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Beaudoin, Luc, Monika Pudło, and Sylwia Hyniewska. "Mental Perturbance." SFU Educational Review 13, no. 1 (August 21, 2020): 29–58.

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Understanding intrusive mentation, rumination, obsession, and worry, known also as "repetitive thought" (RT), is important for understanding cognitive and affective processes in general. RT is of transdiagnostic significance—for example obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia and addictions involve counterproductive RT. It is also a key but under-acknowledged feature of emotional episodes. We argue that RT cannot be understood in isolation but must rather be considered within models of whole minds and for this purpose we suggest an integrative design-oriented (IDO) approach. This approach involves the design stance of theoretical Artificial Intelligence (the central discipline of cognitive science), augmented by systematic conceptual analysis, aimed at explaining how autonomous agency is possible. This requires developing, exploring and implementing cognitive-affective-conative information-processing architectures. Empirical research on RT and emotions needs to be driven by such theories, and theorizing about RT needs to consider such data. Mental perturbance is an IDO concept that, we argue, can help characterize, explain, and theoretically ground the concept of RT. Briefly, perturbance is a mental state in which motivators tend to disrupt, or otherwise influence, executive processes even if reflective processes were to try to prevent or minimize the motivators’ influence. We draw attention to an IDO architecture of mind, H-CogAff, to illustrate the IDO approach to perturbance. We claim, further, that the intrusive mentation of some affective states— including grief and limerence (the attraction phase of romantic love) — should be conceptualized in terms of perturbance and the IDO architectures that support perturbance. We call for new taxonomies of RT and emotion in terms of IDO architectures such as H-CogAff. We point to areas of research in psychology that would benefit from the concept of perturbance.
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González Moreno-Navarro, José Luis. "¿Y si Gaudí hubiera ido a Nueva York? Una ficción constructiva." Informes de la Construcción 56, no. 496 (April 30, 2005): 47–55.

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Imai, Yohsuke, Takayuki Aoki, and Magdi Shoucri. "Comparison of Efficient Explicit Schemes for Shallow-Water Equations—Characteristics-Based Fractional-Step Method and Multimoment Eulerian Scheme." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 46, no. 3 (March 1, 2007): 388–95.

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Abstract Two explicit schemes for the numerical solution of the shallow-water equations are examined. The directional-splitting fractional-step method permits relatively large time steps without an iterative process by using a treatment based on the characteristics of the governing equations. The interpolated differential operator (IDO) scheme has fourth-order accuracy in time and space by using a Hermite interpolation function covering local domains, and accurate results are obtained with coarse meshes. It is shown that the two schemes are very efficient for hydrostatic meteorological models from the viewpoints of numerical accuracy and central processing unit time, and the fact that they are explicit makes them suitable for computers with parallel architecture.
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García Hermida, Alejandro. "El papel de lo vernáculo en la arquitectura moderna: cuestiones de forma, identidad y adecuación al contexto." Cuaderno de Notas, no. 20 (July 31, 2019): 29.

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ResumenA menudo se perciben las vanguardias arquitectónicas como movimientos opuestos a la tradición. Sin embargo, y pese a que parte de ellas nacieron con esa voluntad de ruptura, existen y han existido múltiples conexiones entre tradición y modernidad, entre las que puede desatacarse el valor asignado a determinadas tradiciones vernáculas por sucesivas generaciones de arquitectos. Entre estas últimas, han destacado históricamente las tradiciones mediterráneas, que se convertirían en fuente de modelos para algunas de estas nuevas arquitecturas. Desde apreciaciones puramente formales, desligadas de los condicionantes culturales y funcionales que las habían ido configurando generación tras generación, se llegó a menudo a una valoración más amplia de las mismas y, partiendo de ésta, surgirían importantes debates que contribuirían de forma significativa a la evolución de la arquitectura moderna. AbstractThe architectural vanguards are often understood as movements opposing tradition. Nevertheless, and in spite of part of them having been born under such a will, multiple links between tradition and modernity exist and have existed. Among them, the way successive generations of architects have valued particular vernacular traditions stands out, especially those belonging to the Mediterranean regions. These last traditions would historically become a source of references for some of those new architectural trends. From purely formal appreciations, disconnected from the cultural and functional conditioning factors which shaped them generation after generation, often a wider understanding of them was reached. From that starting point important debates would come up and they would significantly contribute to the evolution of modern architecture.
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Sainz Gutiérrrez, Victoriano. "Sevilla y el río Guadalquivir en la planificación reciente: encuentros y desencuentros." ZARCH, no. 15 (January 27, 2021): 96–109.

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La relación de Sevilla con el Guadalquivir presenta una doble vertiente: de una parte, el río ha sido para la ciudad una importante fuente riqueza gracias a la actividad comercial desarrollada en su puerto y, de otra, una causa de problemas por las frecuentes riadas que han venido dañando con regularidad su tejido edificado. La ingente obra hidráulica realizada desde finales del siglo XIX para mejorar la accesibilidad de las embarcaciones al puerto y defender la ciudad de las inundaciones no ha dejado de provocar conflictos tanto a nivel urbano como territorial. El artículo repasa la historia de esos conflictos dominados por una neta hegemonía portuaria, centrándose a continuación en los retos y oportunidades a los que se enfrenta la Sevilla metropolitana para dar un nuevo significado a los espacios vinculados al cauce vivo del río Guadalquivir y su llanura de inundación. La construcción de la ciudad-territorio contemporánea se presenta como una ocasión para integrarlos en la infraestructura verde metropolitana. En esa dirección han ido tanto el planeamiento urbano como el territorial vigente, pero el camino no está exento de dificultades, que aquí se ilustran con los debates recientes respecto al futuro de la dehesa de Tablada como gran parque periurbano.
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Solaguren-Beascoa de Corral, Félix. "Conversando con...Alberto Campo Baeza." EGA Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica 26, no. 42 (July 16, 2021): 18.

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<p>Creo que sería redundante presentar al profesor Alberto Campo Baeza. Su currículum es lo suficientemente conocido como para volverlo a narrar una vez más. También se le han hecho múltiples entrevistas donde muchas veces se repiten preguntas y aspectos referentes a su obra y a su persona.</p><p>Por ello cuando Angela García, directora de EGA, me pidió realizarle una entrevista, lo hablé con Alberto y le propuse realizar una especie de diálogo sobre temáticas que sabía que a él le interesan.</p><p>Él nunca tiene un no como respuesta debido a su gran generosidad.</p><p>Empezaré explicando que conocí a Alberto alrededor de 1990 cuando él bajaba por las escaleras de la ETSAB. Creo que estaba en un tribunal de oposiciones y lo abordé en un descanso de la prueba. Por aquél entonces él ya era una persona conocida como profesor y como arquitecto.</p><p>Con el paso de los años hemos ido coincidiendo puntualmente en actos y conferencias, relación que se ha ido intensificando con el tiempo.</p><p>La escena era siempre más o menos la misma, pero con sutiles e intensos momentos que me llenan, ciertamente, de admiración: él hablando de luz y espacio, de poesía (no olvidemos que su pasión por los clásicos es manifiesta y conocida), y que materializa con proyectos claros y sencillos donde nada sobra y donde nada falta, explicándolos con una infinita paciencia y una emoción que siempre trasmite a los asistentes. ¿Se puede pedir más?</p><p>Ajeno a las modas, pero atento siempre a cualquier inquietud intelectual.</p><p>Jovencísimo catedrático. Actualmente emérito de la ETSAM, miembro de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, y tantas cosas más… </p><p>Pero hay dos hechos que para mi tienen especial significado. El primero, su intento por trabajar con Arne Jacobsen justo antes de su fallecimiento. El segundo, siendo yo el director de la Escuela, cuando fue profesor invitado de la ETSAB llevando a su cargo un Taller de Proyectos de 5º curso durante el primer cuatrimestre del período 2018-2019. No faltó a ninguna clase. Venía de Madrid todas las semanas. Un regalo.</p><p>Estos aspectos están implícitos en el texto que compartimos a continuación. Realizado, como dice Alberto, “tacita a tacita”, en una época invadida por la pandemia y en un ir y venir de correos electrónicos. </p><p>Preguntas y respuestas, comprobaciones, donde cada dos o tres días recibía sus noticias. Nos íbamos intercambiando preguntas y respuestas en ambas direcciones en un enriquecedor diálogo que ha sido otra lección particular que él me ha dado.</p><p>Sólo me queda por agradecer esta posibilidad, la de una “entrevista atípica”, como la califica Ángela García, y que se ha ido retrasando en el tiempo hasta que llegamos a encontrar esta fórmula que gracias a la tecnología se nos ha permitido realizar.</p><p>Muchas gracias Alberto.</p>
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Blanco-Rotea, Rebeca, Sonia García-Rodríguez, Alberto Rodríguez-Costas, and Anxo Rodríguez Paz. "Análisis y recuperación de un paisaje urbano fortificado en la villa de Verín (Orense, Galicia)." Arqueología de la Arquitectura, no. 5 (December 30, 2008): 223.

