Academic literature on the topic 'ARN – Cancer – Recherche'
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Journal articles on the topic "ARN – Cancer – Recherche"
Ladet, Julien, and Franck Mortreux. "Les ARN circulaires, acteurs et biomarqueurs dans le cancer." médecine/sciences 36, no. 10 (October 2020): 935–38.
Full textFischer, Alain. "Biothérapies : opportunités et accessibilité." Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Novembre 2023, no. 4 (November 9, 2023): 109–11.
Full textGesbert, Franck, and Lionel Larue. "Le mélanome cutané." médecine/sciences 34, no. 5 (May 2018): 407–16.
Full textMunnich, Arnold. "« Programmé mais libre »." Figures de la psychanalyse 44, no. 2 (May 26, 2023): 151–60.
Full textMassard, V., A. Harlé, L. Uwer, and J. L. Merlin. "Mutations du gène ESR1 : du fondamental à la clinique." Oncologie 21, no. 1-4 (January 2019): 29–32.
Full textValet, O., C. Masson, M. Barritault, L. Chalabreysse, M. Darrason, L. Kiaoukouma-Maleka, G. Devouassoux, et al. "Faisabilité et utilité clinique d’une recherche systématique de transcrits de fusions oncogéniques par technique nCounter® (Nanostring) dans les cancers bronchiques non à petites cellules sans altérations moléculaires oncogéniques détectées au NGS sur ADN." Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités 14, no. 1 (January 2022): 59–60.
Full textLeca, Vanina, Alboukadel Kassambara, Lamia Ghezali, Pernelle Outters, Christelle Cotteaux-Lautard, Fanny Arnoux, Thomas Sbarrato, et al. "460 Spatial distribution of infiltrating T lymphocytes with Immunoscore® CR T cells exhaustion test helps stratification of NSCLC patients treated with PD1/PDL1 inhibitors in the PIONeeR project." Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 9, Suppl 2 (November 2021): A489.
Full textAscione, S., C. Salliot, F. Artaud, Y. Nguyen, C. Macdonald, F. Barde, X. Mariette, M. C. Boutron-Ruault, and R. Seror. "POS1437 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BEVERAGE CONSUMPTION AND RISK OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY FROM THE FRENCH E3N COHORT." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81, Suppl 1 (May 23, 2022): 1062.1–1062.
Full textBarde, F., S. Ascione, C. Macdonald, C. Salliot, F. Artaud, X. Mariette, M. C. Boutron-Ruault, Y. Nguyen, and R. Seror. "POS1429 IMPROVING ACCURACY OF SELF-REPORTED DIAGNOSES OF POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA AND GIANT CELL ARTERITIS IN THE FRENCH PROSPECTIVE E3N COHORT: A VALIDATION STUDY." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81, Suppl 1 (May 23, 2022): 1057.2–1058.
Full textBarde, F., C. Macdonald, C. Salliot, S. Ascione, F. Artaud, X. Mariette, M. C. Boutron-Ruault, Y. Nguyen, and R. Seror. "POS0322 CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS AND RISK OF GIANT CELL ARTERITIS AND/OR POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA: RESULTS FROM THE FRENCH E3N COHORT STUDY." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81, Suppl 1 (May 23, 2022): 412.1–412.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "ARN – Cancer – Recherche"
Collignon, Olivier. "Recherche statistique de biomarqueurs du cancer et de l'allergie à l'arachide." Phd thesis, Nancy 1, 2009.
Full textBerthel, Elise. "Recherche des ARNm dont la traduction est régulée par la protéine BRCA1 : vers l’identification de nouveaux outils théranostiques des tumeurs du sein déficientes en BRCA1." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textBRCA1 is one of the two major breast cancer susceptibility genes. The numerous binding partners of BRCA1 allow it to participate to several cellular pathways which globally contribute to its cell surveillance capacity. The team in which I performed my PhD identified a new binding partner of BRCA1, the Poly(A)-Binding Protein 1 and, consequently, a new function of this tumor suppressor, namely, the translation regulation. Moreover, recent studies suggest that under conditions dangerous for the cell and potentially oncogenic, such as a genotoxic stress, protein synthesis is strongly altered. My thesis work was aimed at demonstrating that this new function of BRCA1 contributes, like its nuclear functions, to its role of tumor suppressor. During my thesis, I identified the mRNAs "targets" of BRCA1 by the technique of immunoprecipitation of the ribonucleoprotein complexes (RIP), I validated that these mRNAs "targets" of BRCA1 are associated to it for their translational control by realizing a comparative analysis of the contents of the polysomes of MCF-7 mammary epithelial cells transiently expressing an interfering RNA directed against BRCA1 by the technique that I have set up in the laboratory, the polysomal profiles. Subsequently, I established the conditions of genotoxic stress inducing the cytoplasmic localization of BRCA1, and in collaboration with clinicians of the Center Léon Bérard Hospital, I allowed the acquisition of tumor samples. This will allow us to identify among these targets new diagnostic markers or new therapeutic targets for breast cancers deficient in BRCA1
Firlej, Virginie. "Facteurs de transcription du groupe PEA3 et cancérogenèse mammaire : modèles d'inhibition de l'expression, études phénotypiques et recherche de gènes cibles." Lille 1, 2006.
