Academic literature on the topic 'Architecture Equilibrée'
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Journal articles on the topic "Architecture Equilibrée"
Leonessa, Alexander, Wassim M. Haddad, and Vijaysekhar Chellaboina. "Nonlinear robust hierarchical control for nonlinear uncertain systems." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5, no. 6 (2000): 499–542.
Full textde Coca Leicher, José. "ARQUITECTURAS AMPLIADAS. EL PABELLÓN DE EXPOSICIONES EN LA CASA DE CAMPO DE MADRID." Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura, no. 24 (2021): 106–25.
Full textViglialoro, G., J. Murcia, and F. Martínez. "Problemas asociados al equilibrio en estructuras de membrana con bordes rígidos." Informes de la Construcción 61, no. 516 (December 16, 2009): 57–66.
Full textBarth, Dominique, Johanne Cohen, Olivier Bournez, and Octave Boussaton. "DISTRIBUTED LEARNING OF EQUILIBRIA IN A ROUTING GAME." Parallel Processing Letters 19, no. 02 (June 2009): 189–204.
Full textRanzato, Francesco. "Abstracting Nash equilibria of supermodular games." Formal Methods in System Design 53, no. 2 (August 7, 2017): 259–85.
Full textPinto, Carla M. A. "Strange Dynamics in a Fractional Derivative of Complex-Order Network of Chaotic Oscillators." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25, no. 01 (January 2015): 1550003.
Full textLütjens, H., A. Bondeson, and O. Sauter. "The CHEASE code for toroidal MHD equilibria." Computer Physics Communications 97, no. 3 (September 1996): 219–60.
Full textGeiger, Philipp, and Christoph-Nikolas Straehle. "Learning Game-Theoretic Models of Multiagent Trajectories Using Implicit Layers." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35, no. 6 (May 18, 2021): 4950–58.
Full textJover Biboum, Margarita, Rubén García Rubio, and Carlos Ávila Calzada. "Procesos urbanos, dinámicas del agua y cambio climático." ZARCH, no. 15 (January 27, 2021): 4–11.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Architecture Equilibrée"
Coquillas, Benjamin. "Nouvelles topologies d’amplificateurs de puissance SiGe en bande Ku, optimisées en puissance, rendement et robustes au TOS actif." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2022.
Full textThe improvement of the RADAR systems of the current aircraft is confronted with the two major challenges of the reduction of the areas occupied and the control of the cost. These challenges are added to the specific material constraints of self-guided missiles concerning power handling at high temperature and robustness to external load variations caused by the misalignment of surrounding radiating elements (related to the active SWR phenomenon). A major challenge is based on the response of the power amplifier, identified as an elementary building block, to these current challenges. The Silicon Germanium (SiGe) technology is highlighted by many academic works on new generations of telecommunications (5G, 6G). Several recent works on power amplifiers published between 2016 and 2020 bring results close to the desired characteristics on X-band and low Ku-band. This dual industrial and academic context justifies an original study on the characteristics and limits of the SiGe technology at the top of the Ku band with regard to the output power, efficiency, robustness to active SWR and the power handling to temperature variations. During this work, with the support of a documented bibliographical study and acurrate specifications, five power patterns and three types of coupler are designed, simulated, sent to manufacturing and measured. The balanced architecture topology, highlighted in several self contained studies, is a central pillar of this study. The design choices and the performances obtained are detailed. These are compared to the state of the art. They demonstrate significant advances valued in three major conferences in the scientific field and provide original answers to the contemporary challenges of designing power amplifiers for a RADAR application within self-guided missiles
Cappello, Franck. "Ptah : etude d'une architecture massivement parallele a ressources equilibrees et communications compilees." Paris 11, 1994.
Full textKrajecki, Michaël. "Equilibre de charge dynamique : étude et mise en œuvre dans le cadre des applications à nombre fini de tâches indépendantes et irrégulières." Metz, 1998.
Full textParallelism allows the use of several processors simultaneously to solve a given problem more quickly. However, to increase the power of the machine by the number of processors is an ideal which is in general very difficult to reach, because if the task allocation is not optimized, the performances of the program will be reduced. The placement of these tasks is one of the principal problems of parallelism. In this work, we study a toolkit helping the parallelization of the FIIT applications (applications with a finite number of independent and irregular tasks). The result of this toolkit is a first parallel solution which dynamically solves the problem of load balancing. The FIIT toolkit proposes various tools to the user such as : five MIMD load balancing strategies, a mathematical model based on matrix to validate the algorithms theoretically and an environment of programming on a virtual parallel machine. To illustrate the FIIT toolkit, we consider the ray tracing as case study. We showed the irregular character of the ray tracing. In particular, we highlighted that the behaviour of the application is strongly dependent on the scene to visualize. Using the FIIT environment, we parallelized it and an experimental analysis on a CM-5 was carried out. The FIIT toolkit enabled us to parallelize the ray tracing application efficiently without worrying about the target machine nor the dynamic load balancing strategy applied
Lindberg, Per Olov. "Aspects of Static Multi-Class Traffic equilibria under Congestion Pricing." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Transport and Location Analysis, 2010.
