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Journal articles on the topic "Archéologie dans les médias"
Jørgensen, Anne Mette. "Jørgen Meldgaard’s film works and books on art from the Arctic." Études/Inuit/Studies 37, no. 1 (May 29, 2014): 127–45.
Full textCosta, Antonio. "Palomar : intermédialité et archéologie de la vision." Cinémas 10, no. 2-3 (October 26, 2007): 169–84.
Full textLeibovici, Jacques. "Les télécommunications au premier millénaire av. J.-C. au Proche-Orient ancien." Cahiers d'histoire 31, no. 2 (November 6, 2013): 113–32.
Full textGardin, Jean-Claude. "Archéologie, formalisation et sciences sociales." Sociologie et sociétés 31, no. 1 (October 2, 2002): 119–27.
Full textNesselrath, Arnold. "The Acts of the Apostles: Raphael’ design process for tapestries in the Sistine Chapel." Studia Bruxellae N° 11, no. 1 (August 24, 2019): 311–23.
Full textLaperrousaz, Ernest-Marie. "Note Sur L'origine Des Manuscrits de la Mer Morte." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 42, no. 6 (December 1987): 1305–12.
Full textPalavestra, Aleksandar. "Structuralisme en archéologie." Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 4, no. 2 (February 28, 2016): 137–48.
Full textEtienne, Annie, Pascal Eudier, Jean Noël Leborgne, and Véronique Leborgne. "Archéologie aérienne dans l'Eure (France)." Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial 17, no. 1 (1999): 327–35.
Full textFiches, Jean-Luc. "L'espace rural antique dans le Sud-Est de la France : ambitions et Réalités archéologiques." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 42, no. 1 (February 1987): 219–38.
Full textGross, Liza. "Invisibles dans les médias." Chronique ONU 47, no. 1 (April 17, 2012): 27–29.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Archéologie dans les médias"
Dureuil-Bourachau, Catherine. "Les découvertes de l'archéologie préventive dans l'actualité médiatique." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012.
Full textSince a century, the intensive development of the French territory, without consideration of the archaeological heritage, has driven to the irreversible destruction of an incalculable number of sites. Today this process is slowed down. The restructuring of the historic heart of cities and importants projects of local planning are accompanied by the archaeologists. They unprecedented remodelled the knowledge of our history. It is a luck and a révolution which need to be manage with the profound transformation of the media. Archaeology need media even if it's sometimes difficult to adapt it at the constraint of the quickness which is neccessary in the word's information. Because media influence the opinions especially in cultural field, organize into a hierarchy the events of the current, emphasizing some and leaving the others in the shadow. The subjectivity is important and the reference media (daily national press and television) set the tone, define the tendency. These last ones are followed in by the local press which tries to put the facts within the reach of their readership. The door which opens, with the broadcasting and especially the tentacular and infinite network of Web, oblige the archaeologists to rethink the centring of the information. Identity, origins, universal heritage, battle of the ideas and cultures, can fascinate as well an other public on the Internet
Olcèse, Rodolphe. "L'archive, une puissance de nouveauté dans la pratique contemporaine de l'image en mouvement." Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Full textBased on the analysis of three contemporary films (X+ by Marylène Negro, Pays barbare by Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi, The Uprising by Peter Snowdon), this PhD aims to reconsider the found footage practice as a creative act that points to a fundamental potential of cinematographic media to perform a feedback on its own materiality. This PhD states as an initial hypothesis that all cinema is a second hand cinema. Using as a starting point Walter Benjamin’s works on language and translation, the reemployment and the repetition as principle of every filmic expression are considered as essential conditions for the rise of radically new forms. The topic follows three main lines : forms, rhythm and events. Theses issues are tackled in order to highlight that the cinematographic works analysed in this PhD – combining fragmentary forms or exploring the polyrhythmic dimension of found footage - allow to consider the screen and further more, the archive itself, as agents of the event. Based on the dialogic and relational dimension of moving image, the archive editing is inextricably poetic and political. Hence cinematographic practice, archaeology of techniques and political history are considered as fundamental materials by the filmmakers studied in this PhD. The reemployment as used by these artists operate a dual act : show the world as it has been and in the mean time say what this world could become. The archive editing can thus be understood as a gesture performed in the present time, for the present, a gesture that reveals the image of a world full of possibilities
