Journal articles on the topic 'Arken'
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Philipsen, Lotte. "PÅ ØLEJR MED SAMTIDSKUNSTEN." K&K - Kultur og Klasse 40, no. 114 (December 20, 2012): 172–75.
Full textBiggs, Quinn M. "John B. Arken & Lloyd Linford. Brain-Based Therapy with Adults. John B. Arden & Lloyd Linford.Brain-Based Therapy with Children and Adolescents." Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes 74, no. 1 (March 2011): 93–94.
Full textKajanto, Anneli. "Oppimisen arkea vai arjen oppimista?" Aikuiskasvatus 21, no. 4 (December 1, 2001): 378.
Full textThobo-Carlsen, Mette. "Deltageren som museumsaktivist." K&K - Kultur og Klasse 42, no. 118 (December 30, 2014): 125–38.
Full textSekki, Sanna, and Minna Autio. "Arkilähtöinen kotitalousneuvonta ja -kasvatus nuorten siirtymävaiheiden tukena." Sosiaalipedagoginen aikakauskirja 21 (December 28, 2020): 9–38.
Full textAsikainen, Sini-Emilia. "Sota jäi elämään naisen roolissa ja mentaliteetissa." Ennen ja nyt: Historian tietosanomat 21, no. 4 (August 25, 2021): 104–20.
Full textSchülke, Michael. "Studien zur Systematik und Faunistik der Gattung Tachyporus Gravenhorst - Teil 7. Alte und neue Tachyporus aus dem Fernen Osten, Sachalin und Japan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Tachyporinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 48, no. 2 (October 5, 1998): 367–406.
Full textHemp, Claudia, and Konrad Dettner. "Compilation of canthariphilous insects." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 51, no. 1 (September 14, 2001): 231–45.
Full textStüben, Peter E., André Schütte, Heriberto López, and Jonas J. Astrin. "Molecular and morphological systematics of soil-inhabiting Cryptorhynchinae of the genus Acallorneuma and the tribe Torneumatini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), with description of two new species." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 66, no. 2 (December 20, 2016): 169–99.
Full textSchwedt, Georg. "Arsen." Chemie in unserer Zeit 45, no. 5 (October 2011): 354–55.
Full textSchmeer, Ernst H. "Arsen." Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie 20, no. 06 (April 2, 2007): 221–28.
Full textZuhud, E. A. M., P. A. Manar, and Zuraida Zuraida. "Potency and Conservation of Aren (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr.) in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java-Indonesia." Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika (Journal of Tropical Forest Management) 26, no. 3 (December 12, 2020): 212–21.
Full textKläui, Chrislian. "Vom irren Armen zum armen Irren." Gesnerus 43, no. 3-4 (November 21, 1986): 279–98.
Full textAssing, Volker. "On the Turkish species of Sunius. VI. New micropterous species from central southern Anatolia and additional records (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Paederinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 55, no. 2 (December 27, 2005): 289–98.
Full textZerche, Lothar. "Zwei neue habituell abweichende Arten der Gattung Lesteva Latreille, 1796 aus Sibirien (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Omaliinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 50, no. 1 (April 11, 2000): 65–74.
Full textUhlich, Holger. "Orobanchen, verkannte Schönheiten." Der Palmengarten 77, no. 1 (June 30, 2013): 47–52.
Full textTachi, Takuji, and Hiroshi Shima. "Taxonomic study of the genus Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy of Japan (Diptera: Tachinidae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 50, no. 1 (April 11, 2000): 129–50.
Full textKulik-Kupka, Karolina, Aneta Koszowska, Anna Brończyk-Puzoń, Justyna Nowak, Katarzyna Gwizdek, and Barbara Zubelewicz-Szkodzińska. "Arsenic – Poison or medicine?" Medycyna Pracy 67, no. 1 (February 12, 2016): 89–96.
Full textMuslimah, Muslimah muslimah, and Alimsyahputra Alimsyahputra. "ANALISIS KELAYAKAN FINANSIAL USAHA PENGOLAHAN GULA AREN DI KECAMATAN RANTAU KABUPATEN ACEH TAMIANG." Jurnal Penelitian Agrisamudra 4, no. 2 (November 8, 2017): 1–9.
