Academic literature on the topic 'Architecture des systèmes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Architecture des systèmes"
Atger, Claire, and Claude Edelin. "Premières données sur l'architecture comparée des systèmes racinaires et caulinaires." Canadian Journal of Botany 72, no. 7 (July 1, 1994): 963–75.
Full textLeroy, Aurélien, and Yannick Lucotte. "Architecture des systèmes financiers et performances macroéconomiques." Revue d'économie financière 123, no. 3 (2016): 297.
Full textCîmpan, Sorana, Hervé Verjus, and Ilham Allaoui. "Approche centrée architecture pour l'évolution dynamique de systèmes d'information." Techniques et sciences informatiques 28, no. 5 (May 30, 2009): 571–609.
Full textBlay-Fornarino, Mireille, Vincent Hourdin, Cédric Joffroy, Stéphane Lavirotte, Sébastien Mosser, Anne-Marie Pina-Derry, Philippe Renevier, Michel Riveill, and Jean-Yves Tigli. "Architecture pour l'adaptation de systèmes d'information interactifs orientés services." Ingénierie des systèmes d'information 12, no. 6 (December 31, 2007): 93–118.
Full textGrondin, Béatrice. "L’architecte d’intérieur des Trente Glorieuses : un décorateur qui ne décore plus ?" Source(s) – Arts, Civilisation et Histoire de l’Europe, no. 19 (October 1, 2022): 117–30.
Full textPENOT, Eric, and Laurène FEINTRENIE. "L’agroforesterie sous climat tropical humide : une diversité de pratiques pour répondre à des objectifs spécifiques et à des contraintes locales." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 321, no. 321 (July 17, 2014): 5.
Full textBouju, Alain, Arunas Stockus, Frédéric Bertrand, and Patrice Boursier. "Architecture d'un système d'information géographique mobile Un modèle d'architecture client-serveur pour les systèmes d'information géographique mobiles." Revue internationale de géomatique 13, no. 2 (June 30, 2003): 225–51.
Full textTruptil, Sébastien, Frédéric Bénaben, and Hervé Pingaud. "Une architecture de système d'information collaboratif pour la gestion de crise. Approche basée sur la médiation des systèmes." Ingénierie des systèmes d'information 15, no. 3 (June 28, 2010): 11–36.
Full textGhelam-Allah, Samir, Jean-Pierre Derain, Christian Feuillebois, Serge Vallet, and Zineb Simeu-Abazi. "Architecture de surveillance et de diagnostic pour la maintenance des systèmes avioniques." Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 24, no. 3 (September 1, 2005): 19–29.
Full textLefèvre, Sylvain A. "architecture collective des solidarités à l’épreuve de la COVID-19." Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 11, no. 1 (July 14, 2020): 5.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Architecture des systèmes"
Raducanu, Vinicius. "Architecture et système constructif : cas des systèmes de tenségrité." Montpellier 2, 2001.
Full textMargarido, Milena. "Synthèse d’architectures logicielles pour systèmes-de-systèmes : une méthode automatisée par résolution de contraintes." Thesis, Lorient, 2017.
Full textSystems-of-Systems (SoS) encompass diverse and independent systems that must cooperate with each other for performing a combined action that is greater than their individual capabilities. In parallel, architecture descriptions, which are the main artifact expressing software architectures, play an important role in fostering interoperability among constituents by facilitating the communication among stakeholders and supporting the inspection and analysis of the SoS from an early stage of its life cycle. The main problem addressed in this thesis is the lack of adequate architectural descriptions for SoS that are often built without an adequate care to their software architecture. Since constituent systems are, in general, not known at design-time due to the evolving nature of SoS, the architecture description must specify at design-time which coalitions among constituent systems are feasible at run-time. Moreover, as many SoS are being developed for safety-critical domains, additional measures must be placed to ensure the correctness and completeness of architecture descriptions. To address this problem, this doctoral project employs SoSADL, a formal language tailored for the description of SoS that enables one to express software architectures as dynamic associations between independent constituent systems whose interactions are mediated for accomplishing a combined action. To synthesize concrete architectures that adhere to one such description, this thesis develops a formal method, named Ark, that systematizes the steps for producing such artifacts. The method creates an intermediate formal model, named TASoS, which expresses the SoS architecture in terms of a constraint satisfaction problem that can be automatically analyzed for an initial set of properties. The feedback obtained in this analysis can be used for subsequent refinements or revisions of the architecture description. A software tool named SoSy was also developed to support the Ark method as it automates the generation of intermediate models and concrete architectures, thus concealing the use of constraint solvers during SoS design and development. The method and its accompanying tool were applied to model a SoS for urban river monitoring in which the feasibility of candidate abstract architectures is investigated. By formalizing and automating the required steps for SoS architectural synthesis, Ark contributes for adopting formal methods in the design of SoS architectures, which is a necessary step for obtaining higher reliability levels
Bouilhaguet, Frédéric. "Architecture de systèmes MPEG-4." Paris, ENST, 2001.