Full textCongestion charging is a now accepted means of influencing traffic to behave in a more socio-economic optimal way, like e.g. in the Stockholm project. Already early work, in the 1920’s, showed that road use can be inefficient due externalities, i.e. that users don’t experience their own (negative) effect on other users: an extra car on a traffic link causes delays for other cars, but the driver himself does not experience this cost.In the 1950’s it was further shown - for a congested road network with homogeneous users – that if each user is charged a toll equal to the total value of time loss incurred on other users of the network, then -if we have fixed travel demand - this will induce an equilibrium that is system optimal in the sense that the total cost of network usage is minimal (assuming that all users have fixed and identical time values). But toll charges need to be levied in monetary units, and different travelers have different values of time. Therefore, to account for the effects of tolls, and to be able to compute equilibria, one needs to introduce different user classes, differing in their time values.
In this thesis, consisting of four papers, we study congestion pricing of road networks with users differing only in their time values. In particular, we analyze marginal social cost (MSC) pricing, a tolling scheme that charges each user a penalty corresponding to the value of the delays inflicted on other users, as well as its implementation through fixed tolls.
Paper III contains the main theoretical work of the thesis. In that paper we show that the variational inequalities characterizing the equilibria in question can be stated in symmetric or non-symmetric forms. The symmetric forms correspond to optimization problems, convex in the fixed-toll case and non-convex in the MSC case, which hence may have multiple equilibria. The objective of the latter problem is the total value of travel time, which thus is minimized at the global optima of that problem. Implementing close-to-optimal MSC tolls as fixed tolls leads to equilibria with possibly non-unique class specific flows, but with identical close-to-optimal values of the total value of travel time. Finally we give an adaptation, to the MSC setting, of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, which is further applied to some test cases, including Stockholm.
Paper I is an early application using Frank-Wolfe, after having realized the possibility to symmetrize the problem.
Paper II gives a convexification of non-convex equilibrium problem for MSC tolls. We have used these convexifications to compute lower bounds when computing equilibria.
Paper IV is a short note commenting some flaws in two papers by Dial on MSC tolls.
Li, Pei. "Unified system of code transformation and execution for heterogeneous multi-core architectures." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textHeterogeneous architectures have been widely used in the domain of high performance computing. However developing applications on heterogeneous architectures is time consuming and error-prone because going from a single accelerator to multiple ones indeed requires to deal with potentially non-uniform domain decomposition, inter-accelerator data movements, and dynamic load balancing. The aim of this thesis is to propose a solution of parallel programming for novice developers, to ease the complex coding process and guarantee the quality of code. We lighted and analysed the shortcomings of existing solutions and proposed a new programming tool called STEPOCL along with a new domain specific language designed to simplify the development of an application for heterogeneous architectures. We evaluated both the performance and the usefulness of STEPOCL. The result show that: (i) the performance of an application written with STEPOCL scales linearly with the number of accelerators, (ii) the performance of an application written using STEPOCL competes with an handwritten version, (iii) larger workloads run on multiple devices that do not fit in the memory of a single device, (iv) thanks to STEPOCL, the number of lines of code required to write an application for multiple accelerators is roughly divided by ten
CRETE, EMMANUEL. "Architecture pour un spectrometre correlateur numerique spatialisable. Excitation radiative hors equilibre dans le milieu interstellaire : h 2o et porteurs des emissions infrarouges non identifiees." Toulouse 3, 1999.
Full textBamha, Mostafa. "Parallélisme et équilibrage de charges dans le traitement de la jointure et de la multi-jointure sur des architectures SN." Orléans, 2000.
Full textHermann, Everton. "Simulations physiques interactives sur des architectures multi-core et multi-GPU." Grenoble, 2010.
Full textInteractive physical simulation is a key component of realistic virtual environments. However, the amount of computations as well as the code complexity grow quickly with the variety, number and size of the simulated objects. During this thesis we studied the different ways to improve interactivity, with the constraint of minimizing the impact in the simulation code. We started by developing a new approach to collision detection between deformable bodies that allows deep intersections. Experiments show that this approach is fast and more robust than traditional proximity-based collisions, allowing physical simulations to employ large time steps. To take profit of multi-core machines, we propose a parallelization approach that relies on a task parallelism. Prior to running a simulation step, we extract a task dependency graph that is partitioned to define the task distribution between processors. This approach has a low impact on physics algorithms as parallelism is mainly extracted from the coordination code. Finally we extended our works multi-CPU and multi-GPU architectures. Using these resources efficiently in a seamless way is a challenging issue. We propose a parallelization scheme for dynamically balancing work load between multiple CPUs and GPUs. We rely on a two level scheduling associating a traditional task graph partitioning and a work stealing guided by processor affinity and heterogeneity. These criteria are intended to limit inefficient task migrations between GPUs, the cost of memory transfers being high, and to favor mapping small tasks on CPUs and large ones on GPUs to take advantage of heterogeneity
Al, Hajj Hassan Mohamad. "Parallélisme et équilibrage de charges dans le traitement de la jointure sur des architectures distribuées." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2009.
