Academic literature on the topic 'Archéologie – Étude et enseignement (supérieur)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Archéologie – Étude et enseignement (supérieur)"
Boudjaoui, Mehdi. "Enseignement supérieur et dynamiques professionnalisantes : étude comparée de deux dispositifs de formation." Les Sciences de l'éducation - Pour l'Ère nouvelle 44, no. 2 (2011): 49.
Full textThien, Ngo van, Christine Marguet, Bruno Favre, and Christian Buty. "PEDAGOGIE PAR PROJET: UNE ÉTUDE DE CAS DANS L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR TECHNOLOGIQUE." Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Belo Horizonte) 15, no. 1 (April 2013): 15–30.
Full textBolduc, Simon, Matthieu Petit, Florian Meyer, Denis Bédard, and Rana Challah. "Se former à l’usage des dispositifs de téléprésence, visioconférence et webconférence en enseignement supérieur." Médiations et médiatisations, no. 3 (April 22, 2020): 39–58.
Full textChambon, P., and C. Thevenet. "Transporter et installer le corps dans sa dernière demeure : les premiers contenants mobiles du Néolithique européen (bassin parisien et plaine du Rhin supérieur, Ve millénaire)." Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 28, no. 1-2 (March 11, 2016): 24–31.
Full textAuger, Reginald, and Allison Bain. "Anthropologie et archéologie." Anthropen, 2016.
Full textBrunel, Magali, and Serge Bouchardon. "ENSEIGNEMENT DE LA LITTÉRATURE NUMÉRIQUE DANS LE SECONDAIRE FRANÇAIS : UNE ÉTUDE EXPLORATOIRE." Analyse de dispositifs didactiques d’enseignement de littérature numérique dans le secondaire 11 (September 14, 2020).
Full textCorrêa, Maurício Barros, and Rosimeire Martins Régis dos Santos. "Enseignement dans l’enseignement supérieur : formation pédagogique en tant que mobilisateur du changement." Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento, April 8, 2019, 45–62.
Full textBloom, David E., Philip G. Altbach, and Henry Rosovsky. "Looking Back on the Lessons of “Higher Education and Developing Countries: Peril and Promise”— Perspectives on China and India." International Journal of African Higher Education 3, no. 1 (December 22, 2016).
Full textBishop-Williams, Katherine E., Kaitlin Roke, Erin Aspenlieder, and Meagan Troop. "Graduate Student Perspectives of Interdisciplinary and Disciplinary Programming for Teaching Development." Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 8, no. 3 (December 4, 2017).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Archéologie – Étude et enseignement (supérieur)"
Romary, Mathilde. "Le rôle de la céramique grecque, étrusque et italiote dans les collections des universités françaises de 1876 à 1940." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2021.
Full textDuring the last years of the 19th century, the first collections of greek, etruscan and italiot ceramics were created in the main french faculties of Humanities in Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon and Montpellier. Then collections were founded in the Universities of Nancy, Caen and Toulouse ; in 1919, after the Treaty of Versailles, the collection of the Strasbourg University became french. Those collections were created to support the classical archaeology teaching et were associated with plaster casts, books, photographs, glass plates and some others archaeological objects such as terracotas. Those greek, etruscan and italiot ceramics collections showed the strong french political action in favour of science during the Third Republic. Since 1875 the french government reformed the higher education system, gave important subsidies to create learning collections ; at the same period, classical archaeology got an academic status as it accesses the university. Those collections were often exposed next to the plaster casts, in the university buildings built during the 25 last years of the 19th century. The french state was the main contributor of the establishment of those archaeological collections : several ministers, higher education directors and national museums directors, helped by the Louvre museum, organised a lot of depositions in favour of the faculties of Humanities from 1894 to 1923 ; thanks to those antiquities, the professors were able to build an antiquarium to show various specimens of greek, etruscan an italiot ceramics. Those collections were usefull for the archaeological and historical teaching. Moreover they were indicative of the progressive assertion of the ceramological science.This study concerns the history of classical archeology and history of art teaching and their methods ; it also concerns the creation, the roles and the reception of a part of the university collections during the Third Republic
Morinière, Soline. "Laboratoires artistiques : genèse des collections de tirages en plâtre dans les universités françaises (1876-1914)." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2018.