Full textPetit, Antoine. "Architecture et stabilité des systèmes planétaires." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2019.
Full textThe architecture of a planetary systems is a signpost of their formation and history.Moreover, the large number of recent and future exoplanets discoveries allows to study the exoplanet system population.Besides, the observations of exoplanet systems has enriched the diversity of planetary system architecture, revealing that the Solar System shape is far from being the norm.However, the organization of planetary systems is heavily affected by dynamical stability, making individual studies particularly challenging.Since planets dynamics are chaotic, a detailed stability analysis study is computationally expensive.In this thesis, I develop analytic stability criteria for planet dynamics.In the secular system, the conservation of the total angular momentum and semi-major axes imply the conservation of the Angular Momentum Deficit (AMD).The AMD is a measure of a system’s eccentricities and mutual inclinations and act as a dynamical temperature of the system.Based on this consideration, we make the simplifying assumption that the dynamics can be replaced by AMD exchanges between the planets.In the first chapter we define the concept of AMD-stability. The AMD-stability criterion allows to discriminate between a priori stable planetary systems and systems for which the stability is not granted and needs further investigations.We show how AMD-stability can be used to establish a classification of the multiplanet systems in order to exhibit theplanetary systems that are long-term stable because they are AMD-stable, and those that are AMD-unstable which then require someadditional dynamical studies to conclude on their stability. We classify 131 multiplanet systems from the database with sufficiently well-known orbital elements.While the AMD criterion is rigorous, AMD conservation is only granted in absence of mean-motion resonances (MMR).If the MMR islands overlap, the system experiences chaos leading to instability.In the second chapter, we extend the AMD-stability criterion to take into account the overlap of first-order MMR.I derive analytically a new overlap criterion for first-order MMR.This stability criterion unifies the previous criteria proposed in the literature and admits the criteria obtained for initially circular and eccentric orbits as limit cases.In the third chapter I explain how the Hill stability can be understood in the AMD framework.Widely used, the Hill stability is a topological stability criterion for the three body system.However, most studies only use the coplanar and circular orbit approximation.We show that the general Hill stability criterion can be expressed as a function of only semi-major axes, masses, and total AMD of the system.The proposed criterion is only expanded in the planets-to-star mass ratio and not in the orbital elements.When studying AMD-unstable system, numerical simulations are mandatory.However the long timescales in planet dynamics make necessary the use of symplectic methods.These methods provide very accurate and fast integration when a system is stable.Their downside is that they are limited to fixed time-step integration.For unstable systems, the integrator may fail to resolve a close encounter and become inaccurate.In the fourth chapter, I propose a time renormalization that allow to use high order symplectic integrator with adaptive time-step at close encounter.The algorithm is well-adapted to systems of few similar masses planets.In the final chapter, I revisit the planet formation toy model developed by J. Laskar.While the AMD is conserved in the secular dynamics, it decreases during planets collisions.Laskar's model can be solved analytically for the average outcome and numerical simulations are very quick allowing to build large system population.I show that this formation model is in good agreement with recent realistic planet formation simulations where the final architecture results from a giant impact phase
Cheng, Kevin. "Reconfigurable self-organised systems : architecture and implementation." Thesis, Metz, 2011.
Full textIncreasing needs of computation power, flexibility and interoperability are making systems more and more difficult to integrate and to control. The high number of possible configurations, alternative design decisions or the integration of additional functionalities in a working system cannot be done only at the design stage any more. In this context, where the evolution of networked systems is extremely fast, different concepts are studied with the objective to provide more autonomy and more computing power. This work proposes a new approach for the utilization of reconfigurable hardware in a self-organised context. A concept and a working system are presented as Reconfigurable Self-Organised Systems (RSS). The proposed hardware architecture aims to study the impact of reconfigurable FPGA based systems in a self-organised networked environment and partial reconfiguration is used to implement hardware accelerators at runtime. The proposed system is designed to observe, at each level, the parameters that impact on the performances of the networked self-adaptive nodes. The results presented here aim to assess how reconfigurable computing can be efficiently used to design a complex networked computing system and the state of the art allowed to enlighten and formalise characteristics of the proposed self-organised hardware concept. Its evaluation and the analysis of its performances were possible using a custom board: the Potsdam Intelligent Camera System (PICSy). It is a complete implementation from the electronic board to the control application. To complete the work, measurements and observations allow analysis of this realisation and contribute to the common knowledge
FASSINO, Jean-Philippe. "THINK : vers une architecture de systèmes flexibles." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2001.
