." Bordeaux 2, 2008.
Full textRNA does not only play a role in the genetic information transfer between a gene and his protein. As mRNA, tRNA and rRNA are involved in protein synthesis. MiRNA, snRNA, snoRNA and other ncRNA are involved in the regulation of numerous biological processes such as plasmid replication, conjugation, transcription, translation, splicing and posttranscriptional modifications. RNA are able to form stem-loop structures, to interact via their loops with nucleic partners and to form loop-loop complexes so called kissing complexes. RNAI/RNAII kissing complexes enables the regulation of ColE1 plasmid replication in E. Coli. An RNA hairpin (aptamer R-0624) has been selected against the TAR element located at the end of the 5' UTR of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 RNA. The artificial R-0624/TAR kissing complex inhibits the transactivation of the viral transcription. We identified RNA hairpins derived from the human genome which are able to generate kissing complexes with TAR or RNA hairpins targets containing RNGG, RYRY or YUNR loop sequences. Those kissing complexes could be responsible for natural or artificial regulations of human genes. In this work, genomic SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Liganfs by Exponential enrichment) has been carried for the 1rst time for fishing RNA/RNA interactions and directed against target RNA libraries
Marchal, Thierry. "Micromanipulation d'une molécule d'ARN unique." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2003.
Full textCragnolini, Tristan. "Prédire la structure des ARN et la flexibilité des ARN par des simulations basées sur des modèles gros grains." Paris 7, 2014.
Full textIn contrast to proteins, there are relatively few experimental and computational studies on RNAs. This is likely to change, however, due to the discovery that RNA molecules fulfil a considerable diversity of biological tasks, including, aside from its encoding and translational activity, also enzymatic and regulatory functions. Despite the simplicity of its four-letter alphabet, RNAs are able to fold into a wide variety of tertiary structures where dynamic conformational ensembles appear also to be essential for understanding their functions. In spite of constant experimental efforts and theoretical developments, the gap between sequences and 3D structures is increasing, and our lmowledge of RNA flexibility is still limited at an atomic level of detail. In this thesis, I present improvements to the HiRE-RNA model, and folding simulations that were performed with it. After presenting the computational methods used to sample the energy landscapes of RNA and the experimental methods providing information about RNA structures, I present the RNA topologies and the structural data I used to improve the model, and to study RNA folding. The improvements of HiRE-RNA in version 2 and version 3 are then described, as well as the simulations performed with each version of the model
Mazier, Sonia. "Effet d’une boucle interne asymétrique sur la flexibilité de la tige-boucle SL1 de l’ARN génomique de VIH-1 : une étude par simulation de dynamique moléculaire." Orléans, 2008.
Full textRichard, Patricia. "Dynamique intranucléaire et biogenèse des ARNs H/ACA." Toulouse 3, 2006.
Full textH/ACA RNAs are small nuclear RNAs that have many different functions in the cell. They are guide RNAs for the conversion of the uridine into pseudouridine of ribosomal RNAs and spliceosomal snRNAs. We showed that box H/ACA RNAs directing modifications of spliceosomal snRNAs carry a special signal that direct these box H/ACA RNAs into Cajal bodies. This signal is also present in the telomerase RNA that accumulates in Cajal bodies. With fluorescent microscopy, we were able to propose that Cajal bodies may deliver telomerase RNA at a subset of telomeres in S phase cells. Finally, our work on the expression and processing of box H/ACA RNAs revealed that splicing and assembly of box H/ACA RNP particles are two independent molecular events in human cells
Poli, Jérôme. "Dynamique de la réplication du génome et réponses cellulaires au stress réplicatif." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2013.
Full textA fluctuating environment is a powerful mean of selection for living organisms, which evolved complex signaling networks to integrate these variations and direct swift and efficient cellular responses. The aim of my work is the identification and characterization of molecular mechanisms involved in the tolerance of replicative stress and DNA damage. First, we show that changes in dNTP pools affect several aspects of replication dynamics in budding yeast. dNTP levels are limiting for normal S-phase progression and determine the temporal program of replication during a replicative stress. Interestingly, we also observed that chromosomal instability (CIN) mutants display expanded dNTP pools due to the constitutive activation of the DNA damage checkpoint. Since increased dNTP levels promote forks progression in the presence of DNA lesions, we propose that CIN mutants adapt to chronic replicative stress by upregulating dNTP pools. Secondly, we bring new lights on the role of Crt10 in vivo, which has been initially identified as a negative regulator of Ribonucleotide Reductase (RNR) genes expression. Deletion of CRT10 neither leads to expanded dNTP pools, nor to a massive deregulation of RNR genes, although crt10Δ cells exhibit faster fork progression. The crt10Δ mutant accumulates at the G1/S transition and exhibits a strong defect of origin firing that could account for its replication phenotype. Moreover, we observed a global decrease in ribosome biogenesis in crt10Δ. The physical interaction of Crt10 with several members of the ribosome biogenesis pathway and its role in the Rtt101-Mms1 complex suggest that Crt10 may regulate ribosome levels in vivo. At last, we identified MRX (Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2) as a bona fide member of the transcription termination of non-coding RNA (ncRNA). ChIP-seq reveals that MRX localized at the same loci than the Nrd1-Nab3-Sen1 complex in vegetative growth. rad50Δ cells exhibit transcriptional read-through and upregulation of unstable cryptic transcripts (CUTs) leading to a misregulation of their associated gene. Finally, MRX seems to be involved in the resolution of branched structures emanating from collision between transcription and replication machineries, as it is the case for Sen1
Perriquet, Olivier. "Approche algorithmique pour la prédiction de la structure secondaire des ARN." Lille 1, 2003.