Full textCreated by a decree on the 21st of December 1886, the first university plaster casts museum opened its doors in the Faculty of Arts in Bordeaux. In less than 20 years, similar museums were created in all the most important French universities, such as Montpellier, Toulouse, Lille, Paris, Lyon, Nancy. Minor collections took place in Aix-en-Provence, Besançon, Caen, Dijon, Grenoble, Poitiers and Rennes. Copies of Greek and Roman antiquity masterpieces, Egyptian and Oriental specimens, medieval and modern works of arts were in the same place, in the heart of higher education institutions. These museums were the symbol of the deep educational reform by the French Third Republic government, of the institutionalization of archeology and History of Arts. The context of great public rebuildings in the late 19th century when many “Palais des Facultés” were created, enabled the blooming of these collections. Greater buildings enabled the settlement of these collections. These were essential for the study of these subjects with scientific rigor, developed by the German system which had similar collections for almost a century. These museums were also the window of the archeological discoveries in Greece and Minor Asia in the 19th century, of new studies about the East, Egypt and Spain Iberian, of interest in Renaissance and modern art, in the recovery of medieval art. This study aims at tracing the building of plaster cast collections and their role in the French universities. It takes place in a particular historical context and deals with several subjects such as History, archeology and heritage
Colin, Philippe. "Deux modèles dans une situation de physique : le cas de l'optique : difficultés des étudiants, points de vue des enseignants et propositions pour structurer des séquences d'enseignement." Paris 7, 1999.
Full textDorrani, Kamal. "L'enseignement supérieur en Iran : école " talabegui " et université : étude comparative 1852-1978." Lyon 2, 1987.
Full textOur purpose is to study the 2 systems of higher education in iran: the "talabegui" system and the university system. Precisely, we aim at a comparative study of the 2 systems. By school or "talabegui" system, we mean college institues with an organization of their own, where students from different training and age are instructed according to the rules and conception of the islamic education. By universitary system, we mean institutions where students with the same level of education and almost the same age are taught according to western rules. In the present situation, that is to say the situation of the islamic revolution of 1979, the question raised by our work is: can the 2 systems be complementary in the perspective of a new organization of the education system in iran? in the first part of our work, we describe the genesis and the historical evolution of the 2 systems. First, we study the genesis and the historical evolution of the "talabegui" system from the islamization of iran. Underlining the important points of its historical trajectory. The, we analyse the relationships of iran with the suerpowers during the kadjar dynasty, that is to say from 1852, (. . . )
Argellies, Jean-Louis. "La formation des médecins : systèmes, institutions et acteurs : archéologie du pouvoir en médecine." Bordeaux 2, 1988.
Full textStröder, Ulrike. "Un siècle d'enseignement supérieur de gestion en Allemagne : éléments de comparaison avec la France." Paris 3, 1998.
Full textBusiness schools in germany and in france were set up towards the end of the nineteenth century. Due to the difference in prevailing educationnal models - the university in germany and the "grandes ecoles" in france - these structures evolved differently until the second world war. In germany, after a few years of existence business schools followed the university model. Thanks to scientific research a new subject, the economy of the firm (betriebswirtschaftslehre) appeared. Business schools were progressively integrated into the university after the first world war. In france business schoolsevolved towards the "grande ecole" model, devoid of research structures but with highly selectif admission. The massive influx of students into higher education, particularly into business administration resulted from the sixties onwards in a diversification of the structures in the two countries. In germany a short, practically oriented programme was created in the specialised schools (fachhochschulen). In france management was introduced into the university. Both countries now have professionnally oriented education as well as research structures. Increasing competition between the different structures in each of the two countries together with the internationalisation of studies gradually resulted in a convergence of the french and german systems. The economic elites produced by these different educational systems are strongly marked by the specific systems of education and selection of the two countries. Under the influence of globalisation and the anglo-saxon economic model the different national systems are steadily losing their specific characteristics
Navarro, Diaz De Leon Gabriela Ibeth. "L'évaluation des étudiants dans les universités françaises." Paris 10, 2006.
Full textThis thesis proposes giving thougths to the evaluation of the students practised in the French universities. This involves both understanding the functionning of the evaluation systems used in the universities and particularly identifying the specifities of the evaluation practices according to the subject that is taught. Our study relies the analysis of the statements of 33 teachers whose subjects are included among 11 subjects taught in 11 universities. The speeches give a lighting on the particular situations of the teachers and their identity of appraisers. For the whole of the teachers, the discipline, the statute, the basic training, the working conditions, the activities, the level of responsibility can appreciably condition the practices of evaluation, especially as teaching freedom constitutes one of the characteristics of the profession
Dahmani, Hassen Reda. "Étude des spécificités iconiques et fonctionnelles des images scientifiques (représentations figuratives et graphiques) et de leurs utilisations didactiques pour l’amélioration des apprentissages en biologie au Secondaire et à l’université : cas des molécules." Bordeaux 2, 2009.
Full textThe study focuses on the analysis of scientific images of molecules used in the teaching of biology in high school and university. As a specific language, the images are used in the construction and appropriation of knowledge among students. Iconic representations, however, are characterized by their great diversity of forms and use. In addition, the virtual images, which are now increasingly present in education, provide new ways of analyzing the phenomena at the molecular level. For various reasons, students do not perceive scientific images the same way because of their complexity and high degree of abstraction. This can lead to discrepancies in interpretation and distortion of meaning. Teachers do not always take into account this problem. After an analysis of the use of scientific images of molecules in the school context (analysis of practice, analysis of interviews and tests …), our study aims at designing teaching activities that use images as tools of communication and conceptualization. The aim is to design educational activities that can positively influence learning. At the end of this study, we show how to achieve successful learning for students by using specific images. We specify the different conditions whereby these images become more functional (teaching conditions and teacher training)
Parsay, Farinaz. "Développement de l'enseignement supérieur des infirmiers en Indonésie." Paris 8, 1986.