Full textInjectées en sous-cutané à des souris immunodéficientes, ces même cellules induisent la formation de tumeurs de taille réduite par rapport aux cellules contrôles, confinnant l'implication des facteurs du groupe PEA3 dans les événements conduisant à la cancérogenèse. La caracténsation de la régulation du gène bax par les facteurs du groupe PEA3 a permis de mettre en évidence un nouveau mode de régulation non encore décrit pour ces facteurs, impliquant une interaction avec le facteur USF-I sans liaison directe des facteurs PEA3 à l'ADN. Celle des deux autres gènes cibles cycline D2 et p55cdc est en cours. La modulation de leur expression a été confirmée dans les modèles cellulaires de répression de l'expression des facteurs Erm et Pea3. L'étude de leur région promotrice a permis de définir des sites de régulation dont la caractérisation reste à affiner. La mise au point des différents modèles dans lesquels l'expression des membres du groupe PEA3 est modulée nous a conduit à initier une recherche plus complète des cibles moléculaires des facteurs Erm et Pea3 par utilisation de micro-arrays (Applied Biosystems) avec pour but la corrélation avec les modifications phénotypiques liées à la modulation de l'expression des facteurs du groupe PEA3
Jacquot, Catherine. "Recherche d'une activite anti-oncogenique (genes cles p53/p21 et nouveaux genes) dans un modele cellulaire de cancer bronchopulmonaire non a petites cellules (nsclc-n6) prealablement induit en differenciation terminale atypique." Nantes, 2001.
Full textGiraud, Sandrine. "Régulation de l'activité transcriptionnelle du facteur STAT3 : l'exemple du gène p21waf1." Angers, 2004.
Full textSignal transducer and activator of STAT3 are activated in response to various cytokine. Following tyrosine phosphorylation, STAT3 proteins dimerize and translocate to the nucleus and activate specific target gene. In the present study, we have identified new cofactors of STAT3. SRC-1 interacts with STAT3 ant enhances transcriptional activation by STAT3 through its CBP interacting domain. As a next step, we have shown that BRG1, the ATPase subunit of the Swi/Snf chromatin-remodelling complexe interacts with STAT3 and is recruited to p21waf1 proximal promoter. BRG1 recruitment is associated with H3 acetylation and followed by increased accessibility of p21waf1 proximal promoter. Finally, STAT3 recruits cdk9 kinase to phosphorylate the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase at serine 2. The elongating form of the polymerase then promotes the elongation phase of transcription. Therefore, STAT3 regulate transcription at different levels: initiation, chromatine remodelling and elongation
Le, Boiteux Elisa. "Altération du contrôle de H3K27me3 et dérégulation transcriptionnnelle dans les gliomes : études des clusters HOX." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2019.
Full textEpigenetic alterations are a well-known signature of cancer cells. However, the causes of these defects, as well as their consequence on gene expression, remain elusive. My thesis project specifically lies in this thematic, and focuses on the causes and consequences of epigenetic alterations in gliomas. These brain tumors can be divided into two subsets, based on IDH mutation status, that are characterized by different methylation profiles. Interestingly, the mutation of IDH is also associated with a better prognosis. Our strategy, based on exhaustive molecular analyses, relies on the study of 70 glioma samples, classified according to their IDH status, and of six glioblastoma stem cell (GSC) lines.We found that most transcriptional alterations in tumor samples were DNA methylation-independent. Instead, altered histone H3 trimethylation at lysine 27 (H3K27me3) was the predominant molecular defect at deregulated genes. Our results also suggest that the presence of a bivalent chromatin signature at CpG island promoters in stem cells predisposes not only to hypermethylation, as widely documented, but more generally to all types of transcriptional alterations in transformed cells. In addition, the gene expression strength in healthy brain cells influences the choice between DNA methylation- and H3K27me3-associated silencing in glioma. Highly expressed genes were more likely to be repressed by H3K27me3 than by DNA methylation. Our findings support a model in which altered H3K27me3 dynamics, more specifically defects in the interplay between Polycomb protein complexes and the brain-specific transcriptional machinery, is the main cause of transcriptional alteration in glioma cells. Also, our study revealed that homeodomain genes, and in particular HOX genes, are characterized by an atypical defect in aggressive gliomas (IDHwt), associating a gain of expression with an aberrant gain of methylation. We determined that this alteration affect all the four HOX clusters, and that the reactivation of these genes is likely a consequence of the aberrant loss of H3K27me3 that specifically affect these clusters. This study allows to propose a model whereby global DNA hypomethylation triggers ectopic expression of numerous genes through a cascade of events, in which HOX gene alteration would have a central role.The observation that H3K27me3 is deregulated in gliomas, and particularly on HOX genes, also lead us to investigate for the role of non-coding RNA in these mechanisms. We have identified HOXA-AS2, a yet poorly characterized long non-coding RNA located at HOXA locus, that is specifically and significantly overexpressed in IDHwt gliomas. The inhibition of HOXA-AS2 in well-characterized CSG lines suggests that this transcript play a central role in the biology of these cells. Thus, it would contribute to the aggressiveness of CSG by inhibiting inflammatory pathways and promoting cell proliferation. Altogether, these works revisit the relationship between epigenetic alterations and aberrant transcription, and present the control of H3K27me3 as the main cause of transcriptionnel defects in cancer
Homberg, Nicolas. "New models and algorithms for the identification of sncRNA-(snc)RNA interactions intra and across-species/kingdom." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2023.