Full textBooks on the topic "ARN – Dynamique"
Monnin, Françoise. Edgard Pillet: La dynamique du vertige. Paris: Fall édition, 1996.
Find full textMarty, Patrik. L'eau de l'art contemporain: Une dynamique d'une esthétique écosophique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2016.
Find full textCherniaux, Pascal. Memoire de "Dynamique des systenes". Beaubourg--une nouvelle problematique ? Asnières: [s.n.], 1986.
Find full textLes forges d'Hephaïstos, centre dynamique de la création. Paris: Editions du Dauphin, 1986.
Find full textUniversité de Pau et des pays de l'Adour, ed. La fonction critique de l'art: Dynamiques et ambiguïtés. Bruxelles: La Lettre Volée, 2009.
Find full textDynamique des formes et représentation: Vers une biosymbolique de l'humain. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2002.
Find full textBianca, Triaca, ed. Bandjoun: Trésors royaux au Cameroun : Bandjoun, tradition dynamique, création et vie : catalogue du Musée de Bandjoun. Milan: 5 continents, 2005.
Find full textTrentini, Bruno. Interpréter l'art: Dynamisme et réflexivité de l'expérience esthétique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2016.
Find full textDynamiques d'émancipation caribéenne dans la littérature et les arts. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011.
Find full textInstitut national d'histoire de l'art (France), ed. D'Alexandre à Auguste: Dynamiques de la création dans les arts visuels et la poésie. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "ARN – Dynamique"
Walter, Henriette. "Le français, langue d’accueil : chronologie, typologie et dynamique." In French - An Accommodating Language?, edited by Sue Wright, 6–30. Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters, 2000.
Full textVillain, Julien. "L’innovation de produit et les dynamiques de l’offre sur les marchés des étoffes de laine dans la France du XVIIIe siècle. Quelques aperçus quantitatifs et qualitatifs." In La moda come motore economico: innovazione di processo e prodotto, nuove strategie commerciali, comportamento dei consumatori / Fashion as an economic engine: process and product innovation, commercial strategies, consumer behavior, 147–70. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2022.
Full text"Demure as Dynamite." In Emily Dickinson’s Poetic Art. Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
Full textPéralès, Danièle, Frédérique Develay, Caroline Rouxel, Carole Labrosse, and Axel Martin. "Faire passerelle dans le 5e : premiers pas d’une dynamique d’arrondissement." In Les passerelles, tout un art !, 53–74. Érès, 2021.
Full textMoles, Abraham A. "La Fonction des Mythes Dynamiques dans la Construction de rimaginaire Social." In Symbols in Life and Art, 66–88. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1987.
Full text"35. The Magic of Assorted Mirrors. Run, Merusu—A Girl’S Lips Are Dynamite!" In The Voyage of Contemporary Japanese Theatre, 157–61. University of Hawaii Press, 2017.
Full text"Manufacture of Explosives." In The Chemistry of Explosives, 133–65. 4th ed. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022.
Full textBibas, Stephanos. "Improve, Dynamite, or Dissolve the Criminal Regulatory State?" In The New Criminal Justice Thinking. NYU Press, 2017.
Full textZapata, B. J., and D. C. Weggel. "A study of the JWL equation of state parameters of dynamite for use in airblast models." In WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, 11–22. WIT Press, 2012.
Full textBelin, Maxime. "Le Groupe de Visegrád : perspectives et dynamiques dans la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19." In L’Europe centrale face à la pandémie de Covid-19. De la transformation anthropologique vers la recomposition géopolitique, 90–99. University of Warsaw Press, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "ARN – Dynamique"
Claerbout, Jon. "Inverse problems in reflection seismology." In Signal Recovery and Synthesis. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1998.
Full textBestle, Dieter. "Optimization of a Platform With Respect to Force Contact Conditions." In ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2007.
Full textGanpule, Shailesh, Linxia Gu, Guoxin Cao, and Namas Chandra. "The Effect of Shock Wave on a Human Head." In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2009.
Full textRodríguez González, Sylvia Cristina. "Megadesarrollos turísticos de sol y playa enclaves del imaginario." In International Conference Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2009.
Full textReports on the topic "ARN – Dynamique"
Deb, Shourjya, and Virginie Baudais. The Challenges of Data Collection in Conflict-affected Areas: A Case Study in the Liptako-Gourma Region. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, October 2022.
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