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La villa de Verín se localiza en el SE de Galicia, muy próxima a la frontera de Portugal y a los pies del castillo de Monterrei. Durante la Guerra de la Restauración Portuguesa (1640-1668) su localización la convierte en un importante enclave defensivo relacionado con la protección del castillo de Monterrei y el paso desde Portugal hacia la provincia de Ourense desde Chaves. La venta de los terrenos de la muralla moderna a mediados del siglo XIX y la fuerte transformación urbanística que sufre en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, enmascaran su trazado fortificado. A través de los trabajos que aquí se presentan se pretende recuperar el papel que la villa jugó en aquel periodo y las transformaciones que Verín ha ido sufriendo desde época bajomedieval.
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Benedito Nuez, Josep, and José Manuel Melchor Monserrat. "Evidencias, aspectos materiales y técnicas constructivas del recinto amurallado de la madīna Buryāna (Burriana, Castellón)." Arqueología de la Arquitectura, no. 17 (November 18, 2020): e097.

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La ciudad de Burriana se localiza frente a la costa del mar Mediterráneo, muy próxima al río Anna, a los pies de las principales vías de comunicación que vertebran el levante peninsular, con puerto marítimo y sobre un terreno fértil. Su localización la convierte en un importante enclave defensivo relacionado con la protección del paso hacia Murbāṭir (Sagunto) desde el río Millars. Pero la fuerte transformación urbanística que sufre desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIX ha enmascarado su trazado fortificado. A partir del trabajo que aquí se presenta se pretende recuperar información de la ciudad en época islámica, sobre todo lo concerniente a su sistema de fortificación y las transformaciones que esta ha ido sufriendo. Se presenta también un análisis de las técnicas constructivas. Una vez analizados los datos, se proyecta una restitución del trazado de la muralla, torres y portales.
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Urruchi-Rojo, J. R., J. A. Martínez-Martínez, and R. Serrano-López. "De la bóveda de medio punto a la bóveda escarzana en los puentes de piedra. Influencia del rebajamiento y del relleno rígido en la variación de la carga de rotura." Informes de la Construcción 69, no. 545 (April 5, 2017): 187.

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La forma de las bóvedas de los puentes de piedra ha ido evolucionando con el tiempo, existiendo bibliografía en la que además de recomendarse una tipología frente a otra, según la época, se prescribía la manera de ejecutar el relleno del trasdós. Todo ello surgía en un principio como fruto de las experiencias adquiridas durante la construcción y observación de los puentes. Así fueron emergiendo, a partir del siglo xviii, formulaciones que en unos casos aportaban un resultado y en otros el contrario. Este artículo pretende realizar una comparación entre varias de estas formulaciones, así como efectuar un análisis de la influencia en la variación de la carga de rotura, tanto del rebajamiento de la bóveda como de la participación del relleno rígido en el trasdós del mismo.
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Martín del Toro, E. "La influencia de la correcta consideración climática en los certificados energéticos realizados en Canarias." Informes de la Construcción 71, no. 556 (November 19, 2019): 310.

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El certificado energético se presenta como una herramienta de gran utilidad al ofrecer información sobre la eficiencia energética, los consumos energéticos asociados y las emisiones de CO2 que dichos consumos generan. Pero su aplicación en Canarias se ha encontrado con problemas, ya que las particularidades propias del archipiélago dan lugar, por un lado a que el clima de las islas sea muy diferente del resto de España y por otro lado el encontrarse marcado por microclimas que originan una importante variedad climática en una pequeña extensión de superficie. Este aspecto, que no se vio recogido en un primer momento por el CTE, ha ido posteriormente ajustándose. Este trabajo analiza las discrepancias producidas entres las distintas zonas climáticas propuestas en las diferentes áreas del archipiélago para conocer cuáles se acercan más a las condiciones reales de las islas y las implicaciones que estas divergencias han provocado, como situaciones con resultados incoherentes.
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Alarcón González, Luisa, and Francisco Montero-Fernández. "LA CALLE COMO ESCENOGRAFÍA URBANA. LAS TRANSFORMACIONES DE LARIOS Y ALCAZABILLA EN EL SIGLO XX." Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura, no. 25 (2021): 68–85.

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Frente al mundo de lo privado, las calles, como estructura primaria de la ciudad, son uno de los principales lugares de encuentro para sus habitantes. Diseñadas para conectar diferentes puntos, su trazado, desarrollo y conformación reflejan cómo es la ciudad a la que pertenecen, cuál es su grado de desarrollo, cómo de complejas son sus funciones y también cómo es la sociedad que las construye, usa y disfruta. En este sentido, el análisis de las transformaciones que han sufrido durante el siglo xx y los comienzos del xxi las calles Larios y Alcazabilla, dos de las vías principales del centro histórico de la ciudad de Málaga, sirven como ejemplo para estudiar cómo han evolucionado los modos de vida en los últimos 130 años y cómo han ido cambiando conceptos hoy día importantes como el patrimonio y la movilidad. La construcción de una calle lleva aparejada normalmente una intencionalidad urbana, y responde a un momento histórico en nuestros casos de estudio; la calle Larios responde inicialmente a una estrategia canónica de transformación urbana decimonónica, mientras que Alcazabilla ha sido construida más por el azar y el devenir de la historia, aunque finalmente sus destinos converjan a comienzos del siglo xxi.
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Rubio Hernández, Rosana. "El espacio urbano fulgurante. Anagogía laica en Times Square | The Flashing Urban Space. Laic Anagogy in Times Square." ZARCH, no. 9 (December 4, 2017): 194.

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El espacio público urbano se ha ido transformando, desde finales del siglo XIX en un escenario, en el que el vidrio y la electricidad se alían para comunicar mensajes (informativos, publicitarios, decorativos o artísticos), construyendo lo que hemos denominado el espacio urbano fulgurante. En los espacios sagrados de la arquitectura bizantina y gótica, el vidrio también tuvo un papel determinante en la comunicación de información con fines anagógicos, en mosaicos y vidrieras. Nuestra época ha encontrado un arquetipo arquitectónico capaz de albergar a las multitudes que son objetivo de los mensajes de la “nueva religión” de la sociedad capitalista y de consumo. La solución ha sido convertir el propio espacio urbano en el nuevo “templo”. En él, las fachadas de los edificios existentes, se inundan de cartelería y pantallas de todo tipo, que lanzan incesantes mensajes sobre esos espacios, donde se congregan las masas de “nuevos fieles”. Nacen así lugares como Times Square. En el artículo se narra el origen y la historia de este enclave neoyorkino y la importancia que tuvieron personajes como S. L. Rothafel “Roxy” y D. Leigh en la definición de esta épica urbana del fulgor. Se analiza también su paralelismo con las arquitecturas sacras bizantina y gótica. El artículo concluye, instando a una reflexión crítica sobre las implicaciones que conllevan estos espacios, que están afectando al modo en que se viven las ciudades y al modo de hacer arquitectura.PALABRAS CLAVE: Times Square, Pantallas, Vidrio, Luz, Anagogía. Urban public space has been transformed, since the end of the 19th century, into a stage where glass and electricity are allied to communicate messages (whether informative, advertising, decorative or artistic), building what we have called the flashing urban space. In the sacred spaces of Byzantine and Gothic architecture, glass had also a decisive role in the communication of information with anagogical purposes, in mosaics and stained glass. Our age has found an architectural archetype capable of harboring the multitudes that are the target of the messages of the “new religion” of capitalist society and consumption. The solution has been to convert the urban space itself into the new “temple”. In it, the existing buildings’ facades are flooded with signs and screens of all kinds, which release ceaseless messages on those spaces where the masses of the “new faithful” congregate. Then, places like Times Square are born. The article narrates the origin and history of this New Yorker enclave. The importance of characters, such as S. L. Rothafel “Roxy” and D. Leigh, in the definition of this flashing urban epic is also explainded, and its parallelisms with the Byzantine and Gothic sacral architectures are also analyzed. The article concludes urging to a critical reflection on the implications of this kind of urban space, which is affecting the way cities are lived, and the way architecture is made.KEYWORDS: Times Square, Screens, Glass, Light, Anagogy.
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Prieto, Eduardo. "Vincenzo Scamozzi : ¿pionero del ‘diseño ambiental’? = Vincenzo Scamozzi : Pioneer of Environmental Design." Cuaderno de Notas, no. 21 (July 31, 2020): 28.