Benjelloun, Yacine. "La branche médiane de la faille Nord Anatolienne dans la région d'Iznik : apports de la géomorphologie et de l'archéosismologie." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Full textThe North Anatolian fault (NAF), a 1000 km-long dextral fault zone is known for its strong seismic hazard. It accommodates the westward motion of Anatolia, relative to Eurasia. In its western part, the NAF splits into three strands, one of which passing south of the Marmara sea and the Iznik lake. This NAF middle strand (MNAF) shows nowadays a very low seismic activity. However, this area has been characterized by a significant earthquake hazard over the last two millennia. Several ancient authors mention the occurrence of more than six destructive earthquakes that impacted Iznik (old Nicaea), which was an important political and religious centre during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Our study aims to constrain the recent seismic activity on the MNAF in the Iznik area at different time scales through a multidisciplinary approach coupling earth science and archeology.The first goal of this thesis is to develop the study of ancient buildings as archives of the historical seismicity by observing their successive damages and repairs. The city of Nicaea is appropriate for this kind of study as it presents several well preserved ancient buildings that bear traces of numerous repairs. I focus my study on the critical infrastructures for the city such as the 3 km-long protecting walls. This also includes the aqueduct that provided the city with water and is crossed by a segment of active fault, and a Roman basilica recently discovered underwater in the Iznik lake 20 m far from the shore. Applying different dating techniques (stratigraphy of the archaeological building, 14C) to the various materials of these buildings (terra cotta, mortar, concretions on the aqueduct), I was able to identify at least three damaging earthquakes since the 6th century AD. The amount of damage on these buildings allows to estimate local intensities at VIII on the European macroseismic scale (EMS98). Thanks to numerical simulations, I show that the current deformation visible on a Roman obelisk north of Iznik is compatible with magnitudes close to Mw 7 for epicentral distances smaller than 15 km.The second goal of this thesis is to constrain the Quaternary slip rate on the MNAF and better understand the formation of Iznik Lake, a 313 km²-large lake located just west of the city, which is the largest freshwater lake in the Marmara region. The main faults around the lake were mapped using a high-resolution DEM derived from Pleiades images. Geomorphic markers offset by the MNAF were systematically measured. The statistical analysis of the offsets revealed six major ruptures preserved in the landscape, with coseismic displacements between 2 and 6 m. The ages of three levels of lacustrine terraces north of the lake were quantified by radiocarbon and in-situ produced 10Be. A minimal horizontal slip rate of 2.9 mm/yr was estimated. The southward tilting of the lake paeloshorelines is compatible with a high vertical slip rate on the MNAF around 6 mm/yr.While working on the morphology and lithologies of the Iznik area, we have discovered significant evidence for LGM glacial events. The U-shaped morphology of several successive valleys east of Iznik Lake separated by topographic highs is interpreted as the print of past glaciers. This is confirmed by the presence of moraine deposits on the sides of the valleys, erratic blocks from various lithologies and glacio-lacustrine sediments. The geographical distribution of these morphological and lithological markers enabled us to reconstruct the former location and eastward retreat of this glacier. The absolute ages obtained from glacial deposits and alluvial sediments postponing the glaciation are compatible with paleoenvironmental proxies in Iznik Lake and previous studies of other Turkish LGM glaciers. This constitutes the first evidence of glaciation at low elevations in Turkey
Hopkins, Fleur. "Aux frontières de l'invisible : culture visuelle et instruments optiques dans le récit merveilleux-scientifique au passage du siècle (1894-1930)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019.