Full textThis study describes the process of the develop ment of higher nursing education in indonesia through a working group from systems perspective. The methods used to achieve the objectives of the study were as follows : 1. Formation of a nursing working group and observation of its development from systems perspective. 2. Application of participative strategy to effect group change. 3. Application of systems approach in the development of higher nursing education. To be able to control and document the process of group formation and development the method of participant observation was used focusing on the process of group development and change from the phase of formation until its maturation into a cohesive functional unit. Using the participative change strategy the group gained understanding of the change, its consequences, by actively taking part in fact finding and problem identification and in the formulating of goals and programs for the development of higher nursing education. The system of higher nursing education and the curricula were developed based on the systems approach. The systems approach implied the explanation of nursing in terms of its role in the larger system of which it was a part (the national health system) and provided the comprehensive framework required in designing a need -oriented education system
Jacquier, Vaitea. "Approche collaborative de la mise en place d'un dispositif d'apprentissage des langues MoDiMEs à l'Université de Nantes : comment enclencher le processus de distanciation culturelle dans le cadre d'une préparation à la mobilité internationale ?" Thesis, Nantes, 2017.
Full textThis research is anchored in a socio-didactic approach and focuses on the levers and barriers to setting in motion processes in which students from the University of Nantes cultivate (inter)cultural awareness within the framework of a preparation for study abroad. The setting for this research is the program implemented for Less Widely Used and Less Taught (LWULT) languages within the framework of the LWULT Project set up by the International Relations Department of the University of Nantes. A 3-year (2011/2012- 2013/2014) longitudinal study was conducted on a synchronous and asynchronous tele-collaborative teaching/learning program for Polish, Turkish, Finnish in partnership with State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow (Poland), Galatasaray University (Turkey), and the University of Turku (Finland). Taking into account research findings in Applied Linguistics, Sociology and Social Psychology, this doctoral research has allowed to 1) determine a learner profile which is favorable to cultivating cultural intelligence, 2) show the determining role of learner communities in the process of cultivating cultural intelligence and 3) develop a model of analysis of interactions which are likely to support the aforementioned process
Books on the topic "Archéologie – Étude et enseignement (supérieur)"
l'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Histoire et études contemporaines: Cycles intermédiaire et supérieur et cours préuniversitaires de l'Ontario - partie C : cycle supérieur. S.l: s.n, 1987.
Find full textl'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Histoire et Études Contemporaines: Cycles Intermédiaire et Supérieur et Cours Pré-Universitaires de L'Ontario : Partie C : Cycle Supérieur. S.l: s.n, 1987.
Find full textprogrammes, Ontario Ministère de l'éducation Direction de la mise en oeuvre et de l'évaluation des. Chimie au niveau avancé du cycle supérieur: Rapport à l'intention des éducateurs. Toronto, Ont: Ministère de l'éducation, Direction de la mise en oeuvre et de l'évaluation des programmes, 1988.
Find full textOntario. Ministère de l'éducation. Direction de la mise en oeuvre et de l'évaluation des programmes. Physique au niveau avancé du cycle supérieur: Rapport à l'intention des éducateurs. Toronto, Ont: Ministère de l'éducation, Direction de la mise en oeuvre et de l'évaluation des programmes, 1988.
Find full textWackermann, Gabriel. Réussir la géographie à l'université. Paris: Ellipses, 2002.
Find full textl'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Mathématiques: Cycles Intermédiaire et Supérieur, Première Partie: 9E et 10E Année, Niveau Fondamental, 11E et 12E Année, Niveau Fondamental. S.l: s.n, 1985.
Find full textl'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Français: Cycles Intermédiaire et Supérieur et Cours Pré-Universitaires de L'Ontario. S.l: s.n, 1987.
Find full textl'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Histoire et Études Contemporaines: Cycle Intermédiaire et Supérieur et Cours Pré-Universitaires de L'Ontario : Partie B: Cycle Intermédiaire. S.l: s.n, 1986.
Find full textl'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Mathématiques: Cycles Intermédiaire et Supérieur, Deuxième Partie: 7E et 8E Année, 9E et 10E Année, Niveau Général, 11E et 12E Année, Niveau Général. S.l: s.n, 1985.
Find full textLeclerc, Jean-Marc. Enseignement par contrats d'études et formation au dialogue scientifique. Montréal, Que: Service pédagogique, Université de Montréal, 1987.
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