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ResumenPublicada por Vincenzo Scamozzi en 1615, la Idea dell’architettura universale es una suerte de enciclopedia avant la lettre que compendia el conocimiento que habían ido atesorando los arqui­tectos italianos desde mediados del siglo XV. Se trata, además, de una obra sin parangón en el Renacimiento en lo que toca a su aproximación holística y compleja a las dimensiones medioam­bientales de la arquitectura, desde escalas muy diversas y abarcando temas que van desde la descripción del territorio hasta el diseño de las ventanas, los pórticos o los jardines, pasando por el análisis de la orientación solar, la atención a los vientos dominantes o el estudio de la disponib­ilidad de agua o la iluminación natural en cada contexto. En su empeño, Scamozzi no solo reinter­preta la tradición del higienismo hipocrático —recogida por Vitruvio y desarrollada por Aberti y Pal­ladio—, sino que la actualiza y enriquece aplicando a la arquitectura las importantes innovaciones que los científicos de la época habían hecho en campos como la geografía, la óptica y la hidráulica.AbstractPublished by Vincenzo Scamozzi in 1615, Idea dell’architettura universale is something of an avant la lettre encyclopedia of knowledge compiled by Italian architects since the mid-15th century. It is, moreover, unmatched in the Renaissance in what concerns its complex, holistic approach to the environmental dimensions of architecture, taken from very different scales and embracing themes ranging from the description of territories to the design of windows, porticos, or gardens, and along the way including an analysis of solar orientation, attention to dominant winds, and a study of the availability of water, natural light, and other resources in each context. In this work Scamozzi does not only reinterpret the tradition of Hippocratic hygienism as recorded by Vitruvius and developed by Alberti and Palladio; he also updates and enriches it by applying to architecture the major inno­vations scientists of the period had made in fields like geography, optics, and hydraulics.
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Astrova, Irina, Arne Koschel, Marc Schaaf, Samuel Klassen, and Kerim Jdiya. "Serverless, FaaS and why organizations need them." Intelligent Decision Technologies 15, no. 4 (January 10, 2022): 825–38.

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This paper is aimed at helping organizations to understand what they can expect from a serverless architecture in the future and how they can make sound decisions about the choice between microservice and serverless architectures in the present. A serverless architecture is a new approach to offering services in the cloud. It was invented as a solution to the problem that many organizations are facing today – about 85% of their servers have underutilized capacity, which is proved to be costly and wasteful. By employing the serverless architecture, the organizations get a way to eliminate idle, underutilized servers and thus, to reduce their operational costs. Many cloud providers are now jumping to the serverless world because they know it is going to be the future of software architectures. However, being a new approach, the serverless architecture is still relatively immature – it is in the early stages of its support by cloud service platform providers. This paper provides an in-depth study about the serverless architecture and how to apply FaaS in the real world.
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RADULOVA, Yana Igorevna. "XXI CENTURY. FEATURES OF FORMATION OF SPACE BORDERS IN ARCHITECTURE AND TOWN PLANNING." Urban construction and architecture 4, no. 3 (September 15, 2014): 41–46.

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The concept of spatial boundaries is presented as the joints of the two states of the space. The interaction of inside and outside space in contemporary architecture is presented. The features of the boundaries between inside and outside spaces and their possible applications in the architectural objects are considered. Interaction of inside and outside space in architecture can be traced in the works of Toyo Ito, Sou Fujimoto, Kotaro Ide, Jurgen Mayer, Shuhei Endo, Emilio Ambaz, Michael Sorkin, Massimiliano Fuksas, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid. In contemporary architecture the problems of symbiosis of the inside and outside space are successfully solved by such world-renowned architectural companies as Tezuka, SeARC, RSie(n), Formwerkz, Sansiri, FOA, SHoP, UN Studio, NOX.
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Kumar, Harish, Muhammad Rashid, Ahmed Alhomoud, Sikandar Zulqarnain Khan, Ismail Bahkali, and Saud S. Alotaibi. "A Scalable Digit-Parallel Polynomial Multiplier Architecture for NIST-Standardized Binary Elliptic Curves." Applied Sciences 12, no. 9 (April 24, 2022): 4312.

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This work presents a scalable digit-parallel finite field polynomial multiplier architecture with a digit size of 32 bits for NIST-standardized binary elliptic fields. First, a dedicated digit-parallel architecture is proposed for each binary field recommended by NIST, i.e., 163, 233, 283, 409 and 571. Then, a scalable architecture having support for all variants of binary fields of elliptic curves is proposed. For performance investigation, we have compared dedicated multiplier architectures with scalable design. After this, the dedicated and scalable architectures are compared with the most relevant state-of-the-art multipliers. All multiplier architectures are implemented in Verilog HDL using the Vivado IDE tool. The implementation results are reported on a 28 nm Virtex-7 FPGA technology. The dedicated multipliers utilize slices of 1182 (for m=163), 1451 (for m=233), 1589 (for m=283), 2093 (for m=409) and 3451 (for m=571). Moreover, our dedicated designs can operate at a maximum frequency of 500, 476, 465, 451 and 443 MHz. Similarly, for all supported binary fields, our scalable architecture (i) utilizes 3753 slices, (ii) achieves 305 MHz clock frequency, (iii) takes 0.013 μs for one finite field multiplication and (iv) consumes 3.905 W power. The proposed scalable digit-parallel architecture is more area-efficient than most recent state-of-the-art multipliers. Consequently, the reported results and comparison to the state of the art reveal that the proposed architectures are well suited for cryptographic applications.
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Kumar, Harish, Muhammad Rashid, Ahmed Alhomoud, Sikandar Zulqarnain Khan, Ismail Bahkali, and Saud S. Alotaibi. "A Scalable Digit-Parallel Polynomial Multiplier Architecture for NIST-Standardized Binary Elliptic Curves." Applied Sciences 12, no. 9 (April 24, 2022): 4312.

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This work presents a scalable digit-parallel finite field polynomial multiplier architecture with a digit size of 32 bits for NIST-standardized binary elliptic fields. First, a dedicated digit-parallel architecture is proposed for each binary field recommended by NIST, i.e., 163, 233, 283, 409 and 571. Then, a scalable architecture having support for all variants of binary fields of elliptic curves is proposed. For performance investigation, we have compared dedicated multiplier architectures with scalable design. After this, the dedicated and scalable architectures are compared with the most relevant state-of-the-art multipliers. All multiplier architectures are implemented in Verilog HDL using the Vivado IDE tool. The implementation results are reported on a 28 nm Virtex-7 FPGA technology. The dedicated multipliers utilize slices of 1182 (for m=163), 1451 (for m=233), 1589 (for m=283), 2093 (for m=409) and 3451 (for m=571). Moreover, our dedicated designs can operate at a maximum frequency of 500, 476, 465, 451 and 443 MHz. Similarly, for all supported binary fields, our scalable architecture (i) utilizes 3753 slices, (ii) achieves 305 MHz clock frequency, (iii) takes 0.013 μs for one finite field multiplication and (iv) consumes 3.905 W power. The proposed scalable digit-parallel architecture is more area-efficient than most recent state-of-the-art multipliers. Consequently, the reported results and comparison to the state of the art reveal that the proposed architectures are well suited for cryptographic applications.
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Gómez Gómez, María Belén. "El proyecto religioso del cardenal Montini a la vanguardia de la arquitectura milanesa. El caso de Mater Misericordiae, icono de la modernidad | Cardinal Montini´s Religious Project, on the avant-garde of Milanese architecture. The study case of Mater Misericordiae, an icon of modernity." ZARCH, no. 8 (October 2, 2017): 300.