Full textIn parallel with X-rays, aura photography and attempts to communicate with the planet Mars, the writer Maurice Renard shaped, between 1909 and 1930, a movement, unrecognized today: the “merveilleux-scientifique”. Its plot is rationally designed, with the exception of a scientific law that is invented or modified, allowing human beings to perform prodigies only found in fairy tales: shrinking or mind-reading. There is ample evidence in Maurice Renard’s various manifestos his literary model was conceived as an “optical machine”. As such, based on more than 00 stories, 100 authors and illustrators and nearly 800 illustrations, our study maps the obsession for the extension of the visible (seeing inside, seeing beyond, seeing the other side). To do this, we mobilized throughout our work new resources and concepts. Visual studies, on the one hand, highlight the changes made in the scopic regimes of the time (endoscopic view, panoptic view, optogrammic eye, etc.). They reveal new visual artifacts, such as “récits sous images”, suggestive advertising or illustrations of popular novels, valid as historical evidence of the historical construction of gaze, vision and visuality. Media Archaeology, on the other hand, gathers media that are forgotten, discarded, late or too far ahead of their time. This field of research collects a significant number of “imaginary media”, highly inventive: “psychograph“, “ondogene”, “electroscope”
Ronetti, Alessandra. ""Chromomentalisme" : psychologies de la couleur et cultures visuelles en France au passage du siècle (1870-1914)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019.
Full textWhilst the influence of color optical theories on the development of pictorial techniques in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries has been the subject of numerous studies, the field of color psychology needs to be explored further. Our research focuses on the historical and epistemological links between psycho-physiological approaches to color - derived from the discourse of experimental psychology, psychiatry and psychic sciences - and visual cultures at the turn of the Twentieth century. This dissertation explores the power of color as mental conditioning, or «chromomentalism» : how color influences the mind and more broadly the body of the individual by affecting its ability to concentrate, health or mood. The thesis presents three major axes that correspond to multiples aspects of color psychology : color-attention, color-energy and color-emotion. The first part analyzes the attention-grabbing devices used both in the laboratory and on stage, the dialectic between attention and distraction in urban experiences, and the rise of psychotechnics of color (art, cinema, advertising:). The second part explores the oractices of energetic control (the utopian goal of the "body without fatigue", neurasthenia, psychotechnics of energy) and the bio-aesthetic interpretation of color that emerges from occultism and experimental sciences. The third part focuses on the power of color to affect emotion, by questioning the debate on empathy and the education of the senses, the popular aesthetics of colors, the link between chromatic and social harmonies
Vannier, Émilie. "Pratiques funéraires au second âge du Fer dans la "province médio-atlantique"." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019.
Full textThis doctoral thesis presents the funerary practices of a large cross-Channel area, called “Medio-Atlantic province”. This work focuses on the second Iron Age or La Tène period (mid-5th century – last quarter of the 1st century BC) and the British Iron Age (late 5th century BC – mid-1st century AD). The analyses of the data on the treatments of the bodies, the funerary architecture and the grave-goods highlight six “Medio-Atlantic” funerary groups and expose their spatial and temporal evolution. This study allows to understand the main funerary features of Cross-Channel areas, as well as other funerary groups in theirs eastern margins
Costa, Laurent. "Impacts des approches géomatiques dans les organisations de l'archéologie." Thesis, Paris 10, 2010.