Full textMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNAs present in eukaryotes that regulate the expression of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) up or down. These miRNAs have significant potential in future treatment of cancer and other diseases. The miRNA-mRNA interactions are intricate and involve various mechanisms, such as sequence complementarity, accessibility, and conservation. This thesis focuses on two such mechanisms, namely accessibility and intra-species conservation of the site of interaction, using experimental data from Cross-linking, Ligation And Sequencing of Hybrids (CLASH). Although the accessibility of interaction sites on mRNAs is generally observed, it is not consistent for all interactions. Intra-species conservation is a rare feature, which we explore by inferring conserved motifs from mRNA interaction sites. Although the results are noisy, in some specific cases, we manage to retrieve some mRNA interaction sites from the inferred motifs
Meunier, Léa. "Analyse de signatures transcriptomiques et épigénétiques des carcinomes hépatocellulaires." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2020.
Full textElucidating deregulated transcriptional and epigenetic processes in cancers is fundamental to better understand the biological pathways involved and to propose a therapy adapted to the molecular phenotype of each tumor. Classical unsupervised classification approaches define, for each tumor type, the main molecular groups. However, these methods, applied to complex tumors such as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the 3rd cause of cancer-associated mortality worldwide, define groups that remain relatively heterogeneous and only imperfectly reflect the diversity of biological mechanisms at work in these tumors. During my PhD, I developed a, innovative strategy involving independent component analysis (ICA) to extract signatures of precise biological processes in large transcriptomic and epigenetic tumor data sets. This new approach allowed me to identify groups of co-regulated genes associated with specific phenotypes or molecular alterations. Similarly, independent component analysis of the methylomes of 738 HCC revealed 13 stable epigenetic signatures preferentially active in specific tumors and CpG sites. These signatures include signatures previously associated with ageing and cancer, but also new hyper- and hypomethylation signatures related to specific driver events and molecular subgroups. The work presented in this thesis sheds light on the diversity of molecular processes remodeling liver cancer transcriptomes and methylomes, improve the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in hepatic carcinogenesis and provides a statistical framework to unravel the signatures of these processes
Perot, Philippe. "Étude du transcriptome des rétrovirus endogènes humains et implications fonctionnelles : applications à la recherche de marqueurs diagnostiques de cancers." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2012.
Full textThe human genome contains around 200,000 endogenous retroviral sequences (HERV) integrated during the evolution and which are nowadays organized into complex multicopy families, globally repressed by epigenetic control. The study of the HERV transcriptome at the locus level is complicated by phylogenetic similarities within one family and by the profusion of integration sites, two inherent characteristics of transposable elements. In this work, we used a method aiming to optimally characterize individual loci associated with 25 mer probes. A custom microarray dedicated to more than 5,500 HERV sequences and allowing a functional interpretation of the LTRs expression was used on a panel of normal and tumor tissues. We therefore identified 1,718 active HERV sequences, including 326 promoter LTRs and 209 polyA LTRs. The study of the genomic environment has highlighted an approximately 8 kb zone upstream of promoter LTRs characterized by a drastic reduction in sense cellular genes. We also showed that the HERV transcriptome follows tropism rules, is sensitive to the state of cell differentiation and, unexpectedly, seems not to correlate with the age of the families. In a first attempt to use the HERV repertoire in clinical, we sought to identify new markers of prostate cancer from urine samples. This goal was pursued by conducting a pilot study on 45 patients
Champion, Christine. "Inhibiteurs de méthyltransférases d'ADN (DNMT) : caractérisation et application à la recherche de partenaires protéiques." Paris 6, 2011.
Full textBooks on the topic "ARN – Cancer – Recherche"
comptes, France Cour des. Observations de la Cour des comptes sur le compte d'emploi pour 1993 des ressources collectées auprès du public par l'Association pour la recherche sur le cancer (ARC): Articles L. 111-8 et L. 135-2 du Code des juridictions financières. Paris: Direction des journaux officiels, 1996.
Find full textReports on the topic "ARN – Cancer – Recherche"
Wojciechowski, M. J. Recherche et développement dans le secteur des minéraux. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 1989.
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