Full textMahyuddin, Thursina, and Elsa riski Ananda. "PENGARUH HARGA, PRODUKSI DAN TENAGA KERJA TERHADAP PENDAPATAN USAHA PENGOLAHAN GULA AREN DI KECAMATAN RANTAU KABUPATEN ACEH TAMIANG." Jurnal Penelitian Agrisamudra 4, no. 2 (November 8, 2017): 29–38.
Full textGöllner-Scheiding, Ursula. "Die Arten der afrotropischen Gattung Neoplerochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1982 (Insecta, Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 57, no. 2 (December 21, 2007): 419–28.
Full text; Wulandari, Lesmana; Kusnoputranto. "HUBUNGAN KADAR METALOID ARSEN (As) PADA AIR MINUM DENGAN KEJADIAN LESI KULIT DI PULAU OBI PROPINSI MALUKU UTARA." Jurnal Kesmas Jambi 1, no. 1 (May 19, 2017): 61–69.
Full textAssing, Volker. "On the Turkish species of Sunius. V. New species, additional records, a new synonymy, and an updated key to species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Paederinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 55, no. 1 (July 1, 2005): 109–21.
Full textHidayat, Roni Saeful, Yus Rusman, and Mochamad Ramdan. "ANALISIS SALURAN PEMASARAN GULA AREN (ARENGA PINNATA) (Studi Kasus di Desa Capar Kecamatan Salem Kabupaten Brebes)." JURNAL ILMIAH MAHASISWA AGROINFO GALUH 2, no. 2 (April 11, 2017): 117.
Full textMey, Wolfram. "Taxonomy and historical biogeography of the genus Rhyacophila Pictet, 1834 on the Philippines (Insecta, Trichoptera)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 61, no. 2 (November 10, 2011): 371–87.
Full textScheitler, Irmgard. "Johann Wolfgang Francks Opernschaffen - eine Revision." Die Musikforschung 71, no. 3 (September 22, 2021): 242–67.
Full textAssing, Volker. "New species and additional records of Lathrobium and Elytrobium from the Palaearctic region, with special reference to the fauna of East Yunnan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65, no. 1 (June 30, 2015): 41–74.
Full textWahyuni, Sri. "Pemberdayaan petani aren (Arenga pinnata Merr) rakyat melalui diversifikasi produk nira aren di Desa Mabar Kecamatan Bangun Purba Kabupaten Deli Serdang." Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement 1 (September 27, 2019): 104–7.
Full textApriliani, Mia Kurniasih, Trisna Insan Noor, and Muhamad Nurdin Yusuf. "ANALISIS NILAI TAMBAH AGROINDUSTRI TEPUNG AREN (Studi Kasus di Desa Kertaharja Kecamatan Cijeungjing Kabupaten Ciamis)." Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Agroinfo Galuh 7, no. 2 (August 19, 2020): 301.
Full textAssing, Volker. "On the Turkish species of Sunius. VII. Five new micropterous species from western Anatolia and additional records (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Paederinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 56, no. 2 (December 15, 2006): 297–315.
Full textArenberger, Ernst, Vladimir Gurko, and Samson A. Binyason. "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lepidoptera-Fauna des Sudan (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 61, no. 2 (November 10, 2011): 277–84.
Full textBehne, Lutz. "Katalog der in den Sammlungen des Senckenberg Deutschen Entomologischen Instituts aufbewahrten Typen – Coleoptera: Cerambycidae." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 63, no. 1 (June 14, 2013): 169–98.
Full textBehne, Lutz, and Hannelore Gaedike. "Katalog der in den Sammlungen des Senckenberg Deutschen Entomologischen Instituts aufbewahrten Typen - Coleoptera: Scolytidae (Curculionoidea)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 63, no. 2 (December 20, 2013): 241–54.
Full textGöllner-Scheiding, Ursula. "Ergänzungen und Synonymisierungen zu 'Die Tingidae (Netzwanzen) der Äthiopis' (Insecta, Heteroptera: Tingoidea). Katalog der afrikanischen Arten." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 54, no. 2 (December 20, 2004): 465–69.