Full textThis work deals with the impact of the geographical information systems (GIS) in the french institutions of archaeological research.The examination of projects drawn from various contexts (archaeological services of regions with a measure of autonomy, national institute of preventive archaeological research(INRAP), Ministry of Cultural Heritage, University and institute of researchs), allowed us to kick away the peculiarities and durabilities of the practices connected to GIS.This first approach is followed by the implementation and the analysis of ten experiments realized with the archaeological teams of the departmental service of archaeology of Val-d'Oise (SDAVO) and those of the UMR 7041 Archaeologies and Sciences of Antiquity, which allowed us to think about the modalities of the development of a geographical database applied to the archaeological research.This double initiative shows us that it is relevant to question the methods and the formal techniques of implementation of tools so that is taken into account favor the deep nature of the various actors with their rationalities and their perceptions. It highlights the strategic aspect of the devices of mutualization and sharing of the equipments, datas and skills.The use of the GIS in archaeology has to conceive according to a double process: integration for the development of models of data allowing to assimilate the organizational specificities and the professions by each; generalization by the use of standards which the constitution is one of problems which remains to resolve
Julien, Quentin. "Conception et développement d'ateliers d'éducation aux médias : une approche archéo-médiatique." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019.
Full textThis research aims to explore alternative ways to practice media education as we do in middle school, hight school and university. It explores an original field, recently discovered in France, called media archaeology. In this work, we have built a theorical and multidisciplinary frame including media archaeology in order to propose, for the first time, its didactic transposition for secondary education. Thus, we conveived and evaluated workshops, helped by a design-based research methodology
Cissé, Badara. "L'information locale dans les médias au Sénégal." Bordeaux 3, 1990.
Full textThe local news in senegal remains a monopoly of press establishments, settled by the state according to its regional news policies. That's why the news are in most cases dominated by institution's sources and goes in a single direction from authority to the population
Maatouk, Mustapha. "La publicité dans les médias au Maroc." Paris 2, 1993.
Full textBooks on the topic "Archéologie dans les médias"
Baray, Luc, and Anne Augereau. Archéologie aérienne dans l'Yonne. Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire: A. Sutton, 2004.
Find full textColloque interregional d'archéologie urbaine et d'urbanisme (1982 Reims, France). L' archéologie dans la ville: Conclusions. Reims: Association Reims-histoire-archéologie, 1985.
Find full textTarlé, Antoine de. Dans les coulisses des grands médias. Paris: Nouveau Monde éditions, 2017.
Find full textclassique, Société française d'archéologie, ed. Archéologie et environnement dans la Méditerranée antique. Genève: Droz, 2009.
Find full textMattelart, Tristan, and Mohamed-Ali Adraoui. Médias et migrations dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen. Paris: Mare & Martin, 2014.
Find full textFranck, Mermier, ed. Mondialisation et nouveaux médias dans l'espace arabe. Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 2003.
Find full textMaatouk, Mustapha. La publicité dans les médias au Maroc. Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1993.
Find full textA, Théodoridès, Naster Paul, and Ries J, eds. Archéologie et philologie dans l'étude des civilisations orientales. Leuven: Peeters, 1986.
Find full textThéodoridès, A. Archéologie et philologie dans l'étude des civilisations orientales. Leuven: Peeters, 1986.
Find full textGonnet, Jacques. Education et médias. 2nd ed. Paris: PUF, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Archéologie dans les médias"
Overbeck, Anja. "12. La communication dans les médias électroniques." In Manuel de linguistique française, edited by Claudia Polzin-Haumann and Wolfgang Schweickard, 275–92. Berlin, München, Boston: DE GRUYTER, 2015.
Full textCoqueugniot, Hélène. "Paléo-imagerie par rayons X : une méthode d’exploration transdisciplinaire, de l’archéologie à la chirurgie Hélène." In Regards croisés: quand les sciences archéologiques rencontrent l'innovation, 139–56. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
Full text"Dans la Même Collection." In Médias sociaux, 265–66. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2012.
Full textDureuil-Bourachau, Catherine. "Chapitre 1. La recherche archéologique en France, fille des médias." In Archéologie au présent, 11–23. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2015.
Full textBonfils, Philippe, and Sylvie Parrini Alemanno. "COLLABORER DANS UN ENVIRONNEMENT IMMERSIF:." In Médias sociaux, 117–32. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2012.