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Durante la década de los años cincuenta del pasado siglo la ciudad de Milán creció a un ritmo acelerado al tratar de acomodar a la población que, como consecuencia de los movimientos migratorios acaecidos al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se había ido alojando en la periferia. Algunas entidades, como la Diócesis de esta ciudad, trataron de dar ayuda espiritual a los habitantes de estas áreas en crecimiento, consolidándose esta iniciativa en un plan de construcción de nuevos complejos parroquiales en los alrededores de la ciudad. En el año 1955 es nombrado Arzobispo de Milán Giovanni Battista Montini, futuro Papa Pablo VI, que será una figura clave, el verdadero artífice tanto de este plan de construcción de iglesias como de la modernización de la imagen de la arquitectura sacra en Milán. Montini encargó muchos de los proyectos a arquitectos innovadores de experiencia probada, que trabajaban habitualmente en Milán o en otras zonas de Italia, pero también solicitó la redacción de algunos proyectos a jóvenes arquitectos que apenas tenían experiencia en el campo de la arquitectura eclesiástica. Con él, el ritmo de construcción de iglesias se incrementó considerablemente en los alrededores de la ciudad, llegando a levantarse en esos años más de cien nuevos edificios sacros. La intención de este texto es señalar, a través de una serie de ejemplos relevantes, entre los que destaca la iglesia Mater Misericoridae, cómo la Diócesis de Milán contribuyó, mediante una renovación de la imagen de la Iglesia como institución a través de su arquitectura, a definir la identidad de algunos barrios periféricos de la ciudad. En ellos, las nuevas construcciones eclesiásticas se convirtieron en hitos, símbolos de una importante renovación litúrgica que se había iniciado unas décadas antes en otros puntos de Europa Algunas de las nuevas propuestas arquitectónicas, en las que la Iglesia Católica apostó por apoyar la reconciliación entre arte moderno y arte sacro, se convirtieron en modelos de referencia en los que confluían tradición y modernidad. El caso concreto de la Iglesia Mater Misericordiae permite reconocer un alto grado de experimentación, muy por encima de otras arquitecturas coetáneas, tanto religiosas como civiles, muestra de la apuesta que la Diócesis milanesa, y en concreto el Cardenal Montini, hizo al apoyar la construcción de un proyecto renovador de verdadero carácter vanguardista.PALABRAS CLAVE: Milán de posguerra, arquitectura sacra, renovación litúrgica, iglesia y modernidad. During the 50s’ the city of Milan experienced a fast growth to accommodate the population that arrived into the city as a consequence of the migratory movements that took place at the end of the Second World War. Some organizations, such as the Archbishopric of the city, tried to provide with spiritual help to the inhabitants of this developing areas. This initiative turned into a plan for the construction of new parish churches in the settlements around the city. In the year 1955 Giovanni Battista Montini - who a few years later would become pope Paulus VI- Became archbishop of Milan and took over the management and planning for the construction of new churches. He was responsible for the modern image of sacred architecture in this city. Montini commissioned a group of innovative architects with proven experience that had already worked in Milan or other parts of Italy to deliver some of the Projects. At the same time, he appointed a group of young architects with relatively little experience in the field of ecclesiastical architecture and put them in charge of a second group of projects projects. Under Montini the rhythm of churches construction in the neighborhoods around Milan increased considerably and more than one hundred churches were constructed during this period and the following years. This paper discusses the contribution of the Diocese of Milan, within the renovation of the church as an institution through its architecture, to define the identity of some of the new peripheral areas of the city. For this purpose, some of the most interesting examples of architecture constructed during this period have been selected. Among all this constructions the church of Mater Misericordiae can be singled out for a number of reasons. These new sacred constructions became symbols of the important Liturgical renewal that had started a few decades before in some other parts of Europe. Some of these new architectural proposals, in which the Catholic Church tried to reconcile modern and sacred art, became new models of reference in which tradition and modernity went hand by hand. In the case of the church of Mater Misericordiae a high level of experimentation, well above some other contemporary sacred and civil constructions, can be recognized. This is an evidence of Montini’s commitment, to support a really avant-garde renewal project.KEYWORDS: Post-war Milan, Sacred Architecture, Liturgical renewal, church and modernity.
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Putri, Anggi Jihan, Chusnatun Nisa, Ardania Safitri, and Muhammad Ainul Yaqin. "Development Of Pesoktren's Business Architecture." Generation Journal 4, no. 1 (March 18, 2020): 1–9.

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Abstrac-Technology is a thing that is needed for now. One of them is technology that is also needed in Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools currently do not have a clear architecture for developing technology. In an institution, it needs a mature planning for architectural development. To support the success of Islamic boarding school, a good business process is needed. To make this happen thepesantren business architecture was created using the TOGAF ADM method. In making this business architecture refers to 52 boarding school standards. Of the 52 boarding school standards, each SOP will be made and then grouped each SOP using the TF-IDF algorithm and articulation to facilitate the process of grouping SOPs so that an organizational structure of the boarding school is obtained
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Tenconi, Lucia. "Fotografia e arti visive nella progettualitŕ di Ico Parisi." TERRITORIO, no. 61 (June 2012): 137–44.

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A day of studies held at the Politecnico in Milan dedicated to Ico Parisi has re-launched the project for publication of a monographic volume dedicated to the multi-faceted work of the this architect from Como. This project offers the opportunity to reconsider the role of photography in Parisi's designs, where a snapshot was never a detailed, truthful, immutable reproduction of reality, but a symbolic and critical representation of the subject mediated by the author, a source of creative inspiration, more images and the concretisation of utopian places. Following the evolution of Parisi's poetics through his experiences in the photographic field, this essay shows the development of the relationship between graphic representation and architectural design, which became progressively closer until the two expressive realms almost completely overlapped, and photography itself became architecture.
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Gupta, Isha, Sheifali Gupta, and Swati Singh. "Architectures Based on Deep Learning for the Detection of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma." ECS Transactions 107, no. 1 (April 24, 2022): 5469–79.

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Image processing techniques have improved dramatically in recent years to help pathologists identify cancer cells. Like convolutional neural networks (CNNs), deep learning methods are increasingly used for imaging processes and analysis in histopathology images. This research aims to demonstrate the detection of histopathological pictures linked with the prediction of invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC) and non-IDC in the breasts. A complex problem is the detection of IDC in histopathological images, as cancer includes minor entities with a variety of shapes that can readily be confused with other objects or facts in the picture. As a result, the suggested research recommends three distinct CNN architectures for identifying IDC using histopathological images, referred to as 10-layer, 19-layer, and 20-layer convolutional neural networks, respectively. Excellent values of sensitivity, precision, and low classification error rate have been achieved to detect IDC in histopathology images using deep layer-convolutional neural networks. Using 19 layer-convolutional neural networks, the efficiency obtained was 87%, revealing improved results for deep layer convolutional neural network architecture.
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Morales Contreras, Blanca Nivia, and Jenyfer Jessika Palencia Sierra. "REFLEXIONES DEL CUIDADO ENFERMERO EN TIEMPOS DE COVID-19." Enfermería Investiga 5, no. 3 (July 6, 2020): 71.