Full textNous montrons qu'il est possible de capturer sous la forme de canevas logiciels des concepts et des principes d'architecture rencontrés dans les systèmes d'exploitation centralisés, embarqués ou répartis. Ces concepts sont au nombre de trois ; des composants, des liaisons modélisant les interactions, et des domaines modélisant l'isolation. Cette approche autorise la construction de noyaux d'infrastructure variés, susceptibles d'être mis en place, statiquement ou dynamiquement, depuis des systèmes dédiés à une application jusqu'aux systèmes monolithiques classiques en passant par les différentes formes de micronoyaux.
Nous implantons sur ce modèle une bibliothèque, nommée KORTEX, destinée aux machines POWERMACINTOSH. Cette bibliothèque propose un ensemble de composants systèmes, offrant d'une part des services du plus bas niveau comme les pilotes de périphérique, et d'autre part des services de haut niveau comme la gestion des processus et des connexions réseaux. La composition arbitraire de ces composants construit le noyau d'infrastructure désiré. La diversité des noyaux d'infrastructure construits à partir de cette bibliothèque, la rapidité et la simplicité de programmation offertes par les outils de développement, prouvent l'adéquation du modèle.
Les évaluations quantitatives du modèle d'architecture THINK et de la bibliothèque KORTEX de composants systèmes démontrent la viabilité de l'approche proposée. Les implantations du concept de liaison n'engendrent pas un coût inacceptable et elles permettent même d'obtenir des performances similaires à celles de la littérature. De plus, les bénéfices apportés par la structure flexible peuvent potentiellement être importants. Tout d'abord, les évaluations montrent un accroissement des performances d'exécution sur des noyaux de systèmes classiques. Ensuite, les besoins en ressources matérielles requis pour l'exécution des systèmes sont grandement diminués, ce qui offre des perspectives d'utilisation dans les environnements fortement contraints.
Roca, Vincent. "Architecture hautes performances pour systèmes de communication." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1996.
Full textFassino, Jean-Philippe. "Think : vers une architecture de systèmes flexibles." Paris, ENST, 2001.
Full textLudwig, Marie. "Autonomie et reconfiguration des systèmes de systèmes tactiques." Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2013.
Full textFerreira, silva Eduardo. "Conception d’architecture de système-de-systèmes à logiciel prépondérant dirigée par les missions." Thesis, Lorient, 2018.
Full textThe formulation of missions is the starting point to the development of Systems-of-Systems (SoS), being used as a basis for the specification, verification and validation of SoS architectures. Specifying, verifying and validating architectural models for SoS are complex tasks compared to usual systems, the inner complexity of SoS relying specially on emergent behaviors, i.e. features that emerge from the interactions among constituent parts of the SoS which cannot be predicted even if all the behaviors of all parts are completely known. This thesis addresses the synergetic relationship between missions and architectures of software-intensive SoS, giving a special attention to emergent behaviors which are created for achieving formulated missions. We propose a design approach for the architectural modeling of SoS driven by the mission models. In our proposal, the mission model is used to both derive, verify and validate SoS architectures. As first step, we define a formalized mission model, then we generate the structure of the SoS architecture by applying model transformations. Later, when the architect specifies the behavioral aspects of the SoS, we generate concrete SoS architectures that will be verified and validated using simulation-based approaches, in particular regarding emergent behaviors. The verification uses statistical model checking to verify whether specified properties are satisfied, within a degree of confidence. The formalization in terms of a temporal logic and statistical model checking are the formal foundations of the developed approach. A toolset that implements the whole approach was also developed and experimented
Books on the topic "Architecture des systèmes"
Architecture of systems problem solving. New York: Plenum Press, 1985.
Find full textDoug, Elias, ed. Architecture of systems problem solving. 2nd ed. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003.