Full textSavard, Christophe. "Amélioration de la disponibilité opérationnelle des systèmes de stockage de l'énergie électrique multicellulaires." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textHigh-capacity electrical energy storage system (EESS) are often matrix-organized system with a large number of elementary storage cells. Due to manufactoring tolerances and their individual use, the electrical characteristics of these cells do not evolve in the same way. These imbalances reduce operative dependability, in the short term by contributing to a decrease of the charge-discharge capacity, in the long-term by shortening lifetime. To improve storage performance, redundant cells can be added. It is also possible, in order to increase efficiency of stored energy restitution, to balance electrical characteristics by using energy exchange forced by an adequate configuration. It should therefore be possible to increase long-term operative dependability by reconfiguring internal connections in dynamic mode. Parallel-series (PS) architecture EESS consists of the series association of blocks, made up of several cells connected in parallel. Series-Parallel dual solution (SP) associates strings of cells in parallel. If other architectures are being studied, often requiring several switches per cell to reconfigure the matrix, we propose in this thesis a new architecture, called C3C, satisfying an acceptable level of reliability and distributing current flows. We then compare the classic solutions and the C3C in terms of reliability and the long-term operative dependability and propose a reflection on the possibilities to discrete control aspects to pilot architecture with a suitable control algorithm. The reliability of any structure can be improved by redundancy, with additional cells that will be used either to replace failing cells or temporarily supplemeting the weak ones. The system may also be designed to tolerate the defect of a portion of the cells. We demonstrate by modeling reliability diagrams and Markov chains that the C3C and PS architectures have a much eigher level of reliability than a SP architecture. The sustainability of these structures can also be improved by piloting activating and rest of the available resources according to different strategies in a choice algorithm based on SoC (State of Charge) or SoH (State of Health) of each cell. To do this, we model a cell on Matlab, precisely simulating the aging parameters and their dynamic evolution. It emerges that, whatever the architecture, if it includes a minimal share of redundant cells, an adequate differentiated management of the cells allows an improvement of the long-term operative dependability of nearly 40% on average. In order to study the reconfigurability control of architectures, we propose a model based on Discrete Event Systems through a colored Petri net. Simulation of this model has reinforced the behaviors already identified
Book chapters on the topic "Architecture Equilibrée"
Hinsinger, Philippe, Michael J. Bell, John L. Kovar, and Philip J. White. "Rhizosphere Processes and Root Traits Determining the Acquisition of Soil Potassium." In Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops, 99–117. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textNagurney, Anna. "24. Parallel Computation of Economic Equilibria." In Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers, 265–76. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1996.
Full textHaddad, Wassim M., and Sergey G. Nersesov. "Conclusion." In Stability and Control of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems. Princeton University Press, 2011.
Full textGalbiati, Marco, and Kimmo Soramäki. "Liquidity Saving Mechanisms and Bank Behavior in Payment Systems." In Simulation in Computational Finance and Economics, 103–19. IGI Global, 2013.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Architecture Equilibrée"
Roch, Christoph, Santiago Londono Castillo, and Claudia Linnhoff-Popien. "A Grover based Quantum Algorithm for Finding Pure Nash Equilibria in Graphical Games." In 2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C). IEEE, 2022.
Full textHarne, Ryan L., and Quanqi Dai. "Robustness of Adaptive, Multistable Structures Under Combined Harmonic and Stochastic Loads." In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textKim, Jinki, Patrick Dorin, and K. W. Wang. "Hybrid-Bistable Vibration Energy Harvester With Adaptive Potential Well." In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.
Full textSpiewak, Swavik, Arjun Selvakumar, Mehdi Tabe Arjmand, and Eric Lawrence. "Dynamics of Mechanically Over-Constrained Inertial Sensors." In ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textMillentrup, Viktoria, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, and Paul Nicholas. "Actuated Textile Hybrids Textile smocking for designing dynamic force equilibria in membrane structures." In 37 Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe and XXIII Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Joint Conference (N. 1). São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2019.
Full textOliveira Eskinazi, Mara. "Le Corbusier in Berlin, 1958: the universal and the individual in the unbuilt city." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
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