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La Pandemia del Covid 19 originada en Wuhan, provincia de Hubei, China en diciembre de 2019, ha impuesto al mundo cambios trascendentales en las dimensiones humanas, generando una realidad de enfermedad y muerte en la población mundial. “El Covid 19 forma parte de un grupo de coronavirus (CoV), que produce desde una congestión nasal hasta enfermedades muy graves, de acuerdo a la OMS, por lo que fue declarada una emergencia de salud pública con caracterización de pandemia. En Colombia las cifras de enfermos y muertos han ido aumentando, desde “marzo 6 cuando se confirma el primer caso en una mujer de 19 años”. Los profesionales de enfermería llamados a atender en primera línea a las personas que presentan COVID 19, es personal preparado de manera científica, con una visión integral que los hace líderes para afrontar todas las situaciones con la ética, desde diferentes puntos de vista: administrativo, investigativo, docente, asistencial en el ámbito clínico y comunitario. Con el conocimiento pertinente asumen su responsabilidad de cuidado en la situación real que vive la población. En consecuencia, se evidencia por medio de la reflexión participativa (25 enfermeras/os) que la mayor emoción presentada por los profesionales de enfermería es el miedo al contagio personal y familiar, la tristeza por el rechazo social y el cambio en los estilos de la vida personal, familiar y laboral desde el momento que se anuncia la cuarentena. Abstract The Covid 19 Pandemic originated in Wuhan, Hubei province, China in December 2019, has imposed on the world transcendental changes in human dimensions, generating a reality of disease and death in the world population. "Covid 19 is part of a group of coronaviruses (CoV), which produces from a nasal congestion to very serious diseases, according to the WHO, which is why it was declared a public health emergency with a pandemic characterization. In Colombia the numbers of sick and dead have been increasing, since "March 6 when the first case is confirmed in a 19-year-old woman." The nursing professionals called to attend the front line against the COVID-19 are highly qualified personnel, with a comprehensive scientific vision which allows them to face all situations ethically, from different points of view: administrative, investigative, educational, healthcare in both clinical and community settings. With the pertinent knowledge, they assume their responsibility in the real situation of the population´s lives. Consequently, when asked to reflect on the whole experience (sample of 25 nurses), being contaminated has been cited as the main fear of those on the front line, as well as the feeling of sadness due to social rejection and compulsory changes in personal, family, and work-life balance since the quarantine has been announced.
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Ma, Nan, Hong Bao, Yun Zhai, Liyi Ma, and Wenfa Li. "Curriculum Architecture Based on Generalized Multimodal Information Fusion for ITO Training." International Journal of Information and Education Technology 6, no. 6 (2016): 500–503.

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Guarate, Yeisy, G. Gutierrez, E. Naranjo, and G. Tenecota. "Síndrome de Burnout en el personal docente de la Facultad Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato." Enfermería Investiga 5, no. 3 (June 30, 2020): 19.

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Introducción: El número de personas que padecen un Síndrome de Burnout (SB) a causa de estrés laboral ha ido incrementando y ha llegado a ser una de las causas principales del bajo desempeño, ausentismo laboral y discapacidades. Objetivo: Identificar SB en el personal docente de la Facultad Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato (UTA). Método: Investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, de campo y de corte transversal. La Población objeto de estudio fueron todos los docentes de la Facultad Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato, siendo la muestra censal. Para la recolección de la información se aplicó el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) que consta de 22 ítems en forma de afirmaciones que permitió medir el desgaste profesional del personal docente. Finalmente, se cuidaron los aspectos éticos señalados en la Declaración de Helsinki, así como los principios éticos de respeto, autonomía y no maleficencia. Resultados: La población estudiada no manifiesta una elevada incidencia del SB, sin embargo, apuntan a una incipiente presencia del mismo ya que hubo puntuaciones en los sectores medios que actualmente no son relevantes, pero bien pudieran indicar que estamos ante una muestra de docentes no exentos de problemática y tensiones. Conclusiones: Los docentes de la Facultad Ciencias de la Salud de la UTA están en riesgo de padecer SB, ya que presentaron variaciones significativas en los aspectos agotamiento emocional y realización personal; siendo los más afectados los docentes de las carreras de estimulación temprana, medicina, terapia física y laboratorio clínico. Abstract Introduction: The number of people suffering from Burnout Syndrome (SB) due to work-related stress has been increasing and has become one of the main causes of poor performance, absenteeism and disabilities. Objective: To identify SB in the teaching staff of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato (UTA). Method: Quantitative, descriptive, field and cross-sectional research. The Population under study were all teachers of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato, being the census sample. For the collection of the information, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire was applied, consisting of 22 items in the form of affirmations that allowed measuring the professional wear of the teaching staff. Finally, the ethical aspects indicated in the Declaration of Helsinki were taken care of, as well as the ethical principles of respect, autonomy and non-maleficiency. Results: The population studied does not show a high incidence of SB, however, they point to an incipient presence of the same since there were scores in the middle sectors that are currently not relevant, but could well indicate that we are facing a sample of non-exempt teachers of problems and tensions. Conclusions: The teachers of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UTA are at risk of suffering from SB, since they presented significant variations in the aspects of emotional exhaustion and personal fulfillment; being the most affected teachers of early stimulation careers, medicine and clinical laboratory.
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Solís Zara, Susana. "Reformulando el museo en el contexto actual de crisis." Ge-conservacion 4 (July 31, 2013): 127–45.

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Resumen: El presente artículo analiza y cuestiona la situación actual que atraviesan los centros y museos de arte contemporáneo, a través de un estudio pormenorizado de las transformaciones más destacadas que se han ido dando en los últimos cuarenta años. Donde hemos pasado, a partir del inicio del postmodernismo, del fenómeno “efecto museo” y proliferación memorística acrecentada en pleno boom económico, a nuevos tiempos de incertidumbre donde muchas instituciones museísticas de nuestro país, ven afectadas sus colecciones por los recortes y ajustes presupuestarios generales del Estado, aumentando de esta manera el peligro de la defensa del programa y la disminución de la actividad de estos espacios expositivos que, asimismo, sufren modificaciones constantes, que necesitan adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y a las propuestas emergentes de los artistas. Reformulando el museo en crisis, contribuiremos a la discusión introduciendo algunos anomalías y ciertas cuestiones sobre el tema. Como es por ejemplo la actual crisis económica y financiera, que pone en peligro tanto la supervivencia de muchos centros culturales como la investigación de nuestro patrimonio artístico y cultural y, por consiguiente, la amenaza de no poder recuperar nuestra memoria histórica. Palabras claves: museos; crisis; patrimonio artístico y cultural; arquitectura museística; visitantes; contenido y continente; teoría y crítica institucional; turismo cultural Abstract: This article analyzes and questions the present situation that there cross the centers and museums of contemporary art, through a detailed study of the most important changes that have been happening in the last thirty years. Since the beginning of postmodernism, we’ve gone on the phenomenon "museum effect" and memory proliferation increased in plenary economic boom, a new era of uncertainty where many museum institutions of our country, its collections are affected by the overall budget cuts and adjustments State, thereby increasing the danger of the defense program and the decreased activity of these exhibition spaces that also suffer constant changes, they need to adapt to the new times and proposals emerging artists. Reformulating the museum in crisis, we will contribute to the discussion introducing some anomalies and certain questions on the subject. As the current economic and financial crisis, this threatens investigating artistic and cultural heritage, and therefore, the threat of not being able to recover our historical memory. Key words: Museums; crisis; artistic and cultural heritage, museum architecture; visitors, content and continent, theory and institutional critique; cultural tourism
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Yuan, Ruiming, Sida Zheng, Yan Liu, Fukuan Pang, and Xiaokun Yang. "The Intelligent Detection Method of Electric Energy Meter Overload Operating and Collaborative Edge Computing for Social Internet of Things Systems." International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies 13, no. 7 (July 12, 2022): 1–21.

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This study describes a line cloud architecture and IDM-based energy metering system to replace existing meter reading methods. They can regularly monitor meter readings without sending someone to each residence, and the bill is automatically sent to each user via IDM. If the consumer fails to pay the bill, the service provider can cut off the supply; this technology will prevent the illicit use of electricity, often known as power detection, and locate line faults rapidly and precisely without the need for human intervention. Because of the increased deployment of energy meters, much data on electric energy is used. Developing cloud architecture technologies could utilize this data better to prevent power detection. In this paper, an intelligent detection method of electric energy meter overload functioning state based on cloud architecture (IDM EEMOF-CA) is provided in detail and utilized to identify electric energy detection. There are currently no studies involving the use of IDM EEM-CA to detect power exposure to the authors' knowledge.
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Rao, Sunil, Vivek Narayanaswamy, Michael Esposito, Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, and Andreas Spanias. "COVID-19 detection using cough sound analysis and deep learning algorithms." Intelligent Decision Technologies 15, no. 4 (January 10, 2022): 655–65.