Find full textCazes, Alain. Architecture des machines et des systèmes informatiques: Cours et exercices corrigés. 3rd ed. Paris: Dunod, 2008.
Find full textEnterprise architecture: For new generation information systems. Boca Raton, FL: St. Lucie Press, 2001.
Find full textThe architecture and planning of enterprise-wide information management systems. Harrisburg, PA, U.S.A: Idea Group Pub., 1990.
Find full textJaquet, Pierre. Pour maîtriser les systèmes informatiques: L'architecture et le fonctionnement des ordinateurs et de leurs périphériques. Paris: INSEP, 1991.
Find full textSpewak, Steven H. Enterprise architecture planning: Developing a blueprint for data, applications, and technology. New York: John Wiley-QED Pub., 1993.
Find full textSpewak, Steven H. Enterprise architecture planning: Developing a blueprint for data, applications, and technology. Boston: QED Pub. Group, 1993.
Find full textC, Hill Steven, ed. Enterprise architecture planning: Developing a blueprint for data, applications, and technology. New York: Wiley, 1993.
Find full textnormalisation, Association française de, ed. Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts (OSI): Recueil de normes françaises. 2nd ed. Paris: AFNOR, 1991.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Architecture des systèmes"
HYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Évaluation et comparaison des solutions." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 239–43. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Spécification des exigences." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 115–43. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full text"Architecture des systèmes de retraite nationaux." In Panorama des pensions 2013, 138–40. OECD, 2013.
Full text"Architecture des systèmes de retraite nationaux." In Les pensions dans les pays de l'OCDE, 136–37. OECD, 2016.
Full text"Architecture des systèmes de retraite nationaux." In Panorama des pensions 2017, 92–93. OECD, 2018.
Full text"Architecture des systèmes de retraite nationaux." In Panorama des pensions 2011, 116–17. OECD, 2011.
Full textKrob, Daniel. "Éléments de systémique. Architecture des systèmes." In Complexité-Simplexité. Collège de France, 2014.
Full textMENDIBOURE, Léo, Mohamed Aymen CHALOUF, and Francine KRIEF. "Vers de nouvelles architectures intelligentes pour l’Internet des véhicules." In Gestion et contrôle intelligents des réseaux, 205–29. ISTE Group, 2020.
Full textAraguas, Philippe. "Systèmes d’appareillage des arcs brisés." In Brique et architecture dans l’Espagne médiévale (xiie-xve siècle), 407–9. Casa de Velázquez, 2003.
Full textFALSAFI, Babak. "Architecture de serveur pour un centre de données post-Moore." In Systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce 2, 159–72. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Architecture des systèmes"
Bergeret, Gaël, Windson Viana, José Bringel Filho, José C. F. Junior, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, and Hervé Martin. "Une architecture sensible au contexte pour le développement des systèmes d'administration pour l'enseignement." In the 5th French-Speaking Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2009.
Full textBerbere, D., B. David, and C. Bernanose. "Le système M.A.R.S." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Full textVergera, A., and S. Viannay. "Un prototype de système expert en echanges thermiques." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Full textDufau, J., H. Galley, and J. C. Mangin. "Intégration d'un modèle d'évaluation technique et économique de gros-cuvre de bâtiment dans un système de CAO utilisant un système de gestion de base de données réseau." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Full textGauffre, P. Le, and M. Miramond. "Gestion des modifications d'un projet de bâtiment a l'aide d'un système expert." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Full textHileyan, M., R. Haller, and D. Grouset. "Un prototype de système expert pour l'aide au diagnostic de risque incendie." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Full textToumelin, N., A.-C. Vié, and F. Vallée. "Analyse de risque amont d’une nouvelle architecture d’appareil à gouverner : couplage avec l’ingénierie système." In Congrès Lambda Mu 19 de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Dijon, 21-23 Octobre 2014. IMdR, 2015.
Full textGuena, F., J. P. Leininger, and K. Zreik. "Problématique-de l'intégration des concepts de l'intelligence artificielle dans un système de CAO en architecture." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Full textBessette, S., J. Vaucher, M. Fregier, and N. Chourot. "Système expert pour la composition do colonnades d'ordres classiques selon les règles de i'architecture reguiière formulées par Andrea PALLADIO." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Full textFerries, B., V. Meilhat, A. Couillet, and F. Pelegrin. "Recherche du schema conceptuel d'une base de données devant constituer le cur d'un système de CAO orienté architecture: une approche SGBD sémantique." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
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