Full textBonfils, Philippe, and Sylvie Parrini Millette. "Collaborer dans un Environnement Immersif." In Médias sociaux, 117–31. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2012.
Full textKepel, Gilles, and Jean-Pierre Milelli. "Index des médias." In Al-Qaida dans le texte, 428. Presses Universitaires de France, 2005.
Full textKepel, Gilles, and Jean-Pierre Milelli. "Index des médias." In Al-Qaida dans le texte, 462. Presses Universitaires de France, 2008.
Full textMoatti, Claudia. "Les paradoxes de l’immigration dans l’Empire romain." In Archéologie des migrations, 197. La Découverte, 2017.
Full textMonteix, Nicolas. "Chapitre 10. L’expérimentation en archéologie." In L’expérimentation dans les sciences, 183–204. Éditions Matériologiques, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Archéologie dans les médias"
Wassomg, Rémy. "Archéologie protohistorique et approches métrologiques: si les Celtes nous étaient “comptés“." In Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approches dans les recherches sur l'âge du Fer. Interdisciplinarity and New Approaches in the Research of the Iron Age. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017.
Full textPlutniak, Sébastien. "L’automatisation éditoriale da la publication des données. Des tirés-à-part aux data journals en archéologie (1950-2000)." In Séminaire PéLiAS (Périodiques, Littérature, Arts, Sciences). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2023.
Full textBaetens, Jan. "Quel décor pour quel récit dans la bande dessinée contemporaine ?" In Paysages & valeurs : de la représentation à la simulation. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2008.
Full textPastorini, Vanessa. "La quête identitaire des peuples indigènes brésiliens : une sémiotique de transition." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textSeláf, Levente. "Originalité poétique et activisme social dans un environnement multimédia : mises en scène et mises en recueil de la poésie de Virág Erdős." In La poésie contemporaine, les médias et la culture de masse. Fabula, 2021.
Full textJeanneret, Yves. "Faire avec le faire communicationnel." In Arts du faire : production et expertise. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2009.
Full textBiggio, Federico. "Espaces et temps de la transition numérique. Une perspective éco-sémiotique." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textAbraham, Marine. "Jeunesse et plage : approche sociolinguistique des publicités contemporaines." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Archéologie dans les médias"
D.F., Kengoum. Les politiques de la REDD+ dans: Les médias Le cas du Cameroun. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2011.
Full textBrin, Colette, Jennyfer Thiboutot, Julie Gramaccia, and Frédérick Durand. Portrait d’une infodémie : Retour sur la première vague de COVID-19. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, March 2021.
Full textAnne, Thierno Souleymane Ball, Fatou Mbow, and Thiaba Sembène. L’engagement des médias de l’Afrique de l’Ouest Francophone dans l’atteinte des objectifs du Partenariat de Ouagadougou : Le concours d’excellence en production médiatique des journalistes et blogueurs. Population Council, October 2022.
Full textClark, Louise, Jo Carpenter, and Joe Taylor. Des idées pour le travail d’influence : comprendre les chemins d’impact dans la réponse aux crises. Institute of Development Studies, February 2024.
Full textDostie, Jade, Maurice Doyon, and Laure Saulais. Création d’un outil de mesure de la littératie concernant la gestion de l’offre et d’évaluation de son impact. CIRANO, June 2023.
Full textBandula-Irwin, Tanya, Max Gallien, Ashley Jackson, Vanessa van den Boogaard, and Florian Weigand. Au-delà de l’appât du gain : pourquoi les groupes armés imposent-ils des taxes ? Institute of Development Studies, April 2024.
Full textWarin, Thierry, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, and Robert Normand. Mieux comprendre le niveau d’adoption Des cryptoactifs au Québec. CIRANO, November 2022.
Full textPrincipes pour un soutien pertinent et efficace aux médias et à l’espace de l’information dans le cadre de la coopération pour le développement. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), May 2024.
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