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Reliable and rapid non-invasive testing has become essential for COVID-19 diagnosis and tracking statistics. Recent studies motivate the use of modern machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) tools that utilize features of coughing sounds for COVID-19 diagnosis. In this paper, we describe system designs that we developed for COVID-19 cough detection with the long-term objective of embedding them in a testing device. More specifically, we use log-mel spectrogram features extracted from the coughing audio signal and design a series of customized deep learning algorithms to develop fast and automated diagnosis tools for COVID-19 detection. We first explore the use of a deep neural network with fully connected layers. Additionally, we investigate prospects of efficient implementation by examining the impact on the detection performance by pruning the fully connected neural network based on the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) optimization process. In general, pruned neural networks have been shown to provide similar performance gains to that of unpruned networks with reduced computational complexity in a variety of signal processing applications. Finally, we investigate the use of convolutional neural network architectures and in particular the VGG-13 architecture which we tune specifically for this application. Our results show that a unique ensembling of the VGG-13 architecture trained using a combination of binary cross entropy and focal losses with data augmentation significantly outperforms the fully connected networks and other recently proposed baselines on the DiCOVA 2021 COVID-19 cough audio dataset. Our customized VGG-13 model achieves an average validation AUROC of 82.23% and a test AUROC of 78.3% at a sensitivity of 80.49%.
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Curran, Jim. "Laying out software architecture diagrams." Information Design Journal 15, no. 2 (August 10, 2007): 110–13.

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Alipour-Hafezi, Mehdi. "IDL framework to integrate disparate digital library systems: a case study." Electronic Library 32, no. 2 (April 1, 2014): 134–46.

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Purpose – The main purpose of this article is to provide a focal framework with the aim of making integrated digital libraries in technical and content level of syntactic interoperability between digital libraries. Design/methodology/approach – Literature review, library research method and analytical approach were used in the first step of this research in order to design IDL framework. Then a survey of 11 Iranian digital library applications was conducted for testing the proposed framework. Finally, based on the findings, conceptual integration architecture was proposed based on the framework. Findings – Based on the literature a framework for integration of digital library applications in syntax level is proposed which includes four core layers: models, protocols, metadata formats, and context-based layer. Based on the findings of the survey, integration architecture is proposed which includes all the mentioned layers in the IDL framework. So as to decrease cost of installing the architecture, cloud base technology architecture introduced to be used inverse. Originality/value – A gap exists between research and practice in the field of integrated digital libraries. In fact this article is an attempt to cover this gap by proposing a framework that can be implemented.
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Purwantiasning, Ari Widyati. "BAHASA NARATIF DALAM KOMUNIKASI ARSITEKTUR." NALARs 20, no. 1 (January 13, 2021): 21.

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ABSTRAK. Tulisan ini merupakan sebuah kajian tentang bagaimana mengungkapkan sebuah karya arsitektural, gagasan maupun ide dalam sebuah Bahasa naratif yaitu tulisan. Beberapa teori tentang Bahasa naratif tersebut disajikan oleh beberapa ahlinya sebagai sebuah dasar dan referensi dalam mengungkapkan tiga buah studi kasus yang akan ditinjau. Tinjauan yang dilakukan terhadap tiga studi kasus tersebut menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif naratif, dimana Saya mencoba untuk mengungkapkan kekuatan penulis dalam gaya penulisannya terutama dalam menggiring opini pembaca baik negatif maupun positif bahkan imaginatif. Tulisan ini akan memberikan wacara bagi para calon arsitek yaitu mahasiswa arsitektur atau para civitas akademika lainnya sehingga dapat lebih memahami bagaimana seharusnya sebuah karya arsitektural baik bangunan maupun ruang arsitektural harus diungkapkan untuk mempersuasi pembacanya. Kata Kunci: naratif, linguistik, komunikasi, arsitektur ABSTRACT. This paper is a research about how to express and describe an architectural masterpiece, idea, and thought into a written narrative language. Some theories about narrative language and linguistic language have been discussed in this article and have been used as a primary reference in discussing three case studies. I have reviewed three case studies using a qualitative method with a narrative descriptive approach. I have tried to reveal the author's power with their character and style of their written language, mainly how to persuade the reader either negatively, positively, and imaginatively. This research will give architecture students a new discourse to understand how an architectural masterpiece should be described in a written narrative language to persuade the readers. Keywords: narrative, linguistic, communication, architecture
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Tompa, Kalman, Monika Bokor, Kyou-Hoon Han, and Peter Tompa. "Hydrogen skeleton, mobility and protein architecture." Intrinsically Disordered Proteins 1, no. 1 (January 2013): e25767.

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Çelik, Turgay, and Bedir Tekinerdogan. "S-IDE: A tool framework for optimizing deployment architecture of High Level Architecture based simulation systems." Journal of Systems and Software 86, no. 10 (October 2013): 2520–41.

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Mubarrok, Noor Zakiy. "‘DISPLACEMENT’, KRITERIA DEKONSTRUKSI PETER EISENMAN." Jurnal Arsitektur KOMPOSISI 11, no. 3 (April 1, 2016): 149.

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Abstract: The implementation of deconstruction in architecture presents an extraordinary building, that no rarely lob the name of the designer, no exception for an American architect and theorists, Peter Eisenman. ‘Displacement’ is the notion of Peter Eisenman contains some criteria to implement deconstruction in architecture. The purpose of this research is to explore the thoughts and views of Peter Eisenman about deconstruction in architecture, especially about the notion of ‘displacement’, and its application in the design.Keywords: architecture deconstruction, displacement, peter eisenman Abstrak: Penerapan dekonstruksi dalam arsitektur, menghasilkan karya arsitektur yang luar biasa, yang tak jarang melambungkan nama perancangnya, tak terkecuali Peter Eisenman, seorang arsitek dan teoritikus kebangsaan Amerika. Displacement, merupakan ide yang dicetuskan Peter Eisenman berisi kriteria-kriteria yang harus dipenuhi sebagai upaya menerapkan dekonstruksi dalam arsitektur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi pemikiran serta pandangan Peter Eisenman tentang dekonstruksi dalam arsitektur terutama tentang ide Displacement, serta aplikasinya pada rancangan.Kata kunci: dekonstruksi dalam arsitektur, displacement, peter eisenman
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Carliner, Saul. "An interview with Louis Rosenfeld." Information Design Journal 16, no. 2 (August 4, 2008): 101–6.

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Louis Rosenfeld is one of the world’s leading and bestknown information architects. If he initially earned his reputation from his best-selling book, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, and his first company, Argus Associates, he has maintained it through his newest venture, Rosenfeld Media (which publishes books on the topic of User Experience design), through his ongoing consulting, and his service to establishing the field of information architecture by helping to found the Information Architecture Institute and the User Experience Network (UXnet). In this interview, he shares his thoughts about the growth and practice of information architecture, the limitations of current publishing models and some of the challenges in assigning terminology in this field.
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Westendorp, Piet, and Karel van der Waarde. "Editorial: From avionics to aviation information architecture." Information Design Journal 11, no. 1 (September 26, 2003): 1–3.

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Xue, Jiao, Yige Fan, Zhanxun Dong, Xiao Hu, and Jiatong Yue. "Improving Visual Comfort and Health through the Design of a Local Shading Device." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 7 (April 6, 2022): 4406.

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As people develop higher standards for the beauty of urban architecture, more and more architectural designs are exploring sources of natural lighting, such as glass curtain walls and glass domes. However, the pursuit of architectural design aesthetics introduces glare into buildings, which can be uncomfortable and even dangerous for health. Scholars in related fields have carried out many theoretical studies and design activities based on this problem. In this study, we focus on issues of glare in public buildings, aiming to improve light comfort by solving this problem. First, we propose an improved design strategy based on IDEO design thinking by adding the step of diverging from the design scheme. Second, guided by the results of a questionnaire survey and light environment simulations, we avoided the subjective simplicity of the traditional design process. Third, taking the main library of Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an example, we designed a movable sunshade that could effectively reduce glare effects and improve visual comfort, which improved the light comfort in public buildings. The simulation results show that the proposed design can be useful in buildings to effectively control glare and improve visual comfort and health.
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Wu, Wendy Yi-Ying, Gunnar Johansson, Carl Wibom, Thomas Brännström, Annika Malmström, Roger Henriksson, Irina Golovleva, et al. "The Genetic Architecture of Gliomagenesis–Genetic Risk Variants Linked to Specific Molecular Subtypes." Cancers 11, no. 12 (December 12, 2019): 2001.