Full textGogala, Matija. "Neue Erkenntnisse über die Systematik der Cicadetta montana Gruppe (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadoidea: Tibicinidae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 56, no. 2 (December 15, 2006): 369–76.
Full textStüben, Peter E., and Katja Kramp. "Neue Echinodera aus Griechenland – Beitrag zur integrativen Taxonomie (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cryptorhynchinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 69, no. 2 (December 23, 2019): 319–30.
Full textAbrahamczyk, Stefan, Bernd Reinken, Michael Neumann, and Wolfram Lobin. "Ungeduldigen: Fleißige Lieschen, Balsaminen und Springkräuter (Impatiens, Balsaminaceae)." Der Palmengarten 80, no. 1 (June 30, 2016): 31–39.
Full textSulhan, Ahmad. "Pelatihan pengembangan produksi gula briket aren dengan pengemasan menarik yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi bagi masyarakat Desa Bukit Tinggi." Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 12, no. 2 (July 31, 2016): 124–33.
Full textHaberl, Heinz. "Scheinorchideen (Roscoea)." Der Palmengarten 75, no. 2 (December 30, 2011): 85–94.
Full textSwandewi, NI Putu, I. Wayan Mudana, and Luh Putu Sendratari. "PENGETAHUAN TRADISIONAL PENGOLAHAN GULA AREN DALAM PERSPEKTIF PERUBAHAN SOSIAL DI DESA PEDAWA, BULELENG, BALI." Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Undiksha 2, no. 2 (September 23, 2020): 105.
Full textAssing, Volker. "On the Lathrobium fauna of China III. New species and additional records from various provinces (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 63, no. 1 (June 14, 2013): 25–52.
Full textHanum, Farida, Dwi Sudiarto, Noni Zakiah, Safwan Safwan, and Agus Hendra Al Rahmad. "Arsenic contamination survey in white rice in Aceh." AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal 4, no. 2 (December 19, 2019): 128.
Full textKaila, Lauri, and Ole Karsholt. "Contribution to the Lepidoptera fauna of the Madeira Islands 3. Elachistidae." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 52, no. 1 (August 31, 2002): 225–33.
Full textSchmidt, Marco, Hilke Steinecke, Andreas König, Elke Brude, Klaus Dühr, Bernd Jakobus, Peter Roth, Gisela Hawickhorst, Hermine Lotz-Winter, and Meike Piepenbring. "Wildlebende Arten im Palmengarten und im Botanischen Garten Frankfurt." Der Palmengarten 85 (September 20, 2021): 94–100.
Full textGreenwald, Helen M. "Opern-Arien: Sopran, and: Opern-Arien: Alt/Mezzo-Sopran, and: Opern-Arien: Tenor, and: Opern-Arien: Bass/Bariton (review)." Notes 58, no. 4 (2002): 944–46.
Full textZerche, Lothar. "Sieben neue Pseudopsis-Arten aus China mit einer Bestimmungstabelle der paläarktischen Arten (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Pseudopsinae). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der ostpaläarktischen Insekten (7)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 48, no. 2 (October 5, 1998): 353–65.
Full textFatimah, Fatimah, Nina Hairiyah, and Riski Yulia Rahayu. "Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gula pasir dan Gula Aren pada Pembuatan Nata De Coco." Jurnal Teknologi Agro-Industri 6, no. 2 (December 20, 2019): 141.
Full textMudrikah, Saringatun, Jarot Tri Bowo Santoso, Dwi Puji Astuti, and Lola Kurnia Pitaloka. "Penguatan Usaha Pengrajin Gula Aren di Desa Pakis Kabupaten Kendal." Surya Abdimas 5, no. 2 (March 14, 2021): 107–18.
Full textAssing, Volker. "New species and records of Lathrobium from the Palaearctic region, primarily from Nepal (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae)." Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64, no. 1 (July 31, 2014): 1–28.
Full textSudarsono, Saiful Huda, Murni Yuniwati, and Purnawan. "Composite with Aren Fiber (Waste of Starch Fiber) as an Insulator and Sound Reducer." Applied Mechanics and Materials 749 (April 2015): 227–30.
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