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Genome-wide association studies have identified 25 germline genetic loci that increase the risk of glioma. The somatic tumor molecular alterations, including IDH-mutation status and 1p/19q co-deletion, have been included into the WHO 2016 classification system for glioma. To investigate how the germline genetic risk variants correlate with the somatic molecular subtypes put forward by WHO, we performed a meta-analysis that combined findings from 330 Swedish cases and 876 controls with two other recent studies. In total, 5,103 cases and 10,915 controls were included. Three categories of associations were found. First, variants in TERT and TP53 were associated with increased risk of all glioma subtypes. Second, variants in CDKN2B-AS1, EGFR, and RTEL1 were associated with IDH-wildtype glioma. Third, variants in CCDC26 (the 8q24 locus), C2orf80 (close to IDH), LRIG1, PHLDB1, ETFA, MAML2 and ZBTB16 were associated with IDH-mutant glioma. We therefore propose three etiopathological pathways in gliomagenesis based on germline variants for future guidance of diagnosis and potential functional targets for therapies. Future prospective clinical trials of patients with suspicion of glioma diagnoses, using the genetic variants as biomarkers, are necessary to disentangle how strongly they can predict glioma diagnosis.
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Arana-Landín, G., E. Cilleruelo-Carrasco, and J. C. Aldasoro-Alustiza. "ISO 14006. Experiencias previas de estudios de arquitectura que han adoptado el estándar de ecodiseño UNE 150301:2003." Informes de la Construcción 64, no. 527 (May 31, 2012): 319–30.

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Murgic, Jure, Alejandro Berlin, Melvin Chua, Melania Pintilie, Robert G. Bristow, and Theodorus van der Kwast. "Intraductal carcinoma and cribriform architecture as novel prognostic factors in patients with prostate cancer treated with dose-escalated radiotherapy." Journal of Clinical Oncology 34, no. 2_suppl (January 10, 2016): 101.

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101 Background: Intraductal carcinoma (IDC) and cribriform architecture (CA) represent distinct pathohistological variants of high-grade prostate cancer associated with aggressive disease and poor clinical outcome. We evaluated impact of IDC and/or CA (IDC/CA) as a prognostic marker in patients with prostate cancer who underwent contemporary image-guided, dose-escalated, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). Methods: Radiotherapy and clinical records of 379 patients with localized prostate cancer treated from 2005 to 2012 with prostate IMRT with 78 Gy in 39 fractions were retrospectively reviewed. Original diagnostic prostate biopsy slides were centrally reviewed by an expert genitourinary pathologist and scored for presence of IDC/CA. The impact of IDC/CA and other pre-treatment and treatment-related factors on biochemical relapse-free survival (BRFS) was evaluated. Results: IDC/CA was present in 19.3% of patients. After median follow-up of 56 months, 39 (10.3%) and 10 (3.6%) patients experienced biochemical failure and distant metastasis, respectively. On univariate analysis, the presence of IDC/CA was associated with decreased BRFS (HR 4.1 (95% CI: 2.2-7.8), p < 0.0001) and metastasis-free survival (HR = 4.7 (95% CI: 1.4-15.6), p = 0.013). On multivariate analysis, IDC/CA was associated with decreased BRFS (HR = 2.3 (95% CI: 1.2-4.7), p = 0.02) together with NCCN risk group (overall p = 0.0004), Gleason score (overall p = 0.016) and percent of positive biopsy cores (HR = 5.78 (95% CI: 1.4-23.9), p = 0.015). Within intermediate risk patients, presence of IDC/CA was associated with decreased BRFS (HR = 3.3 (95%CI: 1.5-7.1), p = 0.031) and was able to further stratify GS 4+3 patients (HR = 4.5, (95% CI: 1.6-13.0), p = 0.0045). Conclusions: The presence of IDC/CA in the prostate biopsy has negative prognostic impact in patients treated with dose-escalated radiotherapy. Furthermore, the prognostic significance of IDC/CA, even among unfavorable intermediate-risk patients, suggests that these pathological features should be considered in existing risk stratification tools for this patient group.
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Kumar, Manu, Dung Thi Le, Seongbin Hwang, Pil Joon Seo, and Hyun Uk Kim. "Role of the INDETERMINATE DOMAIN Genes in Plants." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20, no. 9 (May 9, 2019): 2286.

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The INDETERMINATE DOMAIN (IDD) genes comprise a conserved transcription factor family that regulates a variety of developmental and physiological processes in plants. Many recent studies have focused on the genetic characterization of IDD family members and revealed various biological functions, including modulation of sugar metabolism and floral transition, cold stress response, seed development, plant architecture, regulation of hormone signaling, and ammonium metabolism. In this review, we summarize the functions and working mechanisms of the IDD gene family in the regulatory network of metabolism and developmental processes.
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Prabawa, Made Agus Adi, I. Made Adhika, and Ida Bagus Gde Wirawibawa. "Konservasi Arsitektur Pura Berbasis Komunitas di Pura Dasar Buana Gelgel, Klungkung." RUANG-SPACE, Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan (Space : Journal of the Built Environment) 6, no. 1 (April 30, 2019): 5.

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Pura Dasar Buana Gelgel is one of Kahyangan Jagat temples of which the shrine of Catur Dewata, located in Desa Pakraman Gelgel, Klungkung, Bali. In recent years, conservation upon some architectural elements are conducted by the management. Concerning the conservation, this study aimed at: reviewing the significant value that triggered the conservation; the applied procedure, ethics, and degree of intervention on conservation; and formulating the relevant directive of community-based temple architecture conservation model that should be implemented in Pura Dasar Buana Gelgel. This study used qualitative research method, in form of case study and descriptive-qualitative analysis. The research finding showed that the conservation was triggered by the emotional value, cultural value, and use value. Referring the conservation procedure, there were some steps that were not passed, not yet passed, and some additional steps that should be passed. Based on the aspect of conservation ethic, all the conserved temple architectural elements had an ideal conservation ethic. The conservation degree of intervention was restoration with 2 (two) kinds of job, i.e. consolidation and rehabilitation. Community-based temple architecture conservation model were formulated, namely planning and implementation of community based architectural conservation program. Keywords: conservation, architecture, Pura Dasar Buana, community Abstrak Pura Dasar Buana Gelgel adalah Kahyangan Jagat linggih Ida Bhatara Catur Dewata yang terletak di Desa Pakraman Gelgel, Klungkung, Bali. Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, oleh pengelola Pura dilaksanakan upaya konservasi terhadap beberapa elemen arsitekturnya. Beranjak dari pelaksanaan konservasi itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri: nilai signifikansi yang melatarbelakangi upaya konservasi; prosedur, etika, dan tingkat intervensi yang diterapkan di dalam upaya konservasi itu; serta merumuskan arahan model konservasi arsitektur Pura berbasis komunitas yang relevan diterapkan di Pura Dasar Buana Gelgel. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan bentuk penelitian studi kasus dan analisis kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya konservasi dilatarbelakangi oleh nilai emosional, nilai budaya, dan nilai kegunaan. Merujuk dari prosedur konservasi, ada tahapan yang tidak dilalui, belum dilalui, dan terdapat pula penambahan tahapan yang harus dilalui. Berdasarkan aspek etika konservasi, semua elemen arsitektur Pura yang dikonservasi memperoleh etika konservasi yang ideal. Tingkat intervensi konservasi yang diterapkan adalah pemugaran dengan 2 (dua) jenis pekerjaan, yaitu konsolidasi dan rehabilitasi. Model konservasi arsitektur Pura berbasis komunitas yang dirumuskan, yaitu perencanaan dan implementasi program konservasi arsitektur berbasis komunitas. Kata kunci: konservasi, arsitektur, Pura Dasar Buana, komunitas
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Wang, Qi, Yongsheng Hao, and Feng Chen. "Deepening the IDA* algorithm for knowledge graph reasoning through neural network architecture." Neurocomputing 429 (March 2021): 101–9.

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Vassilev, Martin, Vassil Vassilev, and Alexander Penev. "IDD – A Platform Enabling Differential Debugging." Cybernetics and Information Technologies 20, no. 1 (March 1, 2020): 53–67.

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AbstractDebugging is a very time consuming task which is not well supported by existing tools. The existing methods do not provide tools enabling optimal developers’ productivity when debugging regressions in complex systems. In this paper we describe a possible solution aiding differential debugging. The differential debugging technique performs analysis of the regressed system and identifying the cause of the unexpected behavior by comparing to a previous version of the same system. The prototype, idd, inspects two versions of the executable – a baseline and a regressed version. The interactive debugging session runs side by side both executables and allows to examine and to compare various internal states. The architecture can work with multiple information sources comparing data from different tools. We also show how idd can detect performance regressions using information from third-party performance facilities. We illustrate how in practice we can quickly discover regressions in large systems such as the clang compiler.
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Peterson, Derek R. "Government work in Idi Amin's Uganda." Africa 91, no. 4 (August 2021): 620–40.

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AbstractUnder Idi Amin's government, institutions that served the public interest were dramatically under-resourced. An array of self-nominated, self-important, self-righteous people were empowered to take on administrative tasks that, in an earlier dispensation, had been the work of professionals. Businesses and institutions that had formerly been under the regulatory authority of credentialled experts were thrown open all at once for commoners to operate. Everywhere there were campaigns, as the new regime made obscure and technical issues into urgent problems demanding a resolution. Ugandans were called upon to defend cultures, to struggle against imperialism and racism, and to transform the architecture of the economy. That is how people came to see themselves as proprietors of public life. Their work allowed commoners to claim equity over resources and infrastructures. In their investments in the operations of public institutions, people became custodians, proprietors and petty authoritarians. Their proprietary sense of responsibility was a powerful inducement to self-sacrifice. It was also the fuel for demagoguery.
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Da, Ting, and Liang Yang. "TextureMask: A merged architecture for low-resolution instance segmentation." Intelligent Data Analysis 25, no. 4 (July 9, 2021): 993–1012.

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Instance segmentation has a wide range of applications, including video surveillance, autonomous driving, and behavior analysis. Nevertheless, as a type of pixel-level segmentation, its prediction performance in practice is substantially affected by low-resolution (LR) images resulting from the limitations of image acquisition equipment and poor acquisition conditions. Moreover, because their immense computational costs prevent the implementation of existing segmentation models on embedded devices, the development of a lightweight segmentation model has become an urgent necessity. However, it is challenging to achieve sound results with high efficiency and portability. From another perspective, to improve understanding of detailed objects, an architecture is needed that promotes an advanced interpretation of the segmentation, that is, a refined mask with texture. Our main contribution, called TextureMask, consists of the MobileNet-FPN for Mask R-CNN methods, segmentation with cropping, and a gradient sensitivity map, which are then merged into a unified map to refine and enrich the mask with texture information. Furthermore, preprocessing and post-processing algorithms are incorporated. Experiments demonstrated that our technique exhibits good pixel-level segmentation performance in terms of both accuracy and computational efficiency for a given LR input, and it can be easily implemented in embedded platforms.
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Ilham Alhari, Muhammad, and Asti Amalia Nur Fajrillah. "Enterprise Architecture: A Strategy to Achieve e-Government Dimension of Smart Village Using TOGAF ADM 9.2." JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization 6, no. 2-2 (August 7, 2022): 540.

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Transformation in village government with the enterprise architecture smart village design model is significant for developing digital technology in the village government environment to realize a government with aspects of integrity values that are in synergy with the SDGs sustainable development goals. The method used in this study uses the adoption of the TOGAF ADM 9.2 framework, which consists of five phases: Preliminary, Architecture vision, Business architecture, Data architecture, Application architecture, while determining the clustering of villages by taking into account several aspects of the assessment released directly by the Ministry of Village, The Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia in the form of a village index building the IDM which aims to identify and facilitate analysis of village capabilities and the characteristics of village government at each level. The output produced in this study is in the form of an enterprise architecture smart village design that will assist the village government in describing a target in the form of a digital development design on the e-Government dimension in the form of several application platforms covering various management of public administration services, public development aspirations, and management. Village development, as well as the management of village government documents. From a village sample that was used as the object of research with the value of the advanced village clustering index according to the Village Index data, the IDM was built so that the smart village design concept and the synergy of the SDGs development goals
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Ferriani, Barbara. "LUCIO FONTANA AND ARCHITECTURE." Protection of Cultural Heritage, no. 8 (December 20, 2019): 113–22.

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Lucio Fontana’s collaboration with architects, which continued to progress over the entire period of his creative experience along with his more famous artistic and spatial production, offered important opportunities for experimentation and research. The artist worked with architects such as Luigi Figini, Gino Pollini, Giò Ponti, Luciano Baldessari, Marco Zanuso, Osvaldo Borsani and Ico Parisi, and it was actually the architects who first intuited the innovative scope of his research. It involved works of a temporary nature carried out for exhibitions, trade fairs and celebrations of historical events, some of which went missing at the end of the events, but also some that became an integral part of extant architecture. Indeed, the artist made numerous environmental works for public buildings, hotels, cinemas and private homes, using traditional materials such as ceramics, mosaics and plaster, as well as new media such as fluorescent colours, black lights, neon lights, and more. As often happens, and as needs and tastes changed, the works were decontextualized and assumed a different connotation.Here below is a description of the choices made during three of the seven restorations we carried out in the last few years on environmental works created by Fontana between the mid-1940s and the end of the 1950s, which were taken from their original location and moved to new sites.
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Peterson, Derek R., Richard Vokes, Nelson Abiti, and Edgar C. Taylor. "The Unseen Archive of Idi Amin: Making History in a Tight Corner." Comparative Studies in Society and History 63, no. 1 (January 2021): 5–40.

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AbstractIn May 2019 we launched a special exhibition at the Uganda Museum in Kampala titled “The Unseen Archive of Idi Amin.” It consisted of 150 images made by government photographers in the 1970s. In this essay we explore how political history has been delimited in the Museum, and how these limitations shaped the exhibition we curated. From the time of its creation, the Museum's disparate and multifarious collections were exhibited as ethnographic specimens, stripped of historical context. Spatially and organizationally, “The Unseen Archive of Idi Amin” turned its back on the ethnographic architecture of the Uganda Museum. The transformation of these vivid, evocative, aesthetically appealing photographs into historical evidence of atrocity was intensely discomfiting. We have been obliged to organize the exhibition around categories that did not correspond with the logic of the photographic archive, with the architecture of the Museum, or with the experiences of the people who lived through the 1970s. The exhibition has made history, but not entirely in ways that we chose.
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Ghasabi, Mozhgan, and Mahmood Deypir. "Using optimized statistical distances to confront distributed denial of service attacks in software defined networks." Intelligent Data Analysis 25, no. 1 (January 26, 2021): 155–76.

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Software-defined networks (SDN) are an emerging architecture that provides promising amends to put an end to current infrastructure constraints by optimized bandwidth utilization, flexibility in network management and configuration, and pulling down operating costs in traditional network structures. Despite the advantages of this architecture, SDNs may become the victim of a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks as the result of potential vulnerabilities in various layers. Therefore, the rapid detection of attack traffic in the early stages is very important. In this paper, we have proposed statistical solution to detect and to mitigate distributed denial of service attack in software-defined networks utilizing the unique capabilities of the SDN architecture. Here, the exponential weighted moving average protection mechanism (EWMA) in statistical distances is exploited. The simulation results of our extensive experiments showed that our mechanism is able to quick detection of attack traffics and take amendatory actions. Moreover, the evaluations show the superiority of the proposed algorithm with respect to other statistical methods.
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Fitri, Eka Sifatul, Anisatul Mukaromah, Risky Aprilia Wahyunigsih, and Muhammad Ainul Yaqin. "Pengembangan Arsitektur Bisnis Sekolah Menggunakan Analisis Semantik." Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika) 5, no. 2 (August 30, 2020): 247.

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Education in Indonesia must have standards in accordance with the provisions of Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan to ensure the quality of education. Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) is the education system criteria in Indonesia. SNP is as a reference for curriculum development, education staff, infrastructure, management and financing. SNP is useful for basic planning, implementation, and supervision of education in realizing national education for create an integrated system, methods needed in planning, managing and managing information systems called Enterprise Architecture. Development of enterprise architecture is modeled by the TOGAF (Open Group Architecture Framework) method that is Business Architecture phase. The research used in this Business Architecture is Bottom-Up, which starts the research from the bottom to the up starting from the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), grouping Job Descriptions using the TF-IDF algorithm, until create an Organizational Structure.
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